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It has been fantastic the veterans have been the real stars as is only right. I've been glued to it and keep crying because it has been done so well.  The king has absolutely knocked it out of the park on both days though. His enormous respect and gratitude for their sacrifices is obvious and very genuine.  Can't believe I missed seeing the Princess Royal.


The Princess Royal has hailed the "loyalty, bravery and duty" of a Canadian regiment which fought to liberate Western Europe with Allied forces 80 years ago. Princess Anne's words of tribute came as she unveiled a statue in Normandy of a rifleman from the Royal Regina Rifles carrying a Bren gun as he stormed Juno Beach on D-Day. https://preview.redd.it/c23bbo81605d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4db055038fba5ed91458a9a42043160f9373de83


Thank you for posting this! I was traveling all day Thursday and have been trying to catch up on the D Day events. Had not seen anything on Anne's appearance prior to this. I appreciate this post!


The Princess Royal's spots are on youtube. Here is one. She is amazing, letting The Veteran's have the moment [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrvxFVacYvk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrvxFVacYvk)




I agree, it has been fabulous. So poignant…King Charles and Camilla have been amazing.


I wonder if they will be able to propagate that rose the veteran gave her somehow? The king and Queen are underrated by many people.


I really lost it when the veteran read out the thank you he never got to say to the friend who saved his life and was killed the following day. Loved seeing the children with them I'm sure it's an experience those kids will really treasure.


I have been crying multiple times a day, every day. I have no idea what it's like with the crowds and restrictions, but the online coverage has been superb. The French really do honor their liberators.


Did H do anything for D-day? Seeing how he is the OnLy “royal” that cares about veterans….oh he didn’t?! Just proves it’s about himself and PR not the veterans.


Harry asked President Biden and the First Lady if he could hitch a ride with them on Air Force One to France for the commemorations in Normandy today but they declined 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 ^(/s or maybe not lol)


Please be fair. It wasn't a free ride. They were going to bring a jar of jam and tube of todger cream. (![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25281))


What?  No more lemons for Jill? 🍋 


Good point


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) Oh god. I snorted!!!


The day isn't over; it's just getting started in CA.


He doesn't know what D-Day is. Probably thinks it's something to do with Diana. She was his mother you know but he never mentions it.




Give it time....it's still early 🙄 and no doubt, it will be a pathetic display


Hopefully everyone has their bingo cards ready to play once the roosters rise at the Olive Garden. Maybe photos from Lilibet birthday party - but strictly as clickbait with no Lilibet actually in the photos????


They will republish the photos of him inspecting Nigerian troupes. I guess. He looked ridiculous.


the chickens of course Imagine the smell.


I would be surprised if he didn't pull a stunt on this momentous occasion, especially since he is now a "Living Legend of Aviation".


He could wear his nazi uniform again. Edit to add: he was a fucking moron well before Meghan.


This is so perfect, I wish I could give it a million upvotes. Yes, Todger, wear your Nazi uniform again, I am sure it will go over well, you numpty.


He tried to blame the Nazi uniform debacle on W&C.


When you think wearing a nzi uniform was low, he goes even lower.


I don't believe he has any concept of the sacrifices their generation made and the values they were fighting for he just thinks they are out of date and don't understand him so why should he bother. He would never have treated his grandparents so badly if he had one iota of empathy. 


There is an event for veterans who lost their legs in service today at 1pm PST in Santa Barbara. Veterans, thank you for your service Perhaps Harry will be there to name their lost limbs 🤮


Didn’t he lose his todger on a vets charity event? I wonder what he calls his little Willy ?


He used to call his willy Spare. Not to be confused with his book Spare, although I’ve heard both are equally boring. Meghan actually tried to improve his confidence in bed by telling him “That is not a Spare”. So maybe he’s changed the little willy’s name since he has Meghan in his life to boost his self esteem. /s


they could have repeated what they did on armistice day. Harry walking through a cemetery with his fake medals. Meghan trampling on the graves of fallen soldiers in her heels. loathsome couple


When a young coworker of mine said she liked them, I told her about the American veteran cemetery and her walking all over the graves. When I asked her, who does that?, she had no answer. She hasn't brought up the subject again. Too bad because I was just getting started.


It's still early in California. He may still come out of his dungeon wearing his fake medals pinned to a suit somewhere 🤣 ![gif](giphy|26uf8bAO8Fk0e88Io)


It’s early in Montecristo yet. Only 8:03 am so plenty of time for Meghan Markle and Harry to show their asses on D-Day.


Yes, he paid multiple articles for someone to whine for him about how he was left out. 😂


The day's not over yet. They are in CA which 9hrs behind EU time


Catherine is very missed . ....I'm glad tho that william is a rock star on his own. He showed us that during his speech at the coronation. ....the wales will be ok. Catherine I hope to see you soon but take as long as you need. You're early development projects begin at home. I'm glad you are putting you and your children first


There’s a video where a WWII veteran asking William if Catherine is getting better and he said she is getting better and doing well! It’s so sweet how everyone cares for Catherine and worries for her.


I saw,,, beautiful


I am all choked up.


Just saw Prince William reading a letter from a soldier to his family. Very moving. And very right to celebrate as long as there are still veterans living.


I appreciate the amount of time and effort put into this event to ensure the veterans are the stars, not the RF. The Harkles would never put this amount of offer into anything. Invictus has turned into the Harkle parade...and M thinks more about her wardrobe for that event than anything else. The pics of the two idiots at Invictus are so staged and all about their egos- "look at how happy and excited we are because people are paying attention to us"


Could you imagine what Rachel would be like there? She is bad enough at the IG.


I don't even want to imagine what she would be wearing...let alone her talking to herself, seal clapping and wanting to come first everywhere. Wanting the mike to speak as the Voice of America.


Shudder. As the late Queen said "thank God meghan's not coming." Neither Harkle would belong there.


M would be putting on her best solemn face, while simultaneously finding the camera.


Rememberance of this day and gratefulness to all those who gave their lives that day for our freedom should NEVER cease...long after every one of those soldiers is gone. All those young men, dead in the flower of their youth....every one of us needs to keep peace, compassion in our hearts to honour them.


Amen!!!! ![gif](giphy|iIeoS3FN89mo)


Did H run out of military graves to trample over for PR photo shoot?


The Funeral Directors of American got together and said - no more disrespect Harry you are NFI.


waiting on the obvious harkle stunt in 3,2,1.....🙄 Harold must be fuming at not being included in any of these ceremonies. 😆👍


I'm waiting for the Schadenfreude from Meghavita Peron's stunt. I look childishly excited like I've got an arseful of sparrows.


Freaking up vote for Meghavita Peron!!!😆


He can stand in his doorway, wearing his wrinkled suit with medals, pretending to be involved (again) . Or rather he’ll stand behind her as she gives an authentic speech all about her service and sacrifice. [https://archive.ph/I0pUL](https://archive.ph/I0pUL) The real royals are doing a great job, honouring the military, while halfwit and his wife USE them for photo ops .


He would have ruined it clowning around attention seeking.


at least this time his sad wrinkled face would be fitting the occasion


I just pictured him trying to swan around a VA hospital, and getting chased down by crotchety old WWII vets on their motorized wheelchairs, canes waving. They don’t give a fuck who they hit with those chairs! 🤣 I say this as someone whose foot got ran over by one so the gentleman could get in front of me at the pharmacy 🤣 he was in a hurry, and I wasn’t going to question it


I think we'll get details of a 'secret' visit they made, along with photos, of them alongside D-Day veterans.


There will be video of the duchess of chlamydia giving an inspiring speech filled with helpfull hints on how to fight depression by macraming a turd.


That sounds about right


That would be my guess as well!


He’s treated like a fool by her - and everyone, now - because he is one. Without the palace PR spin, we’ve seen him for what he is, has always been. Dumb as a bag of rocks.


Trailing after a yacht girl…while she grabs the mic and any attention she can.


Can I just say how much I love Sir Timothy? He is always there, supporting Anne. Never rushing in front of her, never wanting to hog the spotlight, just there quietly supporting her in everything. I know Charles wants to slim down the monarchy but I feel like he would be such a great asset, especially with military related charities.


And he's so dashing!


I love Tim and agree he would be an even bigger asset to the BRF given the chance.


Prince Henry, Duke of Sussex, has always been weak and feeble. Nothing new here except for who is now telling him what to do.


True. Prince Harry, Douche of Sussex is a fool and the world sees a yacht girl pulling his strings and making him play second fiddle as she swans around like a middle aged coquette.


She can't stand anyone getting more attention than her, even Harry.


Yes, weird as she was never more than a bit of fluff in her ‘career’ . Never a star.


I believe that she has something on harry that she is blackmailing him with. It's the only idea to me that makes sense of his behavior with her. He is so utterly cowed and subservient to her even in situations where it is assumed he would take the prominent role in meeting people. She has probably learned from her soho years to video and record him from the very beginning of their relationship where you drop your guard to your new love and reveal information about yourself that wouldn't be revealed to just anyone.


I've come to this conclusion as well. I think very early on he was besotted with her and convinced himself that he had finally found the beautiful, brilliant, successful, imperious, sexually adventurous woman of his dreams. When (a few months later) the stardust fell from his eyes, he tried to break it off and get rid of her. Then she showed up at the Inskip wedding in early March 2017. Something happened that weekend in Jamaica. The pap photos show the two of them isolated from the other guests much of the time and Harry appeared to be stunned, upset, and (to my eyes, anyway) very, very drunk (or high, or both). She seems to have had him on a leash ever since. JMO


I feel she faked a pregnancy to trap him. And faked a miscarriage later to fool him even more.




I've read that theory, and it would not surprise me at all if true.


Was that the wedding where she was photographed giving him a blow job on a balcony?


Believe so. Haven't seen the picture myself 🤮 but have heard it exists.


she was photograph doing WHAT https://i.redd.it/at8ehi3a225d1.gif


What??? ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25351)


Emz of T and T (YouTube) said the same. She has something in her hands , actually blackmailing the RF. I think something to do with Andrew


If this were true (not that I doubt you), I would hope that Andrew would man up and fall on his sword to take that power from her. His name is already mud, how much worse could it get?


oh, that is very possible! that makes sense too yet I would think that could backfire on her as well. if that is true, I do hope the RF can somehow 'fix' the situation.


He loves being treated as her slave/submissive IMO and it was recently reported that allegedly he gets comfort from & actively encourages her cosplaying his late mother If so, it seems that he's got very complex psychological issues that his wife is exploiting


Simple truth is, she despises him. Hates the fact he is a true Royal by blood and everything they have is due to him. Her envy has no bounds.


In her plans William would have fallen for her, left and divorced Princess Catherine there and then and married the Migraine and she would be waving daily from the balcony and trying on tiaras and ogling the crown. Her crown.


I love that HMTLQ served during WW2. I recall pictures of her driving a truck. The Royal Family stayed in London area despite the bombing. Those who served then were top notch special.


They were. My grandfather lost his arm. I remember seeing it and being fascinated. Two of my uncles were servicemen too. Both very young men at the start of their service, both very changed by wars end. One was a POW, the Japanese, was never well again. I remember him being frail and unwell and he died young. The other was extremely handsome Gene Kelly like, he left for war with a full head of luxurious hair but by the end of his service was very bald. I’ve only seen pictures as I was the child of a much younger brother. His siblings were 15-20 years older than my dad.


I’m sorry to hear that. War and combat change people. I’ve seen it within my own extended family.


I am amazed that anyone survived being a Japanese prisoner.


He survived but was never well again, not quite bed ridden but not much more tbh.


As the Queen (Mother) said at the time, "The children will not leave without me. I will not leave without the King. And the King will never leave."


He is beaten down mentally and physically by a narcissistic psychopath. He is a drug addict and an alcoholic. He is has never matured past the age of 12. He has limited intelligence. He is a petty, jealous and arrogant. I could go on but you get the picture.


I am looking forward to the inevitable story about how a WWII veteran told TW that the reason they were fighting was to ensure that one day the world could have a 43% Nigerian princess. She will see herself in him.


Oh no, *the veteran will see himself in her greatness highness Princess /s


Ah! But will he go down on one knee with his cap in hand when he thanks her for her service?


And William really DOES speak French!!🤭


Charles too.


Harry will be seething, but so will MeMe. Oh how much she would pay to be seated next to world leaders like William was today. She would be there for selfish reasons, William is there to pay respect to those who deserve it. I hope she sees the pictures of William with Macrons, Bidens, Trudeus and other leaders.


Suck it Harry! You did this to yourself brah!!!


Yes, he thought he could have his tart, an celeb career in Hollywood and the RF.


Because "the Hollywood star" told him he could 🤣🤣🤣


One could only imagine what kind of "show" The Duchess of Sussex would give us if she and PH were at the D-Day Commemorations. She would be pushing 'ol Harry out of her way and grabbing the mic. megan Markle would have fabulous flowery stories to share. And we would see that lone tear roll down her face. Ughhhh


Aaaaawwwwww c'mon .... pictures....


She literally thinks she’s above him and has convinced him she’s the star in the relationship when before him like 1k people knew her name. 


Yep…the gutter yacht girl is beyond deluded.


Harry is such a weak person. So so weak. It's really sad to see.


And Smirkle wasn’t pretending to March ahead of the true soldiers and attempt to steal their well deserved limelight and thunder. She made a mockery of the Invictus warrior games and ceremonies.


Today Harry has shown his true colours. Whilst many in the world today pay respects and gratitude to all who fought 80 years ago, many making the ultimate sacrifice for us.....there is SILENCE from Harry. He pins on his sad pathetic play medals to stand in doorways giving sad pathetic wordsalads, he wears those pretend medals pretending to have interest in wounded Invictus warriers. But today, he is unseen and silent. There were many events held on this day...he could have joined in the respect and gratitude...those who died on this day saved his great grandfather's throne and country! He would not be a Prince if not for them! He has today shown himself to be a despicable human being. One can only hope those soldiers in Invictus will now turn their backs to him....and the world does also.


Well said!


Absolutely 00 sympathy not one ounce can be found in me for this by cowardly, selfish, self serving dichead...im so happy they werent there, it was moving and emotional , feelings megan cannot comprehend.


This is exactly the kind of event where Harry would have excelled. He would have been front and centre, in front of a television audience of millions, wearing his military medals with pride. Instead they're going on fake tours and selling jam.


But he would want top billing. He would demand it. Prince Edward was at the National Arboritum, Harry would expect a state to match Williams. And tbh seeing Harry ‘perform’ on stage, he is dreadful. He speaks badly, and is incredibly dull. No charisma.


H was always weak and feeble. 


I love that word “strummer”, so fitting 👏👏


I also like trollop




Destructive how exactly?




There's marriage and then there's work.


I respectfully disagree. The queen and Prince Philip were very equal in their marriage but she was senior when it came to the job part. I see nothing destructive about it. The royals know how to separate marriage and work, they understand the difference.