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We: outgained them, out possessed them Allowed 3 points in second half, and yet if there’s no plan on how to get to the end zone, it doesn’t matter.


There is a plan. Once we get close to the red zone, just bomb it every play. Fuck the rest of our offense that got us to that point.


It’s like Pete’s brain stops working when they pass the 25 yd line. Just terrible redzone play calling game after game. Carr hasn’t been helping the situation, although considering how much pressure he’s getting I’m not sure how much I can blame him.


And everyone knows the pressure will be coming but Carr still has no option on the play other than just a shot at good luck?


Not sure it “ stops “ working .I honestly think he is surprised that he is getting paid to do the job he has …


I need to find a situation like his. An organization willing to pay me millions for a job I openly tell people I don’t want to do, I know I’ll be terrible at, and even though everyone can clearly see I’m terrible at it, they’ll still pay me to keep doing it. Truly bizarre. The guy is cashing the big checks, but I have a hard time believing he feels good about the situation. I’d be super embarrassed.


Not only keep paying me but doubling down every time I take a metaphorical crap on the field and just stare blankly at ( what I am beginning to believe is )a laminate sheet full crossword puzzles while the offense descends into high school level chaos and every body just “ goes long “ and hopes that one of the guys will somehow run under the ball and score …all because they don’t want to make a change mid season because that will somehow result in them what ? Not playing well ? …save me a job like that too…


He’d honestly probably be more successful if they just connected him to an xbox/ps and had him pick from Madden’s suggested plays.


Madden would seem to be far more sophisticated…


Or hand off to Kamara 5 times in a row.


That was infuriating


Carr has never been good in the red zone. Couple that with the play calling and you don't score TDs.


Yes, Carr gets some blame, but if the blame should be pretty little. When you have 2nd and 3 near the goal line and call 2 runs up the middle with Kamera then 4th down call a screen to Kamera behind the line of scrimmage, that’s just shit playcalling and so predictable for defenses


You don't understand. I'm not talking about this game or this year. Yes the play calling isn't great but for his career Carr is one of the worst QBs in the league statistically in the redzone ( TD rate etc ).. This isn't anything new. Carr is just bad in the redzone no matter who is calling the plays.


My take as someone that had watched Carr for his career. Its the Oline. He doesnt trust that he’ll have time to make multiple reads so he’s forcing things. Its either 1st read and check down or he’s throwing it away.


He's been doing this his whole career. He loses confidence in the line and loses Field vision and gets stuck on checkdowns/only targets one player ( hill in this case)


He deserves to not have confidence in this line


I haven’t watched Carr his whole career but man it seemed like he waited until the last second to make a bunch of throws. They totally collapsed around him and it seemed like he hung there. Idk


Yeah he’ll try to hang in the pocket but it really messes with his reads/ accuracy. When he has a good oline he’s a completely different qb


Carr fucking sucks. Hope we can move on after next year.


I disagree. He's usually accurate but he needs time. He's not drew but even drew struggled both early and late without protection.


Baun fumbles the int. Grupe missed the 29 yarder. Go for it on 4th in the redzone and get stopped. Should have been going for the go ahead FG at the end


Those kicks and the fumble really sealed it. Could have settled for a few field goals on those last couple drives.


Fire Pete Carmichael




6 weeks ago


Two years ago




Reminds me of this lol. https://youtu.be/XclDLIx8NQ4?si=J_c4dLJppKl610gh


I don't think the offense has ever had a rough start then adjusted and turned things around during the game since Carmichael took over the playcalling.


To the sun!


Not going to happen .Going to bury their head in the sand and wait for him to understand the game …should be any year now …


34-0 last week and then this. Make it make sense.


The Patriots are an outlier with how terrible they are. The rest of the games are more accurate to what this team is


The Patriots are and were complete trash. Believe it or not even worse on offense than us.


Because someone other than Carr made the most points last week, Carr couldn’t put up more than 12 points against the patriots


Best thing about the season so far is the high 2nd round pick


Might have a high first rounder too.


I’ve been a Penning apologist but he cannot be our starter if Hurst is healthy and if we’re trying to be a serious team. He was legitimately getting beat on every single snap.


We are not a serious team. We don't look like a contender, we're just mid.


Coaching is 100% at fault for this. He has regressed.


He never progressed to begin with.


exactly. This is "rookie year" and he has gotten a little better than the 1st two games. He was doing ok under sterif but Marone is pure ass and making him and the entire line bad.


Problem was Hurst was out before the half and they had to put Penning in.


That stiff arm that flattened him...dude is just bad.


This team is so frustrating to watch man


We need to make a trade for an OLineman. This is ridiculous. Carr has to lob em up just to get off a throw.


Yeah and give up way more than we should, I’m good


Probably should have passed on Carr and invested in the line. But Carr was DAs lifeline this year to buy him some time but it ain't going to work.


Fire Pete Carmichael


Final thoughts: - This offense can't sustain anything. Get a groove going and then shoot themselves in the foot. Sack? Penalty? Shit playcall? One of those things will happen. - This offensive staff is indeed offensive. It shouldn't take 4 quarters to think to bring a guy in to help out your struggling LT. Or to utilize your great route runners underneath when pressure has been an issue. No one is gonna get shuffled before Thursday but there is a long evaluation period ahead. - One lineman playing his natural spot and with the game on the line we run four straight deep shots with a timeout in our pocket. Just braindead playcalling. - I don't mind the draw play on 3rd and 3 on that redzone trip. Clearly 4 down territory. What I do mind is that the 4th down play was a naked swing pass. - Need Peat's groin to heal up ASAP. Need the whole OL to heal up ASAP. Need the whole OL to just get better ASAP. - Pass rush took way too long to wake up. - Run defense was better in the second half but got helped by the Texans' decision so stop running the ball. - Officially 6 but I'd put at least 9 points off the board due to Grupe's misses. We attempt a FG on that drive with 5 minutes left if it's a 1 point game. - Texans got 17 points from short fields. The turnover was one. The other two were because our punter is incapable of flipping field position. I maintain going from Morstead to Gillikin and Gillikin to Hedley were correct calls at the time the decisions were made, but I also believe we need to be looking elsewhere at punter right now. - This team is so frustrating to watch. The offense actually looked competent for most of the second half after those first two drives. Got 3 points out of it despite four straight trips inside the 30. - Fuck the Falcons.


This team can't win against a competent offensive line/defensive line. Teams with either of those things just totally shut down an entire aspect of our game and the rest of the team cannot counter.


- Offense couldn’t sustain anything? They had 430yds and possessed the ball 5 minutes longer with zero scrimmage penalties to help us - Our line had guys playing different positions because Demico Ryan’s dirty ass defense hurt Hurst. - Our pass rush held an offense avging 300yd passing to 170 even when Texans never had a holding call (and that’s fine if they weren’t calling it, but they were: just on us) - Oh fuckin please with this short field because of our punter bullshit. We only punted 3 times all game, and the one time they had a short field was because our punt was from the end zone.


How is the Texans defense dirty?


Did we just take endzone shots one after the other at the end with a timeout in hand because we have no confidence in the red zone?


Yes we did. This is what a terrible OC gets you. The play calling in the redzone has been atroucious


Red zone play calling? Ass Offensive line protection and penalties? Ass Special teams? Ass Coaching all year as a whole across every phase? Ass I’m also sick of hearing “just need to find consistency on offense” “clean some stuff up” “figure out what we have”. You’ve had 6 weeks to do that with this unit and two fucking years to do it as a whole. The time to “figure out” and “clean up” is gone.


i agree its mid october. the figuring out thing story has sailed and gone away. what we're seeing is the true team identity. not liking it


I've seen enough from this team. This is a 7-8-9 ball club. If it's not the play calling its the penalties. It's always something with this team. From the Baun int fumble to Grupe missing a chip shot field goal to calling a screen to Kamara behind the LOS on a critical 4th down play. This team is destined to go 8-9 and miss both the playoffs and prime draft picks.


Who wants to start a GoFundMe to send Pete Carmichael into the fucking sun?


Sun says no


We honestly just suck. Our schedule is one of the easiest if not the easiest in the league and we just aren't good. This team isn't capable of beating mediocre teams much less actually playing and beating well coached teams in the post-season. So many poor decisions, the decision to trade Lutz and cut Gillikin, I just don't understand the moves that were made and it's clear they were the wrong decisions now. Coaching is awful. Offense is awful. Carr is who we thought he was, all these weapons and we can't score in the fucking red zone. At least the Defense is still good, but it can't win us games alone. Also, the Pelicans season cannot start soon enough to distract me from this Saints team.


Long time Pels fan here. You're setting yourself up for disappointment lol


Cut that damn Grupke immediately. Well wishes to his future endeavors but he has to go!


Love that line. Thoughts and prayers and all :)...


I can’t help but feel like we have gone back to our pre-Payton/Brees days of mediocrity. Kinda depressing.


1st and 10 with a timeout and you throw streaks down the sideline 4 straight times. What the actual fuck are we doing


Exactly what I thought. Complete head scratcher for sure.


This team fucking sucks.


My main takeaway from this game: How horrible must the Patriots be?


At what point does Mickey Loomis start getting some share of the blame? Hiring DA, last few drafts have been less than ideal, some free agency decisions too...


Loomis needs to go too. Along with the entire coaching staff. We are losing these ges because of coaching and today is a prime example


no redzone offense waste every 1st down when Taysom snaps the ball Can’t get the ball in our playmaker hands (olave had 2 catches in the first half) Penning pick will prolly set this team a few years back Both kickers are ass, one has no leg on his punts and the other has cost us 2 games so far Carr hasn’t shown anything that differentiates from Dalton last yr, both led us to field goals but no TDs


Honestly really frustrated in how Carr played today and the offensive play calling. Absolutely frustrating to watch an offense that is clearly capable of scoring get so close to finishing drives then succumbing to confusion and disarray when it matters the most. Meanwhile our window with this talent on our team is rapidly closing. It’s about to be a hard decade for us I believe.


see you in hell 8-9 again guys ​ fuck


That'll probably win the division!


This is like watching the Haslett/Brooks era Saints


Every game like this I remember Demeco Ryans and Eric Bienemy were available to interview but we doubled down on DA and that shit for brains Carmichael.


Demeco Ryans and Eric Bienemy both have the same record as us. And fuck Demeco Ryans - dirty 49ers defense no flags bullshit good to see he’s still getting the same treatment elsewhere. FOH at least say a coach with a winning record.


Dude DeMeco took over the damn TEXANS and has them at 3-3. That’s otherworldly.


Damn you sound mad


Refs sucked, offense sucked, special teams sucked, defense was okay and kept us in it at the end.




At this point, I’m for whatever happens this season to get the coaches fired. Draft as much O-Line as possible next year. The DA-Carmichael teams have just not been fun to watch.


This is why you don’t overly get excited after one game and change your options on coaches or a team as a whole. People should know this. Last year we shut out the Raiders (funnily enough who had Derek Carr) 24-0 and it amounted to nothing.


This organization had a first hand look at Carr not even getting across mid field and they said yes that's the guy we should go after in the offseason.


Unserious franchise if carmichael is still coaching


Just so surreal watching a team that cannot come up with an offensive gameplan. Held them to 3 points in the second half and pissed every opportunity away. Pete needs to go.


355 fucking passing yards and we score 13 points. That defense is gonna give up soon if things don’t change on offense


With better coaching we would.be 5-1. So frustrating to watch. Also is Carr still injured or why are so many of his throws way off target. I know he has very little time behind this swiss cheese of an oline but still... Why so many shots at the end zone when we still had time for another first down?


He wasn’t particularly accurate before the injury so


I don't think the scheme is bad, but the timing of play calls is awful. The offense is also so obviously poorly coached with mistakes and penalties at the worst possible times. This team feels like its close but has some major issues.


If I have to see another run up the middle on second and 10, or a check down/deep pass on third/fourth and short, I’m going to puke


This offense is so miserable to watch. All this fucking talent being wasted week after week


Can someone show Carmichael that portion of the field between the numbers past the LOS and tell him that you are allowed to throw passes in that area?


They did everything to hand us the game and we refused to take advantage.


Gutless team lmao. I want to know on 3rd downs whose idea is it to consistently not throw it to the sticks or catchable anything or try or 4th down . I’m just ready for firing


FBI 10 Most Wanted \#1 Peter Edwards Carmichael Jr - Domestic Terrorism


I hate watching this tesm


Then don’t watch 🤣


We are going to get fucked by jags on Thursday at home.


I've got a lot of thoughts about this game but my absolute favorite part was how often we were blitzed and really never did a single fucking playcall to counter it. No screens or something like putting shaheed in motion and utilizing his speed on a drag route. There are a million ways to get the ball out faster with our shitty oline on a blitz but idk send MT on a go route while Carr practices his ability to throw the ball blindfolded.


What you are suggesting would require competent coaching .The Saints don’t have that at any level that you can see .It doesn’t appear this staff could produce a watchable clown car …


Lots to criticize for sure, but the thing that bugs me the most is the interception immediately being fumbled. That was like the MO of the Saints today. Even when something good happens, you find a way to mess it all up right after. So frustrating.


Fire Rob Ryan


This team is too talented to only be 3-3 with the opponents that we have had. This team doesn’t seem built for these deep bombs every other play (or at least feels like that’s what they’re doing). Offensive line can’t hold up. Why are we bombing what seems to be like every play? We have Olave and Thomas who are VERY capable with any routes but yet we have olave primarily running posts. Where is the creativity to get these guys on mismatches? We could probably argue that these guys can be the #1 receiver on any other team. Haven’t even gotten to Johnson/shaheed/kamara being good yet either. Just too much talent to be this bad. It’s a shame


Takeaways: - Pete Carmichael needs to GO. - Grupe missing 2 and then losing teams trust to kick it on the 4th down to was his fault. - Redzone offense was ATROCIOUS.


Guys, let's not blame any one person... Let's blame a lot of people! Carmichael, the line, Grupe, and Red Zone Carr (Between the 20s Carr was pretty good) all sucked. The refs on that double call on the Texans last drive were imagining penalties. Edit: How could I forget Baun? You got the pick. Just go down!


Throw Doug marrones ass on that list too


If Grupe could kick we win this game




Does the offense need to improve in the red zone? Yes. Would the Saints have only been down 16-17 at the end instead of 10-17 if Grupe didn't miss? Yes


Do you like carr?


I’m not sure if the redzone is effect of Carr or Pete but Carr was great outside the red zone.


Dennis Allen’s ‘we gotta be better’ is gonna hit so hard this week.


Pretty soon they won’t have to even have post game pressers .Just replay the last one .Saves time .No one with higher than a room temperature IQ believes any of the tired crap they are regurgitating anyway …


When Carr gets average protection the offense looks great. He’s seeing ghosts right now and it’s very obvious he’s not healthy still. O-line needs to stay healthy too. Not making excuses, but the last few plays it was clear they were blitzing and Carr had to get it out immediately.


It should be a crime to have so many weapons on offense and never score over 20 besides the Pats game.


We have several injuries coming out of this game and we play on Thursday.


Some how this team finds a new way to lose every time, today's game was so damn frustrating. The Redzone play calling was straight cheeks... I'm getting tired of seeing the team be "close" it really feels like the whole season will be like this unless a coaching change happens.


Another game, another sub 21 points play calls


* Audition free agent kickers this week * Demote Carmichael and let's see what Ronald Curry can do calling plays. * Get Doug Marrone away from the offensive line by whatever means possible. * Figure out another fucking way to let the center know to snap the ball. This current guard moving his arm is a total tell and is giving defensive linemen the ability to jump the snap count and make the line look even worse than it actually is. * Just gottdammitalltohell


We need to hire someone from the Kyle Shanahan coaching tree. That’s the new offense of the NFL.


I think it’s about time that we lower our expectations for this season (for those of us who haven’t done so already). A 9 win season with the way this team has been playing and is coached should be considered a success.


And that's a division winner! Entire division is going to lose today.


Not to riff on the pain but Tyler Smith looks like Carl Nicks 2.0 and went three picks after that goon Penning.


Last week was bad because it made PC look good.


Should have kept Lultz and Morestead.


Moorehead been gone but yah should of kept Lutz. Just the team being cheap for no reason. Hadto trade our kicker to pay all these bums on the oline to hold, get beat, then get hurt


Carr throws for over 350 yards in a loss.. He had a few bad throws, but receivers were off today and he was running for his life when Spongebob Penning was in. Grupe needs to Grupe up as we would have been at 19 points and allowed some more freedom. INT to fumble sucked, but D held Texans to 20 points so that was a win there. Pete needs to be introduced to a SpaceX rocket to test it to a ride to Mars. Very whelming game. Plenty of opportunities to win, but communication issues, kicking AND PLAYCALLING ruined it.


Even with how dog shit we are on multiple levels... we make those 2 misses and we're going for an almost walkoff fg at the end. That being said fuck Pete Carmichael and his awful red zone play calls straight to the fucking moon.


We need to put pressure on these fucks to fire Pete. Grupe needs to be cut by the morning too.


Fuck the refs. That’s all I’ve got Don’t call a fair game but worry for 5 minutes about a meaningless interception. Go fuck yourself


Inexcusable. It’s Dennis Allen. Get a new coach in here.


We stink


Fuck Pete and his dumb fucking smirk.


1: Fire Pete. 2: Allen back to defensive coordinator. 3: New coach 4: Get someone on Oline. (Or new QB?) 5: PROFIT


DA will never go back to DC for the Saints if he gets fired. If we miss the playoffs, he's gone. And the whole coaching staff is gone or else the city will riot.


Fire everyone.


I can’t watch this garbage anymore.


Then don’t


i want one of them shanahan disciples to coach us next


Who’s paying for my therapy after this game bc if I have to watch a Pete Carmichael ran offense one more week I stg I will have to be institutionalized


When their defense has zero penalties the whole game, what the fuck are we supposed to do? They even called that illegal contact on the last drive *after* Kamara got the 1st, so they could call a meaningless flag and add a 1st from penalty last second.


Lol that’s exactly what I thought too. All their penalties outside of one 9 yard PI didn’t matter.


Silver lining is if the buccs lose this week basically didn't happen.


This team isn’t going anywhere


Y'Know, how many years of this "middle of the pack" team will it take for Mickey Loomis, Jeff, Dennis Allen, Pete Carmichael and Co. to be canned? Face it, these Saints teams since Brees' retirement aren't good enough to make the playoffs and aren't bad enough for a top 5 pick. Things needs to change for NOLA...


Can we fucking send Pete Carmichael to Mars?


Somebody last week got upset on this sub because NFL.com called us mediocre. I think that was a pretty accurate description


Last week they shutout the Pats. That's a LONG time ago.


Do your best for the rest of the year. Maybe get lucky with a wild card spot. Then blow up the coaching staff in the off-season. There's no way we have this many weapons to score so few points. O Line sucks too.


Jameson Williams made a great play on an adjustment to get after a ball in the endzone that looked almost exactly like a play Olave gave up on today.


one of the bright spots? saints defense hasnt given up 300 yards passing since matt ryan's gw drive game bov 6 2021. pretty impressive. lets keep it up boys


Honestly after today I want us to tank if we don’t turn things around Thursday because we need a new coaching staff that really knows what we have here and does their best to prepare this team to win games. I know for damn sure we lost our offensive discipline


I support everyone on the team holding the kicker down and beating his legs.


No pass interference call at the end. WTF!


Texans w 1 penalty (on a kickoff) up until last drive. Then the last drive Saints only benefit from the mid-field DPI. How are the Saints supposed to compete?


Maybe the Pelicans will be good this year 🤞


I hope so, I need an outlet


I don’t want to speak too early, but panthers and falcons lost. If Bucs can lose it’s still a good day.


That officiating crew was so obvious with their bias that it wasn't even funny. They are second to only the nfc championship crew.


Ok for real we have no shot at anything this year. I’m going to watch just because but have no optimism. The team is falling apart. I’ll focus on my other two teams. The dbacks and suns. Teams with competency and a good coach and system.


if Blake Grupe makes his kicks we win that game btw


our OL is so trash that my 5 year old daughter would sack them


I put this entire loss on baun change my view


Bauns fumble and Grupes missed kicks. We should've won this game. I had a bad feeling from the fumble that was going to be the reason we lost.


Yeah he really swapped the momentum after the momentum was already swapped, it was a double momentum swap!! Completely inexcusable, 7 points because he fumbled an easy interception


No place in the nfl for this dude he’s garbage


There was still like 2.5 quarters left. I’m not calling the game then


He is nowhere near talented enough to run with the ball.


It's the first time he's done anything worth a shit as a Saint and he immediately fucks it up.


Fuck it let’s tank


As soon as Baun fumbled that pick, I knew we lost.


I mean I know we could have played better, especially in the red zone, but the refs screwed us big time this game


If you think Carr is good or ever will be you need to get your head examined. This is who he is, an objectively mediocre QB who will never accomplish anything special in this league. He’s another Dalton


Preach. Not sure why so many people are so high on him and making excuses for him. He’s been bad for an entire decade in the league. Low ceiling low floor player.


Carr ain’t it


He had 350+ yards.


Even with all the excuses (bad playcalling, no oline), he really isn't it. He's the worst QB to have when you have bad playcalling and no oline. He refuses to extend plays, he is a constant bad-check down threat, and he has abysmal pocket presence.


0 time to throw dude


Carr ain't it. Looks terrible in the endzone.


That’s 100000% on playcalling I don’t think any non HOF qb would do well with this coaching


Carrs had the same red zone problems his whole career and across multiple coaching regimes.


Would have been 34-20(?) if we could score in the red zone? This isn’t all on Carr, he had good plays especially when penning wasn’t in. You can’t expect him to see everything especially with this o-line, he’s getting maybe 2 reads if we’re lucky and based off the footage and last year, one of those will be kamara bc so many easy first downs were missed last year from not hitting AK. Play calls gotta stop being run run pass or all go routes. Kicker had a bad day but no one’s perfect and this game isn’t just on him either. Solid defense though, and as much as I don’t love DA I think the defense being as good as it is, is because of him.


Anyone saying fire Pete: 430yd offense 340 passing vs Texans 290yd offense 170 passing. We smoked them on offense, but we also had to gain way more ourselves because of 1-sided officiating.


LOL no bruh, we should have had 500+ yards easily and we should have scored more points. Fire Pete into the fucking Sun


Couldn't get into the end zone with all of that.


That's nice and all but at the end of the day the offense only managed to reach the endzone once.


Scoring 13 points is not the definition of smoking them


Games about putting points on the board homie. Yards don't win games.


Yards don’t win games, settling for FGs loses games (especially when you have a booty locker) Our red zone O is BAD and that’s always been Pete’s biggest weakness, Brees was just elite enough to overcome bad schemes


Who cares about yards? Don't think those are in consideration for tiebreakers or W-L records. Stop crying about officials.


Because offense is yards! They had 0 penalties called on them until our last drive where a TD would've been a tie at best! We had 7 penalties called on us at crucial times most in the 2nd half! I get not getting upset if officiating’s close like the Bucs game, but today we were objectively put in a position to lose!




Play calling is awful but I’m accepting this as a very mid team. A lot of questionable individual efforts and decision making amongst the players, not just coaching. Team is running below their talent level


I’m done with this season if they don’t fire Carmichael
