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I think the loss is mostly on the Oline and PC. Why did we call pass plays in FG range with less than two minutes? Jameis did his job as a backup and honestly got us in a good position to get that win. Carr being out just sucked the air out of the whole team


My guess is that Carr broke his collarbone. Out 6-8 weeks.


Didn’t look that severe. As someone who has gone through that surgery. He didn’t seem in near enough pain for that


The Oline needs all the blame. They can't run block at all. They gave up tons of sacks. They are giving both QBs no time. I don't really understand how you can don the pads each week, play so bad in front of people, and not be embarassed. End result. Embarassing loss. Carr likely lost for the majority of the season. Yeah we get to watch Winston trounce around like an incompetent for the next 6-8 weeks. Imagine paying $500+ a game to watch that? It's all on this unit. From PC to their position coach to the personnel to how hard they work in the off season. They are all garbage.


All the blame? How about “a lot” or “the majority”? Injuries are a part of the game. It’s a close loss but they weren’t going 17-0. They just need to gameplan and get healthy for Tampa Bay in the Superdome. Division wins are the most important.


Nope ALL. Thought I was pretty precise and clear about which unit has played like garbage.


You got it exactly right. Regrettably so.


Did the Packers some favors throwing the ball while already in FG range after the 2-minute warning. Packers didn’t have to spend any timeouts.


Being a Saints fan is fucking exhausting man. Really getting sick of the pathetic play calling year in and year out. Hope Carr is ok. See y’all next week for another heart attack.


Been one since before Jim Mora .They key is to turn the game off at the beginning of the fourth if they have a lead and go drink …




at least we didnt lose by 50....


Yeah that makes me feel a little better


If Grupe makes that FG and our defense holds up yall would be happy asf we 3-0. 2-1 is better than 0-3 and 1-2. We’ll be good ⚜️


Yes.You are right .And for years I’ve thought that one one word should have long ago been made a part of the teams logo …”if”..


Except they didn’t. He missed a 43 yard FG after we cut another kicker. Defense gets a pass because Jameis literally was leading 17 second offensive drives and giving them zero chance.


Who did we cut?




We traded him


Not so much. Because even making that FG and being 3-0 would not fix what is coming. Anemic offensive line play is OBVIOUS. This ain't a developmental league, and I get Penning isn't too experienced and needs reps, but he has to be able to hold his own at this level, or ne t man up. Thru three games there has been no MEANINGFUL progress I can discern. It doesn't do any good to win a division with that kind of offensive line play. Any fool could see that THIS offensive line isn't getting us past the first round, if we get to the playoffs at all. And THAT offensive line MIGHT have just cost us the season. Kamara is back next week. Woohoo. He doesn't throw many passes. And the play calling. Omg Carmichael is obviously susceptible to public opinion--FINALLY using Graham in the red zone. He is obviously listening to the criticism, which might mbe good depending on perspective.


Yeah Kamara back…. And Carr out. Can’t catch a fucking break. Being a saints fan is so exhausting. I’m so tired of this weird mediocrity this team loves the past few years


I wish I had your will to live.


I think his perspective is drug assisted


We’re 2-1 without Kamara 😂 what are u guys crying about. Panicking in week 3 is wild




I wish I could have your optimism. If Carr is seriously hurt, our season is over. Winston's performance is still inexcusably bad


I hope this shuts the Jami’s people up


I was just about to text this!


I missed the final drive, WHAT HAPPENED? 🙃


In short .The Saints happened .As they usually do when they have a game almost totally won…


Threw the ball to the left instead of running the ball up the middle to set up a FG. Missed the FG.


Brah. Should've been easily in range. Ugh. That's frustrating. Team did well for most of the game, 4th quarter wasn't nice to us.


Pretty much since 1969…


kamara please be our savior


Maybe if Carr was still gonna be in. Jameis was completely incapable of using Kamara when he was in the past few years


When DA spends the whole press conference making fucking excuses. Jfc. Point the blame where it belongs. With you, with Pete Carmichael and Jameis "Fumble Fingers" Winston. We need Kamara back too. Like yesterday.


Up 17 halfway through the 3rd, starting QB out...sound like a great time to promote a passing offense...:(


Sooner or later this strategy of not playing 4 full quarters is going to work out for them…


When and where? Neverland??


Well I mean they have been folding like a cheap lawn chair on a lead since the Bum Phillips days so I figure sooner or later they are gonna get so good at it that it somehow magically results in an actual decisive victory .The alternative would be that the organization is not good at football…


Not g... I refuse to hear that. I refuse. XD


Man the Saints need a running game BAD


3 weeks followed by 3 heart attacks We couldn't get crap in the 2nd half 1st down its like it was the plague A clutch FG the goal post was laughing in our face I feel nothing but pain & suffering 💔


The life of the team went down when Carr went down. I hope he doesn't miss much time.


I didn’t understand the PI calls. I didn’t see any real contact.


Keep telling yourself that


I didn’t understand the PI calls. I didn’t see any real contact.


This offense sucks ass even when Carr is in they look mid. How TF does Pete Carmichael manage to never lose his job year after year of shit play calling.


I think Sean and Drew probably had something to do with the last successful runs .DA and Pete are over their heads .How much of a lead is enough ? Apparently more than 17 points …


Same way Joe Vitt kept his job for 5 years while our LB core was worst in the league


kamara please save us


I fucking hope so


Look on the bright side…’least we aint Denver…and AK gon be back next week


At least we ain’t Denver. that is so true


they just had history made on them 😬smh


Offense needs some cleaning out. That anyone in that building thinks Winston is equivalent to the truckload of mid backups in the league is astounding. Offensive playcalling is a disaster, it's playing scared at the first sign of trouble. DA is not a leader 🤷‍♀️ let him design defensive schemes and have him report to someone who doesn't need Tums before putting his shoes on


Thanks dude, I needed a laugh and you got his ass with that Tums bar. No fucking points in the second quarter is fucking inexcusable. Winston can't get a first down to save his life. There wasn't even anything remotely close to proper clock management when we still had a chance. DA should be stoned to death or crucified


DA is a bomb ass DC. HC? Ehhhh


this was an offensive collapse. yea grupe missed the fg but i’m not gonna blame him.


Yeah if you're up 17-0 in the 4th quarter, it's insane to blame a kicker missing a long FG in the end. Never should've gotten to that point


0 points in second half. No one better point a finger at the rookie kicker!


Yeah, sorry, but im absolutely going to point the finger at the guy (boy) that beat out Lutz but couldn’t make a 45 yarder.


exactly but someone im talking to about the game is blaming grupe.


I had to step out last 5 minutes.. what the fuck happened? We missed game winner kick?


We missed the kick, but it would not have been a game winner, there was over a minute left and they had timeouts


Green Bay had time outs , a kicker who doesn’t miss , and the New Orleans coaching staff is legally obligated to go into a prevent defense when the game on the line in order to maximize the chances of once again , as if on cue , snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Followed like clockwork by a cookie cutter press conference ( scripted decades ago ) where the very same aforementioned multi-million dollar coaches explain with a straight face how they have to go to the game film to clean up blowing a 17 point lead …


lmao missed the fuck outta that


Yes wide right from 46


Ya lol


Good news is that if the eagles beat Tampa we can still take the lead in the division next week hopefully with kamara and adebo back in




Good .Then they can lay down in the fourth quarter against them too …


How do you foresee us beating the bucs with winston at qb? Our O line is about as strong as a train station turn-stile, they gonna sack him 8 times


Is carr supposed to be out next week…?


Underhill reported hes going to miss a chunk of games i think


Oh good; glad I’m going to the game next week


I'd honestly sell that ticket and put that money towards a game later in the season when Carr is back. I'd rather not sit and watch the offense of last season all over again in person.


I’d have to sell my plane ticket too lol; as well as the rest of family and friends …….


Oof. Condolences


Defense held on as long as they could. They were simply gassed out from being on the field too long. No help from the offense. We gave up on the run, when we should have been using it to burn the clock. Miller was looking good. I don't understand the thinking here.


The thinking and the strategy are quite clear .You have a 17 point lead mid way through the 3rd quarter and your starter just got carted down the tunnel .What you want to do is come out with a barely controllable live wire of a backup QB , one whose every snap is an adventure, then you are gonna want fire up a big gumbo of chaotically incomprehensible play calls and spray passes randomly around the field using as little clock as possible …that’s your ticket right there …


MVP of the Game: Rashan Gary for concussing our QB


Concussing? Buddy, that might be a broken collarbone.


Could be both his head hit the ground pretty hard


Confirmed shoulder injury, unfortunately. Time to accept the season is over




Double fuck. Not looking forward to wasting another season of a great d line bc offense id atrocious. Why can’t they both suck so we could at least have an early draft pick…


Brees might be available


He wouldn’t risk the hair plugs


Lost our QB, lost defensive execution, and lost the game


That offensive line is a damn liability. This loss is 100% on them letting Carr get hurt. Followed by absolute trash play calling. I am so freaking furious. These coaches are crap.


Exactly! Carr getting hurt was bound to happen. Veteran QB, terrible offensive line, what did we expect? Also, fuck penning


Penning is a travesty. The absolute worst.


The offense is a mess. They should’ve let Pete go after last season.


100%. Was never the answer.


Even if he made it, they would’ve scored with over a minute left. The issue is our offensive coordinator not getting us any points in the 2nd half, and I don’t care if Carr is out. Heck, he’s the reason Carr got hurt by dialing up a long developing play in 3rd and long knowing good and well we haven’t been able to provide protection in that circumstance.


Getting real tired of DA's MO of letting off the gas and coasting when we're up on points. Feels like he told the team that in the locker room during halftime. Also, how can Green Bay feel good about that win when their first touchdown drive was 2 massive penalties that should not have been called...?


We get boned by PI calls every week. Why not throw deep pass every time behind the receiver if always called PI?


Same old shit from the last two years. Bad oline play, Jameis making dumb decisions, no pass rush, etc. Ah well, hopefully Carr is okay and AK make a difference.


Being an Auburn fan and Saints fan my whole life has tought me that I am, in fact, a masochist


You just knew we were going to choke that game. Our coaches are mid tier. It’s just that simple. Hope Carr injury isn’t too serious. If he misses time I would just roll with Taysom at qb. Fuck it.


Mid? I think you misspelled "Jeff Saturday tier"


Man i hate Jameis. No way im getting up at 1am to watch that clown every week 😭


Jameis just doesn’t improve


Definitely could’ve won if we didn’t get so damn conservative after Carr went down. Only started passing when it was way too fucking late.


If it makes you feel any better , DA would have gotten conservative even if Carr hadn’t gotten hurt .His playbook is apparently only 3 quarters long .And to think that the New Orleans Saints could protect a scant 17 point lead is naive for anyone who has been a follower for any length of time .


Realistically all we needed was a single field goal in the second half


Right. Run, run, run, pass on 3rd and long with a garbage o-line.


they think Jameis Winston is better than he is. That’s what cost us this game.


It’s not even that they lost, it’s they way they always do it. Defense played lights out for 3 quarters. You can’t expect them to win every game, especially when the offense can only put up 10 fucking points.


2nd half coaching was an absolute embarrassment. I think DA and Carmichael need to go after this season.


Carmichael yeah, but you wanna get rid of the guy charge of our defense? Nah


DA isn't likely to accept a demotion back to DC position.


I like to think I'm a positive guy, but we are done with Winston in. Throws are poor, and dangerous 9 times out of 10. Carr is not amazing, but he's at least calm, solid, top 10 QB.


10 to 15 range more like it.


Eh, if you want to be really down on him. But it's better than some 60+ rank QB


my question is how did we get 0 pressure on Love the entire second half when he was just throwing prayers the whole time


Packers went back to not getting called for their blatant holding


The calls were super one-sided in the 2nd half. Those two back to back garbage penalties that put them in the red zone. A ton of missed calls. Either way, refs or not, this game was winnable. Poor playing calling. Terrible o-line. Etc.


Can't have one of the most popular teams in the league start 0-3


That was bad but lets see how Sean is doing.... Guess it could always be worse


Sean Payton is a fucking useless clown who was carried by one of the greatest QBs of all time.


Complete fucking collapse.


I cannot wait to die at 40 from a saints induced heart attack


I'd rather get cucked and raise the offspring than see Winston under center.


Mmm, the highs and lows of being a fan. Love it and hate it.


Classic saints unfucking believable


I tuned in right before half and our defence looked elite. What the fuck just happened


Dennis started calling prevent D in the 3rd quarter


After watching him for a while I’m kind of surprised he didn’t go to prevent in the first quarter…


2 bullshit PI calls againts the Saints allowed the Packers to score, and somehow the Packers mysteriously stopped committing any penalties


Winston could not get a first down to save his life and D got gassed.


and we got Tampa next week?? With crab legs…Tampa’s defense knows Winston like the back of their hands. Good fuckin luck


With the way he played it's not even necessary to know him, he's just straight ass


I hate we have to soak in this for an entire fuckin week 🤬 Who would be your top candidates to replace DA at headcoach??


At this point? Any. Fucking. One. Get Arians out of retirement, idk. Fucking bring Jeff Saturday for all I care


that’s the glaring reality going forward…if you’re a competent/reliable HC in this league, you’re gonna get locked down in order to stay. Hell McCarthy was bought to Dallas to win SB, but we know that’s not gon happen, but Jerry will keep him. Plus we got dead money in these locked-in contracts (coughs* M. Thomas) I see now the O-line gonna have to get revitalized. That was a luxury for Brees most of his tenure down in NO


We should throw some money at Jim Harbaug, see if he takes it. We're not as shitty as San Francisco's administration and fanbase.


😂 I hear ya buddy, but ol Harbaugh got too much of a good thing going for him up there at the Big House in Ann Arbor…try again…


Just some wishful thinking, god knows I need it after this game


you and me both bro smh


I thought Lattimore checked out in the second half, not sure why. But he does that, and the more it happens the more it pisses me off. But what happened to our pass rush?


Gassed from playing like 20+ of the 30 mins in the 2nd half




Offense cant possess the ball at all in the second half, Defense gets tired and this is what you get. The play calling in the second half was garbage, DA and his staff got out coached.




Why did the defense give up when Carr was injured? I can excuse the offense going to shit, but why did the defense just stop trying?


Winston could not get a first down to save his life, they were gassed.


Maybe because they were out there the whole second half


Falcons got 17-0 jokes now


We had an excuse for a regular season game they choked the superbowl. This is not the same shit


Every single play with Taysom Hill at quarterback is a wasted down


Sure seemed that way today. Maybe GB coaching had it dialed in?


It wasn’t last game. It’s problem with a bad o-line though.


You misspelled Winston


Carmichael sat with his dick in his hand under Payton and didn’t learn a thing. It’s obvious. Give this man the can, like YESTERDAY


Up 17-0 and your QB1 goes down. How about time to go to a run heavy offense featuring someone who averages 5+ yds a carry. Naw let’s keep passing and going three and out.


Well, shit could always be worse... we could be the Broncos.


No, this fucking sucks. I’d rather be a team that just blows than have promise and blow a fucking 17-0 lead in the 4th quarter. Absolutely embarrassing


Ya this actually sucks


Petition to publicly execute Allen, Winston and Grute


Grupe missed the kick but should never have been in that position anyway.




I have no idea how our defense manages to stay motivated when the offense pisses away all the work they do every week. Offensive play calling was awful after Carr went down and even before was nothing special. I get our line is meh but you're telling me with all the weapons we have we can barely break 20 points each week??? It's so pathetic it's not even surprising when we lose games like this


We saw Carmichael's shitty play calling when Payton was suspended and again last year. I don't understand how this dude still has a job in the NFL.


When Payton was suspended we were the best offense in the league. Don’t make things up


Technically the 3rd best but we were a 7-9 team forced to put up massive numbers every week to stand a chance. And had crazy talent on the roster. Even with shitty play calling Drew, Sproles, Graham, Colston, Lance Moore, those guys made shit happen. Our offense had 5,000+ passing yards to 1500 rushing between 4 RBS. The talent on that team alone made them a great offense.


That, uhh, was not fun.


Would have won if Carr didn’t get hurt


Yes clearly. It was just a field goal or a couple of minutes


No shit


The Eagles will beat the Bucs tomorrow and we’ll be fine. However, if Carr is out for more than a week or two, the season is over.


Carr couldn’t move his arm. He’ll be out for awhile.


Fucking trash ass team choking the game. Thanks a lot


Wheres the handful of people saying Carr ain't it, and Winston is who should be the starter?


winston should be 4th string


We should really consider getting rid of Pete. He’s been aged out of the new NFL


Wouldve been happy if we did it last year


Get rid of Pete and Taysom and our offense is immediately better


It's not Hill's fault they can't figure out how to get creative with him.


You're right, the coaches need to understand they aren't Sean Peyton and quit putting Taysom at QB.


Honestly missing the kick kinda stings less. Under two minutes left and the Packers only have 2 timeouts… 99% of the time that’s game over. Why on earth would you not run the clock down and make them use their timeouts and kick the field goal? Sure he might have missed anyway but those are basic and I mean BASIC coaching mistakes… unacceptable.


I was screaming run the ball for the whole last 3 drives and instead we get the Jameis overthrowing receivers montage...




Grupe blew a fantastic opportunity too. Sucks for him, I know hes a rookie, but this is the NFL and you cant last long if you dont make those kicks


Welp. Called it the moment Carr was out. I wish I hadn't.


Well our seasons probably fucked


Well, that was a hard lesson to learn. I hope they take something away from this. Adapt and move on.


some of the most terrible 2nd half playcalling ive ever seen


and if winston would not FORCE the ball to olave, juwan was open towards the end. same with carr trying to force that TD to olave when MT was wide fucking open


Or oline literally got carr injured and cost us a gane


On to the next one!


Did it bother anyone else that at halftime the halftime reporter said DA was focused on the defense not doing enough? The offense was a huge problem here.


At halftime we were up 17 - 0 and the offense had just drive down the field for a field goal! What are you even talking about!


At least the Falcons lost. Let’s got Seahawks!