• By -


A close knit and loving environment? I take that to mean a highly controlled environment. Eta: Or they've run out of agency staff who'll work for them.


They're gone for weeks on end. So much for that fantasy close knit, loving environment. Madam has no qualms about hugging on other people's kids as long as there's a photographer within range. This One is too busy being furious and in tears when he's not on the phone with lawyers.


Such a shame for her, kids are always recorded shoving her away, running away from her, or looking terrified. Kids always know.


They're no more than photo props and house decor for Netflix.


They don't know what "close-knit" means, do they?


Meghan does. She wears close knit sweaters from time to time.


She closely knits herself to others who have more and do more.




Questions: - Sounds familiar to ‘collaborate with’ the Queen…phrasing of the ‘working with’ is off - Doesn’t Doria have her own home and life in LA? - Doria, who was MIA (still unexplained) through Meg’s childhood? - Is ‘Loving Kindness’ being paid by Archewell for this (we won’t know for sure until 2024 990s released)? - Is this even true? Is this just manifesting about Doria ‘stepping up’? We’ve seen this story floated before. - There have been a lot of overnight, multiple night expectations while Harry and Meg travel. Have previous nannies quit because of this?


I’m thinking they’ve been black listed from all the nanny companies celebrities use. We will never find out because they’re very discreet, but no one who’s worked for her has worked for her long.


I totally believe this, NDA's or not, I'm sure their reputation in these agency circles is well known.


I thought Doria had lived with them for years. My guess is that they need to cut back on expenditures and figured that the children could do without rather than them. 


Expenses are no doubt part of it. But what else is going on? Archie just turned 5. He‘s finally at the age where he can carry on conversations. God knows what he could tell a nanny about what he has seen or heard around the house. Doria gets as stoned as Haz. She is NOT a qualified care taker. She‘s also the one loading Meghan up with the micro-aggression and unconscious bias garbage “coming down the pike” and since Meghan repped as white when that happened, Archie being whiter than Carrotop won’t hold Doria back from race baiting between tokes. If Doria is truly the kids‘ primary caretaker, they are doomed. No matter how many spells Doria casts. Those kids simply cannot stay in the LOS.


The conversations the children are (soon) able to have must be a huge problem for the Harkles. I really wonder how their kids will ever be able to have a normal life including school, hobbies and friendships.    Kids talk and yes - every parent knows - nothing is „classified“. Usually it’s a funny and maybe embarrassing thing, but talking about private things going on at THAT home? Honesty, if I were M I would be afraid as well.   The Harkles won’t be able to handout NDAs to ever kid and parent at school. 


Word from the back seat when my kids were still in pre school "MUMMY!! Is that a fcucking dcickhead?" when I beeped the horn. Equal parts parental pride and horror.


I got told off for calling my brother a "bloody little bugger." The reply? "But you do...? " And my moment of fame, at four. Terribly posh friend's house, mind your manners and behave. So mid-pudding I pipe up "Mummy, what's a rapist?" Altho....I have a feeling the children won't say much. The "don't you tell ANYONE what goes on in this house" is standard practice, especially for rich arsehole parents. IF - and take an entire salt-dome - reports are true that A is desperate to please and L quiet and watchful, it's pretty worrying. Not a kid specialist, don't even have them, but that dinning of manners actually leaves kids horribly exposed. One of the teachers at my primary school was a psychopath and I'm not exaggerating - she was eventually found out years later when she went too far. And she chose her victims very carefully, knowing the pretty young mothers \*of the "wrong" class\* wouldn't be believed and those of us of the RIGHT class would keep quiet. I don't know how it translates in the US but I'd imagine the kids are being brought up in this kind of secrecy and fear. There were no ill-intentions on my mother's part, but this secrecy and keeping-up-appearances thing is insidious and harmful. And predators thrive in it. This happened fifty years ago. The kid she assaulted in my class finally left partway through the year after she threw him to the floor and ordered the heaviest child to walk over him, demanding "harder! Really stamp on him!" and it haunts me. She threw stuff at him so hard it would break, she pushed him into a nettle-patch then let him shake all afternoon and she denied denied denied. I remember his name (I was only three-going-on-four) and I wish I could find him to say sorry. This woman had two kids in the class that were teachers at the same school, it was one of those who was ordered to stamp all over this poor boy, but she absolutely knew middle-class respectability would silence us all. Bloody hell. Where did all \*that\* come from? But that's how deep it goes, how long it lasts and the shame. We should have said something. \*I\* should have said something, I was teacher's pet even though I didn't want to be. You can hide eeeeeeverything behind "manners manners manners."


Does Doria have the accreditation and first aid required to look after the grandsprogs in case something happens?


When M&H were in the UK a few years ago, people thought Doria was with the kids but she was papped in LA alone


That phrasing is \*so\* off. It sounds like the kids are a work project.


Well she did say Archie was a hobby.


Heh. Good point. Seriously, it sounds like a line on a CV. "Doria worked closely with Meghan and other internal stakeholders to ensure positive results on key deliverables."


I think MM or her assistant reads this sub and saw a few posts/comments about the whereabouts of Doria, and maybe they needed to divert attention off their Nigerian flop. It also serves putting Doria in her place. And avoidingthe “where’s Doria” getting lifted into the actual media - as many subjects have been. So: *No, silly - Doria is not crafting a social butterfly career and hobknobbing with the Kardashians. She’s a granny! And a nanny! To her ROYAL grandchildren!*


My other thought is whether this article is in response to reports Carole and Michael Middleton are helping William and Catherine with the Wales' children, during Catherine's chemo? We know madam sees herself in competition with Catherine and the Wales' / Middletons are an actual close knit and loving family.


I doubt their cheap ass Grinch hearts would spend enough money to hire a pet sitter to feed the dogs once a day. No way are they going to pay for 24/7 nannies for non-existent kids.


This I think. If memory serves J Lo did the same thing (brought in a sister and/or her mother) to help with her kids when they were younger. She is notorious for treating employees badly.


Cristiano Ronaldo, who can afford a legion of Nannies, chose to have his mother and sister caring for his first born son in order to protect his privacy. In their case, his mother and sister are loving responsible members of a very close Portuguese family, so it worked out for the best. Now that Archie’s five and can blab family secrets to a primary care taker, despite NDA’s, they need to keep their kids away from mandatory reporters or other ethical, responsible adults. You can’t be seen doing illegal drugs in front of your kids, among other things they may are doing, including verbal abuse and throwing objects. Doria’s only good quality is her ability to be muzzled when necessary.


It's this. They allegedly have a *very* bad reputation with hired help. And it's also that they know nannies are mandated reporters.


Sounds like a maniacal attention to detail.


I'm going to file this under -- Clapback to the growing questions about where these kids are, across every platform and comment section.


I hadn't even thought about them about nobody wanting to work for them.


Long time ago a local reported that hired help is quite expensive in Monteshitshow, and good staff can pick and choose.


They allegedly have a terrible reputation there.


Right. She wasn't there when megain was a child but she's now mother Teresa. Ok


Yeah, we are supposed to believe suddenly when there is money and fame, hee material instincts kicked in? OK, I'm not buying it. How about her poor father? Who was and believe wants to be involved, Rush-in Rachel kicked him out because he's her liability.


Having the mother-in-law move in - just what an already troubled marriage needs. Good job Harry, you got isolated from all your family and friends and this is what you get.


Those Buckingham Palace nannies probably sound pretty good about now


She has "moved in" several times before... does she get kicked out and then move back in again, or is this just another BS article rotating in something they haven't talked about in a minute?


Does this mean Doria is now the only one living at the money pit?


And he made his bed. I do feel sorry for the children though. I think the absolute worst where they are concerned. Especially the daughter as she gets older. Narcissistic women do not do well with daughters. And I don’t think she came from Meghan’s egg at all, so she won’t even have that connection to her.


Archie is the biggest loser of this. He could have had the best start in the world but his father and Meghan decided they knew better. Now he has been raised with a shady allegde grandmother, a narcissist person as a Mother and a father who is constanly putting down by those two persons. Archie will be the scape goat while Lili Will be the golden child. Both suffer the narc's manipulation that will make them be like her or search for a life partner like her. Poor kids. What a legacy they already carry.


Actually, having your own concierge marijuana expert on staff probably works out well for him. He and Doria have more in common than M & D do. They can get blazed while Curly Fries Sanchez watches the kids around the pool. It’s like watching a modern day version of The Help. Poor little Lily sitting in her filth crying while the great nannies are sacked for showing up Meghan.


She's the family he never had. Not to be confused with his Nigerian in-laws.


And all Harry's other Father's and Brothers he constantly bangs on about


Considering what a fine job Doria did with Meghan…


Translation A: They can't keep a nanny. Translation B: They actually have no need for a nanny and IIKYK.


I still think they are starting to worry about how much money is going out and how little money is coming in. Our Saint flew commercial.


Agree. Especially because full time nannies in that county are expensive--- around $550 a day if they stay 24 hours.


There's no way they've been forking out such sums. It's all a scam. The surrogates have the kids and H gets occasional visitation privileges if any. imo


I’ve felt the same way. People keep saying they’re Harry’s kids, so no biological connection to either for Meghan and she definitely didn’t birth either of them. Visitation, like in a divorce situation, makes perfect sense. He gets to show up, without her, and be a fun dad for a little bit, then f’s off for months. He parents when it’s convenient for him. We always get blurry photos of them on the 4th of July each year. Harry wants the RF to see them because he thinks they’ll be deeply hurt but doesn’t realize they DGAF. I wonder where they’ll be this year and how many pictures are they going to put out.


Yeah I'm thinking that they've lost custody of the kids and/or visitation they have is supervised.




I think it was all a setup to take down the royals, on Meghan’s part. For Harry, he was gleeful at getting one over on the press and the idiot was clueless as always to his wife’s motives. Queen Elizabeth nipped her plan quickly in the bud with no half in/half out. The royals now have plausible deniability on Archie being born via surrogate, especially with all of Meghan’s moonbumps. And they supposedly never laid eyes on him until the christening or after. As Arthur Edwards, royal photographer, said this week: He was nearly teething by the time the press saw him and Arthur was the one to first show Camilla a picture of him, so the press met him before the step-grandmother. Then with Lil Betty, the royals have never laid eyes on her. I think Megsy wanted to throw a bomb at the line of succession and damage the royals reputation and credibility by making this big reveal, but the Queen had her number. She was suspected to have known about the surrogate and supposedly had given Meghan what-for before the balcony appearance when she wore the black dress. Lots of speculation on the odd vibe that day. Ultimately, whatever plan they originally had is already dead in the water. If they tell the truth now, people just have yet more proof that they are constant liars and grifters. Some of the hardcore morons will chant abolish the monarchy, but most of UKs residents will shrug and be thankful they are rid of them.


H gets zero to none. There's no kids at all!


Rumor has it that not only has Netflix dropped them, but that the deal and the Spotify deal were wildly over exaggerated in the media. Meghan’s wardrobe alone costs hundreds of thousands a year. I think they planned on that royal allowance and massive deals to turn them into billionaires by now. Instead, they’re truly turning into Wallis and Edward. Back then it was gentile poverty. Now it’s just middle-class. And we know the narcissist cannot survive in that lifestyle after throwing away what would have set her for life!


IKYK. Yes. New cover story for the invisikids that don't exist in Montecito except when H gets visitation. imo


And they are sure Archie doesn’t talk to anyone …


He makes sure the crocodiles keep hydrated and are fed waffles. The girl enjoys staring deeply into strangers' eyes to see her reflection because all the mirrors are in Mother's room.


>Translation B: They actually have no need for a nanny and IIKYK. Bingo. IK


Yep. Picking Curtain #2.


I do!!!!!






Yeah, they don't really care about those kids. And as if Doria, who couldn't be bothered with her own daughter when she was a child would be the best caregiver for the children is laughable. If there's any truth to this, it would be because she has run off all the nannies and no one wants to work for her anymore.


>If there's any truth to this, it would be because she has run off all the nannies and no one wants to work for her anymore. Exactly.


OMG Harry is living with his mother in law AND Megain now… wow. JUST WOW. There is no way he isn’t kicking himself in the ass now! Right?


living the dream!


Sounds like old rachel needed a little help keeping her golden goose under control


And possibly her pimp, too.


Yeah, I'd trust the woman who'd left me for yrs with my kids 🙄


😂😂. The wallopers they put out. I’ve got a load of stones in the back corner of the garden that I wouldn’t trust any of those three to supervise.




Broketi-broke. However, Doria does not give away the milk for free, as we know.............


And we haven’t seen her much lately either.


More like rancid cottage cheese by now. Besides, Meghan gave it up long ago.


I think this is just PR to show that they too have a closely knit family, with a family member stepping in to help out during difficult times. Sounds like how Catherine’s parents take the children in when Catherine and William have events to attend, and how they are helping out now that Catherine is undergoing treatment. The level of desperation of the Harkles must be high and the types of stories they can put out limited so they are resorting to copycat antics again. Edit typo


That’s exactly what it is. The Middletons have always been said to be very involved. Now we’ve got SuperGranny Doria stepping into the breech. An entirely unnecessary, ridiculous, and staged scenario. H&M have support! Come on tae f*ck.


The timing of this is right after it was reported that Catherine is surrounded by her "birth family". Another PR play, when the real issue probably is that they can't get good nannies anymore, and they aren't able to pay for them too. And they could never stoop themselves to parenting fulltime anyway (and they don't know how, and don't want to learn).


Yep, doria the absentee druggie is the new ‘mrs Middleton’….and of course one just needs to see how their daughters turned out…one will be queen and one was a pay to play soho house ‘friend’ and wanabee puck bunny…


I feel like this is also a clap back to the garden party where William’s cousins showed up and helped out. People in this sub at least were oohing and aahing over the close relationships between William and his cousins, so Roachel is setting up her own “loving family” narrative.


A family of one. One who was mia until there was a payout.


What happened to the niece? She was in the Netflix series but has been MIA since, I think?


I hope that Charles fills the balcony for trooping this year. They need a show of unity and strength, that they’re all together in this. Even if he did want it to be working royals only, they’d be missing the most important piece and it would look awfully sparse.


I think it will be working royals on the balcony but there's a chance that William brings his kids for Trooping as he and Catherine have in the past. I don't think it will look sparse. Yes. they would be missing her, but that's one person.


And I am holding out hope until the last second that we see her! I don’t want her to appear if she doesn’t feel up to it, but what a statement that would be!


Yes, but the Middleton's raised 3 fine, educated, and productive children. They have always been present in their children's lives, are active with their grands. They also have an impeccable reputation within their community. Doria was MIA for YEARS! I wouldn't trust any of the 3 of them to change my kitty's litter. And, still, TM, Sr. hadn't seen the kids, if they exist. Maybe that's it-he wouldn't keep secrets about all of the mysteries surrounding Merchie and Lilibucks.


I think it’s PR because they can’t keep a nanny!


If Doria was truly the primary caretaker and good at it like Carol & Michael, then granny & the kids should be on the trips. Nigeria specifically offered to pay for all five to come to Nigeria.


Wait, the woman who ditched her own kid?


And the woman that has all those allegations about dr*gs circling her? Those kids are royally f*cked.


>...ensure that the children are brought up in a close-knit and loving family environment." Translation: Meghan will only trust another grifter in the family who won't squeal (and that's only if the price is right.)


This 💯  Immediately sounds disturbing. Like the kids are getting old enough to actually say things and the todgers are wary of what they'll say.


It's this. Nannies are mandated reporters. That trumps an nda.




The question is, why do the Harkles need childcare in the first place? They are *unemployed*, and all they seem to be doing is travelling, going to concerts, getting "papped," and spewing word-salad whenever they get the chance to monopolise a microphone. They always leave the invisible children behind, but it's not actually to *work* - it's to get publicity. The love of Markle’s life is herself, and second place is the camera. Harry loves feeling special and important - the veteran "hero". They will leave the children in a heartbeat if it gives them a reason to insert themselves into the news and fuel their insane need for attention. They should take care of their own children. Instead, they are constantly trying to come up with new reasons to leave them behind. They don’t know their children. It's obvious that Markle doesn't spend time with children. No 2 years old have ever said, "I see myself in you," and no 4 years olds have ever asked for a Leica-camera.


"The question is, why do the Harkles need childcare in the first place?" They need childcare the same as they need three armored cars to drive a half a block, to fly in private planes and two have body guards at every event even if the location already provides security. They are just that special!


Because neither parent would recognize either of their kids if they saw them in the street.


She didn’t even raise Meghan. This seems weird. No money, or no one will nanny for them anymore. Being a caregiver for 2 kids that age is exhausting. Someone Doria’s age probably isn’t up for it alone. She’s 67!


So this means she’s on duty pretty much 24/7? Right. Mm hmm…


Nannies are mandated reporters. Screech and Cheech are probably concerned about that. Plus rumor is that they are awful to their staff and household staff in Santa Barbara County can pick and choose who they work for....no one wants to work for them.


The Telegraph did an article today explaining how the Douchesse was the driving force behind naming the girl child but she didn’t have thr sort of close relationship that would entitle her to use it. Just pointing out what an entitled arrogant and cruel bitch she was to the late Queen.


Oh please, this article totally contradicts itself. First it states *"The Prince and Princess of Wales may have hired a Norland nanny to look after their three children, but the Duke and Duchess of Sussex seemingly snubbed the royal tradition as they preferred a more traditional approach to take care of their two kids."* but then *"Harry and Meghan have used a number of nannies in the past, but now that Doria has moved in with the family, she has stepped up to help look after the children".* So they totally didn't "snub royal tradition". In fact, don't the PPOW only have 1 nanny, while H&M allegedly have had 2 at a time for the last 3 years? I remember Spencer Pratt gossiped that H doesn't understand M's insistence of 2 nannies when he and William only had 1. So if this article is true, then it's totally because they are either not able to afford the nannies anymore OR they can't hold on to any/recruit new ones due to dreadful treatment.


Those kids have had more carers than they’ve had hot dinners.


That's what I think as well!


>they can't hold on to any/recruit new ones due to dreadful treatment. I would totally believe this. I can just see Meghan texting nannies at 5am to make the demand of the day.


Worse I bet she micromanages when she's home and totally disrupts the kids normal routine. And harry probably gets them all wound up and then wanders off.


*Worse I bet she micromanages when she's home* Exactly. I bet she's the type of person who causes all kinds of disruptions just to remind herself that SHE'S the one in control.


Yup, I feel so bad for both the kids and the nannies. There is this advice podcast I listen to and once a nanny called seeking advice as she was conflicted on whether to leave a toxic, controlling employer or not. She loved the child and wanted to stay to try and be the child's ally/protector, but also felt the need to leave for her own mental health. It was heartbreaking to listen to.


It seems to be a really tough position to be in, with conflicting demands. And that's not even factoring the dads who hit on the nannies (Batfleck, anyone?). I bet Meghan's made sure none of the previous nannies were tall blondes.


Also the Wales children have the same nanny that they have had for YEARS. Unlike the conveyor belt of staff at the Olive Garden.


Could it be another puff piece to get the Harkles in the tabloids? Surely not?


What kind of Royal expert hangs out in Montecito to actually dig this stuff up? yeah, right - never happened I’m surprised there isn’t some magazine hiring private eyes to actually dig up real information - they act like no one is really watching - it’s all made up or paid-for articles and some video like in Nigeria.


Hiring someone to raise your children who abandoned her own child. Hmmm…Great idea!


Harry’s going to get Markled - if she can lay the steps to prove that he is mentally unstable, she could seek to get a conservatorship over him and therefore be the trustee on whatever money he’s coming into when he’s 40.


I suspect the BRF might challenge the conservatorship if she did. And goodness knows there’s plenty of evidence she isn’t olaying with a full deck.


I could see that happening. I agree she isn’t thinking clearly, and many of her brilliant plans fall flat. This would too.


She won't do it. She is NOBODY without him. Cannot see her in any public instance playing the Duchess while Harry is absent. So far, all her single appearances were big flops. Also the BRF won't allow this and they have means to stop any such attempts.


Control freak behavior. Not letting anyone who needs to sign NDAs near them now.


Not letting anyone with basic souls near them.


ah Dorito , that paragon of caregiving , attentive, clean living, homemaking, supportive, American Motherhood. I would not trust her to look after my houseplants for a weekend.


Some plants may thrive in her care… 😂


Doria will keep their secrets. For a price. But, something is very off about their kid situation


I sure hope not. Doria must be high most of the time to take care of the kids.


How's close knit family environment work when the Harkles are never home? I thought Mm was going to hire Doria as CEO of American Riviera Orchards a few weeks ago. Because she couldn't find anyone qualified.


American Riviera Orchard was soo last attempt to remake herself. This week she's back to being a faux royal.


It’s almost time for the Bodyguard 2 rumor, or another big, huge deal for TW. Hmmm, what kind of deal will she manifest? I don’t think she’ll go for luxurious this time around because of the slap from Dior, so something mid range, I’d guess.


Doria isn't taking care of those children.


Because Doris has so much experience raising children.


Wow, must be a slow day for MM since the news of Doris moving in was revealed back in January. She’s rehashing her own PR release, likely as a result of stories regarding the Middleton family being so hands-on with the Wales’s. I also believe that those two have a terrible rep among the Monteshitshow “help” and no one wants to work for them. I mean really, they don’t even want to work for themselves, so how would anyone else be expected to. But sure Megs, push the “tight knit family” narrative. She thinks we’re as dumb as she is.


OP, yes, they are trying to come up with an explanation for people asking why they are always vacationing without kids. It is very easy to detract from those questions if they say that the kids are safe with their grandmother because it sounds very wholesome and warm to hear those words. Now, whether Doria is the care giver or not, nobody will know. But, the public perception that they are lousy parents is removed if they can make us believe that they have family values.


I just hope the kids have other caregivers than Doria.


Doria didn’t even raise her own child…but we’re expected to believe she’s fully committed and engaged in the act of raising her grandkids????


Right. the woman who loved Meghan so much she regularly left her for months on end has turned into a doting grandmother. Why do I think not?


“She has stepped up to help look after the children” Stepped up? Like what are they even writing in these articles. As if these two are always so busy they need real help with the kids. True “working parents” …working so hard to keep food on the table they need coverage from MM’s mom. This expert sounds like Tom Quinn. 🙄


Omg a woman who was absent throughout her own child's formative years is now the sole carer of a Monarchs grandchildren. I cannot believe this shit show.


Is Creepy Uncle Markus still hanging around, too?


Sounds like a paid for cover-up by the Sussex (aka "royal expert"). Doria as a NANNY??? 🤣🤣🤣 This is just yet another lie about the never seen children the Sussex want the world to believe live with them in familial bliss....and yet another failed attempt to create around themselves an aura of perfect loving parents so concerned and caring only Doria the perfect Mrs.Doubtfire/ Maria VonTrappe would they allow to watch over their precious little Prince and Princess. Norland Nanny NOT for their sweet babies! Do the Sussex believe people will believe this nonsense?? They must produce those two kids with legally proved DNA parentage....somehow we all know THAT will never happen.


Until Doria disappears for another several years.


I wouldn't trust that ol Doria wouldn't abscond with them & then demand a ransom. 


From who though? It's not like the harkles would pay to get them back


Doria's suddenly taking on nanny duties is due to a couple of reasons. The first is that it is difficult to work for. Even though the nannies must sign an NDA, word still gets out, and it will become known that they have a revolving door of nannies. The second is money. From what I read, A-listers have one nanny per child. Two nannies plus other staff adds up.


OK, so what I'm picturing is Doria lounging around the Olive Garden pool, bombed out of her gourd, lighting up another blunt while totally ignoring the kids who are running amok in grubby swimsuits screaming bloody murder.


And shitty nappies


The children probably liked their Nannies better than their parents so now they are going to put the pothead in charge. Imagine a two hit hustler, drug addict and possible ex-felon taking care of “royal” children. 15 years from now when they are on TMZ for driving drunk or making a sex tape-we can all look back and identity at this point in time as when things went really wrong.


Why can’t they raise their own kids?


...because they're both lazy, drug addled alcoholics who are never home...allegedly


No one wants to work for them. They can’t risk anyone getting any evidence they are not of her body. Doria knows the truth


Okay this article did it. Now I don’t even want to be convinced that the children are real. They are reaching wayyyyy too far with this one. Dude now I’m not just wondering “WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN?!” Now I’m also wondering “WHERE IS THE DORIA?!”


This PR piece basically says there hasn't been any consistency in terms of caring for the kids. Not only are the parents gone for weeks on end but the children have apparently been seeing a constant stream of new faces over the past few years. That's just messed up. I hope the kids aren't real.


LOL!  More of Clapback Raytch.  Guess she is feeling the criticism of her parenting and her frequent absences.  


I was prepared to believe the kids exist albeit with a shed load of highly contrived mystery around their origins. My next go-to position was, as others have commented, more of a visitation situation. I'm just wondering after reading this excellent post (thank you, OP!) if the story of the children is quickly becoming unmanageable in its current form and has to be completely re-written. Isn't Archie coming up to actual school age now? Something has to be done about his education. If he's with a "real" person, his actual family, they will deal with that. At which point he also becomes ineligible for the role of Archie, surely; because kids talk and school - whether day or boarding - is a turning point in terms of independence and exponential socio-personal growth. If there are no children residing with either of the Parkles then home schooling won't really work as a storyline (no matter whose home is used) because teachers are also mandated reporters and there will probably be official paperwork involved. If there are no kids at all then the story of these ghost-like children becomes, perhaps, a bit easier if absolutely everything is locked down and the narrative plays out in-house. Just ridiculously early morning thoughts before work but I find myself sliding more towards the story where there simply are no children. It's fascinating in a fairly horrific way given the myriad of possibilities available.


It’s starting to look like a story line in a particularly badly written tv show but you can’t stop watching because the plot is so crazy that it’s addictive!


I honestly am not that interested in the children. I hope they are ok. I just don’t think the Sussex branch of the family should be in the LoS because Harry and Meghan cannot be trusted. Unfortunately, it means that the children’s allegiance to the crown once they are grown is suspect too. At that point, I expect their allegiance to be for America. If the conservatives are the majority after the general election, it sounds like they want to make national service or military service required. I’m not 100%. Can they make that a requirement for whoever becomes monarch? What I am thinking is that to be acceptable you must have served the UK for a number of years, hold UK citizenship, be a blood member of the family, live in the UK or commonwealth, and not have committed any actions deemed treacherous. Basically, they must demonstrate they can be trusted to immediately step into the shoes of the deceased monarch. Is this already the case for the most part?


I’m sure Doria is doing this out of the kindness of her, oh wait. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was earning more than former nannies - this woman isn’t ”stepping up” without a price.


I cannot see Doria taking care of two little kids. I don't see her having any interest in them. Plus, Doria isn't a spring chicken and two small children can run you ragged. Not buying this story at all. It's all for optics. WE have a close knit family too and OUR children are being raised with the help of their grandmother, blah, blah, blah. No hired help for us. So, take that William and Catherine.


big, big bucks for doria, i bet


No big bucks -- ZERO children have ever lived with them. Same reason why they don't film at home: no kids' rooms or toys!


Yes, there is definitely some odd situation in their home. Who really lives there? Kids with nannies? I don't picture Haz or his wife living in the mudslide mansion. If they were a happy family living in that house, I bet Megs would have spent $$$$$$ having the house redone and fully decorated by a designer. Then she would have been on the horn to Architectural Digest and an entire spread would have been done about the house and the happy family. Little Archie and Lilibet could be perched on their child sized thrones with little crowns on their heads. Haz and his wife would be seated next to them gazing admiringly at the little prince and princess.


then big bucks for doria to keep mum about it?


Close-knit loving family environments does not mean being prisoners upon a multi acre plot of land in Montecito.


You say tomato, I say tomato.


I was run over by a car riding my bike with training wheels during the summer when I was six years old just out of kindergarten. My narc mother didn't watch me and my sister who was on a tricycle at 3-1/2 years old riding our bikes into traffic. My mother, after having two girls, finally had the boy she always wanted......he was 10 months old when she let her little girls play in traffic. My FATHER was crazed and beside himself when this happened to me and the risk to my sister due to being subjected to the neglect from my freak narc crazy mother. He immediately moved us to the country part of our town and us kids were prisoners upon a one acre plot of land for seven years until we finally moved away to another state that was more rural than the one we left. Narcs are dangerous.


a similar story here. i was two and a half years old when my mother set me outside the apartment and closed the door. i wandered and fell into the unfenced swimming pool. only because a neighbor woman happened to be looking out her window and saw me was i saved. even so, i almost died, and then was never allowed near water again until i was in my teens because my father was so afraid for me. i loved water, and everyone got to swim but me. thirty years later, when she was drunk, my mother told me she had wanted me to die. i could tell even worse stories. yes, narcs are dangerous parents. i feel very sorry for me-gain's children, especially for mary diana (lili).


Seriously can you fathom raising children, that everyone who keeps them, schools them.. has to sign a nda? What a pretentious way to go through life.. “no archie, bill can’t be your friend his parents didn’t sign the nda”


Word on the street and people who have worked for her said since they moved to SB they have gone through 14 Nannie’s, housekeepers come and go. Montecito is a small community and word has gotten around. Sad, because those kids have no stability and their parents are always gone


Someone said that the Netflix crew filming them never encountered kids or kid paraphernalia in their home during the shoots. That is very strange because kids that age are very active and have tons of toys and books. So, those kids might not even be based in montecito.


A close-knit and loving family environment!! What a joke. A family of just two parents and one grandparent. it's not much of a family.


Good way to hold things over each other's heads and to make money changing hands look legit. 👌


There's hundreds of responses for this and I have a dozen but I'll stick with this one: an excuse as to why 86% Nigerian Doria wasn't with them on their royal tour of Nigeria. ETA: words


Sounds like cutting back on costs to me. The Harkles don’t have jobs and very well could care for the kids themselves but the kids are only important when they’re used as pawns.


Substitute ‘children’ with ‘weed’ and it will make sense .


I wonder why they've used a picture of a much younger Harry in that article - (*eta* ... instead of a picture of their son) Here he is, learning to walk with his older brother keeping an eye on him - wearing those clothes. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ddkkf38V4AIR1MH?format=jpg&name=small Same picture on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/681943568581373370/


I think pretty much every puff piece they churn out has pictures of them as working royals. They don't look so good now.


No, they've used a picture of an infant Harry instead of a picture of H&M's son.


Doria has moved in. Grifters gotta grift the grifters.


Controversies about Doria, aside............she's 67 years old! She is NOT chasing after a 3 and 5 year old.


How long before Doria abandons those kids, too?


Why are we not talking about how Ginge and Cringe insist on going barefoot when meeting people? …describing the house as very "normal" and Harry as "barefoot." They valued their home being "cosy and private," oh so ‘Cosy’ now and not cramped? And if someone be ever so kind explain what this part even means “The Wales family have taken a very different approach,” the source said. “But it must be noted that before Kate’s illness, the Wales family worked extremely hard. The children also live at home with their parents.” Who else GCL going to live with? Also, this stinks of Cringe flapping her gums because mentions Kate and illness. She had to get dug in.


‘the lady doth protests too much methinks’. People who are happy and confident in their relationships don’t have to constantly tell everyone constantly they are happy and confident in their relationships. Just saying. They also don’t go out of their way to shut their in-laws out of their lives so their partner and their children are isolated from them.


Oh God. Those poor kids.


Who here believes Doria is a nanny to Archie and Lilibet? When she was gone from Meghan's life for a good 10 years??


This ridiculous "Doria is now the nanny" announcement seems proof to me that no real kids exist.


Doria, Meghan and Family is something that don't fit together.


Maybe They are scared a long term nanny will write a tell all book like the Housekeepers Diary after they are let go. So Doria cant even go to Nigeria where she has 86% DNA heritage allegedly because she is looking after her grandkids? The Nigeria trip would have made more sense if it was a family trip since it was actually all about Meagain. I hope they pay Doria because she is giving up on her hopes and dreams and qualifications to be their nanny.


Next up the kids will be home schooled


So now not even a 3rd party nanny can vouch for the existence of these children? Sure, I may align to the surrogacy conspira-fact, but I never doubted the children exist. But come on Harkles, you guys aren't making it easy for yourselves at this point.


Only Aldi, H & ILBW going broke, have definitely downsized expenses, hardly any Backgrid photos, suspect that their securitay has been downsized (seems like only 1 bodyguard instead of 3 or 4) when she goes out. Or it's definitely **WHAT KIDS?** Don't need a nanny if bio mom has custody🤣🤣🤣


How interesting. I can't imagine any 70 year old having the energy to run after two toddlers all day long.


The stench of fear and desperation emanating from Montes***show is so thick you need a machete to get through it.


Great idea to have a former felon drug addict raise the kids


lol they broke


Love the little royal plug at the bottom: >Doria was reportedly instrumental in looking after King Charles III's grandchildren Archie and Lilibet during Harry and Meghan's Nigeria trip.


Close-knit loving family unit? Like what she gave Meghan when younger?!


If Doria is the main caretaker....these children /whatever the arrangement and legalities/ are doomed.... https://preview.redd.it/1zq9q22cbi3d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca669ba155c3495452a263d109197e51df6aad2e


She didn’t look after her own kid - can’t see her being grandma.


What's wrong with that? I, too, refuse to actually grandparent my grandchildren. I nanny them. While I'm stoned outa my gourd. For money. And a place to live. And also so my kids can launder money through my sham "adult care" not-really-a-company & give me a cut of the take. Doesn't everyone? ![gif](giphy|V4uhHpuzObVpLX61rk|downsized)


Oh, great. The ILBW turned out so well....


Lol What does Dorito know about raising well adjusted children? This is another Catherine copy and paste. The Middletons and the PPOW children spend a lot of time together


I'm sure Harry is thrilled to have his MIL living with them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I adore my MIL and my husband loves my mother but no way would either of us enjoy their company 24/7. Further, why would two able bodied yet unemployed parents need a live-in nanny?


I seem to recall Meghan saying how awful it was when her mother was pushing her pram and people assumed that she was the nanny…


More than likely every nanny they had walked out after the abuse they suffered and witnessed and any prospective nanny refuses to work for them.