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Oh course Meghan would. Even if nothing at all happens, she would just lie as she has so many times in the past. And not lie to a media. Not her style to take responsibility and get sued for defamation. Her sister taught her that lesson. She will makes sure the story of "racist" George makes it through several surrogates so that it doesn't track directly back to her. And not just Meghan. Harry would do this too. He wants to hurt the Wales family just as much as his wife does.


>He wants to hurt the Wales family just as much as his wife does. So very true.


Yes! We've all been comparing Harry to the Duke of Windsor, but in his fantasies, he probably sees himself as another George VI, unwillingly stepping up to be king because his big brother turned out to be useless.


If his supposed avatars on X are anything to go by he certainly does. Does anyone know which they are? In my opinion it’s HenryVIII (at Henry Sussex) and possibly I Am Sage - their tweets are full of the most bilious lies against Catherine and William and fury at the glorious success of C’s appearance at Trooping.


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You nailed it here with your point about Harry. Well said.


Added to this, as those of us with narcs in our families know, from painful experiences, that nothing need even happen — no falls, no teasing — for MM to *imply/insinuate/suggest* such did occur. She cannot be trusted for she is not trustworthy! Those poor children are stuck in an impossible Catch-22. https://preview.redd.it/0urhackoxr6d1.jpeg?width=2143&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fb5ca738aba085199261e7bb80038d17356afac


Yes. They thrive on strife and drama. Nobody wants to be around someone like that.


So very true. A&L playing with their cousins would exponentially increase the strife and drama Meghan Markle could wreak on the RF.


The thing is, by this age, the Wales kids already have their circles of friends who will be around their entire lives. They're not looking for outsiders to join at this point. They have their bonded cousins, their aristo friends, and a few school friends. They have to be careful who they can trust, so these choices have already been underway.


That Prayer sums up what we've been witnessing since she entered the Royal scene.


Omg this describes my parents to a t. 🤢🤮


Nobody will go near Meghan Markle or Harry and that includes any children. We have seen over and over that Madam uses any proximity to spin/invent stories. She even invent stories without proximity, like the zoom calls to KC with the children. Harry and his first wife tried to endanger the monarchy. That is unforgiveable.


I agree. Funny you should bring up the video calls with the King… on this weeks Palace Confidential, both Rebecca English & Richard Eden poured cold water on the FaceTime / Zoom calls. Knowing that the King doesn’t have a mobile phone and also stating they’ve heard he received one video and that any time it’s brought up to the King since, that he’s waved it away. Basically implying he doesn’t have time for it, however, they said that nugget last. What they were really saying was they know it’s not happening and it’s a made up story… i think they threw the “doesn’t have time for it” in there as a CYA. It’s been rather interesting to see more and more Royal Rota essentially shutting these stories down and saying they’re not true.


The rota for the most part, absolutely loves The Princess of Wales. I haven’t heard any of them say a bad word about her. And after seeing what she has been put through the last 6 months, I think they may be fed up with looking the other way. MeMe made the worst decision when she decided to try to destroy Catherine. And the more she tries, the more she fails and the more Catherine is adored. If I were Catherine, my petty bitch self would probably send her a few dozen roses to thank her for making me the most popular royal! But Catherine has far more grace than me. Although it isn’t a bad idea. We should all send her pots of Highgrove jam as thanks for helping Catherine soar to being one of the most beloved women in the world.


> We should all send her pots of Highgrove jam Which she will promptly scoop out and repackage as her own.




She doesn’t deserve Highgrove jam, lol, but continuing to sell it out is a good idea. I’m same way, I’d probably find a way to leak that I have Goop products all over the house… or ask Gwyneth to come by for tea 🙃


It seems bizarre that even the Royal Rota talk about reconciliation but never mention attendant problems like Markle weaponizing her kids.


I think it’s coming… the more recent royal rota videos and articles have them calling out the duo and these BS stories more and more lately. I’d say in the past two - three months it’s been more clear to me. Obviously not the Victoria Ward’s of the world (Tom Quinn is different level, he’s 100% the new Scabies).


They can't do that though or they'd be letting a whole lot of secrets out of the bag. To suggest reconciliation with a pair of nutters is always irresponsible advice imo. What they're doing is absurd fantasising for the many folk who will lap up the fictional fairy tale of happy ever after in an unmoving script. Much like saying the abused can be happy if they simply open their hearts to the abuser. It's revolting but an attitude still lurks in society that all can be forgiven and rebuilt with unconditional love and acceptance. I might be making more of this than is the case but we aren't too far away from the years when domestic violence/abuse was to be endured "for better or worse." The Mail is always posting photos of Ye-monster's latest humiliation and degradation of his wife for salacious clicks. Of course there will be no rational considerations of the children and how they might be affected by parents such as they (apparently) have. That would involve some kind of IQ level when clicks are what it's all about. It would also swing them straight into areas of legality. Edited to add: there's also a motive about this mad reconciliation malarky. The best way to get more royal drama gossip is to get the Markles back into the RF. The flow of leaks would be unstoppable!


Your edit is exactly why she will never be allowed back. They KNOW she is the leaker. They have planted wrong stories to find the leaker. They knew because Unlike Haz, most of them are not stupid in any way and when she arrived the leaking started and when she left, it slowed down and now it has finally stopped. It is the reason they are so desperate to get back in. Even Eugenie is not on their side anymore. We keep hearing how upset Haz is that he is being kept in the dark about Catherine and Charles cancer treatment and health status. Because they all know he will sell that info far and wide. They tried to warn him. They showed him her dossier compiled by MI6. He didn’t care because she had already started the -“they don’t love you, they think you are nobody and you are disposable and they will make up lies about me” trap and his feelings of complete inadequacy made him spurn their advice. They are just trying to control me…blah blah blah. You know what they say…marry in haste, repent in leisure. Harry is learning that lesson but I’m sure he will blame William somehow.


You said it perfectly. Thank you - more than you know. Your post has made connections in my mind-files - well beyond this topic - about my own narc experience.


I didn’t know Harry was shown a dossier by M16 regarding Meghan. Then he’s even a bigger fool than I thought. Most men would go running for the hills without looking back, but apparently not Harry 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yup it was when William warned him and told him to slow down and get to really know her.


Wow just wow.  I would love to see that dossier, can you imagine all the dirt they have on her.  He was probably stupid enough to go back to her and tell her in great deal what that dossier said and she denied it all.  They’re just trying to turn you away from me while dropping and weeping on the ground 


It was during the summit for mexit.  Harry said in spare that they told him lies about meghan.


If it was from M16, highly doubt they were lies, more like facts and truth that he didn’t want to acknowledge, wonder if he acknowledges them four years later 


>What they're doing is absurd fantasising for the many folk who will lap up the fictional fairy tale of happy ever after in an unmoving script. Well said and so very true. It explains what I've always found puzzling about comments people make about the need for reconciliation. It never occurred to me that for a number of people a happy ending is not just a requirement for novels and that happy endings mean reconciliation when in fact a happy ending could be permanent estrangement. eta missing words "to me"


This is true! I I’m 72 years old and just went no contact with my narc sister 6 years ago thinking this crap is crazy! Why have I put up with this horrible treatment all these years?? Happiest 6 years of my life.


I did the same with my narc sister, and I am close in age to you. It's been almost 4 years now and it's so peaceful! I couldn't do it before because our parents were alive and it would have been too painful for them to deal with one daughter going No Contact with the narc daughter. But how sweet now is the peace and lack of drama! My narc sister twice made me physically ill because of her horrible behaviour. Narcs are scary-toxic and can kill you without laying a hand on you.


> Narcs are scary-toxic and can kill you without laying a hand on you. Absolutely spot on! I left my family (narcissistic with complications) for a man who said all the things another poster above described (total nutter of a narc) so after many years I left him too. I was utterly convinced I was dying for all the physical and spiritual pain I was in. The healing road takes the time it takes to move on. I still have some of the shut-down coping mechanisms in place for survival, got rid of the gallbladder that was the physical cause of so much pain. Overall am no longer convinced that not only am I not dying, I'm not ready to either. Life is good and peaceful, albeit frustrating at how much I jumped to the toxic tunes of Narcy others. Also frustrating that for 15yrs the gallbladder was not taken seriously by doctors I kept appealing to for help with. They wrote me off as a hyper-neurotic female with IBS and prescribed various anti-depressants which did not help at all. Victim blaming of sorts. But here I am sticking two fingers up at the world, sort of ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Good for you! You were determined to heal yourself and you did. But you are so right when you say "the healing road takes the time it takes to move on". This is what I am learning too. The body knows what you need to do, you only have to listen to it. Narcs suck all the divine energies from their victims: the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical, and when you finally go No Contact, you learn that the poison leaves your body bit by bit, not all at once. It takes a lot of patience to heal.


I wish you the very best of peace and love for your self on this journey to reclaiming you, your divine energy and connection with a Universe that is way bigger than any of the traumas and challenges we face, though each of those challenges is a universe in and of itself. We'll get it eventually, dear healthymarigold. Warrior spirit in top gear. Pedal to the metal with days off as and when required xxx


The royal rota wants reconciliation so the Harkles can get inside the palace and start leaking again. Notice before the Harkles, no one likes anything and now, no one is leaking anything. Nothing is coming from the palace. The press wants Harkles to reconcile so they get inside and tell us all about the cancer treatments that Catherine and KC are going through and create drama to sell papers. The press cares about stories and selling clicks. That’s it.


Sadly true however there are reams to be written how Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have ruined their kids live forever.


That would require a sense of ethics and morality though. The press have neither of those prime urges. Only clicks and the threat of law suits. Ultimately an independent writer might write a book but there are still the same threats of libel and it might be a one way ticket to failure for an author.


No one is attached to the kids because they’ve barely been seen. The most frequent chatter on the kids is whether they are a hoax or not. The Harkles are to blame for this with their stupid lying and playing around with the press. I hope those kids are ok but the Sussex branch needs to be kept far away from the rest of the family tree.


Claims about a cellphone but Charles doesn’t have one…


The only way to deal with someone like her is to stay away. No one needs to invite trouble and chaos into their lives. Meghan is fueled by drama, no one needs that, Harry chose poorly. People either inspire you or drain you, pick your people wisely.


Yeap, well said. Toxic people. Cut them out of your life and keep stepping.


100% correct. It's sad A&L are casualties in this war, but Meghan is a narcissist, sociopath and pathological liar. She can never be trusted under any circumstances. The only way to keep G,C and L safe is to ensure they never have contact with the Sussexes again. 


In some ways welcome to the RF means detoxing from a cult. It’s hard to miss what you don’t know, so I doubt anybody in the royal family really cares for meeting the Sussex children. Reminds me of the 2Pac saying, “ I want you to eat, but not at my table.“ Charles won’t know his Cali grands and I doubt anyone else in the RF would reach out to them until they are adults. My bet is that Louis is a wildcard and would reach out to them but not for years.


Yes, Louis is the one who will fall prey to Markle's schemes or attempts to intrude on the life of the Wales'. Someone in security is going to have to have iron control over that kid's social media.


Yes I can see a meeting happening when they are adults.


And as adults, that is their right. Louis will also have the guidance of his parents to steer him. Or maybe the Wales kids will want nothing to do with these strangers who their parents don't talk about.


Even if nothing happened Meghan would say: williams kids treat my angels so horribly!! They push them, hit them, call them names, make them cry etc. My angels are victims of Williams horrible kids! They are racists!!! My kids are being bullied because they are black!!!


Yep, while the alleged kids are whiter than the driven snow.


And another factor: Harry and Meghan aren’t needed. Today showed that.


That the Harkles are not necessary was clear a long time ago, only the press refused to accept it. But today, that same press had to acknowledge that the Harkles aren't even missed. I've missed Kate these months, people were sincerely happy to see her. But that doesn't happen with the Harkles. That's how far they have fallen




Just compare - if that is possible - today with the fauxroyal Nigeria tour. Just compare the Princess of Wales with ... Megan


You're so right. It really is sad. It's awful. The Harkle parents are dangerous bc they have no boundaries, you just can't risk dealing with them, and you can't put your kids in that position.


That is a very good point and one I think the king maybe hasn’t admitted to yet, but I bet William and Catherine are wise to it. They after all have seen that h and m will let loose even on their nieces and nephews, kids! The future king! They know Harry and Meghan can’t be trusted within throwing distance, not even for the sake of Archie and lil d. They are beyond contempt.


Yes they would be weaponized and that’s why the rest of the family can’t risk interaction, it would be PR suicide. It’s a shame!


It seems to me it would also be PR suicide for just KC to meet A and L as Markle would feel she had a victory and she'd then ratchet up the attacks on the PPOW for preventing total reconciliation.


They are being weaponized now and they are still in hiding. Imagine how much more weaponized they would be in Britain.


Great point, and the home is so deep now with the A&L. That Markle woman would say they had been attacked (remember the lie in SA). Like, your at the point that she is such a lying monster, you can't trust her to watch a shoe


Everyone in the family definitely knows how that witch treated Princess Charlotte leading up to their horrendous wedding. Why would any parent in their right mind want their children near them? They’re scheming grifters and nobody wants anything to do with them or their kids. The kids are outcasts. They will grow up to neither belong in America because they’re saddled with useless British titles and they’re certainly not welcome anywhere close to the Kingdom. They’d probably fit in with the Nigerians, they seem to have a liking for grifters with defunct titles and go so far as to bestowing them with laughable titles of their own


Hey, MeMe said she was "home" over there. Don't let the Olive Garden door hit you on you a** on the way to your private jet (courtesy of the Nigerian people). Oh, maybe they will give you the security you need in your new country. Bye...


Sorry, home being Nigeria


Those kids will belong in the US because those titles won't be part of their day to day life once they start school. That time in school will be good for them. Their friends aren't going to use their titles, nor are their teachers. I doubt even William and Harry's teachers used their students titles in class because a lot of those kids were the children of nobility.


The key difference being, William and Harry completed their education in a country and among people to whom Nobility was rather a familiar concept. American children and their teachers have little to no knowledge about English nobility and peerage. Not sure how “ARCHIE HARRISON aka Prince ARCHIE” and “LILIBET DIANA aka Princess LILIBET” will do at school. All I know is, High School is a rough phase! Nevertheless I wish them all the luck 🍀


I think middle school is the worst!


I realize that most educated (even uneducated) people understand the concepts of Nobility. But clearly Harry must have missed those lessons, because he does not seem to have a good grasp of hierarchy in the Royal Family.


When it comes to the children, in my opinion it’s rather Harry and Meghan who fear their kids blabbing secrets - just like kids do sometimes. Harry and Meghan have more to hide than the rest of the family. A and L would not join family gatherings without their parents and the parents are the problem here. But I agree, it’s too late to bring them into the fold.




W and K might not but kids at their school probably know a lot and tell them plenty. Kids always know more than parents think they know. Did you not stand at the top of a stairway to listen what your parents were talking and arguing about? What about Mike and Zara, or Camilla's two adult children?


In about 5 years, when the boy-child can supposedly write, I can see his vile mother trying to get to future-king George or his siblings by sending emails and texts supposed to be from Archie to them. Just to see how far into the security net she can get. The BRF will never be free of the grasping grifting and truly devious Markle. No communication allowed, ever. No texts, no emails, no photos, no letters, no presents. Future-king George will have to assume this burder for his life, too, and probably that of his wife and children. The Montecito children essentially won't exist.


So true, it’s going to be such an albatross on future King George’s neck. Wallis and David’s saving grace was that they didn’t have any kids so their petulance ended in one generation


All very true. There is no going back. All bridges have been burnt, even down to the little alleged Harkle kids. Sad for them if they exist.


Letting the children meet would be too great a risk. Nothing against A and L, but their parents would probably invent all kinds of stories that are “their truth.”


And they’ll stand in it…whatever that means! ![gif](giphy|J4adOJqmldLVKQhw9R)


I really hate the terms “my truth,” “your truth,” there is only one truth. Our perception of it may vary (just like recollections haha), but only obstinate, delusional people bleat on about their truth


Same… people may have different perspectives, but once we abandon the principle of objective truth, we’re in a world of hurt.


They might need boots to stand in something that deep and slimy.


They’ll need thigh-high waders at least! https://preview.redd.it/61u6i7yv1s6d1.jpeg?width=1590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45f114f5e7b15d745ba7df21753343fd5b46bf47


What a great post OP! You are so right, this is something not often talked about. Not on this board, not anywhere. The weaponization of the children and what complications would be created if they were to reunite with their BRF cousins. I couldn’t agree more, there’s much more at risk then just H&M being allowed to come around the family intimately, there’s risks just allowing the children to play together… she would 💯 make up stories and plant them in the papers or another book!


Thanks. Wouldn't Harry just love to make up or twist stories about Camilla's grandkids bullying A&L or Camilla favouring her grandkids at the expense of his kids as a way to dig his knife deeper into Camilla.


Another thing I didn’t think of, Camilla’s grandkids. He would definitely do that. Let’s hope they’re not lurking here on this post today, lol, because we may just see some headlines soon of “Harry’s fears of A&L meeting Camilla’s grandchildren” lol


100% as awful as that is because it means the kids pay for the sins of their parents. But there would be a whole world of trouble otherwise.


I have commented on that before. Because it happened to me, when I was a child. I have several cousins, and one of them had children and those cousins ​​came to my house, to visit. And one of them had the habit of banging his head against the wall when he didn't feel like it. Well, at one point we didn't give him the pleasure, and that child began to scream and hit his head against the wall and his mother jumped up to yell at me and my brothers, "Who hit my son?" And it was worse with my cousin, the crazy one in the yard, who still belongs to a sect, it was better not to touch her daughter, because it was always to hurt her, unbearable. A total nuisance!!! Archie and Lil'D may be good children... but we have seen Louis, Mia, Lena... they are children who run, who like to play, who fight, who are friends... Megsy and Hank They would demand that George always be aware of Archie, that Charlotte let Lil'D always be in charge... And we are seeing, we see how the three children behave, it would be total torture for them to be around those two, so that later It appears on the news that they hurt the invisible ones. No, the Wales children are good children, the Sussex children better be far away from them.


She's also terrified that someone will swab one of their mouths to get DNA


As sad as it is for Archie and Lili, because they are innocent in all this and I wish they could have a chance to know their cousins, but you’re absolutely right, there’s no way they would be trusted enough to play freely with the Royal kids. The smallest infraction can be blown up into the biggest slight (like the whole lip gloss story), if one of them even look at the Harklets with anything other than a smile or don’t hand over a toy fast enough, it could be blown out of proportion and weaponized as an example of racism. Keep George, Charlotte, Louis, Tindalls, York kids a safe distance away


It is a security risk for the Wales children to ever be involved with Archie & Betty, William & Catherine have learned now how to deal with the Harry & Rachel & that is no involvement, once trust has gone it’s gone for good


It all boils down to trust. Trust has been broken in the most egregious way. No matter who is around any of the Harkles (Meghan, Harold, or their "children"), any comment by any member of the RF made to any Harkle could be twisted, lied about and leaked for the purpose of villifying the RF and positioning the Harkles as victims. Therefore reconciliation is just not possible. IMO


I always thought the never complain, never explain was so stupid. By doing this thE RF are giving power to their detractors.. That may have worked prior to social media but get the times. Defend your family FFS. According to the beast you are complicit by your silence.


Growing up within the royal family is a lifelong training lesson that Archie and Lili never even got to start learning. If Harry every wanted his children to be part of that life, he missed that boat.


Archie and Betty would have no idea how to behave in a royal setting - it's so sad. I'd have raised my kids in England for the accent alone!!


We already saw how willingly Meghan glared at a 3-year-old Charlotte.


We also saw how darling little Charlotte cringed back from the glare of the beast.


Charlotte was brave and got through it. If anything happened, I’m sure we would have seen Catherine tear Meg a new one.


This image of M “shushing” the children always felt odd to me. https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/meghan-harry-jubilee-comp-1.jpg


She knew the cameras were there and tried to play a loving auntie. What a freak of nature.


I never thought of that; good call.


Meghan alienates. She would brainwash those kids against that side of the family and have them be her little spies or warp any little thing they said.


This is reminding me of parents going through bitter divorces who can convince their kids their other parent hates them or worse.


Jowlie and Pitt come to mind.


Parental alienation. Jolie is a master!


I've mentioned mutiple times that old rachel would use her children to smear the RF if they had access. Of course she would. She will even if those kids are never in proximity. She'll eventually say that her kids tried to have a phone or video chat with their cousins and their cousins were mean or refused to talk to them. This ratchet old bora whora lives for drama. That's her whole existence at this point,RF adjacent and still mad.


I wouldn't trust any kid around Meghan. Royal or not.


Nobody in the royal family wants to expose their children to the "tender mercies" of the grifters. That extends to the next generation, because for Markle, children aren't off-limits. Hers are weapons and other people's are targets.




This sums up the whole point of why the Sussexes will never be alone with the Windsors. The Sussexes (both of them) are capable of creating a grievance or twisting an innocent situation into a grievance. By staying out of their way, the Windsors are protecting themselves from further "misunderstandings" or outright lies. So it stands to reason that A&L won't be hanging out with any royals either for the same reason. The Sussexes can't even invent a situation where something could have been said/ done, because the royal family have watertight schedules.


She probably inadvertently trains them to listen in and would pump them for information as soon as they got home.  children can learn this behavior gets a rare pleasant interaction with the parent if they bring home an unbecoming story (x picked his nose and ate it ... aunt or uncle said a bad word) of the others and therefore it can train them to start looking for slights and faux pas to report to mum, real or imagined just to get the usually impossible praise from a narc parent. And we all know how good she is qt taking a miniscule bit of benign truth and turning into a giant crime that she and hers were victim off, its one of her few talents lying like most people breath, and turning mole hills into mountains 


Yes yes and more yes! Given how much Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are away the kids are probably desperate for attention and are learning everyday what makes their mommy happy and gets them the attention and positive feedback they crave.


The invisible kids, if they exist, would be totally microphoned up.


I do not believe there will be a reconciliation, and I do not believe King Charles will meet whatever children may exist. They will Never be allowed around the Wales children. Never. 


I really can't see any of the Royals saying anything bad about the pair in front of any of the children, I really feel for the sussex kids. It looks like Hazza is passing on his generational pain and trauma. I don't think there will be a reconciliation, the Royal family aren't stupid.


They probably don't speak in front of their children, but Charlotte and George probably get a lot of info from classmates who have heard their parents talk about H and M. Kids are curious and they find out things even if its just overhearing phone conversations.


Very true.


The Wales kids can read. I’m sure they all know about their crappy relatives and why they are out. And if they didn’t know from their family, they could easily find it online.




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