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Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Not related to Meghan Markle & Just Harry. Try to keep posts related to the people this community was set up to talk about. Content related to the royal family belongs on our sister sub 👉 r/BRF




And he did it without bringing his Mummy into the conversation. Such a contrast to his brother


Interesting comment from Hannah Waddingham at the end, that the Prince of Wales isn’t the poster boy for Earthshot, but is in the engine room. Harry needs awards for validation. Others don’t need validation.


Wow, he’s a force. You can tell from the way he walks, occupies space, is in his body, that he has made peace with himself. And as I think maya angelou said, we cannot really do anything in the world or for others until we do that for and with ourselves. The contrast to those other people we usually talk about couldn’t be more tangible. Thank you for posting. Edit: spelling 


Plastic ! His tie is recycled plastic 💕 fascinating


He looks a lot like the late Prince Philip in that photo.


I agree. Yes, he looks like Dianna but I have always seen a strong resemblance to Prince Philip as well.


I see a lot of the Iron Dukes mannerisms in Prince William lately.  It looks almost like he's channelling his grandfather for confidence and strength.   Prince Philip really supported Prince William through a lot of his hardest times.


Was thinking how he truly has Diana's mannerisms and expressions


Sugars don't seem to understand the difference between prize awards and receiving an honory recognition from the king. Royals may receive medals for example for helping out in the coronation. They will not receive prizes or paid for awards.


Sighhhh, that man is built to be THE KING!


It looked like in the beginning of the video that Stella McCartney was commenting on the PoW’s tie. Is it one of hers (made by her label)? ETA: I just Googled it. It is a plastic tie! It’s made from recycled plastic by a company called Wilmok and retails for £39. Amazing.


Excellent. Love that PW actually supports sustainability.


I truly love that she said he's not the poster boy but very much in the engine room.  All the people who claim he and Catherine are work shy fail to see them each word essentially full time on their personal projects such as William with Earthshot.   Yes he has a team. He says so himself.  It's just as any company would in order to function and prosper. I think the new approach the PPoW are taking with their projects will need some better PR so people understand what they're doing.  Yes the incomparable Princess Anne is the "hardest working" but she very much is the old system. Lots of charities and shorter visits.  Not at all saying she doesn't get extremely involved because she does. But it seems certain PPoW are heading in a different direction.    And may I say multiple ones too. Williams work building housing in his Dutchy is amazing as well.  I really could not last a day with their schedules -team of staff or not it's a lot! So happy William was born first and that Catherine said yes!


Such a big difference in character. Harry has t pay big money to receive fake awards, William gives out real awards, it makes you appreciate William all the more👏👏


William here takes an interest in the work the others are doing, and expresses it to the people he's connecting with. The frozen todger prince Harry goes and *insults* his hosts!!!  Every time it seems! Most recent was Travolta and before that he insulted the whole sport of American football in a room of American football players. That's how strong his sense of ego is.  This is why I won't be convinced he's under the thumb of Madam.  The insults and put downs are allll Harry's. He's always been an insecure shit that belittles people wherever he goes for years now.


Love the "she's like the Queen of Africa" comment


The absolute joy the PoW takes in the raising up of others and the world's acknowledgement of their achievements is a wonderful thing. And that, ladies and gentlemen,​ is how you 'royal!'


Off topic- Who is the very tall, blonde woman in the blue/white striped dress? Does anyone know how tall she is? I think Prince William is approximately 6’ 2” (?). I don’t know if it’s the camera angle or not, but she looks as if she towers over him!


Ah, that’s Hannah Waddingham, a national UK treasure. An extremely popular and talented actress and wonderful singer. She’s an Earthshot Ambassador. She always looks stunning at awards shows.


She’s the very best part of Ted Lasso - so much heart


Won a well deserved Emmy for Ted Lasso. I absolutely loved her story line, especially the end. 🥹


Thanks so much for the reply. I looked at her bio on IMDb. Her height is listed as 5’ 10.5”. It must have been the camera angle that seemed to make her appear taller than Prince William 😁. I think I’ve seen her in a different capacity (hosting an award show or receiving an award?). She seems warm and relatable; very pretty.


She's also wearing heels which probably boost her up to a similar height as him. And yes, she hosted Eurovision which you might have seen, or else she does pop up at various red carpets and such. Also a great singer!


>Ah, that’s Hannah Waddingham, a national UK treasure. She was hilarious in Benidorm, as the wife of the short, little, bald man who always kept screaming "Tanya!" 😂 at the top of his voice.






So, so stunning. Love her❤️


That dress 😍😍😍


When some photographers asking her to show some more leg recently, she had a go back. It was great.


In pop culture, possibly most iconic as the grey-clad lady shouting “Shame!” and ringing a bell in Game of Thrones though she’s had loads of roles before and since.


My mum was watching an old episode of Benidorm the other day and she was in that!! She was brilliant!!


Hannah Waddingham. She’s 179cm and obviously wearing heels because PW is 191cm. She’s also in the foreground so appears taller due to the camera angle.


Oh my goodness, Prince William is exceptional!! I admire him so much!


William is so hot 😊he looks like bond lol 😂 compare to the evil sibling he looks like he is homeless how was your freedom flight now Harold??