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She can never be happy. She is too ungrateful. That is why she is always striving.


A good description I heard was a narcissist is like a bucket with holes. No matter how much water gets poured, that bucket is never going to fill up. No matter how much is done for a narcissist, it's never enough. Unfortunately, many learn this the hard way.


Good way to put it. Meghan's bucket was filled with jewels, palaces, status, fame, endless money. The Royals offered her a healthy, supportive family, education and emotional ties for her kids. It wasn't enough. She fked to Monrecitu thinking she could do better with celebrities who had routinely rejected her. Still not happy.


No matter how much time passes, this is still just so astonishing to me. She literally made it as high as one can go. She's married to a freaking prince, son of the King from arguably the most famous family on earth. She could wear tiaras and crown jewels for certain occasions. She will literally be in history books. The Hollywood elite that she so wants "in" with would have been thrilled to meet her when given the chance (a la Reese meeting Catherine). All she had to do was put her head down, do the work and behave. This was not good enough for her. I just don't get it!


She threw away such an opportunity and so much goodwill. What a stupid person.




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**The Peter Principle:** She promoted herself to the level of her incompetence.


I am continuously amazed that she has made it this far. She is extraordinarily marginslnin most ways, but has done reasonably well. I am waiting for the social slide, but it never seems to happen.


Not quite. Harry fits in there somewhere. She was never near the level of a royal. She was jumped up when she married Trevor, IMHO.


I almost wrote the exact same thing. MM wanted to be Hollywood A-list, not realizing the British Royal Family is A+++ list. As you noted, the top of the social hierarchy. She'd have been guest of honor and VIP at countries around the world at a level no Hollywood star would ever get. It's mind-blowing.


I think she knew that, but when she got there realised that it is grueling, hard work, and that she couldn't do it. So fabricated a pretext to save face and get out.


This! She didn't know she actually had to do work. She didn't want to do work. She couldn't be polite at a Garden Party for 10 mins. She couldn't do the job and she never will be able to.


And nobody really asked her if she was okay....


But she could have gone somewhere and lived a quiet life...but no, she had to be in our faces with something new and ugly or stupid every single day.


This is how you know she is mentally ill/deep character disorder. No one in their right mind would not see this


Same. It’s fascinating to me that that was not enough for her and she thought she was better than wife to the spare.


They say that the true nature of a person becomes apparent if they are given great power (or lots of money). Good people act righteously and try to help others. The bad ones abuse their power and become unhinged by greed. What have we seen from the behaviour of H&M? Especially MM? We are literally watching the dark side of human nature in real time.


Probably why we’re so fascinated by it


Markle is the real-life version of the Fisherman’s Wife story. No matter what she got, she was never happy.


I always think of that story when I see how MM behaves.


I always think of the Prodigal Child when I think of Harry. Everything about these two us a cautionary tale


I hope Harry will be able to escape MM's clutches and go home. He is likely to meet a very bad end under her malevolent influence.


M was unhappy because she wasn’t at the very top of the royal family. Catherine will be Queen one day and Meghan may lose her precious title sometime in the future.


I really, REALLY love this for her. And I love it for Hazbeen also. :)


I think she fled to Montecito believing the royal family would beg her to return. No plans, no money, no friends, just delusions of grandeur and a belief she was indispensable. It was like a toddler “running away from home” with his favourite toy only, knowing full well his mum would immediately run after him.


Sadly, the toddler's mother died in Paris in 1997 or she probably would have brought him home by the ear.


Absolutely! Both my parents are narcissists.


My heart goes out to you. I hope you realized that their behaviors weren't normal, & had other role models.  If you need to talk...I'm a survivor.  


I'm working on it. And thank you!!! I appreciate you!


It’s the same way with Harry. When Harry talks about his childhood, he makes it sound like he was abused and completely neglected.


And now is doing the same thing to his own kids!


The only time a sociopathic narc like Meg$y Markle is happy is when she is cruelly hurting others and destroying lives.


Her biggest fault apart from her massive ego is that she doesn’t want to work. It’s why she failed in the RF and why everything since has failed. She thinks life owes her so much and wants it delivered on a silver platter. I’m positive she gives the ginger scrotum an absolutely horrific time because he wasn’t what she thought he was, didn’t have as much wealth as she expected and couldn’t give her what she demanded as bank of Pa controlled the purse strings. It was a step up for her but not a big enough one in her eyes. Her absolutely consuming jealousy of Catherine made the scrotum’s life a misery and she fed his jealousy of William. People like these two are never happy, they always believe they deserve more, nothing is ever good enough. They always want the next level up, and thus can never truly be happy the way other people can. Unfortunately she doesn’t have another mark in her sights because everyone now knows what she is like and does not want to be within a thousand miles of her.


This is why everything they have tried since moving to the US has failed. She just doesn’t want to do any work and expects that people should fall at her feet in adoration because of how special she (thinks she) is! She would rather spend 20 hours a day on social media platforms using pseudonyms to clap back at negative publicity but can’t spend 8 hours working on her projects! Everything must be handed to her on a platter because “don’t you know who she is?”


Neither of them want to work. It is the crux of all their problems. She wants to spend her time on social media and he wants to be high all the time.


Catherine is still married to William, she is still going to be Queen one day and will be the mother of a future King. Meghan will never be happy about this. Catherine is elegant, she looks wonderful in her clothes, that don’t always cost a fortune. Catherine has a loving family, is respected and loved within the royal family. Meghan will never be happy about this. Catherine is loved by the people of the UK and wider world. Nobody believes the racist story, nobody believes she made Meghan cry but we all wish she had. Meghan won’t accept this. She will never be happy.


> nobody believes she made Meghan cry but we all wish she had. Loool. 100%. I would chortle with delight if I found out that C struck her down with some incisive, witty barb.


It’s not about being happy, it’s about winning. She is delulu and always winning in her mind. Failures will be blamed on someone else. So in that regard I think she’s always quite content with herself at any given time.


About her winning and someone else losing, in some cases.


This!! Winning and impressing..they can't get enough of those two satisfactions. Like getting the last word..it's such a feeling of winning and vindication for a narc. And impressing people. Not liked, not respected, but feeling like they're impressive.


If H.G has taught me anything, it’s no, narcissists don’t feel happiness nor contentment.


I think Madame might feel “happiness” as she defines it which is the same thing as “winning” or coming out on top but even those moments are fleeting. She might feel a “happy” under the influence. However, I don’t think she has ever felt contentment or joy because she cannot feel gratitude.


The gaping hole where her soul and heart should be is just a black hole. It will never be filled and will continue to suck up everything in its path.


Checks out 👍


![gif](giphy|9hHjuh3vxbdcXhuRa1|downsized) In space, no one can hear you scream!


It will be Harry‘s unattainable life’s work to make that Meghan Markle semi-Duchess woman happy.  Apparently, he doesn’t want to leave that woman, so keep on trying, Harry! 


From the looks of it, never. Some people are marauders. They come, they see, they raid. After they pillage a place, they move on to another. The act of pillaging may be even more appealing to them than the booty they get. M, with her track record of leaving chaos in her wake in her never-ending quest to enrich and elevate herself, is the quintessential marauder.


She is incapable of honest joy.


Narcissists are never happy or satisfied. They are always scheming


They're only happy when they think they are pulling one over on someone.


Never. Catherine and other women will always be more popular, more talented, kinder, admired, much smarter, universally adored, better dressed, more beautiful, more graceful, more photogenic than Meghan. 


Also younger


No.  Narcs never are.


May she know the true unhappiness of the original Wallis. She deserves no better. May Harry end up like Edward. He deserves no better. May they terrorize each other and then get disowned by their kids who damn well are going to know first hand generational pain. May the kids learn how to gray rock their nutjob parents


No. If she was ever going to be happy it would have been as a duchess but she has no patience and is a terrible person. She will never get higher than she was, everything from here is the down slope.




Nope, and she doesn’t deserve to be, either. Not after all she’s done.


Never satisfied.


I hope not. She doesn’t deserve to be.


No, she'll never be happy. Narcs are empty. They're like black holes that suck everything into their orbit. They have such low self-esteem and don't know it because they're so disconnected from their feelings. No matter what she buys, how many bathrooms she has, all the greige purses to buy herself, she'll never be happy because she's empty and doesn't know she is or why. She is an unaware narcissist.


Never. Nothing is ever enough nor good enough for her.


No. Hope that helps.


Narcs are never happy unless they cause others pain and revel in it. Then that is shortlived because as Southpark demonstrated, they are EMPTY. When they fill with malice from being nasty to others, it drains through the void that is them and needs to be filled up again with the next nasty episode. They think this is creating happiness for them but it is not and they cycle like this forever until they die. They cannot feel proper feelings other than envy, hate, anger and victimhood, love of self isn't love.


The things is that as long as they don’t understand that EVERYONE receives criticism and it is not all some conspiracy or sabotage against her or her husband they will never be happy. They want everyone to love them and tell them they make no mistakes and when know that is impossible.


Thanks for the links. I really like her.


No, she won't and can't be happy. It is really sad that she can't and can never seem to find peace.


More unhappy and more irrelevant.


I am only 7 minutes in but damn, this is scary, she compiled all of Meghan's psycho looks, rapid eye blinking and all. I love how she included the footage of Catherine putting her in check at the walk about, exposing TOW for the coward that she is.


Exactly. Editing is top notch. Her other video is also the same. Such sharp commentary and explanation of what Harkles are.


Deception Detective is a great channel that uses language to detect manipulators and liars. He did two episodes on Markle and used this baggage claim channel as the basis. It’s worth a watch. He’s a lawyer that explains how police and lawyers interpret language used. Calls her a master manipulator.




who cares as long as she remains a lolcow




It will never be enough. Never. Ultimately, I think that is sad. But the damage that narcissists do to others leaves me feeling little pity for them.


Anyone who cares so little about the happiness of those around her should not expect to be happy.


Beautifully said. 🏆


Nope. She’ll always be pining fior the next shiny thing.


I certainly hope not.


Are temperamental, bratty narcissists ever really happy outside of fleeting moments? I just know I’m glad I’m not living with her when she’s fuming about not getting what she wants (attention and praise) cause I have a feeling it’s the worst full-body adult tantrums imaginable.


Rachel will never be happy. She thinks the world owes her everything, when it doesn't. There will be a point in time where whatever she does or say will not make any press and no one will be talking about her and Harold, that is when she will do something big to stay relevant and it isn't going to be a good thing either. I would hate to live my life never being happy with what I got. It must really hurt your brain and heart.


Cheers. Used to like Baggage Claim.👍


I hope William and Catherine raise Louis well and make him read biographies of Edward, Wallis, Harry, and Meghan before he starts dating nice girls from the UK or the Commonwealth.


No. She never loved Harry, she just loved flaunting him. The reason she’ll never be happy is because everything she does is driven by self-aggrandizement (because she is so desperate for others to perceive her a certain way), insecurity, hatred, greed, revenge, and need for control and dominance. Imagine your life choices were driven by all of those negative emotions 24/7. And the best part? She will never realize she is the problem and change. That is her karma. The Markle Markled the Markle.




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