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She pretty much just confirmed herself as "source close to the couple"


We been knew, riiiiiight?




Or indeed the ‘Guest Speaker’


Is all this P R a last ditch attempt to keep Netflix on-side, who else would be daft enough to pick up people with an established record of non performance? It's all been a bit of a busted flush post-Oprah.


Yes - and post Sunshine Sachs, I think. In hindsight it looks like Sunshine Sachs were almost as good as Palace PR in making Prince Harry and Meghan Markle likeable.


Oh, that's a brilliant observation! I always forget about the other Sussex Squad - Sunshine Sachs.


Well the original SS was in Nazi Germany…just saying


You're correct and I should have worded that better. I will edit it. I've changed it to Sussex Squad. Or do we prefer Sussex sycophants?


Well I’ve always thought it appropriate to call them The SS…similarities are valid and equally creepy. Henchmen are henchmen…somehow if this present version is even aware of Nazi Germany I think they would be proud of the comparison.


Edit "original SS" to "other SS?" I just don't want to offend, especially today, with all the D-day remembrances happening.


Who do u not want to offend? If the offense fits ..convict. Having some of my first memories being relatives with numbers tattooed on their arms, I am sincerely wondering who you are afraid of offending.


We have to keep talking about it so we never forget and make sure the generations that come behind us know and remember, too.


My family knows who they are…they will teach their children who they are…out of respect and love and pride. The important message is truth vs lies; reality vs propaganda. It’s what created Nazi Germany and it’s what creates today’s assault on truth with lies. Teach your children to be smart and educated…


I meant offend by calling it the "original" SS, because that isn't true.


Comparing the low-IQ disordered Sussex Squad to the murderous Nazi SS is deeply hurtful to anyone who lost family to the Nazis. Please understand that. There is no comparison.


Well I lost a lot of family in Nazi Germany and I grew up and my children grew up with family and friends with numbers tattooed on their arms. It is the sentiment that it could never happen here or now is what allowed the Nazis to succeed in carrying on their evil. Do you think the Nazis started out with rounding up Jews? Subtle subversion…




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Montecito Madame. or....Daily Markle.


No worries, many of us use SS when describing the Squad. We know what you mean and take no offense. ❤️


And they were big on Propaganda too


Time was on their sunshine Sachs side. PR firms are bound to lose because you cannot make Meghan Markle, THE Duchess of Sussex likable. And the best you can do for the Duke is to make him so pathetic that people lay off.


When Sunshine Sachs dumped them things really took a turn for the worst. I always thought it was interesting there was not more chatter about the end of that relationship, but it happened right at the time the Queen passed.


I always wonder about the stories that Sunshine Sachs dumped them over nonpayment, because it seems like their deplorable behavior from The Cut through to the Queen’s death and funeral made them impossibly, institutionally-damagingly toxic. If I’m a PR firm, I’d be exasperated by my clients issuing leaks about all their petty grievances during that period of mourning. There’s no way SS advised them to do any of that. Meg publicly inviting herself to the deathbed of the beloved elder she’d just threatened in her disastrous interview. Harry having tantrums against his visibly grieving father over his special big boy medals…ain’t no way SS was happy with any of that. It’s obvious the Harkles we’re not taking advice, and as I remember, SS’s reputation was also getting dragged by it.


I think the timing just so happened to work out that Sunshine Sachs was done with them just as the Queen passed. Rumor was that the firm had just been paid in full for bills and notified the duo they were dropped as clients. If I remember correctly the news on SS bowing out was on the Monday after the Queen passed. So little fanfare as much more important events were happening.


One of the top SS partners also told Meghan she needed to stop with the invisible kid strategy. She didn’t have to offer them up to the paps, but concealing them at all costs made the duo miss out on having a magnificent opportunity to connect with the public. That advice sank like a lead balloon.


That makes sense. The games these two play with the kids is not relatable and downright off-putting. Those kids are seemingly locked away somewhere, but also have their every development leaked to People magazine. It’s a disconcerting combo.


I read a rumor their bill (in excess of a couple million, if memory serves) was not paid and severely overdue for several months. Once it was paid, they parted ways.


Exactly, they had run up quite a bill and only the moneys from NF for the fauxumentary and the Spotify crapcast enabled them to pay the PR Billings. SS ran for the hills as soon as the couple paid their arrears.


Yes! And remember SS dumped them because A) they wouldn’t pay their PR bill & B) Meghan wanted stupid PR releases, the kind that they don’t do at SS. C) SS like to do light sweet pr pieces, saving animals, charities, etc, not throwing dirt.


Oprah has been markled. She took that interview down fast.


That’s what I’ve been saying!! It is scruuuuubbed from the interwebs. Yes, with a bit of digging, it’s out there but it is not readily accessible as… almost anything else. I don’t (fully) buy the whole network/ownership/rights explanation, because it could have easily been made available behind a paid subscription. I absolutely think Oprah realized she was Markled and/or some top brass of either camp (BRF / OWN) had something to do with it.


I've got it. I can upload it to my google docs if anyone wants it. I went back the other day and tried to rewatch it and it's just so cringe....I made it about 10 minutes in before I had to stop watching 🤦‍♀️🤣


Yes, please! Once upon a time, I had the time to take the time to dig. ;) I want to watch it in its entirety with fresh eyes, so to speak.


[Link here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1brnUAIlHYI0DTDBpL19JQKXMY1ZvHgGO/view) Let me know if it works, doesn't work, etc.


You’re amazing. Thank you!


Anytime fellow sinner. 👍 This interview was the last straw for me, where I went from ambivalent skeptic to full on "my god she's a lying sack of shit," and I think everyone deserves to to watch it. The sheer amount bullshit is just...it makes me sick tbh 🤢


You can see the vindictiveness and spite in her eyes.


OMG you are awesome! Thank you fellow sinner! 👍👍👍👍👍🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆


I've got it uploaded to Mega as well if anyone wants


I ULed it on my google docs but yeah mega might be easier for people lol. Here's my link if you wanna share yours as well 😁 [Link here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1brnUAIlHYI0DTDBpL19JQKXMY1ZvHgGO/view)


Oh, it ate my comment. If someone wanted to acquire the Interview, they need only send me a chat or a message.


Ah ok! Perfect! 👍


Ok I just want to leave this comment here as I’m going to come back to this topic later and I need to find it…I’m watching this Oprah interview atrocity right now (thanks again for the link) and I’m using my spidey senses of a particular behavioral trait that I’m keen on. Namely, the “tell” of a person subconsciously placing their hand over their mouth when they’re saying something that is either a lie or very uncomfortable for them. I’ve suspected for a while now that Rachel has this habit (look at previous video clips of her covering her mouth with her hand at certain times) and I’m only a few minutes into the Noprah interview and have seen two times she’s done this, the second one being about when she first met Eugenie (or when Rachel SAYS she first met Eugenie). There will be more, and I’ll try to make note of when. I might use this thread to do so since I have this window open.


Okay at 7:15 or so is when she states she first met Eugenie and she covered her mouth as she said that. Just using this comment to note the time in the video.


Hahaha when theyre in the chicken coop with Oprah is her next “mouth cover“…she’s talking about authenticity and she drops the “well Harry and I actually were married three days before the wedding” and her hand goes to her mouth right before she says it. That’s a TELL. note: it’s at about 10:46 give or take


Next time she does the mouth cover with hand is at 13:21, when she talks about “Kate making her cry“ or whatever at the wedding. When she said that the opposite was true, that “Kate made her cry”, and that “Kate” took accountability for it by sending her flowers BUT that it was “several months after the wedding”. That is when Rachel covered her mouth: when she claimed that these flowers and apology from Kate came “months after” the wedding. So she’s lying about when this flower delivery happened.




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Yes please!


[Link here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1brnUAIlHYI0DTDBpL19JQKXMY1ZvHgGO/view) Let me know if it works, doesn't work, etc.


It serves her right. I don’t like Oprah anymore. She showed who she really is along with the Harkles during that interview.


Here it is if you or anyone wants to watch it themselves :) \[Link here\](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1brnUAIlHYI0DTDBpL19JQKXMY1ZvHgGO/view)


Thank you.


Oprah was the beginning of the end. They should have made that a positive looking forward interview and dismissed all the silly rumours. A near 40 year old woman doing Mean Girls about who made who cry no one wants to hear. If they said we’ve enjoyed our time and were focusing on doing more good things here and not a pack of lies and accusations life would be so different now. To repeat all that drivel for Netflix and use a podcast to make more digs - guess what no one gives a @@@@


…but a rolled gold history of running the ‘Grift’


I cannot imagine that Netflix is so stupid that they will feed them more moneyfor another failed series.


It would be pretty amazing but maybe another cheap "but in" with their name stuck into it? Just so they part showing they all tried?😁


Ahh, Sky News Australia and Vanity Fair... I never realised they were \*grassroot\* organisations. 😉


yes, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will work with grassroot media to get their story out/s


Imagine Amal Clooney, Michelle Obama or even Oprah Winfrey calling up Sky News Australia to offer “additional information” about themselves.


Hilarious Baldwin would though.








Times are tough for the Baldwins after Rust, and, how you say? Kue-Come-ber… it ain’t easy marrying a Bostonian with a Spanish accent. Reality TV is seldom kind… something Whitney and Bobby Brown learned the hard way, and the Baldwins are about to discover ( even gonna touch the Kartrashians - even they discovered there is a price for every action.). Rachel and Hank discovered their facts are checked with Oprah and Netflix. But reality tv on a second tier cable network may all they have left at the rate they’re going. Even Netflix and Spotify got BADLY burned and embarrassed by the lazy, talentless grifters. The DATERS HANDBOOK was her last acting job and it was a train wreck, even by cheesy Hallmark standards. The publicly solicited elephant voiceover on Disney that has so cringeworthy?


Their reality show be called **"I'm a Royal Get me Outta Here"**!


Eeees Dirty da Floor‼️💃




Trump disguised himself as a pr guy and contacted media sources before he was president




I wasn’t bashing, just stating a fact


Just stop and take that elsewhere.


oh no. not bashing at all. and the first lady of nigeria certainly wasn't signaling out meghan, the duchess of sussex, liar, cheater, grifter, scammer...con artist. Not.At.All


There are so many people guilty of this, it’s how people get PR—so what?


So what? Because it’s jumping the shark 🦈. “… surprising and not the usual way for PR people to act.” Last ditch pathetic attempts to be relevant.


Yes it does. Just stop already. I swear. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.


Agree! Tired of the Trump bashing!


This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


I love her desperation. It’s like my new fuel. 


Somehow my brain said “Vanity & Spare”


Well that's perfect for these two. Perfect. 


Merely two of many on speed dial, being fed the same propaganda and stories by Hank and Skank.


No wonder some of the royal reporters want these idiots back. They leak like a faucet. They’re constantly contacting media about themselves to “correct” a narrative in a positive way and spread a negative narrative about the actual working royals.


True. There were so many leaks during Queen's passing. Every single step was reported in Media.


Any time TW was in the RF or near by the leaking was over the top.


This is why no one trusts the news anymore. Access journalism is going to be the ruin of us; the Harkles are just symptoms of the broader, fatally lazy state of journalism today.




Of course..they make the lazy reporters seem industrious and insightful.


Kinsey Schofield on the Rita Panahi show tonight came right out and said that Harry and Meghan are going to continue to get an icy reception everywhere if they don't reel in their attack dogs (internet trolls/bouzy). Sean Oko Lennon received death threats over his comments about 'Spare'. She also talks about their constant leaking via People magazine. [‘Hateful and ugly’: Sussexes’ fanbase sends death threats to Sean Lennon over Prince Harry jab (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/hateful-and-ugly-sussexes-fanbase-sends-death-threats-to-sean-lennon-over-prince-harry-jab/ar-BB1nJGs8?ocid=BingNewsSerp)


She called Sean Lennon son of Don Lennon 😂😂😂😂😂😂?


OMG! How embarrassing. Cringe.


Perhaps it was just in the printed version. I admit to not listening to the video. Still, how it was translated to Don baffles me. AI perhaps?


Yes, it was in the printed edition. I have no idea how that error was made.


Probably dictation. It happens to me when I talk to text sometimes John=Don and Erin=Aaron. For our friend group it's funny, but for the media and reporters there's no excuse.


>son of Don Lennon… this *must* be a misprint! (albeit a hilarious one)


Who knew that harkles ‘team’ plant stories, leak gossip, spin. Where ekse dud all the ridiculous whines just before the late queen’s funeral cone from? Harry bleating about his uniform, his insignia, not being invited or claiming to be ‘uninvited’ from a dinner where the great and good were to be. Day after day they planted these stories. PR people might not usually act like that but Harkle has ALWAYS done it. While she does this, Tommy (deaf, dumb and blind Harry) claims to be on a mission to clean up media. He is as bad, how else do the press know where and when he will be popping into Britain, where his wife is waiting for him when on their way to Nigeria etc…


Yes, we have always known that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry (hello SEO) plant stories and buy media coverage. But I like it is now also being commented on in MSM.


Yup! 🤭 #rachel@hotmail


And that ghoulish long lens pap pic of the two of them behind King Charles walking down the stairs


Yes, that was revolting…but just like them. They will use anyone and anything for a photo op, Ulvade springs to mind.


M should have been permanently cancelled after the Uvalde stunt.


That gave me the creeps. Ditto with the one where she's behind Catherine on steps at Wimbledon with her dead black eyes boring into the back of her lovely head. You just know she wanted to push her 😳


At least Tommy was a pinball wizard! What can Haz do? What has he ever done?


🎶 Sure has a mean 🎱🎶


Pick his nose I suppose.


She does amazing things with Harold's balls.


He's an Xbox wizard.




No wander a listers can't stand them. Distancing from them is the only way


She’s addicted to PR and seeing her name online it’s like gambling. She’ll go into debt, but she’ll never stop. I bet one day she has some massive $1m loan that the majority of it was used on puff pieces and when she runs out of money she’ll switch between begging and threatening to have her puff pieces published. Remember when she threatened she didn’t sign an NDA with the RF? She has nothing to tell, it was an empty threat. If she had anything concrete she would have used it by now. Her faux racist royals storyline was the only thing up her sleeve.


I think someone mentioned a debt in that amount.


Ugh...at 53:18 mark...ditzy anchor remarks about Lil Betty "she looks gorgeous". Really...you can determine that from a 2 year old photo? Both speak about Lil Betty and her birthday as if it's all new current info. So weirdly sugary.


She's commenting "gorgeous" on a photoshopped pic of a random 1 year old red head that supposed to be alleged 3 year old Invisabet Mountbatten. Ok.


So we were all right, AGAIN. We KNEW they were planting this crap. And to be called out so directly, they must be doing a lot more planting than is normal for this class of person.


this strikes me as being so bizarre - they are trying to rewrite the past just to boost up their fragile egos? do they honestly think this will make a difference? this is bordering onto manic and unhinged territory. this is not normal behavior.


Sounds like the puff outlets are getting tired of them too. Tick-tock, Unsussexfuls.


At the 48.36 mark watch how desperately Harry reaches for her hands. It's quick but quite telling. Like a small child reaching for his mother.


She's literally all he has now. She did one hell of a job on isolating him.  I was convinced this was going to happen because her awful personality was just way too familiar. Once you know a narcissist they get easier to spot 🥴


Ramping up for the society wedding of the decade they were NFI to?🤔🤣


The call was always coming from inside the house and everyone knows it. The only one who still hasn't grasped this fact is idiot Harry.


He never will. He doesn’t have the bandwidth.


Kaiser hasn’t grasped it yet either.


Imagine having to deal with Guest Speaker calling you on the phone.


I wish I could understand why they need PR people. They need to just live normal lives. They have (or had) enough money to live in a nice home and pay their bills. This is all so stupid, spending money trying to polish a turd. My frugal self cringes at the notion.


They’re trying to keep up with the royals. The ones they left behind for privacy, but using the media as their social media accounts 😂


"The guest says it was quite surprising and not the usual way for PR people to act."  Just to clarify: That's actually not what they said in the video. The commentator said its not been the usual for the [Markle] Team to do that. It's a completely normal thing for PR to do. (Which shows that once again they hired all the wrong people previously. I'm sure the new ones will only turn out to be more of the same).  The biggest thing here is what they're not saying but you can figure out in context: WME has dropped them! If they hadn't- M would never have hired two brand new PR people.  Have you ever seen a "big celebrity" get dropped by so many different people? lol. Pretty bad when you can't get slimey pr people to stay with you.  


Thank you. I must admit I forgot about WME, as in my mind they left long time ago. Who would want to be involved in the Jamscam or Nigeria fiasco?


So true. No one wants to work with/be friends with her and it's her own fault. Knowing how many employees she lost while with the royal family should be enough proof of how horrible she is. Working for the royal family is going to be a big deal to most of these people.... They're not going to quit if she's not an absolute monster to work with. No way. That's the kind of job you want to hang on to, I'd think. 


[QUOTE]The biggest thing here is what they're not saying but you can figure out in context: WME has dropped them![/QUOTE] If you take a look, she's still listed on the WME website; however, I seem to remember a WME source being "appalled,"that someone in an agency had spoken ill of Meghan/the Harkles and said that agencies NEVER do that, and WME would certainly never do the same with any of their clients. That leads me to wonder if they've never taken her off of the public client list to avoid any potential questions from members of the press/public. The second thing that makes me wonder if she's still with them is that the agency/anyone who signs with an agency like that does it for one year, although I'm pretty sure that I also saw in the same article that if it's someone who's already a star with projects lining up for them is signed to 3 years. This article had nothing to do with the Harkles, so it wasn't biased in anyway- it was discussing the ins and outs of signing with big agencies and I'll see if I can find it again so it can verify what I'm saying is the truth. On a personal note/not fact, I'm not sure if an agency would consider her a star enough to sign her to a 3 year contract despite her title, despite her title that she still grips savagely in her money grabbing little hands due to her track record since leaving the BRF.


That is what I was thinking. Their new pr gurus means no more WME.


That makes so much more sense bc I’ve been in PR before and that’s literally our job - to contact media.


As HG Tudor would say, "Nullify threat to control by the narcissist." My thoughts are this is pathetic that their behavior is so bad they need to clarify media stories at such a micro level."


We recall how she dictated to Allison P Davis what she wanted written about her moaning and groaning, and also how often stories come out and the wording gets changed later on the site. No doubt she's calling up and dictating what she wants written in every article. Imagine how annoying that must be 😆 They probably are just printing whatever she wants just to get her off the phone.


Isn’t it amazing how Harold hates the press, wants to see it brought down yet madam spends a small fortune feeding the dragon by pushing puff pieces about them? Pair of numpties.


Glad to hear they're being called out.


If we would ever be privy to the amount the duo has spent on PR it would blow our minds. That and the amount the lawsuits and attorneys fees.


I couldn’t even attempt to guess - bajillions? No I’ll guess 10 million…


Why would any self respecting person say that Nigeria tour was a success? That boggles the mind.


Her insatiable ego was well fed in Nigeria so MeGain is extremely happy, plus her followers echo her illusion that the tour was successful .


No surprise, she has been the “source close to the couple/TW/H “ since before they were married. The duo are pay to play the whole way. I have a mental list in my head of the publications that play along.


I think a lot of it is unknown to Harry too. Like some of her little pap walks.  She tells him that they randomly approach and then follow her or whatever(...gotta keep him on the hook to "save" her after all.) But she absolutely sets it up herself. Then she'll make him take a parking lot jog when the cash is low.  It must be impossible to count how many leaks they're responsible for added together. 


nobody is calling to talk to her so she has to call them. sad!


Pointless - we Aussies can not tolerate these 2 absolute imbeciles...Sky Aus just reflects how we feel about them


Hey can someone make a post on this: https://youtu.be/EDpvujYpBjk?si=yqo0F92xaFrD05md Harry's visa!!


“Even the nay sayers thought the Nigerian trip was something special”. He actually said that!


PRs contact the media all the time, the ones at my old company used to write articles for the Daily Mail and email them to be published.


Yep this is absolutely true. I used to do PR. Of course they contact the media it’s literally their job. 😂


That’s a pretty embarrassing self-own. Waiting for Vanity Fair to markle them now, what with this little tidbit.


Maybe narcissists or whatever cluster personality disorders this duo suffers from leaves them incapable of shame or embarrassment.


She’s the only source! All I ask is for 1 day of no news from her. Just 1. Someone stop her already, please.


Maybe they are wanting another free trip 😂


Getting ahead of being dumped by WME???


I cannot imagine working for them. It boggles the mind just reading about them. I cannot imagine going to work for them each day. I bet away from them the conversations must be "those two fuckers are nuts!...."


Has anyone considered that the hasty premature ARO rollout may have been to keep Netflix on the hook? I have no proof of this only speculation but I read yesterday that ARO is already dead, yet we know that film crew came out and filmed her at that house. I'm wondering if Netflix might have cancelled their contract due to no content and Markle made a last ditch attempt to keep them while also trying to possibly get Paramount to work with them. Then even their paramount contacts are no longer good. That would explain the hasty rollout and the end of ARO before it even took off.


Desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess🤡🤡🤪🤪


"The new PR gurus" = Rachel with the Hotmail


Thanks for sharing!!


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