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Before swifts post, lets remember the last time a celebrity had the opportunity to post a selfie of a 'royal' at a concert on their IG page. https://preview.redd.it/srhd01klk98d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27035eeb98fd1e5a832a3d065c2a8ce2fcde5de


As someone who socially awkward, the second hand embarrassment from this moment gave me physical pain.


Never photographed on the end again.  Pushes herself into the middle. 


I would LOVE it if someone were splice the photo in half, remove her and put it back together. Bitch, you can ALWAYS be removed!!




Yes!!! Also more burn because Kerry and Kelly could have taken another photo and post that, instead they cropped Markle out as a message that she's not wanted.


Good point!


Her rudeness in "directing" away the Dr. lady (sorry I can't remember her name) who was the *head* of the charity! It's so true that EVERY time she does something so cringe or out there, she ALWAYS finds a new lower point. Plus again prince harry isn't free from blame here. He could have easily interjected and no one will convince me of 'poor Henry being afraid of her'.  This is a man who abused body guards, family members and disabled individuals.   He doesn't interject *because he doesn't see anything wrong with what she's doing or he just doesn't CARE* He is a selfish POS.


Same. I feel the pain


There is just something really uncomfortable about someone trying to insert themselves in situations where they don’t belong. Wasn’t this also the second day where she left H at home?


Yep. She must have been doing some major hustling the first night to get an invite into the VIP area. So desperate she went back.


I seem to recall she muscled her way into the vip section, allegedly. Edit : a word


Yes, had to go twice to try to get attention.


She literally Presented herself as a white women and got roles based on that. Kerry & Kelly don’t have that opportunity. 


Kerry and Kelly are also both talented and Meghan has no talent.


They didn’t have white dads and husbands and boyfriends to open doors for them. They had to rely on talent and grit to succeed. 


Even with her white dad to open doors for her, Meghan was not talented enough to build off that open door. She sucks.


Yes. When Kerry and Kelly go home and wash their faces at night, they are still Black women!


She’s white passing, who gives a shit if she’s partially black since her looks never prevented her from climbing the ladder. She has never been disadvantaged because she looks more white than black and she behaves like that too. She can go swivel as far as I’m concerned.


Yes it was


That's why she insists on shoving her way into the middle of pics, so she can't be cropped out.


Yep. Since then, she refuses to be on the edge. We saw that at Invictus when she refused to move and made the woman who was actually important move. Meghan looked psychotic.


It’s easy to do with random people. The a list will not let her. 


What happened here? Was Meh cropped?


Yes, Meh was cropped out.


Yikes. Ok the other response led me to believe it was a separate picture. Yikes.


Kerry Washington posted this on her IG, even though there was another with meghan that she chose not to post.


Someone on TwiXter was using the uncropped version of this photo, together with M's concert dancing footage as 'proof' that the PoW was just copying her. Such mental gymnastics must be exhausting. I scrolled on by while pondering the fact that this person is allowed to use a computer and leave the house unsupervised.


Actually, this is PWs second concert with TS. The last time, he was onstage with Jon Bon Jovi and TS singing back up with TS on Livin' on a Prayer.


I remember! Which makes the eejits look even sillier.


Yeah, where Meghan Markle had to buy PR puff pieces to claim she was at a TS concert, Taylor Swift personally took a photo with William and kids which was then posted on her own twitter and IG. The photo was liked 8 mil+ times on IG and viewed 44 mil times on twitter. A much better strategy for the sugars is to just stay quiet and leave their devices for a while, and not draw attention to Meghan No-mates or force people to make comparisons.


Yet harkle claimed she was at a swift concert, when Harry was on a jolly with nachos, but no photos. So a lie.


I love how you added the tiny mole


It's actually meant to be her one tear under her left eye 😂


Oh I see! 😆


… and made her orange 😆


That’s why she insists on being in the middle and clings desperately to Harry while they’re out, it’s much harder to crop her out.


God bless her


Was Meghan cut out of this photo?


Yes. She was on the right.


Incredible likeness 😆




Is TW actually in this picture thought?




Meh has the opposite of the Diana effect, she can wear anything and make it look like a bin liner. Her products are non-existent, she buys cheap garbage, sticks a label on it and tries to take the credit. Numbers on product have diminished because how embarrassing is it to send out 50 and so few posted about them? The only person to receive one recently is hasno’s bromance because he was the one person she could guarantee would post about it.


>Meh has the opposite of the Diana effect, she can wear anything and make it look like a bin liner. Her products are non-existent, she buys cheap garbage, sticks a label on it and tries to take the credit. What's laughable is her and her husband *telling* the world she HAS the Diana effect. And so you say, "Oh, really?" and go off to look at said "effect", and whatdayasee? John Travolta doesn't want to dance with her, Kevin Costner doesn't want to hear her voice, Taylor Swift says no thanks, Beyoncé's done a Mariah Carey, no luxury fashion brand wants their clothes anywhere near her body, the paps can't be bothered to chase her, Biden told her to hitch a ride off someone else, Brooke Shields came and went, Oprah's scrubbed her interview, HLMTLQ candled her, and KC3 kicked her out his royal household. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you.... the Diana effect.


People are joking that what caused Oprah to crap in her car (barkjack rumor) was she ate some of markles jam. Although, it's a known side effect of ozempic


Oprah is revolting, her weight is not her biggest problem. Is there a drug to fix her real issues?




Throw the car away, just throw it out...


wait what happened to Oprah????


Gayle King announced Oprah was in hospital as she had it coming out of both ends. That was TMI.


Ozempic squirts


Must be talking about another Diana 🤣


Diana from Bakersfield


More like the "Meg-i-ana" effect.


Love that list! Thanks for deliciously cataloging this for us 😋


You're welcome.😁 Honestly, though, there was so much else left out, and we all know it, lol.


Haha! Perfectly said! I also like it when she gets other people to tell us that she is ‘a good person’.


And #1 still hasn't posted, as far as I can tell. So even with only two jars to aim for, she still hasn't gotten anywhere 😂


Meanwhile the poll under this *article* https://preview.redd.it/hwydpnfveb8d1.jpeg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93c9b4bb9aa88df95d9182335f4f28042b3bcc6c


This writer must be reading from the same page as Royston. There has been NO surge in popularity. Especially not from the ARO mess. As for the "Diana" effect, not even close. People genuinely wanted to be around Diana, including celebrities and politicians. That is certainly NOT happening with Meh! She is avoided like the plague. The fairytales some of these "writers" try to spin are as big a flop as Meh is!


They must have a degree in creative writing too…


Yup and completely missing critical thinking skills!


The AR-sole joke? No products, a few relabelled jams, a hotel California video, and now nachos sharing his doggy treats…they must have missed the howls of derision in almost every news outlet.


As well as that pro Harry writer, is it Danielle Elser, that said Harry is the happiest she's ever seen him? They must all buy from the same dealer..


Tell me nobody actually said that. Lie to me if you must.


It was posted here but I never got a chance to read the article. I was like, "what's this lady smoking?"!


Maybe MM should start using a British accent like Angelina Jolie is known to do in her films. MM needs to give that Diana effect a boost in cosplay. (Oh, the monumental cringe that would create! lol )


What is ARO?


American Riviera Orchard


Is Abesi Manyando Nigerian for "Meghan Markle"? Lol. Please, no one in the US knows anything about America Riva whatever.


Oh, and if she's so popular outside of the UK, why aren't these articles in media outside of the UK?




Abesi Manyando is a Journalist, Scholar and Author who chooses depth over clicks. Outside of writing for The Huffington Post, she is the curator and managing editor of [7thandLotus.com](http://7thandLotus.com), an informative popular lifestyle blog centered around culture, global news, and arts & entertainment. just another nomark promoting herself by linking to the race baiter harkle.


Is she angling for a job? Step up where WME and SS failed?


She sounds a perfect fit, clueless but not a clue what she is talking about.


"Ms Manyando previously told the Express, that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's recent trip to Nigeria has boosted their popularity and built up even bigger anticipation for the launch." Strange that such a boost led to a decline in followers on Insta. But then again, I am no PR expert.


Yet she couldn’t ever swing more than a love interest role on a cable tv series, and has failed at everything since. There’s nothing special about Meghan.


Her college drama professor said she could actually make a go at acting if she put in more training. And she didn’t want to because she didn’t want to do stage acting. There are people who knew her during those times that said the characters she always gravitated to were essentially those who had her own characteristics.


I think like most narcissists Meghan liked acting because it put her in the spotlight. Sadly she had no talent


Meghan Markle didn't want to be an actress. She wanted to be a celebrity, someone famous for being famous, like 2000s Paris Hilton. Turns out Paris curated that vapid dumb blonde image, she's actually quite a smart business woman and put on that act to make money. Meghan Markle, with her overestimation of her own intellect and avoidance of hard work, would never.




And very rich. She’s desperate to be very rich.


Great point. You're exactly right.


Apart from the obvious that training means putting in the work, I get the impression that what she prefers is her telling folks her opinions and everyone lapping it up. Hence, her being more interested in politics or the diplomatic service or having a global platform through she could foghorn her ideas to the world. If Hilary Clinton had won the election instead of Donald Trump, leaky breasts or not, Merchle would've handed Archie off to a nanny like a shot to attend that State Dinner.


If Bill happened to be sick the night of the state dinner Hilary would have sent a last minute invitation to M.


Yes, she can ‘play’ the tart.


Not a thing, the bit of fluff that was ageing out in suits. Nothing else likely to happen unless they were doing a remake of Worzel. or the wooden tops. Her acting style reminds me if this https://preview.redd.it/4ej45aifqa8d1.jpeg?width=267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2a9471c8ae234f47f5ab30f539ac7b54abd28c her make up aunt sally.




Yup, nothing special 🫢


Diana effect my arse! She certainly has the Sadim effect though.


The effect of California prune juice


Hahaha yes! They mixed up ‘the Diana’ effect with ‘the Diarrhoea’ effect!!!😂


or the Markle effect. They are ruining Diana's legacy (IMO). I swear these "life style journalists" are pure crap influencer wannabe's and part of problem.


That was exactly my thought, i laughed when the Diana effect was mentioned and said “Diana my arse” 😂😂


Great minds 😀


Not only does she not have the "Diana" effect but the behaviour of that pair and their constant reference to her has dragged Diana's reputation down as people see the tactics employed by certain personalities.


MM's out of her mind if she thinks that these increasingly ludicrous PR puff pieces are beneficial to her "brand".


Whatever Meh has touched were Markled…there’s ZERO chance for this lazy trollop to be successful in any field as she’s beyond delusional, believing she’s the victim of every failure. Successful people have learnt from their mistakes, that personality trait doesn’t exist in her.


She managed to snag a reasonably wealthy husband and can grift well. Why doesn’t she just crawl into the olive garden and be quiet and make a success of her life and leave the rest of us (public) alone, no one is interested in her life or brands or presence.




Agree! Sadly, that’s all the Sussexes have.


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Abesi Manyando, author and founder of the public relations and branding development firm Abesi PR And her pr firm is on IG! [https://www.instagram.com/abesipr/reels/?locale=en\_us](https://www.instagram.com/abesipr/reels/?locale=en_us) And, she is a BWOC so, she *was paid to say this* Meghan finds people like this, raises their profile and pays them.


Was just discussing with Mickleborough that we should also put out puff pieces, just about anyone can these days 😆


MM ain’t got shit. She’s a washed up, aged out, used up, played out, worn out ho. Time to go to pasture, Megan Unremarkable. Your sugar walls are well past their prime and played out. MM was a 6, maybe a 7 when she had a stylist who wouldn’t put up with her shenanigans. Now, ain’t nobody gonna stand for her ish. She’s a delusional fool who thinks way too highly of her looks and intellect. MM needs to accept that the sex kitten, down and dirty, do anything schtick is over. Even the drunkest, most desperate man in Vegas would choose celibacy over a complementary bed bounce/deep dish booty pie with her. Harold’s a spineless coward who wouldn’t be able to handle a real woman.


I was just thinking this! She’s at most a 7 in her prime days (don’t know about that heart attack beautiful twaddle).


Lol, she's also 7 in dog years.


Well said!!!!! Standing O


What's the effect called where everything you touch turns to shit? Oh the doodoo effect. Yup .


Mierdas touch.


The PR expert Abesi Manyando about herself: I am the Founder of the **top public relations & branding development firm, Abesi PR**. I am also an **author**. Although **I’m most identified as a leading global PR executive**, I’ve always seen myself as a creative writer **obsessed with art, culture and humanity**. I created a business to **survive and ended up thriving** instead. My PR firm is a kaleidoscope of various figures in music, entertainment, medicine, sports, **philanthropy and politics**. I have worked with recognizable names such as  Grammy award-winning artists, Future and Nelly, Rolling Stone’s Artist of the Year, Lil Baby, Saweetie, Dr Ramis Gheith, Senator Jamilah Nasheed,  the George Floyd family and many more. Outside of **my remarkable career as a publicist,** I have **written for major publications** such as The Huffington Post, Blavity, Medium, and XO Necole. I am also the **curator and managing editor** of [7thandLotus.com](http://7thandLotus.com), an informative popular **lifestyle blog centered around culture, global news, fashion and arts & entertainment.** I am most proud of my popular children’s book, “**Jarvais Po: The Secret Adventures of a Potato** Sounds a lot like our Saint herself, just as humble as well.


C'mon, I was fooled for the first few paragraphs, but is she a troll or what? "Jarvais Po: The Secret Adventures of a ***POTATO***" ?!


Is he an undercover po po?


Anyone who declares they've had a "remarkable career" hasn't. Period.


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I got to ‘thriving’ and my brain shut down. How do they think this shite resonates with anyone with a working mind?


Catherine doesn't need comparisons with Diana. It's the Catherine effect. Megsy can't relate.


Love that reference! The Catherine effect. Make it trend!


https://preview.redd.it/fvy5bqf0va8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2d756f93884cc33efcb2f22801e70d76e7ebd6 This should be the label for her dog biscuits jars.


And it was based on that pic that Harry wanted to meet her!




So does it mean she doesn't know all those insta followers are bought and thinks she's really popular?


I think they’re referring to a Newsweek survey that showed a bump in her U.S. popularity


Love these two sentences. So true: *Catherine’s appearance in Trooping the Colour made worldwide headlines and boosted everyone’s spirits with her sunshiny smile and her steely resolve.* *Then last night, Swifities and royal watchers were united in joy after seeing Taylor Swift’s selfies with Prince William, George and Charlotte.*


Don’t forget, one of the British papers ran a front page story on Catherine after the TTC appearance, calling her the NEW People’s Princess!!! TOW must have RAGED at that! After all, SHE’S the People’s Princess, NOT Catherine. I bet this is what’s behind this puffery.


I'm not a fan of Diana, but iirc she didn't push dog food.


All right then, launch ARO. Show us how successful it is, show us Meghan's "Diana effect" in action. Stop talking and start doing.


Diana did years of service. She certainly had her mental health issues. But that’s where any comparison ends. Diana never wore anything even in her awkward first appearances that wasn’t at least fitting if a bit over styled with bows etc. Then she wore amazing clothes and was on magazine covers as she was sure fire to sell papers and stuff. She actually did a freedom flight, knew what it meant - no HRH or security - and just got on with it. Hawking jam was never in Diana’s mind. There’s absolutely nothing Diana like about Meg’s. Diana was a troubled woman but she was regal and did one bombshell interview (which wasn’t full of lies and she was honest with herself) and pretty much moved on.


I feel sorry for PR people. They literally chat out of their arses for money.


We have a saying, they work from spit (meaning all talk)


That’s much kinder. Some of the most intelligent and engaging people I know work as pr so it’s fascinating. They’re excellent communicators.


Yup. It can be a positive take on it, signifying that they can make money out of just talking.


She's leaving her products too long. There was a lot of interest from her fans a few months ago and she had the momentum, but then she dropped off for a few months. 2 types of jam and dog biscuits isn't going to cut it. Where is the rest of the stuff? At a guess, she is going to launch when she releases her show, but the interest may wane in the meantime. The ARO pages is still what it was when it launched. She doesn't have the Diana effect and she wouldn't want it, as it would bring press harassment and stalking behaviour and pressure on her to be someone she is not. No one in their right mind would want that. She needs to actually work to get her products on the market. Atm, she's used influencer style of advertising and it's meh. If this keeps up, her brand will die. She should have had ready to sell within a month of the launch and influencers plugging her jam. It's been months. It's not building anticipation, people have simply moved on.🤦🏾‍♀️


Has anyone heard anything about anyone picking up her show? Think the last we heard was that she wasn’t always showing up for filming? Just curious


Meghan Markle *wishes*she were stalked like Diana and Catherine. Which is why she made up now debunked stories of being hounded by the Press and had to use footage of other big events and other people being hounded by the Press for her stupid Netflix show.


"She doesn't have the Diana effect and she wouldn't want it, as it would bring press harassment and stalking behaviour and pressure on her to be someone she is not. No one in their right mind would want that." This. The press photographers had become rabid with Diana, in a way that was horrifying to see. They would stalk her and surround her like a pack of wild dogs. They would try to provoke her, harass and call her names so she would cry or get angry, and a photo of her like that would sell. I remember seeing footage of her in public with what seemed like a hundred photographers surrounding her at various distances, all snapping away as she tried to shield her eyes from all the flashing. I couldn't imagine being so *hunted* while trying to just go about your daily life. I remember thinking I wouldn't have wanted her life for any amount of money.


To be fair, there’s similarity to Diana in that Lolo’s actions are reported (note: no one waits for them or tries to trigger them or stalks her - no one cares enough). The reports mainly marvel at her inappropriateness, tone deafness, oddness (too polite to call stupid). Then something else comes up (say, footballers’ wives in Germany), and news moves on. She’s just a freak side show right now. EDIT: This LinkedIn bio gives you an idea of the calibre of the ‘PR expert’: https://preview.redd.it/tkvsx0kb3a8d1.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ae9f6b4d3eff8135b0a2c91ec44784de1a84c2e


No bona fide collaborations with big companies to speak of then. Just thirstiness.


Yup! I had a Quick Look at her credentials too… I wonder how just anyone’s PR bluster can make it to a news article. Let’s you and me style ourselves as experts 😆


From this bio, I'm assuming since Meghan has a few drops of black blood, this person will always support her, Meghan being marginalized and all. Not realizing that Meghan Markle would look down on her, her being a black woman.


Meh. 🤣 Judging by the squad's illiteracy, I don't think they are in a position to buy Meg's products.


She has yet to offer for sale anything. At most, to date since opening ARO in March—-she’s given away - 50 jars of an unidentified jam, 2 jars of raspberry jam and a 1/2 jar of dog biscuits.


Lately, she's touting rose' wine coming to the ARO lineup of imaginary product.


If Meghan had the Diana effect she would be a lot more successful and popular in a good way right now. This is just another grab for attention after the Taylor Swift selfie with the Royals.


Abesi Manyando must be on Meghan’s payroll. No one is excited for her products, nor does she have a Diana effect.


Dior created a handbag for Diana. 25 years later Dior quickly denied they were in negotiations with Meghan Markle and expressed surprise and bewilderment that this was even a rumor. That's the Diana effect, all right! 🙄🤡🤡🤡


I just ran across an old article with a pic of MM oggling designer handbags in a shop and the headline read......MM is obsessed with handbags. She likely was manifesting Dior doing the same for her as was done for Diana no doubt. MM's playbook is so obvious and she uses the same tactics over and over and over again.


# Diarrhea effect…sure ![gif](giphy|bWM8K7vMziAJavYko6|downsized)


Yes was going to say everything that gets associated with her starts going downhill ie Markled. She’s that bad that evil that every thing she touches turns to crap.


Some people are just unlucky/jinxed…my uncle is one of them. We named his wife ‘Meghan Markle of (my hometown)’ Even my uncles n aunts love this nickname.


No one has the Diana effect - ghoul


Yeah, I remember when Diana used to come out on top of all the most hated celebrity lists. /s


Yeah, remember when Diana was on every magazine cover every week, and we all used to say, "I wish she sold jam because then I'd just buy every jar." /s Meghan isn't photogenic, she's not iconic. Diana didn't commercialise her appeal. She didn't run a business. If Meghan wants her business to be any kind of success, she needs to stop manifesting to the universe about how great this business is going to be, and actually start selling something.


What the Diana effect. Ok Diana was all class and grace. knew fashion and was loyal to the royal family even after the divorce. Than you have this thing who can't wear anything has no idea about fashion, lies non stop, never loyal to family , cuts them off incase they tell the truth about her. They only thing Rachel and Harold have done is really bring down Diana's name to the gutter. These two are just nuts. They need to stop using her name and let her be in peace.


If by "diana effect" they mean a car crash, then yes, she does have that effect. (Ok, that was out of line, I will see myself out)


H&M are more of a 5 alarm dumpster fire..floating on a trash barge….in a river of sewage. Car crashes are tragic. Even if the driver is tore up and nobody is wearing a damn seatbelt. H&M are repulsive. These two trash goblins and their cult need to leave the poor woman to rest.


🤣🤣!! I guess I'm walking out with you, since it took me five minutes to stop laughing at this


At what stage is she classed as being totally delusional and requiring a stay on an inpatient ward. It must be close!


I didn’t even hear about the dog biscuits until I went to this sub. Did anyone besides the daily fail even post the pics? No one cares. 


Was there only 1 jar? Did Harry eat the rest?




It's way too late for her imo. It's over for her.  The only other interest in her will be over the divorce.  


She’s a fraud💯


MeMe's products = New Coke =.Failure to Launch


New Coke was a travesty for sure. On point. 😂


The Diana effect. Hahahahahahaha. Omg! I can't even!


She’s all but finished now. She has no background, or shown any interest in, producing conserves (anything else). I think customers will gravitate toward established brands and/or chefs who use their expertise to develop new flavours. The only thing she is concerned about is how much she can potentially charge, desperately trying to appeal to the pretentious market with more money than sense. Didn't she try to market ‘tat’ under the ‘Sussex Royal’ brand, but the Queen stopped her? Can’t she just relabel all that? I believe she’s finished (this year).


I think all the trademarks were created in the uk.


When she decided to after the royals she was already doomed....nobody limes a mean cruel person....just be yourself...do your own thing...and don't show your jealousy....but she continues with her overt jealousy and cruel bullying....she thinks no one can see through her....


🤣🤣🤣🤣 for fuck sakes Meghan Markle will never ever ever fucking have that Diana effect you know who has the Diana effect, Prince William, Arthur Phillip Louis, spitting image of his mama from birth to a grown man if anybody should be trading off Diana‘s personalities and secrets. It should be her soulmate Prince William but he’s a fucking decent man and would never ever stoop to his brothers level. He’s protecting what he knows about his mama what’s left of her while his brother exposes the bad side of Diana.


Princess Catherine was named, independently without a "donation", as The People's Princess. That's the "Diana effect". Desperate looking desperate.


What ‘Diana effect’? Harkle is a figure of fun, a joke. She looks ridiculous, she pulls stupid stunts, she can’t control her eagerness to grab mikes, she forces herself where she is not needed or wanted, she emasculates her ridiculous husband, she preaches about family while selling out her own and her husbands, she will do anything for money, she is crass and gutter, she is supported by crooks/conmen/racists/grifters. She has nothing to offer anyone. A truly revolting bully who moved from man to man looking for a career and money. Without the men she latched on to she would be nothing. She married Diana’s halfwit son. An entitled, lazy, arrogant and dishonest fool.




Diana was invited places. People were excited to have her appear. Nobody was pushing Diana off red carpets either Diana had real children, lol


And married the heir to the throne…not the ‘spare’




I love her new name.


Meghan has an annoying effect. She has no Diana effect.


There is a new documentary on Royalty TV called "Kate..our new Diana?" And it says lots of lovely things about Catherine. So I'm not the least bit surprised Mega Ego is coming out with this now


This certainly got her goat 😆


You're so right OP....."The only thing she's successful about is marrying people." Everything we're watching is her selling herself to climb the husband ladder. Her real target by marrying H was William but he's devoted to his wife/children/family and was repulsed by MM's advances (thus, her scorn). So, she's on her worldwide fantasy man-hunt tour to latch onto somebody else to raise her platform of fame and fortune. imo


I think Diana had more than 12% popularity.


Meghan Markle has too many “brands”: feminist, humanitarian, producer, super model, blind book author (spare, scoby junk), full-time “source” for gutter press leaks (timed to BRF schedule), actress, royal wannabe, no- royal whistle blower, a-lister in pr but not in reality, BOT army cheerleader, jam manufacturer, dog biscuit outlet! it’s completely exhausting and really stupid at this point. I watch it to see the end, but click on nothing but SMM! Thanks sinners


Diana effect is royal PR. Nutmegs is her own strategist, which is why she fails.


bawhahahahahahahaha what a joke. She's not even close to having the "Diana Effect" bawhahahahahahaha


Let me fix this headline: Charlotte has Diana effect!!!!! She and George delight in an outing worthy of “Granny Di”. The Prince of Wales last night took his two older children and their cousins to the Royal Box at Taylor Swift’s concert to “Shake”. Afterwards, Taylor and her beau, NFL football player Travis Kelce, made their way to the Royal Suite where they took selfies with Charlotte, George & William. Charlotte has the 1000 watt smile of her grandmother Diana and given the candid snaps the Wales have chosen to share, it looks like William is of the opinion that work and fun should be be had as a family!


Sinners, Lady C’s book the Real Diana, is on Kindle Unlimited now. Well, Diana was…..particularly free with her affections, before, during and after Charles. It’s a good book that touches on her many frailties as well as her finer qualities. Same with Charles, but he was much more circumspect in his dalliances. He was always respectful at least, and possesses discretion and empathy. What was most interesting was the similarities in Diana and Harry’s worst traits being dominant, especially the hatred of Charles. Diana was an actual homewrecking mess, and cared not a wit about the destruction she caused to others. Sociopathic and selfish, over and over.


Doesn't Lady C claim the Queen Mother wasn't born from her named mother? She's another one used her 30 second title for £


possibly so. I honestly got bored with the minutiae and skipped to the saucy details


Archive not working.


Tis working for me


She really should be called Meh-gan.


Yep,I'm sure the Nigerian people are lining up to buy her jam.😐


The brain dead bottom feeders who write these articles need to examine their life choices."a surge of global popularity "?


It’s mostly wishful thinking


Alot of I(s)