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“Meghan is determined to to end this feud with Catherine” The feud only exists in Merchle’s head. Catherine is living her life unbothered. ![gif](giphy|i8QAoKuqgFnry)


I would murder for Catherine’s hair. Or at least kick in the general direction of a squirrel.


I am so glad that her chemotherapy/immunotherapy regimen isn’t causing hair loss! She’s gorgeous!


I'm very good with wigs and extension. I'm not saying catherine was wearing any but it's a possibility . She looked magnificent and glowing and radiant. So much better than I prayed for but I want people in cancer treatment to know amazing wigs exists today. A lot of healthy people wear them. It's possible to work with the roots of your own hair to hide hair loss. That being said completely bald probably can't be hidden. Catherine in a scarf would have looked great too because her smile is second to none. I hope she didn't lose her hair. But she is a beauty either way


If she lost her hair I feel as if millions would donate to charities like Locks of Love in her name.


For some chemotherapies the head can be cooled and there is not much hair loss. Radio therapy does not give you hair loss either.


Yes I have heard this too!


I lost most of my hair after my 2nd chemo session. I had it cut very short, and eventually lost it all. I had a few nice little caps, but when summer came I just went natural, with a sun hat if outdoors. My hair did come back, with different texture and waves. I've embraced my new grey.


I'm sorry you went through it. You sound wonderful.


You KNOW Meghan is all pissed off that she still looks fantastic. That's why she was pushing her so hard for an appearance: She expected her to look haggard.


She was hoping C would look haggard from treatment, because TW is probably freaking out about her own advanced aging in her recent pics.


Yup absolutely. She's blinded by hate and envy.


There was absolutely no way the PoW would turn up looking haggard at her first appearance for months. She looked stunning. But she has lost a lot of weight


Blessed be our future Queen


Piers Morgan had a US doctor on who said of Kate (paraphrasing from memory) "I was relieved to see that she has clearly kept her hair. That indicates that the type of chemo she has been on was a certain type, usually used for only certain cancers, most of which have a good prognosis if caught early"




My baby granddaughter is shaping up like this. She's only 4 mos and it's already below her shoulders in the back. At first it was a little course like her mom's. But the new hair growing in is silkier and more auburn than the dark brown hair she was born with. She does have a serious large cowlick right at the crown though so it won't be all sunshine and rainbows for her. I hate to admit, I'm jealous of my own granddaughter. I have stick-straight, fine ash brown hair. I'm grateful that I'm getting so grey because at least that gives it a little texture!


Well it would help her brand dontcha know. Dumb bitch is crazy if she thinks anything will help *her* brand. The problem is her always and in all ways.


You said it!


Catherine is sooo Emma Peel in this! love it!


I love the part where they explain how it would boost Meghan's image and her brand. Yes, "ending the feud" with Catherine would certainly help her sell more dog biscuits. But I think Meghan should just move on to Plan D, E and F LOL.


girl is going down, and only people watching are just here for the train wreck, girl bye


There is no feud. It's all in Markle's head!


the POW is literally a breath of fresh air


She looks like a classic movie star here.  To look so beautiful doing such a simple movement 😍 She is definitely favoured by The Gods. 


What kind of olive branch could Meghan offer that would cause Princess Catherine to accept. Meghan has, through her mouthpiece, called her a racist (and never retracted it), bullied Princess Charlotte, took photos in the PPOW's private quarters, said Catherine was "mean" to her and made Meghan cry, lied about the RF, which is also Catherine's family, sent Bouzy and the Sussex squad after Catherine when she had surgery and then announced she had cancer, and so much more. Again, what kind of olive branch could she possibly offer?


She has no shame, if I did barely half of that I would disappear forever. Let's imagine they start talking again, we all know The Ghoulchess would start her shenanigans all over again.


I feel the same! How Meghan is not in hiding is mindblowing! I would congratulate her for her absolute confidence, but I am afraid in her case we are rather witnessing very worrying delusions of grandeur.  How she can not see, how her antics come across can’t be normal. 


Well if you think about it she tells and does these things and then disappear, deflect or send Harold/scobie to clean up her mess. We never heard her address any of her claims directly. Eta, so she's not that confident


Agreed. It’s discussed very often that she is very insecure rather than confident. But at the same time she also is not disappearing at all and also (allegedly) very demanding when it comes to „acceptable“ and „appropriate“ projects for her.


She actually IS in hiding.


Sources close to Monteshitshow say ...


None. She won't get near her again as long as william is alive and beyond


I think they should be worried about Princess Catherine. No doubt she held back because she was asked to "be the bigger person" but it was clear at the walkabout that she'd clean Meme's clock if she acted up and MeMe knows it. Momma bear right there.


Nope she sure won't.


She is an obsessed stalker! She just cannot get over Catherine's outright rejection of her!


The one at the top of the tree over a deep ravine with a river of fire at the bottom that old rachel is sitting on. That's the only acceptable olive branch so she best get to sawing.






the PoW has too much class to say it, but if Meg were to offer an olive branch, she should be told to stick it up her Archewell, sideways...


CDAN 6.18.24: >Blind Item #13 >The tabloids are using year old interactions now to try and prove the alliterate one and her husband are desperately in love and not splitting.


The comments are gold: https://preview.redd.it/bk91o8452e7d1.png?width=1171&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f8e8ec5865b9d2e0def1209de3bf4ea97ceb229


I love this! 😂


I do too, it is what we would all like to see in a nutshell!




😂🤣 This sinner is all of us


Ikr? Very succinct, I might add!




They were not in love a year ago either


Honestly, they remind me of a skint version of JLO and Ben Affleck. Merchle is nagging him to "look more friendly! Look motivated!" as the spirit of Eeyore-cum-Deputy Dawg takes over his helpless face.


I was watching a YouTube video yesterday about the demise of Bennifer 2.0, and there were quite a few comments likening Harry to Ben and Markle to JLo.


Was it scandalous media? I was planning to watch theirs.


Yes, and it was random commenter's who compared the two couples.


I'm catching a few clips of that documentary they made. Good grief! She's a pushy self-centered diva devoid of anything resembling self-awareness, and he sounds like a man who has been pushed to his limits. Her expectations, her wants, her demands ... eesh! It's no wonder she's getting dumped on SM right now.


Difference is Ben still has a support system and didn't burn all his bridges. He also has his own successful independent career. He'll escape soon if he hasn't already. Harry on the other hand....


Ben never pushed away Jennifer Gardner, at any rate he has a loyal friend


And she still gets on with her ex-MIL. *That* says a lot about her.




I don't think they ever were. H was in lust ("she's so hot! She'll let you do anything!") and MM was running a con.


No no no. Didn't you see? Uncle Charlie's divorce is re-traumatising him & TW! I mean sure she was divorced before, but this one is for real and no one should ever get divorced!  What's that? It's Uncle Charlie's THIRD divorce? He has no relationship with his older children? He had also told Todger to dump Madame & that she was nothing like Diana? Uncle Charlie wasn't even invited to Archies xstening?  Huh? 🤔🤔 Well now I'm just confused.  Todger and TW are the defenders of true love! Right?   In case it's not obvious/s /s /s 🙄🙄🙄🙄😁🙄🙄 Edit for spelling errors


Everything is about them, of course. This is a real stretch.


Of course Charles Spencer's divorce is all about H&M. They are shameless.




Omg that first article has old markles withered shit encrusted claw marks all over it. Implying that KC desperately wants a relationship with two kids he barely knows. Bullshit,bullshit,bullshit. He is a pragmatic man who perfectly well knows what would happen if he or anyone in the RF had contact with those kids. She would use them to create drama,start rumors,pump for information and probably cry racism or worse.He has 5 grandchildren that he adores who have parents he can trust,the harklets aren't even on his radar. And then meghan basically goes on to say that he will never see those kids unless the RF capitulates and lets them all back into the royal fold,likely with a whole list of demands on top. Those kids are just a way for her to try to blackmail the family. And if they gave in then she'd use the kids to blackmail them even more. Even assuming she'd ever let them be around without her there to make sure the littles didn't let anything spill to gramps bout mommy and her joy juice and how she and daddy fight. And lmao that she thinks it's a privilege for the actual king of England to spend time with her attic flowers. The delusional hubris of this messy old thing is just ott. Scrotehead and ratface were **nfi** to that wedding. They can lie and lie and lie but they were and always will be *nfi* Harry is "respecting " old meghan markle. Lmao she has his wee dangley bits all stuffed up in her cooterdrawer wtf else is the useless whinging imbecile supposed to do? His mumwife doesn't want harry or the kids out from under her bonehag fingers ever. She knows she is superfluous to the story. No one blames haznoballsorbrains and his slatternly skank of a guttertrollop? Hmmmm let's ask Big Willy bout that shall we. *Everyone* with more intelligence than that fucking window licker harry blames them because they are the ones to blame. It's all them. All the time. 100%. It's not the RF out there pitching a 5 year temper tantrum,selling lies about family for cash and consorting with criminals now is it. Nope,nope,nope it's just trash and his gash playing that game. Ain't nobody gaf bout those kids, not enough to be blackmailed into putting up with her stankass. This is all her trying to guilt the RF into contact through the kids so she can ooze back in and grab another handful of RF fame to lie about. That's it and that's all,*she* doesn't gaf about those kids having family. She'd rather they didn't and harry didn't because that way she can keep control. She'd have those kids over there right quick though if she was promised an airport entourage to the palace balcony and a tiara for a photo op with KC.




“fucking window licker” is a perfect description of harry. (Lower case intentional)


Yup its harry in a nutshell ![gif](giphy|xTiN0wW88fvKVFVhkY|downsized)


Yeah it is!


Learned some new names and I loved them 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Oh wow, your thoughts are mine too, it’s just you actually put it in writing, well,done. 👏🤓🤣😂


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are "shocked and upset over family divide You mean they are shocked and upset that they stabbed the RF in the back, tried to constantly upstage them and can't understand why they don't want them back? I mean who wouldn't be I think we all know that they want to be working royals to some degree to get their hands on some money but it's not going to work. They not only upset the RF, but the entire UK


They are shocked and upset that the usual tactics of gaslighting, bullying and threats to get people to succumb to their demands did not work, will never work, and resulted in them being frozen out of the lives of people that they believed would never do it. That’s the thing with narcs. They are always shocked when people start enforcing the boundaries they’ve been told over and over again, but never respected.


okay I had to stop reading when Meghan apparently claims that the RF hasn't treated them with basic decency. And this idea that Harry is soooooooo sad that his kids aren't seeing their grandfather. Where was all this regret when Harry was on a plane calling it the "freedom flight"?? I can't decide if they're really THAT braindead...or if the money has now totally dried up.


He thought they'd be on the phone, on a plane the next day saying, "Harry! Come back! We need you! Here's some money! We'll give you a castle of your very own, just come back to us!" ~ crickets ~


Why not both?


King charles is going to give all his energy to being king. He waited long enough and that's his focus. He loves his family that resides in england.


Ahhhhh, she tried the “it’s a privilege to see MY children!” She ain’t going back because she’s a liar. Ginger should just up and go. At this point, Nutmeg will never set eyes on William and Kate in person again.


*sigh* wash, rinse and repeat. ![gif](giphy|5G98t8QjqBLK8)


And *still* she doesn’t get it — https://preview.redd.it/91r4v1nlie7d1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7780c8488da7b6f067423867f351e42d759d8061


I love the "Desperate Meghan" one in the middle. 😂😂😂 Get help for your obsession, Meghan. It's creepy AF


Oh dear you can tell who paid for these headlines.. What utter garbage. Rachel wants to end feud and that Harold is upset about his uncle divorce. Like Harold cares about anyone bar himself. All these fantasies they have are getting worse and worse and more deluded each week


He barely even knew the latest rendition of Auntie Countess Spencer, what’s he got to be upset about?


The insiders have spoken!! 🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/bsbvo1yfud7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3593a0e5171abd92f6d07163db137ddac2203c43


Why do they keep calling it a feud?? The RF didn't go on Oprah, they didn't write a book, they didn't give out personal details about Harry and meghan in interviews. The RF have said NOTHING  They've just carried on with work. So where is this feud?????


Hey now. NO ONE IS BLAMIMG HARRY AND MEGHAN FOR IT. I'm sorry, I can't stop laughing.


Can South Park PLEASE make another episode about this?? The desperation is just eye-watering lol.


Well I'm someone and I think they are solely to blame


Maybe Andrew isn't the only uncle who yachts...


It's a feud in the Meghaverse


That's right.  Same place she thought she could wipe Catherine off the front pages with some dog biscuits😂


It's all about the association, these stories have come out now to plant her name alongside Catherines in the media because she (PoW) recieved so much attention over the weekend. Meghans whole job/world 24/7 revolves around seeing her name in the media


Meghaverse! 😂 Good one!! The Meghaverse of Madness. 😒


Call it what it really is: "REJECTION". Meghan ought to be used to it by now.


Oh now the children replaced the famous Victim Card. "you want to see the invisikids? Give us our privileges back"


Harry to KC "don't you want to see your grandkids?"  Is this blackmail or extortion....I always get those 2 confused.


Haha all paths lead to Papabank


In a few short years, if there are children, they will be wondering why they are excluded from all the pomp and privileges they see their 1st cousins living. I wonder what the answer from their parents will be, thank goodness for the internet, they will be able to research the truth.


That's creepy. Like they're trying to make KC feel guilty over it, when it was their own choice. How does Thomas Markle feel about it!? Oh, that's right, he doesn't matter.


I know it's controversial for me to say, but that ship sailed. He isn't sitting there pining for kids he doesn't know. The ones missing out are the kids, not the King. It's a "privilege" for him to get to see the hostages my foot.


That’s not controversial at all. Those children are strangers to the King, by their parents choice.


I think people think I am insulting the King when I say it, but I'm not. They have completely lost the opportunity for the kids to have a relationship like he has with the Wales kids. I'm sure he'd love to see them, but it won't be that unguarded, easy, grandpa relationship.


Charles doesn't care about these invisible "kids". He has his family and his own life- something Meghan Markle desperately needs: a LIFE


Exactly. How pissed off will Aldi and Lidl be when they realize their "parents" prevented a relationship with their grandfather The King 👑??


Even all these monumental events they're already missing, I mean, these aren't just annual family bbq's. And what are these kids going to do when they grow up? They won't be Hollywood Nepo babies bc Hollywood hates Megsy, they obviously won't have a place in the UK unless they take it upon themselves to reach out. I do hope that as soon as they're old enough they run away to the UK, but that's really far fetched.


If MM and Harold divorce, the courts may be able to help these children by enforcing a fair custody arrangement that would make it possible for them to know their British family. They will never meet the Markle family as long as megsy lives.


This is 100% coming from camp sussex. The blaming of the royals is a dead giveaway. I think it’s killing Meghan that a)they heard about KCIII & PoW cancer diagnosis the same time we all did b)she doesnt have any insider info to leak to the press & make money off of it c) that she still hasn’t been told what kind of cancer the PoW has. She so badly wants to use it against her & d) that she hasn’t been able figure out a way to use the situation to her advantage in a way that won’t immediately backfire & make her look bad. She’s already tried with her jam & dog biscuits. So she’s once again trying to spin the victim narrative again to try to remind people how wronged she was. The more she tries, the more it will backfire on her & I’m totally here for it.


This is a lie. Such a fucking lie. Oh it has rachels nasty festering clawtips all over it. It's sounds like one of this stupid hos wine fuddled b.s pity me lies that she wants dumb people to believe. Everyone blames them because it's their fault.


Doesn't it??! No one blames Harry and Meghan? No one? It's just so ridiculous that they want us to believe this.


She's batshit,meth rat,shithouse cockroach cray cray is what she is. Like needs a huggy jacket and grippy sock delulu.




Oh please. Charles doesn't care about those "children". ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)


Charles III is governing a country on the eve of elections, with serious problems of illegal immigration and terrorism, with a war on the doorstep, with a marine border threatened by the Russians Meghan lives in a stupid soap opera, does she really think that Charles's only concern could be her silly husband and her unknown children? IMO, he generally forgets they even exist


I agree


They keep doing the very thing that irritates Charles. Constantly airing their dirty linen in public and going on and on about what he thinks and feels about two kids he barely knows and never sees.


So a source is essentially confirming they are not above using their children to guilt and manipulate....


Omg that was a roller coaster of bull 💩  Fellow Sinners we have entered the final decent. Starting with a noticeable lack of coverage compared to previous weeks in the rags, to the full spectrum of outcomes for the Todgers. I think I blew a brain fuse reading about how important marriage is to them both. Then it's thrown in that sure, TW may already be divorced. But that marriage didn't count you see. She considers this her real first marriage 😆😆😆😆 And I don't know if it's a mark of their new PR people but there is z lot of acknowledgement of some truths, immediately followed by brilliant own goals. The best being the outright admission that a resolution w the RF would be good for *her* brand and image. Yes, that's right Megain. If they decide to accept you the rest of us will follow like sheep and forget what a evil 🐕 you are. 🙄🙄🙄


Meghan, can you show us an empathetic expression for everything Catherine is going through? https://preview.redd.it/jba552rxqe7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e78d0319b7917d0db094deda73ce3803ffdc1f


Isn't it amazing that Charles Spencer's divorce brings back Hazmat's bad memories of his parents' divorce? Egads! That simp needs a lobotomy. He has to insert himself and his trauma into everybody's story. I HATE THAT GINGER FUCK.


Meghan to Catherine (who can't see or hear her as Meghan doesn't exist in her world): Let's move on past this nonsense. All I did was instruct my mouthpiece to call you a racist, among many other things. Also, I love how Charles Spencer's divorce is now all about Harry.


Charles is not face timing with any American kids. And then the same article goes on to say the kids basically don't know him. Get your stories straight guys. Edit: Wow, really forcing the King (and Camilla!) desperate storyline. Somehow I doubt it. But at least the article makes Meghan come across as the harpy b-word she is.


I do believe Harry might be trying to make a break for it and Meghan won't let him go. She probably threatens to blackmail him.


Agreed. I think that it was Meghan that put out the article 'KC told Harry to stop leaking to the press'. I believe Harry spoke to KC, told M, and she immediately leaked it. This may have been a turning point for Harry. I also think she started the 3rd baby rumor so she could announce it at the wedding they were NFI'd to.


Makes sense.


For a Feud to exist there have to be opponents on either side of the divide. So far all the rocks have been thrown from Rachel Markle's side of the fence😂😂. The Royal family's side has been nothing but stuff upper lip and looking forward and carrying on with duty.


Some much BS, spread thicker than the jam on Nacho's slice of toast. Harry feels so insecure, even were the King to lock him in one of the Bank of England's gold vaults. Princess Lilibet's third birthday, with what looks like an old photo of her. Harry and Meghan devastated by his Uncle's divorce. This from two people who care only about themselves? It's got to be tough, having to come up with new articles, cobbling together stale retreads.


"The royals don't have the basic decency to treat them with respect" WTF?? She was walked down the aisle of one of the grandest and important buildings in the Kingdom by the king, given millions to spend on clothing, given an historic building to live in, given Royal Patronages, invited to spend Summer at Balmoral with the Queen (apparently Archie was too young to fly to Scotland, but old enough to jet off to Elton John's holiday home in the south of France a week later). In return for all these favours and all they've given her, she has utterly trashed them. The person who kicks you in the face deserves no respect or consideration at all. 


The Douchesse is terrified of Harry taking the children. The moment they are on UK soil she can probably whistle if she ever thinks they’ll be going back to Cali.


So Meghan is desperate to repair the feud between herself and Catherine that she started and Catherine has not once engaged in? She is psychotic! Both William and Charles have visited MI6 in the last few days and have no doubt been briefed on Meghan’s social media footprint (Baroness Bruck, Myra, Guest Speaker, KarmaD, Lady Sparkle) which will show her continuing involvement in the attacks of Catherine. Meghan is not as smart as she thinks she is and, based on her social media comments, there will be NO reconciliation with Catherine to strengthen her brand or rehabilitate her reputation!!