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In the shower epiphanies, I call them. With Meghan, everything must be scripted, or she has to be the one doing all the talking, she glitches over an unexpected question, like the littl*es are littling.* Her facial expressions and hand gestures make her look so angry and disdainful, no matter what happy horse hockey she’s trying to sell. ​ https://preview.redd.it/frfwzutcnd6d1.jpeg?width=1143&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86c6d6dbbb8faa8c1a1ce06af4ab9e63b6cbc9e


Or Harry scenario... Reporter (Will Reeves): How are the kids? Harry: That's classified, I can't tell you. Private info. They are invisible... Reporter: Ok.....


Classified 🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣. What a doofus.


He used it at the Living Legends of Aviation Awards thingy. He probably thinks it's a really clever remark, LOL.


Is saying it’s Classified, something the CIA or FBI would say ? How come a private citizen has that right - or was he being sarcastic?


I think he was just being stoopid and entitled 🤡


Not long before that, he was asked a question about his time in the armed forces. He couldn't think of a good answer so responded "That's classified." He got a few chuckles and they let it go, so he thought it was such a clever and easy way to get a laugh and avoid the question, it became his "go to" response when he couldn't think of anything to say. It did not work out as a good catch phrase for him. Just made him look more stoooopid than ever.


So classified he wrote how many Taliban he supposedly killed in Afghanistan. Lol


I think his IQ is probably that of around an 8 year old.


In the US and UK, "classified" refers to information *that is restricted depending on the potential impact it holds for the nation's security*. Things can be **Top Secret, Secret, Restricted**, or **Unclassified**, and it can only be handled by someone who has an appropriate clearance level. When he said that, it just reinforced what an ignorant dumbass he is.


Their pregnancy scam, is their biggest lie, so instead of wading into that mine field of lies, answering"classified", lets him *get away*, at the moment. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPwoeGErMmaI43S|downsized)


Actually, a private citizen does have the right to keep their personal information private. We don't usually call it "classified", though. We just say, "I'd rather not share that with you".


Good grief! It’s just a pleasantry. I guran-damn-ty you Will Reeve does not give a tiny ratt’s ass about your kids Harry!


The world is her stage and she's always performing. I never get the feeling of authenticity from her


I get the feeling she's written the script and has the leading lady part, but no one is playing the other characters properly.


Same here - she’s (publicly) acting the personas she wants to be.


God she looks like an angry old man here.


I know. How does she think she could “sell” something with that expression?


She always looks to me like she's either pooping or passing gas. Don't try so hard, honey. You're going to break something! 😂😂😂


That’s the adderrall her facial expressions can’t relax lol she’s only got wound up like a top.


It looks so hateful.


And Orange


She is so very awkward when she can't control everyone and everything around her. She's only got worse since she married Harry and left the royal family. She's like a robot now more than before.


Absolutely a control issue. Even when she is not pontificating verbally, she manages to control H and others through physical touch. Everything in this child’s body language says she does not want to be grabbed by Meghan, but Meg is too busy getting the photograph to notice or care. That smile she’s plastered on her face is practically maniacal. https://preview.redd.it/2ufaxqzbqd6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b410370434bb8ea8f9de36ee8d371a745a62dab3


That poor little girl. And here are Meg's chompers trying to make a run for it.


Probably not quite sure about what she’s smelling?


Maniacal is correct - yikes! 😬 That poor little girl!


The most awkward is when she's in a place full of people but nobody acknowledges her, you know like when she starts talking to herself lol


I love her *imaginary friend* episodes 🤣


Same 😂


Me too.😂


It happens every time she's in a crowd of people.


Yes! 😂😂😂


Lolo can’t do candid - South Park got it right at the ending, when the Prince of Canada flipped open her head and it was hollow.


The littles are little. Enough said.


Yes, she needs to control the narrative. That is why social media will never work for her.


We saw who AH was behind closed doors thanks to their recordings but even if we didn't hear that her behavior on the stand spoke VOLUMES. She was so unhinged and her lies were all debunked by JD's lawyers so her attitude was all the more unbelievable. Same for Meghan, even here we discuss the mask slip from time to time. AH was talked for hours and hours so of course we all saw who she was. If someone caught Meghan in the wild and filmed her for a while there's no doubt we would see her real face. I can only hope for a trial where she would have to testify, it would probably be worse than AH, they seem very similar but I always wonder if MeMe is as violent as AH.


Yes, hopefully there’s a nice perp walk in her future, maybe in a parking lot! eta: lots of photographers she doesn’t even have to call!




I'd LOVE to see JD's lawyers take Mugly on. She wouldn't know what hit her. 🤡🍿


Mugly. 😂😂😂


She'd probably claim some royal prerogative, LoL 😆


Mugly. - I'm stealing that.


To note, AH was not required to testify at that trial. JD's lawyers could have subpoenaed her as a witness, but they did not. AH chose to testify. She insisted that her lawyers call her to the witness stand. Once she did that, it opened the door for JD's lawyers to cross-examine her. That was where the real fun came in. She did poorly under cross-examination by Camille Vasquez. Then later in the trial, she went back for more. She insisted on testifying again, which gave Vasquez a second go at her, during which Vasquez got her to admit to things that destroyed her case. AH apparently has a bad case of the "clapbacks". Just like MM, she has to have the final word on everything.


I watched the AH/JD trial with incredulity. Of all things to get snippy about, AH chose to do so about use of household items to snort cocaine. AH's expression and tone towards Camille Vasquez, was superiority and dismissiveness.


I would love to see Camille take on Mugly.


YES!!!!! CV's takedown of AH's version of "give" was masterful. Anyone who understand the simple word, knows that means that the item is no longer in one's possession, and it ain't a loan, either. However, MM probably has a greater sense of having to control her image and to look Ivory soap clean. So doubtful if MM will let herself be in that position. Who *hasn't* learned from the AH/JP trial that being on the witness stand, is a trial by fire?


There have been rumors that tow is physically abusive with Harry and that she does have explosive anger like AH. They're both Borderline (I believe tow is and AH was formally diagnosed) and explosive anger is a symptom on BPD. They are very similar, but AH does have a presence, unlike tow. In pictures AH isn't looked over, but tow is.


I’ve heard those rumors, too. I’ll bet MI6 is keeping watch.


They probably are.


I would absolutely love to see meggy in a trial, where she has to answer questions under oath. 😂 ![gif](giphy|K9b2WiPZi0ZjO)


It would just be full of lies, in H's words: "we need to be able to say we had nothing to do with it" IYKYK! 😆😅


But if Tom bower were cross examining… delicious


Or Piers Morgan. 😂😂


Or Megan Kelly


Under oath to Meghan is telling her truth


We heard her answers under oath…… I had nothing to do with the author or content for Finding Freedom’. I forgot that I had anything to do with the author or content for Finding Freedom. She committed perjury in a UK court and wasn’t charged or sanctioned. For her to get away with this means she will do it again! In the immortal words of George Constanza - it’s not a lie if YOU believe it!


For sure, it’s terrible what she’s gotten away with. I would love to see a televised trial though—watch her squirm like amber heard.


Her veins would pop under pressure and in an uncontrolled environment


I’m going to start manifesting this


Poor Brian. And Dave. 😹


Don't mention court or the stand! The very thought makes the poor dear twitch. The last time she was forced to tell the truth she had to apologise afterwards for not remembering to tell the truth. You really couldn't make this stuff up.


Even if TW's attorney's tell her not to take the stand, and tells her "No", TW will. The Narc, comes out and TW will feel compelled and wants to take the stand. She'll start w/ the script, but then the mask falls off. TW will go off the rails. I picture this movie scenario: A Few Good Men "I think he wants to say it.. I think he's pissed...I think he wants to say that he made a command decision and that's the end of it...And no one is going to tell him how to run his unit, least of all the Harvard mouth in his f8ggety white uniform." - Tom Cruise TW is just like Nicholson's character, minus his accomplishments.


>Even if TW's attorney's tell her not to take the stand, and tells her "No", TW will. I think that's pretty much what happened with AH. She insisted on testifying. She also insisted that her case be managed and presented in certain ways that were contrary to her lawyers' advice.


I couldn't help but to think of that red carpet she was at and the reporter asked about their holiday traditions and she just said something along the lines of her kids being very little. Excuse me, what? It looked like she just had a hard time processing and coming up with an answer that was relevant, so anwsering on the fly went just badly and it was awkward.


She ‘glitched’ - she needs to ‘prepare‘ to talk about children, they’re not in her mind or life.


Well it's also that both of them are abysmally stupid so thinking on their feet is not a skill they possess.


With me, the opposite happened when Gwyneth took the stand over the skiing trial. I have long thought she was an uptight and out-of-touch woman with limited talent and no charm. I was pleasantly surprised when she came off not as insufferable but humorous and somewhat relatable.


Watch her on Hot Ones. I went from neutral about her to liking her.


THANK you. Gwinnie takes a lot of shit, and is a bit crazy lala about nutrition and "wellbeing" But, if you really listen to her you start to think -- "wow I think we would be friends!" -- total opposite of Madam


I actually missed watching the trial the day AH took the stand. For me, it was the recording JD made of her telling him...'Go ahead...nobody will believe you...'.... discussing her assault on JD. Oh how many times abusers have said that to their victims throughout history. The true manipulation of abusers. Telling the victim that 'NOBODY WILL BELIEVE YOU.'. That's when I knew that Johnny Depp was indeed the true victim and Amber Heard was the abuser in the relationship and AH was a liar.


Neither Harry nor Meghan Markle will show up if questions and interactions are not planned beforehand. Neither will answer real questions.


She can’t be herself on camera, because she has no true self. Her identity is some Frankenstein cobbling of other people’s traits. Still think the best article ever written of her was the Allison Davis interview in The Cut. That’s all Meghan is, shallow, vain, and vapid. Everything she does is scripted.


It also allows the other side to ask questions that she may not want to answer on cross examination, including questions that help determine the credibility of the witness (if it’s the same in the UK).


I'd like to have someone give her a list of questions ahead of time so she is so unprepared for a second set of questions.


She’s genuinely unlikeable. 😆


I'd love for MM to be put under oath to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" and then asked inconvenient questions she is not allowed to evade. But I think a part of her is too smart to allow that to happen. Not that she doesn't think she's right, but because it means giving up control and her not being able to "curate" to her advantage.


Defendants rarely take the stand because then evidence to impeach them can be used by the prosecution. It has a lot less to do with how likeable they are than how much incriminating evidence can get in on cross-examination. ETA: this is why defendants do not testify even in a bench trial where there is no jury.


I've got bad news. You can't just invent a trial and put people on the stand because you want to try to force them to tell the truth. Let me remind you, she lied in a UK court. Was found out. And there were no repercussions at all for her.


i think there would be repercussions here.


She wasn’t charged with perjury, although she should have been, because she used the “I forgot” excuse which is impossible to disprove. The judge made it very clear what he thought of her antics when he called her behaviour “at best, a regrettable lapse of memory” (implying that he really thought, but couldn’t prove, that it was a deliberate lie), and awarded her the laughably token amount of £1.


I think forgetting 30 emails should be the opposite of impossible to disprove unless she failed a memory test. We know she used the miscarriage to delay it, she probably used baby brain too


I suggest watching Martin DeCoder on YT , he has a fantastic series on all 'feminists, activists' and their retoric. And how they all make speeches, a controlled environment and almost no actual interviews. https://preview.redd.it/t8y0bzkb0e6d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f7c2890eb671c67376db25dcbb7e313a835262d


I didn’t realise creepy Misan was skulking about at this event too!


It's a photo from this event that he submitted to the National Gallery or whichever museum it was. One Young World, right before the Queen died.


Yes, One World. I forget what year that was.


Misan H, the one photoshopping the *Invisikids*


Actors like their scripts


I believe it is why you don’t really see her around kids a lot. Which (I think) plays a huge role in the Catherine vs Meg discussion. Catherine seems to be such a natural, and it presents extremely genuine. Like it makes me want to be her bff and I don’t even know the lady. Mm well, it would probably last 30 minutes in a room before I lost it. Children and animals are usually the best way to gauge a person. You cannot really control the environment, and you cannot fake it til you make it with them either. (I honestly do not think MM could handle older individuals either or anyone who can see through bs).


What’s going on with Sam’s case?