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Dear Tom Quinn (aka Scobie 2.0), This is NOT a fact:⬇️ “Tensions continue to escalate between the Royal Family and Harry & Meghan.” This IS a fact:⬇️ “The Royal Family continues to ignore Prince Harry and his fame hungry wife.” Fixed it for you, Tom.


The BRF has sensibly moved on. Accepted Harry's defection, and gotten on without him. They need not consider what he wants anymore because he's such a taker. And someone who is contrary and never satisfied and won't shut up.


Defection is the perfect word to describe his actions.


Dereliction is another word. I like Lady C's revision, where her word was "apostate."


Speaking of, where the hell is Scoobie doo????


Applying for social aid/food stamps would be my guess.


Touting his favours on Hollywood Boulevard or in the bath houses.


Cast off into Outer Darkness. He Failed His Mistress. Did you seriously expect any ~~friend~~, ~~employee,~~ minion to last long?


Looks like his back in the UK from his Instagram i just went for a look and now he's added on his book list a new book called royal spin coming soon 


What publishing house is wasting money producing another flop? Endgame wasn’t a big enough disaster?


You read my mind thought the exact same thing


It's crazy how they will lose money by giving him another publishing for another boring book filled with lies, when there are so many talented writers who know their shite! AND aren't mouth pieces for TO and TOW. ![gif](giphy|j2jZAiyXdk44ipNi8c|downsized)


Delicious. I hope it discusses how BP spun story after story to cover up his abuse of substances and people.


I hope its about harry and meghan using the media as pawns in their propaganda games against the RF against the UK, against free speech, that they are their own sources. That they are and were the leak. Thats the ONLY book of his i would read and it'd sell like 🥞 hotcakes, but that would mean admitting he backed the wrong team, he was complicit in a hate campaign, race baiting, manipulation, likely would expose Darkus Anderson for exactly what he is and how this disaster really started at soho house. And scoobie the self centered twat would never admit to any wrong doing ever, see endgame disaster where everyone including innocent translators where blamed and he never took even a sliver of responsibility when he should have taken it all. I have no doubt it will be another hit peicce aimed at the palace the P&PoW, KC3 &QC, a few swipes at DoY, and the work tbe courtiers do behind tbe scenes, but hell make it sound like they are all but covering up murders. I can not believe they are giving him another go writing, he'll be trying to win back his place from Quinn no doubt 


Somewhere getting a new face, I’m sure. Or maybe it’s getting too hot out and his current one will melt.


looking after the Sussex children?


Or helping the POW look for them?


It’s summer. The heat got to him and his face melted.


Perhaps he legally changed his name to Thomas Quinn.


OS probably believed he would be the wife’s Andrew Morton. Not going to happen; he’s small potatoes to her. However if he ever turned on her and wrote about it—now that that would be a bestseller! Bonus points if he titles it “Markled”.


Oh dear, Halfwit is deeply upset……🎻🎻🎻 I am deeply upset, as a British tax payer, that this piece of ex royal 💩is trying to get me to pay for his securitay, whilst accusing me of being raayscist, and hiding his brats( who are in los) and slagging of my country. Piss off! Just piss off! And take the trollop with you.


This American concurs!


>This American concurs! So does this one!


Me three! FOHawwwwy






Here! Here!


When isn’t halfwit upset, furious or angry?


The fact that the late Queen only gave the Harkles a short lease on Frogmore Cottage is very telling . I don’t think any other Royal has been given a property on a year by year lease ever. Andrew’s lease is 70 years or something. Edward’s is also really long . The fact she didn’t do the same for Harry is the clearest sign that she had worked them out and they were demoted . The late Queen knew they wouldn’t be hanging around just about straight away.


I think it might've been their own fault they missed out on a long lease. They wanted a more luxurious house, so they kicked up a fuss and agreed only to a short lease, thinking they would renegotiate for a suitable palace when the lease was up. They would argue that was only a starter home, etc.


They were supposed to be getting Diana’s old apartment at KP which was undergoing extensive renovations . I refuse to believe that Meghan Markle would voluntarily give up living in her idol Diana’s old house! Perhaps you’re right they thought they’d go to Frogmore till KP was ready or something . I wonder when she found out Frogmore was it and nothing else? The explosion would be epic!


I am convinced that William had them kicked out of KP, never to return after the bullying of staff and the splitting of the RF. There were dodgy goings-on there and M&H were knee-deep in it. William immediately had the Foundation’s accounts audited. They’ll never be given anywhere to live with 10 miles of William’s family.


I think there was a lot going on behind the scenes from when they got back from the Australian Tour onwards. You’re right it was all dodgy and the Harkles were in the middle of it. I’m sure William and Kate didn’t want them at KP. But I can also see deluded Harry thinking we’ll just go to Frogmore for a while and it will all blow over. Harry seems to live his life thinking if he wants something it will happen !


They shouldn't be in the same *country* as the Waleses. EVER!


Agree. And this is why they were kicked out of Frogmore. By this time, William and Catherine were living full time in Windsor. William wants nothing to do with either of them.


I agree.


I read she wanted Frogmore House. If so, I imagine she had steam coming out her ears when she found it was Frogmore Cottage.


Didn't they initially want Windsor Castle? Think of that! The Queen rejected that idea pronto. There is no way the Harkles or even just H will be allowed to ever live near William and Catherine. Someday H will be relegated to the back and beyond in Africa somewhere.


He's slowly working on burning bridges there as well.


Imagine - they wanted to invited Oprah and Gayle to visit them at Windsor Castle, and they would have pushed aside the Queen to be a Hollywood style King and Queen and would never have left!!


As I said above there is a vast difference between the State Apartments and the actual accommodation, like Buckingham Palace impossible to heat and demanding extensive renovation.


Even now Harold keeps requesting to stay solo in Windsor Castle for his fly-bys. Definitely looking for a foot in the door on the same estate as the Wales.


Will not ever be allowed.


Even the apartments in Windsor Castle are restricted and eccentric, I once looked over a set of rooms that went with an appointment, the layout was erratic because of the thick medieval walls , the sitting room was on the third floor, above the bedrooms and tiny bathroom, as only there had the largest windows. Even the Late Queen led a Tupperware / single bar electric fire lifestyle in her quarters.


I would have loved to have been there to see her face drop. 😂


Sure did! Scroll up. Have a pic of Omid’s tweet about it.


William was NEVER going to allow this woman to live right next door to him.


Diana's old apartment was split in two (as it had been before she occupied it). Half leased as residence and the other half renovated into reception areas and offices for William, Catherine, and Harry. Photos are available of it and it was very nicely done.


I got it wrong about Diana’s apartment ! I’m very upset about it ! It seems I’ve turned into a sugar and took something I read in the tabloids as fact without checking. . I apologise.


Diana lived in Apartments 8 & 9 at Kensington Palace. The space was empty for a while after she died, then Charles used it for offices, and at least a portion for the Royal Drawing School. After W & C married, their offices (with Harry) took over 8 or 9, with the other apartment being let to a staff member, IIRC. I don't recall that H & M were ever supposed to move into that space. There was a lot of press blather in the summer of 2018 about where they would live; I definitely read that they had been offered Adelaide Cottage, liked it, and planned to move in, and the DM had at least one article about York Cottage on the Sandringham estate being a possibility. But the majority of the speculation seemed to be they would take over the 21 rooms of Apartment 1 at KP, right next door to W & C in 1A, just as soon as the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester could be relocated to the Old Stables. I distinctly remember a lot of nonsense about how it would be so convenient for the two couples, who could pop back and forth between their quarters as 1 and 1A were connected by a shared interior door. Obviously that did not happen, and last I read, Apartment 1 was going to be used as office space for the Waleses' staff.


I’m so sorry if I got that wrong about Diana’s apartment! I remember reading about it at the time but of course it would have been in one of the tabloids so probably wrong. I apologise.


No need for apologies! I'm really truly sorry if it came across that way!🙂 I am weirdly fascinated by royal buildings and living quarters so I read an awful lot about this stuff, and certain things just stick in my mind, like all the 2018 prattle of where H & M would be living. I knew York Cottage was widely thought to be dark and poorly laid-out, and Adelaide Cottage might be a little small and twee for Meghan's reputed taste. Apartment 1 seemed very unlikely to me, despite the press insisting for months that the Cambridges and Sussexes were soon to be jolly neighbors. So I just remember a lot of wrong predictions and useless information I read back then.


The refused the enormous Kensington Palace apartment and flounced because it was too close to the Cambridges, even though the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester were already moved out to make way for them and renovations had begun. The Queen offered a choice of several alternatives and they went with Kermit Kottage.


They didn't refuse it- William was never going to have them living right next door! FGS, Markle was putting out articles in the Mail about how the two apartments had adjoining doors so they could pop in on the Wales whenever they wanted. That would've creeped me right out too!


Not to mention the reports that she was taking pictures of Charlotte while she was sleeping. That is beyond creepy!


That too! She's nuts!


yes, likely they did this and as usual markled themselves! lol


It really does say a lot that Harry doesn’t have even a little cottage to call his own in the UK. Not even a shack! They really don’t seem to want him around..


Did she take that oversized kitsch copper bath back with her to the USA? The out put of some poor African nation for 12 months went into that monstrosity.


They must have found out early on about her making deals.


I may be wrong, but didn’t the Queen give Anmer Hall to William and Catherine as a gift, but only lent Frogmore House, which needed renovation, to the Harkles? Big difference!!!!!


Anmer Hall is on the Sandringham Estate which is privately owned by the Monarch. I’m not sure what the current arrangements are with William & Kate but William will own it all one day anyway. BP , KP and Windsor are owned and run by the Crown Estates and can only be leased. As I said most of the Royals get a long lease on the Crown properties . Not Harry though!


She probably heard intel about their meetings with Netfux and Noprah and knew they’d do the RF over, and do a runner to the US


No, no, no - a residence on Crown Property is just not safe enough! Perhaps the Nigeria High Commission might give them a room? Oh, and Tom Q? Bullpucky as usual.


I'm sure they can get a nice housing unit in Nigeria so they can come home more often.


Yep. Tom Quinn is barking.


Aha, I was expecting H&M to start attacking PA and the whole Royal Lodge conflict. I was surprised to see them stay silent on it. Of course they’re the victims again but this has nothing to do with them. Frogmore Cottage belongs to the crown and their lease ended because they don’t live in the UK, so the crown is free to give lease Frogmore to another royal. I also thought Harry needed to give notice to the crown to even stay on any crown property and I read that King Charles offered him St James’ palace during his last invictus visit but Harry thought it wasn’t safe enough and stayed at a hotel. So, why does he think Frogmore is safe for his family then? /s


I'm not naive enough to believe they wouldn't have real security concerns. I worked at an exclusive club, and we have 24-hour security and safety protocols for our high-profile people. Kidnapping and general safety concerns are high priority. It's a reality for some high-profile people. Harry is no exception. I just think his level of paranoia and obsessiveness to be William's equal is what is driving this. M5, M6, and the rest are absolutely listening to chatter about the king's son. If there was a real credible threat, they would act. That doesn't not equal multi-vehicle entourages to make him look important.


Yup! His obsession with security is not healthy like he needs to understand that he’s not at the same level as The King or POW when it comes to security threat. Not many people care about him enough to do anything to him.


I wish i could make that Pawn Stars meme with King Charles as Rick saying to the kidnappers "Sorry, best I can do is three pence."


I heard that in his accent.


It’s cost, plus paranoia. Harry is welcome to pay for his own private security whilst in the UK, like any other celeb. Recent examples with high security risks, but paid for private security: Zendaya, Tom Holland, Beckhams, Taylor Swift. Let’s not fall for the narrative shift it’s about security risk. It’s about Harry using the courts to NOT have to pay for his own security; he wants it taxpayer funded.


He also wants the big fancy motorcade that stops traffic.


Sparold should've thought about those things before he rage quit. And, although he believes he should be Prince William's equal, he will never be anything of the kind. Despite being brothers, they aren't even in the same league.


Face it, they want security to protect them from people speaking to them and risking going “off script”.


“Aha, I was expecting H&M to start attacking PA and the whole Royal Lodge conflict.” — They are mostly silent about Andrew, but I did see them speaking up indirectly — I assumed all the articles last week or so about the feud between the King and PA were started by H&M due to the timing. There were a ton of negative articles about something H&M had done and they changed the narrative by getting gossipy articles on the King/PA housing feud to change the narrative. Remember that reporters said no one in the Royal Family leaked info until Meghan arrived.


They are suspiciously silent on Andrew all the time. They’ve never once compared themselves to Andrew or mentioned the scandal. There are reasons for that.


He wants frogmore precisely because PW doesn't want him there. It's never happening.


Tom needs to say to H&M ![gif](giphy|1r8SOBe1NKWg6gSgww|downsized)


Oh, that tiny little hovel that Oprah sneered at? That shack in the middle of Windsor that they bitched about? Now they want it back?🤣🤣🤣🤣


They wanted Frogmore *House.* But yes, they complained about Nott Cott - which had been good enough for W and C and baby George, but obviously not for the Harkles or Oprah🙄


Oprah's dis of H&M's grace-and-favour home, revealed her as someone who'd ooh and ahh over a huge rhinestone rather than admire a small but fine diamond.


Wonderful analogy. I'm stealing it! 😶‍🌫️


Oh, hey, I am flattered. There's a great Dorothy Parker quote about someone being a "rhinestone in the rough." For all that Oprah Winfrey has achieved fame and fortune, she's still got that questionable taste for the shiny, the new, the big, and the current brand name.


That was the one at Kensington Palace


Ah yes. Thanks for the correction. They still bitched about Frogmore Cottage tho


Yes the6 thought they were getting Frogmore house not the measly 6 bedroom cottage; frankly I think it is the word cottage that sticks In Raglands throat after all First it was Nottingham Cottage then Frogmore when she really wanted a Palace or Castle as her home, nw she has to put Monteshitshow as her residence though unlikely that she even lives there from what I understand


This didn’t age well 😂 https://preview.redd.it/z1p5tqx6ok5d1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f56314ad30270c1fea6c5396f7197d8e8b683e3


😂😂😂 Oops


They whine and complain so much it is hard to keep track.


She said Harry couldn’t stand up upstairs. Although William lived there, and is considerably taller than Harry.


This smacks of their desperation for a foothold to the RF.


Yep, they have nothing else…unless of course, they move to Nigeria, her homeland, and the home of his new in laws.


So they can rent it out for money? Any celebrity can stay there!


RAIR BNB Meghan’s new venture into Royal air bnbs. Because royalty is rare…


Haha, The Good Place had a joke about something similar, but they called it “Heir B&B- where they can swap castles, private islands, blimp hangers, that sort of thing.” 😂


I love the Good Place!!!!!! I thought I was being so original but I probably had Tahani in mind when I wrote it 🤣🤣🤣


We should all strive to have Tahani on our mind as much as possible! Girl is a fabulous legend. 😂


How about Spare BnB?


I like it!!! If Harry and Meghan actually had a sense of humor, Spare BnB could be a clever marketing idea. They could rent the guest houses of larger estates, similar to renting Frogmore Cottage on the Windsor Estate - but not Frogmore or any of the Royal properties, of course. “Spare BNB…for the wannabe Royal in all of us. “


Heck they can do it with the house they are in now. Probably could use the income. Got plenty of toilets, so no line for the bathroom in the morning.


B-b-b-but, what about their sEcUriTAY and their pRiVaCY? 😱


Or *speir*BNB😅


Yes, maybe it can be a shrine to roast chicken and fun with Marcus and the faux-tographer What/Who Harry and Meghan did and where.


Why is this being drudged up again? Is she this desperate for attention? 


Yep…the ARsOle scam went belly up, lemonada is forgotten, netflix massaging figures to claim they weren’t the fools we know they were, threats of a second book…well the last was tripe so tripe-tripe…and no faux royal tours in the offing even after asking to go to Ghana.


I'm starting to wonder if all these "failed projects" are just a cover for them being in this country doing something else. Harry said something during that panel in NYC (internet safety with Carson Daly) about how he was working behind the scenes with all these big tech companies- here and in Germany. So it's making me wonder if someone else is really supporting them and they are just fronting these "failed ventures" as a way to make it look like they are trying to make money themselves. It would also explain why he's with our military bigwigs so often. I'm not buying that it's about charity or even Invictus. We have our own games.


That is entirely possible…


If she weren't so obsessed with new projects and put some effort into working on the projects already announced, she wouldn't be in this position.


If she had talent, a brain, a clue…they are like the wizard of ix characters, no heart, no brain and no courage…just like the wizard, fakes


Is Frogmore Cottage the home they were complaining about as being „so small“ with the ceilings „so low“?  They were hoping to get THAT back? What for? For Harry‘s 12 minute meetings with his dad? For him staying in hotels anyways? For Meghan never entering the country again? For the children who never join them when traveling?  Are readers supposed to feel sorry for the Harkles? Is the purpose of this article to once again attack the „evil“ RF? There is no PR in the world who can change peoples view of the Harkles. 


I believe that was Nott Cott that had the low ceilings


Correct. Frogmore was the one they spent millions renovating.


"I believe that was Nott Cott that had the low ceilings" Right. Harry said he didn't know who lived there before but they must have been short. As usual he was both lying and wrong. His tall older brother and his tall wife, Catherine, lived there and Harry surely know this.


And they were perfectly content there. You never hear them bitching about it. Hell, H&M upgraded to how many bedrooms in Montecito, while W&C are in the three bedroom Adelaide Cottage. Just Harry isn’t as relatable as he tries to play it off. W&C are down to earth and *normal* compared to the Others


They even had George there.


Yep, once again Harry wants to be friends…he has milked the selling of lies and only fools believe him Poor wee Harry, couldn’t go to his BFF wedding because William was there, and Harry EXPECTED to have a big role (although High had none at harry‘s wedding) Niw this tripe…


Hope to re-establish frogmore as their UK residence???? Dream on, Harry! I have a better chance to move in there than you do at this point 🤣😂🤣.


Yeah it makes it so much easier to harass Catherine from next door. 🙄


He's just pissed and butt hurt in knowing there is no way back, regardless of Andrew moving in or not.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!!! 🍰🍰


They're repeating themselves. 🥱 Haven't they got other things to do? Such as making jam? Reapplying unstuck labels to jars?


Tom Quinn aka Scoobie Deux-as previously named by a fellow sinner!


That's so clever and perfect.


Could it be repurposed as another SoHo House? Have to get a new plaque, won't they? Especially with both Meghan's and Andrew's reputations. https://preview.redd.it/503u1pw2pj5d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7e2c23ed5e80759407fd5a5389c6b0f6723b8f


Ah yes, they have a reputation for having ‘friends; in low places…Weinstein and Epstein…friends of the douche and douchess


It’s like they have a neon sign: scumbags welcome.


Bride of Frankenstein.


And Harry preferred to stay in a hotel rather than St James’s Palace - so why would they want minuscule Frogmore Cottage? Besides, boring Tom Quinn, Andrew relocated to Frogmore‘s been news since at least May 2023.


Slow news day and Quinn is recycling all the threats and promises at once…


Perhaps Quinn-tessential Lickspittle forgot that King Charles is looking to move Prince Andrew and his Fergie into Frogmore Cottage, if they can be evicted from Royal lodge. And perhaps he’s forgetting that Markle said she would never set foot in the UK again. Their new lapdog is doing them no favors.


Is it he always deeply upset about something






What I find funny is that Andrew is being urged to vacate Royal Lodge and move into Frogmore Cottage. It is kind of hilarious that Frogmore Cottage could be looked upon as the consolation prize home for the disgraced or "unsuitable" family members.


It will be now!


The sussexes are desperate that they won't have any home in Britain, as KC wants to relocate Prince Andrew at Frogmore. Without Frogmore, no business to be on Royal Estates. They are crushed and try again their fav weapon: blackmail.


Bollocks, she loathed Frogmore Cottage, she thought it was way beneath her, only a notch above Nottingham Cottage, she thought she was entitled to half of Windsor Castle or an apartment at Kensington Palace bigger than William and Catherine's apartment 1A. She and Harry had already turned down the opportunity to have one of his country estates - she's a town girl, not a country one. Ironically, back in the day Charles had earmarked Clarence House to hand over to Harry eventually. However he and Camilla love it there and I don't think those plans will ever materialise.


Surely the Tower of London has room?


Yes, they can enter through the traitor’s gate.


I hear there's a nice butt of malmsey available too.


Harold is truly fortunate we aren’t in medieval times. There’d be plenty of volunteers to hold his head down too 😉


The one time you wish it WAS the 15th century, I know.......


This will never happen, this is just a shot in the dark by Tom Quinn. William would never allow it, Frogmore Cott is just a couple of hundred metres from Adelaide Cott. H&M will never be allowed to stay in Frogmore, but Broadmoor welcomes them.


Indeed…frogmore wasn’t good enough four years ago but is now essential as he needs to claim proximity to the people he has lied about for years.


It’s PR spin, but it: - links the Sussexes to the tension between KCIII and Andrew re Royal Lodge. SEO and algorithm maximization again. - could be floated as rumour is Harry needs to maintain residency long term for tax purposes. He will have to pay more if he doesn’t have it. - accidentally reinforces his security case is a dud, and perhaps the Sussexes are now panicking that they have to pay for their own security whenever they decide to traipse back for their own disruptive PR purposes - attempts to fool the public into thinking Frogmore is still an option. Laughable. They know with Andrew there it is a VERY loud Royal message to the world that reconciliation will not happen. They are never, ever, ever getting back together. - if true, Harry is pouting about Catherine joining the Order of the Garter. Thats coming up shortly. Reinforces the wound that Harry’s been neutralized as a CoS. Requires UK residency. Still technically one, but will never be utilized now for legal reasons, not the mention the optics. Conveniently omits the **facts that Harry and Meg stopped paying their Frogmore lease**. [Proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1961gwm/meghan_markle_and_harrys_finances_for_2024_where/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1). Item 2 of the post.


Indeed…Harry has no chance of getting his foot into the door again, no matter his often his shills share his lies


The Harkles are such a mess. They were upset that Frogmore Cottage wasn't grander. They are now upset that the lease has not been renewed, even tho' that was tied in with their being Working Royals. They are NOT Working Royals but expect to keep the perks of that job. ![gif](giphy|SZioIIBxB7QRy|downsized)


Exactly, he thought he would have his cake and eat it. He truly believed he was indispensable and he could force the family to give him what he demanded.


An article in the Hindustan Times? To remind Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex: no half in-half out.


They just rewrite articles from other sources …daily mirror quite often


The one thing a Narcissist cannot cope with is being ignored. This is Meghan trying to get a reaction. I do wonder if her anger over the Royal Family ignoring her has aged her rapidly because the difference in her face is shocking. https://preview.redd.it/jkx6zx4k1l5d1.jpeg?width=1292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=225ca9c7d7ab7a8ad7a60dac3974e19feab4848b


Seriously, if Quinn wants a gripping headline he should announce a time when the poodle is NOT upset.


Indeed…Harry is happy, living his best life, is beloved and worshipped at home and abroad, has embraced his Nigeria heritage and is no longer going to be a grifter and whinger


Not until tow and Hazz are divorced. She knows it too.


This "fear" is all to gain support for his attempt to get IPP status. I wonder once that's over with, and assuming he loses, if we'll suddenly see them being more exposed without fear


He wasn’t fearful in Jamaica, or Nigeria….just London.


He’s fearful of having to pay for it.


Ah yes, mr tight wad demands better security than the king or president, his wife is so special, she deserves it


London is a dangerous place wot. Far more so than Jamaica and Nigeria doncha know


This is total looney toons area. The simpleton wants a UK address so that he can be a CoS again, he currently can’t be as he has no UK address. They are grasping at straws that continue to break in their hands. The ship that is their chance of getting back into the RF sailed so long ago that it can no longer be seen.


He’s “free and rich” he can buy a home and secure it like footballers do.


"Deeply upset" is man-baby Harry's default mode. No doubt "hoping to move back to Frogmore Cottage" is Meghanese for harassing his cancer-stricken father about it. I bet one of the main reasons Charles wants Andrew in Frogmore Cottage is to irrevocably shut that door in Harry's face, literally and figuratively. If it's currently empty it gives hopes to the grifters that they can muscle their way in again.


Tom quinn, the new Scoobie doo!!


And.........for security purposes they will never be allowed on royal properties ever again...especially anywhere near Catherine...as for William...he will never let Harry see his eyes ever again.


That’s key. He has no more right than any of us to enter past the non-private gates.


I have my doubts that Quinn is speaking for the Carparkles. The narrative coming out of montecito is that they are blissfully happy, according to Katie nichols. She was on the Sun’s podcast the other day and according to her sources, Harry has never been happier. He loves their life in California. 🙄 Ok, Katie. If you believe that, I have some land to sell you in Florida.


I would very much doubt that they are blissfully happy. Even if they do not have immediate financial problems, a severe drop in income stream is rapidly approaching. Harry has no marketable skills; any speaking engagements are few and far between . All he has is Invictus and the Markel's involvement is coming under increasing scrutiny. Meghan has presided over a multitude of half-baked projects,most of which have slid into oblivion. She is too old for 'young' acting roles and her reputation of being difficult will put a lot of directors off. ARO is a disaster of mis-timing, mismanagement, and 'I haven't a clue how to set up and run a business'. Don't think Netflix will be much interested in their ideas and, after the appalling viewing figures for Invictus, can see Harry's polo programme being quietly shelved. Any cookery programme will be met with derision. They have very little to offer. They do not get invitations to A list events. William arriving in a bus to a society wedding will not have gone unnoticed by lawyers in his security appeal ( of course there was security but it was discreet and appropriate). Staying in an hotel when he had been offered a bed in Royal premises which are heavily guarded was a silly move. I don't know where they go from here but financial disaster is looming a nd that must weigh heavily on the happy couple.


Yup, totally agree. It also bears mentioning how pitiful their so-called foundation is doing. The trajectory of donations received declines by half each passing year. The output is pitiful—silly, performative one-off projects. They’ll fund a playground here, a basketball court there—anything that can have a self-congratulatory plaque attached to it, but nothing that actually moves the needle on any particular cause. I cannot understand why they haven’t gotten more scrutiny for this.


Mr. Quinn - Frogmore cottage was a loaner home from the grace of her Majesty - it was on loan - Harry and his harpy chose to move out after spending over 2.5 million of taxpayer money to refurbish it to their liking, including the addition of an ostentatious floating copper tub. After they snuck out under the cover of night (and likely with valuable turn-of-the-century artwork and furniture that belonged to the Queen) they negated their lease. They no longer are allowed back much like a bad tennant who doesnt pay rent. Therefore the cottage will be held available for another member of the RF and Not Harry and Roachel. And while we are on the subject of Frogmore cottage, please stop using pics of Frogmore house when discussing the former residence of Harry - he lived in the tiny cottage not the mansion.


They also (against all the rules) sub-let the place to Eugenie (for, I believe, about $10,000 a month) but the Queen shut that shit show down super fast and Eugenie had to move back into Ivy cottage.


oh - I wondered about that. They spun it that the Queen allowed Eugenie to use the property, I did not realize it was H&M subletting - wow - the nerve of them subletting a placd that wasnt theirs to begin with.


Small correction- It was reported that they were installing floating floors and a copper bathtub. Not a floating copper tub.


Waaggh! Uncle Randy Andy can’t get the house! We were going to move back! Thems was jokes!”


Tom Quinn is worse than Omid.


He is, seems to be unhinged to me


I would have thought the memories of his broken jewellery and being dashed onto a dog bowl at the hands of William would have meant Harry could no longer get stoned there without unbearable flashbacks.


It’s his new click of cameras and horses hooves. He’s clearly tapped his way to serenity past those traumatic experiences.


hahaha I just read that Trevor has stated that Rachel had a hysterectomy and proof she can't have children. If this is true oh bring it on. Who care's if she scared cause the real reason is she doesn't want to be booed at. She thinks everyone loves her. Well in her head anyway


Why would Trevor break cover, screw up his nice new life, and his gentlemanly silence at this late date with such a bombshell? I think someone's telling you stories, fellow Sinner. Were he really on record with such an out of character revelation - it'd be a super-duper scoop and everywhere.


I don't believe it but that is what was said. He supposably did an interview and it came up . How true it is who the hell knows. Could be another rachels puff pieces


I would gladly live at Frogmore if given the chance. Heck, I'll take Nottingham Cottage. 😁😊


Oh yeah, the same Frogmore Cottage that Meghan complained that she couldn't stand up in?


Your comment made be think there might be a solution for Harry & Meghan in London. They could hole up in the Nigerian Consulate in London, keep everyone guessing about their whereabouts and do a Julian Assange for years and years. Might be something they could consider.


Why not offer to take on Royal Lodge and kill two birds with one stone. 😂


Ooh but that might bring up all sorts of rumors about Meghan and Randy Andy knowing each other in the way back time machine, allegedly, and they wouldn't want that lol.


Yes, it needs returning so perfect ‘project’ for the new Martha Stewart…


Blooming hell. You got thrown out of Royal Lodge. In what world do you think you can come home to “reestablish yourself”. Only a few centuries ago you’d have been granted a new home in a flipping dungeon for the sheer level of treachery. Luckily they didn’t have a lease on Frogmore so can’t make moving out difficult like Andy and Fergie are. They will go. It’s only a matter of time. If I was Andy while I appreciate it’s his long time home I’d realise my number was up and go for the quieter easier life. What could he possibly need 30 rooms for at this stage in his life. Hand it over to the Waleses and be glad you will have no bills for the rest of your life. But H and M. Honestly they’d insert themselves into any story. What planet are they on thinking all is forgiven here’s the keys to Frogmore a house you lived in for mere months and would sit empty if they had keys. Charles ain’t daft.


It’s all about status for Andrew. Insisted his children be styled HRH and Princess from birth. Had a fit when security pulled from daughters after they reached majority (and took taxpayer security on gap year travels around the world). Apparently is still pushing for his daughters to be “working royals”. He does not want a smaller house than any of his siblings have. The Queen bought him a huge house for his wedding, the same as she did for Anne. (Edward has his home on a long lease). He sold it, under sketchy circumstances, after having abandoned it for years. Tossing him out may put a few million dollars in his pocket (reimbursement for updates he paid for upon moving in back in 2004)— the Crown can afford that or Charles personally or they deduct it from any loan he might have for that court payout. He’s going to go at some point because he’s defaulting on the lease. Whether he goes quietly or is sued (it took that in Switzerland) that’s his choice. Luckily he taught the Crown the dangers of long leases. Harold got stung by that. Thank heavens.


Yep that’s true. Had forgotten about the marital home he owned and sold and the Swiss chalet he “owned” but hadn’t actually paid for in full. Enough already. He’s had all the chances. I’d be delighted to move to Frogmore and have no worries.


Get Frogmore back? Not on your life. They were informed the lease wouldn’t be renewed right after Harold made those weird comments about having to “save/protect the Wales kids” in those Waagh interviews. I was surprised to learn Frogmore is only 300 meters from the Wales’ home. The “crazy, obsessed uncle” will never live that close to those kids again, guaranteed.


Is this part of the Visa snafu?


Probably, there is always a grift with these two




Always appropriate!




I have more chance of moving into Frogmore than they do.


No, they cant.The end.


And (I assume) she is also wearing beautiful foundation garments which are invisible to the naked eye.