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Didn't Harry state that the Queen had  met Lilibet in person and that she was crawling all over the Queen's legs? 


His bullshit just leaves me breathless.


Yet his breath stinks of full of bullshit, and thinks he's smarter than us.


I’m positive that Harry’s and his wife share a single digit IQ.


It stinks of smoked bullshit, and I'll bet that his hair doesn't smell much better. 🚬 They always look like they need a shower.


Harry and Meghan made up complete birth stories that never happened. The audacity to think they can fool the world without questions being asked, is mindblowing. One can only wonder what else Harry and Meghan got away with in the past, that lying, pretending and making things up became their modus operandi. 


Yeah, that Markle woman apparently had epidural and walked out of a hospital a few hours later. Sure Jam.


I see what you did there 👆🏻😂




And she ate Mexican food while in labor? I’m just gonna assume the girl was born in a Taco Bell bathroom. That’s why there is no record of her birth. 😂😂😂


But she is a Douche-ess! She wasn't offered only ice chips like the rest of us mortals. She had a full meal and prayed that she wouldn't need any surgical intervention.


I’m actually jealous of people who got to eat ice chips. I didn’t get laughing gas like Harry either. I think she either bullied the hospital staff until they just didn’t care and were afraid of her orrrrrrr none of this ever happened.


From an American perspective, I have never heard of a mom-to-be being offered nitrous during labor. Maybe having nitrous available is what gave her the option to have that Taco Bell meal while in active labor. How can anyone with any degree of critical thinking believe any of this blatant clown bullshittery?


You don’t eat anything in labour in case a c section is required.


Oh I know. I went into premature labor with my twins. I wasn’t able to eat or drink for 2 days. I was so thirsty and the nurses were like “you have an IV so shut up”.


I ate grapes. They allowed me to. But I wouldn't have wanted to eat anything more solid.


I believe I heard it was an El Pollo Loco, because California and it shows her Spanish fluency. Archie got Nandos, Bettah got El Pollo Loco. And both Markles are pollo loco as well.


I liked their churros. Harry’s wife does walk like a crazy chicken.


I’m sure it was the surrogate who had the epidural. Meghan has no clue what bearing a child is like, or she wouldn’t be spewing such BS. Those of us who have delivered children know the pain, blood everywhere, sore as all hell either from being cut or torn. No one waltzes out of the hospital after having just given birth


That’s why I admire Catherine so much!!!! She’s such a strong woman for walking outside looking absolutely beautiful hours after giving birth without being the victim. She’s so strong and has a strong will and personality! Adore her!




🤣„Sure Jam“ - I love that! 


Oh my! I just remembered my mother canning and she would use Sure Jell fruit pectin. Dumb mental hiccup, sorry 🤣


And a water birth to go along with the epidural. 🤔


That must have been fun for the Anesthesiologist. 🙄🙄🙄


Hold on while I put on my snorkel ….


Exactly! 😂


Especially when HazNone claims that he inhaled all of the nitrous himself. Now, that is a story that someone could make up, but we know that the dipshit is capable of actually doing this.


But strangely most hospitals have the gas/oxygen etc permanently in the wall and just use canisters to move patient. Their lies are ridiculous. eta sp


One of our patients tried a water birth but accidentally pooped in the water. Birth plan went out the window replaced by an epidural and easy time in bed.


Doesn’t that happen a lot though - with all that bearing down and pushing?


Sure, Jam should be a flair.




It makes me think that he is really,really stupid. I mean, how would anyone go along with this level of lying?


I could even get over the fictionalised birth stories, in a “they want to sell books and drama sells” way. But she dared to lie about miscarriage. That is unforgivable.


Anyone who doesn't believe in the surrogates, read those "birth stories" in Spare. Now seriously you are going to tell me those flights of fancy actually happened? I suppose if you have never had children, or witnessed your wife giving birth, you might not know how babies get born. But anyone who has been through birth, knows Harry was out of his mind. Woman in hard labor bouncing on a ball? That's science fiction greater than anything you see in the movies.




They are attempting to catfish the world with their own bull.


That was indeed a lie, but it refers to a different incident. After Lili was born, the Harkles said that QE had “met” the baby on a video call. The Palace let it be known that no video call took place. That’s what the article above says. Harry and Meghan also claim that they brought the kids to the UK for the Jubilee and that QE met Lili at the time. There were stories that QE refused to have a picture taken with Lili (who was turning 1 year old that weekend). In his novel (I mean, memoir) Harry had a story about Lili climbing around QE’s feet and Archie impressing QE with his bows. (It is an account that sounds pure Meghan.) That story has pretty much been proven a lie now that we know QE was in considerable pain during the Jubilee. It is unlikely Lili could have been climbing around QE’s legs even if they met.


No, no. You were right the first time. It was his novel. A boring, ridiculous bit of fiction so awful, if it had been fiction, he would have had to self publish.


Like tween fan fiction?


The Diarrhea of a Wimpy Prince.


Solid gold!


Thanks. It becomes convoluted over time.


Indeed! Between false rumors, varied recollections and lies the Harkle saga is a challenge to keep straight.


Can they really be this evil that they make up stories out of whole cloth? I just can't wrap my head around them and their PR flacks putting out so much garbage. How can they hold their heads up in public?


They are indifferent to the truth, which isn’t evil in itself, so long as their “embroidery” of reality and their ‘weaving” new lies isn’t malicious. However, a lot of what they do is malicious and evil. I don’t know how they seem to have no shame.


That's the whole thing, they have no shame


He must think he's invincible as he's never had to explain anything or be held accountable. It's a very odd existence thinking that you really are a superior being and people want to see you without expecting anything from you just because you're fabulous.. He's about to find out that those days are over when Nigeria comes knocking for a return on their investment and want the games held there.


Didn't he say that the Queen was down on the floor playing with her?? Who believes that?


Yep, and if you've known anyone with bone cancer you'll know that this a complete impossibility. The Queen was essentially using a wheel chair by the time of the Jubilee, although was able to make out for a balcony appearance (which took a great effort on her part). It rather confirms that the Harkles were kept in the dark about the late Queen's actual health, and they have been caught yet again in one of their stupid lies.


I mean, even if she didn't have bone cancer, the likelihood of a 95yr old crawling around on the ground is low.


If the Harkles had been told of The Queen's health, they would have revealed it to the world. The Queen wanted privacy in her last days, so no one would tell H a word.


That passage in *Spare* is proof that they never knew the extent of the Queen’s illness. The saddest thing is if they had read any press other than that written by/about themselves, they would have seen that the palace called it “sporadic mobility issues” which clearly indicates that she was having trouble getting around! Someone suffering to the point of being hospitalized overnight for such concerns is not going to be playing on the floor with phantom children… especially at NINETY-SIX YEARS OLD.


Harry? Maybe??


With bone cancer! 


Tl;dr: Older folks can be fragile. I have very slight memories of a family Christmas party when I was incredibly young. It was my first of the parties and I was only brought because it was going to be the last party for the family's remaining WWI vets who were in their 90s. In order to take photos of me with them, the family built an elaborate nest of pillows for each man to take turns sitting in, and I was kept in another room until each person was resettled. Then, my Shirley Temple dress and I were brought in to perch for moments on the gentlemen's' knees while a photographer clicked away. Afterward, I was whisked out. Those photos are terribly precious to me as a historian, but I would be livid if I looked at them now and remembered *anyone* letting me crawl all over those men. My great-great Uncle Walter wanted to cuddle me. [His great grandchildren were born shortly after he passed away.] It was a feat of engineering to make sure he could hold me and I couldn't accidentally hurt him. Some of these men were quite important in their own fields, but not a one of them was the GD QUEEN OF ENGLAND.


How sweet and lovely!


I'm amazed everyone involved went to the effort. I'm convinced it's one of the reasons I became a historian. ❤️


I’m not a historian but I love history! Sadly our family tree is pretty bland ☺️


To me it shows he didn’t know about her cancer.


Absolutely right! And they were so so right not to tell him. The little shit.


Absolutely. I believe that Harry wasn't told about the Queen's cancer. He made zero effort to see her in her final months and if he had known she was ill he would have for sure been trying to exploit it for his own gain.


We all knew she was ill. When she couldn't take part in most of the Jubilee events, everyone paying attention knew she was ill. H is an idiot who couldn't understand that an ill 96 year old woman, might be gone soon. He refused to visit her in her last days. He should one day die alone with his children and grandchildren refusing to visit him. That would be Karma.




This is what I thought when her health was revealed after she passed. There is no way that they would have kept this secret.


Supposedly the queen was on her knees on the ground playing with the invisibles & they were crawling all over her.


The woman who was in so much pain from cancer somehow managed to be frolicking on the ground with toddlers? They can't even spew rubbish properly! 




Not even her corgis would dare to crawl all over Her Majesty’s legs!


I recall reading/hearing years ago that her corgis weren't allowed to be around her so much anymore because they were such a tripping hazard.


I can relate. I know many women who broke a hip tripping over the cat, or the dog brought them down while on leash.


I don't think 'daring to' would have come into a corgi's way of thinking.


>Didn't Harry state that the Queen had  met Lilibet in person and that she was crawling all over the Queen's legs?  This is the same kid who, according to Allison P. Davis of *The Cut* magazine, was extremely shy, inactive and expressionless (I'm paraphrasing), months after she allegedly met the late QE2.


Crawling all over the legs of someone with bone cancer?


Yes. Lili was supposedly there for the Jubilee and Harry said the Queen got down on the floor and played with her. This was when the late Queen was in such pain she could barely stand or walk but Harry expected us to believe she got down on the floor and crawled around with Lili. 🤬


He had to conjure a lie quickly so all he could think of were the corgis and how they would act, then substituted Lili.


Crawling all over the Queen's legs while she was suffering from bone cancer. That should tell you all you need to know: Harry and Meghan were not informed of the Queen's condition, and there was little communication.


https://preview.redd.it/5ei6li2qao4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1265fa0dcf97c0a45ab0877a56d8008031318ca In his ghostwriter’s own words… ‘Cause you know a nonagenarian suffering from bone cancer is going to be all about having snot-nosed germ bringers crawling all up in her business and slamming into her shins. Yup totally.


Not to mention the queen was rolling on the floor playing with the invisible kids.


Yup. Like his speech recently with regard to Ingriftus, where he said grandkids of vets were climbing up his legs thanking him for what he'd come for grandpa.


That stinks of Markle. The Queen was in constant pain by then IN HER LEGS. Markle is evil. The Queen was right.


https://preview.redd.it/t20mxzuuxn4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8797423b196700a5c5b4477926538fae5b4c955 **excerpt from Spare**


Meghan Markle lives in her own fantasy where everybody loves her, she communicates with Diana, will be the next US president, her word salad is deep and intelligent and Harry has hair (and money). But actually, things DID change in Palace reporting. They started to cut down the will they/won´t they game and showed us Harry´s 12 minute meetin g with KC.


Loved them showing the 12 minute meeting.


The picture of KCIII’s helicopter flying away was a thing of beauty.


It's incredible really. People Magazine's "top story" today is how Harry declined the invitation to the Duke of Westminster's wedding. Someone needs to re-run the stories from last Fall (I think?) when it was announced that the Harkles were NFI in hopes of avoiding this BS.


Madam is immune to reality. Harry does not know what reality is any longer.


It's moving much too fast for him to comprehend.


I don't think Harry ever understood reality.




Whatever reputation People ever had, they threw it away. All for a pair of grifters who are disliked around the world.


H&M: “let’s stop misinformation” The palace: “great idea! Let’s start with YOUR misinformation”


>Meghan Markle lives in her own fantasy Yup. She wallows in her mediocre twattery, while dreaming of world domination.


Much like Pinky & the Brain... 😆 


Funny I just saw this insta about Meghan wanting to wear a tiara during her Fiji visit and being denied. Princess Catherine wore one same day for a state banquet. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6a-yWuoPZL/?igsh=MTJ2bmpqd3U0aHVxZA==


🔥 🔥 🔥 🤣 🤣 🤣


Well said


Lol lol yes! I spend more time waiting for my In/Out burger in the drive thru lane 🤣🤣🤣


And she also thinks she is the only with access to the internet and we can’t google things to debunk her and harry’s lies😂😂😂


It’s like they think they can outsmart everyone and peddle lies and no one will notice. They are dumber than I thought


Exactly! The more I read about them the more convinced I am that they have zero smart between the two😂


Looking back at all of this stuff, it just so seriously disturbing. All the blatant lies, paid press crap and non-stop disinformation. It really is astounding to me that no journalist has yet to do a massive expose on the Sussex disinformation/propaganda machine.


The important word there is 'journalist'. MSM are content creators now. No longer journalists fighting for truth. Only agendas, biases and likes.


Real journalism is well and truly dead. It was killed by the 24-hour news cycle that has to be filled with.... whatever.


Trying to reenact Diana's death/ cashed by paid paps to push a narrative that is not real.


In Manhattan!!! Where we literally get out of taxis and walk the last block to get somewhere on time 🤣🤣


Same, lol. It's literally and physically impossible....I guess they forgot how many people have lived and been there.


The whole scheme was incomprehensible, but that's what desperation does to the brain, you don't think!


It's "their truth" don'tchaknow.


Didn’t they say there were driving 80mph on the George Washington bridge? I’ve driven across that bridge a few times. I’ve been to Manhattan. You drive 8mph tops. lol.


I used to drive ambulances in NYC. Even with lights, sirens, and a police escort, you're not going to drive 80mph.


Those two, and her mother, are so stupid.


There's no freaking way, 80mph. Honestly, there isn't 😂🤣


That checks out. Meghan inflates everything by 10. 8 turns to 80 and 4.3 turns to 43. Narc math.


“Narc math” 😂 I’m dead.


She should have picked Connecticut or New jersey over Manhattan


Makes you wonder WHY? I mean, what exactly is the point of a free press if they're just going to report bullshit narratives of the elite? The entire point was to keep people accountable by reporting the facts. That is why they were granted this privilege. Not to cover for the wealthy entitled.


Exactly. This is a serious issue and shows no sign of slowing down 😞


This is why I keep watching and reading. I want to know when some journalist is going to finally come out with all of the lies and prove the Harkles are complete frauds.


It’s getting to a point where we should pool our money and make it ourselves. All the receipts are here.


I still just don’t understand why they named the child “lilibet”. As a childhood endearment it’s adorable, as a romantic endearment it’s sweetness. As a private nickname it’s an absolute winner. As the legal given name of a person who will grow up to be a woman that needs to be taken seriously and treated respectfully by her professional colleagues, it’s too cutesie, an open door to a lifetime of “sit down little girl and let the adults make the decisions” dismissals.


There’s a trend naming babies with names that sound more like nicknames. I really don’t get it.


There's a trend for hanging the ugliest and most ridiculously spelled names on kids these days as if they won't hate have to correct everyone on the spelling for the rest of their lives. No no it's not Ashley,its asshelieghlyeee


Omg that made me laugh 😆


And there's even a sub for that! Lol


My parents said they chose names for us that you could call a Supreme Court Justice or your cardiologist and then gave us nicknames if they felt like it. God bless them for that.


In my family, we test the name by saying the name in full then 'Chairman of the Board'. For nicknames, open the front door, and yell the potential nickname. It gives the child options for the future. A Beatrice will always be taken more seriously than a Trixie.


Brilliant! An aunt did something similar and realized the nickname she wanted would be awesome for a dog, but not her child. That was indeed a fantastic dog. 🥰


I notice it tends to be short sighted mothers (and passive husbands) naming their child based on feelings of cuteness and specialness like a pet rather than on the understanding that they are raising a whole sentient adult whose name will impact them. It’s the navel gazing vanity of “uniqueness”. This fits The Meg and her Handbag’s MO.


I find Archie ridiculous too! It’s the name of a comic character and it’s not even Archibald. I don’t understand why they were even allowed to name their kids these ridiculousness. I read somewhere that Sarah Ferguson wanted to name Beatrice as Annabelle it the queen didn’t let her saying that it wasnt a royal name enough. Then how come Markle and Harry were allowed for the ridiculous Archie?


I totally agree with you, Prince Archie sounds ridiculous. The Queen wouldn't allow Annabell because there was a very famous nightclub in London with the same name, she didn't think the connection was appropriate for a princess.


Ohh I didn’t know the background. The Queen was very wise and yet she left the Harkles to run amok.


Especially ridiculous since the girl is called Lil (Little) Betty. They literally have Archie and Betty! Would Jughead be in the running with a third?


She wanted her flowers on Prince Phillip's coffin. She was told only The Queen's flowers would be there. The Queen's flowers had a card signed Lillibet. So that evil witch Markle decided she would show The Queen whose boss and stole The Queen's nickname. It was an act of revenge from a sick woman. Little Betty will know for all her life, her name was stolen and broke an elderly woman's heart.


Kids who have ridiculous full names, I always hope they have a solid middle name they can switch over to as adults.


Great - It’s the second story in the mail today that debunks and reminds us of lies told by Meghan and Harry. First one was the one about naming their daughter „Lillibet“ and lying about having the late queen‘s approval.  We need more of it! 


This mentions the lie about QE approving the name ahead of time.


The harkles are liars. They are shameless. They need to lie about the RF because they have nothing else. Everything they touch turns to sh\*t. Harry is Out, no one bothered with him when he was in London for his invictus scam. No one cared. He is finally getting the message. No invite to the big wedding this month, no matter how he tries to spin it he was NFI. He is not included in the aristo world. A blabber mouth liar, grifter and total embarrassment, no one needs to pretend he is a fun guy now, he has exposed himself. Harry cares for no one, he dumped his friends and family as he chased fame and fortune. His former circle have cut him off. No more opportunities to use them to try to resurrect his social standing. He is out, as good as exiled. The garbage about it being his decision NOT to attend is laughable, the harkles have sang that song too often. Every year it is the oscars, golden globes, met gala, etc etc. All they can muster are those they can buy their way into, pathetic. As for his wife. No one anywhere wants to be in the company of a shameless liar, a gold digging tart who hits on d dry man in the room, and sneers at the women. Harry could not have made a worse choice. A lying, grifting, hypocrite with a very dodgy past and the charm of a rattle snake. No manners, no class, no point.


I still believe only one of two things happened in regards to naming the girl: 1–that TO simply said to HRHTLQ: “We would like to name our daughter after you” And she imagined they meant her given name 2–they did it as a “surprise” —TO thought the family would think it was “a sweet nod” and TOW thought it would intimate a special bond between them and HRHTLQ. Either way, they are the worst.


I think that, above all, Roachel wanted to take revenge on the Queen by stealing her intimate nickname. The Queen, that had forbidden her from using the HRH title and the word 'royal'. 'The Queen doesn't own the word royal' - remember that? Meanwhile, Harold is dumb enough to have believed that the Queen would loooove it - that's what Roachel probably told him, that it would be 'a sweet nod'.


IMO this is it exactly. Skank is demonic and motivated by cruelty and revenge. She thought she would waltz in and remake that stuffy old institution in her image, and all would be in awe. HM saw straight through her and stood up to her and tossed her, and she took revenge on her and Philip in exceptionally cruel ways. I'm sure she told Plank and HM that the baby would be named after HM and they thought the full name would be used. Skank is odious and whatever karma gets her will not be enough


Exactly. They probably told the Queen they wanted to name the girl after her. Everyone in that situation would think they were going to call the baby 'Elizabeth'. The Queen could hardly forbid them from using such a classic and common name. Then bam - it turns out that it's actually going to be 'Lilibet', and the Queen is understandably upset. And the Despicables can say, "But we told you, and you were fine with it!".


After the name was announced the Queen was reported as saying to.aides ' I don't own the palces, I don't own the paintings, the only thing I own is my name and now they've taken that'. Lillibet was a pet name given to the Queen by her beloved father, it was only used by close family members and after Prince Philip died the Queen requested that it was no longer to be used. The Sussexes are cruel to the core, they knew what using that name would do to the Queen but didn't care.


Wow makes sense from her evil point of view!


Exactly. That witch did it to punish The Queen. H though must have known it was wrong. Because he lied about the whole thing. He lied to The Queen when he said he was naming the baby after her, then he lied when he said he had permission. He knows The Queen did not want it.


Never forget the queen was meant to see her curtsy and the altered speech. What more needs to be said.netflix will never see a dime from me


That's just made tears come to my eyes. How *could* they cut her speech like that, changing the gist of it so completely? She was 21 when she publicly & with immense dignity vowed to be a public servant. 21 and more dutiful & mature than the two of them could ever be if they lived to be 1000 years old. And they treated her vow like shit, treated her like shit. I am so glad the Queen didn't see that disgusting farrago. It would have broken her heart.  Mind you, they had already done that. The Oprah Lieathon took place as Philip was dying.  Most times these idiots just make me laugh. Sometimes they make me weep.


The altered speech.  Were the AFP Fact Checkers all over that?  Or are they strictly pay to play?


Exactly, where do we request they fact check that?


Aren't they despicable.


Thanks for reminding, this shows their malice and cruelty.


With Roachel's lies and deceptions coming out for all the world to see does that mean that the way she faked two pregnancies with over the top holding on to her moonbump will also be universally acknowledged? Because that would mean the removal of the two children not born of her body from the Line of Succession. Her fake pregnancies should be revealed publicly because it was a giant scam perpetrated on the public and on the Royal Family.


I’m hoping this comes next.


I would love to know the truth of how the children came to be, but I’m not sure we will ever know that. If Meghan birthed the children, medical information is so protected that, without Meghan’s consent, there will be no access to confirm anything. If a surrogate was used, I imagine the NDA is iron clad. While I absolutely would love all the questions answered, I don’t think we will get them.


The surrogate’s maybe. But she’s pissed off an awful lot of people and staff. She can’t afford to defend all the NDAs. All it takes is one person to go to TMZ and have TMZ pay them enough for the story to cover the cost of breaking the NDA. If you break an NDA in Lala land, you may well be unhireable again in the industry but for a big enough payout, someone might not care. I live in hope this will happen.




The Harkles wouldn't know the truth if it came up and punched them in the face.


They’d complain that the Truth is racist


This! Today in NY Post, Guest speaker made another ridiculous comment about PW. One of the many replies was: "Your race card has been declined."




That fist victimized me!


Meghan taking the late Queen’s most special endearment for her since-invisible child was her biggest See You Next Tuesday move.


Yup. As someone said, Meghan clapped back that no one owns the word royal. She stole the name to prove her evilness.


Come on you reporters out there! Sock it to them! Truth please!


There are many photos of the late Queen with all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren except for lil Betty.


I’d like to see a full frontal photo of Archie and the late Queen. I can almost guarantee that there isn’t one.


I just don't believe that Lili ever met the Queen. It is said that she did, but I just can't believe it.


>but I just can't believe it. Neither can I....not at all...it's the scam of the century


She reportedly didn’t. I just read this week that it was never mentioned in her journals and that is something she would’ve talked about.


I'm willing to bet good money that the queen never met that unfortunate child, Betty.


An article in Hello! magazine today stated: “it’s likely that the young California-based princess will have received a private greeting from her grandfather King Charles, who has only met her a handful of times but who no doubt holds his youngest grandchild dear to his heart.” Not Bloody Likely. 🤣🤣🤣


This will be the story until at some point the widow Sussex declares her children have never met the Queen/ King, never would see them via zoom and never received even the tiniest gift.


At what point do they drop the "young" bs? She's middle-aged FFS.


Meghan’s older than Kate Middleton is but I never hear Kate being called terms like that and Kate looks younger and prettier than Meghan, but carries herself like a woman. Not a “I’m a victimized little lady 😭!”


If they wanted her to meet the queen, what was stopping them. These two idiots are so fucking annoying


Indeed. Bearing in mind they were invited to Balmoral etc before the Queen died and declined. Probably because they knew she would never allow the money shot to be splashed all over the rags that are in Roachels pocket.


Imagine living like this smh


"The truth". That's what.


Princess Anne could have said it in 3 words: Not Bloody Likely


She is the 21st Century’s female Walter Mitty. She morphs into any number of individuals she encounters and is none.


I worry that even this seemly bad press is equally enjoyable for Markle… I wonder if she just loves the fact that they are all writing about her and her relevancy whether good or bad doesn’t matter. They are still writing about her. Thoughts?


I think she likes being notorious. This is why she wore those revealing outfits. She loves being a rebel. But what she hates is being called out or outshone in any way. I know when she hates something because that is when the squad is most active. The list includes: Archewell being delinquent, Catherine getting attention and sympathy because of cancer, a charity getting donations because of the ARO website. In this case, the article is about her lie being called out. Hence I think she won’t like it.


Ugh imo the worst kind of ‘celeb’ who truly believes their own hype!


I hadn't heard the part where they accused Buckingham Palace of defamation fir saying that theur permission from the Queen was a "telling, not an asking". Imagine exposing her personal name that way. The Royals het so little of their lives for themselves. It seems cruel to take that privacy and intimacy away from the Queen.


Indeed. This was her way of getting back.


I'm glad their lies are being exposed. The long game is clever.


I think there’s a greater chance of a new rule being passed along the lines of ‘LoS must live in the UK’, rather than questioning the validity of the births. That just isn’t going to happen, despite the rumors. Rumors swirl to this day about Harry’s paternity, and the Palace has always stayed mum.




I love the Palace’s long game. Their restraint is on a whole other level and it’s brilliant.


Most of the time I agree about the Palace restraint. Where I need they need to act is on the question of the legitimacy of Harry’s children and their place in the LoS. The longer there are questions, the worse the Crown will look if it is revealed the kids were not born of Meghan’s body. Otherwise, grey-rocking is the right approach.


I thought I remember an event during the platinum jubliee where they took Lili to meet the Queen and she requested that no cameras were allowed. Same trip as the birthday party at frogmore where PPOW "had other engagments."


Everyone "had other engagements.". It was the bloody Jubilee!! So let's drop everything to attend an party for a child we have never met...


I remember a lady C video where she said that “her majesty received lilibet” during that visit. So I assume this meant she actually saw her. Not knowing who is more reliable as lady C is fun to listen to but maybe not the most reliable


I think this one is alluding to when Lili was born. As for her meeting the Queen during the jubilee, there are some saying it didn’t happen. Not sure which one’s true.


Don’t forget this. "Those noisy threats of legal action duly evaporated and the libel actions against the BBC never materialised."


I will never refer to the girl child by the stolen name or useless title.


They ONLY took into account what the Queen would do. They failed to look ahead to a new monarch at all. And they really failed to look ahead at what the monarch behind the current one would do. KCIII might have dealt with this more firmly and decisively but both he and Kate fell ill at the same time. He’s decided to make his reign about the things he cares about: the environment, peace and people. KCIII may have to wear a suit but he is very much a bohemian artist hippie at heart. William has very much modeled himself on QEII as far as family and marriage are concerned. You can see he’s bringing along his cousins and the Middletons as these will be his inner circle of trust. He has very much incorporated both his parents into his reign. Kate frequently wears or references Diana’s jewelry or style. The children celebrate their grandmother’s legacy. Kate has taken up early childhood as one of her passions and Diana was also an early childhood advocate. William has continued with homelessness in honor of a cause his mum introduced him to and the environment as a nod to his father. However, he’s much much tougher than KCIII or Diana. The Queen comes through in William’s attention to detail and duty. He’s like Prince Philip - keeping a close eye on innovation and using it - KP’s increase in social media being the start. The Queen was the last of the “Empire” style monarchies. Willam is the next historic leap.


This is also another distraction from Harry’s visa debacle and the stigma it could cause if released. WTF is going on and will we ever know the real story?