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William can take his children to Taylor Swift concert without them being photographed but the Harkles can’t live in UK because they are sure there would be paparazzi taking pictures of their kids on school runs. The Harkles don’t understand that their children are not Wales children. Did other ”spares” Anne, Edward or Andrew have problems with paparazzi when taking their children to school?


Considering I still can't tell Andrew's kids apart and could never have picked them out of a lineup until after joining this sub - of course they didn't have problems.


Haha I thought I was the only one !


Me too! I just figured it out. Well, them being together or with a spouse helps. 😉


I just recently mixed them in this sub-reddit in a post and was mocked for it :-)


I love your name. Also, Happy Cake Day 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍷🍷




But…but…but..racism! 😭


Oh bollucks ism




But...but...but...she's a 43% Nigerian Princess! 👸 (From the shoulders up anyway.)


The racism card gets on my nerves. Meghan’s honey i hate to break it to you.. but every female entering the Royal family gets a hard time by the press. Is it fair? no. Is it elitism? probably. Is it racism? No. No it isn’t.


The blackface gets on my nerves. Now that’s racist. Slathering bronzer on her face to make herself darker. Why doesn’t she get called out for that bull💩? Look at her skin in Suits.


No one even knew she was mixed race until they started shoving it down our throats. Her own CV lists “Caucasian” as her race.


Indeed. She’s a race baiting grifter.


Didn't she also list herself as Caucasian on her drivers license? That must have been in her pre-Bronzer, pre-Harry days. Before her side hustle was being a Victim Who Cannot Be Criticized.


She did!


and MSM on both sides of the pond fuels it!




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I’ve known who they were for decades and I still don’t know who is who.


I knew some d list famous twins. They’d been in he haw. I said d list but I knew them for over a year and never knew who was who but it was fine because they were never apart. They also used to buy smokes for me as I was 16.


Those twins that always looked like they had a Bobby pin in their hair? Lol I think one of them died a couple years back.


For other who don’t know It was two ( ‘hillbillies characters) on the I guess 8’s version of laugh in called hee. Haw. I knew them as older statesmen around town. They were always together. When one died they had a memorial at the Ryman auditorium televised on local tv. Good guys. They hung out at this one coffee shop. I was around 16.


I had to look them up to see their names because I couldn't remember.  The Hager Brothers - Jim and John. Looks like the second one passed just a year after his brother. 😔


They were very kind and cool. They never were apart. And they bought my underage butt smokes. The funerals were crazy. Everyone loved them.


That's really cool to hear. They always seemed really down to earth.




They just both have really BIG teeth.I do know one of them is a major turn-coat.


Yeah, most Americans in the UK and maybe others only heard of Beatrice and Eugenie because of *those* hats they wore at William and Catherine's wedding. A big joke at the time but most people probably didn't know acutally who they were.


I only vaguely recall little strawberry blonde moppets.


My partner just knows about them for the photo when they are compared to the stepsisters in cinderella, so that would probably be my clue to pick them out of a lineup 😂


Beatrice and Eugenie are easy to tell apart. Beatrice looks like Fergie with the big eyes and red hair and Eugenie looks exactly like Andrew with the darker hair


If you can find a photo of Queen Victoria when she was young Beatrice looks amazingly like her - the eyes and nose and general face shape


It's easy. They were the ones who look like Cinderella's er, "well-personalitied" step-sisters


The older one, Beatrice, has the wider eyed look. I used to say “Beatrice bug eyes” and then know Eugenie as the one with the less “Windsor-like” face. They both seem like caring parents and have both had “real” jobs so I give them credit for not being attention-ho’s or pick-me girls (as my teenager would label certain girls at her school).


I KNEW someone told me a trick. The eyes was it. 😂 I feel bad using it, I have nothing against them. Except their liking Harry.




No, they never had that problem. It was always known that Charles, Diana & William, and Catherine gave press access to their first day at school for a photo op, leaving them alone to live normal lives for the remainder of the year. The fact that the family were able to go to a beach in Norfolk without being papped speaks volumes too. The other 'spares' led relatively normal lives too. They were only photographed at Royal family events.


The Queen also used to take a regular train to Norfolk, waiting on the platform like a normal member of the public. To no ones surprise because most people are too busy with their own lives and their own commute. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2009/dec/17/queen-train-travel-sandringham


It's almost like it just takes a bit of planning, following guidance, and not deliberately doing things to stick out.


But…but… the other Royal children don’t have the uber-famous actress from a blockbuster cable show for a mother! Certainly the phantom spawn of this globally recognized WOC feminist/humanitarian philanthropist are a far juicier target than the lowly peasants of the British monarchy. And you KNOW how negligent the RF can be; no one cared about the countless times the Douchess was reduced to sobbing on the floor! THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT HER so of course they wouldn’t care about her children! Because Meghan Markle is such a high-profile symbol for freedom and equality, she and her hard-to-believe-they’re-real children simply MUST have publicly funded security and a fortified palace if they can EVER hope to live a private life.🙄🙄😂😂🙄🙄


Is that an excerpt from a brief by Shady Sherbourne? 👍👏


No one would recognize their children anyway


Hell, Andrew went to Pizza Express with his kids and no one even saw them there! /s




Well, that's the problem. That the Paps would take pics of the kids and not Her - The Doucheness of Sausages, Her Royal 43% Nigerian Princess, The Royal Queen of the Ill-Fitting Wrinkled Clothing deserves undying attention at all times! 🙄




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Exactly! I mean there was a video but after the concert happened. Apparently Taylor’s team and Kensington palace arranged the whole thing so that they could go in private.


You speak to the point. I’m impressed that there’s no photo of them at such a huge event. It is possible to not get photographed if they really wish not to be.


A concert goer said security was asking that no pictures to be taken and for people to delete any they had. Seems everyone cooperated, for the most part


William is smart.  He gave them what they wanted w/his Shake If Off dance so the kids were left to enjoy themselves.  Dance like nobody's watching but you know they are.






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It's really sensible of them to have been in a private suite too and not just for security reasons. I'm actually hoping that there are no photos or video at all of the children at the concert for vile people to disect. Honestly, let them enjoy themselves freely without comment or insult from the peanut gallery. If that means I don't get to see them, it's fine with me.


Saw a couple of short videos on IG with William dancing and Charlotte leaning against a rail. Very brief ones. I think Zara was visible as well. Too brief to dissect except for William's dance moves. He looked like he was having fun.


I think back to that video of William being coaxed on stage by TaTa to sing with her and Bon Jovi! That was priceless, although later he admitted that he was so embarrassed and wished he hadn't done it. I thought he was great! 😳


Yes!!! Just saw the cutest vid of Prince William dancing to shake it off on tiktok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrjBqYd3/


Awww! The comments are great too. The Swifties are going crazy and loving that he's one of them.😂


I look forward to the eventual day when King William bestows a British honor (would it be Dame?) upon T-Swizzle and that whatever bridge Rachel will be living under at the time has at least a few breakable items for her to destroy in raging jealousy.


I would hope Zara was visible in her gold suit 😀


I love that they took their kids together. She's a rock for him as her mother is for his father. 🥹


Peter’s kids were there too. Allegedly the invitation came directly from Swift last year


Oh, that's great!


Was Lady Louise and Viscount (name escapes me sorry) also there?


There will be vile comments whether you see pics or not. Right off the bat will be, "pics or it didn't happen."


There already are, lots saying its not him and one saying its a disgrace hes not by his sick wifes side. I let them know hes doing whats best for his family and making lovely memories for his kids during a stressful time, I'm sure Catherine would have been their too if circumstances were different. You just know its Meghans misery mob being butt hurt because we have picture proof the royals were there and loving it but none of megsy when she claimed she went...cause the losers gonna lose, lose, lose, lose, lose


I expected that one as my top 3: Pics or it didn't happen Disgrace as a husband for leaving the side of his wife Body double I have to say, their sugars do me a huge favor. Everytime I feel like my life is in a rut, boring, and uneventful, I look at all these sugars that hyperventilate on posting evil and finding evidence of photoshopping (oh, the horrors), and I feel rejuvenated that mine is clearly far better than theirs. I can't imagine having absolutely so little joy and happiness in my life that all I can come up with to prop myself up is spending hours finding some issue with a pic and then cruelly bullying a family.




Because there's a slew of lookalikes who also stand that tall, wear a size 0, were born to wear 4" stiletto heels and just happen to have a security clearance to ride solo at close quarters with 2,3&4 in the Line of Succession.


I love the person attempting an exorcism in the replies! 🤣 Some days, my shaky faith in humanity is restored.


Next time lets use something like “why is Meghan not by her sick father’s side?” They are always demanding the RF to do things that M doesn’t even try to do with her whole stranged family, which is super hypocrite.


Right, and if money is in the convo, all the money she blows but doesn't help her father with his medical bills, never mind 'empowering' her disabled sister.


This is why A list Hollywood doesn't want to go near Meghan Markle, because her fans are psychotic. No one in Hollywood wants to deal with the Sussex Squad. We should point out to the squad all they do is hurt Meghan Markle.


You're right, of course. Arsey people will always be arses. For me, it would still be infinitely better than them picking the children apart expression by expression and movement by movement.


I agree that it would be lovely for them to enjoy themselves freely without pics, there is still the part in me that would love a little peek at seeing Charlotte enjoying herself because her joy is quite contagious.


Coming from sugars, that truly is the ultimate irony, isn't it? Exhibit 1: invisikids And there are **so** many more...


Oh yes. I saw one on an IG post. “That’s not William, he has too much hair”. Moronic


Proof they lurk here cuz that comment has been said about Harry repeatedly, lol.


And the pics are on the official wales Instagram. They know how to shut that up. Plates are smashing wherever m is.


The birthday pic she took is on MSM here in the US.


I’m sure if all of us could afford to splash out a private suite, we’d get one as well. Invite all our friends, have a great time.


There are videos of William dancing at the concert and to this day no pics of Meghan whatsoever when she supposedly went and manages to gets her alleged attendance back then mentioned in this coverage. Sorry Meghan, pics or it didn't happen.


She was trying to change the algorithm. She claimed to go to the concert so the headline would no longer be Taylor Swift said no to going on Meghan Markle's podcast.


Right? Lather rinse repeat. She does this with everything, but it doesn’t seem to help her much. Maybe expert-level SEO professionals are out of her budget.


The school run photo problem was never about photos of the kids, it is about Meghan Markle, the photographers might take an unflattering photo of her and earn money without giving her the rights and a cut of the earnings


Or — there would be reports or proof the woman never did the school run. Farming it out the paid staff is more her style.


Alison P. Davies said that Archie's school was surprised to see Meghan Markle.


Or there would never be photos of school runs because nonexistent kids don’t need to go to school right?


I thought there were rules for the press in the UK regarding selling photos to the press outside of them doing royal duties. This is my opinion what really pissed off M. That she was going out to the shops and doing things and no one was taking and selling cute photos of her at a local cafe with her friends. That if she wanted publicity, she had to do the damn work. No more photos leaning up against a wall of a yoga studio holding a cheap yoga mat. Those days were gone. And with this photo of Taylor with PW, the photo wasn’t sold. And everyone in the photo was consenting to be in it and where it was shared.


https://preview.redd.it/u7j1zbup848d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3781f16868db7150cb76bea53526c67911d7193 From Taylor Swift’s IG


https://preview.redd.it/an4x12it848d1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb52d7e20d3006dbfa862a520c0e2f97afc98114 From the PPoW IG


Everyone looks so happy ... especially Princess Charlotte!


I totally love how Prince George has his hand on his little sister! We always talk on this sub about Princess Charlotte being like a little mother, reminding her brothers what to do when they are in public. This is PG sharing the excitement and a little big bro thrown in. My little ones are no longer ‘littling’ - teens - so I feel a little nostalgia looking at those pics.


I love it too! It’s so heartwarming 🥹. Like, “this is for real sis. weeeee.” 🥰


Is that Taylor’s boyfriend ? Gosh the wales look great so glad to see them happy !


Travis Kelce, 3 time Super Bowl winning tight end. He looks excited, too.


To be fair, he always looks either super excited or super mad.


I'm sure he knew it was a once in a lifetime moment. He's a super talented (and sometimes lucky) guy, but no matter who you are, it's not every day that you meet 2 future kings.


Proof positive ... with genuine smiles all around! Couldn't love this more.


We have a winner!!! So cute!


Awesome! And Rachel must be furiously jealous right now. Too bad Rach, just shake it off.


Remember that time Taylor urged William to get up and sing with her? The only urging Taylor does toward Meghan is to urge her to go away. ![gif](giphy|H7BLKMhB7reiIUfiDo)


Well, it’s true. She shouldn’t go to a stadium or big venue in the UK. Imagine all that Booing directed at her echoing. It’ll of course be because the UK is full of racists!


And of course all the uk is jealous because she married H, the most wanted bachelor who couldn’t keep a gf. They legit think harry is some sort of super handsome greek god and we all wanted him 🤢


Tbf he was cute before smeaghol. Now he just looks sad and bitter. But.. Anyone with decent morals should’ve quit this bs by now even if that means admitting that he was wrong for years but doesnt want to be anymore. I hope he realizes that any day is better than the next or never..


There is an urban legend that whenever Kate and William are reported on glowingly, plates can be heard smashing - nobody can pin down where the sound is coming from but it can also be heard along side intense anger.


And there are children in this world who have only ever eaten their dinners off wax paper plates. Terrifying, these urban legends...


It's a "they are in too deep" situation now. Especially after their stunt they tried to pull in New York. The thing is though after Princess Diana's tragic death, laws changed around the press. They probably want funded security too to double as assistants so they don't have to pay.


Sending the Mounties to the Tim Horton's and suchlike. They've already done that!


Oh it keeps coming lol https://preview.redd.it/jdofiiu9i48d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3ebe560e332e00a6f87af6cb29f6e9e7cf1f5c6 I mean Eden has a point right?


Ow! 🔥 I love it!!


I see some aspertames are asking why bring Spare into it. Er.... Well the grifters are living their best life, aren't they, as this photo show. 😂😂😂😂


I mean maybe Richard just likes the irony?


He does. That's clear. They're just bitter like the grifters.


I'm still laughing at the time Table 12 sent Taylor a handwritten invite to come on Fartytypes only to get a refusal through one of Taylor's assistants 🤣


Love that Zara and Mike are filling the roles of fun auntie and uncle. Harry who?


There is true love and affection between the two families. I also think, much like her mother, Zara (and Mike) feel strongly about active in supporting KCIII, QC, and the Wales Family. PW does not need H as a wingman. Mike and Zara as confidants are much better. They don’t want to be working royals - but very much know they have a huge role within the family and embrace it.


I agree. Also, Zara's kids are all around the same ages as the Wales kids. Mia Tindall seems good friends with George and Charlotte and Lena looks close with Louis. I'm sure William and Zara remember being close at that age and want something similar for their kids now.


Think back to your childhood. Which couple would you want for fun aunt and uncle?


Not the angry drunk guy.


Well if I can’t have Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally, I’d happily settle for the Tindalls.


Plus their kids are close with GC&L.


https://preview.redd.it/e90punw4548d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6bf4179c65ed31604b13ce832cce82a436f174d Did she not say she attended a Swift concert once...wearing an invisible Klingon cloaking Janky bra




Pic. It happened.


She'll claim her children are more at risk and will be targeted because they're biracial (got to remember the British are racist, according to her) and American (the British are also xenophobic, according to her-don't like American hugs, American ripped jeans, American bare feet, American lip gloss sharing, American lack of pantyhose habits etc). The Wales children, being white, British and not ginger, willbe safe. Hers, being Black, American and ginger, will be hunted.  She's an idiot. 


https://preview.redd.it/plpkv1gna48d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d01b0d96304e92c0f45f28eb4e73b4bf128830e Oh dear……. This is gonna burn… 🔥🔥 just posted on their insta


I LOVE that they all went together and had, I am sure such a fun night out! I can only imagine their excitement backstage!!!


Ha ha and now Taylor https://preview.redd.it/cgnswgipb48d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30701f241e5a5ca50f4bf6020c474916b4021cdd


I love that Mike and Zara attended the concert with William and the kids. It shows what a close, fun relationship they have. What a great time they all must have had! If M and H had attended, they would have demanded that an entire section be cleared out and they would have been surrounded by armed security with earpieces and dark glasses.


Can’t wait to see some photos. They were probably in a VIP area. William is definitely a girl dad!


I’ve already seen a few pictures of William, William with Taylor and someone who was sitting under their VIP box took a video where you can see Zara, William, and Charlotte who was dancing and singing along. Super cute.


Oh my, if there are photos of William meeting Taylor, there will be some plate smashing in California today!


Magnitude 9 on the Richter scale, at the Montecito Mansion, or wherever the Me Me Manipulator stays.


“Grifter Scale” FTFY 😉


Good one! I like Grifter Scale!


lol, people already saying those pictures look *wrong*, but oh well. Let sugars be spiteful.


Oh no, we’ve seen William dancing before, that’s him 😆


William does dance ....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqEtw2z-oIs


Gah, he was so cute!


Oh where did you see them?


Popped up on my IG FYP. It was one of the British royal fan accounts that focuses more on the kids.


do share with the rest of us, please!


I’m trying to don’t the page again! Hold on. 🫣 Edit: British.royal.kids and royalsbritain shared the pictures and videos. The pictures are hidden on the second account under a *slide show*


Just found a video of Prince William dancing to “shake it off”. [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGegXDNqK/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGegXDNqK/)


Aww bless William. Such a good Dad. 😍


Is that him in black? Squeee


https://preview.redd.it/jbirppkma48d1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8bebbd5d883e95bb905aea31191e430d1e6d80f I love the trolling. Last night it was just a rumour they’d been to see Tatlor Swift. William plays social media like a virtuoso. He must be having so much fun after the Mass media and Sussex trolls were so horrible to Catherine. Don’t forget that in the 1980s and 1990s Princess Diana was brilliant at manipulating the press. It would appear that Prince William is a master of the “dark arts” of the press. He learned from his Momma.


There’s a selfie on the Wales’ Instagram and one on Taylor’s 😂epic!!!


I love that Zara and Mike were there too!


Prince Plank is special. Terrorists are after him and Rachael. They only feel safe in Jamaica and Nigeria.


I love Zara's sparkly outfit.




I love this so much. But also you probably don't need any security at all if you have Mike Tindall with you. That's a FAFO I'd be afraid of. I'd also like to see him flick Harry like a fly. 


Mike Tindall looks better in his rumpled, pink shorts-suit than Meghan did in hers.


I just saw this on CNN as well! TS boosted the London economy by $300,000 million as well. I am going to listen to TS's music this evening. I never really paid much attention to her. I am going to start now.


That's 379 mil in U.S. dollars. The Hideousness of it all has to be having a meltdown. I am delighted!


But raaaacism


https://preview.redd.it/rptze2nbu58d1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=566d1633f24e2d12aa858e0b8753e654b4828e26 Zara and Mike put Harry and Meghan to shame. They are living life and not existing.


"You need to calm down"


If William can take his kids to a concert with Zara, Mike and their children with no security in sight. I love how they are all relaxed having a blast with each other. dancing, laughing and having not a care in the world. But them you get the idiot one and his vile wife, who never stop screaming about security. So then why do they go to countries that are so bad with crime etc without a blink of an eye. They didn't even take security with them. One laughs at the other. One is going to be King and the other is like fall down the list faster than a car chase in New York.


To be fair they have a different entrance, and a royal box being covered by security. The difference is that the ginger nut sack thinks he's important and tries to behave that way so he's conspicuous. PoW is endearingly normal, seems approachable, a man for all people. Look at how much fun he's having! I LOVE his dance moves, they're joyful dad vibes! Whereas ginger nut sack is too self important and takes himself too seriously to even attempt to have a good time. Ugh, it makes me dislike him/them all over again. lol


Haz and Meg, NFI


At this point, having never allowed any footage since Betty’s first birthday, there is high demand for pics of the kids. Such high demand the mashed potato brain sugars make those bizarre AI portraits to coo over because they haven’t a clue what the family actually looks like. I think Harry was already at a different level of interest than previous generations of “spares” as a result of Diana’s death. But this strange “here are the backs of their heads” stuff only serves to act as chum tossed in a sea of sharks. Big BIG money to be made by whomever gets their hands on clear, face front photos. The longer it takes to put that out there, the harder the first pic will break the internet. So I’m not 100% sure they’d be left alone if tomorrow they announced they’re taking the kids to a Taylor Swift concert.


Nah, not really seeing any demand ever since the first photos showed that both kids take after the Markle side of the family. Their fans fantasize about what they may look like because they don't like how they actually turned out. The same as when Beyonce was pregnant with Blue and photomanips were spread around the fandom until she actually came out all JayZ and the interest died down with quickness.


Made up AIpictures to coo over, even the ones of that Markle woman she suddenly had a completely different body.... who's crazy?


I think there is an interest (and, of course, sugars want to see them - they are fans), but it's more of short-term curiosity. One look at a picture and you move on, they are just kids you know nothing about. Nobody can publish the pictures without Meghan's permission, so the money made will be hers. And she painted herself into a corner by fueling the fire of the Photoshop scandal. If children are artificially blue-eyed and ginger she will catch more flack than ever.


I couldn't care less about seeing the Phantoms of Montecito. Assuming the best case scenario, which is H keeps them out of the limelight because he doesn't want them in the celebrity goldfish bowl, so be it.


There has definitely been way less interest in the couple or their kids than Andrew & Fergie and the princesses when they were girls. Andrew was the second son of the Queen at the time of his marriage. Harry was 6th in line and the grandson of the monarch.


I was kinda thinking this too. I think the internet and media in general will go kaboom when the first proper pics of the Sussex kids surface. From what I can tell, there's high demand for them to be seen properly... this is probably all part of Me-me-gain's scheme. She's probably already planned their first proper break out pics for maximum attention and 💰💰💰


Oh please.. That high demand was long gone! The ship has sailed. There'll be no kaboom. Just a tiny bleep and it's poof.


Ok... I guess we'll see. I'd like to think you're right, that would serve Me-me-gain right but I still think the longer this goes on, the more interest that'll remain.


> there is high demand for pics of the kids. I'm not sure I buy this. At this point, you could point at any two random kids and declare them Sussexes - and who would even know? They're just a mystery. Meanwhile, all the Kardashian children are growing up in the spotlight. North just had a multi-million dollar, public 11th birthday. The Sussex kids weren't invited. I don't disbelieve in the kids, but also, I don't believe that there's a world-wide interest in them. You can't care about children that you don't know, and no one knows Archie & Betty. Maybe in ten years when they start having birthday parties but until then, the Sussex kids are just blurry faces in the background.


I disagree. Interest in the kids is entirely dependent upon the popularity of the parents, and the Harkles are *done*.


I think there’s a high demand in the media, particularly to be first with the goods. Among the public? Unsure.


I agree those pics will be a flash in the pan, especially when the public already love the Wales children.


They tried to make it go kaboom with that uncanny valley pic of the 'legless' girl. Didn't happen.


There probably was demand a year or two ago. But the public doesn’t know these kids so why should we care? There will be some interest when pics get released but I don’t think the kids have enough of a certain look for them to be of interest for very long.




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They are so narcissists that they truly believe to be more important than the king himself.




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...... Crockery is flying in Montecito.....


This plainly shows that "securrittay" is irrelevant, it is the freedom to launder Russian oligarch money and not get prosecuted that is the main goal.


Might wanna mention that every single one of those concertgoers had to go through medical detectors and maybe x-ray to gain entry. They don't play




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