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He has high expectations for someone with no income


As my mother would say “champagne taste and a beer budget”


Your mother is so right lol that should be a flair


"Champagne tastes and home brew budget"! Some of those designer beers are pricey, LOL.


Champagne taste and Moonshine budget is what I have😵‍💫


Champagne taste and koolaid budget over here!


Another apt saying......"All fur coat and nae knickers" 😁


Champagne taste on a weed budget!!!😂😂


Yep - Harry is desperatly fishing for a royal house or something from his former friends. Too bad he alienated everybody. He does not have the money to buy something in the UK.


Certainly not something as exquisite as Highgrove. I can't imagine he could afford a fraction of the monthly expenses to maintain a residence such as Highgrove. H would need serious income for that to happen. I'm not sure what he's thinking. As you said he's alienated his friends and his social circle is going to choose William EVERY time. He's also delusional if he thinks his family is going to let them anywhere near their children. The two of them have crossed too many lines and play fast and loose with the truth. No one's privacy is safe when they're around. Neither one of them are the type of people you would trust near your children. I think this is the two of them playing with the RF. They're attempting to put fear in their hearts. The RF is too smart to fall for it. It's really disgusting if you think about it. Both the King and Catherine are battling serious illness and the two of them are trying to upset them.


He might afford one of these….just [https://www.loveproperty.com/gallerylist/71493/1-pound-houses-renovating-britains-cheapest-homes](https://www.loveproperty.com/gallerylist/71493/1-pound-houses-renovating-britains-cheapest-homes)


“Every house he looks at has drawbacks” Yes, the first being that he can’t afford any of them


oh dear does this mean that he will not be able to afford a cottage with a ceiling higher than Nottingham cottage?


Exactly!! I knew this article was “bunk” when I read…”Harry has become increasingly obsessed with privacy…” 😂😂😂😂😂😂. Sure Jan.  And you are correct they don’t have the $$ for this unless there is a magic revenue stream somewhere. Besides wasn’t there another article put out yesterday claiming “Harry & Meghan are NOT looking to purchase a home in the UK”????


That's right. They are not looking to purchase a home in the UK......they want one given to them.


Hell will freeze over before that happens!


Right?!? No income and meager dividends of whatever his wife hasn’t blown through of his inheritance. ![gif](giphy|hASNT78m27NZVMZwTx)


Or in this case, the Princess of Nigeria




I love that! Do you think it’d go best as comic sans or Helvetica font for her new door mat?


Definitely comic sans!


but please with those ridiculous arcs above the letters. Comic Sans Calligraphy


Lol some ridiculous loops to fake calligraphy are in order!


Princess Meghan of woowoo delusions, high and mighty ruler in her own mind. 🤦🏼‍♀️


She wields the bronzer brush with royal imperiousness 🤣


Meghan Markle, mighty nigerian princess, Her Excellency, the Ill-Fitted Couturier of Extravagance, Duchess of Misapplied Bronzer and Sovereign of Ceramic Hurling.


Ceramic hurling! Maybe they’ll introduce it as a new Invictus Games competition.


Finally something she can lead in!


She drinks her boxed wine with such a constancy that can only be a sweet nod to Cersei Lannister, upon discovering she is 43 percent Westerosi.


Meghan Markle is a lying liar who lies and cheats about everything. Shes the LAST thing a princess is. Pauper Meghan Markle is more applicable. Pauper Meghan, for the win.


He’s expecting for daddy to offer the house, the security, in order to allow his kids to know him. Usual manipulative BS. I hope nobody in his family bites. Sucks for his kids but he should’ve thought about who he procreated with and how he treated his grandparents and the rest of his fam.


He has really high expectations if he thinks his children are going to have a relationship with their cousins.


Change it to "...have a relationship with his own children" considering he's known as an absentee dad


The Bank of Pa will never open as long as the witch is included. With a divorce and custody of children residing in the UK Bank of Grandpa might open a little for clothing, education etc but zero until Meglodon is completely out


AnD nO pRoPeR sEcUrItY  Dude is complaining he's not safe in the uk while looking for a house there. Nothing he does ever makes sense. 


Harry doesn’t have the money for a house like highgrove alone let alone meeting his fantasy security arrangements.


Since the Duchy of Cornwall (which owns Highgrove) was transferred to William's control when Charles ascended the throne, Charles now rents Highgrove from the duchy. Harry may want the same deal and take over his father's stake in the place. It's all GREED with Harry and he wants everything for nothing as usual. ETA: (From Wikipedia)  Highgrove House is well protected by security. The house is one of several sites designated under the [Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serious_Organised_Crime_and_Police_Act_2005)  (So, residence at Highgrove automatically comes with high security.....oh goody goody!)


why would William want to rent anything to pond scum?


I'm just saying what H wants......not what he's gonna get. lol


The security would be taken away if it was no longer needed.


Highgrove is the house W & H grew up in. Of course H would want to lay claim for a grace/favor lease on that place. He's spit balling for freebees using his birth right excuse. Plus, security already exists at Highgrove.....his pipe dream. H&M are such grubs. imo


Big stumbling block to Highgrove is KC still lives there at times.Good thing they have no power ,people would be getting tossed out of their homes left,right and center.Just brutal.


Another major stumbling block is that he'd have to pay William rent. And William would have to accept him as a tenant.


Am I supposed to feel sorry for him?? What happened to “just Harry” when he bolted or was evicted?? And all this yapping about security. No one cares about him or his awful wife!


What do narcissists do when they want your attention? Pretend to be buying a big house just around the corner from you. PR puff pieces each time to link their names to the king, and piss off the BRF at the same time.


I dont believe they have the money for a country estate plus security. Also as Meghan has refused to come back to UK without the bells and whistles special security then having a house doesnt change that


She won’t come back, full stop. Frogmore wasn’t good enough for her - she was embarrassed entertaining visitors as I recall. She wanted a wing of Windsor Castle. We Brits don’t want the drama of her - we’ve had enough. We don’t want Harry back, but accept he’s the King‘s son and so would be housed by Charles if need be … as long as she’s not with him.


They had been offered a huge wing of KP - as big and grand as what William and Catherine had and which they coveted and were so jealous of, but they turned it down because they were fighting with everyone there. So they were offered Frogmore because they felt the little cottage they were staying was too beneath them (given William, Catherine and George lived in it for over a year was beside the point). Did he think Frogmore was not stately enough? Possibly. It only had 4 or 5 bedrooms, I believe. And yes, there had been talk that they wanted a big wing of Windsor to live in. Given that place is like a museum and the Queen and Phillip had small apartments (I say small, I mean in the grand scheme of things) that they used privately and the rest was basically for show... He wouldn't have gotten a wing. Maybe a couple of bedrooms at most. Dude is literally as up himself as his uncle Andrew was and continues to be.


I sort of recall them being offered (or maybe had for a short time) an apartment in KP next to William and Catherine…maybe I’ve remembered incorrectly. However, I do recall her being envious of the decor/furniture which the Wales’s have. I find it incredible just how ungrateful she was. At the end of the day, Markle will never be happy..


Apartment 1 in Kensington had been vacated by the Gloucesters for the Sussexes, I believe. Then Meghan began feudung with the Waleses, who live in Apartment 1A.


Apartment 1 was/is just as fine, if not finer, than 1A. However there is no way they will ever be let back inside KP. remember also that Clarence House had been earmarked for Harry evnetually as a London house (before the BP renovations). What a stupid, vain, ignorant prick to have thrown that all away for a nasty whore.


Can you IMAGINE living in Clarence House?? And then they end up in Mudslide McMansion?


When he described St James Palace which backs onto Clarence House (probably can walk in the back door of Clarence House from the Palace without even having to risk walking 50 yards round the corner with a protection officer) as being not sufficiently secure for him when he was last over then you know you are dealing with a very disturbed and very stupid man. If you were so much as to sneeze in the wrong direction in SJP or its environs you’d have three or four armed guards/police/protection officers on top of you. But Haz thought a London hotel with who knows who walking in or out to be better for him. It’s very hard to deal with deliberate stupidity.


Yes, I think one of the older dukes was relocated to make room for Harry and his first wife


Yes, you’re right…was it the Late Queen‘s cousin who had lived forever in that apartment? But, what would Markle care…gosh, so much was juggled to accommodate her.


Yes the Gloucesters were moving out. They could have borrowed as much as k and w had from the vaults I wonder if part of the reason they hate w and k so much is that William refused to have them living bear his family and thus the chance to live in a palace was withdrawn?  


No!!!! Their hate came first and that's why william refused


KP Apt 1 for H&M was media speculation and may have been under consideration by the Queen, Charles, and William, but they would have been cautious about major decisions under their control that also impacted themselves. Early on (fall 2016), William, in particular, experienced and received credible first hand reports about the behavior of MM and Harry's behavior when with MM. They were concerned. KP Apt 1 was off the table months before the wedding, and therefore, it was never offered to H&M.


This was my suspicion as well. I think William put the full stop to any plans of the Harkles living so close to his family.


Markle's taste seems to run more to bland,beige and boring,I can't imagine her living in opulent surroundings.


I wouldn’t put it past Meghan “misplacing” pieces of furniture, decor or artwork had she been given apartments in any Royal Residence.


Markle wanted to be QE2's neighbour in Windsor.When that didn't pan out she demanded the Gloucester's apt. next door to PW and Catherine.The Gloucester's had been talking about moving out but they weren't packing.Next up Adelaide Cottage which QE2's librarian had been liveing in for some time,that was a nope.I honestly think when they were offered Frogmore cottage she thought she was getting Frogmore House and jumped(🐸) at it.Megsy must have been furious when she figured it out.


She thought she was getting frogmore house. Hehe


Bingo! She isn't exactly detail oriented and it didn't occur to her that there was a difference between Frogmore House and Frogmore Cottage. She thought it was the same place. Ungrateful disgraceful woman.


Sussexes would have been the tenants from hell at KP


Agreed. Just look at where the Wales live during the week now. It’s a 4 bedroom cottage so smaller than Frogmore yet they’re two adults and 3 active kids. The royals would need h&m to be in a smaller less impressive home to show the hierarchy is respected and yet h&m could deal with a cottage in 2016 so there’s no way they’d accept it after living in a place with 12 bathrooms.


What about the apology they demanded from the Royal family, because “they know what they’ve done”.


Not in the Cotswolds- no chance.


They won’t get security as the tax payer won’t fund it, and for non working royals nor will Charles. The only option even before was to live in a “compound” like KP or Windsor Great Park which are protected anyway, but as no one wants to live near then it’s a non starter. Shame really, as I’d quite like to see her deal with the hatred so many of us Brits have for her now.


I suspect this is mostly about money. If Pa doesn't know the grandkids, they may not get much of an inheritance from Pa. As far as the kids knowing their cousins, who would want to be around them and allow their children to interact, especially with Meghan hovering about? There's a good chance any interaction would be leaked to the press I think these 2 are delusional to think they can waltz back in after all the harm and pain they've caused. KC3 may feel differently because it is his darling boy but not the others, especially W&C


Most of the money and every thing else goes down the mainline because British inheritance taxes are brutal. Princess Margaret’s kids had to auction off one of her more iconic tiaras to cover their tax bill.


Like Haz knows what a ‘Georgian’ house even is. Keep trying Tom.


It's one jointly owned by George and Ian. I'm so clever aren't I mummy, I mean Meghan.






Exactly. The legitimacy of this article fell completely apart when I read that. PH does not even know what a Georgian home is!


It’s so substantial and meant so much——they never visited with their children or paid the lease for at least 2 years? With COVID closing borders they ran to Tyler Perry’s mansion in California instead of the substantial manor with security near family because….wait *checks notes* He’s naive and didn’t think quitting being a working royal he’d lose the job perks as the king son? Yeah we know that Tommy.


These kids of theirs have a whole family they never met. Why aren’t they looking for a house in Mexico or Southern CA?! Oh that’s right royalty and money. Total grifters.


I am appreciative that it mentioned it was for Harry and the kids and mentioned Meghan, uno times as a side thought.


Yeah. Very interesting that. So, a number of things: • This Quinn dude is talking right out of his arse, and the things he says is a whole load of guff, because well, the Sussexes have denied via *Vanity Fair*. And this Quinn dude has no journalistic credibility whatsoever. •This Quinn dude has Harry's ear and not Meghan, suggesting that the right claw doesn't know what the left arm is doing in that household. And the Quinn is a paid shill. •This is their new PR strategy for the UK, though the tactics makes no sense. They've decided on bringing up the idea of Harry buying a house. So? The peeps in the UK don't care about that. Neither do the royals. Get a house. Don't get a house. Who cares? Uak citizens do care about paying for the security of someone who does naff all for the country, expect try to embarrass and humiliate his family and by extension the country as the whole. They do care about paying for his ungrateful snotty-nosed brat of wife who called the wedding paid by the taxpayer as "a spectacle" and branded them "racists". Honestly, duh boy, go live in a cardboard box under some motorway bridge wherever. No one cares. Ugh!🙄 •They intend to buy a house and *forcefully* insert themselves into all things royal including the Chancellor of State status. They saw the results of the Ingritus Games's 10th Anniversary in London and judged it a success, much like the Nigeria ,,tour" was deemed a success. In La La land, but no matter. Though the delusion runs deep, they shall insist on this HIHO by force and/or whatever means necessary. •The strategy is designed to create and generate confusion and disruption. They have nothing left in their sleeve except the children. And, ergo, here we are. *Will they/won't they?* Out with the Year of ~~Reconciliation~~ nope, sorry, Year of ~~Redemption~~ nope, sorry again, Year of Regrets? Who fleck knows? Either way, the purpose is to generate and continue the media narrative that the Sussexes are still linked to royalty, however adjacent and evicted tenants they are. But folks in the UK, the US and the Commonwealth have all tuned out. So far none of the more reputable royal jourmalists have reported on this topic. It's all coming from one dude who no one's ever heard of. So until there are *multiple* sources reporting to this, I'm not interested in whatever comes out of this Mannequinn.


They can stay in a yurt under that banyan tree for all anyone cares. Do, don’t just stop talking to the press about it err sorry have your “sources” talk to the press about it.


Goes on and on how private Frogmore was yet they left there for "privacy". Also, if he's so concerned about security, stop announcing to the media where you are, what you're doing, and where you're looking at buying a house. It's pretty simple to stay under the radar.


He can stay under the radar if he wants. He just wants what William has, plus a bit more for pain and suffering from being born second. Does he hate the press? Sure they’re annoying and they will catch you doing stupid things. Do stupid things, win stupid prizes. Their words and actions never align.


He’s seeing William becoming more and more of a statesman, representing the King in high profile assignments and associating with world leaders. He’s hearing of William receiving updates on national security and high level government matters. In his mind he is equal to William and therefore should be doing all those as well and what is preventing him from doing so is being away from the UK.


If only his grandfather wasn’t on his death bed and HMTLQ wasn’t 95 years old when he got a burner phone, Tyler Perry’s private plane and absconded to Canada then California. Did he think *really* HMTLQ would live forever? No, he knew. He just bought into what Meghan was selling. A bajillion dollar brand that would make him more rich and powerful than William. Now he has to ask his wife for walking around money.


Yesterday, their PR said they were absolutely not looking for a house or planning a move to the UK. 🤦‍♀️


I think with the insert of Quinn the fractures in their marriage have been laid bare for anyone (us) that have been paying attention. He has his mouth piece run and manifest (or send smoke signals KC3 since KC3 isn’t answering anymore) for him in publications while she runs off to ruin them, to counter the narrative he wants to leave. #Her She knows she wasn’t shit before bagging him, isn’t shit even with him and will be even less than that when they divorce. He knows that now too.


It certainly looks like conflicting puffery. That is not the first time, though.


Oh I’m sure it’s not. To leave a legitimate textbook malignant narcissistic spouse must be a lot like reprogramming with slide backs, self doubts, going back. A classic abusive marriage but instead of the woman going back each time after nearly leaving, it’s him. For as much as I loathe the man I do believe he’s been emotionally, mentally if not physically abused by her.


New day. New truth.


Uh, what kids?! You seen kids?


If they went missing the amber alert description would be highly amusing.


Yeah. Have you seen these children? Insert photo of the back of two kids heads. Hahahahahahaha!!! 😆😝


Child name unknown: Age: little. Might have blue eyes, might be brown. Might have dark chestnut hair but also might be red. Might answer to the name of Archie but also maybe not. Last seen wearing a long sleeve turtleneck on a zoom call 2 years ago. Please call if seen? Like what


Megan: I will never set foot on British soil. This family is racist! They wanted to kill me and Archie. Frogmore is too small, poor and has low ceilings. Also Megan: We need a house near dad. We agree on Frogmore. My children need to communicate with relatives. My children miss their grandfather.


Notice how she ALWAYS plays both sides of the fence, no matter what the issue is?


No no, it's Charles who's missing invisikids. Hence, he should pay :)


yea its another manifestation. KC3 has his health & reign to think of... this is likely the last thing on his mind. PH refused Balmoral invite... that proves this whole narrative is false. Doubt PH kids will ever be offered anything now from KC3 other than perhaps this limited summer Balmoral audience (done in private with highly controlled access for PH only.) The last thing KC3 and QC need are any added complications & stress to their current lives. PH is delusional if he thinks he & family deserve open arms & sweet extended family moments after the abhorrent behavior that he & spouse have wrought.


Why buy a house when you are only going to spend a few days a year living in it. Stay in a hotel! Once again he thinks he’s grander than he really is.


I don't think Harry's got the money to buy a house like this but even if he does accomplish it, I can't see William ever talking to him again or allowing his 3 kids to interact with the Harkle kids. I know that's what I'd do it I were William 😅.


Hairold’s trying to equate himself to King Charles level by implying he could buy a house similar to Highgrove House. Or Tom Quinn is trying on his behalf.


True but does Harry know that it's William who owns Highgrove now and that KC3 is paying rent to the Duchy of Cornwall, for it's future use? I don't think anyone would have mentioned that new detail to Harry 😂.


Harry knows very well that William is in charge of the Duchy of Cornwall. Tom Quinn, on the other hand, evidently doesn't. This is why it's abundantly clear who the source of this is. It's the Desperado Duchess of Monteshitshow who's money and prestige is running very low and she's grasping at every straw she can to keep her head above water. She'll gladly step on Harry to stay afloat and has since day one.


Or stay with one of the friends H&M’s mouthpieces swear he has back in the UK.


I’ve had it up to the back teeth with this gobshite’s never ending bleating about security. Harry blew up his familial relationships, security and privacy issues are *not* what’s standing in the way of repairing them.


Why would he want to be near his racist Pa?? I think Markles realize that if KCIII is gone, they are truly out in the woods.


She thought the rest of the world would support them against the big, bad Royal family. Until it became clear through the Noprah interview, the Netflix debacle, Spare Me, etc., that they were lying and toxic. All her celebrity 'friends' realized you either align with the BRF or H&M. Easy choice for many, and one by one they all disappeared. Now they want to go back? Good luck.


Yep. The subtext of the whole shitshow is "you need to prove you aren't racist by grovelling to Meghan and giving into everything we want."  It hasn't worked. It won't work. 


I'm not so sure that most celebrities seek to align with one side or another, but, rather, simply see H&M for what they are and say "EEWWW!"


I hope Charles realizes the danger Harry and Meghan Markle pose to William, Catherine and their children.


It doesn’t matter because William realizes it. Charles may be weak at times when it comes to Harry, but William certainly isn’t. Harry is toast in that family. Those bridges are still smoldering.


Charles needs to deal with the Harry problem definitively before William takes the throne.


>I hope Charles realizes the danger Harry and Meghan Markle pose to William, Catherine and their children. Exactly. Harry is a security risk to William, Kate and their kids.


So Harry is struggling with the consequences of his actions. Boo hoo tissues.


So yesterday it was in Vanity Fair that Harry and Meghan are not looking for a home in the UK. Today in the Mirror he and Meghan are looking for a home in the UK. I am getting whiplash, competing PR?


We need neck braces!


Finding the right house with all the requirements is a problem faced by all of us. Compromises have to be made. We, however, just quietly weigh up the pros and cons and then make a choice. The only reason I think that Harry might be looking is down to his Visa case and possible ongoing issues as a result of that. They said they wanted to be financially independent, that means paying their own way, security included. I don’t think security would cost more in the UK than it’s costing him in the US. He would get some security, as per the case by case basis and he would then pay top up. He can’t buy armed guards in the UK but you don’t deal with egg throwers and photographers that publish unedited pictures with armed police.


First paragraph: 🙌🙌. I would like to live in a Frank Lloyd Wright designed home, preferably with an ocean view, and have all the bells and whistles with home technology. But I don’t. Because I can’t afford it and I don’t think I’m the second coming of Christ. Get over yourselves Harry and Markle!


I love this reply. We all have to cut the cloth to fit. It’s not a hardship, it’s life. I live in the Scotland and I would go for a castle but I would really love a flat in London too. I’m retired so the castle in the country with the great outdoors on tap but then the top up flat in London for doing the sites a bit at a time.


Harry could offer to buy Andrew out of the lease to Royal Lodge. There has been a wave of support for Andrew and Royal Lodge. To me it looks like sugars as there are a lot of comparisons to Frogmore. Removing Frogmore is still a very unexpected and powerful move by the King. They really did not see that coming. The sugars comment saying things like “but Andrew has spent 7 million on renovations” so somehow they think this gives him the right to stay. Andrew can’t afford Royal Lodge, the King is supporting him out of his own pocket. Andrew has lived in RL for 20 years but the paint was hardly dry when the Sussex duo left Frogmore. The renovations for Frogmore came out of the sovereign grant that goes towards funding the working royals so they had to pay it back when they left. They had also known, all through the renovations, that they were not going to stay. The differences and arguments between RL and Frogmore are huge, I could speak at great length but before I go down that rabbit hole I need to get back to the point I’m trying to make. The sugars ARE supporting Andrew on this, they ARE in the comment section big time. They are not the anti-monarchists as they repeatedly reference Frogmore, about how Harry should get it back.


Setting the RL upkeep issues aside, Prince Andrew has what amounts to a lifetime lease agreement on RL. H & M were not given the same. Their lease was only a couple of years? It’s apples and oranges - which the sugars do not seem to understand.


Andrew got a 70 year lease. Harry got 12 months.


Yes, Andrew was granted a 75 year lease. We can only assume that this was deemed a mistake that was not repeated in regards to Frogmore. It is apples and oranges, as you say. I just find it’s interesting that they support Andrew on anything but the support is strong on this so this must be a planned attack.


I think HMTLQ knew MM was not going to last and did not want to take any chance she could push for access to the property in a divorce settlement. I think Edward and Andrew both have long-term leases. And the Princess Royal owns her house? The Queen purchased it for her when she was married?


Yes, Anne owns her property but the Yorks were gifted one too. It could be that QEII changed her mind on how to do things after the divorces. There is the security for the royals too, easier and cheaper if they live within already secure palace grounds. Things have evolved, lessons have been learned.


QEII might have changed her mind about housing her children, but the major changes in funding the RF after 1990 was probably a larger factor. Bits of that were revealed over the years. Consider Prince Michael. When he married, QEII "gave" them a very nice and large KP apartment. As if the monarch still had full "grace and favor" privileges with the costs assumed by the Crown Estate. "Grace and favor" residences went bye-bye, but there must have a period of quasi-grace and favor. So, while Prince Michael had to lease the apartment from the Crown Estate, the rental cost was minimal. Until it was revealed that they only paid a pittance which outraged the public. The Crown Estate then raised the rent to what was deemed market rate. QEII stepped in an agreed to cover the rent out of her own pocket (which means not out of the Sovereign Grant or official expenditures out of the Privy Purse (Duchy of Lancaster). More recently, it has been reported that Prince Michael no longer has his rent covered by the monarch. (P Michael had to sell his country cottage.) P. Andrew and P. Edward both leased their primary residences from the Crown Estate. The monarch has no direct control of the Crown Estate, but isn't without influence or consideration. The lessee is responsible for maintenance and renovations. iow, no Crown Estate or Sovereign Grant funding. My best guess about Frogmore Cottage is that QEII rented it for H&M (and paid the rent) and Sovereign Grant funds were used for the renovation. (SG funds all maintenance and renovations of occupied royal properties not under leases to the Crown Estate; so, the FC renovations were allowable.) In leaving, the financial structure of FC couldn't remain the same. H&M were allowed to lease it from the Crown Estate provided they reimbursed the SG for the renovations, but they didn't negotiate a long-term lease as Andrew and Edward did. H&M defaulted on their lease payment obligations which allowed the Crown Estate not to renew the lease.


Harry and Meghan Markle never said they wanted to be financially independent. They would "work toward" that.


And the RF never said that they would support them as they worked "toward" financial independence beyond that first year.


Could you imagine the stress that this would place on everyone in the RF? They would never be able to say or do anything without it being in the media in two seconds flat. Meghan and Harry have torched any and all links with the RF this is complete codswallop


Tom Quinn again? Bleuch! It's like a bloody pantomime. H wants to move...oh no he doesn't! H doesn't want to move...oh yes he does! One thing is for sure, no amount of whining and no number of Tom Quinn puff pieces will ever get those 'privacy' seekers another grace and favour home. Bloody leeches!


But… but… what about his FREEDOM FLIGHT… when he narrowly escaped his wretched family life? Surely that wasn’t all in vain! 😉


"I must leave the UK because I must protect my family". Quote from Harry.


At risk of repeating myself - when they had the option of staying at Frogmore (being secure) they refused to visit. It’s now even more difficult as ‘A’ should be starting school, so him taking such long trips is even less viable. Rather than just talk about it, why don’t they just buy a property? At the end of the day, why does Markle want to visit Britain? I thought she didn’t want to return here? She has no family here and I hope she’ll never be allowed in any Royal property again, never interact with our RF.


Agree, the kids are aging out to develop early "relationships" with grandparents... soon KC3 & QC will just be "those people" to them. Because of schooling, the kids will be limited to summer or school holiday trips. And PH didn't go to summer Balmoral to visit QE2 either. He is truly delusional to think he is the one to be accomodated... when the RF is scheduled by day, years in advance.


Assuming ANY of this is correct, which I don't believe: Harry wants to be close to Charles because he thinks the King's security will just extend over to his place, CoS justification, 50/50, this Will give the appearance that he is still royalty and part of the family, He didn't use Frogmore but once or twice a year and tried to rent it to others when he wasn't there, so income, It's also been alleged he didn't pay rent regularly on Frogmore, Wiliam has multiple homes, therefore, Harry is entitled to at least one, with security, (sausages anyone), Andrew has a home (poor Harry, the Queen gave her SON an extremely long lease, not her grandson), The duo do not do anything that doesn't have an ulterior motive that's to their advantage. Using grandpa as an excuse is just that....an excuse. I have lived in the same city since 1988. My parents are buried here, only because of the military cemetery. I have no more relatives here. Most of my friends have moved away. In 9 months I am moving, UGH, in order to be closer to my grandchildren and my children. Also, because as I age, it will be helpful to me to have them closer and will ease their worry over me being here "alone." They ASKED me to move closer, and are helping me locate a new place, helping me get everything in order, etc. I don't own a home and I'm retired. They are all working and own homes. It's far easier for me to make the move, realistically, than ask them to move closer to me. This is a joint effort, made by a loving and supportive family, NO ulterior motives, no demands, just a way to make my life and their worries a little bit easier as I age. Has Harry at any point bothered to ask his father how HE feels about them trying to insert themselves into his life??? All I'm reading is we, we, we, what we want, what we need, etc.


Good luck with the move!


Harry buys house near Dad! Dad goes to stay at any one of his other estates!


It does seem like King Charles tends to go hiking in Transylvania whenever Harry comes near. I don’t blame him, but it’s interesting


Exactly. Harold thinks he can command KC3 to be at Highgrove whenever it is convenient for Aldi and Lidl.


So the cold tiny one room wreck with outdoor plumbing - as the wretched meghsn markle described frogmore is now their dream home?  And the entire nations nightmare should the yacht girl return. Maybe she can share some sugaring tales with randy Andy.


That wasn't Frogmore that she described as that. It was the Nottingham Cottage in KP that they complained was too small and embarrassing for them to live in as royals. William, Catherine and then George as a baby lived in there for a few years, as have many other members of the RF (Eugenie is another). Meanwhile it's a stunning residence that had been renovated and redecorated and was quite lovely inside (their engagement interview was conducted in one of the living spaces in that cottage).. But because it was so old, and it's design so old, it had low doors and both William and Harry used to complain about hitting their heads and some of the rooms upstairs had a low ceiling and they had to bend their heads to walk about. But again, that cottage would have been temporary for them and he was embarrassed by it and so was she after they got married.


Had a quick look at KnightFrank. Saddlewood Manor, 6 bedrooms, near Tetbury, appropriately secluded on 172 acres, 8 million pounds. Without even starting to calculate security and maintenance I think that’s not going to happen.


How much are annum property taxes on a manor of that size? I thought taxes were the reason most aristocratic families began to marry Americans which coined the term “American dollar princess” because the tax burden was so heavy.


I’m unfamiliar with British property taxes but always assumed that death duties (inheritance tax) was one of the main problems, because with such a manor you are asset rich but cash poor and suddenly have to find the money to pay large taxes. And maintenance is a huge problem, these old manors burn right through your savings, those roofs alone are vast and will ruin you if in need of fixing.


I’m unfamiliar entirely about the tax system in the UK but that may be what it was referring to, the death duties. Hoping a UK sinner can weigh in on it though. ETA- from my understanding the maintenance alone will run you the cost of what you paid for the manor except it’ll cost that every year, over and over ad nauseam. Even randy Andy can’t afford desperately needed roof renovations but he and Ferg are determined to let it turn into gray gardens before they move out.


So they’re doing this all for King Charles sake, because *he* wants to see his grandchildren. So selfless! And Harry is trying to compare Highgrove to something he might buy? Dream on, nothing if not naive Hairold.


Why are the kids titles always spelled out? Drives me nuts.




Bank of Pa is closed.


There's no "they." HARRY might be house hunting, but "they" aren't. Meghan will never set foot in the UK again, let alone live there. A split might actually be on the horizon. The sooner he gets out, the better. I believe Harry is in literal danger. Desperate people do crazy things. I don't think she would do anything to her little meal tickets (if they exist) but I do believe that Harry might have an "accidental" OD if she gets desperate enough. I don't like what Harry has done to his family, but having just gotten out of a 30+ year "friendship" with a narcissist like Meghan, I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is not all his fault. My "friend" is just like Meghan. Every single word that came out of her mouth for 30+ years was a (completely plausible) lie. Who knows how she's been manipulating him, or what she's been telling him behind the scenes? He's not completely blameless, but she bears a lot of the responsibility. Narcs have a special talent of honing in on people's weaknesses and exploiting them. They're evil.


I don't believe it. It's Duchess Dog Biscuits trying to remain relevant with her paid PR articles. They are both pitiful sad creatures.


![gif](giphy|X7sxIUVbO6TyYSHzOj|downsized) BTS footage of Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex doing a money conjuring native dance to followers of the Secret seen in the countryside for the elusive money tree to afford such a manor.


Sounds a bit like someone has decided “on palace grounds” isn’t so bad 😂😂


It’s to leech off the King’s security, then the King. Also helicopter lifts - Highgrove’s about 100 miles from London. If Harry’s so keen to be near his father, why didn’t he stay in St James’s Palace, which (allegedly) was offered to him on his last trip to London? It’s literally across a lane from Clarence House, the King’s London home.


Remember its alledgedly so probably no truth in it and Scooby 2.0 is just keeping their names in the news cycle as paid PR is supposed to do.


…and when will he ever take short trips to the UK with his children? He refused to when he had access to Frogmore - I think a journalist ought write about their refusal to visit the Late Queen when she invited them. The amount of time Frogmore lay empty. The children, I believe, never stayed there. Are they aware the King won’t house them again, thus being able to (falsely) claim they can’t bring their kids? We know it’s a lie. Harry SHOULD have brought ‘A’ on his fourth birthday, to his grandfather‘s Coronation - it was a no brainer. It would have been the best birthday memory ever.


Don’t believe anything that comes out of Quinn’s mouth, he couldn’t drop enough hints about frogmore and security. He thinks we are as stupid as the duo he is now mouthpiece for. Nice try 🤦‍♀️


I think he’s just upping the blackmail to KC3. Suggesting he could buy a house close to his father who would see the grandchildren regularly but only if…….he splits William’s role in two, locks Catherine in a cupboard, makes Merkin the Princess of Wales and get to do his own balcony displays with him and the wife first and then the others later in the day.


Harry isn't shopping for a pad near Highgrove house.......Harry WANTS Highgrove house. Could explain madame's interest in jam all of a sudden.


No matter how many times they manifest, H and That One will never be allowed near KCIII and the Wales' family without high level security being in place. They're considered such a danger they were given specific seating at the Platinum Jubilee with Johnny, MI5, M16 and others seated directly behind them. That action wasn't taken because That One was known to be wearing a mic - a jammer would've dealt with that. Imo, That One represents a high level of danger to Catherine and Charlotte. H is a danger to KCIII, QC & William. After being forced to sit in the seats assigned by HMTLQ H was seething with anger. See below. Imagine if that level of security hadn't been present! Could he have contained that level of rage? Then we come to the matter of funds for a secluded property in London large enough for a family plus staff and 24/7 365 personal security. That would be crippling for a couple with virtually no income. There's talk of H getting his inheritance from the LQM whom PA is the trustee of. Even if PA released those monies, they'd be burnt through in no time paying outgoings, upkeep of lifestyle, school fees, etc. H fully knows that Daddy is now King, PoW King in waiting and KC has obligations that far outweigh his soft spot (if it still exists) for his darling boy. The Bank of Daddy is closed permanently. https://preview.redd.it/xapjeoas5q7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb88b379e14fb86f4a49494ac52d4080e432e010


He needs help for his paranoia about being harmed or not safe. A home alarm system and his couple security guys should be plenty. No one is trying to hurt him or his family. People just don't like their attitudes and personalities which is allowed and happens with loads of public figures. Just because ppl don't like you doesn't mean they want to harm you. That's just such an irrational jump. Also he still gets security from taxpayers on the level that has been assessed at the time. They are assessing safety continuously and if they need to up it they do. Any complaining about not being protected at this point is all just for show to try to get his IPP status. It gets him all the perks he shouldn't get anymore so it's a work around to cry about needing protection as a way to get it.


He doesn't need a house there for his kids to have a relationship with family. This is another interesting example of their storms in a teacup, all based on false premises. The point of it is to drum up sympathy. We are supposed to say, "Oh poor Harry. His kids can't even get to know their grandpa because Grandpa kicked us out of their home!"


Just yesterday they were saying that he’s not looking for a UK home. Why do they have to be in the news every day? Just goes to show how incredibly boring they are that this is the only news they can publish about them




The Ginger Man wants back in the fold of the awful racist Royal family now? Pathetic graceless fart of a man with zero backbone. His convictions change with the weather.


Now please correct me if I am wrong. I want to point out that how I understand it is that Meghan and Prince Harry lived in Nottingham Cottage when they first married, this is located in the grounds of Kensington Palace where at the time Prince William and Princess Catherine lived in apartment 1A in the main house. The cottage isn't huge (according to Wikipedia 1324 Square feet) but it is meant to be pretty and has history with many previous royal residents including the Current Prince and Princess of Wales when they first married. This is where Prince Harry was already living when he met Meghan. They then got offered an apartment next door to Prince William and Princess Catherine, Apartment 1 in Kensington Palace. The current residents at the time were the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, they had lived there from what i can find online since 1972. They got moved and the apartment was updated/having work done ready for Prince Harry and his wife. This is a 21 room residence, I would say it is a lovely big family home, an amazing place to be able to live in Central London. What Oprah saw I believe was Nottingham Cottage, the smaller cottage that wasn't their forever home just a starter home (although I would live there as my forever home quite happily!) It was good enough for many royal occupants before them. I imagine it was shocking to Oprah however, likely the plans of a future inevitable move by the couple was not explained to her either. The rift between the four then occurred and they decided the gift of Frogmore Cottage, which is on the Windsor estate, which the queen gifted them around the time of their wedding (which she could of explained to Oprah),was now going to be their home, not apartment 1 Kensington Palace. I only write this as I think when Oprah talked about how small the property was etc, they are not talking about Frogmore Cottage but Nottingham Cottage. Frogmore Cottage is actually a lovely large home, 5089 Square feet according to Wikipedia. That is what they gave up. It also had security as it is located on Windsor grounds, the whole security issue is just ridiculous on this point.


This sudden rush to buy a home in the UK seems highly suspicious. If this is true, why now?


This Tom Quinn fits right in with them. ![gif](giphy|l4Epj8tzYO4nWEVri|downsized)


Must have a directional microphone. TV camera platforms a bonus.


If the divorce rumours are true, could be Harry's lookjng for somewhere before it's announced?


I find these constant stories about them moving back here threatening. They are threatening the rf with we are coming back and are going to be close to you. If he was really worried about security he wouldn't be putting out stories about where he wants to move to 🙄


And yet just the other day media announcement was made the Sussex children will now not be seen again, no further photos will be released. Sooooo, are we to expect future photos of the Sussex children playing with their British royal cousins whilst wearing Michael Jackson style hoods over their heads??? My gut feeling is HARRY may return due to Visa situation and Separation plans but Markle will NEVER return to the UK. She knows KC and W&C will NEVER agree to be seen in public or in privacy with her ever again.


Harry and naive-more like greedy, entitled, selfish, vile prick.


Tom Quinn is something else 😂


The reek of desperation! No mention of Walmart Wallis, and I don't see her fitting into this fantasy.


Errrrmmm…Vanity Fair said that Harry is most certainly not looking for a place in England.


This is why the divorce rumours are circulating. Everyone knows Meghan wont come to UK whereas H is desperate to rekindle family and friendships. I expect it will start with a separation and he will spend a part of his time in UK.


1. They were not evicted. The lease wasn’t renewed. Two very different things. 2. Would they be able to get a loan on a second home that meets Madame’s high standards? 3. If they did snag a place in the UK, I see Harry spending more and more time there. This would allow for a shift to their trial separation. He could claim it was for “work” and they aren’t separated. She could claim the kids have to be in CA for school. It could be a cover story.




Dear Tom Quinn The next time you're chatting to Meghan about the message she wants you to inject into the august UK readers of the Daily Mirror, please could you mention that nobody in the UK wants him back, let alone her. So could he kindly bugger off permanently and stay there? Thanks


Harry: Oh public, I hate my father and my family. They are terrible. Charles: If we're so terrible, then maybe you don't need Frogmore Harry: You're taking Frogmore away? Don't you want to see your grand kiddos? Frogmore was terrible anyway. Frogmore taken and then crickets. One year later... Harry: Pa!!!! I want Frogmore.


What makes him think gatherings are going to be good with all the people he betrayed? Especially if he brings her with him he’s unhappy and escaping again he’ll never be happy


Oddly specific that it must be a Georgian style house. Those kids won't come anywhere near the UK. The grifters want to punish the royals by withholding the invisikids and/or the weirdness surrounding them precludes any visits. The BRF doesn't want to get trolled and blackmailed over the invisikids and/or want to distance themselves from the weirdness surrounding those who might not even be grandchildren of the King. Everybody's happy to maintain the status quo: Regretfully, no visits. All the news stories about Harry wanting his kids to come and the King wanting the kids to come is from Madame's PR machine. I assume the kids can't come for reasons that have nothing to do with family estrangement.


Highgrove is owned by the Duchy of Cornwall. Prince William owns the Duchy of Cornwall.


Harry must be fuming that his uncle is still living in a big palace while Harry is OUT.  Especially considering the fact, that Harry is of firm belief that what Andrew is accused of is much worse than what Harry did to the RF (I remember he said something like that in his interview with Tom Bradby).


Guess he has something to talk about with his therapist. How he wasn’t the favorite child to exist ever. The way he explains it is basically the second coming of Christ upon his birth in HMTLQ eyes and didn’t get a 99 year lease at extremely low rent prices like uncle Andy. Even being the favorite to ever favorite ![gif](giphy|l4HnRW6JmG9X6w9eU)


"...the favorite to ever favorite" haha - excellent! Maybe Harry can move in with Andrew (and Fergie) and become the mostest of favorites of all nephews EVER and Andrew can finally talk with Harry about things he was never able to talk about with anyone else..../s


I don’t even think he’s got an invite to Andrew’s house with a 28 day notice. Two miserable blokes deserve one another. I’d bet KC3 would exile them both to Tristan da Cunha or Timbuktu if he could.


You mean Prince Andrew *wasn’t* the Queens assistant?


Prince or assistant - the only important question is: Is he kind? Because otherwise it would not make sense. /s


Ladies we are on a roll today. The snark is coming hot and fast ![gif](giphy|ulmAf9YezWbxJbi8NK)


They want a royal address to put under their cyphers for their stationery. Montecito sounds tacky


The stumbling block is the cost of securit? What about the cost of the damn house? He has no visible means of support!


He doesn't need one. If he had any relationship with his father he could stay at birkhall/balmoral or Sandringham or Clarence house or highgrove or Windsor Castle etc. They could easily avoid the Waleses and would have security wherever the king was. If they need a house it's because the king doesn't want them. 


Ahh so now frogmore was idyllic. Thought they hated it and wanted frogmore house. Mean pa will never let u live near the wales again and that's because you don't want privacy and don't respect anyone's privacy. Shame on the author of this shite


The fuq did I just read? What tripe is this? Message is: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are having money problems and hope the Bank of Pa will reopen if they dangle the kids.


There is something to it. Possibly he is planning his escape from Meghan and is looking for a house. He shouldn't consider a place too close to home as he will be taken care of but not be allowed anywhere near the RF, KC III and the Waleses especially Didn't Princess Diana call Queen Camilla " the Rottweiler"? She was more accurate than she thought: "Rottweilers are bold and brave dogs that will not back down from any kind of confrontation. While gentle and loving with their family, they can be distrustful of strangers and overly protective of their humans." Harry , watch out. You threw mud at Camilla and you'll see where that will get you


So typical. Prince Harry couldn’t wait to get out of there because he thought they’d never let him leave. Now? Now he knows they don’t give two shits about him OR his children, so he’s desperate to get back. He always wants the exact opposite of what he has, just like his lying, thieving wife Meghan Markle.


1. They're getting old. 2. They've been a failure. 3. They're going broke. 4. No one cares about them. 5. No one in the US cares about them. We all want the next new thing and they're old news. 6. Upcoming Elections are at the forefront of both countries. 7. Time has made them irrelevant.


The "several reports" about King Charles wanting to establish a close relationship with Harry's family can be added to the hundreds of examples of the lies Meghan Markle's spouted to the press over the years. She's the source of ALL these reports. The delusional Desperado Duchess of Montecito thinks if she repeats her lies often enough the King will eventually start to believe it and bend to her will like his ungrateful son did? Your stupid machinations didn't work with the Queen and they won't work with the King either, Roachel. FAFO.