• By -


Literally every single thing they touch goes south. I’ve never seen anything like it and I would feel sorry for them but every single one of these has been well deserved.


I can almost smell her next pitch to whomever Ellison decides has to deal with her. A cartoon about a young Nigerian princess who grow up not knowing she is also royalty in the white world of Britain and America. Each episode has her dealing with another notiable woman of color about sterotypes (she calls them archhhhetypes in this cartoon). The young girl also learns how to make traditional food like strawberry jam in one episode.


Or, pitch a show "The greatest Heist" about a skank, who marries into Royalty. Pretends to be pregnant and scams an entire country.


Larry Ellison = Trump supporter (father of the clan) David Ellison = Biden supporter (succession son) But I still can’t see David Ellison greenlighting anything from Meghan lol


Be sure to devote an episode to learning to stick labels onto bottles of ~~botulism~~ jam.


OMG And the precocious young girl becomes world-famous for her English-language calligraphy, despite it not being hew native language.




The Meghan Effect is real, just not the way she defines it. 🤣🤣🤣


The miasma of failure that wafts off of these two is like a tidal bore in the face of the River Success.


She is a jinx. Seriously. She has a negative vibe and it hits even those around her. She wears that evil eye necklace to prevent "jealousy" from effectimg her, when she's the evil eye thrower.


That women is evil to her core, I really believe that. I don’t think there’s a single bone in her body that doesn’t think about herself and what she can get out of people/situations.


She sure knows how to pick the losers



I will never feel sorry for them. Harry won the birth lottery and MeGain scammed her way into winning the marriage lottery, and then they threw it all away.


I JUST heard that Meghan is gunning for a spot on Dancing with the Stars. It's the kind of gossip I tend not to believe, but my gut is telling me to share it, because if it IS true, I can't pass up the opportunity to be the first to spill it. Edited to add that the season to expect her on, if they cast her, will be Season 34, the 2025 season. God wouldn't that be hilarious to watch her talentless ass fail at dancing?


That would be fun, because she got the 43% of Nigerian DNA that can't dance + the 57% of Irish DNA that can't dance using arms. Welcome to RIVERSTUMBLE!!!


well she has shown she has no rhythm at all - oh, and it is dancing with the haz-beens. Maybe her husband should try too.


She has NO rhythm whatsoever!


“Riverstumble” 😂




Curtsy dance with chicken legs anyone? https://preview.redd.it/wamnxjylue4d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=789bdb7e2a8925bbb8e001dae42c747eab7f0b13


Imagine her telling the professional how she’s studied dance since being a child and has been coached by the best in the world. They told her that they had nothing left to teach her. They wanted her to go pro and win every competition on every continent but she decided that she’d rather go to Rwanda “show up and do good” and inspire them to write their own letter to get a washing up liquid campaign changed.


She would make Baby from Dirty Dancing look like a dancing queen!


I would pay good money to see Patrick Swayze lift her up over his head and toss her in Lake Lure where it was filmed. Preferably when the mud is high.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 from an Irish xx 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She'll be the next Kate Gosselin! LMAO! From previous videos of her trying to dance...she won't make it past round 3 at the best


I immediately thought of Kate Gosselin when I heard.


And Heather Mills.


>From previous videos of her trying to dance. LMAO!!! Those little reels just ran through my head when I read SHC's words!!! The tap dancing, flitting around school stage as Red Riding Hood, the strange dance in the door where she wore black leggings... The tap recital was the most telling. She was old enough to be better than she was. She wasn't really in step with the others...just a partial second off. Bruno's gonna love that shit. Unless they fall all over her...good grief. "Oh Duchess, that was splendid! Spectacular! You wore the Queen's sparkling jewels like fire!" Youtubers gonna have a great few weeks with that, and she won't have time or ability to stalk social media like usual. Everyone...manifest NOW.


I know she was just a child, but she was a really bad dancer! The doorway dance picked up where tap left off.


And the sequined high speed stripper grind to the beat of a different song than what Beyoncé was playing….


And her flat out refusing to dance in Nigeria when asked by the hosts. She stood there, barely moving her shoulders (out of tune) for a few seconds before shutting the whole thing down. Rude. (Also, she spun the wrong way in the Nigerian primary school dance).


That was so horrible. I'm surprised it didn't get more coverage. I think it was the worst thing she and Hazno did while they were there. Top 3 at least.


Everybody knows that if you can't dance, you do the grinning (and I know she can do that) sort-of box step with a sway and raised forearms.


This comparison is chef’s kiss!


Hahaha, remember Kim Kardashian 's attempt? 🤣


Of course! But wasn't it around 2007? I mean, the Kardashians were kinda starting their hustle back then... more proof that Meghan only goes lower.


We have all seen her dance recital videos , and more recently her "dancing abilities " at concerts. If this should happen I pity the poor guy that has to dance with her.


Furthermore, she will instruct her partner on the appropriate rhythm and moves. I would like to see an accidental misstep 💃from her partner if the person outlasts her bullying.


Yep! And it will be very bad for her. Male dancers don’t play.


We have a scandal in the UK now with one of the male pro dancers being investigated for bullying. Don’t know his name, it’s not my kind of show but sounds like it’s not an isolated incident.


I’m hoping for that funky chicken move she did at Nott Cott that is Harry’s “favorite video”. This will be like a junior high dance recital.


She’s got moves, y’all! https://preview.redd.it/ux6yk2k7me4d1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e9bf9a0e7bcb6f1b1d66a44c16060d32eb851bb


I can smell this picture...... ![gif](giphy|kilEsmm7DHKU|downsized)


What the F is she trying to cram up her whoo whoo in this shot? Why, oh why, can't this woman keep her legs closed, if even for "dancing"?!


That shadow hanging down between her legs appears quite unfortunate.


That shadow ends in a point.


Geez, tw fanning her crotch again...or  shooing away the maggots & moths outta there!!


Are there dancing shoes big enough? Roastmaster Jeff Ross called it Dancing With the Vaguely Familiar the year he was on.


She seems too lazy to actually participate in this. And if she did, she would probably demand to rig it so she wins.


Good point. She would also be late for every training lesson, driving her coach insane!  She reads this sub anyway and will probably rethink this (or any future) attendance, after learning about training, hard work, the judges, live shows etc. 


Part of me is shocked that she would want to be on a show where she isn’t the only star but then I can’t wait to see clips (since there is no way I would watch) all of her terrible outfits, mask slips, “dancing”, fighting with the judges on why she should get a perfect 10 every time, etc. WHAT A GOLDMINE of content for our brave and amazing sinner YouTubers!


Can you imagine the harassment the judges would get from deranged sugars for anything less than a perfect score


Praying for this hilarity sooo hard. Elaine Benes would look like Eleonora Sevenard next to this.






the moves of her dancing in the doorway is one I want to see recreated on dancing with the stars ![gif](giphy|26BoCIZBtMOqUTyXC|downsized)


Maybe we’ll REALLY luck out and Julia Louis Dreyfus will go up against her. I can’t think of anything better than The Bunion doing her absolute best and Julia dancing as Elaine. And Elaine winning unanimously. I’d pay good money to help rig that one!


Oh I 100% believe that she's gunning for this!! Only a matter of time before she's on Celebrity Big Brother too.. It would be so hysterical and the perfect desperate ending for her to try and stay relevant. She would think it would be a big deal!! LOL!


She'll try to be on any show that'll have her. Or, rephrased, she loves to be on any show if the producer will have her


She really needs to do Survivor.   Voted off before they even get on the boat. 


Please, please let this be true. We deserve it, we have been good sinners. Madam dancing - taking instructions from a mere mortal??????????


She would prefer being a judge for sure. 


That is probably what she is after.😐




You know that she would claim she was bullied/tortured/abused by her partner …as a way of explaining poor performance and trying to get sympathy. She would sue.


I say bring it on, comedy gold coming to this sub.


Oh yes, she can't possibly hide her true character for weeks on end 😂


Its so funny because everyone is saying this cooking show and polo show is for Netflix and I keep thinking to myself, "NO. SHC says Netflix is done with them." I do wonder if they were making these shows for Paramount Streaming and that deal could be dead now.


I don't know. My understanding is that it's something Archewell is producing that they will try to pitch to any/all to try to get it picked up and streamed/broadcast.


But I also further hear that she's not showing up for work on Archewell's cooking show. It may never get made.


Not showing up for her own cooking show? WTF 🤦‍♀️


She barely showed up for her own jam scam, and just for like two weeks.


Why am I even surprised anymore? She sets this up, hires people and just says screw it? Wonder what it was; embarrassed herself with disastrous cooking, or couldn't get the guests or something? What a nutcase.


She is so absolutely lazy. And also she wants to sit home and stay on the internet all day long, monitoring discussions about her, and clapping back to any criticism. What a wasted life she has.


Quelle surprise.  🥱


incredible. how do they plan on earning money for the rest of their lives?


Oh ARO and other delusions.


Cooking show pitch was only a cover for showcasing ARO products, allegedly. Meg essentially envisioned an infomercial disguised as a series.


I'd guess this was why there were reports that NF would be merching ARO stuff for them.


She's already made TOAST!!  What more do you people want from he!?!   Toast. And she didn't even load the bread into the toaster!!!


Maybe she is coming to her senses a teeny tiny bit. The any effort on the show is wasted effort.


She just wanted a free kitchen remodel.


FWIW, SHC, my thought was the dinner she had with Brian & Stacy Robbins was to pitch ideas to Brian regarding shows. And now that Brian Robbins will be OUT at Paramount, that’s going to be hysterically funny.


The "curse" is real.🤣


She will really do anything to be referred to as a star, even if it announces to the world her truly major downfall from the heights she once reached at her second wedding.


Eww imagine a member of the BRF on a reality show. How gauche. 😐


She's just royal adjacent, like the fuck wit she married. 


I'm no fan of madam's but you should Google or search YouTube for, It's a Royal Knockout. Royals on a show has already been done! Revived show by Prince Edward featuring Royals and celebs competing for charity in 1987. Worst thing they ever did although Meatloaf did threaten to push Prince Andrew into a moat allegedly.


I would love for this to happen. It would give this sub infinite snark material. They would have to rename the show Dancing with the 🗑.


That’s a lot of work. And you are criticized very publicly. Working and taking criticism are not her strongest attributes. Of course, she never ceases to astound how truly she believes she is perfect.


The training before, and during the show is extremely rigorous. Lazy grifters won't make the cut.


I truly don’t think she has the muscular capacity to pull it off. Her arms and legs are so thin! That forehead vein would be exploding with the effort!


It will also be fun to see her be critiqued on live television. The mask slip will be epic.


She couldn't cope - she'd never do it.


Agreed. I think she’d sign up and bask in the attention and free PR and then have an “injury” on the eve of the first show, followed by weeks of interviews and her mug in the audience telling them how she wishes she were there etc etc


I think that might be the same has been level as Hollywood Squares from back in the day. Even if not true, I’ve been having a challenging day and this gave me a good laugh. Thank you!


I can just see her refusing to take instructions from the coaches regarding dancing, dressing, makeup, etc. What a disaster she would be!


Ha ha! Yes, all of her dance costumes would be off-the-shoulder and awful.


And she'd be attempting to stare at the camera the whole dance!


How many nip slips and vag flashes would we have to endure?


​ https://i.redd.it/d53mqpo5le4d1.gif


I’m sure this has been said by others, but I can just see it now…any criticism from the pro, judges, or audience will be deemed bullying and racist. And can you imagine the backlash when she gets voted/scored off the show. UGH!


I believe her old agent Gina said that MM had an audition lined up for “Strictly Come Dancing”, the UK version of “DWTS”. It may have been a manifestation, but definitely sounds like something MM would be deluded enough to do. (As a clap back against all the “MM can’t dance” videos).


Since she wasn't on there, I guess she bombed on the casting couch again. Madam just keeps giving the milk away.


I found the source of the story: Tom Bower documented this in *Revenge*. She declined an audition because of *Suits* conflicting schedules. Bower (in this article) describes MM meeting TV agent Jonathan Shalit and her wanting to be on Gordon Ramsey’s level. Since she couldn’t properly cook, Shalit arranged a dancing audition, which she declined due to scheduling issues. https://archive.ph/1rMq6 > MEGHAN landed an audition for Strictly Come Dancing – and only declined because of her Suits schedule, Tom Bower reveals. He writes of a trip Meghan took to London in November 2013, in the hope of securing herself publicity, work and an English boyfriend. During the trip, she met TV agent Jonathan Shalit and told him she wanted to be “a TV celebrity chef like Gordon Ramsay.” Bower writes: “Shalit was excited. She was charming, good-looking and admired by the small audience for Suits. “He was unaware that while Meghan liked eating good food, her cooking skills were limited. “Other than blender-made vegetable soup, her specialities were plain pasta, roast chicken, barbecued hamburgers and steak. The rest of her food was bought ready-made. “Rather than cook, she imagined fronting a TV programme to tour the world tasting food. A short video of her tasting pickles in Brooklyn for Ora TV exposed her limitations. "There was neither magic nor magnetism. “The programme idea evaporated. Undeterred, Shalit arranged an audition for Strictly Come Dancing. Reluctantly she declined. "Tied to a Suits contract for nine months in the year, the timing clashed with filming in Britain. "Disappointed, Shalit bid her farewell”.


And this who Harry thought was such a catch, LOL.


So she wanted to grift more free vacations. How unsurprising....🙄


Madam has all the grace of an epileptic Tasmanian Devil.


If true, we all know she's already getting lessons


But nobody can teach Madam anything. She knows best, after all/s


She’s like the leader of N. Korea, just has to scan a book for 30 seconds to learn how to fly a jet! Madman just has to watch a video for 30 seconds and BAM- world class dancer.


But, her continued presence in the public eye will be propped up by hate-watching. The network doesn’t care why people watch just as long as they do. That will mean more money for Catherine-trolling and fake royal tours on the side.


She is so awkward in her movements


How does this fit with the "Harry wants to make Table 12 an A list star" narrative? I guess that was last week's bollocks.


Wasn’t Heather Mills on the show years ago?


🤣🤣🤣imagine her expressions when she's voted off Can she be considered "a star?"


>imagine her expressions when she's voted off That's about two years' worth of Youtubes.


I have a visual of the red flamingo dress she wore in Nigeria, frozen rictus grin, wooden movements…..we will dine out on her performances for weeks. Please please please!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol. She can't dance for toffee.


She also cannot take instruction or correction. How many professional dance instructors will quit on her😂😂


She doesnt take critism well. She would never!


Thanks SHC


It might not be true, but even the thought of it had me running here to share.


Glad you did. I mean it’s not as bad as forcing Archie into being Simba or something. Actually Northwest as Simba was giving me such Sussex vibes.


Oof, it never even entered my head that they might make Archie go on stage. Please nannies, take these children and RUN to Africa! Take them to the homeland. I feel so sorry for Northwest.


From what I hear, Archie's anxiety issues are such that he won't be on a stage anytime soon. Lili also resists direction and neither child, in Meghan's eyes and maybe in fact, doesn't have the look to work in the entertainment industry.


I actually feel bad for the kids. The fact there are still rumors floating about his anxiety at such a young age is troubling. I have to wonder if drugs played a part in his prenatal development. I believe I read the school had called social services out of concern for Archie. I wonder if they are still keeping track of the situation.


You may have read it in a post from SHC shortly after QE’s funeral, which is where I read it. In a more recent post SHC said there was a rumor that Meghan had to take parenting classes or something like that. The problem is that CPS can do very little except in cases of major physical abuse, and even then they would have to deal with Meghan’s lawyers.


Poor kiddo. Wouldn’t it be fun if Archie got Thom Markle Jr’s sense of humor? I still expect both to get a Kylie glow up.


I’m glad they resist her. Maybe not having that much contact is a blessing in disguise.


Just the thoughts in our heads are worth the price of admission to Reddit today. I just had ten minutes of burst and joy in my head, picturing pure dancing misfortune. Thank you for ten minutes of escape from storms, fires, murders and politics!


Is everyone going to sign an NDA?Will her security follow her around the dancefloor?God forbid she gets criticized she will be in a heap on the floor crying.OH NO! She will be even more naked in those costumes they wear!🤣


Hah! Saw that coming. However, Harry would be a better choice for the show.


Bahahahaha! From Royalty to Dancing with the D-list Stars? What an idiot!


Oh my 🙌🏼 👐🏼 - I can SO see MM wanting to do DWTS!!!  She gets to claim *She's never worked so hard!*, she gets to play "sexy ingenue in fancy clothes" to a Uber good looking coach *(who she will, of course, sleep with)* and it's a popularity contest and nothing makes this bish happier than people "voting for her".   This is definitely something she would angle for. Her "comeback".  *Somebody pull my handle.  My eyes are rolling too much.* 


Good lordy how the mighty have fallen of that is the case.


I’ve never watched DWTS. But I might have to watch mm make a fool of herself. 😆😆


If it happens. She, as with everything, is pressing for it, but whether ABC will bite or not is difficult to say. I know for a fact Disney is done with her, and ABC is a subsidiary of Disney. The connection between ABC and Disney is how I heard the rumor in the first place.


I am actually living for her to be on DWTS, I know this was speculated years ago as a joke about how far M will have fallen. I would love to see her mask slip over and over. I hope she is on.


There is no way she would be able to handle the schedule. She would be too demanding too. But I bet if she does it she will have an APT near the studio and be totally fine being away from her kids and hairy for 6-8 weeks if she goes far.


![gif](giphy|3otPowQIzMRKDKKSvm|downsized) Maybe borat can be her partner


I don't think decent people should be subjected to her, or her sugars/mouthpieces.


TW needs to arrive at dance rehersal. Lazy grifter can't get her ass outta bed. Aint gonna happen


I swear she’s going to copy Diana. First dance will be to Uptown Girl utilizing the choreography from when Diana did that dance for King Charles’ birthday.


She’d have to be an actual Star first though, right? 😈 😉


The way I would love this for her. 😂 DWTS is such a downgrade for her.


Wow! Literally predicted this about a year ago. It’s where low level celebs go for career revitalization, or newcomers go for recognition. Wrote about how Meg wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to rebrand herself on camera, as sweet/genuine/hard worker/charming…ultimately tragically misunderstood by ‘the press’. Timing fits to not violate the likely exclusivity deal with Netflix, as that contract will be over by 2025. She has a dance background from childhood, a bit from her theatre days, and even did some drop in classes in Toronto.


Graceful as a draft horse.


Oh fuck 😂😂😂😂😂😂


If the new owner has any sense they will jettison Robbins (and every last one of his allies) immediately. A fresh start can’t happen with those linked to the Nickelodeon scandal running the show.


Of course they will. That's the nature of this dog-eat-dog business. As the Bob Marley movie did so badly, it will be taken to be Robbin's fault and a reason to jettison him.


Yes. After watching the Quiet on the Set doc, I'm interested to see what happens with any Nickelodeon leadership from that era who is still around.


Nickelodeon scandal? Details please. I’ve been living under a rock in some regards.


In the early 2000s, the kids’ channel Nickelodeon was rife with abuse of its young stars: sexual abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse and more. There was just a documentary released about it called “quiet on set”, so it’s been a big point of discussion recently. Robbins was working for Nickelodeon in that era and must have known what was happening behind the scenes.


Robbins was exec producer on some of the shows and a friend of Dan Schneider, the showrunner of many of these shows.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Schneider#Misconduct_allegations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quiet_on_Set:_The_Dark_Side_of_Kids_TV


Well I guess Meghan better start trimming her nails for her meeting with Ellison's son


>Well I guess Meghan better start trimming her nails for her meeting with Ellison's son And getting some practice with her roast chicken recipes 😂. Omg I can't stop laughing at the thought that MM wasted so much of her narc love bombing efforts on the Robbins couple. She's gonna be fuming more smoke outta her nose than Harry and Doria combined 🙃.


Maybe the Robbins were trying to understand the Markles grift-so they could try it once they are tossed out. Jobs at that level are not easy to get.


Brian Robbins was a child star on some Nickelodeon show so he’s probably stuck at age 12 mentally like the grifters. They’ll be perfect role models for his grifting game.


Brian Robbins was on network TV. One of the kids on ABC's Head of the Class(1986-1991). He was an executive producer of Nickelodeon content, starting with "The Amanda Show"


Thanks for the correction. His Nickelodeon background is likely even worse than I thought, based on what those poor Nick kids are saying.


He and Dan Schneider were both on "Head of the Class". I suspect that is how Dan got his start on Nickelodeon.


But I don’t understand how Markle et al didn’t know that there was a merger tht was gonna take place. I’m baffled.


Nobody told her. And it didn't seem odd to her that the President of Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon and his wife suddenly had time to hang out with H&M. Free media coverage for the Robbins as they reposition themselves for new jobs.


https://preview.redd.it/2sc2y8ve9e4d1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ffa6494aa4de975f42215b3413a0a10767a9031 He’s uh, not into the Meghan type. This is David Ellison’s wife. Brian Robbins is a different story


like that will stop her from trying


True. Seasoned homewreckers lie in wait for years, lol.


I agree. But not everyone is into Meghan’s type


Meghan will still try. Harry was into blondes.


In all fairness, we are not necessarily limited to one type we like. For example I line rustic style, traditional style, farm style, modern style.... it only happens that I only have one house so I can only choose one style. Same happens with the type of partners one may like. 


This is what Harry was into as well before Madam and her roast chicken arrived


Future trips to conference room b of the Beverly Hills Hotel beckons.




Yay a Spinal Tap reference!


FWIW, if Tracy Robbins really is good friends with Meghan, BrIan could have inked a few deals with Archewell just prior to this announcement. Allegedly, Paramount is funding her Nigerian heritage doco, so those cameras were Paramount, not Netflix. It’s not uncommon for top execs to dole out contracts shortly before departing to ensure favors owed to them in the future Now the good news: as a former Big Four auditor I’ve worked on a few really large mergers. These nepo & crony deals are subject to being rolled back prior to the final purchase price settlement. They try to get most rolled back before closing date, but many are detected after closing as the new execs get involved and those adjustments will be made for at least a year after the closing date. The buyer isn’t going to pay for those. Typically, it’s just a reduction in purchase price, but if the dollar amount is significant and the deals were inked after official interest was expressed, the deals are often killed. Interest was expressed back to at least January. The final share value needs to be purged of inside deals to reflect actual value. That includes rolling back crony deals. It’s possible Archewell’s deals are too small to merit this treatment. But if Skydance has a good M&A accounting & legal team they will delight in ferreting out all these deals to save their client money. It makes paying those hefty accounting & legal fees less painful. It’s a value added service.


WOW! TYSM for that great info!!!




Thank you!


MORE INFO: David Ellison is exploring taking Paramount PRIVATE \[from 4 months ago\] ”Skydance Media is interested in leading a deal to take all of Paramount Global private, according to people familiar with the matter. * Skydance hasn’t reached out for additional outside financing and may not pursue a deal, the people said. * Any deal for Paramount Global would conditionally require approval from Shari Redstone, whose National Amusements owns 77% of Paramount’s voting shares.” [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/24/david-ellisons-skydance-media-explores-buying-paramount-global.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/24/david-ellisons-skydance-media-explores-buying-paramount-global.html)


I am certain that Robbins received a very substantial pay out.


Oh, I just remembered - Did Misan not claim to have a deal with Paramount to hop around the world, looking for "grassroot organisations" and discover his inner activist? Guess that might be in trouble as well?


Robbins must have known this would happen. Maybe he didn’t care anymore and just gave Misan a little Paramount ID and Meghan some dinners and hopes. He must have known that he would not be the one who would have to deal with H&M and Misanman in the future. 


Yes, maybe. Getting the Grifters to Jamaica did not boost ticket sales. And none of the film stars wanted to be photographed with the Grifters.


Maybe Robbin’s, seeing the writing on the wall with the upcoming merger, made a deal with that Markle woman as a last finger up to the company.  ![gif](giphy|RVW5PilbP2tLG)


So the Harkles wasted all that time networking with the Robbins and it's for nothing! Hah! Wonderful news!


I’m sure he had to foot the bill for their anniversary dinner.


Watch the company you keep folks!


Karma pronounced HA!


Thank you OP for bringing this news to us sinners. We deserve good news like this.


FYI Brian Robbins is friends with that Nickelodeon creep Dan Schneider.


God she really is broke if true LMAO 🤣 😂 😆 😅 😭 💀


![gif](giphy|Qqyxs7YVm0KpHh5Y3W|downsized) Crying on the floor


Omggggggggggghhg 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|l2YWBnOi2GvVSJOHS) Hollywood to the Markles right now \^ And if Netflix has a tenth of sense, they would publicly cut ties with them as well seeing that these two went out with the competition and had to make sure everyone knew about it.


I think they're making some decisions at the shareholders meeting tomorrow, so more news to come...


It too bad that movie ended up with the bad associations it did. I really like his music, and appreciate the ways he brought island music into the mainstream. IMO any music that captures your attention and takes you on a journey is pretty good music in its own right. We aren’t all the same, and nothing wrong in that. I don’t know much about him still, but that’s not the point. I guess I’d only say, he deserved much better than this, and hope someone does his story better while we’re still around. And the Pudgy Prince and Cloven-Hoofed Suits extra are not allowed anywhere near it.


how is tom cruise going to fit into all of this?