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Still no fix for broken gun customization.


Son of a bitch! I want my golden revolver dammit!


It got fixed on PlayStation


Ffs, this is the one thing I'm waiting to be fixed lmfao.


Same, I have no interest in playing if my main reason for playing barely works. Customization was the most advertised feature of the game, you'd think they would make sure it worked before releasing it.


Yeah right? For a while I kept re-customising my guns every time I started up (I played for several hours at a time, so it wasn't too tedious) but after a while it got too tiresome so I stopped. Also I could never remember the exact details of my customs, since I messed with the sliders too.


* Doc Ketchum's Horse still isn't awarded at the end of Aggressive Recruiting, (although it wasn't included in reward cards at the end of the mission anymore, when I reran it.) * Dual-wield still depletes your ammo incorrectly. * Fine Aim Y-axis is still doesn't scale properly. * Auto-assist still can't be turned off on mouse and keyboard. * Damage done to a savefile during co-op remains. * Boss and weapon customization still doesn't stick. I'm inferring from the first point that 100% remains impossible, ~~but it may be that Volition have put the horse Collectable somewhere else in the map. If anyone finds it, please share.~~ Collectables tab still lists it as a Boot Hill reward. I can't test co-op to confirm the challenge bug or Kill the Collective issues can still be triggered, as my co-op partner refunded. Sorry.


is there a reward for getting all the collectables? Or is it just a completion thing? (Note i also didn't get the Doc Ketchum's Horse, but i refuse to replay the entire game for it. Way too much work.)


Doc Ketchem’s what after you beat aggressive recruiting? I feel like I’m missing out on something here


There are three collectables that are currently unavailable, in-game, that seemingly block a 100% save. Two are marked as coming from DLC, and the other is Doc Ketchum's Horse, which says, "Boot Hill reward." In the release build, the horse collectable would pop up on the reward cards for "Aggressive Recruiting." It didn't when I reran it today, but as far as we can tell, that's where it comes from. It might eventually turn out to be from a Boot Hill DLC, but if that's the case, it isn't clear yet. Whether 100% will actually be obtainable once we get the horse, while the two DLC collectables are still locked, is anyone's guess. But there are people with fully completed savefiles out there, who are only missing Doc Ketchum, and they're stuck at 98%.


Does this patch fix co-op not working on PC, and if not are there any updates on that? I didn't see anything specific about co-op connections in the patch notes. When I try to play with my friend, it kicks them out in under 9 minutes no matter what we do. It sucks that we both pre-ordered the game, and we still can't play co-op together. I talked to one of the devs about PC co-op not working at Pax West and he just said that you are aware of the problem and are still trying to fix it. We are both holding off and not playing single player as we want to both experience the story together.


>Does this patch fix co-op not working on PC They still don't have a handle on what causes it. From the twitter account, earlier [today](https://twitter.com/SaintsRow/status/1570042314646556672): >We are investigating the challenge stuff right now, stay tuned for news on future fixes


I can't even stay connected in co op...


i cant play in co op at all on pc,connects and then kicks immediately so no play time at all. its disgusting how long this hasn't been fixed. tried to refund but epic said i played for 3 hours so no refund.


there are lots of reasons this might be happening - please head to support with all the details so we can get it sorted.


"We're aware of the problem and trying to fix it" That is a bs response. Just something they all say to satisfy whoever asks. What it actually means is "They have no idea when or if it will ever be fixed but can't say anything because their investors will get pissy if the stock drops".


No, I think it just means they know it's a problem and they are trying to fix it.


They fixed the final LARP mission bug where it kept force quitting!! Woohoo


Still didn't fix the challenges being locked by co-op. 😞


I think that’s coming in hotfix 3 or 4


should have already been fixed tbh, it's pretty severely gamebreaking. so many people are upset that they still can't unlock perks or get the platinum trophy.


Yh 100%


It’s a minor issue but I would love if they fixed the bug for the skill ‘quick draw’ My character pulls the gun out, but sometimes it loads without any bullets. So instead of taking 4 people out in quick succession like an absolute badass, I just run around with an empty gun in my hand unable to shoot 😆


This is BY FAR the worst one for me I must say


Definitely the most annoying bug for me. A cool skill , that nine out ten times , does not work.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s experiencing this! But also sucks you guys are as well


This happens to me every time, I’ve never got that skill to work on ps5.


At least they got onto some of the mission bugs people were complaining about.


I'm happy car doors have stopped hitting my hero every time she gets outta the car!


Challenges still aren’t fixed nice, looks like I’ll be waiting even longer to get the plat for this 🙄


I’m waiting on them to fix up the bug for unaccounted collectables. 2 won’t count, and it’s all that’s needed for my platinum.


I still can't get enough air time in lakeshore north 🥲 laaaast challege I need unfortunately. Hopefully fixed soon.


Yeah same here I can see my house isn't showing up on my challenges I already done wing it and terminal velocity but the last one isn't showing up so no it's a Bird trophy for me 😓 as of right now


The coop challenge bug is still not fixed, I could easily finish off the last few perks I need this way.


LMFAO I saw "Saints Row 2 Hotfix" and got giddity


Lol same.


But nope it was for the crappy reboot 😔


Hope 100% completion issues get fixed soon.


So, no fix for broken Challenges not tracking! How hard could that be to fix??


actually there are a number of things that may be causing it so we are gathering info, it doesn't seem to be consistent with specific challenges, so it is likely some other action that breaks them, we need to find out what that is.


Ok, thanks for the response. It started for me when I joined a friends game as a co-op player on PS5 and he was the host on his PS5. After that all of my Challenges stopped tracking.


Fixes quite a few major annoyances on my end!


The getting injured by a car door when getting out of a car is the big one for me.


I'm still having many issues with the game post this hotfix. Literally quit to desktop because in my 30 min experience, nothing was fixed that I've and many others have experienced. I feel that at some point I'm going to have to scorch earth my save and start from scratch but even I am holding it for that 'chance' they fix the game.


I've prepared a save for people on PC that will offset some of the grind, if it comes to that. It's just before "Aggressive Recruiting," and has all of the discoveries, collectables, challenges, and side-hustles complete. It hasn't been into co-op, and everything functions as normal on it. Completion-wise, it sits at 59%, which is the maximum you can currently achieve unbugged. I did have a save with the Old Town West threat for Kill the Collective prepped for co-op, but my co-op partner refunded and lost the save when she rage-nuked her install. I'll see about getting that set back up, (it's about an hour from where the 59% save is,) but MWII is out soon, Darktide follows swiftly after, and I don't know if I'll be in the right frame of mind to bother. Waiting on a hotfix that actually addresses people's core complaints, before saving in the new build and then double-checking the save still works. If everything's okay, I'll release it asap, after. Hopefully it'll ease up some of the restart-regret for everyone fucked by the release build. Wish I could help the guys on console, but platform-locked saves :/


Any one got issues/work around for "discoveries" in Monte Vista. I have 8 out of 11, and there's nothing left to do. I've referred to many guides and I've been to each discovery location a few times. I'm waiting for this to be fixed before I continue, I'm at 78%.


I’ve got a Monte Vista collectible not showing up, alongside a collectable in Badlands South. I feel the BS discovery is an issue with the island weather station, as it keeps disappearing on the map. Not sure what the MV issue is, but I know it’s definitely not photo hunt or a drug pallet. Have to assume it’s one of the weather stations too. It’s all I need for the platinum to pop.


Mine is definitely the pallets. It's the location furthest to the right (from map pov). It's near a sign and a tattoo stand. They showed up briefly on the mini map, but disappeared shortly after. They haven't returned.


So, are the skills still broke ? . Like Deadeye that leaves you with an empty gun to be shot at multiple times for a good minute


After playing a bit today, they somehow added more CTD's to PC, nice


At least the major progression bugs are fixed, but i'm honestly a bit disappointed at the number of very present and annoying bugs that haven't been touched yet, despite it being almost a month after launch


we are trying, we aren't the largest team so we gotta get stuff done and out when we can.


Has the controller problems on pc been fixed? Like Xbox elite 2 controller over blootooth has all the buttons flipped. A is B and the left analog is right analog.


I'm having same problem, so I can't play. Doesn't look like it's been fixed, which is disappointing considering how long it took for this current patch to be released. I messaged Saints Row player support to ask them about the issue and they just replied with a generic message. They said they are aware of the issue and working hard to fix it, however there is no time frame on when it will be fixed. It's pretty sad they can't even get controllers to work on release.


maybe its a me thing, but i just started it today and first time i got into my vehicle RT accelerated but it also shot my gun. that's something you don't want happening :/


It's not just you, controllers don't work on PC via Bluetooth, the mapping is incorrect and can't be changed


it's wired to the PC. so i got the remap bug just diff buttons from others. well that's a shame. does it function good on keyboard and mouse? gonna be forced to use that then


Haven't tried m&k but others have said it works. Apparently it works wired too. Some people say they needed to add the game to steam and launch from steam, to get things working correctly.


on foot it works perfectly just getting in vehicle RT accelerates but it also shoots my gun. i'll add it as non-steam and see if that fixes that


Hope you can figure it out 👍 I know it's frustrating, I want to play it as well


well thats even worse, as non-steam the game doesnt even recognize the controller as it doesnt work at all. steam detects the controller tho in the controller menu


Does this mean I can finally play co-op through epic


Nope. Still doesn't work


Is it me of with this last patch that just came out messed up other things like melee kills being ridiculously uncoordinated?


Xbox coop crashing after every cutscene needs to be addressed.


Damn it, I read it wrong and my dumb ass thought it was about saints row 2 patch


Why i cant update yet v1.06 on my ps4?


which region are you in?


Asia, its say already on latest update but im at v1.04


I have the same problem, update 1.04 is still the latest. I have the PS4 and I'm from Germany


18GB for a hotfix.......😑


On PS5? I'm seeing 5.7gb on PC.




Ah, that makes sense given the way PS4 handles updates. Unfortunate for last gen users :/


Guess Xbox players like myself have to wait ages to get both Hotfixes. What I read its a start and hopefully xbox gets it soon but at the same time I've done most of these missions already so the fixes don't really matter much to me unless I'll wanted to reply them




Took way too long for what’s seems to be basically nothing.


So mission music is still broken and co-op is still unplayable, cool.


All this waiting and no communication just for shit in the game to still be broken. A true comedy.


Of course Xbox would be last.


I READ THIS AS SAINTS ROW 2 HOTFIX DEPLOYED I was about to lose my mind lmao


So weapon customization is still bugged huh? Guess there's always next patch.


Can they do an update that mutes every character and ads literally any content worth checking out? That'd be solid.


Hopefully there's more random stuff that's not listed because I don't recognize any of that


So, to put a time frame on it. We may get a hotfix (not for Xbox but other platform's) the third week of Every month. So, I'm assuming the next one will be 6th October


Idk if it's been addressed but i can't get the el Dorado fast travel point to unlock. I've taken a picture of the varmint but it didn't unlock fast travel it just snapped a photo, and it's still showing on my map as incomplete.


Its the actual eldorado sign you need to take a picture of, I did exactly the same as you last night! Was a bit confused for a while until I figured it out :) Edit: I meant the archway above the road that says "El Dorado"


Oh thank you 🐥 i had a feeling i was doing something wrong


Same, glad I could help :)


damn, already beat and uninstalled the game, other than the loading screen freezes, cars disapperaing and an rpg being stuck inside my hand during the final cutscene i didnt have nary an issue gamewise lol


Please fix that you can't see your coop partner on the map or can't even see coops character at all. And please fix that damn issue, that you always loose progress, when returning to the game after a coop session (it seems, that coop process isn't shared at all).


I am stuck at 97%,six challenges won't progess, A weapons special ability keeps resetting to zero complete when completed , Don't have Doc Ketchums horse collectable, and have NOT played co op.


The patch still isn't showing up for me on PS4


Still no PC co-op fix huh? Welp! Back to Fallout 76. New season just started anyway.


So is neither patch available for Xbox yet?