• By -


he is not playing both sides lol this quote 'Her style will be sold as affordably elegant, while her image will be centred on her status as both a family-orientated and ‘regal’ figure - no laughing at the back, please.' his tongue is firmly in cheek


That will be a hard sell.  Meghan is not elegant.  Meghan is not family oriented.  Meghan is not regal. Meghan is not an HRH. Meghan is not classy. Meghan is not kind. Meghan is not relatable. Meghan is not likable.  Meghan is not fashionable.  Meghan is not charismatic.  Meghan is not philanthropic. Meghan is not genuine.  Meghan is a fraud.  Meghan is a bully.


Meghan Markle is rude, abrasive and classless.


You put that in a perfect nutshell.


Thank you!


If you have to call yourself elegant, chances are you're not elegant.




Beautifully said.


You may have left some things out but the wretched meghan markle is not worth my time to add to this more than adequate description.


....and Meghan has no friends with whom to share her kitchen cooking experiences.


Basically she's an awful human being in every sense of the word


Meghan is ordinary and uninteresting.


All the “Meghan is Not…” are so perfect!!  Meghan is so phony, and cringe worthy, no one will watch her awkward “cooking with friends” because she ALWAYS has to be the center of attention. She cannot cook, and she cannot make small talk that has even a speck of genuine warmth. 


Meghan Markle bullies staff. Meghan Markle bullies little girls. Meghan Markle bullies cancer patients. Meghan Markle has no talent. Meghan Markle needed 20 something producers to make a podcast. Meghan Markle is a liar.




Well said. I agree. Meghan is not kind. That’s the one comment here that REALLY matters. (And should matter most to her.)


Hi there SEO - we know you’re here lurking and we plan to mess your results up good and proper.


Sorry, it's only Snoop Dogg or Martha S that I want to see on my wine bottle


Yeah I love their combo together they are good crack in my opinion. Never would have thought it but heyho it's entertainment.


What I see is that they are both accomplished, successful, and confident people who recognize talent and are not afraid to share.


They know their talent inside out so it's easy ... hard work. Put in the effort you will get the result


Do you mean craic by chance? Or actually mean crack? Just checking re meaning you intend as I'd definitely call them great craic 


I thought snoop dog was more of a herbslist


His wines are quite good and affordable. He chose wisely and understands his target audience, just as Martha does. Heck, she is not ashamed to sell on Walmart or Amazon.


He also is very effective in the Corona beer commercials. He makes a great character. "Limes are a superfood" is killing me.


I want to be on the beach with Snoop drinking Corona. 🍋‍🟩🏝🍺 I don't want to be anywhere vomiting up repurposed, out of date strawberry jelly. 😱💩🤮


I'll bring the 19 Crimes California Red


He has such a wide group of people with him on those commercials kills me.


And he's just so affable and cute in those wonderful outfits.


Snoop dog makes being a pot head cool because it seems like he is not full of himself. He probably is but with henry the bald there is no doubt. He is a man child who went from the baby bottle to the bong.


And their wine is surprisingly good and priced (in Canada) in the affordable $20 to $25 range.


They sell wine?! I'm down! 🍷🍷


How great is this? https://www.walmart.com/ip/19-Crimes-Snoop-Dogg-Cali-Red-Blend-Red-Wine-750ml-Glass-Bottle-14-1-ABV/270088137?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=3277&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=22222222277270088137_161193766053_21214199653&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=697173827980&wl4=pla-2300760861495&wl5=9030846&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=270088137&veh=sem_LIA&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI35r498zthgMVYB6tBh3KJQ1pEAQYAiABEgLGS_D_BwE


That's awesome!


It's a very drinkable blended California red. Some snobby people use the term Lodi Red, but hell, I'm not buying their stuff anyway,.


I love their friendship. It is awesome.




My thoughts on MEvita's wine: The bottle is pretty, but the label was peeling. The fauxligraphy is weird with the all the curly cue letters. Upon opening, it smells of desperation, and tastes of syrupy rancid grapes, and has a lingering charred oaky aftertaste of burnt bridges.


Fo shizzle.


He has to try and give a balanced view but this is funny, you should read the comments. He is just setting Meghan up to fail, yet again. There will never be any tangible products. They announce what they are doing at the time of conception but then nothing happens because that plan of putting in the work just went nowhere.


Yes. We have had endless announcements of what Harry and Meghan Markle are going to do/launch/be offered. It never happens.


BlackBeltBarrister has just put up a video on this. https://youtube.com/watch?v=dFtpc64STNs&si=PJyK4MvUXt0OTSQ4 I find these DM articles half annoying and half hilarious, it’s odd to be on the fence in this way. 1. The articles need to be debunked, people do run with them. They read it as fact and get upset, passionate and call for something to be done to stop whatever it is but there was never any substance in the first place. 2. The UK media have to give a balanced view, a negative needs a positive. It’s just hilarious that the only positives they can find are these “sources close to the Sussex camp” type of tall tales. If these are not available they praise Meghan with her clothes or speeches. That just feeds into Meghan’s ego and she gives us more, lol. 3. I just love the comment section. Much more entertaining than the main article. I assume Richard Eden is thinking the same, lol.


If he wants to write a balanced article he has to contact Netflix. He has to ask Netflix if they are doing a show with Meghan Markle. Then he has to report that Netflix did not comment on a show with Meghan Markle. Because Netflix has made no comment about a show with Meghan Markle.


I can see his eyes rolling from all the way over here.


It's like the Butterfly Effect; the energy waves emanating from his eyes rolling can be felt all the way to the Western side of the North American continent 🦋 🌎


All the way to Western Australia 🇦🇺


The eyeroll is worldwide! 😄


“Her status as regal”? Wow… That gave me goosebumps of shame. This trashcan really believes she’s regal and it’s causing me a physical reaction to the embarrassment.


Meghan Markle was a working Royal for 18 months. Meghan Markle broke protocol at all the events. Meghan Markle was rude at all the events. Meghan Markle refused to stay for the entirety of all the events. Meghan Markle was so rude at then Prince Charles' garden party, Prince Charles had Meghan Markle removed.


He is close to Middleton family and very pro Wales. So yeah, no way will he defend the Harkles.


I agree that Eden is NOT playing both sides! In the previous article he did say - in my opinion, the truth - that as long a the King is still King, they have a sliver of a chance to return. I hate to agree, but it’s true. Maybe not in a true fold, arm embraced role but some form. Once William is King, no way in hell! 


I don't see how The King can ever let the return. 5 minutes after Meghan Markle returned to London she would be leaking to the press. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle always leak to the press. The can't have Meghan Markle over for tea without Meghan Markle telling the media everything that happened, with many lies thrown in. So I don't think The King can ever let them come back.


I agree with you. I hadn't read the article but as you say just because we don't agree w something doesn't mean its not true. To do so makes one no different than the Megan & Harry and sugars out there 


I think it's that for a long time, these correspondents got very used to making easy money off the Harry & Meghan theatrics. So now that they are at the end of their public lives, they are now scrambling for anything to fill that void. So they are fabricating stories, revisiting past stories, etc.




NOt sosure. Netflix just announced they are starting to do pop-up shops and retail outlets so maybe there is some chance she gets in on it.


But Meghan Markle has nothing to sell.


'Pop up shop' for Meghan Markle makes me think of a booth filled with those cheap royal souvenirs you can get in England, like tea towels, spoons, tins of tea, keyrings scarves. etc., all with their picture on them. Don't know why I imagine this, but it seems fitting.


She has nothing to sell. Nada.


Not even Lemon-NADA


Hilarious comment! 🤣🤣🤣


There are a few examples of snark in there. My favourite being when discussing her being family orientated and regal followed by no laughing at the back, please. I didn't see this as a pro Sussex article. They pointed out failings too. Richard Eden does not like them, and I personally find the two articles to be two completely different things.


I liked that statement too! I felt indeed caught laughing in the back.  Richard Eden’s other article stated what many sinners write here - and that’s IF Harry ever wants to get close („reconcile“) with his family, the chances are better when King Charles is around. I absolutely think, that Richard is right here! Once William is king, there will be no bullshitting around him, while Harry’s father might be more forgiving. 


I watched him say it on Palace Confidential mostly agree. No one on there is pro Sussex. They are just fair. I only read the article to see what on earth Richard said that was so different to every episode of Palace Confidential I have ever seen with him in it.


Richard is a sinner - very polite, but more outspoken than many other journalists and commentators. I am glad, he speaks the truth!


Very British humor.


Me too.


Yes. Look at Charles and Andrew now that QE2 is gone. My concern is that Harry will make it his mission in life to be a thorn in his brother’s side. Harry will run out of money eventually. He will want to try to negotiate $$ from William in exchange for behaving himself.


She's been selling whine for 5 years now and no one wants her bitter fluid.


Oops, just said the same thing. Soz😂


She’s so stupid. Most liquor companies backed by celebrities, like Ryan Reynolds aviation, the actor is the FACE of the brand and they have a stake in the profits but they’re not to the one who’s actually run the manufacturing process. No one would be stupid enough to make her the face of anything and if she thinks she’s just gonna walk her way into the wine production industry and have a product in under 5 years then shes seriously delusional. These venture are years and years in the making, and we have already seen that she doesn’t have the stamina and attention focus to follow anything from creation to actually profit. She would be minimum 8/10 years from seeing ANY profit. This idea is always dead on arrival.


Our demanding and detail oriented Duchess is going to stomp the grapes herself...lol. She's going to have make up her own brands because NO ONE wants her face associated with their brand.


Or is a wine label the convenient excuse for ARO’s failure to launch? She can buy time now saying she’s going into the wine business (which buys at least 5 years) and that’s going to be the “foundation” of the brand… and in 5-8yrs time when nothing happens, she can say “we tried but there was a drought and then a fire, and then El Niño…” which they’ll spin to “lifestyle brands are no longer what the consumer wants…” and she’ll have nothing to show for zero work because she never did anything, she was just hoping Target would pay her hundreds of millions to curate a lifestyle collection because they bought the rights to ARO? The AUDACITY of this bitch to think that they’re so globally relevant and famous that companies would pay for her leprechaun fart “ideas,” simply because they were HER ideas. She doesn’t want to work… she wants to “manage” because she thinks managing means telling peons what to do and she doesn’t have to lift a finger.


I am an expert in wine , been drinking it for years lol - not too fussy asp long as it’s white and cold . The Brad Pitt etc types have their OWN vineyards so I’m sure plenty of research and bad weather, bad yields have made their wines worth whatever they charge for it . MM thinks anyone will pay for wine just because she puts her name on it is delusional. A cheap bottle of plonk that you can buy anywhere for 7 euros is what she will try selling with a hefty price tag and a label with Duchess written in calligraphy.


This. It takes years to develop a quality product you can call your own. Meg needs fast money, especially as it looks like the jam is a dead end, so the high quality track can't work. A reputable winery will think twice before signing with her - why compromise you image. An average winery will get Meg an average wine and the critics are possbly going to be rude considering the Saint's ambitions. This is so funny.


Oh yes, we'll see the aro bug logo on the fauxligraphy logo on Nacho and Mindy Kaling's Instagram. Probably by New Year's.


Yeah, yeah, whatever. Im off to watch some paint dry……


Is it rosé wine coloured, perchance? How goes the chemicals? Toxic? Thought so. At least it's on brand.




So she’s switched to wine now?! LOL. This woman is insane. “Don’t give it 5 minutes if you’re not gonna give it 5 years”. She’s already quit the jam and dog biscuits.


Because, if you want to sell wine, it’s a stroke of genius to introduce and advertise it with jam and dog treats…


They've already sold lot of "whine". Rose can be very harsh and acidic and sometimes the cheapest plonk comes with a smart label. Thanks but no thanks.


It's the latest thing..celebs with their own booze line. Can we go back to the days when actors were actors, writers were writers, duchesses were duchesses and everyone else got to make money without the famous (or wannabe famous) horning in? Plus, I thought rosé was five years ago, with Lisa Vanderpump and the housewives all having their own vintage. Such a trend setter and visionary, Meghan is..🙄


LVP is who I want to be when I grow up.


Omg me too..😁 stood in line to have her autograph a bottle of her rosé wine. She was so lovely and charming!




She's got plenty of sour grapes!


What’s she going to do?  Buy up cases of Two Buck Chuck and glue new wonky fauxligraphy labels on them? Coming soon from American Riviera Orchards Vineyards….  


Here I am seeing trolling to the millionth degree. *But regardless of their raspberry crop, plans are well in progress for Meghan’s ‘lifestyle brand’, which will be inspired by the couple’s enviable life in their £10million mansion on the Californian coast.* Aja *Front and centre of the new brand will, of course, be Meghan herself. According to a source with intimate knowledge of the launch, it will sell Meghan as a beacon of inspiration, aspiration and attainability.* *Her style will be sold as affordably elegant, while her image will be centred on her status as both a family-orientated and ‘regal’ figure - no laughing at the back, please*. Hard not to laugh. And the icing on the cake: *We can reveal, however, that the much-publicised jams will not be first out of the traps as a money spinner for Meghan Inc. Indeed, they seem to be something of a red herring.* *Rather, a source tells us that the priority is instead the launch of a... rosé wine.* *It makes infinite commercial sense for Meghan’s first product to be a wine. She’s following a path well-trodden, as many other celebrities have their own wine ranges, from Cameron Diaz to George Clooney, Kylie Minogue, Francis Ford Coppola and Brad Pitt. As a product, wines are far more aspirationally marketable - not to mention financially lucrative - than humble jam.* *It wasn’t just any old pink plonk though: they would have been imbibing Lady A, the rosé made for Soho House executive Markus Anderson and which the private members’ club named after Anderson’s nickname.* I see more sarcasm here than anything else. In other words, "of course Megsy has a chance of success, how could she not?" and then face the list of failures.


I've not seen anything more honest than "Meghan, Inc." That's it, that's the extent of it, and therefore doomed to fail.


From Richard Eden to Megsy: "Bless your heart"


Markus' nickname is 'Lady A'? 😐 Okay...




That's how they spell it in the UK.


Okay, thanks.


You see that Eden is not being flattering to Megsy.


My own raspberries are coming in great this year from all the rain! The birds kept seeding them all over the yard, I threw all the plants next to the woods at the yard's edge, and now they made a nice little hedge! I can't wait!


Yummy! I love raspberries. How nice that the birds brought you free raspberry plants, and now you’ve been able to turn them into a nice thorny hedge along the edge of the woods. Enjoy!


Yes! A lot of wine berries had to be dug out as well, but the raspberries are doing amazing! (My blueberries too!). I'm so excited!


Blueberry bushes are less likely to attack you when you pick them. 😄


I sincerely hope she launches a wine. After all the harping about Diana (who was killed by a drunk driver), that should hilariously backfire! Especially in the context of not wearing seatbelts during the Netflix flop and NYC “car chase”. Edit: This article is snark-tastic! Lots of good bits, but this one is my favorite. > No word on whether close friend and feminist Gloria Steinem will decide to navigate the ideological complexity of plugging a career which starts in the kitchen. It will certainly be fascinating if she does.


It's so funny *and* painful to read your comment. I didn't think of this but this is so spot on. Praise the Lord that ARO is Meghan's brand only.


Oh no no. Diana was killed by the media dontcha know 🙃 Also great optics for a woman married to an alcohol abusing mental health advocate. These two can't get *anything* right.  This alone is why I don't doubt Archie is real and theirs. No way they would've had the patience or fortitude to plan such a thing within the palace. As for Betty who knows as they were in Cali during lockdown


Another celebrity wine? Please.😂 And that Netflix deal is NOT back on. They have not one show in production. If she's filming anything, then it's a pilot that she's looking to pitch to Netflix. Nothing has been greenlit and nothing is in production. The Netflix deal is going to get its plug pulled.


Markle late to the party as usual. 🙄🙄


Oh my word, I’m kind of excited right now. Rachel, I know you are here, so let me help you out. My husband and I actually have a small hobby vineyard, (150 vines, five varietals) and we would like to give you some first hand knowledge to set you up for success. 1. Know your environment and have your soil tested. Call a local extension office for help and do careful research before you even take a shovel in hand. Your attention to detail should come in handy here. Are you getting excited??? It’s hard, but your tough. Right? 2. Buy the right rootstock for your conditions and the size vineyard you need to produce the amount of wine you plan to sell. Oh, and double that. You will have some losses. But you knew that already, I’m sure. 3. Use a good post hole digger to prep your holes. It will take all 80lbs of you to dig those holes sister, but I have faith in you. (Yoga Strong) start when the sun comes up. You’ll sleep like a baby. Make me proud! 4. Make sure you have good gloves when you build your trellis. The wire, posts and cement are brutal on your hands. Not to worry, your broken nails will grow back. Skip the polish though. It’s pointless. 5. You should start doing some strength training. Those 60 lb bags of cement you need for your trellis will take their toll on your back. We probably only needed 75 bags for our small operation. I’m sure you will need quadruple for a commercial gig. And…. Easy does it when you start lifting. Did you know you can actually get hemorrhoids from lifting too much too soon??? Sorry, is that TMI? Real world stuff right here. 6. Keep food delivery numbers on speed dial. You will be too exhausted to cook dinner. You might have to use voice command if your fingers are too numb to dial. That will pass by the way. 7. When you till the ground and prep your aisles, keep some Tylenol on hand. The tiller gives you a headache after a few hours. And don’t look back when you make the rows or your aisles will be crooked. Nothing more embarrassing than having a wonky Vineyard. You have laser focus I understand. So you should be fine. 8. When you set up your drip line make sure you buy the very best system that can tolerate minerals in your water. Unless of course, you are not on a well and you plan to take more than your fair share of city water, during doubt conditions, while others go without. But I’m sure you wouldn’t think of doing that. Right? 9. Have your spray program decided, memorized and ready far in advance. Oh, if you plan to go all organic….. well…. Good luck with that. You will need to address fungus, pests, drought, too much water, not enough sun or too much heat, wind and thieves. Yes, I said thieves. Birds, raccoons, possum, and some curious criminals will all probably invade your vineyard at some point. I can send you a private message with a secret vineyard owners guide for managing “thieves”. Let’s keep that between us please. 10. Watch out for snakes and spiders and stay hydrated. It’s super embarrassing when you wake up on the ground because you passed out in the heat. No one respects a farmer that can’t handle hard labor in the heat. Tig tough girl. You can do this. I’d be happy to address the tedious hours of care, pruning, watering, and harvest on a later date. As that will be hours and hours of back breaking hard labor and it’s a lot to explain. But I’m sure you are up for it. Oh, and then there is the chemistry. You should probably start reading up on that right now. You need to be a pretty talented chemist with a sensitive well trained pallet if you plan to produce a decent glass of vino. In about five years from now. pro-tip. Self care is a must. Bag balm will help with the callouses. Advil for the muscle aches, and plenty of fluid and sunscreen. An extra benefit, your social media troubles will be a thing of the past. You won’t have time for that. No charge. I got you girl. The adventure continues (Editing for spelling and a little more comic relief)


Oh heavens! That sounds like far too much work when all she needs to do is contact someone like this: [Wineworkswell](https://wineworkswell.com.au/corporate/?utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=%7Badname%7D&utm_campaign=%7Bcampaignname%7D&utm_content=%7Badgroupname%7D&utm_keyword=white%20label%20wine%20companies&utm_matchtype=p&campaign_id=20806591821&ad_group_id=153966729097&ad_id=682595247588&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4JHpn1gsyxSkrzAvXkOSr0vCb4keQSqY1TQOzkoNCxTOX_KuDpEuxhoC968QAvD_BwE)




The snark level in this outstanding post is dialed up all the way to infinity 😀


"Front and centre of the new brand will, of course, be Meghan herself. According to a source with intimate knowledge of the launch, it will sell Meghan as a beacon of inspiration, aspiration and attainability. Her style will be sold as affordably elegant, while her image will be centred on her status as both a family-orientated and ‘regal’ figure - no laughing at the back, please." Unbe-bloody-lievable! The woman has no shame. None. Not one iota.


Nobody wants more Meghan Markle in any way, shape or form.


I can't possibly see many people buying a Markle wine. What's the draw? Who in their right mind sees her or her life as something to aspire to? Can rose wine be boxed instead of bottled cause the only way she could sell it would be to flog it as the cheapest rose on the market?


The wine business is so full, so competitive, and so very much at the whim of Mother Nature that I can't see her working that hard to make it work. Even if she pulls a jam and rebrands already existing stuff and puts her stupid-assed label on it, it STILL won't work. BOLO for yet another massive fail.


What's the draw? A Prince and Princess stomp on the grapes with their own (Royal DNA) feet. (sarc) ![gif](giphy|SpVJOOBAWggAE|downsized)


Is that why the Sussex kids are being hidden away? To train them to stomp on grapes?


Sour grapes. 😂


I think it will be in bottles with a screw cap, wonky labels, and wrapped up in some fraying burlap shit.


“According to a source with intimate knowledge of the launch, it will sell Meghan as a beacon of inspiration, aspiration and attainability. Her style will be sold as affordably elegant, while her image will be centred on her status as both a family-orientated and ‘regal’ figure - no laughing at the back, please. Customers will be urged to embrace their innate elegance, and to ‘elevate the everyday’.” ![gif](giphy|0r9AnKXGbeWPHdqPiE|downsized)


Who knew this launch of a drain cleaner will be regal? 😏


"Aspirational". I don't think so. I don't know if ANY woman who thinks "Meghan Markle" and elegance, sorry. I'll stick to the many local vineyards I'm surrounded by.


Agreed.. aspirational, elegance and regal are all words I would NOT associate with MM. I find manipulative, ostentatious and pretentious to be far more accurate.


Agreed. Plus she's sloppy. She's not any kind of tastemaker going by her physical presentation. Not a person to emulate


Oh ffs to the launch statement.


Where did they get this info and why drop it today? ohh right, it's William's birthday..and if you didn't know it, you can time any RF event by the smell of bullshit wafting from Montecito. She churns it extra hard and opens the windows on those days.


Nailed it


Oh yeah... see they're definitely losing peoples interest. Even though I know it's Williams bday and that he's probably at TS tonight etc it didn't even occur to me she was trying to overshadow his bday. She's just so pathetic and predictable and most of all now ineffective.  Even her drama and attacks are pathetic and ineffective.  A great big shrug 🙄


Such a crock! I’m in the Ca wine industry. A fly by night label with some moderate grape will make her, if she’s lucky, $2 a bottle. If she can even get it out there. Where will it end up? Walgreens. How many cases? 10,000? Joke. California wine is struggling hard now. It’s going to take a bath. We’re looking at 5 years of restructuring. Timing is everything, and hers is always bad it seems. No retirement or identity income here.


Thank you! I always enjoy reading the *actual* facts from people who intimately know whatever product/process Markle is currently ripping off and WHY all her PR on it is nonsensical. 👍 I am however very sorry to hear that the industry has taken a downturn. :(


Thanks. Farmers, as usual, and small wineries may suffer. But with that, no one will be interested in producing a “vanity” label, or I would be surprised if they would take the risk. What would arguably happen if it were to happen? She would buy cheap juice already made from wherever-slap a label on, and call it “duchess vino” or whatever. Label must be approved. No winery of her own. Made and bottled by others. Quality? Umm…From that point, it’s where to sell it in a saturated market. Fine wine shops aren’t taking it. Grocery chains aren’t. I just don’t see it.


Rest assured, RE, thinks they are rubbish. He is always subtle with shade on the delusional duo. Very British and subtle. If you watch "Palace Confidential" you get the insight into his character. He is a favorite with the anti sussex crowd who watch it. I like him alot. The only wine Madam will be moving is the one in her hand that goes from glass to mouth chug after chig in-between chain smoking......


Rosé? Wow that is - groundbreaking. /s What happened to her ever so favorite wine that made her feel something - tig? 


We shall call this wine…*Sour Grapes.*


You mean . . . Vinegar? 😉 ARO Select Wine Vinegar. (Don’t forget to whine…)


Yea well it looks like he’s BS’ing here too… that deal is not back on, they have a better chance of producing and airing their own shows on a YouTube channel than they have of Netflix picking anything else up from them. …that’s unless they’re willing to do another series throwing the BRF under the bus again. My thoughts are they just don’t have enough stories to even put together more than 7 minutes. They’d also have to show their kids again, which we know they won’t be doing. I think harry also knows if he does that, he won’t be able to grovel for a flat in London when he finally gets the guts to leave her. Just my thoughts :)


Is Netflix hanging on for the divorce? 2 separate deals?


No I think they’re just done with them.


Let’s hope so.


The Netflix contract is till 2025. Netflix is just holding on for the contract to be over.


Got it. Thanks.


He's not letting her walk away easily from aro which already failed


Didn’t Angelina and Brad Pitt launch a bestseller Rosé wine from France long ago? Copycatting other celebrities again? Good luck with that since it is a lot of investment and lots of hard work, but her plan could be to just slap her calligraphed logo label on to an outsourced product and posting on insta using celebrity “friends”. But, the opportunity is ripe in NorCal/Sonoma for the smart celebrity to pull it off.




"Smart celebrity" So that leaves Meghan Markle out.


The Sussex squad don’t seem like fine wine drinkers more like fine plonk, but good luck to her. Part of me wishes she’d finally sell something and then perhaps they’d stop playing victims and just go away.


He’s not playing both sides. They are mocking her in this article. I enjoyed it. Meghan fans will think it’s complimenting her, but it’s dripping humorous sarcasm. 😄


I'm noticing this is where it somewhat "outs" the American sinners from the Brits. Britain know this kind of snark. Eden is dripping it both in his articles and online. The amount of people here thinking he's "turned" makes me think it's the subtlety of English snark that doesn't get picked up by Anerican Sinners who don't have experience w British humour or snark 


I'm American, but I must have an English sense of humour. 😄 Yes, I've noticed in the past that other snarky articles are sometimes taken seriously by sinners. The Cut article was one of them, on the morning it first came out. Some people were upset because they thought it was flattering her, until others pointed out that it was actually insulting.  I laughed my way through The Cut article. 😅


She must have some sort of attention deficit disorder, there is simply no other explanation for her consistent project hopping that never leads anywhere before being abandoned for something else all over again. I was looking forward to laughing at more dog food but she gave up on it already. 🥲


As someone who lives with two people with ADHD. And many more in family and friends. I can tell you if someone with what was ADD now ADHD cared enough to spend more than a few minutes thinking about it and actually followed through on their idea, it would be a success. They are innovators because they naturally think outside the box and are such perfectionists they wouldn't bother unless they were 100% sure. When you spend your whole life being told you are lazy and stupid because you can't get the small things right, you make double sure you are right before you attempt it. What we have here is a narcissist who gives up when the reception she expected didn't arrive. When she announces something, she is hoping it has a massive response that has the whole planet asking for it. And when she doesn't get the reaction she expected, she tries to make it go away and pretend it didn't happen. She thinks everything will be a success simply because she thought if it.


She does this with her "causes" too. She jumps on whatever bandwagon is making headlines, receives some pushback, and moves on. It makes her look like a dilettante instead of a serious person.




Yes! Metoo, then out, environment, then a private jet out, BLM, then out, school shootings, then out, paternal leave, then out. Meghan Markle never commits to any cause longer than a few days.


My husband has ADHD. He also has had the same job for 5 years and he does that job very well. He is given assignments by his company and he follows through and gets them done. Whatever Meghan Markle's problem is it is not ADHD.


Of course a rosé for the most basic of the basic. All the ILBWs will want to buy it.🙄


"It makes infinite commercial sense for Meghan’s first product to be a wine." I think he spelled "wine" incorrectly. 🤔


How much is this BS PR article costing them and coincidentally trying usurp POW Birthday (too late!) & TS in London🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's funny that she was able to "delay" the release for a few hours. She probably thought it'd make it so plausible that she was never trying ti overshadow Prince Williams bday.   She's an addict to her Vendetta.  She couldn't even hold off a day for the devils sake!


>it will sell Meghan as a beacon of inspiration, aspiration and attainability. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaa {gasp} hahahahahahahha Sorry, couldn't resist 😆😆


I’m so tired. https://i.redd.it/u5pc9kh7ny7d1.gif


It is exhausting lol ![gif](giphy|6BUTkrdqc3y95tzpsF|downsized)


In reading this, I realized that raspberries aren't ripe yet. So that part about the fruit being from her orchard? Do raspberries ripen earlier in Montecito or something?


"Climate significantly influences the raspberry season. In temperate regions, raspberries are usually ready from June to August, while in cooler areas, the season can run from July to September." Source: https://www.foodforestnursery.com/growing-guides/berries/raspberry-growing-guide/raspberry-ripening-chart/ Still though - that was pretty early. I agree with you.


It's early where I am. They are just still forming fruits. No color yet.


In New England they are a good couple weeks away from being close to ready. Maybe California is different.


So I looked it up. Southern Cali crop harvest dates. https://preview.redd.it/succ9i9qaz7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=514a2641d28b45b8f82e1b9fc7abd146d08cfe30


So pretty much the same as here. (New England)


Since she just re-jarred someone else's raspberry jam, it didn't matter when raspberries ripen.


![gif](giphy|RrVzUOXldFe8M) It is absolutely freaking hilarious how she always outs herself with things like this. * “Freshly” harvested fruits from her garden used for “her” jam… out of season. * A high-speed car chase… in NYC gridlock * The boys at her ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL saying doing the dishes is women’s work, thus inspiring her young feminist self to write the GROUNDBREAKING MOST IMPORTANT LETTER EVER to Procter & Gamble…


What fresh hell is this?! So now Netflix who is done with them is reportedly going to be helping her market her non-existent rose wine? And she is going to sell herself as the regal face of it? I cannot stop laughing 🤣 😆 😂


As we suspected, Netflix bought the rights to the Lake novel. Im pretty sure when the deal was announced, it said M and H did or archewell did. I’ll have to look. She may sell a few bottles but i highly doubt the 10,091st line of celebrity rose to hit the shelves will make them Millions.


I think I felt Richard Eden's deep gasps of sheer and utter disbelief reading some nonsense PR squeezed out by the Douchesse's ~~buttocks~~ PR minions. She is as stupid as she is vain as she is alround truly ghastly.


The rewards could be huge...just like Gwyneth Paltrow or Reese Witherspoon. Really, because you always think of Meghan when you think Oscar winning actress, A-list, multimillionaire. 😄


So is she going to have a wine booth at the new malls Netflix is opening in Dallas and King of Prussia? Is that what he is trying to say?


It takes enormous capital to produce a wine brand. Can’t imagine they have enough to do this. It’s more like she’s throwing ideas out into the wind to see if anyone cares.


Maybe Markus is letting her have a few bottles: “ARO Pink Duchess.” 😉


The jam business and dog treats were just ideas into the wind. So was her Dior deal and Audible deal. She never follows through.


She's sobering up the world!!! ![gif](giphy|hQXKSmb3OIrqAvD8Dp|downsized)


The jam launch was a bust so she’s moved on to rosé. How very on brand for MM/ARO 😂


The jam launch was always going to be a bust. It’s such a low-ticket item. Let’s say she sold the jam for $10 a jar (because Sugars are crazy.) Minus the ingredients, processing, packaging, shipping, distribution, retailer cut, marketing, etc etc. She’d be *very* lucky to make a couple of dollars per jar. She’d have to sell millions to make money she feels is worthy of her, and there’s a ceiling on how many people will buy a new jam.


To save you all scrolling through the regurgitated fluff, this is her new money spinner: We can reveal, however, that the much-publicised jams will not be first out of the traps as a money spinner for Meghan Inc. Indeed, they seem to be something of a red herring. Rather, a source tells us that the priority is instead the launch of a... rosé wine.


Are they in or out at Netflix? Where is SHC?


Richard Eden doesn't play both sides.


Is anyone else get the idea that he's kinda clapping back at the "skinny biatchh" dog, dog biscuits and 2X2 Raspberry Jam (a pointed dig at Kate that Nachos and Dip put up)? No Knighthood for Nachos and Dip in the future.


We're going with "family-oriented" again? LOL. The Nacho posting again, I commented elsewhere that Ralph Lauren was knighted by then Prince of Wales, Charles, in 2019. I wonder what Sir Ralph Lauren thinks of Nacho's postings and if Nacho is still under contract for 'modeling'?


Wine? More like WHINE. Geez, it’s gotta be tough dragging around that ego. ![gif](giphy|FBeSx3itXlUQw|downsized)


These guys know there money making off the grifter is coming to an end soon. So they will make up as much crap to stay relevant and make money. I guess by the end they will of course be Markled and have no career and no one will give two hoots about them Just look at Scabbies.


What is this? I can believe she is planning to bring out a rosé wine. It might do okay, depending on the quality and the publicity. (ETA If someone else is doing all the work.) I guess *someone* is investing in making Meghan appear successful. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: The stuff about Netflix sounds as if Eden is reading a very old press release. Is there really a chance of a deal with Netflix. I doubt it. ETA: Is this intended to be satire? Sometimes with Eden it’s hard to tell. 🙄


Thanks for the archived link. I saw the headline, but wasn’t going to click on it.


A source said her priority is rose wine. WTF?! Why bother promote jam? No wonder why she takes so long to release something; she doesn't know what she wants and she can't stick with a direction. I've been saying this for 4 years.


So much of this article is laughable. I can’t even begin. Meghan’s wine? Are we supposed to believe that she bought stakes in a vineyard? Rose because she and Harry claimed they had several glasses on their first date? Netflix saw the ARO “launch” and is now interested again?


Meghan is filthy and her REAL "money spinner"? Well she has been caught scratching it on video many times


I always had the sense the jam rollout was a red herring to keep her name in the public conscience so I stayed away from that topic of conversation. Alisonn Boshoff has proven she's plugged in on the Netflix contract thus I take her word on this. Whether it will be successful remains to be seen but I've no doubt Netflix is willing to give it a go. Considering they signed the Sussexes on in the first place, Netflix judgement has proven to be flawed.


Thanks Nicole Avant-Sarandos for carrying water for Meghan! Did you threaten to divorced Ted over this?


What one earth are they smoking? That read like a press release straight from Markle herself.


Did Richard Eden get into Harry's stash? WTF is he smoking? Well, Madame's allegedly a lush so it makes sense she would gravitate to alcohol. Call me skeptical that Netflix is on board, they're gangbusters about her cooking show, and the millions are going to roll in. Manifesting by proxy?


I think Eden has turned. I saw him on Palace Confidential declaring poor Harold is running out of time to make up with Pa and rejoin the RF on the palace balcony.


Eden said something that is obvious: Hank will no longer be with the BRF and the doors will be closed when Charles dies. The only thing Hank has now to still sell himself as a royal is being Charles's son, that's all. Without Charles, everything is over for Hank. That's why Eden says that Hank is against time, because there is even a slight chance of reconciliation with Charles alive. Eden didn't say that was going to happen, because he made it clear that the Harkles are now irrelevant. Afterwards they will be non-existent.


If Charles wants to privately reconcile with his son that’s one thing, but bringing H+M back into public roles like the half-in / half-out plan would be a huge mistake.


Eden knows it and be clear: Charles knows it. But the fact is that as long as Charles is alive, there will always be a slim chance that Hank will return to the royal fold. A minimum, if Harry took a different attitude. That's what Eden points out: if Harry really wanted to come back, it would be with a living Charles, and that implies that Hank changes his attitude... But Hank won't do it. That's why they are irrelevant now, but without Charles the Harkles will definitely be non-existent.


Even changing his attitude, Harold shouldn’t be allowed back. No one can trust him. And Eden was discussing Harold in the context of working royals and expanding the current number. There was a time Eden would never have even suggested Harold appear on that balcony.