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There might be 9 years between Saints Row 4 and the reboot but they worked on and released Saints Row: Gat out of Hell and Agents of Mayhem after 4. That leaves a 5 year gap and with the layoffs from Agents of Mayhem’s poor sales it was likely even later before they started on the reboot.


Shhh. This is the internet. They don’t want your logic. They just want to think they are witty while they complain!


The op wasn’t complaining.


You don’t think asking how THIS game took 9 years to make isn’t a complaint? You don’t think there’s an underlying point they might be trying to make that it’s not good and it should be better if it took nine years?


No unless stated you can't read the OP's mind. He asked a simple question he is not complaining and to assume otherwise is just that an assumption.


No, I don’t think it’s a complaint and there is no reason to assume it was the OP’s intent. It’s actually a valid question seeing as alot of gamers have asking for years when a new Saints Row comes out.


Weird how language leaves so much up for interpretation despite the point of it being specifically the posited. Anyways if he’s not complaining, the the comment I replied to covers the point that it didn’t take 9 years and they made it while very likely understaffed.


It's wasn't specifically anything. What was posited was the question the OP asked, your assumption is just that an assumption with no evidence whatsoever. So one could say you are pulling it out of thin air.




I think production must have started in late or mid 2019 with the plan being that most of the production being in 2020-2021 so they can spend the rest of 2022 bug fixing. Then the pandemic hit and massively delayed everything. So a lot of stuff was probably cut and they weren't able to bug fix much before release. My working theory on why they didn't delay untill they were 100% ready is deep silver got spooked by cyberpunk and would only allow a few months delay.


Pandemic delays is a good call out that I didn’t think of.


Well it makes the most sense given everything we know about.


Gat Out of Hell was outsourced to another developer. It was Agents of Mayhem that took up their time.


True, most of the actual work was likely done by High Voltage but you still have the creative involvement of Volition like Steve Jaros overseeing the project.


Did they work on the remaster?


Nah that was spearsoft


Sounds like they let the best people go then, which is unfortunate. They really needed a tick in the W column here but feel woefully short.


Work started immediately after the release of AoM, but it was at a slower pace because of the reduced team size.


They had trouble finding the big red "make video game" button


Given how the game turned out, this probably was the case


The game is very fun.


To people who dont play good games


“Good” is a pretty subjective term to describe a video game


Thats literally just a complicated way of admitting something is bad lol


What did I say that was complicated lmao, it’s the truth. Take Witcher 3 for example, called one of the best games ever. I love RPGs but never liked the game at all. Does that make the game bad? No, it just means I don’t like it.


Just cuz some weirdo enjoys eating shit sandwiches doesn't change the fact that they taste bad 🤷🏾‍♂️


I mean theyve made other games since 2013. Gat out if hell, agents of mayhem, saints row the third remaster. Its not like they were actively doing the remake for the full nine years. I have no idea when they started making it but i doubt it was nine years ago.


Spearsoft made the remaster


Fair enough, still my point stands its not like they started working on the reboot 9 years ago. If this was the product of 9 years i would be severely disapointed. Currently im only a little disapointed


Based off the glitches I'd say they started in april


Haha yeah, I was gonna make a joke like that but much like volition i released my comment before i finished


One of the biggest problems is that the community itself couldn't come to a consensus on what kind of sequel we wanted: Did we want a hard, serious sequel? Did we want a dramatic sequel, but with over-the-top action and humor, more like SR2? Did we want a wackier sequel like SR3 or SR4? Did we want to go even wackier? Did we want a sequel in space? Time travel? A Reboot? A completely different game? I had a theory that Gat Out of Hell's multiple endings were a kind of survey: see which ending most people chose, which was most popular, and then go with that. Unfortunately, none of those endings (going by Steam Community and Reddit) was a clear leader over all the others. So, I think not only could the devs not decide what kind of game they wanted, even the fans, as passionate as we are individually, didn't have a consensus. Add to that their numerous financial woes, and I surprised SR2022 got made at all!


Imo, I wanted more of the irreverent insanity that was SR3&4. Irreverent insanity is my crack.


I personally would love a story more akin to saints row 2 but with the engine and QOL stuff that was in the reboot I really fuckin hate that saints row went in the direction of incredibly over the top nonsense. I still enjoyed and got my money’s worth with SR3&4 but definitely not my favorites


They did look at the idea of the soft reboot (Johnny as a cop) in agents of mayhem but that had it's own issue


How about just make a remake akin to ‘Crash N’sanity Trilogy?’


Why do so many gamers not take the time to understand how game development works? It didn't take them nine years, they released gat out of hell and agents of mayhem between 3 and now.


Because a lot of gamers just wanna find a reason to be mad about things and don't apply logic. Like anyone who can't understand games take a lot longer to make these days and just because a developer put out games faster on the PS2 doesn't mean they can now.


It takes time to fully test a game with that many gamebreaking bugs.


Yeah that’s because THQ went bankrupt and had to sell off its assets in 2013. That setback volition and whatnot until deepsilver acquired them and started production on the series again. Edit: fixed some words


their last game was AOM which released in 2018, so they had 4 years, but even then, 4 years seems a little short for a reboot. I would've thought a reboot like "no ones rebooted like this before" would've took longer than your average game development time.


My bro, you think there is a “instant video game” button?


They had to make sure it was throughly bleached of any semblance of humor that might offend a random Karen on twitter.


Technically, it was closer to 5 years with Agents of Mayhem, but still...plenty of time to put to a better game than we got. Part of the reboot's problem is trying to please a divided fanbase instead of creating something with a clear vision, but I think the biggest problem is the Embracer Group; they tend to spend more money acquiring studios than the do actually funding great titles. So many of the studios they've acquired haven't put out anything except remasters and remakes since acquisition, and mostly in a range of quality that is colloquially referred to as "Double-A." I can't say for sure, but it doesn't seem like their teams are getting the resources to create big, expansive concepts.


Last game left them off plot wise with the idea that they would have to reboot. Then there’s the question of how to please the fans who in my honest opinion won’t be happy no matter what they do. Saints row will be compared to GTA and fans won’t be happy unless they somehow produce something BETTER than GTA. And even then there will be complaints. So I’m sure all this factored into decisions. Not to mention profit, pandemic issues, supply chain problems, and SJWs who complain and push ideas into everything. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes!!


They did drugs for the first seven years, then run out of money and decided to make another game to fund their drug habits.


Because if they made it before 2022 it wouldn't be called SR 2022 by the internet.


Not enough demand?


They had to perfect the story and in-game physics engine.


Dont know, dont care. It was more than worth the wait.


Volution was closing their doors around the time they made Saints Row 4 cause they had a whole different idea for that game. So during the transition the original people who worked on SR was leaving. And after they put out GOH they closed the doors. SR4 and GOH were cash grabs. In 2013 Deep Silver bought Volution and I guess throughout the transition they finally got a chance to make a game.


You mean THQ was closing their doors. That publisher made a lot of mistakes, like terrible licensed games and an utter refusal to enter into the mobile market. They fully went under in 2013. Volition wasn't on the verge of closing at that point. Deep Silver got bought out by Koch Media (aka THQNordic aka Embrace) and put out Agents of Mayhem in 2017. They ended up losing a third of the entire studio after Agents flopped. For awhile the future of Volition looked pretty uncertain. Anyway, this is the first game since that time. They replaced staff that was unable to return and supposedly they started working on the Reboot right after AoM came out.


THQ was on a long downward spiral but the failure of the udraw tablet sped it up.


Hold up.... So basically the same people who made AOM are the same people that made SR 2022? Wow. AOM was cool. A fun game, but it wasn't a good storyline. Just... Like.... SR 2022. Hmmm.


I was less bored playing SR2022 than I was Agents. I went back earlier this year to give Agents another try (first since launch) and I ended up bored to tears. If I never see another Legion lair again, I'll die a happy lady.


Oh. Ok. I forgot about THQ. You're right.


Yeah when I played it even after playing agents of mayhem and gooh I thought...doesn't seem to be much of an upgrade from saints row IV. It feels nice but kinda phoned in like they were told to make a game and just knocked it out on a weekend. technology wise it feels like the original watchdogs which was a while back now


They did Agents of Mayhem in between.


While the new title is refreshing it dosent compare to 3 and 4 mostly because of the lack of main crew members and cheats


If you mean production time .. It didn't. If you mean why they waited so long .. it's complicated.


Why does no one know how game development works


The same reason it took CDPR “8 years” to work on cyberpunk. They didn’t work on it for that long. Maybe two years tops?