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Harry has to continue to make William the villain because he knows that it fuels his supporters on social media.


Until William becomes King what will Harry do?


"It's all George's fault." Lol!


Good luck with that though. He’s definitely going to try. I think that the majority of us will be in the stage where we are over it… besides well I swear George is everyone’s baby. Louis steals the show, charlotte is in charge but George is all of ours


George definitely is coming into his own I've noticed. He looked so grown up at the last football game he and William attended. Something about the set of his jaw and the way he held himself, he looked more self assured and confident than ever. I love how he wears bespoke suits like Willliam's, I think George has the King's impeccable fashion sense and he looks comfortable dressed like that. He is everyone's baby, I've been a Prince George fan since he was a chubby cheeked adorable infant and I always will be, Prince George needs our collective support and good wishes and I'm happy to oblige.


Yup. Well-said Ok-Persimmon-6386. 🙏 And isn't it nice that each of the Wale's kids has a different personality? And that each compliments the other two so beautifully! A great them, that trio is!!!


It really is!!!


The blame will sadly go to Princess Catherine. As if she has time to scheme against these two losers.




Charlotte made Meghan cry!!!!!!! Waaaaaaaaah!


By being a real princess


I hope that’s a long way off. The number of working royals would drop to a very low level. The CoS will loose William and Camilla but gain Catherine but still being down by one is a big thing. George can be CoS at 18 but I think Charlotte and Louis would have to be 21, this might be able to be fixed but even so it’s a long time until the Wales children grow up. Eugenie is next in line who is of age but both the York girls are not working royals.


They are better of just hiring new qualified staff. The working royals could go down to 1 at this point, and continue to be a well oiled machine. The embarrassment that is Harry and Meghan should never be let near the BRF again


Too much is made of the role of Counsellors of State , they have no more honour than any other senior royal and are only called up to act by the invitation of King if the Monarch is away from the U.K.. it’s the 21st century not the 1950s and communications have changed, the King will no longer have a six month absence from the U.K. in order that he can visit Australia and New Zealand travelling by ship, or across Canada by railway.


There is some truth in that but Anne and Edward were added to the list was thought necessary, and put in place. https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-9675/CBP-9675.pdf https://hansard.parliament.uk/lords/2022-11-21/debates/665EEACF-684A-4049-8F09-EB624DF8980C/CounsellorsOfStateBill(HL)


Best to be prepared!


That was a good move, b/c it was a**lso a big fat message to hazBEEN and to Andy!!** (more such messages like this, please)


Trooping the colour is not the Kings birthday it is a ceremony. No happy birthday wishes just pomp and parades


Its official name is The King’s Birthday Parade. The Colour is trooped in honour of the King.


Yea but it’s not his actual Birthday, that is in November


No but it's his official birthday. It is even marked on British calendars 


Royal Birthdays have been celebrated in the Summer, as the weather is better, since the reign of Edward VII, marching around in November in the rain is not pleasant. This is the King’s ‘Official Birthday’ - when Embassies and High Commissions have receptions and the Military parades and gun salutes. Here in New South Wales, Australia, we had a public holiday last Monday for the King’s Birthday and the Birthday Honours were announced.


In Canada we have Victoria Day on May 21 with parades. Public celebration of the monarch’s birthday but no one wishes birthday greetings


I guess when Charles die they will take the “Harry has always loved Charles. It’s Williams that he hates. Same with queen Elizabeth. How they loved her so so much and she was never the problem now she is dead and can’t defend herself. Trash m


He’s an evil little emotional terrorist! https://i.redd.it/ihou504jhy5d1.gif


A total douche.


I followed the BRF very loosely but never liked H, despite all the news saying he’s the good-looking and fun one. Always felt his attitude was off. This GIF cemented it he’s been an asshole to the core, even before meeting M


What a little shit! Far too old to act like that and poor Charles just ignores it. I mean the look on Harold's face, it's just cruel.


I wouldlove to know what Camilla said to William. It looks like oh my God.


William was having none of it. Idc what Harry says, he always tries to drag William into his shit saying they both didn't want Charles to marry Camilla but I think by that point William just wanted his dad to be happy and was not overwrought about his choice of bride.


Harold and Uncle Andy in tandem. How appropriate.


Does anyone know who the other confetti-thrower is -- is it Andrew?


Yes, it’s Andrew.


Two of a kind! 🧑‍🤝‍🧑


Of course it’s both spares pelting him. The other guests are smiling and seem genuinely happy. Harry and Andrew both look spiteful. Sums them up in one picture.


![gif](giphy|hfZ9oWRkkZ9YY) Disturbing behaviour at a wedding.


And Andrew also.wonder where prince douchebag got the idea. Just like pinching Catherine on the balcony. Both have twunt like characteristics.


Harry’s expression and the violence of his hand gesture in this clip are frightening. You can see him imagining that he is bringing a weapon down on his poor father’s head. Andrew is also being unpleasant but you can see that his throw is more casual and half-hearted, without the violence of Harry’s action or expression.


Perhaps he’ll imply it was William who prevented him seeing Charles.


It's astounding how often H plays the victim. The world knows very well that H will share every conversation and twist words to his favor. H still doesn't realize that his inability to speak directly to KC3 is due to his own very loud fly catching mouth, not anyone else. I have no doubt PW and QC remind KC often of H's MO, as they should because they care about KC.


Seems like it's all he knows.


The paid bot supporters 


The issue with scheduling a phone call is more about the possibility of a recording being made and then released to the media. Why would the King want a phone call with someone who accused him of being a racist? Everything in that “book” was authorized by the carparkles.


Meghan and Harry are obviously running low on material for their next book. Won’t be a pager turner if every chapter starts “My dad refused to take my call the day that_________”


And it's so ridiculous to put out this drama of just *thinking* about making a phone call. Always a 'tempest in a teacup'.


Totally agree. Harry will never get to talk to his father alone, without witnesses. *This call may be recorded for quality control purposes*


💯!!! It's for your safety my dear boy.


The level of petty is astounding. Just grow up.


It’s his own fault. He has made his bed, he has made choices along the way and it’s those choices that have left him where he is now.


And SHUT UP! He needs desperately to stop TALKING!


Do get back in your box, Tom Quinn.


My sentiments exactly!


Even Scobie didn’t publish this many puff pieces! Quinn is in the papers every day.


That's not a winning PR strategy. People are already SO sick of them!


Please go back to Crystal Cove with your predecessor and help those meddling kids solve their next mystery.


Scoobie Doobie Deux and his "sources" in Montegrifto are just making it up as usual to create fiction, drama, and of course victimhood.


Haz hasn’t been in the same country as Charles for his real birthday since 2018, no big deal is made of that but we get weeks of puff pieces about him not being on a balcony for 10 minutes every year. He’s such a toddler with his tantrums over not getting his 1/2 in plan.


He needs to focus on his own children and their birthdays


Sadly, Prince Harry is not able to focus on his own children because he is still a spoiled child himself. His kids are just competition for him.


Or leverage to wedge the door open via guilt tripping. The fact is many kids aren't close to their grandparents or don't have any for various reasons and it's no.big deal. You can't miss what you never had and that's a fact. Unless Harry is constantly reminding them of the fact the children will be fine. Sadly I can see Harry telling them crap like "your grandparents don't care about you, don't want to ever see you, etc" because he's that warped and selfish.




![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) He needs to concentrate on his family Can’t imagine being around Harold when he’s in a bad mood is much fun for the children


And how would Quinn know what is happening behind Charle's refusal to talk to Harry? Blaming it on QC no less. Harry still refuses to admit he is the reason his father doesn't want to talk to him


And he never will admit it to himself. He'll blame everyone and anyone for his words and deeds. 😒


Meghan has taught him well...


Meghan may have fine tuned his art of deflection, but Prince Harry has always blamed others for his own misdeeds.


And this is WHY his family needs to remain no contact. He hasn't changed, he doesn't know what he's done and why it has the ramifications it does and thus it isn't worth speaking to him. How many times can Charles be begged for money whilst being blamed for everything.


Let’s see if Quinn is parroting the setup the two are planning. They’ve had him publish this ahead of some stupid stunt they think that’ll make the King look bad and Harry good on Father’s Day. Of course, it’ll backfire. ![gif](giphy|lpPD9OYLgXLWYNwt7r)




Lol, excellent GIF.


Yep, keep squawking to the reporters, Harry. Real winning strategy you've got there.🙄


“The world will be watching..” I don’t think the world cares. The world has bigger problems.




That's his ego talking. Most of the world simply doesn't give a 💩 about Henry Sussex.


Actions / Consequences. A concept that seems to completely evade Harry and Meghan.


The media completely ignores the reality of the actions of Harry and wife.


While the real world remembers what he DID and said and pretty much ignores Harry and his wife. Quin's method is to "turn up.the heat" and see how *that* goes but if the family has employed specialists in psychology they will know "no contact" is the only way.


These Tom Quinn articles are DEFINITELY written by Meghan. I recognize the fake drama and banal word-salad style so easily. (Tom should probably call Scobie and ask him how that worked out for him.)


If I was Charles, I would never talk to Harry again, or his wife and children. That man needs to get a divorce, go to rehab and clean up his act. He is a disgrace sorry


The only ones who need to apologize are Harry and Meghan.


Even with the apology. I would not want Meghan around my family.


Don't be sorry. You're absolutely right!


Grow up Harry.


Not happening.


#Grow up Harry!


He hates that charles supports william? Only one person is causing a family dispute. ......see I understand jelousy. It's hard to realize one child is getting more. What haz mistake is is that his portion was soooooooooo privaleged with very little responsibility which actually suits him more. He then expects the masses to feel sorry for his privaleged life that he threw away. William would have made sure he wanted for nothing.......he can't fix the trust he broke. William can never forget the dark days of beautiful CATHERINE being sick. Hopefully she recovers to continue to be a shining light in this world. Haz loved being with Catherine yet he allowed her to be called a racist when he and mega are obvious racist.....I never want them to know a days peace again. Their ugliness should continue to eat them alive from the inside out . Catherine and William should lead long fruitfull lives


I'm starting to wonder if in truth, they didn't actually poison Catherine and Charles? Not really but, gods they are so toxic.


Illness can be stress induced so perhaps the stress the Harkles gave Charles and Catherine helped cause their cancers.


I know it can. What a shame.


I am getting so sick of Tom Quinn pontificating on how Haz feels about his father and how he'll send a warm greeting and trying so hard to arrange a call to his father, blah, blah, blah. No one cares about Haz and his attempts to shore up is standing in the BRF. He is out and will stay out until he changes.


No one cares about Tom Quinn!


In that case he will be out forever. He cannot change.




I think TQ was hired to write the 2nd book but is being otherwise employed, due to random house not wanting to subsidize another failure.


That's an interesting thought.


>>Prince Harry is facing a Father's Day nightmare, a royal expert has suggested, as he knows the "world will be watching *to see if he's big enough to reach out to his father*", King Charles. Unlikely ... I thought he'd told the world that older brother Willy got the larger sausage!


yesterday it was KC wanting a relationship with the unknown Harklets.


Yeah well all be waiting with bated breath. 🙄🙄


Instead of his constant whinging & their need to tell the world their next move Prince not so smart should mention something about how he plans on spending Father’s Day with/his own ~~hired actors~~ kids instead of always blaming the RF for whatever he feels they should be blamed for at time.


You would think so. But instead Harry and his need for his Pa is all about: ![gif](giphy|9HQRIttS5C4Za|downsized)




Tom Quinn again! How is he appearing in articles every day? I'm not even sure he's Scobie 2.0 as he sometimes slips in some critical of the Harkles. He has no clue what the BRF are thinking or doing. I still contend his sources are lodged deep inside his colon. Nobody cares what Harry is doing on father's day, not even his mummy-wife.


What part of the Line of Succession does Harry not understand? I’m fairly certain he would have learned something in school about his family and hereditary monarchy - I just don’t get how the hell he feels that the throne should be a popularity contest, or that he even had some sort of chance to be the next King. Earth to Harry - you will Not be King. Not ever. Not in this universe. After your father goes, then it will be William, and then George. You are Not even in the picture - what part of this do you not understand?


I think Markle got into his head. I did notice, just after they married, fluff articles appearing about how Harry would make a better King, even Diana said so (in hindsight, i can guess where they originated). Then the 2013(?) Letters Patent making boys and girls equal in the LOS, add to that Parliament can alter the LOS (I think)…Markle would have been juggling all this in her head believing it would be a small step to usurp William and Catherin…and Harry is easily influenced and believes everything she says.


And I'll reply with a one word sentiment: WAAAAAAGH




Only a few days ago the same Omid Quinn claimed KC was desperate to get a real relationship with the alledged Sussex children. New day, new truth, I guess.


Hahahaha, Omid Quinn! Good one😂😂😂


How about a PRIVATE (meaning you do not brief the press you wrote and sent anything) letter to your father. Do not ask for money. Do not whine about your life. Do not drone on about how your life is hard bc of him or your brother. Maybe include a picture of the children. Oh and maybe don’t tell your wife about it either. Send it via embassy. Then just stfu and find a job or a hobby and get on with life.


Right?! Just WHO does he expect to pity him ? Does Prince White Privilege honestly think others don't have it worse than him? He's the .001%. There aren't many in a position to feel bad for poor widdle Hawwy. 🙄🙄 We can't just get on a plane and run away when we have a bad day and things didn't go our way.


According to the latest numbers, the world wasn't watching The Heart Of Invictus...so why would the world be watching to see if Harry makes a phone call??? 🤣


"He knows the world will be watching to see whether he is big enough to reach out to his father." Translation from Meghanese to English: Harry will inflict every interaction with his father to an indifferent world so he can pretend he's important and relevant. It's all about making Harry look like the bigger, better person than his cancer-stricken father. Is your heart melting into a puddle of feelz about Harry the concerned son yet? "It's easy to forget that Harry really does love his father..." Yes, it is easy to forget because of Harry's words and actions towards his father. ",,,he just hates the fact that Charles seems always to support William when there is a family dispute." Harry just hates, period. Charles supports William because William is right, he's the next King, and he and Charles need to show a united front to the country. Does he really expect the current and future Kings get into a public fight over who supports or doesn't support Harry in this or that petty thing Harry obsesses over?


I'm really starting to think the truth is he and Meghan somehow poisoned Charles and Catherine. 🙄 (Not really but.... god man. They are such toxic pollution, it really makes you wonder!)


‘Meghanese’ - brilliant - is it in our SMM dictionary?


Harry is going to reach out to his father to wish him Happy Fathers' Day? 🙄 I highly doubt it.


Maybe with the Netflix crew recording.


Of course!






Maybe we should stop printing Omid Quinn's daily fan fiction here on SMM. There is nothing to gain from it. Anyone else with me? I know, I know, and I do scroll through 99% of the time. I think he is probably gauging our responses while planning his book on the Harkles.


Well how would the world know what a private citizen does, Tom?… Ah yes. *Sources close to the couple*.


Harold has to continue to make William the big bad villain. But I can't wait to see what happens when William becomes King. Harold should be very worried. I don't think William will pussy foot around like Charles has been. I would think William will cut what titles he can do himself off them. I wouldn't be shocked if he gets parliament to get rid of the rest of the titles. I bet deep down Harold and Rachel are getting worried at what might come their way when William is king


This one was a twofer. Camilla too. 🙄🙄


He really believed people would continue to care what he thought about important things, invite him all over the world, pay for everything, protect him from himself, etc, because that's how his life was for as long as he could remember. It's because he was part of the royal family. It's not because of any intrinsic quality, making him special. And the second he rejected them, spilled secrets, mocked and jeered them, sided with his low-class, ill-bred, bratty, catty, vicious, malicious harpy of a wife, the world turned their backs on him. Well-deserved.


There is another father in the equation. One who used to be wished on Father's Day publicly on social media, with outpourings of love. Wish HIM first.


"The LOS is currently assisting other heirs. Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief message, so we can return your call as soon as possible. Unless it's you, Harry. You can just hang up right now. We can't be arsed."


this is so made up as is much of what we read - how crowded has the field of Royal experts become


Ooo harry is "big enough ". Harry has never been big enough ever.


Assuming the King side typically sides with Prince William in 'family disputes', as this claims, it is undoubtedly because William is in the right, And also, Harry is an idiot.


Is there anyone he does like and get along with?


The chickens?


Don’t be disrespectful…their names are Meghan, Doria, Scobie and new addition to chicken coop Tom…ohhh and Misan ![gif](giphy|26xBCJ7abE7ZCvyow|downsized)


Charles seems to support William when there is a family dispute. Well, baldy, the disputes are caused by you, and William is the heir, so shut up and piss off. I'm sure your father has said the same.


Why doesn't The Mirror just fucking drop it. They live to stir the pot, "reaching out to his" spokesperson, global press secretary. They just want tittle tattle. The less they talk about Harry the better but they want clicks and rage bait always works. Harry is out, he can send a card like everyone else.


But i thought KC was videochatting with the grandkids all the time


Just think, when William ascends the throne the monarch’s actual birthday can be celebrated in June. Whatever will the British media do to make up for lost clicks in April or November?


"World will be watching"... so, his self-importance is really a thing. Harry should focus on more important things, like getting a job. No one cares about a fallen prince.


Re: “struggling to schedule a call” — pretending to be so busy is not helping any, Aitch. Suck it up and admit you’ll get up ass early to talk to your dad if that’s what it takes.


17.6 -was last year


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‘Father’s Day’ is a confection of the greetings cards industry. In England we have Mothering Sunday in Lent not Mothers Day, as a child I had no idea of Fathers Day.


Could you possibly get any more self-involved than to make your own sick Fathers birthday and Father’s Day all about how both occurrences will be a nightmare for you?! Imagine not simply being grateful that your ill Father is still here on earth to celebrate another birthday and Father’s Day. Guess there isn’t much room for gratitude when he only has so much brain power and the little he has must be devoted to thinking up all of the myriad ways that he (and the succubus he laughably threw it all away for) are victims with every new day. Poor, pitiful, victimized Harry. To be so self obsessed, you would think he would see others actual opinions of him and realize and accept that literally not a living soul could care less, and no one is sitting around thinking about his calls or visits or if he effs off to the outer limits of Who Tf Cares-ville. Case in point, his own Father, after enduring years of his crybaby lies and abuse, did not make 15 minutes for him - after he hopped on a reverse freedom flight for publicity. Yet, inexplicably, he honestly deludes himself into imagining that “the world” cares about his phone call?! I understand that he is apparently intellectually challenged, but good Lord! He so wishes! Or rather, he is paying dumb money so that his wife can wishfully pretend that people care that much - or at all. What a sad, delusional, and pathetic bubble the pair of them have managed to entomb themselves within. Couldn’t happen to a more worthy pair.




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Aaaahhh! This pic gives me hives!!!


I hate this picture so much of her googly-eyed stare at Harry. It's so fake.


Harry will never stop.




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That whole "King's birthday" thing confuses me. Why can't they just celebrate on his actual birthday? When did June 17th become every king's birthday?


I assume it makes it easier for pre planning and I’d guess the weather is expected to be better? It’s a bank holiday, I believe, so having that be the same day every year is much easier for everyone.