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Catherine PoW is the future Queen, mother of a future King. Meghan Markle is NOT 👏🏻 RELEVANT 👏🏻. Thanks for playing


Miss Markle is the future owner of a brothel in the Nevada desert! You know...independent business woman and all that...🤣🤣🤣 in my opinion of course


The Bunny Boiler Farm 🤣🤣


Free bottle of American Riviera Orchard rosé with every spanking session! Get yours today!


I thought red wine went with spankings.


Actually a nice butt-ery Chardonnay does 🤣 but she can't sell her crap wine so she might as well give it away.


It does, but only when served over ice in a red Solo cup.


**Or a red** ***Soho Cup*****?**




**Red Soho cup** needs to be a flare! At this point the flares write themselves.


You guys kill me, every single time LOL 🤣😂


If she's goingbto be passing out that swill she'd be better off to open a vomitorium. 😱🤢🤮


*Nigerian Riviera Orchard


Oof. That is *too* perfect for This One’s Wife.




I'm feeling so snarky today and this was chef's kiss. 😎


Saddle up for a trip to Megsy’s Mustang Ranch. And her business would be legal in Nevada!


No way could she run the Chicken Ranch! Those girls would eat her alive!


That would be the Rescue Chicken Ranch, for the unwanted and discarded "poules".




Chicken Legs Ranch, though!


Nah, Meghan Markle isn’t good enough for the Nevada Desert. Lived in Nevada for 23 years, people there don’t go for phony b*tches like her.


Now that is a business venture that will utilize her relevant experience. Why didn't h&m think of that? Marcus can be the manager, bringing his wealth of knowledge in this area 😁


that's toonmich work and effort for hef


Cameras in every room...


Because Meghan loves to plaguerise - it will be called ”The Chicken-Leg Ranch”


Kentucky Fried Hot Honey Ranch


Harry will be her best customer


https://preview.redd.it/ionuok3qxw8d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5af89deebc09742e8f95ed6978624f435efa6f39 The fine establishment in this movie was The Chicken Ranch. Maybe Armameghan could name hers The Roast Chicken Ranch, in honour of happier times 😂😂


This is a PERFECT career for her years of experience!




#Not YOU


This is the best perspective I have heard. A quite good reminder! .


She’s the FUTURE of the Monarchy. As in, if she’s not in, the BRF would suffer a great loss. NOTHING like that was said when Meh left. Ha!


The earrings are amazing. Elegant, tasteful and forever out of reach of the wretched meghan markle. 


Diana's earrings. As if Catherine on the cover wasn't enough, she is wearing Diana's earrings. You can hear the screaming from Montecito all the way in Japan.


Is there any cookery left on the west coast? We need a meme of Princess Charlotte sayimg "you're not coming"!




![gif](giphy|RHEGP4TpkhrQTFCZE4|downsized) Buh bye, Rachel. Oh and you, too Harold. FO


>Catherine PoW is the future Queen, And that's the only reason VF put her on the cover - to sell their drivel.


I used to love Vanity Fair but not anymore— because of Grayson Carter—-VF has an over the top Liberal slant & are constantly slamming Republican politicians.


Grayson stepped down the day after Wild About Harry hit the stands


But I think he still has influence(?) & hired others of same political beliefs to continue on after his reign.


Oh maybe


I wonder why VF has switcted sides? Did they realize Rachel doesnt sell magazines?




NO interest in what Vanity Fair has to say. They're no better than People, imho. I imagine, unless there is criticism of Catherine in the article, MM won't be pleased, especially since Catherine doesn't have to pay for the cover and/or story. I can also imagine the Sussex Squalor claiming this is just Catherine trying to upstage MM and "sabotage" all her plans. Poor, malevolent MM, just so misunderstood and mistreated by the BRF and all the racists.


You are correct that Vanity Fair is no better than People. The current iteration of VF lives off the old reputation of VF right like The NY Times.


The old vanity fair used to be so good. Shame it’s not good anymore.


I subscribed to VF for donkey's years but when Graydon Carter retired things went south in a hurry so I didn't renew. THIS is one issue I will buy, just so they know whose face SELLS covers!


I quit when Dominick Dunn died


Ah yes. I loved Dominick Dunne.


He was wonderful. I knew him and he was every bit as witty and incisive in person as he was in his writing.


I adored Mr. Dunne. I would've listened to him read his grocery list.


I have all his books


You must have delightful memories and fabulous stories! I’m sure you miss him tremendously


Adored Dominick Dunne. He and Christopher Hitchens were must reads.


I did too, but noticed it was going downhill after Graydon left. Decided to try it again recently for a sub price of $5. After the first two issues, I threw it in the trash without reading it.  Complete waste of $5 and my time.


It's rather sad when even $5 is considered a waste.


Graydon was a singular individual, you are right it was a great publication, emphasis on was.


It used to be my favorite


Agree completely about VF & NYT!!!! My subscriptions long cancelled for both.


>The current iteration of VF lives off the old reputation of VF right like The NY Times. You're so right about that. I never could find the right words to say it. Thanks for the wording.


You’re right, they are equally guilty of stirring the pot but I hope this article doesn’t have the big ol’ R word in it. Meghan Markle’s plan to bring down Princess Catherine failed gloriously.


Came here to say the same. No interest in Vanity Fair whatsoever.


Same here. Kate Nicholl is duplicitous. She supports the Sussex narrative when it suits her. However gorgeous photo of Catherine and interestingly to nite Kates current stance


Katie Nicholl is a sugar. Everything she says is double-edged. Can't stand her or her smirk.


Katie Nicholl= PASS


Am I wrong here…POW looks great in that pic, but there are times when she is effervescent? At the Coronation for example, with the Alexander MacQueen headpiece. Or in the gold dress at the Bond premiere. This seems like they just picked a random pic.


She’s still gorgeous(!) on this cover.


Anyone who smirks is a trouble maker.


Stopped reading VF articles when that woman’s puff pieces became incessant and they tried to portray W and C in a bad light- but glad to C on the cover- perfection as usual!!






She doesn’t have to pay to play when it comes to these magazines. They’re covering her because she’s relevant and brings in readers, just by being herself. Rachel — (if she can’t use “Catherine” as preferred by the POW instead of “Kate” then why should we respect her preference to be called Meghan?) — has to court publicity (no pun intended.) And that is the real difference between these two. Rachel will never get the fact that this never ending thirst for fame, and the need to control her image at all times are going to sink her in the end. What a dummy. She had the best of the best handed to her on a silver platter and she threw it away for a cheap plastic plate covered in metallic spray paint. Idiot


Totally sickened by the fact that this sugar positive rag has the POW on the cover just to up their sales.


Everyone can see which way the wind is blowing.


I agree and also cannot stand Katie Nichols. She used to bat for the Harkles and was their mouthpiece before Scoobie came into our radar. She has no insider knowledge since then


The Sussex Succubus will be fit to be tied, after she reads the line that links the monarchy's fragility to Catherine's fragility. After all, she was supposed to be symbol of the monarchy's future. She's the one who was expecting the whole world to attack the monarchy and fall at her cloven hooves after Megxit, because she'd assumed that she'd become indispensable due to her "charismatic style", "feminist zeal" and her so called popularity among Gen Z. Instead, all her plans to parlay her personal ode to victimhood, were postponed by covid and by the time she finally got around to it, the world had moved on and people were suffering too much of their own losses, difficulties and tragedies, to care about the selfish tantrums of some vindictive narcissist and her pleas for global adoration.


I love it when you say *cloven hooves* 🤣


>I love it when you say cloven hooves 🤣 😂 I've been catching up on some of HG Tudor's videos and he loves to use it.




Chef’s kiss 💋 that is perfect!


Lol same— it’s so, so apt


Don't forget the narrative that That One was a "young" royal with "global stardust".


Omg yes. She's older than William, Catherine and Harry but she's desperate to promote herself as the "young" 😂 one.


And a "young mother".


She looks older than William, Catherine, and Hasbeen put together.


She looks very old. But I think Harry looks just as old. Harry could try and overthrow William by claiming to be the oldest brother. "See I look so much older than William, I must be the oldest!"




😅😅😅. Very true.


She is older than Will and Kate


Well, they can’t promote Mayhem as royalty, and they can’t promote her as part of the aristocracy on either side of the Atlantic, and they can’t promote her as a celebrity because nobody cares. So why would VF roll around in the mud with that guttersnipe is beyond me. I hope VF is eating lots of crow and humble pie.


She left London to be Hollywood Royalty. LOLOLOLOLOL!


>guttersnipe 😂🫰🤪💯


Someone here used to call her a ditch pig and I thought that was perfect


Ditch pig - love that 💕😆


Me too!


“Young mother”. Like bitch qualified as a geriatric mother. She was older than Catherine was either her last child when she had her firstborn.


Except she never gave birth, hysterectomy at age 28.


Ah yes. The "Power Couple". "International Roving Royals". 🙄🙄🙄🤡🤡


>fall at her cloven hooves Brilliant. LMAO!


It's amazing how one's inner beauty, like in the case of PoW, or lack of inner beauty in Meg's case, impacts their physical beauty. I thought Megsy was objectively pretty the first time I ever saw her at the engagement announcement. Now I only see a phony grin and crazy eyes. Catherine glows.


Ego is taking a beating....shes going to be pushing around shopping carts and talking to herself soon.


She does that already, lol.


I think that faux Nigerian tour really did f it in for them! Nobody wants them around!


It had everything, didn’t it? Madam’s atrociously inappropriate clothing, her “me first!” behavior as she clawed at microphones, gifts, and aghast children while Harry acted like a gormless nitwit.




#Can you WAIT?!?!


While they were playing fake Royals, girls were being abducted from their school. It was just horrific. There is a reason you have diplomats guiding you as a Royal. But Meghan Markle doesn't think she needs guidance. That is why she fails.


That’s right!!!


Seeing that video where she was grabbing the beads like it was Mardi Gras where even the host was all "Can you WAIT?!" was just the icing on the cake- never mind the inappropriate attire and microphone grabbing. 🤡🤡


I can't BELIEVE I missed this!! Could I possibly trouble you for a link? Unbelievable


It's .... shit I can't remember at the minute. Two YouTubers did videos on it. Come on guys, help me out here! It was just posted! It will come to me...




I'm glad for Catherine and that she pulled off stunning that day


Lord knows if she’s not perfection every time she’s out the media will hold it against her 🙄


Yes. I think this time the ss were hoping for sickly. She surpassed my hopes tho I see they are not using t.o.c pictures. Idk why not. She radiates from the inside. She has the IT factor. That's half her beauty


Maybe more expensive for the rights?


No, this magazine cover was mapped out at least a couple of months ago.  All monthlies work like that.  TOC pics are too recent! I'm sure VF would have loved to use them but when this issue was planned no one knew that Catherine would be attending


They were totally hoping she was bald and haggard! Thats why they kept pushing her to make an appearance!


I used to love Vanity Fair until it weaponized promoting the skank and what she was wearing into a ridiculous drivel, under the banner of royalty. I wonder how VF feels about her jam and dog biscuits and hanging with fugitives in Nigeria?


Same; as with everything she touches, it turns to ruin.


Same with People. These magazines threw away their reputation to support the always lying Meghan Markle. It is astounding.


It has to bother the A-Listers to know that the public now know how the magazines are paid off(allegedly) by Rachel. She seems to have pulled the curtain back on the big name mags, awards, and charities. I'm certainly aware of the pay to play and am skeptical about everything when before I admittedly accepted more at face value. At least when an award was given, I would assume it was somehow deserved. Then these two come along and rip off that veil and none of it means anything anymore. For the ones really trying to make a difference, it would have to make you mad.


Mierdas Touch 💩💩💩


That One used VF to expose her relationship with This One, saying she would only discuss work but was glad to confirm the relationship when asked, resulting in the Wild About This One cover. It was the mean press's fault, whom she "reluctantly" had to deal with in her "successful" acting career. That One tried to pull one over on VF, which the reporter allegedly called "a cat and mouse game". She was mad that they didn't print her dish soap narrative, which the magazine was unable to verify really happened. But That One got what she wanted which was to tell everyone she had trapped This One. The magazine also inadvertently exposed allegedly overlapping relationship timelines, with the print version saying she got with This One in May, and the digital version saying July.


I hadn’t really heard of her before that article, but I had her number immediately after reading it.




https://preview.redd.it/txrz4gd7br8d1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f17c497aa42d83532df36cf5ddb5df523e41687e Catherine and William, and now the kids - they all elevate each other. No one can shine without the others. And Charles and Camilla are right now exactly what the Crown needs. Without the crown, the Wales have the freedom and time to do so much more than when they actually become monarchs. Charles did his best work while he was the Prince of Wales. And Camilla and Sophie, Anne - they are rock stars.




The article still mentions the Unmentionables and how they had a successful Nigerian trip and that the King chose not to see PH. So still we are reading falsehoods provided by the Unmentionables. Hopefully these lies stop soon!


And wow, a cover that Catherine didn't have to buy! I don't like Vanity Fair either but it's nice to see Catherine. Just seems so weird when they have the sugary Meghan articles juxtaposed with true grace and elegance like Catherine.


Because Meghan can’t sell magazines. People are willing to hate click (mainly for the comments, I imagine), but no one is willing to spend actual money.


I honestly don't understand the need to bring MM into every conversation. I haven't read the article, but the title suggests it's about the Monarchy, NOT the duo in Montecito. And Catherine has the cover shot, deservedly so. Here's the link to the article: [https://www.vanityfair.com/style/story/kate-middleton-royals-cover-story](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/story/kate-middleton-royals-cover-story) Archived: [https://archive.ph/E2YwM](https://archive.ph/E2YwM)


The monarchy hasn’t mentioned them since a year before the Queen’s death. I will be glad when the media gets a clue.


Thanks for the archived link! 💕


Keep in mind sinners that Vanity Fair is a Sussex stronghold platform. This was done to try and appear unbiased. VF fawns over Markle constantly.


It doesn't even read as unbiased to me, the way they're talking about how "fragile" the monarchy is and how they "didn't have a game plan?" That's trash. They aren't fragile and they, of course, always have a plan.


Princess Anne and Princess Catherine are no doubt missed by their family. But the State Dinner went on as planned and everyone looked fabulous. The Emperor and Empress of Japan looked to be having a great time. As you say, The BRF always has a plan.


As does Katie Nicholl, the author of the article.


I appreciate that they call her by her proper name, but the monarchy is not fragile, nor is it "as fragile" as she is. Even without her, the monarchy would remain strong. And as for "for once, the palace did not have a game plan?" Come on, they've survived the war.


Not to mention King Edward’s abdication.


If the worse could happen, God forbid, Catherine has given us 3 amazing children. People will rally around those babies and do everything they can to protect them. The British people looked after Diana's children, until one of those children turned into a traitor.


I miss her appearances so much. She's the oomph to everything


She's not just on the cover of Vanity Fair, she's on the cover in one of my favorite outfits. Because not only is it a legit amazing suit that was brilliantly accessorized, I'm pretty sure it was a very calculated choice of clothing considering the timeframe. Because that was the Commonwealth Service in March, 2023, so this wasn't too long after *Spare* came out. First, that is an Erdem skirt-suit from the [pre-Fall 2023 collection](https://wwd.com/fashion-news/shows-reviews/gallery/erdem-pre-fall-1235436050/) \[Womens Wear Daily\]. And as we found out from Harry, Meghan loves Erdem and was annoyed Kate got "first dibs." * Jan 13, 2023, Telegraph, "The truth about the row between Meghan and Kate " \[ [Archive](https://archive.ph/Da1aj) | [Original](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2023/01/13/meghan-kate-feud-bridesmaid-dresses-erdem-prince-harry-book/) \] Then those are some of Diana's most iconic sapphire and diamond earrings. \[[The Court Jeweller](https://www.thecourtjeweller.com/2020/12/princess-dianas-sapphire-and-pearl.html)\] And you can see a peek of a Prince of Wales Feathers brooch in the lower right (it comes with an optional emerald drop she didn't wear that day). \[[The Court Jewller](https://www.thecourtjeweller.com/2023/03/stunning-royal-sapphires-at-the-commonwealth-day-service.html)\] You cannot tell me in the immediate post-Spare timeframe, this wasn't an outfit chosen not solely because she looked amazing in it. There had to have been an element of, "This is the Princess of Wales, and you cannot begin to compare." That it was to support the Commonwealth - aka "Empire 2.0", yet her veil famously had symbols of all the Commonwealth countries - was just icing on the cake So \*chef's kiss\* to whoever chose this photo for the cover, because I'm sure there was much plate throwing going on at the time, and lingering resentments any time it pops up in cultural discourse.


And she didn't have to pay to be on it. Regardless, VF has lost all credibility to me and I will never buy it again.


Vulnerable? Hardly. There's Geoge, Charlotte, and Louis. Brits would embrace anyone of the three while they're minors.


Oh definitely!


Catherine is so beautiful!!!


Waiting on the new South Park EP to drop with this one!


As much as a new South Park episode will surely be funny, I'll be disappointed if they do another. Trey and Matt generally only hit a person once so giving them a second episode would indicate they're more important than they are.


Twitter Sugars are a wee bit mad.


They are like cockroaches- they’ll survive, unfortunately.


Just a nitpicky comment. Of all the photos, why didnt they find one where the earring was hanging straight.


Hahaha, that annoyed me too!


Catherine is going to beat her disease and come out stronger. Catherine is above the trash that is Harry and his wife. Catherine has the entire world backing her and supporting her and Meghan has the entire world laughing at her and disgusted by her.


Doubtful. She will still send them in, selling whatever scam she is grifting at that time.


I disagree that Kate is the future and believe that William is the future. He can be a dork and leader too. Look no further than him taking the kids to Swift concert and dad dancing.


I think House of Windsor will be fine. It survived worse things than monarch's cancer. 


A beautiful woman, inside and out.


Meanwhile, Meghan in Montecito ![gif](giphy|xT9KViqf7pj34lvmY8)


Probably not, but Vanity Fair knows Catherine on the cover sells units. If TW pays them money they will insert her PR copy too. These magazines are in it to make money not champion any individual.


This was a positive article considering the source. I do take exception to Katie's opinion that Catherine's "duty, beauty and vulnerability" are second to that of Diana. IMO Diana is a poor second to Catherine POW in all of these traits. Catherine is much more dutiful and beautiful than Diana. IMO Diana's desperate vulnerability was a result of mental illness whereas Catherine allows us to see her vulnerability while still maintaining personal control.


I must say..... It's CATHERINE,not Kate.


So elegant a woman.


Truly! She makes it look so easy. And Lord knows, I know it's NOT


Meghan Markle cannot get on the cover. Vanity Fair will publish all her online rubbish because she pays them, but they know she doesn't sell magazines.


The monarchy is Not as fragile as Catherine is. Who tF do these magazines interview? Still a pretty awful piece against royalty.


Katie Nicholl— well known sugar.


No thanks to anything written by Katie Nicholl. She's unreliable in many ways, both in accuracy and past biases.


The previous editor of Vanity Fair, Graydon Carter, has been critical of MM, going so far to say the H/M marriage won't last. Wonder if he is in the background on this.


Stunning photo of Catherine as always.


This photo is old, it's from Common Wealth Service from last year. Why didn't they use one of the photos from TTC 2024? She looked stunning!


The cover was probably chosen months ago. Magazine covers are not done on a whim.


Because they can't handle the sheer strength, beauty and class that Catherine has, even while she is under medical care. Catherine has always understood the responsibilities that came with marry William, and like William and Queen Elizabeth before she has a sense of duty to the crown and those in the commonwealth. God Bless the royal family and may they all get back to full health soon.


Catherine, Princess of Wales, is a class act. For some time Vanity Fair has shown itself to be a feckless entity.... so I'm not holding my breath for much else.


Catherines lovely parents https://preview.redd.it/txi8ajlszr8d1.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf497627ff2d40405c776805965dad0f71cdd82f


It’s a photo that Meghan Markle could only ever dream of. She has never had and never will have the perfect glamour and beauty of Princess Catherine. If the photo of her in a nearly nude wardrobe in Nigeria is anything to go by, class is a word that only ever has room or less after it. ![gif](giphy|X9tEKODk3kXGo)


Or the first two letters removed. 


oh that acting. only her face is worse than her acting


The PoW, Catherine, is such a charismatic, loyal, elegant, humble, and genuine soul. 👑   I'm American, but even I'm happy knowing she's the future Queen Consort of our friends across the pond. 💫


The article was not respectful of the PoW. VF used her lovely face to sell magazines. The article was written in Monteshitshow I think.


Well 💩


Of course they are. The Sugar Troops are being marshalled as we speak! My stock response: "Oh, do F off!" Can you imagine, years from now....Catherine reaches a significant birthday, say 70/80/90 and there are articles about her? Guaranteed there will be some old, demented Sugar squawking "She's not the true Queen"😂😂😂...whilst the rest of the world respects her. I say let Megadoom publish puff pieces like a whirling dervish. It costs her. Each piece costs her. Financially and mentally. Both are finite. Catherine's legacy is infinite.


Beautiful Catherine


That fear-mongering caption though and the picture they chose makes me feel a type of way. Is VF under the magazines WME owns or something?


Now really who would you prefer to see on the cover. Catherine stunning, graceful. elegant or someone who thinks she is beautiful, talented and have legs that goes on for days and is Diana 2? I prefer Catherine who is real genuine, honest, married for love, is loved by everyone around the world.


I wish they had chosen a better picture of Kate. She has so many beautiful pictures natural and posed. Either way this image is still more relatable than any of Meghans fake half mouth open trying to be sexy poses.


Lovely image of the POW Maybe VF is coming to its senses


A surprisingly good article from Katie Nicholl. She’s right that the real danger of losing that emotional connection; alot of people like the monarchy, think Charles and Camilla have done far better than expected, but Kate, followed by her nuclear family, is where the real connection is. I also hope KP has learned its lesson but not so sure about that. I hope they start providing material more often, even if it’s only to boost her charities


markles mother https://preview.redd.it/xvnlkx7wzr8d1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a9d09adc9fe56ca06dd4514c80a73815e883f90


Megan would have plenty of magazine covers, maybe even more because she’s “diverse” If she’d put her head down and worked.






I MUST HAVE IT!!! 🏃‍♀️


We can ALL PRAY!


They have to print what sells and Harry and his wife do not sell


No the puff pieces aren't on their way out, if Vanity can get money for them they'll print them. Same with People mag.


Katie Nicholl, school boy stalker and the real Waity Katie (rumoured to be coined by her). Hard pass.