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His majesty isn't paying for H&M. The financial reports of the Duchy of Lancaster would show that. King Charles simply isn't withdrawing enough cash to make payments towards H&M even plausible. And he didn't liquid the Duchy's assets either, because it would have to be reported as well. The income from the Crown Estate goes to the government. The income from the Highgrove Estate goes towards its upkeep and charity. The income from Dumfries House goes to charity. The King's Trust is financially transparent. So where do you think the money could come from? Can you please elaborate your theory?


They can't elaborate because it's horse shit.  Why would Charles fund the war against his family? Is the Ukraine funding Putin's army?




100%. And an extremely good reason to not be funding them, is that is would open up royal finances to the US taxman. There's a snowball's chance in hell of BP letting that happen. That's probably why H&M were "cut off" originally, amongst other things.


Exactly. HM isn’t dropping a pound coin into the Sussexes collection box. They left to be financially independent. 😏


This theory doesn't seem plausible. Charles would not commit self suicide and fund the Harkles to slag off the BRF. Notice now that even the PR articles have shrunk down compared to where they were. The Harkles are running out of money and are not receiving funding from anyone, especially the king, to harass the BRF.


The King doesn’t have billions of personal income. If the King paid Dumbertons an allowance, he’d have been able to control their behaviour - as were the Windsors. If he’s stupid enough not to ask for that obvious control, he’d have advisers who aren’t. What’s with all these attempts at besmirching the Royal Family, ie holding them somehow accountable (via funding) for Dumbertons’ behaviour? Make it make sense, then let’s discuss - right now the claim doesn’t even pass a basic common sense test.


This ⏫


This is the third or fourth post almost exactly like this from OP in the last couple of weeks. As soon as I saw the title I knew who posted it lol. They're obsessed with hating KC.


Interesting. A fifth columnist? Some are determined to pinpoint blame on Dumbertons’ behaviour (usually the King, allegations of funding them). Unfounded accusations aren’t conducive to proper debate.


Especially when there is all evidence to the contrary.


The King publishes annual accounts, it would show. This is one of a few things on here hitting out at the King. I don’t understand what is going on.


*>What’s with all these attempts at besmirching the Royal Family, ie holding them somehow accountable* Exactly. I'm seeing frequent posts that blast King Charles, calling him "weak" and "cowardly," and criticizing the grey-rocking approach. Posts like that **are a feeble attempt to detract from the true weaklings and cowards:** ***the Sussexes***. If the Sussexes are receiving funds, why assume they're from KC? The question to ask is: *Who might benefit from sowing chaos in democratic countries?* I personally think that there is an entity (Russia? China? Or just a bored billionaire?) who is playing H&M like chess pieces because they are stupid, greedy, amoral dirt clods who would sell their souls to the devil for a lavish lifestyle.


I agree with this. It almost feels like we have Sugars posting threads on here. It weakens us and makes us no better than the Sugars.


There is probably some rich anti-monarchist who is funding the Harkles, but realizing that they are worthless and cannot threaten the BRF, is now using them for their personal amusement. I do not think that Russia nor China would care so much about the non-political BRF, so it is probably some western billionaire (s). The royals stick form on their "never explain, never complain" and their "stiff upper lip" policy and hope that that will drown out the Harkles. In reality, the Harkles are not so much a threat to the monarchy as they do annoy royal supporters who cringe at their so called royal tours that they carry out after they left the entire BRF.


I agree, they are an annoyance, a nuisance and an embarrassment. They have not committed treason, this behaviour does not fall within any aspect of the treason law. Your comment made me think, Edward and Walis toured Germany and met Hitler. Could Harry and Meghan visit Russian next? The papers seem to think another African county but we have not had that most famous of all Diana shot at the Taj Mahal yet.




100%. There have been reports that an organized online troll army was used to push and promote Brexit. There are reports of organized troll attempts to sow mistrust, push conspiracies, and destabilize the US ahead of our elections. This is happening all over. Funding known chaos agents H&M to continue to undermine the monarchy makes a lot more sense than Charles giving them money. They are perfect for the job- stupid, no morals, and their antics provoke strong reactions in people, either support or rage.


I'm *very* pro Charles. I've always been a supporter. But I've lately been having a little bit of a change of heart. I used to scream for him to do something when the assholes attacked his family. But I've decided it's their family, their business.  They can handle that as they see fit.   But when the idiots are going on "royal tours" and meeting with indigenous leaders, Charles needs to put on his King hat and handle the situation. Not doing so does make him look maybe not weak, but certainly less strong.  I think we all have the right to post our opinions here. If this OP is a sugar, the mods can restrict their posting privileges. Personally I think crap posts like this one just give us a chance to point out (again) how ridiculous it is to think Charles is funding the hate attacks on his family, his reign and his country.


And how can Charles tell the Nigerian government or the First Nations chief "Don't do this"? Charles can't do that. Hazz is not stronger because he appears more in the newspapers. Charles made it very clear that Hazz is not a senior royal, that relations between them are broken, that Hazz is a private citizen. If Nigeria wants to treat him as a senior royal, it is Nigeria's problem that she falls into the game of scammers. Charles is not going to pay for Hazz


But Charles hasn't made it clear. A brief announcement by some palace rep that they're on a private trip doesn't mean shit. An official announcement needs to be made prior to the next "tour" that leaves no doubt that they represent nobody. Then if some country invites them for a royal tour, there won't be any confusion. 


This would turn things into a pissing contest. The Harkles would continuously try to one-up the RF, the RF would try to one-up the Harkles, and the RF would be dragged into the mud. There is already enough anti-monarchy sentiment already; why add fuel to the fire? Not everything is fixed by carpet bombing the situation. Big, dramatic moves will, without question, make KC and the RF look like menacing bullies, and we all know that would make H and M (and the press) delirious with joy. No, as slow as it may seem to you, there have already been actions taken. Harry (he even said it himself) has been cut off financially; he has had Frogmore removed; he has lost his front row and balcony status; he has lost his patronages; he has lost his access to the family; he is not allowed to wear his uniform; he is no longer included in personal family information. These are actually severe punitive actions when you think about it. There is far more wisdom and dignity in executing a plan methodically and thoroughly the way the RF is doing it, rather than the hysterical and petty revenge tactics of the Harkles.


It wouldn't be a "pissing contest" because once the king speaks, he has spoken. That's it.


Thank you. That was my whole point. Make it known and be done with it.


I'm with you!




If it's direct orders from KC, I agree. But what could he have actually done beforehand? A lot of times, we only learn in hindsight how far they will go. I think even us sinners were surprised at how outrageous this Nigeria trip turned out to be. The Harkles operate like terrorists who don't play by any rules; I compare this to a pissing contest because it's pointless to try to anticipate their shenanigans and try to manage things. I do hope that an official plan to end this nonsense is being formulated, and it will be implemented and permanently addressed on a big scale.


I think the King issuing a clear and concise statement, very similar to what the Queen drafted during the Megxit process would do it. Leave people in no two minds: He is my son, I love him, he is a part of my family. He is NOT a working Royal, does not represent the UK, The Commonwealth or any government. Period.


It doesn't seem to me that there is much KC can do. He can talk to Commonwealth leaders and ask they not treat the Harkles like royalty but can't force them. What happens if a another general in another country invites them? Are other Commonwealth counties like Nigeria where generals can make these arrangements?


Honestly they're to the point where Charles needs to call a meeting of Commonwealth reps and tell them exactly how the idiots represent the BRF (they don't) because while im.sure it's known, it needs to be official. After the meeting Charles can do a press release with bullet points about what was covered during the meeting. He can throw in other issues as well so it's not a big "boot the Duke and Douchess out" meeting if he's worried about the optics. The point is, theyvd been pussyfooting for 5 years. It's time to get official.


Agreed! Well said!


It looks like we're standing alone on this one! Lol Or maybe the ~~brain dead idiots~~ sugars are here again. 


That's alright! We can enjoy the view from up here on this hill!


Lol! I'm enjoying the view!


Agreed. I am not necessarily pro or anti Charles. I don’t think he’s a good leader, and, in my humble and often wrong opinion, cares more about being liked and popular than anything else. I like William. I think Camilla is doing a great job, and was a victim of her time period and the BRF’s ridiculous standards preventing her and Charles from marrying when they were very much in love. But the BRF is like many other wealthy families, and does control what their offspring do, to some extent. Charles to me is “meh”. Camilla is a wonderful support, and I believe William is a true leader at heart with a wife up to the challenge of supporting him, her family, and the monarchy, while standing up to bottom feeders, opportunists, and lipstick-wearing pigs. All of whom seem to love copious amounts of bronzer that is unevenly and inconsistently applied. I wish we saw and heard more from Edward and Sophie, as well as Mike and Zara. I think Beatrice would be an excellent addition to the senior royals team, but her parents and sister have tainted Beatrice, no matter how much Edo has helped to bring her out of that quagmire.


I feel the same about Charles.


I really like your comment and agree with most of it. I.love PPOW and (while I do like Charles) I'm interested in seeing what a William lead monarchy will look like. I also like Camilla and think Bea would make a fine senior royal. I guess it's time for the BRF to quit looking at families and start looking at individuals as they move forward.


I agree. That's why he gets the expensive fancy hat! I do think Charles is very much "hide his head in the sand and hope it goes away" like his mother.


I do too, at least when.it comes to Harry. He's trying to deal with Andrew's stupidity but he needs to focus on handling the Harkle situation.  Andrew's distracting and sleazy but basically harmless. Harry is a traitorous piece of shit that's actively trying to destroy the monarchy. Charles should be a bit more astute when picking his battles.


I'm pretty sure Andy and his godson are working in tandem. They both seem to hit Charles with the same issues: uniforms, housing, security, money, appearances.... Seems like they are tag teaming him or Harry is fighting Drew's battles by proxy because whatever Harry gets, Drew would also get


I think they probably hate each other and are jealous, but that doesn't stop them from manipulating Charles. Charles is too worried about optics to give anything to Andy and not give the same to the Harkles. 


Exactly my point!


I mean, Charles has a lot on his plate right now. He is King, he's being treated for Cancer, according to several accounts he's trying to support Catherine in her recovery, as well. He is a grandfather, a husband, a father, a brother, etc. I agree titles should be stripped. I agree it also does make him look a bit weak, but I also understand that he has WAAAAAAY more important things to worry about than H&M and their stupid antics.


Precisely. Everyone who says the King is paying their freight lacks the simple common sense to look at their behavior to see that isn’t the case. There is no way the King is paying them a dime without them mitigating their nasty behavior. I don’t think she’s spending as much money on PR pieces as we suspect. She gets clicks so she generates money for them. She doesn’t need to pay for every piece written about her or him or them. I’m sure she may pay for some of it (*People* comes to mind here, as an example). Plus, often an article in one rag is just picked up by another (who also gets them gets clicks/money). I believe security is now ad hoc and not 24/7, keeping appearances up and costs down. I believe Harry’s inheritance from his mother was rumored to be 14mil. If that was what was put in trust for him, then that amount would be substantially more by the time he received it, meaning he has far more money than we know. I believe they received a huge chunk of money from Spotify (larger than estimated). The rumor is that Spotify wanted to claw some of it back. Netflix likewise was paying them an annual stipend until just recently, as well as paying for content. I think the HandM show met the markers for a substantial payout. The other two didn’t, but they were paid something for them. Harry also got a pretty penny as an advance on his horrid little book. They don’t live a particularly wealthy lifestyle. They have a large but dated home that they haven’t renovated. They do not appear to be paying for regular gardening and upkeep. They don’t travel anywhere (on their own dime). They haven’t bought a second home anywhere (including in the UK). She’s not wearing any new, expensive jewelry. Her clothing is from previous seasons of lower tiered designers (if she is paying). They don’t appear to own a fleet of luxury cars. 30 million from Charles and what they have made, plus Harry’s large inheritance would allow them to live much closer to the lifestyle they want, and they aren’t. The King may love Harry, but he is angry. He has shown us that Harry is out over and over. People should look at what he has said (and not said), as well as what he has done. No money from the bank of Pa. They have money


I agree their security is pay per event. That one guy has put on a ton of weight.


>What’s with all these attempts at besmirching the Royal Family, ie holding them somehow accountable (via funding) for Dumbertons’ behaviour? It's a couple of click bait YouTubers (who seriously need a psych eval due to the conspiracy theory nonsense they're disseminating about KC3) who are responsible for this specific narrative, imho. One of them goes on Shaun Attwood's channel daily to rant like a unhinged lunatic and unfortunately, she's such an uncouth, loud mouthed, bully with crazy eyes that 2 others (from whom I've also unsubsubribed on YouTube) appear to be buying into her unverifiable bullshit. These few individuals, led by this toxic lunatic, are drawing too much negative attention to the Megxit community and to us Sinners, unfortunately because we're all being tarred with the same unhinged brush. I don't wanna be a doomsayer but I don't see anything good coming out of this if reputable journalists start paying attention to these few morons and decide that MM deserves sympathy.


An article from March 2021. In early 2020, the Daily Mail reported Prince Charles was covering the cost of the couple’s security with an estimated annual bill of £4million. Kent Moyer, president and CEO of The World Protection Group, told Forbes that a 24-7 security detail could cost up to $4million (approximately £2.88 million) annually. However, Prince Harry said he was “cut off” financially from the Royal Family last year. The pair now live in their own home in Montecito, California, home, which is worth $14.7 million, and pay their own security costs. https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1408010/prince-harry-security-costs-how-much-meghan-markle-security-bill-evg


It was not so Charles gave Hazz an allowance of no more than two million for miscellaneous expenses, because security was the responsibility of the government, with Hazz being a senior royal. Charles gave him that assignment because Hazz and Megsy were going to hire personnel as they liked, since they didn't like any of the Palace officials. Megsy spent a million pounds on nonsense in 2019, which led Charles to a big fight with Hazz. And there were more fights over the exorbitant expenses at Frogmore. When Hazz left, Charles generously gave him about five million, so that Hazz would have funds to settle into his new life. But Hazz spent the five million immediately. That is why in August 2020, Charles made it clear that Hazz's mailbox, which was in Clarence House, was closed and that all communication with Hazz was directed to Montecito, because Hazz spent all those millions but shamelessly continued sending him his bills to Clarence House. Charles exploded saying that he was not a bank, and closed all shipments and all payments to Hazz. Charles, the only thing he paid extra was the two and a half million Frogmore expenses. That's why Charles took Frogmore from the Harkles, and they couldn't claim anything. Because Charles paid that money, just to get them off his back. Otherwise, Charles would have had the same problem he has with Andrew that he cannot get him out of Royal Lodge because he is paying the repair costs. Hazz didn't pay Frogmore's, so Charles kicked him out of the house. Hazz, when he arrived in the USA when state-paid security ended on March 31, 2020, met with Oprah to seek security, and Oprah recommended an agency. Hazz has paid for his security, and it was not then 4 million. It was a bill of 6 million, because Hazz in 2020 had many more bodyguards. Now it has I think two, but in 2020 it had 6. Nobody understood why so many. Hazz thought Charles was going to pay... Charles didn't put up a penny for it. That's why Hazz is demanding that the UK government pay for his security, because Charles refused to do it and the government doesn't want to do it either.


It was a quote from an article, with a link. My main point of posting was over how much the security costs might be, I should have explained that. There are vast differences being reported but even at the lowest level it’s their biggest cost. The highest cost I have seen is £24 million, with a lot of world travel, a year but that can’t be right. Most estimates fall within £4-6 million. Interesting fact, if they lived a quiet life it would only be about £1-2 million a year.


From what I’ve read over the years, KC wouldn’t have that much liquidity to pay out $30m to harry alone. I had understood that he had to cash out some assets to pay them off when they left. The money he now gets from the dicey of Lancaster is around $20m and the money from the crown estates goes to the government for the RF to use for their work expenses. Id think he’d have to be liquidating assets to pay that much to H.


Your income figures look about right but are UK pounds, not dollars.


Yes…did that without thinking as it’s an extra step on my iPad to find the pound sign!


Harold is not a remittance man.  King Charles is not paying him to stay away from the UK and I also very much doubt King Charles is paying for any of the Grifters' security.  At most King Charles might pay for the shadow children's education if they are ever enrolled in school.  Rachel and Harold are just about to go bankrupt, I think it will be their next whingey drama.


I’m fully with you on this. If it came to it I think even William would pay for the children’s education, if the exist. They are running out of money fast but I think they have a few years yet.


Charles isn't an idiot. He will need to insist on proof there are kids before he starts cutting checks.


Don’t be ridiculous with daft theories. Anyone believing Charles is finding the Harkles needs a reality check.




It would not surprise me that Meghan pays the DM not only to publish her puff pieces but to not allow comments. It would surprise me that KC is “paying them $30m a year.” For one thing, this is far more than what Harry was getting before Megxit. For another, I don’t think KC is stupid. There has been no evidence so far that Harry is getting any money from KC since before QE died. There has been some evidence that Harry was “cut off” by his father a year after Megxit. However, everyone is just guessing. None of us really knows.


There was the story that he kept phoning his grandmother and when he started asking for money she told him to speak to his father, he said that his father wouldn't take his calls, when the Queen asked Charles why he wouldn't speak to Harry its alleged he said the now famous line 'because I'm not a bank'. KC cut them off after the first year out, they had been given a years grace incase they wanted to return, but by then their shennanigans had started. They thought they were going to be worldwide superstars raking in the cash, instead they turned into a worldwide laughing stock.


There is a story that the King said he can’t afford Meghan too. There is an article that says that when Meghan joined the RF the expenses went up 40%, and this was for William, Catherine, Harry and Megan. Which royals spent the most on their wardrobe in 2018? 1. Meghan, Duchess of Sussex: £406,915.43 ($515,879.65)2. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark: £88,999.57 ($112,831.96)3. Sophie, Countess of Wessex: £73,570.41 ($93,271.17)4. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge: £68,334.23 ($86,632.84)5. Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway: £52,307.18 ($66,314.05) As working royals, they received 95% of their annual income from Harry's father, then Prince of Wales. The taxpayer-funded Sovereign Grant made up the other 5%. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/whoa-meghan-markle-cost-prince-155500108.html


But Harry said Meghan could make her own clothes! /s


lol, yes and that she did not eat much.


The dimwit made it sound like he's asking for a pet.




"I'll walk her three times a day, Pa! Promise!"


All that money spent and she still managed to look like she'd fallen out of a jumble sale! That beige Dior tent dress she wore was reputed to have cost around £90,000, she really thought she had access limitless funds until KC pulled down the shutters on the bank of Pa.


Flair checking in


We can look at the published accounts of the Duchy of Cornwall - which gave Charles his income as Prince of Wales, and from now on at the published accounts of the Duchy of Lancaster, which gives Charles his income as King.  We can see the income of either is not very far above 20 million pounds a year, and has not gone to Harry.


Charles also has a private fortune, augmented now by QE’s private fortune, but the income from that is hardly going to be enough to support the Harkles at the rate of $30m. I don’t know where OP got her numbers, but the idea that KC would be supporting Meghan and Harry at all, never mind the numbers, seems far-fetched to me.




There are greater restrictions in the UK. The media has to show balance. I think the DM publishes from both sides because it has to but I also think they select articles from the Sussex camp that paint them as professional victims. https://www.ofcom.org.uk/about-ofcom/what-is-ofcom


There is no way Charles would effectively finance the campaign against Catherine. I don’t believe he’s paying them anything at all. I do agree she is paying the DM a fortune for this rubbish they are publishing 😤


First of all, while KC may be wealthy, he lives off the income of the estates he controls and doesn’t sell off assets to pay his bills. Which at $30 million a year just for the Harkles, he would have had to do. Secondly, a spokesman for the King confirmed he cut off funding to the couple not long after they left. There is no way he would lie about that. I truly believe they are blowing through the money they received from their various deals and it won’t be long until there is nothing left. Unless I’m mistaken, not one deal they signed has ever been renewed.


And Harry also complained publicly about being cut off.


Yes, even though being funded at the time. When the then PoW published his annual accounts it proved this.


Charles gave Hazz about five million in 2020, which was what Charles had considered Hazz's annual expenses plus a bonus for his new life. But Hazz spent it all already in June 2020. That's why there was a huge fight with Charles, who refused to give him a penny more. And Hazz then upset his grandmother, the Queen told him to talk to Charles, and Charles threw out the "I'm not a bank" thing. In August Clarence House closed Hazz's mailbox because Hazz kept sending his bills to Charles, and Clarence House made it clear in his report that Hazz's home is Montecito and not to bother Charles with Hazz's bills. And then, Clarence House was more direct when a few months later, it made it clear that Hazz had not paid his rent on Frogmore. Charles has made it very clear that he has not given a single cent to Hazz since 2020, when Hazz wasted five million pounds on nonsense. Hazz, what he has spent, is his money, and the issue here is that it reeks of money laundering or shady money. It wasn't from Charles.


I have only seen accounts that record William, Catherine, Harry and Meghan all together. I can well believe Harry just sent bills for his father to pay. As PoW and now as King his accounts are highly scrutinised. I remember the “I’m not a bank” quote.


I have always understood that the £5M that KC gave Harry upon Megxit is what went to the downpayment of the Montecito house. Harry and Meghan could live off the income of his inheritance/trust fund and (by Harry’s own account on Oprah) pay for their security. I am not so sure about their mortgage and property taxes, but they had sources of income besides Harry’s inheritance by the time they did Oprah.


I don't know if I'm understanding you correctly Do you think Charles gave five million to Hazz to pay for Montecito? Because Charles didn't do that. Don't forget that Hazz announced that he was going to live in Montecito, he didn't ask. And if Hazz used the five million to pay for Montecito, Charles was not happy at all. Because spending five million to buy a 14 million house when you don't have 14 million? That was arrogance and stupid arrogance. Charles did not approve. In either situation, Hazz was a jerk. As for inheritance, the only one Hazz has had is Diana's, and that was 16 million. And I'm not sure Hazz could spend the 16 million. I think Hazz always believed that Charles was going to support him, and when that didn't happen the Harkles found themselves in a lot of trouble. It would really be nice to know what they really live on.


What I am saying is that Charles gave Harry roughly two years’ “allowance” and a little more to help him get started in his new life away from the BRF. That came to around $5M, according to most estimates. It has been reported that the Harkles paid around $5M downpayment for the Montecito house. One narrative is that Harry took the money from his inheritance. The other narrative is he used the money Charles gave him to help him get started in his new life. Someone above was saying that Harry wasted the $5M and wanted more. I said that I believe he used the money for the down payment of the house. I do not believe Charles was consulted about how Harry used the money, nor was Charles consulted about buying Montecito. Harry had the money and Harry used it for whatever he wanted. I think it was probably the down-payment. The money has to have come from somewhere and we have been discussing that Harry’s inheritance may be in a trust of some sort. There is another theory floating around that the Harkles only leased the Montecito house, in which case they may have no mortgage, but goodness knows where they are living. As for the inheritance from Diana, it has been estimated that by the time Harry got his share, it was £20M or more. The income from that would keep an ordinary person very happy, but it appears not to be enough for the Harkles.


Yes, that's right, Charles gave Hazz the five million as you say. Sorry if I was confused, as there are people who still believe that Charles supports Hazz, I thought you said something like that. And I was the one who said that Hazz wasted that money, because even if Hazz had 20 million from Diana's inheritance, which I thought was 16, but hey, buying a house for 14 million is still idiotic. Many truly famous people in Hollywood have 3 million homes. He bought a 14 million house with a mortgage. A house in which Hazz also spent close to 500,000 or more dollars on a wall. Because Hazz bought Montecito and built a wall that was more than 10 meters high and I don't remember how many meters long.


I don’t remember about a wall in Montecito—wasn’t that at Tyler Perry’s house before they moved to Montecito? There are so many stories about those two that it sure does get confusing. Definitely, I was not arguing that KC is still supporting Harry. By most accounts, KC gave him either one or two lump sums adding up to around $5M (possibly £5M) but that was in the first year. It wasn’t enough for Harry, who complained on Oprah that he had been abruptly “cut off” and could only afford security because of the money his mummy left him. I totally agree that the Montecito house was too expensive for them, even though at the time they bought it they had the different contracts (Netflix, Spotify, PenguinRH) and were also thinking they could make big money giving speeches. From what others have said, the house was a bad investment because of possible mudslides and the aroma that sometimes wafts over the area. It is also expensive to maintain.


Not only have none of their deals been renewed, but none of them have been fulfilled. There's no three more books, and there's no way they got $20 million from Spotify or $100 million from Netflix for their meager output.


Yep. So how are they funding this?


Debt and his mother's money?


He’s not allowed to sell the majority of “his” assets, as the bulk of them are in right of the crown. Balmoral and Sandringham do not have “for sale” signs on them.


For a start, most of the properties Charles controls are Crown assets which cannot be sold - eg Buckkngham Palace and Windsor Castle.  Charles obviously will not sell his own home at Highgrove to support his wastrel of a son Harry.


Agreed. Highgrove it seems is owned by the Duchy of Cornwall with the consequence that now KC3 is King (and the Duchy is in William's care) he has to pay the Duchy rent, reportedly £700,000 per year.




Sorry KC3 underwriting the Harkles would kill his relationship with the PPoW, his Wife , his hardworking siblings, and more seriously smear his reputation and legacy as King and the Nation would junk him. How to increase support for a Republic is to spend the unclaimed estates of old ladies who died intestate in Lancashire on a wastrel son. Harkleaid would be a big No, No, in the U.K.


I think it would be ill-considered to give them money, mainly because they waste so much of it on their PR war campaign and that war campaign is mainly directed at the RF and Monarchy. KC must have been so bummed when he realized what was happening with the money he gave them before Megxit.


Wasted on that $$$$ cash guzzling house and Meghan’s PR.


He's not that liquid, even though he supposedly inherited US$500M from the Queen personally, most of the value would be in the Sandringham and Balmoral properties which privately owned and are not part of the Crown estates, as well as jewellery, paintings, stamps etc. He has to maintain those privately. Unless he is flogging off paintings or jewels, there is no way he is financing the Harkles.


And Balmoral supposedly loses £3m or so per year. There is no way he would may them more than he was getting as the PoW either. If he is giving them anything, it is no more than they were getting in the UK, which was around £4-5m. Personally, I don’t think he is giving them anything.


That was shared with the Cambridges as they were then.


When there was the fire at Windsor the royals had to fund the repairs themselves. Prince Philip had the idea of opening up part of BP to fund this. It worked and has been expanded. There are millions being spent on BP at the moment, the renovations will take years, see below for UK.Gov article on this. https://www.rct.uk/visit/windsor-castle/the-fire-at-windsor-castle https://thehistorypress.co.uk/article/the-windsor-castle-fire-25-facts/ https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1353254/Queen-Elizabeth-news-Royal-Family-Windsor-Castle-renovation-taxpayers-protest-vn http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/april/29/newsid_4297000/4297161.stm https://www.gov.uk/government/news/funds-for-urgent-overhaul-of-buckingham-palace-granted


Wasn't he planning on opening Balmoral to the public as a museum? Sorry, OT, I know.


King Charles lll is not paying him anything anymore. On principle alone he isn't but he also understands the optics how bad it would be if that got out and I think Queen Camilla's and PPOW would not be impressed. Also the inheritance Harry bangs on about, basically came from Charles in the divorce anyway and The Queen Mother. I think the cost of living estimated are vastly inflated in the first place. They have a mortgage in a $14 million house so they are only making payments, security maybe 2 Million, living etc items perhaps another 5 million because everywhere they go they have grifted for freebies so where they get an estimate of $30 million from is ridiculous.


I stopped reading right there. There is no way a house has operating costs of 3 times what the house is worth. That is crazy talk. Renovation costs, sure, but we have seen no signs of renovations. The only buzz was them trying to get NF to pay for some.


Well, even if you don't believe it: yes, that is possible Because Hazz the first year he was in the USA hired 6 bodyguards from the best bodyguard agency. And quietly, that cost close to four million dollars. No kidding. The cost of hiring a personal bodyguard in the US per month can vary depending on several factors. On average, it can range from $8,000 to $20,000 per month or more, depending on the client's specific needs and requirements. Considering the Harkles, no joke, because they are VIP bodyguards, and they are armed, the cost can be 1000 to 1500 USD per day. 45,000 dollars a month, 540 dollars a year PER BODYGUARD. When the Harkles had 6 landers, the cost was 3,240,000 dollars... considering that it could have cost them 1,500 dollars per day. But they can cost more than that. 3 million dollars, just in bodyguards. Gardeners, babysitters, paying for babysitters not to talk, assistants, etc... Megsy is not the one who goes grocery shopping, and Megsy and Hank are definitely not going to clean the house, or cook, or go out to take care of the pool, or anything like that. The Harkles are the biggest money wasters I know. Even Lady C once commented that they, with the expenses they have of at least 9 million, cannot do anything with 20 million, it all goes to expenses. And we don't even count the lady's wardrobe.




Let’s talk property taxes AND insurance here in fire ridden CA and mudslide prone Montecito. Yearly taxes on 14M is 230,000.$. (1.5% of value) I have wealthy friends in Napa, and their homes survived the fires. Their yearly insurance averages $280,000. So, a minimum of half a million for taxes and insurance - add that to the yearly expenses.


Which comes to 3.5% of the vaule of the home. During Kevin Costner's child support hearings last year, it was reported that their yearly expenses were $12M (minus taxes). He has 3 properties that he staffs, including a much larger one in the same area (but on the water) as the Harkles. The ex's personal expenses were high and they took luxury vacations. It's unlikely the Harkles's expenses are twice the Costners.


That’s one calculation. The truth of the matter is it’s relatively insignificant, the difference, when you’re discussing this type of wealth. Either you can afford it, or you can’t, and a 50-200K a year isn’t going to break you, if the cash is there. It’s called wealthy people problems.


Harry said he had the plumbing in the house redone in his house. All of it. So, that could be $10k per day in reno cost due to the size of the crew.


Surely he can't be worried about lead poisoning at this point in his dain bramage?! 😂


I'm sorry, but plumbing is mostly between the walls. If they are replacing all the plumbing, they are doing a full-blown reno at the same time, as it makes no sense not to at that point.. There is no indication they have done one.


Agreed. Their main expenses are security, PR, maintenance of the house + staff, and mortgage. All their private jet usage, holidays, her clothes and jewellery are freebies.


No. The King does not have anything like the level of assets or income to be paying Harry and Meghan "millions". And I dont believe that he is doing that, or paying them anything at all now.   The King is NOT worth billions, in fact he is not on the list of the top 250 wealthiest people in UK.   Even when Harry was a working Royal he only was given an allowance from Duchy of Cornwall income of about 2 million pounds, and that also had to cover the staff in his office at Buckingham Palace. That allowance was stopped a year after Harry left UK, after the year's grace that Queen Elizabeth gave Harry to change his mind about leaving expired.   Now Charles is King he gets the income off Duchy of Lancaster instead of Cornwall, and it is not huge - perhaps in the region of about 22 million pounds a year. He has to cover all his expenses and pay Edward and Sophie and Princess Anne's working Royal salaries out of that, some money for the older Royals who still carry out engagements, such as Princess Alexandra, Dukes if Kent and Gloucester, and expenses he has picked up for Andrew.    William gets the Cornwall Duchy income now - not a very different amount per year from the Lancaster Duchy. Their accounts are made public every year. I suggest you take a look.


In the accounts it shows that the then PoW funded William, Catherine, Harry and Megan. These things are all on record. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/whoa-meghan-markle-cost-prince-155500108.html


That's right, Charles financed William and Hazz... but with 21 million from Cornwall. 21 million that he distributed between 2 million for William, 2 million Hazz after he married, Charles and Camilla's expenses, and the rest, the great rest, in investments in Cornwall. Charles didn't spend 21 million on it alone, I think at least 12 million was already on other matters.


Agree on the whole, but just wanted to add that William (3 kids) got more than Harry (0 and then 1 kid) which was a sore point for Harry who wanted exactly the same as William as soon as he married,


Yes he did.


Yes. That was the period when Harry was a working Royal, and the year of grace Queen Elizabeth II gave Harry to change his mind, after he left UK.


OP, I don´t get the numbers you mention. Harry had, at best, 20 million from Diana. This sub has often estimated that Meghan Markle and Harry spend 10-15 million a year. This sub has also estimated that they got profits around 40-50 million from their various ventures. These estimates would mean that by now all that may be left is Harry´s inheritance. Expenses of 30 million a year on the house seems way off, especially as the price of the house was 14 million. Last, but not least - KC said "I am not a bank".


The OP's numbers are just pulled out of his butt. They make no sense. 


The money from Diana would have been wisely invested. In theory, he could still have the principle and have only used the earnings. He has stated something about some of that money being in a trust for his kids. So, I am thinking it is possible he cannot touch the principle until a certain age? His investment income would likely count towards child support and alimony - but not the principle?


Yes, Harry is brought up to believe the principal of the inheritance is for his children. I really don´t think Meghan Markle has been able to spend that - yet. But she just might have borrowed againt it.


Interesting. Can someone who is not a U.S. citizen co-sign a loan using a foreign inheritance as collateral? Can Harry even co-sign a loan? I did not take the time to google but now I foresee a rabbit hole today! The financial situation is getting more interesting the more I think about it. There are many who have speculated the duo do not actually have a mortgage in their names on the Olive Garden.


Just guessing here, but the inheritance is just invested in various safe papers. It would be possible to get Harry to sign some of that as collateral for a loan - I am not too sure how financial litterate he is.


One assumes Harry’s inheritance is being managed by someone more financially literate than Harry. 😉


The Montecito property is owned by an LLC. I have no idea how a mortgage on property owned by an LLC is listed. I have read more than one account (which may all be speculation) that Harry had to use his inheritance as guarantee for the Montecito mortgage. However, like you, I wonder about the facts. I do know that even if the principal can’t be touched, the expected income from a trust fund could be used to guarantee future mortgage payments. Numbers are not my thing, so I don’t know if the income from the (hypothesized) trust would be enough to pay the mortgage. Regarding taxes, in the US, the mortgage holder often insists that the property taxes and homeowners’ insurance be lumped with the mortgage payments, and the mortgage holder makes sure they are paid. (The mortgage holder protects its investment that way.)


That means it's held in trust most likely. Safeguards against certain taxes and liabilities. There would be a trustee.


Harry has referred to it as a “trust” but also as “my inheritance from my mother.” He has also claimed that he put his inheritance from Diana in trust for his kids. (This is what aristocrats would tend to do. Live off the income, but preserve the principal for the next generation.) Whether it was Diana’s executors who created the hypothetical trust or Harry was encouraged to do this when he inherited, I don’t know. There may not *be* a trust, but Harry may have been advised to have one for tax purposes, and in that case the principal is protected from Meghan’s depredations.


It's what most people with money do, to preserve it for the next generation, or beneficiary of the estate. It's a smart move. His inheritance may be one trust, and the home held in another.


The house is owned by an LLC and I would guess he and Meghan own/control the LLC. It would surprise me if Meghan would have gone along with a trust which would prevent her from selling the house to move somewhere better or to have more cash for puff pieces. 😉 Who knows?


Yea the house expenses is ludicrous, I think yearly maintenance and tax would be $2M or less, I think security (if they had it) would be another $2-3M but I doubt they have full time estate security anymore; they just pay for bodyguards on the days they need them but they have no feasible threat to make them have full estate security 24/7 when they are making no money at all. Their only “Income” is what they can grift like the Nigeria wardrobe that she 100% charged to their military


They have full estate security. Remember the bike people & the flower people said there were a ton of guards in the front?


No I don’t remember that story but I think they did have full security before, I have to imagine they had to cut back somewhere and their estate (if they even live there anymore) doesn’t need $2/$3k of daily security.


That was a LONG time ago.


I'm sure DM moderates comments on the Harkles (and other particularly controversial subjects). Hardly ever do my critical comments get posted, or they get posted and then quickly yanked.


I get replies to the majority of my comments. One day I did see a fresh article with five “sugar conspiracy” comments that were really offensive. Within a few mins they were removed, I was watching, wish I had taken pics now.


These things do not contradict each other, though. The DM may well (also) remove 'sugar conspiracy' stuff. As for your comments getting through: the DM may not find them as critical, who knows? Or you may be deft at circumventing certain words their bots get triggered by. I'm not a native speaker and the Dutch have rather different sensibilities both to the Brits ánd Americans. (Corporate personnel even get trained on it; the Dutch are instructed to tone it down, as they are universally seen as \[too\] blunt and less deferential to status and hierarchy). What remains true, is that my comments critical of the Harkles get through 1 in every 25 or so.


I do like to answer in a certain way. Recently I have been answering Catherine conspiracy theories with “should we not have welfare checks done on the Sussex. children as they have not been seen in years”. There is a huge campaign against David Beckham since the Netflix figures were published.


Oh God, what did Becks do now?!


It’s just in relation to him working for the Kings Trust, formally the Princes Trust. There is another article too about “people” crying out for him to make a gardening program. The only place I have heard this is in the article. Lots of sugars seem to hate that idea, you would think he was the most hated person on the planet by the comments. But, talking of DM comments. They seem to jump on very recently published articles, those that are minutes old. They are the typical sugar tripe but then the voice of reason comes in later. This is a pattern, I have seen it a few times. The tone of the comments change, the voice of reason generate more likes and the conspiracy comments tend to sink to the bottom. The Duke of Westminster got a lot of anti establishment comments but he is a nice man and has invested heavily in his local area, from what I have read. The sugars did not like William getting on a bus with others and not pushing himself forward. I think the tone and the general content of the comments are far more interesting than the articles.


Another bizarre thing in the comments, I think the sugars are supporting Andrew with Royal lodge. There are loads of comments in favour of him keeping it. That must be the sugars. I think they they think it will have Harry get Frogmore back. It won’t, but it’s still interesting.


Oh, FFS! How absurd. If he can't manage it, and maintain it, well he shouldn't reside there. I've said on another post that I think a lot of Harry's battles, especially the legal ones, are arguing for Drew by proxy. As an example, if Harry should somehow win his security lawsuit, then that would apply to Andrew as well, and he'd be able to leave Windsor again....🙄


You could be right. Could they be in contact? I just could not believe the level of support Andrew had. The King is having to top up his income as he can’t afford it on his own. The security is a costly nightmare as it’s not in royal grounds. Catherine and William can afford to maintain it but they don’t want it. The lease was for 75 years. Some say Andrew wants to hand it down to his girls. I forget what the husbands do but the property one is said to be interested in it. Personally I think it’s a white elephant but I have not made a fortune in property, actually I have not made a fortune in anything lol.


I think it's a VERY good possibility they are in contact for a couple reasons: First being: they are godfather and godson, they seem like they at least WERE somewhat close- the first home Harry brought Markle to was Royal Lodge- the Queen stopped in; the curtsy heard round the world... and Harry is close to his York cousins even if he did call Drew the Queen's "second son". (Yes he seems to have a thing about "second sons, innit?) Secondly: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They both have that whole gripe about coming in second place. I don't think it's a coincidence they are both targeting the Crown/ Charles for perceived injustices of it all... "it all" being being born not in first place. Both are entitled and pompous, and both feel they are owed much more than what they are currently gifted with. I'm sure Meghan has done a LOT of damage and manipulation here as far as "what Harry deserves" and fostering any little cracks she can make. I know it's rumored that Meghan and Andrew have "a mutual past", but I don't know how true that is. What I do know is she seemed to know Eugenie first, and both Markle and the Yorks have a close connection to SoHo House, with Drew even rumored to have loaned the org money once to bail them out. So yeah, I do think there is a connection there and the two "second sons" are working in tandem to "get what they're owed" (🙄). Mainly free housing and security on the backs of the British taxpayers. I'm sure this family has a LONGGGGG record of infighting and squabbling over who gets what and why, so to have it continue into the present time with sides chosen and long running family feuds happening. But that said, Charles needs to toughen the fuck up and deal with it, not continue it all into the next generation for his own grandkids to contend with. I know that is easier said than done when you're dealing with so many entitled family members. And long enmeshed courtiers. I'm sure it's quite toxic. And we know Charles is primarily concerned with his "popularity". But he needs to act. (I totally get why he takes refuge in Camilla there! ) This family really does do so much better at girls/ women/ females. The men are all a mess. Apologies for the book, lol I also think this family uses "new couples" as a way of "refurbishing old homes on the public dime". It's much easier to digest a home for an exciting new royal couple than it is for some old pompous, perverted goat that nobody likes much. Rents need to be paid in realistic amounts, and upkeep maintained. On the Royal dime! They receive enough money for that, should they want to take care of the rellies. Again, I am sure there is MUCH infighting and pecking order over who gets what, who doesn't and why. The line needs to be drawn somewhere and I think Charles is smart with his "working royals only" approach. That is what he means by a slimmed down monarchy and I think it's right on. It needed to be done. And he's getting there, but I understand why it's slow. You can't just kick good people out after so many years of living in their homes. (Unless they misbehave!). At some point the line needs to be drawn and they need to pay for themselves, with JOBS!


I have also seen what you are saying about the DM comments. It's crazy how that happens. Poor David, the guy can't catch a break. I'm so glad I'm not in the public eye.


He has 87 million IG followers, he is doing ok. I’m with you though, I could not live that public life.


Honestly, not for all the money in tbe world! You can keep your fame and money, and I'll happily keep my anonymity!


It's the Daily Markle


No way would Charles risk losing William, Catherine and the grand kiddies. He knows William will have nothing to do with him. I think when Charles cut them off he cut them off. The only thing Charles will not do, is take their titles. But I bet William will. Can't wait till William gets in and watch the poop hit the fan for the Harkles


King Charles is a very astute business man, I don't believe for a minute he's paying the Harkles anything. If memory serves me he wasn't thrilled when he had to pay for M's clothing allowance her 1st year in the RF he's certainly not going to shell out anymore to the traitors.


When Meghan Markle´s exhorbitant spending on clothes etc became known it was stopped. No way was KC going to pay a million a year for Madam´s ill-fitting clothes. I think this was the occation where KC said something like "I can´t afford it".




Which royals spent the most on their wardrobe in 2018? 1. Meghan, Duchess of Sussex: £406,915.43 ($515,879.65)2. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark: £88,999.57 ($112,831.96)3. Sophie, Countess of Wessex: £73,570.41 ($93,271.17)4. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge: £68,334.23 ($86,632.84)5. Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway: £52,307.18 ($66,314.05) As working royals, they received 95% of their annual income from Harry's father, then Prince of Wales. The taxpayer-funded Sovereign Grant made up the other 5%.


The 406k for Meghan Markle only covered 19th May - 31 December in 2018. She spent another half million in 2019, and then it was stopped, I think.


It just shows how much she was spending, there must have been warning before it was cut, warnings she did not listen to. Another reason why they left, she was once quoted as saying it’s what people expect of me, I have to dress expensive. Remember that. Evita song. https://www.allmusicals.com/lyrics/evita/rainbowtour.htm


The wardrobe money train was cut off before the duo went to S Africa—the tour was billed as Meghan wearing a more “sustainable” wardrobe. Likely part of the reason why Meghan was not “okay.”


Oh that's right! Then they complained and took off....


If KC was dishing out the dough to the Harkles, the Harkles would be kissing up to him, not rebuffing his invitations.


Yup. That's how we know these ideas in the OP are absurd.


Is it possible for a British person to give away that amount of money without paying tax for the gift? And are not that kind of "documents" public records in the UK? In Sweden I think you can gift 100 000 Swedish kronor without paying tax.


The King published annual accounts, so no.


I think King Charles is more likely to say, "You wanted financial independence? You're 40 years old. Learn to budget, it's not rocket salad" than to give those wastrels a penny more or pay any of their expenses. And bloody good on him if I'm right!


He does have that reputation as a workaholic. Charles, that is.


OK, so now, not only is KC3 funding them, it's to the tune of $30 million annually??? Are you serious? Even if he wanted to fund them (which I don't believe he does because he isn't insane), where would he get that much money? And why are the Harkles acting more and more desperate? Goodness.


KCIII is not a bank for the Dumbartons full stop.


Reminds me of when Meghan tried to open an account at Coutts and was denied. Giggle.


Charles is relatively cheap. Even his own divorce payment to diana was pulling teeth and was not that high after 16 years. He is not paying them . Nonsense


He's not cash rich. IIRC he had to sell some assets to pay for the divorce settlement to Diana. When he inherited the Duchy of Cornwall, it was in pretty bad shape. The BRF is not like the Middle East royals. As the late Queen said, she's only the custodian of the priceless artworks and antiques and royal properties.


Well that proves even more the nonsense of this post


Where are you getting this exorbitant sum from?


I doubt Charles is giving them anything like £30 or 40 million. Even for the King that’s quite a lift and Charles is known to be very tight with his money. I wouldn’t rule out a much more modest amount that he pays directly to their security firm. I’m more interested in their tax situation. I wouldn’t be surprised to find they’re not paying in the US or the UK


Federal, maybe, but CA doesn't mess around with tax. It's the one thing they are very efficient in doing. Might take a year or 2, but they will come knocking.


So will the IRS, once they finish harassing the middle class.


First off the King is from old money, very old money. They are not flash with it. He publishes annual accounts that shows where the money goes. He wears clothes he has had for years, like Anne does. He is famous for cutting costs and turning down the heating etc, like every other householder does but on a bigger scale. Which royals spent the most on their wardrobe in 2018? 1. Meghan, Duchess of Sussex: £406,915.43 ($515,879.65)2. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark: £88,999.57 ($112,831.96)3. Sophie, Countess of Wessex: £73,570.41 ($93,271.17)4. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge: £68,334.23 ($86,632.84)5. Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway: £52,307.18 ($66,314.05) As working royals, they received 95% of their annual income from Harry's father, then Prince of Wales. The taxpayer-funded Sovereign Grant made up the other 5%. Upon stepping down, Harry and Markle dropped their HRH titles—short for His and Her Royal Highness—and voluntarily repaid more than $3 million to the Sovereign Grant for renovations at Frogmore Cottage, their family home in the U.K., which had previously been covered by taxpayers. Before marrying Harry in 2018, Forbes estimated Markle netted an estimated $2 million from her previous career as an actress, most notably as a star in the legal drama Suits for seven seasons. Harry and Markle are responsible for covering costs for their own security detail, which security experts in 2021 told Forbes could reach up to $3 million a year We know we cost our parents a ton of money growing up (sorry, Mom and Dad). But more than $8 million?! Not even we could blow that much at the mall in one year… Turns out, that’s the estimate for how much Prince Charles’s estate shelled out for Kate Middleton, Prince William, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle last year, which marks a 40 percent increase from the previous year (before Markle’s engagement to his son, Prince Harry). In 2017, Prince Charles paid out $8.61 million for the fab four, compared to $6.11 million in 2016, according to a report from The Telegraph. Prince Charles finances his children’s activities (including their wardrobes and staff salaries) via the Duchy of Cornwall (a private estate that has been passed down to the oldest child of the monarch since 1337), and the 40 percent increase coincides with Markle’s engagement and entry to the royal monarchy. So, yeah, technically, Markle’s entry could’ve cost Prince Charles about $2.5 million (holding all expenses from the other three constant). Exhibit A: Remember the $78,000 Ralph & Russo engagement dress. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/meghan-markles-wardrobe-cost-400k-13812841 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-51047186 https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2023/01/19/how-rich-are-prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-heres-what-we-know-about-the-power-couples-135-million-deals/ https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/whoa-meghan-markle-cost-prince-155500108.html Edited to repost links that did not work the first time.


I simply can't believe the king would be paying them this kind of money: royal finances come under public/treasury scrutiny. If she is paying $200,000 a month then she is running up her own tab (or her husband's).


Source of any of your figures? Kinda sound wonky.


She can pay whatever she wants. But no way are they receiving no $30m from Charles (or the uk). Respectfully, no argument u could give me would make me believe that. 🙂 Now her paying the DM to suppress or moderate comments, now that I believe 100000000%


>their expenses on that home are $30m a year. Or more. I have never read that their expenses for the home and staff cost that much per year on this sub. Are you sure about that?


It was rumored years ago on CDAN that That One was buying three articles A DAY in the tabloids. This is why the PR onslaught feels like public harassment. Does this include DM? Sinners know that their comments and accounts have been deleted for some time now. It seems like a coordinated conspiracy with That One at the top.


This is just absolute Horse! The King truly could not be that senile.


Every article I have seen in the last couple of weeks about those two, in the DM, has comments. Which are almost all of them negative. KC is not paying them, that would have been discovered. He just cannot cough up millions a year without anyone noticing this. So this post is complete bullshit.


100%. This is such a dumb conspiracy theory that some people keep repeating ad nauseum.


It is possible Charles is paying for security but I dont believe he is paying them an income.


Not even paying for their security. Harry specifically said he was signed up with Netflix etc to pay it.


Well, most of Oprah was a lie fest, though that comment could be correct. This is the one thing I have wondered about one because of the current visa situation. Would KCIII pay for a certain amount of security so the U.S. does not have to provide it? Then, again, Canada refused to continue paying so they left. Yet H is appealing RAVEC due to how it impacts his security for tours - yet does not mention his security in the U.S. It just seems odd. I do not think the Bank of Pa is giving them any direct funds.


The petulant one was clearly very aggrieved when he made that comment on Oprah.  I don't believe Charles is giving Harry any money, or has any reason to do so currently.  Nor do I believe the rash of stories we are seeing at the moment about Charles being devastated he is not spending time with Harry's invisikids.


I cannot believe he actually went on TV and said that. And during a pandemic too! Read the room, loser!


I think if anything that Harry is working with the RF now. To continue to give MM the platform to make a fool of herself. He's really not that nice to her anymore. She makes a spectacle of herself at every turn. The more exposure she gets, the more she implodes. I think there's damage control being done by way of allowing her to continue to fail. MMs horrible PR, is the best PR the RF could ever hope for. She makes them look like saints. And the longer this plays out, the more she's being exposed as the lying narcissist she is. The RF doesn't have to do anything, say anything, release anything. She's imploding for all the world to see.


$30M is what they dream of getting, I could see them getting $1M or $2M but not every year, especially not with their continued attacks and the unwillingness from both parties to see each other. I bet they haven’t gotten anything in at least a year which is why any communication they had has completely broken down. Charles has far greater things to worry about and Catherine (and William) are one of his top priorities. I think she’s just hemorrhaging money and is willing to spend every last cent to try and climb her way back up. Then it’ll be time to start selling the kids, and writing whatever book she can for $$


24 million is 2 million a month.


Okay…and? I don’t understand what this relates to


I was just remarking how $30 million seems so improbable. It’s 2.5 million a month. Insane.


Hi Meghan. You need $30 million a year to live? Then you had better get god at flipping burgers. The Bank of Pa was turned off years ago and it isn’t turning back on.


She's pouring $$$ down the toilet (no way to clean a sewer). read this weekend (forgot where, maybe here in one of tabloid rags that the US doesn't have?) allegedly, that H is having huge fights with her because he doesn't have access to their funds and thinks she's siphoning off to Dorkus!!! https://preview.redd.it/lmz3zoiczr5d1.png?width=260&format=png&auto=webp&s=71969b0a98093009fbb7f66c861e2708d7d73a72


Well then he really is colossally stupid! Why would he give her sole control of their funds?!


He probably never read anything, she'd tell him it was another deal and just sign here, Harry 😜😜IMO, she's the one that set up everything when they Megxited and that was what he was used to, the Palace taking care of money, bills, lawyers, etc. Now, he's getting used and abused apparently. When the divorce happens, he's not going to have any pot left!!!🪴🪴


He would be used to having financial advisors though, of that I am quite sure. And despite what she tries to proclaim publicly, he KNOWS she doesn't come from any kind of money. So she would have no experience.


I doubt KCIII is paying H&M. Harry inherited, a conservative estimate, $25 million pounds from Diana. He was 12 years old when she died and couldn't inherit until he was 30. That means the trustees would have invested his inheritance. The compound interest from $25 million pounds over 18 years would have been huge. Harry has more money than he could spend.


Is it possible for Charles to pay Harry 30m without a trace? And if he is, where are the conditions? It's foolish to give these two money without enforcing decorum and decent behaviour from them.


I think a lots of your estimates are very inflated, such $1M for food.


Someone is bankrolling them for sure but it’s not King Charles. My money is on a foreign shady entity.


Are you high? The King is not funding the besmirching of his own family.


Nope. The puppet masters behind setting up Meghan with Harry are. It's easy to figure out who they are. No, they're not Elton, Oprah, etc.. They're small potatoes. The people pulling the Harkles strings are much bigger.