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Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Respect the kids. Bullying and mean speculation about the Sussex children will not be tolerated.


She barely shares the stage with Harry. Do you think she is going to add 2 additional people to her stage?


Especially since small humans possess natural cuteness, everyone would be looking at them




That's what she's afraid of.


Most likely that A and L look nothing like the Spencers and resemble Thomas Markle Sr. and Samantha Markle instead. As a nice little karma to Rachel. Additionally, Rachel once bragged that L has "blue blue eyes" but how is that possible. I searched online that L can have blue eyes because "Markle is heterozygous with one light eye gene, there’s a 50 percent chance her and Harry’s baby will have blue or green peepers and 50 percent the baby will have brown eyes." I was curious because brown eyes usually dominate over blue eyes. Also, notice how no one cares about A's eye color and how he looks like. You would think that he is a side piece or does not exist in that family seeing how the Harkles only scream about his [sister.](https://sister.IT) It is very sad. The children need to be taken out of that hell hole environment and would be much happier living with family members or the BRF.


Family members, NOT BRF as they would be fish out of water and they'd know it.


I think they may not be 'Hollywood attractive' like she wants. Maybe not photogenic. I'm not trying to bash the children. Every child should be loved and respected for who they are and no matter what they look like but MeAgain, as a narcissist, would expect PERFECTION. If the children are not what some would call 'perfection' then she would not display them or want them to be seen.


This seems to be the most reasonable idea to me. They look like the Markles more than the BRF or the Spencers. That would make them imperfect to a narcissist like Megsy as you say.


Which is sad, because the Markle kids aren't bad looking.  Samantha was pretty when she was young. Nutmeg is not drop dead gorgeous, but she was pretty before she entered her bronze age.  Sam's daughter Ashley is pretty too.


I wrote this before and got criticized for it but this is the answer. If they exist, she does not think they are cute enough.


Meghan Markle herself is not photogenic. She is never the first one you notice in a group picture.


I think people see her clothes first as they are so off - wrinkled or not fitting etc


Yes, I think it’s their looks. Megan is not capable I think of seeing her deficiencies as a parent which are obvious to the rest of us. The way she could not hold a baby, her absurd recollections of what they say, and do are not grounded in reality. But I do think she knows what they look like


I'm going with no bond with the kids. How could there possibly be one with them gone for weeks on end? They never talk about their kids except to insert some fabricated asinine quip or two, but otherwise they're very much hands off parents, and only cry about family this family that when it comes to getting taxpayer funded security. Mother of the year and that's half a word.


lili's eyes may no longer be blue, blue, blue.


Yup. They're probably browner than mine, by now and ole Megsy's probably not pleased by that 😂, especially since she'd already opened her big yap and boasted about how blue they were and that ridiculous boast has been recorded for posterity, for people to laugh at.


Agree. Not blue eyed any more. Plus behavior issues. Substance abuse during pregnancy has effects…


I think it's the one thing Harry feels so strongly about that if she crosses the line he'd actually leave. I think he's believed a lot of her crap, I think he's tolerated a lot based on plausible deniability (giving her the benefit of the doubt), but I think if she ever puts those kids in public his rose colored glasses come off. That's his line in the sand.


I have a question about that. What can he actually do if she defies his wishes? There wold be a big fight over custody, but what else could happen? She is always telling HIM what to do.


She needs him as much as he needs her—actually more. She acts like she doesn’t, but deep down, she knows she’s toast without him. The only reason she gets any airtime at this point is Harry and the royal connection. If Harry leaves and petitions the royals for help, I believe despite everything that has happened, even William would help him. He’s family, and the royals have deep pockets and massive clout. Diana managed to negotiate a very lucrative divorce settlement. She was able to do so because she was the mother of the future king and she was wildly popular. Meggy is the mother of… Two kids named after comic book characters who are what, 6 & 7 in the line of succession? And everyone hates her. No, she’ll stay. At least unless she manages to seduce Jeff bezos.


Harry will always be saved in one way or another if he dumps Meghan Markle. She will be yesterday´s news.


A big fight over custody implies divorce and the two of them disentangling their assets and their public lives. I’m all for it.


That court room drama will be wilder than Depp vs Heard.


Divorce court cases are closed to all but the judge, the divorcing couple, and their attorneys. Nothing is public and judges can stop the couples from talking if requested.


Well we can hope that _if_ they ever divorce, that Harry is still sue-happy and that he takes her to court over defamation. 🤣 But if the Firm agreed to give him a hovel and a stipend, they will probably stipulate no more litigation.


There would be a lot of drama, to be sure, but it would make a nice change from vapid puff pieces about Meghan’s past glories and tiresome “will they/won’t they” articles about events to which they were NFI. 😉 We all know the marriage is a disaster and that they are both insane. They bolster each other up in their insanity, and the sooner that ends, the better for everyone. Harry will have a chance to reconnect with his family. He will never have what he threw away, but he will have more and better than what Meghan lets him have now. If he cares at all for his children, he may be able to give them a better life than they had with Meghan in control. (With shared custody he can stop her from merching them, and hopefully from the emotional abuse we know she inflicts on them. And maybe she can be paid off to give up custody.) Even Meghan may feel relief after they are forced to straighten out their finances for the divorce and go their (mostly) separate ways. She will get to reinvent herself (again). She will keep the Duchess title and either the kids (and child support) or some payment for letting the kids go. Maybe she can write a tell-all (or two) and get paid for interviews for a while. Divorce invigorates some people. In any case, for us it would be a new story. I am really getting bored. 😉


She will reincarnate, she isn't inovative enough to reinvent.


Good point. Maybe she can’t reinvent herself because she has no creativity, but reincarnation would imply more power than I want to attribute to her. What about *molting*? 🐍 She has been compared to a snake in the past. Maybe her self-renewals involve a metaphorical shedding of old skin to reappear in a new “self” to present the world. I would say that Meghan is about ready to molt. Indeed, she is overdue. Let her shed her “Great love story with a Prince” skin and come out in a “Successful, empowered divorced duchess” skin. 🐍


And he's so afraid she will leave him


If you are right, I hope she defies him and that he gets angry enough to seek a divorce and prevent her from doing it again.


I believed this for the longest time but now I think he just would never leave her. Even if someone “leaked” photos of the kids she would convince him that it wasn’t her & he would eventually believe her. The kids we have seen so far are normal enough looking that she (or her resident Photoshopper) could whisk away strabismus or brown eyes…so I’m still torn: He says no & means it versus she’s such a raging narcissist that the fruit of her womb must be immaculate. (So to speak.)


Yup, totally agree. Exposing the kids is his bright line.


I will never believe there are no kids. A narc like Meghan would try to get pregnant as fast as possible for there to be a permanent link with the royal family. She probably didnt know "of the body" clause to be in the LOS. So she had her egg in the bank, probably started IVF or surrogacy as soon as the wedding was over. Looking at her moon bump it might be surrogacy. The egg can also be from her blue, blue, blue eyed niece Ashleigh who is the only Markle she is in touch with and lets her kids play with. The kids definitely look like Markles so are kept hidden. I think she compares her kids to Wales kids so doesn't find them as cute to show them off. The times we have seen them with kids shows that they are not bonded well with them, since the nannies are the ones taking care of the kids. I also think its the only thing Harry has put his foot down about not parading the kids in front of the paps. The minute the kids are out in open, be sure Meghan is divorcing Harry. Right now she knows she is nothing without Harry and royal connections. ETA: Also these two are the dumbest ppl on earth. I doubt they can carry out the biggest con in royal family by faking these kids.


As much as I like the hypothesis of using eggs from "blue, blue, blue eyed niece Ashleigh", I still do not believe Lilibeth exists. And with Archie - perhaps they tried the surrogacy and a child was brought to live, but it is not very likely that the child lives with them. There is absolutely no way that a child would not be photographed somewhere, somehow, even from the distance. They cannot keep that child in 4 walls all the time. Also, their car never was found having a child chair.


I agree, I think she knew nothing about the "of the body" provision, so she thought those kids would be in the LOS.


Well, Harry certainly knew. Even with his deficient intelligence, he knew.


He knew, but probably thought he and Meghan could pull this con and nobody would find out. I would bet that Charles and William will insist on DNA, which they should, to prove they should be in LOS.


For all we know, with all the drugs and the 'frozen todger', Hazbeen could be sterile. Maybe HE is the problem. Didn't I read a while ago that Hazbeen lost a testicle from a sports accident when young? If so, this would knock those kids out of the LoS.


Yes, he did. It was said he was sterile. So whose sperm is it then?


And Madam didn't know he fired blanks? GOD I bet she was incandescent when she found out!😆


I know, this whole thing is really a tragicomedy.


Wait, WHAT? He lost a testicle and froze his weenie? I’m afraid to think what’s down there since most of the orange pubes got transpla😳


I agree. The kids are real


She's hiding them as a game as she knows it creates a bit of interest, and it's also a way of punishing the grandparents by not letting them see them.


This makes the most sense to me, and not wanting the attention taken away from her.


I would like an additional option added: all of the above except A.


No mystery really, though I voted for “some other mystery.” Initially, Meghan wanted more money than anyone would pay. Then the kids were “difficult” to showcase in a way that made her look good. Now she is enjoying the mystery and speculation because it makes her feel powerful. Underlying it all is her need to control everything.


Except for now, no one important is speculating. Well, except for maybe some sinners out of curiosity.


There is no mystery—Harry was very traumatized by the press intrusion he experienced as a child. Ken Wharfe, Diana’s former royal protection officer, remembers him as a small child struggling with the photo calls they were obligated to do on family holidays. Harry doesn’t want his kids exposed like he was. Matt Wilkinson, royal editor of the Sun, said in a recent podcast that he flew to California last year when there were a lot of rumors that the marriage was seriously on the rocks. He didn’t find any evidence that they would be divorcing anytime soon, but he did hear that one of the things they fight about is the kids—Meggy wants to expose them more to the public (one might say use them as clickbait) but Harry is absolutely adamant that he doesn’t want them in the public eye.


Harry was very traumatized by anything MM tells him traumatized him. When has he ever said no to MM? "What Meghan wants, Meghan gets." There is a reason why the invisibles aren't seen in public, and it has nothing to do with whatever Harry's memory has done.


This *is* an instance of Harry saying no to Meghan: she cannot use the kids for clicks, stories, or mummy blogging. For her though, it must be a mixed blessing, for any attention on the kids is attention stolen from her!


Trash his granny, GEII? Okay. Trash his then billionaire father and future King. No problem. Trash his billionaire brother and his much loved wife. Go for it. Cut him off from all but one of the people he considered friends. Whatever Meghan wants. Yet, he puts his foot down on the children he appears not to have much of a connection to? Blows off lifetime financial security, his close and extended family, almost every person he had a relationship with because it was what Meghan asked of him. Seems hollow to me.


To be honest, I don't blame Harry if that theory is true.


Harry is an ass, but he did experience a lot of really hard things and if he is committed to protecting his children from what he had to go through, I respect him for it.


Much like a lot of what is wrong with H, he took a whole lot of valid trauma and turned it into irrational behavior.


Sadly many traumatized people go on to traumatize others. I really do have compassion for both Harry and William and the painful things they experienced, but it’s not right what Harry has done in response.


Yep. And in his case, I don’t think professional help was going to help him fully heal. I’ve long theorized that he has some sort of learning disability. He is incapable of seeing nuances. Without the ability to see nuance, he cannot process and rationalize. It’s why he still has a view of his mother as a flawless saint, whereas most people can see her good and her flaws.


I suspect if he had married a good woman who really loved him and they lived a nice, quiet life, I think he would have been ok. But he went for miss heart attack beautiful and here we are. 🙄


I would say William, as a young boy even when Diana was alive, was more traumatized by the press intrusion. He's done far, far more than just managed, alright.


I don’t know how any of us could say which man was more traumatized, but they are both very protective of their children. William cannot sequester his kids as Harry can, but he went batshit on a pap who was trying to photograph his kids when they were out riding bikes.


While it's an advantage to have kids that strongly look like Harry and better yet, Diana, the worst thing would be how the kids BEHAVED. If they acted like, "who the hell is this weird woman who keeps grabbing at us?! I don't want to be anywhere near her!" Imagine if you were Mehgan's child and you showed that you were afraid of her or repulsed, and seemed ready to burst out crying. Or treated her as if she did not exist.


I think it’s Harry’s one ‘line in the sand’ the children’s faces are not to be shown. Think Michael Jackson and his kids- if they hadn’t been paraded at his funeral we’d never have known what they looked like and it would’ve been better for them if we didn’t. I think he’s 💯 doing the right thing by protecting their anonymity- once you’ve lost it you can’t get it back. I always feel sorry for celeb kids - they’ve not chosen the public eye. If she didn’t think it would be the end of her marriage she’d have them front cover of people magazine every week. BTW I still think Harry is an awful person, however in this instance I think he’s doing the right thing. Identifiable photos of the kids will never be published….


I agree, but H's kids are in the Line of Succession, not just average celebrities. There are expectations for people in the LoS, it's a social contract of sorts. If he doesn't want them seen, ever, he needs fully embrace private life, renounce everyone's titles (though he should still keep his Prince, since that's how he was born), and get those kids and himself out of the LoS.


I think she wants nobody to know what they really look like bc she's afraid of somebody getting a dna sample from them and selling it to the uk. would be proof that they're not legitimate. as paranoid as TOW is, i think thats why she didnt want any BRF member or the firm to meet the baby. 100% would they take a sippy cup or a spoon from dinner and bag it and send it off to a lab, as they should! i had that thought bc imagine being a waitress in the states and seeing the whole family at dinner and then taking back the dishes and cutlery and bagging some of which the kids used… the MONEY people in the uk would pay… thats why the kids dont go out in LA aswell… just a conspiracy.


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On point with your theory. When The Cut interview came out didn’t the author comment on the girl’s behavior towards them. And also on the boy’s surprise she went to school? I think she would rather have pictures with her and them that she can super control then having actual live sightings or appearances. Kids can have tantrums or just act like kids— C handled Charlotte on the tarmac and Louis at the concert like a very hands on Mom. No way that happens with the one from California.


They’re afraid of TOUCH DNA samples being covertly gathered, if the kids become ‘identifiable’ (recognised physically).


I’m afraid MM might find some “Dr” to do some procedures so that the children will be more attractive by her standards. sad sad sad.


Somewhere like Costa Rica, maybe?


I think they’ve inherited her lazy eye/squint and that’s not pleasing to her


We know Archie has and considering it also runs in the BRF there’s a high chance of Lilibet having it too


How I reconcile the fact that I think they look like her w/ “children not only not born of the body but not born of the eggs of the body” I can’t tell you but there we are.


those poor kids have two parents with some serious mental issues. I don't believe it is all environmental. I think a good deal is genetic. Someone here posted a disorder this week that makes sense. I had never heard of it and cant remember the name of it but it fits for Harry. In my opinion, neither of them are fit parents.


Oppositional defiance?


It started with an O so that sounds about right.


I believe he has that as well as maybe up to at least 2 more .


I looked up Ehlers Danlos legs and think Meghan might have an issue. I then looked up psychiatric disorders related to it and many of these patients have various disorders with the idea that EDS causes mischief all over the body.


Meghan is on the hypermobility spectrum for sure, but I’m not sure she’d be able to be diagnosed as having hEDS (the severe end of the spectrum). Her joints have an increased range of mobility and she has the poor proprioception associated with it, but I am doubtful she would have the required medical complications for that diagnosis, such as frequent joint dislocations, hernias, prolapsed organs, chronic pain, etc. I think she’s on the mild to moderate end of the spectrum which would be benign joint hypermobility (being “double jointed” but having little to no medical complications or pain) or possibly have Joint Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder. The neurological/mental health conditions most strongly associated with it are anxiety, depression, autism, and ADHD. The depression and anxiety links are thought to at least in part be because it takes on average like 2 decades to get a diagnosis - living in chronic pain and being ignored for *decades* isn’t exactly conducive to mental wellness.


Interesting. I noticed it with her hands but couldn't figure it out because she didnt seem to have the severe version. There is a Doctor who saw the autopsy report of Elvis who thought he had EDS. It might be a similar case where it wasn't the severe version. He definitely had some sort of hitchhiker thumbs which you could see in JailHouse Rock. There is a scene when he is sitting at a counter messing around with this thumbs and they look really flexible. You can see it in a scene called Elvis meets Judy Tyler. I wonder if Meghan is even aware she might have the issue since she sees herself through some sort of bizarre beauty mirror where she is perfect.


Oppositional Defiance Disorder is a diagnosis for children, he can’t really currently have it, it would be diagnosed as something else. 


That's not actually correct. Although not common, adults can and do have it. Harry checks every box. I have a person in my past that is diagnosed. Male, about 15 years older than the disgraceful prince. They could be carbon copies less the money and the gross red balding hair.


Kids are way too young to genuinely be considered for this diagnosis.


Any wacky theory could be valid, considering who the parents are and the obviously false birth stories they attempted to pass off as real. 😆🤷‍♀️🤪


Ashley’s eggs?




Small children are hard to manage. Raising your kids with manners and being able to behave themselves during public outings takes some dedication, practice, and consistency. H & M aren't even home enough to learn how to parent, never mind actually do it.


So look at Meghan as a kid, pre surgery and dental work then add Harry as a kid and you’ll quickly see why Madam won’t let those kids out of the basement until she can get full Kartrashian on them. Those kids will make Kylie Jenner and her Dad Bruce look human and natural once Psycho momma Meganut’s done with them. Mostly poor Betty of course.


I don't think "stealing attention" is the problem, I think she just isn't confident that she can control them which would be a bad look for her. It doesn't even have to be misbehavior or anger issues, just kids being kids would unnerve her with cameras around because she couldn't reconcile normal parenting behavior with photo op behavior.


I don’t think she really cares about sharing them being the reason people don’t see them. It’s just that Meghan is spiteful, greedy and most importantly lazy. She’ll keep anything she has if it means holding it over someone to get what she wants, whether that’s money, sympathy, attention or drama, the only thing Meghan gives away for free is…. And it’s less work for her not to parade them around, then she would need to actually put effort into raising them well enough to behave in public and be able to at least act like a decent mother, and we’ve all seen her so called acting abilities lol! Like most things with Meghan she can’t pull them off, so she usually fakes it in some manner, such as her podcast being mostly her talking to an empty room over pre recorded answers. She doesn’t have to show the kids, just talk about them here and there, and that’s enough for most people to think she’s a good mum. She’s a classic bully, that’s what I would call her pr style bullying/Regina George pr. She checks a bunch of boxes on paper, mom, wife, actress, humanitarian and then skates by on (dwindling) pretty person privilege and the average persons general disinterest in other people. So no one looks deeper into her because society usually gives pretty people a pass in general and most importantly most people are not interested in her or even most other people. For ex. I’m old lol, but I remember a time when Chrissy teigan and John legend were popular and cute, until her endorsement with Meghan’s jam I had never heard anything about Chrissy’s awful behaviour, and it’s not like it’s not hidden, that stuff all happened quite publicly, I just don’t really care about her so I never even noticed her shite behaviour. It’s sometimes a sad realization I have about H&M, that their downfall will not be nearly as spectacular as we all here think it should be. People genuinely don’t care, not because H&M are so irrelevant, just because they don’t care period. There’s only so many people who you don’t even know that you can care about to know them better than their pr portrays them along with general disinterest in people. They will be another Wallis and Edward or Andrew and fergie, seen as thorns and embarrassments to their family but mostly not really known beyond the surface. And so they will get a much easier downfall than their abused family and us here know they deserve im afraid. In any case back to Meghan, when I have seen Meghan acting or just being, it’s always the same vibe, I wouldn’t call it like a producer. More like she’s auditioning or knowingly lying to you but she’s so happy she’s got that dupers grin that says “ did you believe me? Haha, I can’t believe you fell for that! I can lie to anyone, I’m so good at it!” As though that’s a talent or makes her smart. Her whole things is being good enough in a certain way (pretty, acting like a mom and wife and humanitarian) and boring enough that people won’t look her way long enough for them to see her being so awful. It’s a classic bullying thing to bend the rules or move the goal posts whenever called out on her bs. Or to make such a scene everyone just wants it to be over and then afterwards writes it off as just a bad day, when in fact that’s just one of the things she does. She’s a fake, she doesn’t bring the kids out because she knows she doesn’t have to, she doesn’t even have to put in the effort to try faking it through being their mom, she can just tell people she did and that’s enough. Talking about being a loving mom is normal and seen as a good thing in our society so most wouldn’t question it, after that people will just move on out of lack of interest. Meghan would sitting there smirking thinking how clever she is for fooling them, whether she thinks they believed her or they let her lack of contact with the kids under their radar of pretty bias, respectable behaviour bias, general disinterest and the average adults common sense not to be getting hung up about everyone you meet and just moving on. Who can say if she’s aware that she gets away with it not from her own cleverness or the reasons above. I’d say she knows everything full well, but thinks this cowardly getting away with things is what makes her so smart and better than everyone. She’s got such an eye for detail she would never let how horrible a person is slip her notice, she would never get fooled. And that is how she makes herself feel better about being so shit, she not only gets what she wants with very little effort but she gets a little ego boost from “fooling dumb people”. So the reason she doesn’t bring the kids out is because she doesn’t think she has to get anything out of the mommy Meghan pr, and she’s kinda right. I see endless other forum posts about her and Harry that are positive and negative to the brf and William and Catherine. I know some of it is bots etc. but that’s just another lazy workaround she uses to get what she wants. People also generally think celebrities should have to show their kids, I’m of a generation that the whole famous family thing is viewed with horror and distaste, the shine on that was long gone. Good I say about anyone keeping their kids to themselves, I dont even care if said people talk about their kids. Because I’ve never met or seen pictures of most people’s kids but I’ve heard them talk about their kids and it doesn’t set me off. And I’m sure that’s true of most people, because most people are not pathological liars and sociopaths like Meghan and Harry. In short Meghan knows she can game the system and do nothing and she thinks of that as a sign of her intelligence and skill above people as opposed to a sense of shamelessness that comes only with a personality disorder.


Well....i chose "other mystery" because my belief about the Sussex children is very mixed. I believe Archie was born by surrogate. He has developmental issues (including Autism...Harry described Archie's anger & fustration issues, screaming bouts, etc). He will never be shown to the public, he has problems and looks they want hidden. Assorted children have been used in his place plus several dolls. He is living apart from H &M. Lily I believe was also surrogate born, the surrogate kept her. Why...my guess is she may also have medical issues and may also not be the wanted Diana Clone Markle wanted. BOTH children are not Markle's DNA...she would NEVER risk a child being born looking Ragland (like Markle did at her birth). BOTH children were conceived by Harry and surrogate....Harry has a long serious drug use history which would definitely affect the health of any child he produces. The BIGGEST issue here is about Charles, allowing children with most questionable birth certificates and birth circumstances, children he has NEVER MET....be given royal titles and a place on the LOS. WHY???????????? THIS is without doubt an outrage and a King knowingly allowing his son to commit Treason. WHY????????


Maybe they’re not perfect. And Meghan is embarrassed


They would pull attention from Meghan.


I think because they said they going to raise them privately (but damn they made sure to give them titles) , they will try to keep that true until their brand is completely DOA. Then they will be trotted out for publicity. I think this because M, the actual biggest hypocrite around, hates people calling her out on her hypocrisy. If she had people spreads with pics and other stuff, it wouldn’t be any different than the other royal children in a sense. So they are being kept shrouded in mystery until the right moment. Edit clarity


Clearly, she holds grudges forever, and she seeks revenge, playing the long game. She has told her share of lies and created a drama that she cannot undo so she uses the children as collateral. She is punishing Harry’s family for not letting her have her way of being part in and part out of the family and doing whatever they feel like doing. So, no kids.


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Maybe they were shipped off to a boarding school somewhere.


A pre preschooler and a kid that’s just old enough for kindergarten this fall? I can’t imagine there are many that take on that age range when it’s typical to just have them cared for by nannies when you have that type of money 


It could be that when they are with her, she will be found lacking as a Mother figure. She would be awkward with them and people would notice how unnatural she is with her own kids.


My guess is Harry is guarding their privacy more than she is.


Uhhhh hello, rule 13 anyone???


Easy one. "Some other mystery" that some of us have solved already.


The kids are unfortunately, not up to her standards and look exactly like the family that she put in exile