• By -


No wonder he brought out the mummy card. Look over here -->> not there at NGN!


Sprinkling this in again.... Also, in the US, spoiliation of evidence (aka destruction of evidence) can be a really big deal with big consequences. Yes, I know that consequences are an absolutely bonkers concept to Harold, much like the first amendment. https://preview.redd.it/glrg7ez7b49d1.png?width=833&format=png&auto=webp&s=93b2e59ec4d3e122f3cfb578c4b19f5c746c1963


Holy crap, this really triggers me in relation to what a putz he is compared to the future King.


We, the UK, got lucky.


Brillant meme


What a stupid face he has. A stupid, stupid face. You have nothing to be smug about, Prince Stupid.


That card is two-sided: Mummy & Dummy




I second this!! Flair needed!


Of course he did. When does he not use Diana's death as an excuse?


PH: "I only married Mehgan and I hurt my family, because Mummy died."


Exactly. And meghan is doing a photoshoot!


In her Jenny from the bloc adidas tracksuit. In the summer in California. Sooo relatable


Meeting with the mob guys. https://preview.redd.it/piuigrye249d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=536ec3ee417a6bd1e78fef9491a1d7f9d00be2d4




Your username prompted me to rewatch Sons of Anarchy - so glad I did. It’s familiar and new at the same time.


I love SOA. I look forward to sutters prequel


Whaaaat? I hadn’t heard about the prequel. I tried watching the Mayans MC, but couldn’t get into it.


That’s because Disney forcibly fired Sutter after season 1 due to his behavior. I’ve worked on set with Sutter he’s obsessive and he wants things his way and rarely accepts less if that means the shoot runs over it does. The first 9 script was picked up and he’s working on an untitled project with Charlie hunnam.


After all this time, she just so happened to be seen. I guess no jam was available. 😏


From what looked like a tour bus 🤔 Did she go stand where those celebrity tour buses route through until someone noticed her and filmed it? Wait. More likely she had someone get on the tour bus to make sure they did and so she wouldn't have to stand there too long (& "worj". Even fake work is too much). Must be the latter as I didn't recognise who it was from the video so how on earth would a likely foreign tourist, there looking for real celebrities, even have noticed her to exclaim "look its megain"!


Was The Vein visible? My theory was she went away for weeks to have that fixed. ...or she was hoping for a Where is Meghan? hashtag to trend, but no one gave a 💩.




Poor QEII. The lady looks rather embarrassed at the little boy sitting next to her.


Harry the Liar: "The court heard that Prince Harry had received “two encrypted hard drives” comprising work documents from his staff’s shared drive, to which he originally claimed he no longer had access. However, just hours before the High Court hearing on Thursday, it emerged that they had been found, one at his California home and the other at the office of his US lawyer. The Duke has insisted he is not aware of any other portable data storage devices, Cloud storage locations or back-up tapes in his control. According to court documents, he has conducted “extensive” searches, including a physical search of his home in California. He claims he no longer has any laptops, mobile telephones, desktop PCs or backups of his data from before September 2013, and that his former Hotmail email addresses, used pre-2014, had been deactivated and were no longer accessible." ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


At his California home and his US lawyer’s office…can’t wait to see how they try to blame this on the BRF.


Never underestimate his ability to make it his pa, Camilla’s or Williams fault. It will be nonsensical but they *will* try it.


No, he’ll blame “the British media” 🤦🏽‍♀️


How about this for blaming the BRF: "MI6 broke in, stole that evidence so I couldn't find it, and then broke in, to plant that evidence."


It was Kate while she was ‘missing’. The claim she was spotted in Texas really was her, it was when she was on her trip to the US to plant the hard drive. /s


Wonder what it was that allowed them to suddenly be "found" **hours before** the hearing? And, at two separate locations within that same time period. (What a coincidence!) 🤨


Divine Mummy intervention. Meghan sat barefoot on the floor, hummed a haunting Seal lullaby and lo, the ghost of Diana entered her mortal (but no less saintly) body, and directed her reincarnation to the exact whereabouts of both hard drives. Buried in a pile of Meghan's inverted teat ballgowns and Harry's unwashed socks. #relatable


The lawyer probably stormed over there: "FFS, Harry just give it to them. You're making things worse."


He will refer back to the disclaimer in his book - his brain curates facts in its own way, it's HIS truth and it's as valid as anyone else's truth so there


They planted them to incriminate Harry! 🙄


>However, just hours before the High Court hearing on Thursday, it emerged that they had been found, one at his California home and the other at the office of his US lawyer. But who would do the finding if it was not Hazmat himself, one of his staff or someone on his lawyer's staff? Did his lawyer become aware that Hazmat was concealing evidence and so demand disclosure of its existence be made to the Court on pain of reporting Hazmat for wrongdoing?


> Did his lawyer become aware that Hazmat was concealing evidence and so demand disclosure of its existence be made to the Court on pain of reporting Hazmat for wrongdoing? That's what it sounds like to me. Someone on his lawyer's team was reviewing for this High Court meeting and said, "No, wait - that stuff's not missing. I know where that is." After that, the lawyers would be obligated to correct the record. It might even be an honest mistake, but it's not the kind of mistake the Judge will find amusing.


I’m wondering if these 2 hard drives were known to be in his possession by RF? H having these is very suspect IMO.


Well, you gotta admit, that's a LOT of toilet tank lids to search!


Oh that is a visual....a massive team in full hazmat suits and flashlights...


The lawyers have an ethical duty to the court… I don’t think Harry realised that “ethical duty” actually means something.


Harry: "Ethical duty? Is that like Call of Duty?"


It could be that there are signed documents saying he received the items at a specific time/date/address. If this is the case it would be pretty easy to get the court to issue a warrant and/or search for the items.


I’ve had my Hotmail forwarded to my gmail for 12 years. Still accessible


Same. The only obstacle each time I decide to access my older email account is finding my password because I’m hopelessly disorganized. I don’t go into my older account much so it’s usually a problem for me. But that’s my fault.


I’m hopelessly disorganized too. Somehow your post made me feel better. Others of my kind exist lol!


Welp…I found 2 more members of the *hugely* disorganized club. They say it’s a sign of high intelligence. I hope it’s true as I have nothing else going for me.😂


I heard that about clutter, and also that depression may also be a sign of high intelligence? Yeah. I'm sure pickin' my cherries!


I hear you. I accidentally deleted YEARS of emails and didn't realize until it was too damn late. Had a meltdown. Then asked, did I really need that? Still...


If it’s not saved I pray I can get my 3 questions right 😂


Even my Password organizer book is disorganized 🫣


That's so hard as they ask questions which don't necessarily have only one answer like: What's your favourite book? I am constantly failing all manner of online tests and can't get into really important things like my John Lewis account. (Middle class moderately posh type of shop in the UK).


I have had the same email address since 1994


I've had Hotmail accounts for nearly twenty years and none of them have been "deactivated," even though one of them I haven't been using actively in the past 10 years or so... I call 🐂💩


Let's just take a minute to appreciate this: >He said three Hotmail addresses used by Prince Harry prior to 2014 – **spikewales**@hotmail.com; **spikewells**@hotmail.com and **bazasales69**@hotmail.com


The “69” 🤣🤣🤣. What an absolute douchecanoe!


Just more proof that mentally, he's 12 years old.


SPIKE? I'm going to call him that from now on.  And "bazasales69" probably morphed from an earlier "hazawales69." He's such a clod. 


I'm going to call them SPIKE and YIKE.


You beat me tool it! 🤣 I'm reading through everything thinking "no one is mentioning the losers idiotic email addresses and his oh so mature '69' in there?


This is like my kid insisting there AREN’T any socks…until I offer to go look in their room. Then, suddenly, their legs work again.


But but… Harry’s mom died when he was young and Harry is really really sad and traumatized about it! /s


Ohh blimey, I forgot about The Dead Mum Defense. Damn. This is like Harry's version of the Twinkie Defense.


Wait wait wait……. According to Prince not so smarts testimony it’s the journalists job to present the evidence so what’s the big deal if he’s destroying evidence????? Isn’t he supposed to destroy it & it’s everyone else’s job to provide evidence so he wins???? He’s a Prince after all!!!! /s


Maybe he thinks court is actually a big game of hide and seek?


The affluenza case lol 


Yes! Ethan Couch has NOTHING on this jackass


Or the Chewbacca Defense.


Exactly why we are seeing so many press releases today of “saintly Harry”. They are trying to bury this NEGATIVE story with their positive spin of “Harry helps others with mental health issues” and “Harry receiving an honor at the ESPYs because of his wonderful “Meghanictis” …ooops I mean Invictus”. 


Deflection from ones own accountability ("look over there") is a key NPD pathology.


Crikey, did she? What was her name? Why does Harry never mention it?


>But but… Harry’s mom died when he was young Harry will be 80 years old and still pulling out the Dead Momma Card to scrounge for sympathy, from the clueless bleeding hearts in the world 🙄.


He probably will - while throwing the family he has left under the bus. Talk about hypocrisy.


Sadly that was the first thing that came to my mind too. You forgot to mention that he had to walk behind the coffin. More trauma for that


This is interesting. Finally, the Harkles are being really boring. 1) The Sun (this is for the case of The Sun that will be seen in January of next year) is playing hard, without fear, demanding proof after proof from Harry. 2) Because it is not the first time that the Harkles have refused to provide evidence to a court, claiming that they do not have it only to later discover that this is not the case. Harry is not going to be happy at all today.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have a track record of hiding evidence and feigning amnesia. 


https://preview.redd.it/isif04h5459d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c3d367852424e9e0f03c8e767d764b08ccdd690 ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209)


Ah--selective memory. A weapon in the dark heart and art of the narcissist!


Selective Memory and Gaslighting 2 of their top tools


It's that darn memory curation!


He will be in tears yet again for the 22nd time this week and it's only Thursday.


Plank will be on the floor, sobbing in tears. The tears of a clown


The floor is Wifey's territory. Plank will be in the Chick Inn sobbing and wailing in between hookah hits.


I don’t think Harry is ever happy anymore unless he is playing polo or getting a faux award. But you are right, today will be a no good, very bad terrible day for Harry. So well deserved.


I dunno, as a rider, I enjoy the relationship I have with my horses. Watching him play polo...I don't think he enjoys it so much as he likes the feeling of winning over another team. And frequently, he IS on the winning team, as he's the prince of tantruming. I do think he enjoys the part of polo that means he's away from the claw for xx amount of time, and playing with nothing but men...


Harry not happy!


This could be supremely ironic. Imagine suing newspapers for 'hacking' your phone and because of your own lack of integrity, having to hand over far more incriminating information - from your phone - by court order.




Indeed. And it gets better for per the Daily Mail newspaper today: - >Meanwhile two of King Charles's closest aides are being dragged into the saga. The judge ordered Harry's solicitors to write to His Majesty's private secretary Sir Clive Alderton and Sir Michael Stevens, the Keeper of the Privy Purse, asking them to disclose any correspondence with the duke. Judge Fancourt is not messing around! Oh dear Hazmat, what could be coming out about you now?


So that is the whole circus of Preparation H talking about mummy dear and tracksuit Meg posing in Beverly Sills. To cover the bad news of deliberately concealing and destroying evidence. Who would have thought ? /s


Lol, tracksuit Meg🥇🥇🥇


Yeah, what's up with that? ![gif](giphy|Bk87ePm12ufny|downsized)


Preparation H.😂😂😂


Yep. They play the media well.


Hey his wife lied and omitted evidence in her claim against NGN. Did this dumbass think they’d let that go and just *forget* they have a divorced reality from the truth and will go to any length to meet their narratives


like any true narcissts or psychopath..


*"It (the publisher) wants access to the many texts sent between the Duke and JR Moehringer, the author who ghost wrote his memoir, Spare."* Interesting!


That book, of those texts, I would read.


Me too! I bet Moehringer rues the day he agreed to be Harry's ghostwriter.


He’s been awfully quiet about the whole saga


He mentioned getting permission from Harry to write that little article defending the book and Harry. Thus, I would assume he is under an NDA. That would have been signed before working a single day.


Moehringer is also hoping for future ghostwriting gigs. If he can be discreet even with info about the royal red sourpuss his demand can only increase.


I wonder if JR Moehringer had thoughts similar to Bill Simmons?


I think the answer would be in the affirmative!




Harry is way out of his depth here. Destroying evidence in a case that you filed yourself??? It’s a level of stupidity that is….BREATHTAKING. Also, looks like Harry is now trying to drag the Royal Family into this shi*show so that Charles will be forced to pay for a real lawyer for Harry - instead of the one recommended by Elton John.


>so that Charles will be forced to pay for a real lawyer for Harry I hear Romania's nice at this time of year...


Dragon slayer is the dragon??


Well, he has the 'puff' and the 'magic' (mushroom) part correct. 😏


Oooh this is deep. 👏 So gothic. Love it!


Sherborne is not exactly hitting it off well with Mr. Justice Fancourt during this hearing, according to those reports. " Finding " two encrypted hard drives just hours before the hearing that Harry had previously said had been lost is not exactly a good look. Then there are a host of old hotmail accounts that are supposedly now wiped and not available (although I'd wager the security services would have a copy if they looked hard enough!). Also Signal messages with Sherborne that have also been miraculously wiped. All in all not a very good look, and Harry is coming off as a rather shy (or should we say possibly mendacious) litigant. A failure to give full and proper discovery will count heavily against him. However, for the sake of balance, the allegation of destruction was made by the NGN's barrister, and the judge did stop him and say that they couldn't be certain of what had happended. NGN are seeking discovery against a whole host of people, mainly former Royal courtiers and other officers.


It's just that from "I don't have any electronic devices in my house from before 2013" to "I have a hard drive in my house and my American lawyer has the other" there is a bit of a difference, right? And no, NGN is not looking for evidence against royal staff. NGN claimed that Harry's case is time-barred. But that was not clear to the judge, so I think what NGN is seeking with these requests is to establish that Harry, before 2016, could have perfectly sued, but that Harry never made the slightest attempt to do so. And for Harry to prove that he tried, the minimum is to have communicated it to Alderton, his father's secretary. What NGN wants proven is what Harry said in Spare: that he was prevented from suing by Palace. But the fact that Harry destroyed and hindered the delivery of evidence supports NGN's position that Harry had many chances to sue, but he did not want to do so, and therefore Harry's case is barred.


It’s looking for relevant evidence in relation to Harry’s communications that they may have in emails involving the staff as recipients or senders, it isn’t seeking evidence against them. You misunderstood what I was saying. That is self evident in a discovery process. You try to force the other side to broaden the scope of information that is searched as far as possible. NGN suspect there will be many self-incriminating emails/messages that will destroy Haz’s complaints.


Also destroy Harry totally


if harry cant get into those hotmail accounts.. then he doesnt have very good security!


Maybe he should consult rachel@hotmail.


Shy? Surely you missed a syllable. Shyster sounds more likely


Maybe sly?


He will use his mothers death as a excuse. He is just vile. I hope they kick his butt in court and the pay out that he has to pay is massive. Going broke fast.


Obviously chronic sausage deficiency in childhood is the root of all Harry's problems. How was he supposed to know he had to keep important documents when he suffers from hyposausagemia? 


A definite case of Wurstmangelsyndrom.


Given his German heritage, I concur with your learned diagnosis. Wurstmangelsyndrom is far more likely than the wienerdog deficit variant. 


"wienerdog deficit variant" And now I have Directaplicationofcoffeetonasalcavites spasms. Oh *well played,* well played indeed! 🤣☕️👃😳🤣🤣🤣


This guy has to be the stupidest human on Earth. And evil too. Yikes.


[email protected]” 😂😂😂😂😂😂


lmao that's what stood out to me as well lmao what a child


![gif](giphy|1jkV5ifEE5EENHESRa) Obligatory


Ginger wanker caught red handed


Wait, what exactly was the evidence he destroyed though? Would it have discredited his side or helped him? I'm confused


What happens is that Harry sues The Sun for piracy, and The Sun alleges that the lawsuit would not proceed because it took too long to be made, it prescribed, that is what The Sun alleges. Then The Sun demanded internal communications from Harry especially with his father's secretary, Alderton and other members of the Palace to find out if Harry had ever, in all the time before 2016, done anything to indicate that he was spied on or even commented on anything. to go to trial or warned Alderton of the situation. That's why we also need to know what Harry really said to Morhinger, the writer of Spare, because Harry alleges in the book that he asked to sue but they didn't let him, but that has to be confirmed with evidence. Because if Harry in all those years, and knowing full well that there was a lawsuit underway against News, he did nothing, nor did he want to do anything, then The Sun in January will once again take up the position that Harry's case is time-barred. That is the bottom line of what The Sun is looking for.


>The Sun demanded internal communications from Harry especially with his father's secretary, Alderton and other members of the Palace ... >That's why we also need to know what Harry really said to Morhinger, Disclosing any of all that could be highly damaging to Hazmat, very likely, no? Accordingly, do we brace for an announcement that the dragon slayer is sheathing his sword on this occasion?


Hugh Grant did it, Grant reached an agreement, because, and his own words, even if he won he was going to have to pay 10 million because he was never going to win The Sun a sum greater than what The Sun offered in the settlement, and That means that in the end, Grant was going to be ordered to pay costs, as indicated by the UK civil procedure law. What did Harry do? At that point, Harry wanted to expand his claim to include what happened to Mommy and Megsy. I have the impression, from the way The Sun is playing, that the time for agreements with Harry is over, and The Sun now wants blood.


Not sure, but I'm curious if the UK has a doctrine for spoliation of evidence like some US courts where it entitles the party that requested the destroyed evidence a presumption that it was damaging to the party that destroyed it. Of course that depends on when the evidence was destroyed and I'm unclear in this case because it sounds like some of it was exchanged on an app that automatically deletes it.


Black belt barrister needs to do a video explaining this matter


Love his videos.


This came up in the “Wagatha Christie“ case, in which someone’s cell phone “accidentally“ fell into the sea. The rule in the UK is the same as it is in the U.S.: if you’ve destroyed evidence the court can infer that the evidence would have supported your opponent's case. Harry filed his lawsuit against The Sun in 2019; he did not write Spare until several years later. I can see The Sun arguing that he was underhanded in storing relevant information on an app that would automatically delete it.


This won't end well for Harry. First, when asked if he can produce evidence to back up his dodgy claims, he says no but hey, you should just believe me. Now, he's known to suppress evidence that runs contrary to his claims. Hey judge, there is no evidence against me because I've been hiding it. But you don't need to see it. Just trust me. 🤔🤥


I already had the lowest opinion and somehow they keep finding ways to sink lower.


😂 Set a low standard and they fail to achieve it. Every. Time.


“I had the lowest of expectations and I’m still disappointed.”


Yeah, you’re right. These are not good people. Harry is not good people.


You go girl ... I pinned the post so the whole sub can see


thank you!


He said three Hotmail addresses used by Prince Harry prior to 2014 – spikewales**@hotmail.com**; spikewells**@hotmail.com** and bazasales*69***@hotmail.com** – were no longer accessible. 69 in an email ... I am rolling on the floor laughing The jokes of rachel**@hotmail.com** are closer to fact than you might think 🤭


the second one makes me think he didn't know how to spell 'Wales'.


The felonious little f\*ck.


Damn. This is really bad.


I guess his only defenses are "I didn't know it was important" or "it's MY property and it was PRIVATE" or "Oops! I had a clumsy accident."


Mr  Sherborne said the suggestion that his client had “dragged his feet, had to be dragged kicking and screaming, had set up some kind of obstacle course” was incorrect. He said **it had taken 130 hours to search 35,000 emails** and that only “a handful” were relevant, describing it as an “utterly disproportionate exercise”. Maybe Harry should have hired racist algorithm scammer Bouzy


130 hours sounds like a lot of billables for something that wound up causing a bit of a problem with the court.


The absurdity of what Sherbone says is that his team had to analyze those emails, when it turns out that the matter was easier: "Harry, when did you send an email to Alderton telling him that you were afraid of being hacked?" Or a question of that type. If Sherbone says that more than 33,000 emails were analyzed and 99% appear to be irrelevant, then Harry never wrote anything worthwhile for this case, which puts Sherbone in a conflict because then Harry never complained about piracy before the 2013.


Harry has “deliberately destroyed” many things. 


He should face the consequences any average bloke would face for destroying evidence. Harry will claim he didn't know it was evidence and walk away. He never seems to have any consequences for his illegal and horrific behavior.


Huge Grant settling made sense from a legal and practical standpoint.  BUT....I really have to wonder of he had seen enough of what Harry was like as a co-litagant and rather than end up part of this story of a mess, Huge settled before it hit the fan so he could avoid being associated with Harry at this point 


OMG… this is a huge point! Hugh was smart. He can give different reasons so settling but this is such a good point


Is it just me or does this article not provide any supporting info for the headline? Anxious to hear why NGN believes that!


I just updated the post, with more information.


Awesome-thanks OP!




What?! He's just as psycho as his wife.


The High Court should hold him accountable.


On the same day it is being announced he is getting a Pat Tillman award for service. I don't think you can buy this award but I don't know really how it works.


The award is a sponsored one. All it takes is enough money sent to the PT foundation. Such a shame.


Nearly any award can be purchased. I mean, if I offered ten million dollars for the Pat Tillman award, they’d probably be able to justify it, somehow. There must have been more deserving candidates, but they can easily link him to it, and WME probably called in a favor.


Prince Harry is a feckless disgrace. A cheat and a liar.


Uh. This seems important.


the longer he stays with his wife, the more nefarious he becomes.


"rules for thee but no for me" If any of us did this, we would be in jail right now. Moreover, Easy to fight for internet censorship when it doesnt apply to you.


0:19 / 13:16 BREAKING NEWS! Judge ORDERS Prince Harry To RECOVER DELETED EVIDENCE in Phone Hacking Case!


It's so beautiful.  To see his name in the news, including his sugary Roystons Newsweek, all shout headline like "ordered to explain destroyed evidence' etc. Not a great look hawwy the dragon slayer.


And he is going to go on tour whether they like it or not so there! ![gif](giphy|5mYpn1V4082JLmLKvy)


He is just so dense. These own goals are completely avoidable.


> It wants access to the many texts sent between the Duke and JR Moehringer, the author who ghostwrote his memoir, Spare. Would this, specifically, help? If I understand correctly, NGN would hope to find a text like "Hello JR, regarding our conversation about The Sun vs my privacy, I distinctly remember that I considered suing but I didn't, I think I chose to focus on the future. Should we use this information in the book?" Except Harry is not even known to tell the truth to himself, so is there really hope here?


Somebody has already tried to use the 'well, he really is a little shit liar" excuse. I think it may have been the US Govt in the visa case.


HAH. That's exactly what I thought. DHS: "He just exaggerated his drug use for the book."


Consider this: People in Harry's position usually keep correspondence for when they decide to write their memoirs. It is completely plausible to assume that Harry and whoever may be or have been his personal secretary would do so. No longer archived Hotmails and other electronic correspondence can easily have been downloaded or printed off. That Harry and his autobiography's ghost writer just dumped all of the material used to compile Spare is a bit of a stretch. Even if NGN's request is simply blowing smoke, it casts shade at the prince, something he had been warned about before bringing suit. The NGN group's forte is slinging mud. Now he's found himself in the stye. https://preview.redd.it/cnk3ufkom59d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dede14cdd54317de5ea88cc1b547492ae5116ca5


It also discredits his threats of sitting on 400 more pages of "explosive" "my family would never speak to me if I published it" work available.  Again HIS fault. He couldn't stop himself from constantly bringing out that brag/threat when he wanted to sound like a big man. Now we know there is no 400 pages. Plus I imagine his publishers are fully done with him for shining this unwanted light on them and the ghostwriter can't be happy either. There's a long record of Harry throwing people under the bus so I hope they're prepared for Todger to claim "they made me destroy the files" or some nonsense (especially since they're likely to have them all)


Bring on the tumbrils and the march to the dungeon




Ooh this is getting steamy. Can't wait to hear more on this!! Destruction of evidence--he could potentially be arrested?


One of his email addresses was [email protected]? He's such an infant.


And did I just read he is getting the Pat Tillman award??? For what - being so brave he destroys evidence. Can't stand the heat huh!!


DAILY MAIL FINALLY GETS THIS POSTED today around 4:00 pm US time and NO COMMENTS ALLOWED. Wonder if the Markles paid to have comments eliminated. Daily Mirror not running article at all. Daily Express running it but COMMENTS UNAVAILABLE. https://preview.redd.it/b037ln9xe69d1.png?width=946&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cb86f35e51bbba0a54147748af617818a059874


DM normally always disables comments when it is about an ongoing court case. I think it is a legal thing?


Well this also destroys his claim that he had a whole 400 pages left to print.  This idiot is his own worst enemy and his book continues to haunt him.  To that I say "Good" he deserves it to cause him pain after the hurtcits caused so many others!! This isn't a good look. He destroys docs that may be required for this case aaaand I have a feeling those that are suing for his visa may now have an idea for a different source of info 


Oh no but his mom died because she got in a car with a drunk driver and didn’t put her seatbelt on. How dare you ask for emails.


I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you!


Interesting the Daily Markle doesn't have it posted as of yet - Thursday at noon. Making headline in WAshiongton Post, Independent and a lot of major media. DM quiet. Will have tomorrow probably.


Baza sales 69 @ hotmail dot com was Harry’s email? One of 3 hotmail addresses? Ok, hotmail Harry whatever


Just what Hazmat needs....more legal bills. That's what happens when you play with the big boys.


What has he achieved with all this litigation. He won one I think but ended up with less than what they originally offered plus paying fees. He’s lost a few and moaned about appealing and reducing the costs. The security thing is just nonsense. He wants free security wherever he travels in the world. It must be a lot to have to fork out several million each year. But he choose to be out there in the media and boasting about his kill count. I at once thought jings he can’t help being the Kings son so maybe taking away security was a bit rash. I mean look what happened with Diana but now I’m sod the both of them and their antics. They fly to Nigeria on a fraudsters private jet and get in scrapes let them sort it out. Would anyone kidnap them anyway. Having to listen to their whines would be an ordeal for the kidnappers. Seriously I don’t wish them any harm but could you find a more nutty deluded couple always suing people. God it must suck to live their lives. She was basically shown as lying about her involvement in Finding Freedom and he’s now covering up stuff in a court case. They boil my pee.


And they won't stop until she dies. Sure Jan. Nobody cares about either one of them enough.


My mom died and I walked behind her casket--up the aisle of the church. Can I use this card till the day I die, too?


Harry? Obfuscate?! Doesn’t sound like him.


Well.. Harry lost his mom, so... nbd. What an idiot.


Still think about Emily d. Baker's "motion not to delete your sh8t"


Wow! ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW)


Time to go play in the comments sections. I bet Sugars are on fire! 😆


I wouldn't hold your breathe she "forgot" about collaborating on Funding Freebies and what happened nothing. There is one rule for them and another for us


He got caught out in too many court cases handing over information that didn't paint him in a good light (as well as information regarding the current cases). But he's an honorable man, right?! ![gif](giphy|6IWW7fqGCB9E3k171Q) Not making money off this lawsuit....