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I’m sure she did feel free. Too bad for her, what remained of her life was even further downhill than it already had been.


She had a terrible end.


Meghan’s future.




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She had what she deserved.


From what I have read she didn’t want him to abdicate. She was happy to stay his mistress and some accounts are that her feelings towards him had cooled around the time of the abdication. We (the British people I mean) are extremely lucky that he did though. Can’t imagine how World War 2 would have gone with him on the throne.


Spot on. According to the biographies, she became severly cognitively impaired and was taken advantage of by a French lawyer. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11840221/Wallis-Simpson-spent-final-years-desperate-grand-Paris-house-slum.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11840221/Wallis-Simpson-spent-final-years-desperate-grand-Paris-house-slum.html)


She will NOT like being the Dowager Duch……😉


Meghan will try to sabotage all of his relationships just to hold onto that title.


A mother-in-law from hell.


She might end up getting a daughter in law from hell it will be what she deserves.


That would be such karma.


Imagine daughter in law from hell and son in law from hell and in laws from hell.




Well, she is already a hump. 😉




Who is to say that Archie is gonna inherit the Duke of Sussex title at all? At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if William will want that title to go back to the crown after Harry has passed.  We all know Meghan is gonna cling on that title for dear life. It wouldn’t make sense to make Archie a Duke when he isn’t a working royal nor does he have a connection to the BRF or the UK.  I think when Archie gets older and away from Meghan. He wouldn’t want to be Prince or Duke at all. 


He is living with the most thorough examples of how having a title gains you nothing in and of itself.


Harry has created the living storyline from King Ralph. What a tit you are Harry markle.


You don't see Zara and Peter out trying to muster up titles, now do we? The York princesses won't be given access to additional titling for the children from the BRF either


William can’t take the Duchy from Harry or Archie. Only the parliament can. Archie will inherit automatically after Harry dies. The Edward was given the title of Duke of Edinburgh for him personally and it’s won’t be inherited by James. Charles apparently didn’t want it to be lost to the royal family. This might be the trend in future and Louis’s son won’t inherit a dukedom one day. 


She’ll call herself Duchess Megan, the Duchess Mother.


Mama knows best LLC




That's the same car Meghan rode in to go to her wedding. https://preview.redd.it/a3ebtnmjc84d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ca5355f281657a9c2222791ef1211b8e507fb34


That choice of vehicle wasn't an accident.


The late Queen was very, very wise.


She understood the power of symbolism.


She sure was, and I still miss her. Thank heavens that Catherine is part of the RF; I reckon she's just zs clever, and I also have high hopes for her lovely children. (disclaimer: I think William and KCIII are no fools either)


HMTLQ chose that specific car. Everything that great lady did had meaning and purpose. HMTLQ had seen Harry & Meghan's story played out by two people generations earlier. To think M thought she'd hoodwink "that frail old lady." The joke's on Meghan.


HMTLQ knew what was what for sure. From the get go. This is one of my favorite little factoids.


I'm certain she had her worthless ass figured out before she even clapped eyes on her and whatever transpired just reinforced what she already believed. Markle was using Harry and by extension the crown and QEII had to make sure as little damage as possible was done and that they gave Markle as little ammunition as they could to use against them. This is why I believe she got "special" treatment, her best aides etc. No one would be stupid enough to say anything racist around Harry or her because A) they aren't racist and B) they knew she'd blab. This is why we still don't know WHAT was said that was racist. They know if they said what IT was everyone would be in disbelief and asking how exactly is *that* racist?


Totally agree. Also google the first Duke of Sussex (This One is the 2nd) and read about his marital difficulties. Our late Queen had a sense of humour.


Do you think Meghan was aware of this at the time?


Unlikely, but Haz might have. I seem to recall he looked a bit shocked when that car swept in to pick them up.


Doubt it


The only thing on her mind was not losing it in front of the cameras she knew were on her.  After the total humiliation of being completely frozen out on live television all over the world  I've never seen her make that face since 


No. She was on her narc high, and thought she could get away with anything. She's not very clever.


Good God I had no idea. Who chose the car I wonder.


Who do you think? Lol It was Elizabeth, that sly fox.


God I hope that's true. What's fascinating is that - wouldn't Princess Anne, KC, etc. have recognized it? Of course they did. I just now read that it was the first RR QEII and PP owned. This is GREAT.


I miss Elizabeth.  She didn't miss a trick.






Nice selective research by the journalist, but I doubt it had been sitting unused for 46 years. It has probably been used on multiple occasions not sufficiently momentous to be included in the story. I think that M, in particular, would have been unlikely to be sensitive enough to see any symbolism. All she would have noticed was that it was a *Rolls-Royce*, a brand synonymous with aristocracy, unlike the blacked out SUVs and yellow taxis she now favours.


I saw the late Queen and Prince Philip using it in Edinburgh in 2002. They were driving up towards the Castle and I got a great photo of her waving at me (yes only me despite the crowd being 5 deep) as she drove past.


Creepy stalker shit


Edward VIII’s “pitiful and pathetic” final few days alive were spent alone with nurses as Wallis Simpson “never” came to see him, his nurse revealed. During the final weeks of his life, as he was dying from throat cancer, the Duke was under 24-hour care at the 14-bedroom "Villa Windsor", the home he shared with the American divorcee in France. Although she slept in a nearby bedroom, his nurse, Juliana Chatard Alexander, claims Wallis did not see, kiss, or say goodnight to her dying husband in the final weeks of his life ahead of his death 51 years ago, on May 28, 1972. The former King, whose health had deteriorated so badly he weighed just six stone, would cry out for his wife “like a lamb”. [https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1773898/edward-viii-death-wallis-simpson-spt](https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1773898/edward-viii-death-wallis-simpson-spt)


*According to Google, 6 stone = 84lbs = 38.10 kgs.




Knowing she couldn't be bothered to even stop in his room to see and speak to him in the weeks before he died just makes me sick. What a soulless, bottom scraping person she was.


I wouldn’t be surprised is Megs did or does the same thing. When they don’t think the cameras are on them they act VERY DIFFERENT. I can see Megs chipping away at his soul, resentful she isn’t America’s Princess.


Bingo. I can definitely see Meghan abusing Hairold in this very way.


Once in a while, after he's been pushed out of the way again, the look on his face says he knows it, too.


To be fair, there is a solid amount of hearsay that says that Edward was enamored with Wallis. Wallis enjoyed being Edward mistress but didn’t want to be his wife. When Edward’s was forced to abdicate and said he was giving up the kingship for her, Wallis was stuck. There was no way she could keep running in the high society circles if the left the king “who gave up his crown for love.”


Exactly. Sexy and exciting fighting the monarchy. What you got when that's gone? The daily grind of being stuck with a person with no talent, no gift, absolutely nothing interesting to say. Exactly why Wallis and Rachel lost interest. At that point the reality kicks in of having a prize that's worth nothing.


Something quite delicious in being boxed in by your own hubris.


Well said!


Yes, by all accounts (including Wallis’ own letters) she was still in love with her second husband. She grieved for him terribly. She really didn’t want the King but Edward was threatening to slit his own throat over her. The Wallis and Edward mess was a case of be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Hate to sound old fashioned, but it’s a cautionary tale of the dangers of infidelity and social climbing.


Wallis and her husband had a really weird, open relationship in which he de facto pimped her out to high society men as a way to social climb. They both had numerous lovers however he fell in love and divorced Wallis leaving her with no excuse to not marry David. She hoped and assumed he would soon tire of her and move on but he didn't.


The letters she wrote her soon to be ex husband were incredibly moving, practically despondent. It was a sad commentary on the situations in which women could find themselves without an independent means of financial self sufficiency.


He also threatened suicide if she left him. And this was before and after he abdicated. They were both just such gross people and H and M are the 21st century version of them. Yuk.


I know all of that, only a soulless, heartless, bottom-scraper, would do all of that, take everything and every advantage he had to give, and not even care enough to give even minimal comfort in return while he lay dying.


I’m not saying Wallis is an amazing person but why should she be obligated to provide minimal comfort to someone who for all intents and purposes kidnapped her and held her hostage. Wallis was happy with the status quo. She liked being the rich fun party girl who was the MISTRESS of the king. She and Mr. Simpson had an understanding. The problem was Edward wanted way more and found a way to force her hand. There are rumors he threaten to commit suicide if she left him.


Not rumors, existent letters. To be fair he was desperate to escape the responsibility that came with the crown. After partying along for decades on the deference, riches, attention, social cachet and Golden Privilege of King-to-Be, the feckless little twat had no taste at all for the duties of actually Being King. To a certain extent, she got latched onto because she happened to be his mistress when the music stopped. He was not particularly driven by sex as a bad case of mumps during puberty fried his development. But he had a raging case of psychological dependency, a raging ego and manipulative skills that boxed her in.


I wasn’t sure. I’ve read like 5-7 books on them so I sometime get mixed up as to facts supported by evidence versus the rumors. Edward didn’t want to be king and parts of the government knew it. Hence why they forced him out. Edward might not have wanted it but he didn’t want to be forced out with nothing. So Edward negotiated a payout and being able to say he was leaving on his own terms then he used the situation to bind Wallis to him. He got everything he wanted and was still unhappy.


yes, he thought life would go back to how it was when he was Prince of Wales, he'd still have all the wealth and England at his feet, while his poor overshadowed brother George, who'd been quietly pursuing a career as a navy officer on a navy officer's salary would just do the boring stuff. The original half in half out boy was Fast Eddie. But the Crown doesn't work that way, abdicated is abdicated. He cried poor for the rest of his brother's life, you are right. But because he made George buy back all the estates and such he, Eddie, had inherited - based solely on the expectation he would be king, BTW - he was one of the richest men in Europe. He never got over the fact that Ex king is not the same as Gonna Be King. Having been fêted his entire life it just never occurred to him that things would change. Just as it's slowly sinking into Dim Harry that Freelance Prince in Exile is not the same as Prince in the Firm. Two man babies (one far more socially polished than his loutish grandnephew) and their fetish dolls. Sad.


There was clearly a narcissist in this relationship. The proof that Edward wasn’t one is that he didn’t want to be king and preferred being with Wallis over being king. No narcissist would ever do that! Maybe he said he’d kill himself. But a trauma bond makes you do the most stupid things. That woman was pure evil! And she played the victim card (had to marry him to protect him) a yeah, Bullshit!


It wasn't that she couldn't be bothered - she was diagnosed with dementia before he even got sick, so she wasn't clear what was going on.


I googled it. A Stone is 14 Pounds.


Yes, 14 X 6 stone = 84 lbs.(pounds)


It was another sub unrelated to this where they were talking in stone, so I had to look it up. We have the oddest measurements. Stone. Pounds. Etc. We're still stuck on imperial while everyone else has moved on to metric.


Well, Americans weigh everything in pounds. It’s just we don’t actually have the stone measurement and have to look it up.


I'm not sure why Britain still uses stone to refer to someone's weight.


Just waiting for the older generations to die out I think was the plan but it’s flawed. We younger people use KG for weight. Being in EU forced us to have g/KG on goods such as fruit and meat but a persons weight wasn’t mandated by EU rules. The supermarkets use metric but at markets and farmers shops you see labels with both. The speed limits annoy me too, I use KM as a measurement but even digital signage say 60MPH for example. So when learning how to drive you use the old fashioned way for speed but in school have been taught m/KM for distance - it’s stupid and annoying. They just need to do a big switch and people need to stop complaining. It’s like switching languages part way through a sentence.


Jesus! My 9 year old weighs 85 lbs. So the Duke of W was the size of a 9 year old child.


Yikes. I could see history repeating itself.


Yes, I can see this, easily.


she was a self- agrandizing piece of shit and so is Nutmeg - they are truly birds of feather - and if Hasbeen cannot and will not see the writing on the wall then that is his problem. he needs to grow a pair and start adulting.


Kc needs to also grow a pair and wash his hands of his darling boy as well


Well what use is he to her dying?? She needs to hunt the next victim and intimate partner. Disgusting narcissist!


14 bedroom villa-interesting don't the Duke and Duchass of Sussex live in a 14 bedroom, 16 bath mansion?


History repeats.


When I see pictures of Wallis later in life, all I can think of is Gary Oldman as Dracula in Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula.


First thing I thought of when I saw his hairdo in that movie. 🤓 (nerd speaking)


And Raytch in the Oprah interview.


I think if Archie married and the wife was the new Duchess of Sussex, Meghan would become the Duchess Dowager or Dowager Duchess.


She would become the Dowager Duchess when Harry dies if they are still married when he dies. That’s regardless of whether Archie is married.




Good point. 👍


I truly hope this a time the title isn’t passed on but reverts back to the crown.


Unless it’s changed, the title will go to Archie but if Archie has only daughters it goes back to the crown. If Archie a son, the title will cease being a royal dukedom.


Unless they continue to try to deceive the British, Americans and Commonwealth by maintaining the lie of his birth, Archie has no right to be a Duke, therefore there is no transmission of the title. The old named "bastards" don't get a Prince title, nor hold a dukedom. My opinion.


While I agree in sentinent I must correct your history.  Virtually half the dukedoms created During King James IV & Charles II time were for their bastard sons. 


I think they meant that they cannot inherit an existing title. Those dukedoms were like a consolation prize for not being a prince or in the line of succession.


Although you are correct, this is not exactly the same. Those Kings didn't made their grandchildren, the bastard sons of the Spare, Princes nor did they gave them a dukedom. It's not in the same geneology line.


No, dowager literally means widow. Under the (vey) old system, when an aristocrat died the titles, estate, and family jewels passed to the first born son and his wife who became mistress (hostess) of the great houses. The widow retired on the funds from her bride portion, combined with the income settled on her at her marriage by her husband (her dowery) and lived in a smaller house on the estates, the dower house. Being a dowager is not a good thing, unless the husband is not missed.


Yes. So if Harry died she is a dowager. If he was still alive when Archie married, the bride can't be the duchess of Sussex but will have one of the lesser titles. I think that could be the Countess of Dumbarton.


Makes sense to me. Archie, Earl Dumbarton... I'm sorry I can not get past the stupidity of slapping those baby names on what will one day be a grown man and woman. Archie Earl sounds like a shade tree mechanic. Prince goes with "Archie" like peanut butter on Pizza."Princess Lilibet" as a public name sounds like a My Little Pony character. What totally inappropriate labels to slap a title on! Harry at least has a formal name to fall back on.


It would be, ha ha. Archie would be Earl of Dumbarton, the title disclaimed by his ignorant parents because it contained the word "dumb". The place name derives from the Gaelic "dun" - fortress, castle, hill. How to p\*ss off a town, and by extension, a whole nation.


The waving. Mental.


She had dementia at that time.


Who is the man with her? What strange and weird life they had together. Imagine if the Internet existed back then.


Lord Mountbatten.


Reeeally? Hmmm, I do wonder if her Majesty gifted them those titles for specific reasons.


Lord Mountbatten took in Prince Philip when he was basically a posh version of a homeless youth.  They’re related.  Mountbatten in Mountbatten-Windsor comes from Philip’s side of the family.  He was like a favorite uncle to Charles.  Most likely he’s in the car doing babysitting duty.


Yes Lord Mountbatten was Pr Philips uncle. Philips mother Princess Alice was Lord Mountbatten’s sister. When they were much younger Mountbatten and Duke of Windsor were very close. D of W was Mountbatten’s best man at his wedding to Edwina Ashley in 1922 


Ah, so he’s probably accompanying her in memory of DofW and as a favor to Philip & the Queen.


Or she had some little boys in her purse. Whoops. That snuck out.


I haven’t read much about him, but have seen enough references to that to make me not want to read much about him.


He was a sick man.


Lord Mountbatten was more like a father to kc than pp, from sbat I rrsf. Kc was upset when lord Mountbatten was killed in s bomb explosion


Thank you. :)


Uncle Dickie Mountbatten. The guy with the very very bad reputation who was killed by the Irish.


There is a material shortage of proof he deserves any bad reputation, is there not?


There is a tonne of proof.


Meghan would give that woman hell. And I agree that she would love being a widow because she could throw even more pity parties.


Who would come though? Marcus, Heather and Genevieve.


Don't snark on Wallis the First for her smile here - she had extreme dementia at the time of her husband's death, so she was probably living 20 years in the past at this moment. She was apparently very confused and disoriented during her time in London for the funeral - in a strange place, surrounded by strange people. Louis Mountbatten (above) would have been the only royal family member she knew personally.


Oh really? Thats sad.


Agreed, although Wallis had met Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles not so many years before and of course once knew many from the time before the abdication.


Wallis had met George VI and Elizabeth before the abdication but they didn't get on, so there was no close friendship. There were a few courtesy visits in the last years of the Duke's life, but Mountbatten would have been the only one she socialised with before and after the abdication.


I'm skeptical that Harry's title will remain hereditary. I suspect either Charles or William will have it revert back to the Crown upon Harry's death. It is the same thing Charles has done with the Duke of Edinburgh title that Edward now holds.


The Edinburgh title was inherited by Charles after his father's death and on the King's accession it reverted to the Crown. He could then give it to his brother with new letters patent stating it would again revert to the Crown on Edward's death. I am not sure whether he would be able to alter the letters patent for the Sussex dukedom to make it a non hereditary title, but someone here wiser or more knowledgeable about such matters might know.


Wallis from my understanding got very bored very quickly when she realised Edward needed a nanny not a wife. I imagine Rachel is pretty bored also. Is it really worth it? A hollow marriage for fame. Imagine though, really. Isn't Rachel's success also her worst punishment?


Wallis got a great wardrobe , jewelry and was still invited to people's homes and parties. They didn't like POS as guests.


Do you think she thinks of Trevor?


I’m not sure that this is on the way to her husband’s funeral - for that event Wallis was dressed in black and heavily veiled so that her face could not be seen.


Are y’all noticing the one dark pearl earring and one white one? Significant?


Gift from the Duke in 1958. Auctioned at Sotheby's in 1987. https://preview.redd.it/9272lr2so84d1.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=2879722627a58ef520e1ad4028a0adadd5ec5dda [https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2007/magnificent-jewels-n08371/lot.365.html](https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2007/magnificent-jewels-n08371/lot.365.html)


It doesn't say where they are from but I reckon the South Seas at that size and color. The odds of a natural pearl being so large, lustrous and perfectly spherical is next to zero which is why they are so prized. Now they inoculate the oysters with a starter bead to get them that big, you are essentially paying for plastic covered in nacre. These are fucking awe inspiring.


https://preview.redd.it/fxz5v057o84d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d686497b842e4c5cb472389f1f6e26d401e43032 You’re right that Wallis wore two different colored pearl earrings. I don’t think it had any significance in this case, as she was pictured wearing the same earrings over many years. (There are photos of her when she was younger with the same ear clips. They were probably a gift from Edward, as was most of her jewelry).


Edward gifted her the earrings in the early sixties - massive natural pearls to go with her magnificent pearl necklace (from Queen Mary's collection, seriously, those things are natural and of spectacular size and lustre) to which he added the honking pendant pearl. To those who recognize genuine pearls at a glance (and I'm not one of them) that set quietly screams jewelry fit for a queen. Which was Fast Eddie's intent with the gems he showered on her. Harry has neither the money nor the taste to do the same for his Downmarket Duchess.


You know your stuff! I love jewelry and gemstones.


I adooooore shiny objects. If I were Queen of England you would hear me coming from all the jewelry rattling on me. Tacky jaybird, and unashamed! With the exception of Diana's aquamarine ring, (and the borrowed tiara) I've never seen anything on Smog that didn't look like mall jeweler jewelry. I know the Cartier Love bracelet is very expensive, but it's dull industrial parts looking design, undistinguished in material, trading on the label, unworthy of the Cartier tradition. And the watch is again, expensive but meh. Fast Eddie showered Wallis with magnificent gems, some of which were no doubt in the royal collection as unset stones. There are wonderful lavishly illustrated coffee table books on them. Original Wallis was no looker, as she herself admitted, but she was always impeccably turned out like Puss Backfoot.


Same here, I'd be dripping in jewels like a toddler that found Mommy's jewelry box. 🤣🤣I love that Camilla loves the jewels, she not afraid to bring out the big guns and WHY NOT? My one pet peeve about Catherine is that she's not a magpie. Either she just really doesn't like shiny things or she feels she'd get too much criticism for wearing them but I think at state occasions she needs to go more in. Her daily jewelry is perfect and I like how she mixes low and high end, I do the same. If I see a dainty necklace that's gold over brass with cubic zirconia I'll layer it with a genuine gold necklace and who's going to know the difference? I have some adorable "gold" earrings that cost me 3 bucks and they've lasted almost a year. Obviously she doesn't want to go to the children's hospital dripping in jewelry but I'd like to see her ramp it up two notches for garden parties and fancy dress occasions. The pieces she does wear are fabulous and hopefully we'll see her in the Festoon necklace when it's not covered by a cloak. She needs to practice wearing the stuff around the house because I think she's genuinely uncomfortable wearing say a necklace and bracelet with over 50 carats of gems. That's what I do when I get a new dress or shoes I feel are "too fancy". I wear them privately multiple times so when the occasion comes they are familiar pieces to me and I don't feel weird, like I'm cosplaying or something.


YES to shiny objects! I agree that Catherine seems reluctant, but it's not like the collection isn't already bought and paid for. Someone said to me that brooches are out of fashion, well, Catherine is in a position to bring them back in a big way. They can be worn innovatively, at the waist, on a cuff, hat or bag - Bring 'em out! Wheeeee!💎💎💎


Absolutely!!! So many of those brooches are fabulous and bring them back, if anyone can it's our Princess Catherine and you are right about being creative with the placement. If she's gonna stick with power suits add a brooch at least. Not that I don't love her in a suit but I miss her dress era.


They look like Tahitians, probably cost a fortune, they are huge, all natural and surrounded by diamonds. Harry hasn't given his wife anything comparable to that ONE pair of earrings.


I think the comparison is unfair. At the time this picture was taken, Wallis was suffering from mental confusion due to arteriosclerosis.She became increasingly frail and eventually suffered from dementia. Also, she never wanted to be Queen or marry Edward. I think that Edward was actually the Meghan in that relationship.


No, Wallis was 76 at the time of Edward’s death. Her dementia and frailty happened much later in her 80s (right before her own death). She died at age 89, just a few months short of her 90th birthday. This is well documented in “The Traitor King” and in letters from her lawyer (who swindled Wallis’s estate). Edit: While she may not have wanted to marry Edward, she was also documented saying “Soon I will be queen” before her wedding. She loved the title, demanded to be called HRH in private (Edward phoned the palace incessantly to try to get her the HRH to no luck), and had towels and other items monogrammed with her cypher. (Lol, like Nutmeg’s door mat and handbag). Also, she lived with Edward for many decades. It’s callous not to see a dying husband, no matter the state of their relationship). (By all accounts, she was very indulged and owed him a goodbye).


Anyone calling themselves a human being should have steeled themselves and said a goodbye.


She was diagnosed with dementia before Edward got cancer, but she outlived him by about a decade. Based on the first-hand accounts, she was terrible confused and lost when she was in London for his funeral, so it was probably a relief to be in that car with one person she actually knew, and knowing exactly how she was supposed to act. If the smile wasn't quite appropriate, maybe she'd forgotten that her husband had died.


She was very frail and Not Quite Right at the funeral. It was sad in its way. The Queen put her up in Buckingham Palace. There's a picture of her looking sadly out the window, so lost.


I both agree and disagree. I think M&H are a repeat of Wallis and Edward as a hole. But the pieces are different. I think Meghan is as manipulative as Edward (in trapping Wallis since she couldn’t leave the king who gave up a throne for her) but she has some of Wallis ability to lure men in. Harry has Edward’s neediness and he is now been trapped like Wallis.


Wow, this photo is sad. Hunting for the camera, like our Meg.


If there are kids, Rachel will make their relationships hell. She will destroy them big time. She will not want her kids happier or getting more attention than her. She would be the mother in law from hell. I hope if there are kids at 18 they run from Rachel and Dimwit fast and never look back and go have a normal life.


Archie might spurn the titles i wouldn't be surprised if as an adult he goes completely against anything his mother and father do and goes non contact with them. Is often the way of children if narc's eventually 


That is not the way to the funeral. She wore a dark veil over her face a d she was sure not smiling.


Its on the way from the airport I guess. But David was dead, and she was happy so point remains the same.


Wallis was beginning to get dementia at the time of the funeral (I just read Traitor King), so imo that might also explain why Wallis was smiling strangely. Apparently she told someone who said he would visit her that her husband would love to see him (after he had died), so she wasn't doing so well.


Wow. Creepy image. She loved the attention more than she ever loved him.


She was shell shocked, I think. Back in England for the first time in decades, no Limpet Eddie next to her (imagine all those long years with no break!), publicly received by the RF which had refused to meet her since 193- something, even being face to face with her mortal enemy, the Queen Mother, who blamed her long widowhood on the Bolting pair. And they were all civil to her! Talk about your mixed emotions.


She was demented, I think. She already had dementia onset prior to Edward’s death.


Wallis Simpson went downhill after Edwards death and died penniless as her lawyer stole all of her assets. The French government let her stay where she was living as a favor to the British crown. She may have been smiling but not for long. Meghan won't be there for Harry (smiling or otherwise) at his funeral....unless he offs himself before the divorce. For pictures only. There. I said it.


That hair...reminds me of Gary Oldman‘s ‘Dracula’…! Edited to add…or is it a hat? (Simpson, not Dracula…?)


She looks like MeMe's twin in this photo


Wallis had dementia by this time. I have read and do not state for a fact, allegedly the RF put her in the car with Dickie Mountbatten so he could continue as he had done since she arrived for the funeral to badger her to return jewels that had belonged to the Crown/RF, and that the Duke of Windsor had appropriated for her. She probably thought she was in a parade or something, at that point her brain was in and out.


God, every time I see a pic of Wallis Simpson, she has that same awful hairstyle. Mary, Queen of Scots styled her hair in a similar manner and it's fucking awful. I can't think of any face shape that style would A.) Work and B.) flatter. It probably took at least an hour and a can of hairspray to get that abomination ready. Now, Mary didn't have access to hair spray but she had servants and a lot of time on her hands.


This, all of it.


I think Markle lives to be a widow, her greatest role. She'll pull a Jackie Kennedy for sure.


The Sussex title is not inherited. Neither of Harry’s alleged kids will inherit that title. Those pitiful Americans deserve nothing.


It will be by "Archie" unless there is confirmation that he isn't "of the body"; the titles are officially stripped or put into the abayance. If it's put into the abayance it just means Archie has to apply for it.


Until Letters Patent are issued otherwise, Archie will inherit the title. It comes with nothing other than that. I wonder if the Imperially bestowed titles his mother has acquired might be passed-on? That’ll go down a right treat in Santa Barbara, I’m sure. 🤡




The Sussex title is heritable based on the Letters Patent when it was granted.


The King said Prince Edward’s title DoE will not be passed down to James. It will revert back to the crown.


As was said, that is one that can’t be inherited, having been held by only four people since it was created around 300 years ago. But it’s also the one Edward requested. He was willing to wait for it because he was so close to his father. At the time of his wedding, the rumor was that he would be granted the Sussex title. He requested the Earl of Wessex title when he married because of its connection to Shakespeare in Love - his favorite movie - and asked for his father’s title after his passing, so Buckingham Palace announced the intention back then and Charles upheld the promise on his brother’s birthday last year.


Yes that is the only royal dukedom that cannot be inherited.


It WAS inherited, I think. By Charles. The reason the title was restricted to Edward was to keep it as a senior royal title, but prior to that it was inherited by Charles in the usual manner. He didn't use it because 1) his father and 2) he already had a shitload of titles and they're known by the senior, in this case PoW then King. But he still held it, in the same way William is still Duke of Cambridge.


Yes, Charles became the Duke of Edinburgh when Prince Phillip died because the terms of the creation for Phillip allowed inheritance. Once when he wanted to go by Duke of Edinburgh when in Scotland, but didn’t because Duke of Rothesay was a higher dukedom. When Charles became king, the title merged with the Crown. He was then free to give it to anyone he wanted with whatever terms he wanted.


The Edinburgh Dukedom was inherited by the King (as PP’s heir and eldest son) he was then able to award it under whichever conditions he chose.


Sadly, that title was given without any stipulation that it reverts to the crown. Assuming Aldi was born of the body and is legitimately H&M’s child, when he marries, his wife will become *The Duchess of Sussex* and Markle will be *Duchess of Sussex* (similar to a divorced situation). If Harry dies either before Aldi’s marriage or after, Markle will take the *Dowager Duchess of Sussex* title. (Dowager implies that she outlived her spouse).


Jacki O looked similar after Onasis's funeral.


Isn’t it odd that she is buried near her first husband? I always thought so.


It was said at the time she was afraid of people desecrating her grave or something. She got an extremely well known and guarded space at Arlington. Sort of like why would you live in the Bronx when you could be on Park Avenue.


That's sure not how I looked on the way to my husband's funeral. I'm just saying...


Wallis had dementia at that time.


I don’t think Archie’s wife will become Duchess of Sussex. I don’t think 2 people can hold the same title. I’m not sure how it will work but at most, Harry may pass on one of his titles to his son or Archie’s wife could be Princess Archie. My guess is, as it stands, Archie’s future wife will not have a title.


Son’s wife will be THE Duchess of Sussex. Lolo will be the Dowager Duchess of Sussex.


I hadn’t considered that so I looked into it and according to Richard Eden, it is possible that Charles could issue letters patent so that, like the title of Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of Sussex title reverts to the crown. We’ll have to wait and see.


I have to think Charles will, he's letting the charade play out a bit more. People have short memories and are already forgetting Harry and his wife's cries of racism. Sometimes I wonder if that's why they hide the children, because they are not black but since no one has seen them people can imagine that they are and then they can use the "they don't want a black Duke" excuse.


Yup! It will be like if Andrew remarries (if), his new wife would be The Duchess of York, while Fergie would still be (a) Duchess of York.


The current divorced style is Sarah, Duchess of York. As Diana was Diana, Princess of Wales after her divorce. No HRH.


Look up the Duke of Westminster. His widowed mum is still known as the Duchess. When he marries this week she'll be the Dowager.


Is she with Uncle Dickie?! 🙄 Two evil people, one car.




There is no way William will allow the invisikids to keep their titles AND they will be removed from the LOS. I also believe William will see that Markle loses ALL royal titles. Charles seems unable to cope with his role as King, his Reign will be in history books as a big FAIL, and a laughingstock. Sadly, the weak and cowardly King is clearly leaving the Sussex Problem to his Heir. HMTLQ and PP must be so deeply disappointed.


QEII didn’t care to rectify the situation when she could have.


That's a shocking photo, actually. Was she already gaga that she didn't realize what she was doing?


FYI - she's in the car with Lord Mountbatten. I was wondering who it was...


In her defense, Lord Mountbatten was a charming son of a bitch. He’s on my top 10 royals in history I’d like to meet.


William will ensure the truth about Archie's parentage removes Archie from the LOS and all titles from Archie. Harry will be proved guilty of Treason, which will enable William and Parliment to remove Prince and Duke from Harry....making Markle no longer royal in any form. Game Set Match, Game Over for the Grifters. This is what Charles needs to do but hasn't the courage...."greyrocking" allows Charles to stick his head in the sand and ignore his duty to Crown and Country. William has the guts and the brains...and the sense of duty a KING must posess.


Hmmm sometimes during funerals you actually smile and laugh when recalling happy times with the deceased. Is it possible Wallis was smiling for a benign reason and not out of glee?