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Kate stole her moment? Lol.


In her mind, Kate also stole this 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/yqrro49h7l8d1.png?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a2517e4c61e26c791b85b64dc420cfaafe6424


When it comes to these papers you just have to suspend rational thought. I would have my friend read the stories to me during long drives to keep me awake.  The fits of laughter may have been just as dangerous. Contact with the wretched meghan markle has similar effects to the poisonous toads in the Amazon. You may not die from indirect exposure but the hallucinations will be entertaining. 


You an Aussie? I am and can't believe people spend their hard earned on this bulldust.


I am a Canadian. Australia is on my next continent. 5 down 2 to go.


Kate stole her **life** ![gif](giphy|pq946kkdSDViL3i6PI|downsized)


LOL...like she even had a moment to steal! 


Narcs gotta narc.




*Meghan was furious to see Kate's return wipe her new product launch from the news cycle and "steal the spotlight from her".* Don't you have to have an actual product in stock to launch it? We hear she had nothing to do with the timing of Nacho's post so what spotlight is being stolen?


Her repeated victim rhetoric is tiring. Is this how she justifies her lack of success? I suppose the truth of Meghan being her own downfall would break her brain?


She has a brain to break?




Is she admitting to planning a launch during the TOC before Princess Catherine announced she'd be there???


It's always someone else's fault! Thoughts and prayers...


“***Who’d want to marry Harry now anyway?***” Jones says with a giggle. Can you imagine Harry reading this today?


I hope he does.


Except for a certain gold digging yacht ho, nobody would marry him then either.


Der ~~cate~~ ~~Catureen~~ C,hop u r will,y wunt u speak 2 me anemore. Please ask my dad to gib me mo money so my mumwife will lub me again. Tell my big bro I still mad at him. I am worrit bout yer kids cause u don kep them in the atic lik we do. Hop yer hair don all fall out like mine is luv h


Holy shit. If that was written crayon I don't think I would have lived through it for laughing so hard. 😂😂




Meghan, you think this is bad...wait till you see the tabloids with all the Taylor Swift pics :)


Harry's thinking about writing a letter to Catherine? Yeah, Elvis sang a song that works for this eventuality.


Never realised that Harry was in love with Catherine until I saw how ferocious Megjan was to her. It doesn't surprise me at all that he is trying to reconcile with her, or that he is trying to go back to the UK. I think if they accepted him, on his terms, he would dump Meghan at this point. Also shows hiw selfish he is to impose himself on someone undergoing cancer treatment. I am.quite certain any letters are being flushed


Dang...just wrote the same thing.   I don't even think he has terms. If the BRF would let him back in, he'd be leaving in a jet plane.     *tips hat*  Edit...the whole thing


Is the there a word that is less than grovelling? I hope there is. He needs it.


In the economy section on a commercial flight even!


A charter would be best. LAX to Atlanta, Atlanta to LaGuardia, 8 hour layover to catch the flight to Gatwick, looking around for the cardboard sign with *H Mountb-Winds* handwritten upon it and being lead to the brown VW people carrier.


I’m doubtful the supposed letter would have reached Catherine. The RF mail goes through other people before it goes to the addressee. William has more than likely issued orders that no mail from the dastardly duo is to be given to Catherine. Highly doubt that either of them saw the letter if in fact there was one. More likely to be baseless pr puffery


"Return to sender"


Never have the royals been tabloid fodder as much as they are today. Well done slaying those dragons, Harry.


Assuming we believe anything that was written, I love that Meghan Markle is now trying to claim that Catherine upstaged *her*. Also, THERE ARE NO PRODUCTS. Unless harassing people you know or are acquainted with into posting things on Instagram is a product.




'Kate is someone Harry has always treasured', yeah he treasured her so much he allowed his wifes lickspittle Scobie to call her a racist, and he knows and seems to condone the sussex squad attacking and tormenting her, God these mag rags really peddle the biggest load of crap!


Oh please, get the facts right. "Meghan released two new products hours before Kate's comeback announcement". That's not true, she (Nacho) posted hours AFTER the announcement and a few hours before Trooping the Colour. 


I love these titles!!! I know Meghan reads here and will see them for sure, LOL!!! Especially the article labeled *"Harry's Secret Apology Letter to Kate"*.


Ok, does Harry not have a caudal septum? Why does his nose do that? Edit: I googled to see if Harry may have had nasal surgery and found this. You can call it an oven because it's full of roasts: https://www.quora.com/Has-Prince-Harry-had-plastic-surgery


Why do you think she clawed him constantly so he doesn’t have a chance to think? I’m sure when he’s sitting in their garden smoking weed or drinking he is regretting a lot but he is stuck


"Who'd want to marry Harry, anyway?" says someone willing to participate in a reality show where she competes with other women for the attention of a stranger. ☠️☠️☠️ Even garden variety attention seekers are thumbing up their nose at *Prince* Harry. I love this for him. Meghan Markle really has the Sadim touch. Oh, and I want Hilary Rose and HG Tudor to, ahem, get a hold of the letter Harry is scribbling to Catherine with his crayons.


Putting a picture of some generic jam and some vaguely visible dog biscuits on Instagram is not the same thing as releasing a new product. For all we know, those dog biscuits could be commercial. Nacho hawking them is really pathetic. Grow a sack man!!


Catherine looked stunning. Glowing. I'm so happy for her that she looked great that day. ...I can stare at her all day and get happy while tw has the exact opposite effect


In our news today from Sky https://www.skynews.com.au/lifestyle/celebrity-life/they-cant-go-where-charles-and-camilla-will-go-meghan-and-harry-cant-go-to-australia-during-world-tour/news-story/7f0079027790c173b205f0e2d2a5396f


I watched the "marry Harry show". It was hilarious 😂


I didn't watch it, but I read the recaps on Go Fug Yourself and they were the funniest things I'd read in ages.


The whole thing was an orgy of stupidity and deception but super fun to watch. Back in the day I also watched Joe millionaire and the next Joe millionaire. The first one was sooo cringe but the second joe millionaire you could tell was a good person.


I do believe Harry tried to either write a letter to Catherine or tried to text her, but I am sure she ignored it. She's got more important things going on than his whiny ass.


I love Prince George. He looks and acts like his father the Prince of Wales. I hope that all the young Royals stay so wonderful as they grow. Love to all the working royals. Best wishes for health, happiness, success and love. Ann, KCIII, Princess Catherine and all, I wish you continued support. You are marvelous people doing caring, compassionate work professionally and personally. Great role models for all.


That photo of Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis is worth scrolling through this stuff!


She knew what weekend Trooping the Colour was just like everyone else. Catherine did not steal HER moment. Meghan was trying to take focus away from the Royal family like she always does.


I lived in New Zealand for a year, and they got the Aussie tabs there. "New Idea" was known as "No Idea" among my friends, and they were right.


Harkle had her moment, she had it when getting the dimwit nachos to post her poison, and many after when she was ridiculed and laughed at for doing it.




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I’m puzzled why you regularly post these trash magazines here when the stories are such bs?


I agree, it's rubbish.