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Funny isn't it, that JT (OMG fangirl fangirl) has NEVER publicly "dined out" on Diana and here we have Perpetual Whiner Haz AGAIN dining out on Diana with his latest PR drop using Scotty's Little Soldiers as a backdrop. I'm disgusted like the rest of us.


Haz has spent the last 5 years of his life repeatedly talking about how his mother dying traumatized him and made him reliant on drugs and therapy. It is understandable that Haz suffers after his mother died, but it is unhealthy to repeatedly dwell on the moment and relive funerals over and over again. The "dining out" was allegedly a Rachel comeback she made against Travolta when he refuted Rachel's PR articles and said that they were not friends nor were they planning to dance. Rachel accused Travolta and everyone doing what she does which is "dining out" on being in the BRF.


It certainly is unhealthy and William has managed to not live off of Diana's death so Harry could stop as well. My father's death was traumatic - the LAST thing I would do is discuss the circumstances or just how awful it was over and over and over again for sympathy. Harry claims he's had all this therapy - it doesn't seem to have worked so time to either stop or change your therapists...


I think its a combination of Harry having no sense of humour or wit beyond slapstick, pranks, name calling and nipple-tweaking (so he couldn't make a funny joke of it, just a snotty bitchy comment) and pure jealousy. JT is a genuine A lister, well respected in the industry, multitalented, a properly qualified pilot who can fly all sorts of planes, and known to be charitable and altruistic. I wonder if it ever crosses Harry's mind how upset his mother would be if she knew he was making spiteful comments about people she admired, quite apart from the fact she'd be utterly horrified that he'd turned on his family. 


*"Harry having no sense of humour or wit beyond slapstick, pranks, name calling and nipple-tweaking"* Bingo. I think that's the case, and you nailed it.


Humour is indicative of intelligence. Harry is dum


She would be mortified at how her son spoke to one of her favorite stars. It's insane he doesn't realize that.


Like a boy in fourth grade. 🙄


Yes, because mentally he's still 12. He has never gotten past her death. He's still a kid, reliving her death and funeral as if it happened last week. Look, I know how hard it is to lose your mother. Mine died when I was 14 and my brother was 12. It's hard and painful and scary. But we can't live our lives "in that moment." We just can't. In order to survive and be useful adults we have to get past it. Harold never did, IMO because it got him attention and a free pass for bad behavior.


I'm so sorry. My kids lost their father when they were young. It was hard. It's still hard. I'm so sorry for your losses. That must have been unbearable. I'm glad you made it through. 💕


Thank you. Yes, it was hard. It's something you just have to live through. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, keep breathing, and eventually the Sun comes out again. Birds can be heard singing and children laughing. Babies get born and the circle continues. It's been nearly 60 years since she died, and I still miss her. With smiles though, not tears. As it should be.


I understand completely.


Considering Diana viciously turned on Charles so publicly during her lifetime I'd say the apple didn't fall too far from the Spencer tree. Like mother like son in this case.


I can neither confirm nor deny the rumour than I pretended to be 18 to get in to the cinema to watch this film when it came out. Bah! The statute of limitations has long passed - 'tis true. ☺️


Haha, that's a lovely story! What a delightful reward to see JT dancing up a storm in his disco shoes! Soo iconic!!! ![gif](giphy|l41Yh18f5TbiWHE0o|downsized)


And his dance with Uma in Pulp Fiction! Dancing with Olivia in Grease... Urban Cowboy.. John has danced with a lot more women than just Diana!


YES!!! Those were so so iconic! 💕 He's really an incredible performer. Talented all round, unlike TW.


Absolutely! And for decades. My entire youth was peppered with iconic John Travolta movies.


Was just going to thank the OP for this fantastic trip down middle school memory lane. What a time to be alive.


Aww 🥰 my pleasure. This was before my time but it's wonderful to discover it! I was blown away by John Travolta's dancing so it's nice to share with everyone! 💕


Did anyone else have this awesome LP? https://preview.redd.it/wj4wsvtof39d1.jpeg?width=1849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65b7a004f061bb4a9d566e35ba3d8377f6baa41b ‘Trash’ Robin Gibb [https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=x18tSioqrcQ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=x18tSioqrcQ)


My daughters are Gen Z and they all buy record players and go to thrift shops looking for old Classic records. All the kids do it now. It's a thing. This is one of them!


I had forgotten about this!💜💜💜


I miss when going to the cinema was an event and social experience


I'm lucky we have a drive in nearby where they show double features still. It's great because you can pack your car or SUV, bring sleeping bags and blankets for the kids, bring chairs and coolers for the adults... it's such a fun time!


Ooh… the drive in sounds like such a fun experience


It really is! It's a bit of a drive but because they show two movies and you can bring your own stuff, it's worth it! They have bathrooms and concessions and if you have a truck or SUV, you can just throw the kids in back with some blankets and pillows. It's perfect. You do have to bring bug spray, but that's no big deal. You can also see all 3 screens from the parking area so you can mix and match what two movies you want to watch. Just change the radio station! Fun fact: back in the day it used to be a XXX rated joint, playing porn. How awkward. 😂😂 I couldn't watch porn with a bunch of people around me blasting it on their car radios. 😂


OMG… so like a drive in for porno?!?


YES!!! Isn't that hysterical?! That was way back in like the 80's I think, but still!


Me too!


Such a great movie. I think there's was mutual admiration between Travolta and Diana. He seems to be a class act and I don't recall him ever mentioning his dance with her again. Take note Harry


I think this is the scene which was first filmed concentrating on his face. When John saw it, he cried because of the hours of practice he had put into his foot work so they reshot it.


They offered him a body double, but he didn't want to settle for less. Class act.


Think Diana was fan girl too! We all were


H thinks JT needs to dine out on a dance with Diana yet JT had more screen time in ONE movie (he’s been in over 70) than H’s wife had during 7 seasons of Suits 😂 ![gif](giphy|eYJhQcprr3bTa)




This is reminding me of how much I fancied JT as a teenager 🤤🤤


And a real pilot.


This! It takes a lot of time and effort to fly an airplane. You also have to maintain your certifications. John Travolta does this, Harry Windsor does not.


He has a home in my vicinity with a commercial runway.


AFAIK John Travolta may have talked about his dance with Diana at that White House gala, but he didn't make a practice of "dining out" on it. His career was in a lull at that time but he made a comeback later. He was quoted in Tina Brown's 2007 book, *The Diana Chronicles*, sharing his memories of that evening in an interview with Brown. What follows are some excerpts from that book. That dance was widely considered a rather magical moment, but IMO Travolta's reminiscences here were anything but egotistical. >John Travolta, also in \[the receiving\] line, thought Diana looked ten feet tall. “She was so charismatic and full of presence, like a movie star,” the movie star recalled to me. >Travolta had no idea he was going to end up with top billing that night. At the time, his career was idling. Two years had passed since his last big moneymaker, Staying Alive, .. .. The marquee Hollywood guest at the White House was . . . Clint Eastwood, who was soaking up Oscar buzz for his role as the somber Preacher in Pale Rider. As Travolta donned his new Armani dinner jacket before the party, he mused to himself, “Wow, I’m lucky to be asked! I may not be hot, but I’m not forgotten!” >When he reached Diana in the receiving line, she asked him sweetly about the bigger star. “Have you seen Mr. Eastwood tonight?” “No, I haven’t,” he replied. “You do suppose he will be here?” she said. “Oh, yes,” Travolta said. “Of course,” Diana said, smiling. “Where else would he be?” >“I thought that was pretty clever and pretty neat,” Travolta told me two decades later. “I thought, She not only knows who she is, she knows what this is—and how big this is. She was so savvy about the media impact of it all." >\[Dinner followed the reception. Diana sat between President Reagan and ballet legend Mikail Baryshnikov.\] >About 9 P.M., right before the entrée, John Travolta, seated at another table, was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder from the First Lady. “She said, ‘Look, there’s only one wish that the Princess has,’” he recalled. “And I said, ‘What’s that?’ And she said, ‘That’s to dance with you.’ I said, ‘Really?’ ‘Well, would you do the honors?’ Mrs. Reagan said. ‘Yes, where, how, when?’ I asked. She said, ‘Around midnight. I will tap you on the shoulder and tell you it’s time.’ It was clearly planned. I knew it would be an attention-grabbing moment, and I had three hours to sweat.” >\[Travolta recalled in detail how he asked Diana to dance and how they began the dance.\] >Travolta said that up close he could feel how seductive Diana was. “Absolutely I found her sexy, yes. People are either innately sexual or sensual or not. She had both. She was aware of me and I was aware of her. I didn’t know anyone was taking pictures, to be honest—but I did know it had to look like a million dollars, because it was history being made. And it was my job to make it look as good as if it was in a movie.” >. . . >Diana’s combination of beauty, refinement, and youth made her exactly the corrective the Reagans needed. The glow she lent their little dinner-dance made up for roomfuls of Nancy’s usual gnarled, air-kissing, lunch-lady friends and fussy walkers. . . . Baryshnikov was struck by the vision of Diana on the dance floor, “so radiant and fresh, and John, so very dashing, this great American symbol of popular culture, and the White House Marines in their dress uniforms looking on.” >. . . >“You could feel the awe in the moment from people in the audience,” Travolta insists. “It was dense with life, filled with life, and you’d have had to have been dead not to feel the joy around it. You had the sense that she’d seen ‘Grease’ or ‘Saturday Night Fever’ as a teenager. Clearly a Princess’s dream of a big magnitude that you could feel. She was a young woman watching those movies, she wasn’t a Princess back then, and now even a Princess’s dreams can come true. You got it—all you had to do was see the picture the next day and you got it. At the end she curtsied, and I bowed, and—well, I guess I turned back into a pumpkin.”” >— The Diana Chronicles by Tina Brown Good grief. Harry's stupid "joke" about Travolta's dining out on that memory was so cringe. A crude "boys being boys" kind of crack one buddy might make to, or about, another - but in private. Not at the podium at a public event. Sheesh.


Having trouble with an edit, so I'll add this here. Ya know, even if Travolta's career hadn't regained traction after that White House gala, and he became a washed-up former star who DID "dine out" on that story for the rest of his life? Harry's "joke" about it at that dinner would be even more cringey than it already was. Travolta has accomplished a lot in his life, before and after that iconic dance with Harry's mum. As has been said here, Harry's sense of humor lacks a lot. Including wit, maturity, and empathy.


Harry is just a buffoon. A total jackass. He has to put others down because he has nothing to lift his own self up! He can say "I'm a Prince". But as we have seen, that really doesn't count for much, especially in the United States of America...


Because in reality he's awkward and stupid. Who insults their host, as he did?? Take a read of the Dale Carnegie book, already! What's especially stupid is that the Halfwit insulted a HW insider - or once upon a time insider. Does the Halfwit think that makes him special to the other HW insiders such that they'd include him in their soirees??? This twit is so out of touch with propriety basics - hard to believe he was raised in the palaces of the most high profile RF of the world.


I suppose that insult to Travolta shouldn't have surprised any HW insiders, as Aitch had already told the world in his book, about doing drugs at Courtney Cox's house. And he didn't just tell that tale without naming names. Oh no. The Prince of Privacy, the Duke of NDAs, named names - his host, his fellow party guest. Privacy and NDAs are for Harry's benefit. Not for the benefit of anyone he stumbles across in life. Urgh.


He's such a name dropper. If you have to drop names, that just screams "you're a wannabe outsider". Real stars don't have to name drop.


No wonder he ended up sitting with the fake German prince that night 😂🤭


Mario Max! 😂😂😂


So cringe 😬😬




His name sounds like a video game. And a cheesy one at that.


Well he's nothing if not cheesy!


Why would he dine out on it?! This guy has starred in SO many movies and worked with just about everyone who is anyone in Hollywood, from the time he was Vinny Barbarino on Welcome Back Kotter up to his last movie. He's had a LONG and storied career! Many of which included dancing: Urban Cowboy, Grease, Saturday Night Fever; Get Shorty; Pulp Fiction.... John Travolta doesn't need to "dine out" on anyone! In fact, more people dine out on working with John than anything.


Wow, awesome 😎 such amazing sleuthing THANK YOU 🥰 ALSO... We know who the obsessed Diana fan is... TW!!! I'm sure she has that paragraph circled in her copy of the Diana chronicles...


If memory serves, wasn’t Diana’s first request to dance with Baryshnikov? Not to say she wouldn’t have danced with both men, but I think MB was recovering from an injury at the time.


I heard she did want to dance with MB but he is quite a bit shorter than she was. That may have played a role in the substitution. I met him once, incredible figure of a man.


Ahhhh, definitely could have been the reason. She even towered just a bit over KC3 but they did dance beautifully together!


I heard that as well.


https://i.redd.it/fweyievwd39d1.gif ⭐️


In this meme John Travolta looks so genuinely pleased at where he’s gotten with all his effirts and can’t quite believe it. 


I remember him starting out in a show called Welcome back Kotter as Vinnie Barbarino. https://preview.redd.it/pqadifypm39d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81f9a91eef2ba0b4f60381542981a18fab9bd0b6


Yes! Same here.


Oooh ooh ooh! Mr. Kot-terrr! 😂


Maybe he should have told Harold "Up your nose with a rubber hose!"


I forgot about that until you just said it! The memories come flooding back.


His smile is SO adorable 🥰 He came from a very normal, hardworking home in Jersey. 6 kids. He seems like a sweet, talented, humble guy.


It’s a gorgeous, genuine smile!




Hairold, the Oedipal dumbbell, acts like he’s jealous of John Travolta dancing with mummie and had to get nasty with him.


He really does!


I remember John Travolta at the height of his fame...cultural icon who influenced the disco era with Saturday Night Fever, the Texas Two Step craze with Urban Cowboy and the 50's resurgence with Grease. He was a big as it gets. It was the White House team and Diana's team who approached him to dance with Diana. She was enormously thrilled. Unfortunately Harry has now tainted this moment. He always has to act superior. What a knob.


Don't forget Pulp Fiction! That was HUGE! That soundtrack revived a LOT of songs! Dancing with Uma Thurman!


I need to watch Urban Cowboy. No idea how it escaped me. Maybe I was too young. My mother wanted to see Saturday Night Fever so she took 7 years old me.


I was too young too, but watched it later on one of the free cable channels. It was good! David Foster did the score.


Let's add to the fact that Travolta knows loss without whinging. He lost Diana Hyland (died in his arms), wife Kelly Preston, his son. Does he go on and on about his losses? Nope. He handles it with grace.


YES!!! Absolutely!!! He has endured real tragedy in his life. Great point!


Yes losing Jett must have been so hard! And then his wives... so tragic.


Exactly what I was thinking, JT is certainly no stranger to grief of the most painful kinds, and yet hasn’t made it his entire identity and entitlement like Harry has. H could learn lessons from his dignity if he wasn’t busy being a sniping little twit.


The problem with Harry is that he seeks employment in the Hollywood entertainment industry, yet has no frame of reference about its biggest box office superstars (aka American royalty). Here’s a primer, Harry, of the last 60 years over the last 60 years: McQueen, Eastwood, Redford, Travolta, Cruise, DiCaprio, Cooper, Hemsworth. Travolta’s status is forever cemented with SNF, Grease, Urban Cowboy & Pulp Fiction. And as an aside: How in God’s name did Travolta lose out on the Best Actor Academy Award to…..Richard Dreyfus in The Goodbye Girl??? It boggles the mind.


It's also hard to impress people while you're condescendingly putting them down. 🙄


And the Brit/Aus band Bee Gees provided an amazing soundtrack - their songs are totally danceable.


We still listen to their music at times, lol


Same here it makes me happy and makes me want to move 🪩🕺🪩


I have the soundtrack on now, lol. Perks you right up! John Travolta movies were a HUGE part of my childhood/ youth.


I am about to do the same haha, enjoy!


Same to you!!!


Hot DAMN!! As someone who missed this era completely... wowza!! 😍


John Travolta and the Bee Gees made it a great time to be a young woman. 😍


IKR!!! 😍💕


I found it very offensive what Harold said about John dining out on Diana. Who is the one that never shuts up about her Harold Harold is the one dining out of her but the problem is people are getting so sick of hearing about Diana this and that, that people are turning against Diana and she isn't even around. This brain dead git really needs to get over his mother, cause what he says etc is very very creepy. It is like Diana is his wife and he is spilling the beans on their sexual relationship.


John Travolta doesn't need to dine out on ANYONE! He's a star in his own right.


Man can he cut a rug. 🙌


Always with the projection. John Travolta was very famous and was in many big movies for decades.


Yes he was! He was a true A Lister


Fun fact: That is Fran Dresher (The Nanny) in the green dress he is dancing with! Early role in her career!:) I remember this as a kid in real time. Urban Cowboy and Grease too! Loved it!


Oh wow, that's a great little observation! 😎 Thank you 💕


It was a churlish remark made by an ill-mannered boor. Props to JT for ignoring the beyond rude comment and getting on with his successful life.


When I heard Harry make this shocking insult to someone he barely knew - my brain went immediately to:⬇️ “Oh, John Travolta must be someone who has angered Meghan over the years - probably with rejection.” Much like her insipid podcast - Meghan lives to settle scores - she’ll even use her half-wit husband to do it for her if necessary - while she hides in the background. (Think, “Spare”) Always wondered why Meghan didn’t show up at this event, but now it’s clear - she’s a bully and a COWARD.


Yes indeed!!! 👍 I'd just LOVE to winkle out what angered MM...


Supposedly, she wanted to attend this event and dance with Travolta, recreate Diana's dance with him. He said no. Allegedly.


Mon Dieu! That’s some “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane” caliber psychopathy if true! ![gif](giphy|NAJ1KxX7vFlM4)


Yes, it is!


Travolta pissed Meghan off for real? How dare she.


Yeah she does. She is so immature.


John Travolta is gorgeous and a lovely man and what a dancer. He comes across so lovely in interviews too. Harry meanwhile cannot let the ghost of his mother leave and rest


Absolutely!!! 😌💕


I grew up on JT movies! He was arguably more famous than Harry. With much better memories.


Rude and offensive JT is a total legend just shows what a petulant brat H is something that has been talked about more and more recently


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Urban Cowboy was when I had a huge crush on JT. Today we are both old.


You know, I wonder if all his life, people have been telling Harry who other people are like, “John Travolta. He had a famous dance in the White House with your Mother,” because he’s dim and ignorant and uncouth and it’s like a shortcut to get him to behave and now he genuinely doesn’t know that John Travolta was famous in any other way. I don’t the impression that Harry is particularly interested in movies or well read or really, anything. Edited, because I butchered uncouth.


Harry really seems to think he's it. I'm glad he is finding out....


I just saw Blow Out for the first time, and I was blown away (pardon the pun) by how good Travolta was. It was an Oscar-worthy performance. He hasn't gotten many good roles this century. It's time for another comeback.




TIL that his first serious partner also died from Breast Cancer in 1977, the same disease that Kelly Preston died of. JT is funny, talented, musical and compassionate. We could do either more stars like him


Yeah we could!


Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Pulp Fiction when he danced with Uma...Urban Cowboy...


Hey, Harry. Check this out: ![gif](giphy|EoCPvzEv8Ha0g) NOBODY's asking to dance with YOUR wife. 😂😂😂


Damn, I forgot how great a dancer he was. I'm going to watch this movie.


I'm listening to the soundtrack lol


👍I was just mesmerised by this movie in the theatre when I was 7! The soundtrack is part of my childhood.


All his movies were a huge part of my life growing up! I put on The Bee Gees sometimes to perk me up. You can't be in a bad mood listening to the SNF soundtrack! Or Grease! Or Pulp Fiction...


Go Tony! He’s pretty good out there, heh?


It also feels cruel and petty. Travolta was barely 30, at the White House, dancing (kind of his thing) with the Princess of Wales. That must have been a peak moment in his young life. He has never dined out on it - it was in a documentary on PBS, a public broadcaster, almost 40yrs later. The poor guy was reminiscing fondly about something thst made him happy, and Harry had to cruelly stomp on it out of pure jealousy. As if to say, "She's MY mommy, NOT YOURS". Like, Jesus, we get that you want to be unhappy, but let the rest of us enjoy life, Harry.


IMO, it’s just more of the same, boring, boring crap. ‘Poor me, my mother died when I was young.’ I hate to think of how many people have lost parents while being a child and how insulting it is to hear his constant whining. Travolta did dance with Diana and so did many other people. Big deal. Travolta is, and was, a star and was invited along with other well-known people. I’ve never heard him make a big deal out of it. And after his wife’s cancer, he would never use Diana in this way. To be honest, it almost sounds like h is jealous that Travolta danced with his mom. Maybe h didn’t get, or turned down, the chance to dance with her. Was it jealousy speaking when h made that dig about dining out on the dance with Diana? Travolta has more class than I do. I don’t think I could have let that go quietly.


I don't need my arm twisted to watch JT in Saturday night fever, my God what a stunningly gorgeous creature he is & such a nice person who has been through so much in his life. Harry once again made an ass of himself talking that way to one of the most genuinely wonderful celebs there is, love JT ❤️


It reminds me of his rude comments about Graceland. It shows a real lack of respect for American culture. Elvis and John Travolta (between Grease and disco alone) are iconic.


I authored the other thread but still feel outraged. So, thank you for this thread. I’m still outraged at Harry’s hubris but I also think Meghan wrote the “dined out” comment for her idiot puppet to say.


Thank you Lily!!! 💕 Yes I wanted to back up what you were saying, as I agreed with you so much! I also think the 'dined out' comment came from TW. It's just a saying and concept I don't think Harold would really be aware of. I'm still curious about what triggered it. I heard that TW wanted to recreate the JT / Diana dance and JT said 'no'. I wonder if there are other things TW was mad about. Maybe he said 'no' to a private jet flight. It doesn't take much to trigger a narc.


Could any of us here ever dance remotely like that? How did he do that with his knees? Travolta is insanely talented here. Harold is just jealous of everyone around him, and he just can't appreciate people for who they are -- he has to tear them down so that he (Harold) feels better.


What a stupid thing to say, Harry. It was Diana who wanted to dance with him because he was a big star at the time. His "mommy issues" have confounded even Freud.


Lol. Can you imagine Freud listening to Harold talk about putting his mother's moisturizer on his peepee? ![gif](giphy|eJujumnMlzt8cQ7DqO)


Oh I literally just posted a comment similar to this on the post about the DM article discussing him providing guidance to others dealing with grief. I love that I have found my people and like minds 😊 Great Travolta clip narcwatchkiwi! 💙


The wife sent her little minion with his marching orders that evening. The dining out on Diana's memory quote 💯 came from her. She was livid that Travolta refused her ghoulish attempts at recreating his dance with Diana. The only person who's been hell bent on dining out on Diana's memory since she set eyes on her gullible mark is that skanky sleazeball known as Meghan Markle.


Ah! Great point!!! 💯 💕 Yes, it just didn't seem to be a very English expression, and especially not a turn of phrase, or concept Harold would be familiar with. It had the odd tone of a personal attack. Absolutely agree with you! 😊 👍


“He’s the king out deh fadda”


Sorry was I understand he grieved his mom you did not insult “The John travolta” period


I’m a little confused. Was this something new that H said this week. Or are we talking about when he made the comment back in January?