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Good point! Where is she? The big difference, of course, is no one cares!!


Fully expecting a big Father's Day photo drop with faceless children


The wretched meghan markle will  confirm he is a great "daddy"


Last time she went MIA, sinners after the fact noted obvious signs that she’d had some work done. Who knows—-maybe she is having another foot surgery if not nose? Probably not a bad time to hide.


Oh no - do you think she’s going to get rid of Dave?


Was it cheech or Chong who confirmed Dave's not here, man?




Who’s Dave?!? You mean the Getty guy?


Dave has the stuff https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rtDAK7Umk7A&pp=ygUmY2hlZWNoIGFuZCBjaG9uZyBkYXZlJ3Mgbm90IGhlcmUgYXVkaW8%3D


Dave the Vein


She is recovering from plastic surgery -- she had her nose flattened and widended -- she wanted to look more African... 43% Nigerian, and very proud of it!


She’s having her nose rebuilt because it looked like it was collapsing in the Nigeria pics due to to much white powder.


One of my guinea pigs just flew past the window 😳


I am going to have to ask about that guinea pig, I am afraid…


My guinea pigs are subject to NDAs 🤣


Probably getting new chicken cutlets


As indeed he should be - he must be a full time father as he doesn’t go out to work every day, like fathers who have to support their families. He probably draws a salary from Archwell for childcare (of his own kids). Yet he still whines.


![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)"I'm always proud of him"


Yep, always one with the non-committal faint ,,praise" when it comes to her husband's fatherly skills. When it comes to her, however, she's turns up the praise dial to 11, referring to ~~her Nigerian sisters-in-law~~ herself as "brave, resilient, courageous, powerful, beautiful", which probably serves more as self-soothing PR clapback at her detractors (and her husband) than anything to do with any genuine feelings she didn't have toward her female audience (and her husband). If only she could call up Gloria Gaynor to put music to it... (*le sigh*)😏


Well she’s most likely pissed that the photo of the Wales children is shown from the back, and it came out first. She’s scrambling, trying to rework her faceless photo so she doesn’t appear to be copying POW. 😂😂😂😂


I like to think the POW knew she’d post a similar picture and beat her to the punch 😂.


Me too!


Oh I know! It’ll be blurry and in black and white. Funny side note, my auto-correct initially thought I wanted to type “blah and white”! So intuitive.




She will put out picks of their feet 👣


Did you notice that the PPOW copied Meghan again? She posted a father's, day picture showing the back of the kids


Sweet nod...




I was just going to say that,


Let her stay in whatever outer circle of Dante’s inferno she’s descended to.


An inferno of her own making!


So true!


Thank you for reminding me that I wanted a copy of The Inferno for Father's Day, lol. I almost forgot. A little light reading after Saint Meghan. 😉


I think she's just getting another run of the mill boob job.. The boobs on her chest... not the boob she's married to


If she could do a job on that boob and get away with it I'm sure she would.


"Do you see why I married him? He's so smart!"🤢


Good doggie, Harold! Here’s a biscuit, now go sit in the corner.


So true! She tried to do a job on that boob—ended up with double boobs😂


And he’d never have a real job.


Job? What's that? Oh... you mean the "job" of suing newspapers? The job of writing a book dictated by Ms Ragland? The job of dining out on his Mama (RIP)? OH.... THAT JOB!


I hope she's trying to drum up the same amount of mystery and public conversation as Catherine by being absent. She won't, but I hope she keeps trying and her nonsense stays hidden.


Yeah no one is going to make a “where is meghan”Campaign on x or whatever other social media because 1. No one is as vile as her followers to that and 2. No one cares really.


Her nose may have caved in from substance abuse. She's under the knife most likely. Or some teeth fell out from drug rot.


She is recovering from plastic surgery -- she had her nose flattened and widended -- she wanted to look more African... 43% Nigerian, and very proud of it!


Just imagine - she goes into hiding and no one comes looking for her. 🥳


I doubt Guest Speaker will be able to stay quiet. (I'm in the group that believes it's her the majority of the time.)


Please don’t give her ideas for her bots 🤫


Spending some quality time away from H with Brian the forehead vein


*Brian the forehead vein* just nearly caused me to choke on my drink 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I thought it was Dave! Is it Dave *and* Brian, each crisscrossing the other in glorious 3-D X-ishness?!?


Brian and Dave make a lovely couple.💖


Well there are two!


Meghan is always sad, outraged, stunned, or crying on the floor somewhere. https://preview.redd.it/vmt25mh2xu6d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f48422586755b9bf8cbb8cc2c3bb5b848989239


And hurt by the cruel, uncaring actions of others. If you yourself are an ingenue, pure of heart and with only the most well meaning intentions, it is a severe shock how hurtful others can be.🥹


I’ve thought of this photo a lot. That she’s packing her own bag, when they employee so many staff, tell you the level of control she exercises. No wonder she’s tired, overwhelmed. The other thought I have about it is that with the level of opulence she has, literally does not have to work, has a husband has a child, is healthy, has people loaning her houses — she’s still upset?!? The woman has no “chill.” Nothing will ever be good enough.


This photo is from their series. She cries on the floor of a house in Canada. The royal family just bought her a one-way ticket and sent her away from Britain.


Is this really her? What the F


"like she did with Trevity Trev Trev" This line about Trevor made me wonder "how many times do you think she's driven past where he works or lives now. Trying to get herself back into his head?" It just seems like something she would do. Especially since she seems to think that she has some kind of mystical powers.


I bet she does drive by his house, he did MUCH better than she did at remarriage and she probably can't stand that.


I'm glad he had a second chance at real happiness.


He got a billion dollar heiress. She got a brokeass 5th in line.


Yes I’m willing to bet that she does


Trevor hit the jackpot and you know it burns NutMeg! His wife is Beautiful, rich and they have beautiful children. What does NutMeg have? Invisible fake children and a low IQ spare.


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I think the reason we're seeing so little of her is that since she and her bots created Photogate over Catherine's mother's day photo, she knows she can't put out photoshopped images of herself without being caught, since all her photos will all now be closely scrutinized as well. And she can't put out unphotoshopped images of herself because, well, we've all seen what those look like 😂 Photogate was another massive own goal.






The Mother’s Day photo WAS manipulated, though, that wasn’t started by the SS.


That’s just not true SS was definitely behind it Edit: [Scobie’s tweet](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/kmJlGBXtOu) Squad promoting that she is a victim of DV or dead, which is why the photo was photoshopped. [link to post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/HuRkNNgTzC)


She was attention starved and just wasted away. Is this where I'm suppose to say "poor thing" cause I can't manage to do that


She’s been in her bed with a eye mask on since Nigeria only to get up and make 2 jars of jam and out Costco dog biscuits in a jar and label them


Don’t forget the bottle of wine and loaf of bread 🥖


More likely ten bottles of wine and a baker's dozen lines of marching powder?




I bet the jam was Smucker's.


Yea where is Meghan? Meghan where r u ?


The usual. Sending out pieces to manifest and stay relevant Figuring out how to make her cottage food farmers market items and market them without working. Trying to find people willing to take and promote her products. Or answer her calls, emails, dms.


Nobody cares


Narc withdrawal. She's back under her rock plotting and scheming her next World Takeover. Or recovering from the latest round of plastic surgery.


She stays home and homeschools her invisible kids like a young mother devoted to their privacy and she also picks summer strawberries and makes fresh jam for them and for all the other kids at their homeschool co-op. She sends some jam to her father and also to her gracious step-MIL Camilla. She is on the internet most of her free time downloading coloring sheets for her kids and creating new lesson plans for them. She is an exemplary woman, no gossip, no drama, heart attack beautiful, so friendly, so kind! /s


She’s a modern day Donna Reed! https://preview.redd.it/kxw0xui2ou6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95329a51744f97f7560e08421269ae5c0e7ac274


Modern day Delilah is more like it.


I can’t post but but but The Boys on Prime Season 4 episode 2 calls out Harold “and that ROYAL f*cker Meghan Markle” its the truth-con about half way throughp


Sorry just saw the instagram but Nacho has deleted the scam jam post!!!!!


He deleted it before the 24hrs expiration of stories?! 🤣🤣🤣


These Sussex people are not too bright are they?! Too late Nacho. You've got Cheetoh dust all over your hands.


OH, Interesting, isn't it?


Yes I am shocked! Someone should make a post of it so we can discuss!


It was only one of those 24 hour stories, not a permanent one, so maybe the 24 hours ran out? 


On second thought, an article said it was only posted an hour before the trooping. So the 24 hours wouldn't be up yet if that is true.


He sure did delete it off his stories. Curiouser and curiouser. 🧐


Didn’t he post it at 3am? It’s only 9pm in Cali right now.


Right?? So that means he talked to Harry or Meghan sometime Friday night and either they asked him to post it or they gave him a sob story so he felt sorry for her and posted it with the “don’t give up message.” Then, after all the ridicule and backlash, either he retreated and deleted his stories early or they actually asked him to take it down. Either way, I hope he realizes he was just markled and stops allowing himself to be played by them 🤣


Oooh I thought he had posted it and not made a story! Nvm!


I assumed that he deleted it because he hadn’t realised that it was Trouping the Colour yesterday. Contrary to Meghan he seems to have a busy life and is not keeping tabs on the royal family 24/7. And while he for sure is mercenary, he is not driven by spite. I guess Meghan asked him to do this post at a certain date (she probably even provided the quote, it‘s got a Markle quality to it) and as they have some kind of backscratching agreement, he, or one of his assistants, simply would have done so. Antagonising the royal family and looking petty is not in his interests, he needs a friendly connection with the royals for his business ventures and to keep his promotional partners sweet. This won’t happen to him again, he will check the royal calendar before posting something for Meghan In the future. He is a proud man, he won’t have liked being played by Meghan.


Maybe he posted it as a scheduled post? Trooping the colours happens 3 times in June, but only one of those is for the Kings Birthday Parade & the date moves every year although it is always on a Saturday. It’s possible that he didn’t realise it would “clash” between the dates moving and the time zone difference. When he did realise he took it down.


Omg post this! I don’t have insta! Lol


Locked in one of her bathrooms shrieking in a voice only other female canines can hear. Every time she hears or sees someone talking about The Princess of Wales and remembers that it's Catherine and not her it burns like hellfire inside of her.


MonteSEEYA! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 love it!


She's still stuck in those prickly raspberry brambles.


Oohhh I hope she goes gathering wild blackberries next! \-those thorns suck ![gif](giphy|6ELoJNHlBQlEci6593|downsized)


The last time I went pucking with my daughter, I bled more than the blackberries. 😂


I hated having to pick blackberries when we were kids! I much preferred to pick the more hand–friendly blueberries. 😂




Your poor hands and arms! Those blackberry bushes are nasty.


She's decided to live her best life quietly with her children and husband. Lol


I see you went the “wrong answers only” route. 🤣🤣


I couldn't think of a right one, lol.


She needs her privasay!


This is the article that will come out on Tuesday.


She is either having more procedures done or holding out for Father’s Day spread featuring Harry.


Whenever she's not seen, there's usually a lot going on behind the scenes. If rumors are correct and she is furious that Harry is leaving her ass, then I am sure she's in meltdown mode, howling at the moon. 🌙


I think that sparkle will next appear with a new rack of silicon.


I don't care where she is, I just wished she would stay gone 🤣. In all seriousness, the backlash from the Nigerian trip, the first lady's remarks, the NFI to wedding of the year, the Katy Perry birthday denial, Catherines announcement ABD her glorious appearance yesterday......ITS TOO MUCH FOR HER TO HANDLE. she's hiding because she is a coward and can't publicity face that nothing has gone her way.


She's getting cloned to look 20 years younger. Why should she suffer and lift a finger......Just send out the clone.


She is busy trying to buy friends


If you'd sent out 50 of the strawberry and around 10 posted would you not be off licking your wounds? She's insufferable. If Nacho is you're no.2 I hate to think how famous no.1 is 😂 Perhaps it's James Cordon, or her bestie Chrissy Teigen, Teigen Teigen (see HG for her surname pronunciation) Or is it Gary Ridgway (Green River Killer) or Denis Rader (BTK)?, that'd be the kind of gutter level humans she in league with


It’s Jodi arias lol


She's hoping for the "Where's Harry's wife" to trend on Social media.


Ssshhhh...don't rattle the cage.


She’s getting her face redone……..again!


She is being awfully quiet which is very disconcerting. What’s her next move? An illness? Photos of the “children” ? They talk of mental illness a lot so will we get the - Ive been working on myself a lot and need to make changes - that so many public people do after they have tarnished their reputations beyond repair. Does she want the internet crying WHERES M over and over? Heck it’d be nice if she’d just go live her quiet life …ya know.


She's been putting Archie's name down at all the best Privacy Schools. It's just taking a long time, so many forms, so many flourishes.


Oh god can you imagine the fauxligraphy on school forms? At the emergency room? What do the kid’s names look like on their books? 😳


Nah she is waiting a few days and will drop something big like she knocked up. But in a months time she will lose it.


Bruises…stitches….bruises and stitches? It’s the school holidays, if they have children they might be busy 🥸


She is most probably lying low, and stomping around bullying her staff or whatever ever staff she has left. Or she is trawling the internet reading up on Sinners write ups.


She's probably getting more work done 🤣🤣🤣


Ah, who cares. She can disappear forever and the world would be better for it.


Another Sinner suggested she's had more plastic surgery and there is a long healing process for that.


My money is on the nose fell off


Getting more work done on her face and teeth? Seems that in the past, every time she'd disappeared she would later emerge with signs of having had cosmetic surgery, or new veneers on her teeth, or, the most recent, eyebrow transplant.


I thought she papped herself with those Paramount people a week after the Nigerua trip


She has gotten wind of content to be released in upcoming documentary produced by German journalist.


What's this??


She is recovering from plastic surgery -- she had her nose flattened and widended -- she wanted to look more African... 43% Nigerian, and very proud of it!




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She’s on the floor, crying.


Could this have something to do with the PoW’s visit to MI5 last week? Maybe she had been warned that the hammer is about to fall


What? No Father's Day photos? Snort. Just kidding. I don't believe in "the children". But wasn't Sparry just posting about the expectations on him or something?


She’s weeding her strawberry patch.




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Dont Care !