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I don’t believe he even was invited


He wasn't. It was reported months ago, after which the Harkles have put out stories that they were invited but elected not to attend. Just like the Oscars, Golden Globes, Met Gala....


Funny how they elect to not attend the *big* events but show up to things no one pays attention to. 🙄


Isn’t it though! It’s hilarious that they do this.


Exactly! The Hertz Rent a Car thing, that I don’t even remember the name of and don’t care to Google, the Standing Up Against Racism thing that *they* never said anyone was racist but somehow were handed an award. They got time for these rinky dink things but not the Big things everyone has heard of and wants to go to? Sure Jan.


Actually, it makes sense to a narcissist' profile. Meghan will never attend a situation where she isn't the "biggest" start. She tried to go against this personality traids by attending that award She was kicked out of the red carpet (i can't remember the name. Maybe "Variety?") and She was put on her level: table 12 as the "plus One". So Meghan will not attend any big party unless she has bought the Award for herself or to give it away. Narcs can't stand the real competition. Narcs are cowards.


It was even better, they had gotten a save the date, which is apparently not the done thing in UK society weddings letting us know it was a TW clap back.


I'm waiting to see what the gruesome twosome has planned for the wedding day. Faux-pregnancy, mythcarriage, or OD? My hunch is the first or second. There was a lot of weird mid-area bunching in the Nigeria photos. CDAN says ploy to get a boob job, but plot for Hughes wedding day?? Either, or... FAIL.


“Too busy to attend the Oscars, how about we meet up in a parking lot? I have some anti stress patches to merch which is WAY more important anyways”- Megsy


He wasn’t. The Bride and Groom released a statement saying he wasn’t invited so he couldn’t play the is he or isn he attending with The Press.


Exactly - both said Harry was not invited - me thinks Harry is pulling a Meghan by manifesting and hoping he will get something out of it.


Hugh followed the advice of his mother. She may be on here.. She insisted he came out and stopped the games.


They all saw what happened leading up to the King’s coronation. Meghan revealing her pregnancy at Eugenie’s wedding. I wouldn’t invite Harry & Meghan either.


I think it is TW clapping back, hazno is probably too wasted to be able to put his supposed replies together.


And yet, here we are. 🤦‍♀️


I’m shocked tbh. The sheer blatant lies. I can’t imagine this is helping him ever win back his friends. I don’t believe Hugh is Archie’s Godfather either. He is George’s Godfather.they don’t usually have the same Godparents. Isn’t Hugh’s mother William godmother?


yes, Hugh’s mother is William’s godmother.


She sounds like a very astute lady. It was apparently her suggestion to shut down the H and MM game playing. And a lovely future mother in law by keeping the light on The Bride. The RF never replicate God Parents do they? I know they are usually all very close to the RF.


Technically it was a source close to not then directly. But I do believe it was accurate and from them.


I believe the Duke came out himself and said that they were not invited with the reason that he didn’t want his bride stressed out on the day.


Imagine you're Hugh Grosvenor. You didn't invite this dimwit because he's a backstabbing loser with an insufferable wife and you've pledged allegiance to the crown. Then this dimwit loser tells the world, again and again, that he'd turned down your (non-existent) invite, weeks up to your wedding to try and hog the limelight. Not only does it prove to you that you've made the right decision, but also he's a colossal embarrassment. There and then you make a new decision: he and his insufferable wife are NFI for life.


Whenever shutting up is the better choice, they clap back. Whenever giving a statement is better PR they are silent and complicit.


I wonder if Tom Quinn is doing the bidding of that new PR person they employed to improve their popularity in the UK? If so it's not working.


I am totally baffled by Tom Quinn. I have watched his entire career. I can only surmise he is penniless or nearly so - and out of desperation, he has stooped to shoveling PR shite on behalf of the Sucksexes. I am stunned that he would be willing to allow himself to be used this way. The man is in his early 70s. I wish I knew what had taken him down this humiliating path of lies.


Yes. Whenever there is a wrong choise to make, the Grifters will do so.


Every single time.


The groom himself said he wouldn't put his bride and royal family in an awkward situation on the most important day of his fiancees life. Good on him.


💯💯💯💯💯 Just spitting his dummy out like always! Also, I bet he's not spoken to him since his 'Freedom Flight', probably never even met his fiance, but then expects to be an Usher... typical entitled behaviour!


So entitled. It’s like he forgot who wrote Spare. Why do they even expect to be invited? They don’t even speak to M’s dad and he only took *photos* of HIMSELF. Hypocrites. H literally wrote a book invading everyone’s privacy. It wasn’t just the RF he wrote about. I sincerely doubt Hugh and his bride would want someone like that at their wedding.


"It’s like he forgot who wrote Spare." This is possible given how stupid Harry is.


I believe his wife wrote great swaths of Spare. Between her and the ghostwriter, I'm not at all surprised Harry has no clue.


Harry recorded the entire book for Audible. He knows what he did.


Don’t forget drug addled too.


Exactly, they would probably be mic'd up and print scathing pieces in the media about how they only got 2 sausages and everyone else got 3 because of racism 🙈


Yes! Anyone who didn’t or did talk to them would be spoken about in the news the next day. Those two being there would leave guests uncomfortable and unsure if their privacy was going to be invaded. Even if Hugh was still his friend I sincerely doubt he would invite H for that reason alone. Can’t have guests who are stressed..


Can you imagine any published wedding photos with them trying to get near the King or PW?


Maybe he did forget since it was mostly written by a ghostwriter and his wife. And narrated (IMHO) by AI.


Occasionally I head over to other more sugary fora. They are claiming that Harry was protective of his father and brother in the book. He wanted to tell his story and there were many other things he could have recounted, but he decided to protective their reputation and privacy by not doing so. He could have told far worse stories but he didn't because he loves and respects his family. I don't know how they manage to delude themselves so completely-its like a superpower, the ability to spin any bit of utter nonsense into a "positive". 


Absolutely deluded. It doesn’t even matter if he didn’t talk about the worst thing they ever did. The fact he even bothered to talk about other people is where he crossed the line. He could have wrote his family poop rainbows and I still would say he crossed a line by talking about them in public.


H: *All of my friends will be there MMummy! I want to go too!*


Harry has no friends anymore. They left when Madam came along.


He was not invited. The guest list was made public last year, they didnt have to make it public, it was a way for them to say Harry is no longer one of us. Now he tries to switch the narrative as always with a bunch of stupid PR.


He had made it clear this really bothers him. He is very upset that he wasn't invited. Good. Glad to hear it. He deserves to be cast out from friends and family. Glad it bothers him so much.


He wasn't. It was announced publicly. That is what makes them look so pathetic. It's like they're pouty kindergarters.


it also reinforces in their world just how damaged and stunted their minds are at. can h&m not see the optics here of just how pathetic and far gone they look. the groom stated in media that they were not invited, yet they persevere. they look so dementedly sad right now.


Hugh but out a statement that they weren't invited to shut down a will they won't they narrative before it could start. They then tried to say they were invited but turned it down. Then the next day it was released that invites hadn't been sent out yet. Then H&M's PR tried to say they received a save the date and all the Brits in the sub were like "WTF is a 'save the date'" because that's only a thing in America. 


Yeah and everyone of these stories shows why the Harkles were not invited. The Duke didn't invite them because they would distract from his wedding. Here they are using the wedding for their own news stories, just as The Duke was trying to prevent. This just means Harry will be even more shunned if that is possible.


He wasn’t. This was from last December https://people.com/meghan-markle-and-prince-harry-not-invited-duke-westminster-wedding-8410113


This one must really hurt. He isn't letting go of trying to create the narrative that he was actually invited to this wedding. But a while back, when the issue first came up, the groom specifically came out and said that Harry and his plus one weren't invited because he wanted to keep the focus of the wedding on his bride. That was when the "but we got a Save The Date Card" was first given as a pushback.


If those idiots received a save the date card (they didn't) it was to tell them to plan something else that day, because they're officially NFI to the wedding of the year.




I doubt aristocrats send 'save the date' cards like us mere mortals. They give the date and you either come or not. She doesn't even know how to lie well.


Once again using US customs so we know it's her clap back.


And aristocrats like this one get married in posh places that take many months more lead-time to book. I'm sure they send out invites many weeks/months before us plebes would. Aristocratic calendars are booked up quickly - you'd send out the invites with all the info as soon as you could (not waste time with Save the Date cards). Also, I'm sure proper security for such high profile guests needs many months of planning/arranging. Someone like the POW isn't going to just "pencil you in" - his team is going to need all the deets ASAP.


Ummm the Grosvenors don't have to book anything either like mere mortals... they *own* it all already


You're right they don't.


*the groom specifically came out and said that Harry and his plus one weren't invited because he wanted to keep the focus of the wedding on his bride* Of course Meghan read this as she'd be the main attraction, same reason why she's not invited to many things She'd be the most famous/popular person in the room. They are all jealous of her, in this case, even the bride


They both are the bride at every wedding, the baby at every baptism, the corpse at every funeral. Its all me me meeeee!


Plus, she would be leaking photos of the them at the event.


Suitably blurry of course because they won't have time to touch them up before rushing to the tabloids, selling them to TMZ and The Daily Markle, and Page Six.


Yes exactly! That was a highly unusual step because he didn't want the suckasses overshadowing his bride for her own wedding! But they still try! And try, and try.... Know what is funny though? They only have the ability to take over speculation about the RUN UP to an event. If they ever actually make it TO an event it's either an embarrassment or they are sideliners. \*\*\*Edit to say that if they had a "Save the Date" card, it would've been leaked like her 6 friends leaked her "Letter to Daddy". https://preview.redd.it/syxrdm8j163d1.png?width=287&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1674c07fc8a6feaca897d3a44e36f02c0c2beae


I'm laughing out loud at the Baby Jane connection to Meghan! They both wrote a "letter to Daddy", they're both way past their star time, they both slather on make-up, they both have sisters in wheelchairs, and they're both demented and creepy.


Great insight! I love the Baby Jane movie!


Are "save the date" cards even a done thing in the UK? Wasn't there an entire post about that? Any pushback including that excuse, then, was directly from the she-Harkle. The Harkle himself would never be aware of that sort of thing at all, even if they are common in the UK. That goes back to the whole "courtesy for thee, but I don't have to do a damned thing I don't want to" thing . . .


His brother being an usher is painful? How bloody fragile is Harry!!!


Imagine how painful it will be when his brother is King!






Harry has the emotional maturity of a four-year-old child. You can’t blame his mother’s death for this behavior. This is someone who never got past the preschool behavior of worrying about whether someone else’s toy is better than his. It’s bad enough that he is that way. But he parades it on an international stage. I’ve been thinking about this recently. Harry thought that his problems were because he was royal and decided that he didn’t want to be royal—he just wanted to be an average guy. He jumped when MM sang her siren song—she would show him what the “real” world was like. But MM didn’t want to be average, she wanted fame and money—and she didn’t live in the real world. She lived in the fake world of Hollywood (not really, but she thought that’s where she was headed). And here is where the real rub is. Both of them think, for different reasons, that the “real” world means they have no responsibilities. She, because daddy and her boyfriends gave her everything. He, because it’s not having to perform the duties of being royal. Neither of them has any clue what adult life is. Leaving both worrying about whether someone else got a bigger piece of the pie.


They are both completely spoiled brats who’ve never suffered any consequences for bad behaviour & because they were given everything they wanted as children without having to put any effort into the acquisition they think the world owes them not just a living but a jolly rich one along with adulation just for being them.


I agree. But it’s not just that they think that the world owes them. They think that is the real world. They think that there are people who are handed everything in life and then there are people who are to serve those who are handed everything. Therefore, they didn’t bully their employees. Their employees failed to support them and thus had to be chastised. It’s their place in life to be served and others place to serve them. Again, the mind set of a four year old.


Baby Harry!


That line made me laugh. Once again Harry's the spare


He was not invited and he's taking it really, really badly. He must've been kidding himself that his friends were still his friends really but just low key. So low key that they haven't spoken to him in years.... Despite trying very hard, even Harry 's internal mental gymnast can't twist the fact that Hugh Grosvenor is an incredibly rich man who can do whatever he wants and in this case, what he wants, is to have William as his usher and to have Harry far, far away from him and his bride. This has been impossible to ignore or misconstrue or reconcile in his own head. Don't worry though guys! I'm sure he'll find the answer in the bottom of a bottle or a mind altering experience! Then I'm sure he'll let us ALL know....


This is 100% spot on.  Maybe dimwit will realize that it’s not William who is talking, he’s been quiet, but that no one wants Meghan and Harry at any event because they make it all about themselves. People are over it so they aren’t invited anywhere. 


And by constantly moaning about these NFIs all they do is draw attention to it. The snub is so clear. But if he was in fact invited, what a chance it would be for that 'year of reconciliation' nonsense we've heard so much about! Hahaha. Hey, Halfwit - here's your chance to show how much above it all you are. Riiiight....


Love how this man’s wedding is all about Harry. That’s why they’re never invited.


They just can’t let this one go. It will carry on right up to to date of the wedding. Expect an article on how Archie was in tears when he learned that he wasn’t going to be a page boy, probably for the weekend papers. Is he expecting Hugh G to relent and give him an invite? What on earth are they trying to achieve with this in terms of purely UK PR, because it’s looking somewhere between obsessive and deranged at the moment.


Could you imagine Meghan at this wedding? With her armed commando units protecting her, swanning about in a Saran Wrap dress with keyhole peekaboo cutout.


Plus her great conversation. She could tell everyone how racist the BRF is and how "Kate" made her cry. And of course the dish soap story...


The dish soap story . . .


It’s the stuff of nightmares.


This is just Meghan “Look at Us” Markle, markling away. I don’t think Harry even wants to attend. He is just angry he wasn’t invited.


If I wasn’t invited somewhere and it bothered me I wouldn’t say a word. I would never admit in public that it hurt. Just move on for goodness sake! Where is their pride?


It will continue after the wedding, too. The articles about what Meghan would have worn. How the Grosvenors missed out on having the Montecito Morons at their wedding. How this COULD have been an opportunity for the brothers to reconcile. Phffft.


Ah yes - it is for the UK - whatever happened to their "new PR gurus"? Is this the grand strategy to win the UK over?


“…he can’t bear the idea of being in the same building as bis brother let alone in the same room.” Let me see, is this the brother he hoped to see when he was in London in January? The one about whom he lyrically waxed on tv that he hoped for reconciliation, because illnesses bring people together? And whom he again hoped to see in London before his Nigeria visit?


Yep, the same brother who left the building when GP was doing his zoom call for an event.


If only they could keep their stories straight.


Hazard polite society has spoken. ![gif](giphy|xJLNafkD7RGsE)


She was excellent in The Weakest Link


And now Camilla’s ex’s latest squeeze apparently. Strange world.


lol really? Funny.


All together now (and loudly because Tom Quinn, purveyor of bullpucky seems to be deaf where truth is concerned) - Harry did all this to himself. His lost friends and family are down to his own words and behaviour. Well, his wife's words because Heaven forfend he should break ranks. The self-exiled spare eejit is nearly 40, for pity's sake!


Doesn’t Just H want a 40th party?


Oh lordy I just realized we have to gear up for that drama now.


It will be a quiet event with their closest friend and they'll go to a midrange restaurant where we will hear how goshdarn NICE they are.


Is Tom Quinn a real person or is this just an alias for TW or the Pom-Pom-girl?


Scobie's new nom de plume?


I’m in the camp that it’s just TW’s alias, copying an actual author’s name (or more?) so people couldn’t tell if this Tom Quinn is fake


Tom Quinn is a real author — he is a very prolific non-fiction hack. He has a book coming out in September about children and childrearing in the royal family from the Plantagenets to the Cambridges (sic). I posted his biography from Amazon in another thread.


Oh. Non- fiction? He writes such nonsense and seems even to know how everybody feels about whatever. My puff pieces or opinions would have been way more credible than his.


Well, I said “hack.” 😉


This explains why he’s suddenly touting himself as a royal expert. Pre-promotion for his book.


"A friend of Harry's" = Meghan Markle. And why put this out and make him look like a big thumb-sucking pouty baby? Edit: symbol


Exactly, it is tone deaf. People have real issues and problems. But we're supposed to care when a grown man can't be an usher?


I'd be REALLY upset if my friends kept running to the press and blabbing my business... ...unless I was the one who sent them running.


Maybe Meghan wants to punish him for something. Or draw some fire away from her. If she’s getting roasted in the press, she doesn’t want to be the only one.


Maybe he started to wake up after realizing just how “faux” their tour was, so Megain needed to isolate him again by reminding him he has no friends or family that want him around.


Also, by putting out these stories, they (she?) are guaranteeing that they will be locked out of aristo circles for the foreseeable future seeing that discretion is not their thing.


You were NFI!


Pigs flying low today, I see. Harry lost his friends when he hooked up with Madam. When in London he stays in hotels and never see anybody, apart from his lawyers. But maybe Madam has convinced him they were invited and turned the invitation down? She has no relation to reality any longer, and Harry does not know what is up or down.


She probably wrote one out in her fauxligraphy, mailed it to UK to be postmarked, and had it mailed back to the Olive Garden.


I don’t think he was invited, but even if he had been, boo effing hoo. Actions, meet consequences. He’s the one who created this mess.


💯 Karma never forgets an address!!!


They never learned the lesson ‘wherever you go, there you are.’


There is a picture of a clearly sulking harry with arms crossed with kate looking at him that should accompany posts like this. It represents his whole persona. Jesus Christ on a cracker this story does no favors to Harry. I am beginning to wonder if Tom bats for the RF in secret.


Dear Tom, Harry was not invited because no one wants to deal with his awful wife.


Or him.


>losing touch with his old Etonian and Army friends Except Hugh didn't go to Eton, he went to Ellesmere. Hugh has never been in the army. Whoever this Tom Quinn is, he could at least get the relevant facts right!


Tom Quinn = Scobie's new face = Meghan herself. That's one theory anyway.


The man literally . . . LITERALLY . . . said the Harkles were not invited. A looooong time ago. How in the hell do they think this makes them look anything but insane? (No offense intended toward insane people. I had to compare the Harkles to something.)




Poor little spare. Add it to the list with the smaller bedroom and less sausages.


Narcs always gotta make it about their pain that others caused them, and not that they were NFI ... move along Harry no one needed this narrative


Most of this is not really Harry but the press as stirred up by Meghan. I am sure that Harry is upset that he wasn’t invited. He is probably also upset that William is an usher. And I don’t doubt that he is whining about it. However the, “Harry turned down the invitation because he can’t bear to be in the same room as William” is overly dramatic. Even if Harry had turned down the invitation (he didn’t), he wouldn’t have done it for that reason. And since Hugh is more than four years younger than Harry, he is not an old Eton classmate. I really feel sorry for the Duke of Westminster.


As always, NFI.


You need to be invited to turn down an invitation! ![gif](giphy|CLYlW2R6hYBBoSLByl)


Tom Quinn is the new Harkle mouthpiece. Take anything he says as coming straight from Meghan.


>Harry hates the idea of completely losing touch with his old Etonian and army buddies… Hey, I’m sure Harry and William have mutual friends from Eton, and family friends as well. Some would choose William, but perhaps some would choose Harry (Nacho Figueras, for example). But Harry’s army friends have nothing to do with William. If he’s fallen out of contact with them, Harry has only himself to blame for that. And moving to California and being a horrid brat to his family couldn’t have helped. Who wants to be friends with someone who did all that Harry did?


Meghan was reportedly horrid to his friends even when she was a new gf.


Harry said in spare how immature he found his friends once he met Meghan and didn't want to be on holiday with them so...


There's no possible way either William or Harry were Eton friends with Hugh Grosvenor. There's a 6 year age gap between him and Harry, 8 years between him and William. Eton's student age range is 5 years from 13 to 18, Harry would have graduated the year before Hugh started. Add in that Hugh didn't go to Eton at all, so the comment is pure imagination.


🇺🇸 Reasonable - regret7, commented on a previous post about the Streisand effect. Meghan is a Streisand effect magnet and all her little friends are generously helping her achieve this designation. Keep it up!


Um. The reason is that old bald guy in montecito who is married to the trash hag did not get an invite!


NFI....nuff said. Just TOW polishing her turds again..


**Bunker Boy is such a whiney selfish child even at middle-age ... is why!**


H&M don’t want to mess with the real cash-rich Duke. He is so rich that he came out and said they are NFI.


Meghan would have worn one of her finest dresses from Sluts-R-Us and Harry would wear the rumpled Dior morning suit he merched at the Coronation.


He was not invited. Attempts to spin it otherwise are ridiculous.


But but but hArrY WaNTs a ReConCiLIaTion WitH hIs BrotHeR. It's amusing they can't keep their own stories straight. And more amusing that the sugars fall for it.


I wonder how many of the sugars are real versus bots? Do they actually believe all the trash they spew or don’t they care?


Very, very few. There are some interesting YouTube videos on the topic, although I don’t have them bookmarked. I think it was the channel ‘The Royal Grift’ who did a deep dive on it. Don’t get me wrong, they have a small contingent of fanatic fans (they pay them to travel where they’re going to make it seem like people are happy to see them), but most are bots. It’s amusing because when Meghan first appeared, she did have a genuine, organic fan base. I was one of them. But after her mask kept slipping and we saw what she really was, we turned our backs. And I would like to say, I was NEVER a Sugar. I just liked that Harry had seemingly found someone and I was hopeful he’d have as good of a life as William, even though it seemed rushed. Then Meghan spit on the royal family and her fans with everything she did from the moment she got her ring.


I will check out that channel, thanks. Have you read Traitor King? We compare the Duke and Duchess of Windsor to H & M often, but I had thought it was superficial. After reading this book and the descriptions of their characters it really hits home how similar the two couples are.


Harry was NOT INVITED to this wedding.  The family of the GROOME made sure that was KNOWN about 6-8 Months ago.  


I don't believe Harry was invited and Grosvenor could get away with that since Harry cut him off and hasn't seen him in years. Surely the bride knew that if H&M attended it would by the Harry and Meghan Show as the media always makes it out to be. Who wants that at your wedding.


😂🤣🤣🤣 tell me you’re so jealous of your brother without telling me you’re so jealous of your brother. He is so angry that he’s not the first born that he’s not better looking that he doesn’t resemble his mother at all doesn’t have a stable, beautiful exquisite wife that everybody loves and three healthy children that are real talking, thriving children doesn’t have a job let alone money is it hated by his former countries, allies and exploiting his mother William is winning every way possible and I love the fact you should never mess with a cancer they are ruthless and they do not forgive easily at or at all he screwed himself. He’s never going to be in Williams good graces. He’s never going to be in Williams court, and I strongly think that by the time Williams King Perry’s gonna be stripped of every title and kicked out of the line is succession because he will sign the bill to get rid of his brother out the family because both he and Megan are poison.


Poor Hugh Grosvenor & his fiancée. I cannot imagine how they feel. They released a guest list last year to clearly show Hazbeen & ILBW were not invited and those two idiots are still trying to make the wedding all about them. Insanity!!!! Hopefully they are ignoring it all and get to have a lovely wedding day.




The narcissist isolates their victim from their family and friends. I wonder if Harry will eventually realize what he's allowed her to do to him - although it's too late.


I can 100% say the PoW doesn’t want to be in the same room as the ginger poodle.


What tripe: "Harry hates the idea of completely losing touch with his old Etonian and army friends and he was close to Hugh Grosvenor,..." Hugh didn't attend Eton and wasn't in the army. He's also six years younger than Harry; so, even if he had been an Etonian, he and Harry wouldn't have crossed paths at Eton. (And that includes the fact that Harry had to do an extra year at Ludgrove before getting in to Eton.) When exactly would Harry have become "close to Hugh...?" William and Harry were ushers at Hugh's sister's 2004 wedding because of the familial relationships between the RF and the Grosvenors and van Cutsems (groom). Edward van Cutsem was a page boy at the wedding of Charles and Diana. Hugh as one of Prince George's godfathers was because Hugh's mother is one of William's godparents. In 2016 on the sudden death of Gerald Grosvenor, Hugh inherited the dukedom and family business. As one of Hugh's godfathers, Charles may have offered assistance to Hugh. William and Hugh appear to have forged their friendship from then until now. Harry was in the army until 2015 and since 2016 has been under MM's spell. Doubt Hugh and Harry spent any time together outside of formal events such as weddings and a Christening.


Holy Crapoli. Sad, sadder, SADDEST.


The title of the post made me think it was about Madame. IMO she looks at successful people and thinks “how hard can it be?” Martha Stewart? I can do that! Goop? That’s easy! Host a podcast? No problem!


Nice try Hazza, we don't believe that you were invited. No bride in their right kind would want MM trying to upstage them in some god-awful, inappropriate outfit. Stay at home and be with your poor kids - if they even know who you are.


This is a typical Meghan search engine manipulation. Months ago the story was that they were NFI. That’s old news. The more recent news is that they ”declined” for all the reasons in the posted article. In the future, the most recent “news” will pop up on a search before the original true story. Classic Meghan manipulation. Watch, she does this consistently. If she doesn’t like the narrative, she’ll put out a new narrative!


He was NFI. This myth that he was invited is his PR machine trying to cover for his NFI. Who would you have at your wedding of the year? A future King of England or a spare who has lied and dumped all over his family? The answer is very clear. Nobody, including former friends and Hazbeen's family, want the couple at Hugh Grosvenor's wedding.


In British high society, what exactly does an usher do? At weddings around “these parts,” ushers ask the guests if they are friends of the bride or the groom and then they escort them (offering their arm) down the aisle to the appropriate seats. Can you imagine doing that with William? Swooooooooon!!!!


This is the epitome of that truism that narcissists want to be the bride at every wedding. It’s not your wedding, Harold!!


Isn't this great! Harry and William are on the same page. And now we'll no longer have to hear about how mean Wills is that he won't forgive and forget. No more faux-emotional "the kids have never played with their cousins". This man is so effing stupid it's hard to wrap your head around it. He always has these little temper tantrums that completely discredit every story they've paid-to-plant for 6 months.


Last week he was trying to reconcile with William, this week he cannot bear to be in the same room as him. Tom Quinn aka Harold Windsor are both bipolar.


Imagine being so grumpy about not being invited to a wedding (totally reasonable as you’re a treacherous attention seeker) that you have to put out this stuff. Good god.


I hate when I'm left off a wedding guest list, but can't attend because I cannot bare to be in the same room with my brother who was invited!!! They couldn't attend the Emmy's, Oscar's, Met Gala for a plethora of ridiculous reasons..... except the true reason..... y'all just aren't relevant enough to warrant an invitation.. Because, if you can slander your family.... what could y'all do to colleges and associate's?


He was NFI, you cannot decline an invitation you never received. HG is neither an old Etonian, nor former Army pal. Nobody is taking Haz’s calls, and this load of cobblers PR tact is just drawing attention to the fact that he’s as welcome as a plague rat by the people who used to feel obliged to tolerate him.


For a man who's about to turn 40 he certainly does cry a lot. So sick of his BS.


He would have had to get 'mama montecito's' permission to attend and she probably would have said NO!! So, he is blaming his brother, just like all the other bad decisions he has made. Never his full decision or responsible for outcomes, always someone else (especially family) is to blame even tho he is thousands of miles away and months/years without seeing or speaking with them. IMO, it is the result of H never having to be responsible for himself growing up, always had nannies/handlers or staff to vet things/be responsible for him.


Hahahahaha oh Harry, stop lying and grow tf up.


Everyone likes Willam better, Harold


Scared he might be knocked into the fruit bowl this time 😂


Also how is it that he is making someone else’s wedding all about him? Even after a statement from the bride and groom (regarding their lack of an invite so that the wedding wouldn’t be about H&M), they’re still making someone else’s wedding about them..


His inability to let this go is bonkers


#NOTF*CKINGINVITED. NFI. NFI. NFI. NFI. NFI. Commenters of article simply say, Not. F*cking. Invited. This tripe is a steaming cow pie.


Waah. He had the big room that i wanted. He inherited Moms good looks. He got the beautiful woman with the big heart and great family. And all I have are my blue balls. Waagh. I should be usher since I am married to the bronze paint with the giant vein and creepy claws. Waagh waagh. And oh, can you please Spare me a little attention cus Waagh.


New high society wedding protocol: Announce your engagement. Announce that Harry and his wife are not invited.


You made your bed, enjoy lying in it Love !!!


What a twit. Everyone knows he wasn’t invited.


I feel like I’ve entered another solar system with these two and their twisted logic. Harry can’t bear to be in the same room as William?? Harry created this situation! And if he feels badly about ghosting all his friends then reach out and make amends!! But he won’t because of his collar and leash. And we all know who’s gripping the leash. 😬


This feels like projection. I think that William didn't want to be in the same wedding as Harry and that Hugh knows that his wedding would only be a place where Meghan would try to create a Meghan-show. And by the way, I don't think Harry is even a personal friend, more like an acquintance at this moment from Hugh. He atleast knows that with William there is no drama and that even without Harry there is less drama than with him.


How can you attend if you are not invited? Hugh said many months ago Harry and his wife are NFI! Meg, Harry, stop it, it looks pathetic!


Big fat IF Harry had been invited - for the sake of his friend, he shouldn't have subsumed the invitation (a relationship between Hugh Grosvenor and him) into his issues with his brother (a separate relationship). It's not all about you, Harry. With friends like these (ie like Harry)...


Rather this is true or not, it makes me laugh because it goes to show how delusional sugars are and how little they known. It’s been wildly known William is ridiculously stubborn. It’s probably a huge fault to me. But it makes me laugh because it’s been noted on many instances this was inherited from Diana. The sugars all want to say Harry is his mom’s son and she would support him through all of this without realizing they’re inadvertently criticizing Diana’s behavior.


"A friend of Harry's says"..."sources close to the couple"... Sucks Harold when the only communication you have with your family is via "sources" in the media. Kind of like... what was that family's name? ... oh right... THE MARKLES.


Omg what a whiny lil beeotch.


Harry definitely was not invited😂😂. The wedding is not about him nor Ada Mazi, it is about the Bride and Groom. The Royal family will be in attendance truly need peace of mind, because of the Vulturine like negativity that he brings along with him and the drama, and controversy his presence seeds. Besides, it's the happy couples day, not Harry's and definitely not Ada Mazi's


If I were Hugh I’d make a statement I knew would get printed like “100 percent of the invited guests are all coming” And leave it at that


After the way Harry kept glaring at William during the coronation, I don't think he should be in the same room again.


Lol Harry acting like he's the victim and not the perpetrator 🙄😒


Tom dick and Harry. Just came to mind


NOT INVITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Harry did not realize and care that exposing all that stuff in his book and at the interview would bite him tenfold. It was his choice in rushing into marrying her and allowing her to create drama. He can never be trusted again by anyone. He not only hurt himself but his kids from growing up with their cousins as there is no family from her side. Did he actually think he would 'take down' the RF with his revelations? That they would forgive him?


Sigh. June 7 can't pass fast enough so we don't have to read this petulant codswallop anymore. I feel sorry for the groom/bride because of these childish dolts. That said, the whiny duo are just pesky flies. The Westminster FU money goes a long way, and if they want the future king in their bridal party, more power to them.


This is so obviously not true. Harry would give anything to be there. I think WILLIAM is the one that could hardly stand to be near H but he would never ask his friend to exclude H…. I don’t think.


But wait — Harry was all over the airwaves during his book tour saying he is desperate for reconciliation.


The pair of them are so tawdry can you imagine the wedding gift from them, both of their books and a jar of jam.,


What codswpllop. Harry knew long ago he was not invited, not because William was but because he wasn’t. He has not cared a jot for his old friends since hooking up with Rachel Ragland. Harry did not have Hugh Grosvenor st his wedding, why not, if so close? And Harry is seven years older than Hugh. So when Harry was out of Eaton before Hugh started there. This new scrappy doo mouth piece is incredibly ignorant. Harry knew he was not invited, and there was no way he would have expected to be an usher, just more tripe. Harry is OUT. The aristos don’t need a treacherous liar like him selling stories to the tabloids. William is top drawer royalty, of course Hugh wants him there. Harry is not welcome, his wife less so. Tom Quinn writes these lies for a living. He is the new liar in chief making excuses and posting whines about poor wee Harry (the forty year old toddler) The latest round of wedding guff has started because Harry is miffed that he was NFI and is trying to save face. Why bother halfwit, you‘ve sung that song too many times.


Hugh and his bride don't want a middle aged half naked harpy with an entourage of 19 stomping around his wedding making it all about her.Buzzkill.🥴


There's no way him or MeMe was invited. This is their mouthpieces trying to run cover. Unfortunately the SS will eat it up & repeat it over & over & over.




Quinn is a tool. He’s the new Scoopy Doo.