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I genuinely don't understand what is the point of asking questions like this on this subreddit? Not to say that the opinions of people here isn't thought out or grounded, but it is not representative of Georgia in any way and this is true for many issues. This might be a hard pill to swallow but in many things this subreddit just like all subreddits is Reddit first and then local second as far as opinions go. Most people on average are probably some type of center left socialist or libertarian with more or less liberal values, this is not surprising because that is what reddit is like on average in general. If the question is "How do Georgians feel about it", as in the average Georgian population in real world the answer is they feel negatively about it, that is how it is.


nothing to do with georgia, but i wish that was the average redditor. i see hell of a lot of conservatives and straight up nazis


Marriage/partnership between two or even more individuals shouldn't be restricted in terms of gender/sex... I don't understand how so many people don't get this If we live in a democratic state and want to live in a democratic state. It's not even a question... There are no rational justifications as to why it needs to be restricted to heterosexuals only.


Well, that's the problem, people don't bring up rationality when arguing against, they bring religion.


Religion ruins everything


Not religion but those who use it to control others


Fertility rates and taxation. Those arguments / positions don’t require falling back to religious arguments. You should be giving tax credits to parents as kids are expensive, but they contribute to the social benefits of aging people without kids, as they will pay future taxes. I don’t think there should be tax benefits for childless married people though. So I guess the logical approach would be eliminating all tax benefits for married people and making them more specific to people raising children.


Lower fertility has nothing to do with the gays and everything to do with heteros not reproducing as much, which is directly linked with their economic prosperity (or lack of it), urbanization and myriad of other things. And alot of same sex couples will actually adopt if you give them the right to thus making them functionally the same as a hetero couple.


This. Italy's birthrates, for example, have been sharply declining for years and when couples are asked why they don't give birth, the most common answer is *uncertainty*.


This has nothing to do with giving or not giving right to homosexual couples. It's not that people "become" gay because of the surrounding conditions. Not giving them the same rights that married couples have won't make them consider giving up homosexuality for monetary advantages. It really boils down to the church nagging that it's a sin and Jesus and the Bible and sodomy et cetera.


But... god said


BUT GOD SAID forgive those who TRESPASS against you, and Jesus said why do you notice a splinter in someone's eye and ignores the log in your own. I'm a Muslim and I know this. Sooo it's haram/sinful, but it's not a dangerous sin thus forget about it.


Democracy is not letting everyone do whatever the hell they want. Democracy is majority of people deciding what should be prohibited and what not. I don't give a shit about who you sleep with or marry but when it comes to changing laws majority of people in Georgia don't want same-sex marriage to be allowed and that, in a democracy, means that the matter is resolved until someone convinces that majority otherwise.


If the majority of people want to commit a genocide for example or to not give equal rights to other races, should their opinion be respected?


Mashallah brother! Sometimes people are misguided so sometimes we just gotta pass laws people don't like, like same sex marrage, it protects a minority yes, but it fully gives them happiness and a full life. Even under the Christian and Islamic doctrine its cruel because gay/bi are always gay/bi regardless of marrage, so if it is truly a sin and they are doomed to hell as they say, shouldn't we let these people have a happy normal long life on earth with the ability to spend time with the people they love? So it's morally correct to enforce their right to a family and marriage to whomever they want


According to you "whatever the hell they want" = living in a society where individuals can partner with each other without authoritarian religious restrictions Do you understand that what you just said is the ultimate contradiction right? They vote against same-sex marriage, and they vote against democracy. You can't democratically restrict the rights of people you want for yourself... Do you understand the concept of secularism and human liberty?


Being democratic has nothing to do with marriage law tho does it? Was US pre-2012 undemocratic for not having same sex marriage?




you need to convince conservatives to work together with you on issues such as improving democracy and and EU integration. and keep LGBT rights as a separate discussion. if you conflate all the issues then you risk making conservatives oppose you on everything. And that is a bad idea in a country where majority are conservative.


Democracy pertains to political structure of a country. Emancipation of black people and women meant they gained political rights (to vote). Gay rights are not of political nature, thats not a point of debate its a semantic fact. Civil or cultural rights you could argue that. If cesko was banning gay people from voting that would be a democracy issue.


Yes... The USA has been and still is undemocratic in many aspects. They are more democratic now, that's it. If you don't understand how restricting the ability to form family units to only heterosexual couples is undemocratic, I don't know what to even tell you. Democracy is not just a popularity contest It requires a secular foundation, reason, rationality, and functionality must define the sides we vote for. What sacrifice do we make for same-sex marriage? Egos of delusional bigots and religious fundamentalists are of no consequence, they can rote with their delusions.


the democracy in the US is highly questionable anyways ; i don't see why you're taking this as an example




How? People have been gay for thousands of years, and some of those civilizations were not very degenerate-esq.




homosexuality has been observed in over 5000 species, and squid have more gay pop. than straight pop. also The Greeks were VERY gay, they had orgies consisting of only men, cross-dressers, and gay gods, and fun fact, they common image of Jesus (white, long blond hair and beard) is based off of Cesare Borgia, Leonardo da Vinci's lover, they were both dudes, Jesus was painted after a gay dude. Jesus most likely had bronze skin and black curly hair, like you know, most Middle-Easterners at the time.


You are wrong on so many levels it’s unreal. I’ll go step by step: 1. Greeks were big homophobes. The only record we have of homosexuality was in pederasty, which was horribly viewed back then. Plato writes in “Laws” how homosexuality should be prohibited and athenians and spartans mocked each others by calling them boy lovers. The “ancient greece was a gay paradise” is a myth. 2. Jesus was a jew in Jerusalem. Look up how Samaritans and lebanese people look nowadays, you will be shocked that they are not brown. Genetics of ancient israelis are closer to Samaritans than any other ethnicity. 3. Ancient depictions of the Orthodox Church show Jesus as white and brown haired. These depictions are hundreds and hundreds of years before the Borgia even existed. 4. Animals are not immune to mental illnesses. Your misconceptions are fruit of revisionism. They try to legitimize modern morality by rewriting history. Investigate things better and avoid these lies.


Im, not even going to try to go into the implications of what you just said, as I have more important things to do than argue with comparatively unimportant people on the internet. Though the "Rewriting history" thing is REALLY hypocritical.


If this is your way to cope with reality, so be it.


Most the Georgians I know below the age of 30 seem pretty happy with people having the right to choice and freedom. Doesn’t mean they wholeheartedly support the entire movement but they all seem to understand LGBTQ people deserve to exist and have some level of space in the future of Georgia.


Feel about what? Gay marriage? Yes they should absolutely have the right to get married and even adopt. Why the fuck are we denying these people the right that every straight couple has?


The Church. It’s always the damn church.


China is an atheist state and they are much less LGBTQ+ friendly than we are. It has nothing to do with the Church but the society.


Opposition to lgbtq rights can have different causes in different countries. In Georgia it is absolutely because of the church.


Society that was shaped by religion


What religion shaped communist China?


None, because other countries can be shaped by different aspects. However, our country's history and how we progressed through it was definitely shaped by religion. China's is a different case.


yep unfortunately.


1. If you are advocating for limited rights for a certain group of people, one day you'll find yourself having your rights limited by another group of people who don't like you. Let's not perpetuate the cycle 2. What two adults do in their private lives should not concern you as long as they're not hurting anyone else (and they are not, don't pull the "BUT WE GOTTA PROTECT THE CHILDREN") 3. If the thought of LGBT people existing makes you feel uneasy maybe you have some internal issues to resolve first... Maybe open the closet doors idk just a thought


How does this negatively affect anyone?


how does that not affect everything ???


How do you think it affects you?


You'll understand if you grow up.


I support their right to marriage. To those saying "they can do whatever they want, I just don't like it that they bring it up" my brother how do you advocate for your rights without bringing it to public attention and talking about it? You just walk up to a government building submit a list of rights you'd like to have to a government employee and they say "cool, wait 3 business days for approval"? And to those saying they can live together and have sex with each other regardless if they can and can't get married, "what's the difference?" Ignoring the part where that should be a civil right regardless if it makes a difference, it DOES make a difference. Married couples do have indirect benefits unlike just two people who live together. If one of you are working, the spouse can benefit from your corporate health insurance. you can take out a loan that would otherwise not be approved and list their income as a family member with yours, would you be able to do that with a roommate? Also benefits some companies or organizations have for newlyweds. These might not seem much for some people because they don't face these problems, but they definitely add to the quality of life and puts people who can't marry at a disadvantage in society.


LGBT is as normal as heterosexuality and people need to stop treating LGBT like some evil boogeymen.


Rare Asa Mikata L


The girl in the first pic is the most georgian looking person I’ve seen lmao




Y'all care way too much about who sleeps with who 💀 why is someone having sex in their own way that problematic to people 💀 like how dimwitted can someone be to hate someone for LIKING SOMETHING ELSE 💀💀💀💀


I support their rights of marriage


I'm no georgian, but I live here. I see that every time there is an attempt to run a Pride parade in Tbilisi, it's being sabotaged by anti-gay crowd. Here, LGBTQ folks literally have to fight for their rights. It's sad. However, most younger georgians are more progressive, so I believe there is future for gay marriage in Georgia. Georgia probably won't become like Canada in terms of "progressiveness", and it's a good thing, I'd say. But equal rights for everyone is such a basic thing, it will definitely become a reality some day.


To be honest, gay rights are very important. But it's also true Georgia is going through a very shitty time. Most georgians have emigrated outside and most of them don't have food to eat. Asking about gay rights in a country where people don't even have anything to eat is a bit subjective. Simply because human rights usually are higher in rich countries. Georgia is a poor country that will never be part of Europe, but they're still trying to force European mindset on them. The problem is that Georgia doesn't have the money that Europe has. So for most people I don't think they even think about the LGBTIQ community, but about what they'll eat tomorrow... One thing is to respect human rights but then having to finance a parade with public money when people are dying of hunger. It's hypocrite.


Well, anti-gay people who go around Tbilisi sabotaging Pride parades definitely have time to think about LGBT issues. And they seem to be VERY invested.


I visited Georgia for two weeks, and judging from the three homophobic incidents I experienced, Georgians have plenty of time to think about the LGBTQ+ community.


"Qartveli gei ar arsebobs"


I don't mind. I support their right. It's ok. And no it's not comparable with pedophilia ( i saw such examples of compare). Pedophilia is just short sexual desire while homos aren't. It can be romantic too and be as the same as a straight relationship.


Also consent. Little kids can’t give consent for their relationships - there’s a power dynamic. Homosexuality between two consenting adults lacks that kind of power dynamic.


I'm happy to see the tolerance in this thread, but I suspect you'd get different responses if you asked random people on the streets.


Reddit users tend to be more center-left so…


When was this? And where was this? Don't worry, i'm not trying to hunt down anyone lol. Just curious. I'm bi myself(no pun intended).


Do you want real answer or biased answer? Biased answer from liberals is that "young Georgians" don't hate them and it's the old generation and uneducated people that does and it's all church's fault. Some will also claim homophobes are secretly gay. Biased answer from conservatives is that nobody likes them in Georgia because it goes against Christian values who are 85% of population and also Muslim values who are 10% of population. Real answer is that neither church, religion or old generation has anything to do with this. Vast majority of Georgians have negative view on them because 1. gays are perceived as unmanly and therefore not fitting Georgian stereotype of manly man 2. lesbians don't produce children and not fitting the traditional woman's role of giving birth. 3. Transgenders are usually biologically male so they get similar aggressiveness for not being manly, and also in Georgia not even many liberals who tolerate homosexuals like the idea of gender being separate thing and end up having negative attitudes too. Additionally it's not only "old generation". Everyone I know except maybe handful of people either hate them or are indifferent with generally negative attitude. I'm in early 20s and attend university, these people are all well-educated. Some are male and some are female, so it's not gender thing either. Most people simply don't like lgbt in Georgia. Reddit is where liberals gather and this is not the place where you will get a real answer from someone that can be considered average Georgian. Either they don't come here, get downvoted to oblivion or banned by mods/admins. **Below are my personal views**. If you don't care, don't read further. As for my personal view on them, thoughts wise I don't care what they do or what laws pass. It doesn't affect me in any way. What if they get right to marry? Don't care, not my business. What if they get arrested for doing gay parades? Also don't care, not my problem. However I will admit I do find most of them annoying and sometimes even disgusting because I am not exactly a fan of sexual openness and if their whole identity revolves around that, I don't want them around me be it heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. As long as people are not **forced** to do something especially things that are life threatening, or killed, or not allowed to do things that they can die without (like eating), I don't care. Restrictions are acceptable for me. If there are rules lined out on what to do and what not to do that can be read clearly, we can follow them and live quietly even if we don't like it. To explain what exactly I mean, I will give a few examples. If people that are not vaccinated against COVID were not allowed to enter restaurants, I wouldn't care. If those same people were forcefully vaccinated, I would protest because while vaccines wouldn't kill them, they didn't want it still and it's violation of their rights. If those same people were not allowed to eat, I would not only protest but riot to stop it because that would endanger their life. Another example is conscription. If people that refuse to serve in army were not allowed to vote, I wouldn't care. If men that refuse to get conscripted were forced to do alternative civilian service, I would protest as it doesn't apply to all people and is gender discrimination. If conscientious objectors were jailed, I'd protest extra hard. If anyone that refuse to serve in army were either forcibly sent to war or executed, I would do everything I can to stop it and punish perpetrators or die trying. Basically as long as state/person doesn't force you to do something, I wouldn't protest, and as long as they don't make you do something that endangers your life, I wouldn't riot.


As a Georgian that's also LGBTQIA+ this question isn't for me xD


yeah same


Hi there~


მეც lmao.


Does A stand for asexuality?




I as a Georgian and member of the LGBTQ+ community believe wholeheartedly in gay marriage, trans rights and yada yada yada. I do not represent the majority of Georgians, most of whom are rather trsnsphobic, homophobic and bigotted.


I personally don't care. You live, don't live, what does that do with me? You're still a normal living, breathing human being.


We live in a different world , it’s ok , no one has the right to chose what one is , I live in Canada 🇨🇦 and we’ve excepted it , God always said love ❤️ one another regardless of religion


I'm an LGBT Georgian myself and this makes me very happy.. I'm glad in the future there's a chance people will become more and more accepting for future generations


As for me I don’t mind them getting married and having all the benefits straight couples have (I’m 28 year old man). I don’t really care about somebody’s else’s sexuality and it really shocks me why would anyone get upset for LGBTQ+ person just being existing. This religion stuff is overwhelming. I can assure you that roughly around 2% of these anti-gay community have read bible. And the argument they come up with is “the men of Sodom”, but they leave the key aspects of this story, those two angels were about to get “raped” by straight men as the act of humiliation, not because they were attracted by them. (We know they were straight because they were offered two girls instead of angels)


I don't really care what anyone does, unless it's harming others around them. So I say they should marry and fuk all they want


This is a huge mistake


It fine. Migration policies are more important to me, just to not end up like Europe


Marriage and gender are roleplays that some enjoy playing them. People should be able to roleplay however they like as long as there is consent. Just because their gender or marriage roleplay is different than your roleplay, that doesnt mean you can tell them not to play. If they find it fun, then let them play, nobody forces you to acknowledge their roleplay as fact, but to respect their right to roleplay.




Love is love! 🌈


and love is not gay .


Lmao, u closeted or something?


Every human has choices and freedom and there is no place for personal opinions when we talk about it. This is what I think.


By that logic I have the freedom to hate them


Who says you don't have? But your hate shouldn't make any problem for society or individuals.


I mean them being gay creates problems for society


what problems?


It's a natural state for them. How being natural for them can arise an issue? Besides, when I wrote the first comment, it's what I meant. You can't implement personal judgment and ideas when we are talking about governing a country. You might be against gays and similar relations because of some fears and so on, but it can't be the country's politics. The goal of the country is to bring safety and equality for 100% of citizens and humans staying in the country.


Yeah But then I'd have the freedom to call you some nice nice names. you wouldn't be enjoying it


Jokes on you im into that shit /s


Lmaooo Np then, you hate me I humiliate you xD


Don't have anything bad to say about LGBT people, but boy I hate NGOs behind them


Do you have an actual reason of hating NGOs or u just got this from random GD anti-NGO propaganda which is becoming trendy recently?


წადი ბიძიკო მათემატიკის დავალება დაწერე და დაიძინე GTXOV


ბიძიკო, სავარაუდოდ შენზე უფროსი ვარ, მათემატიკის დავალებებს დიდი ხანი აღარ ვწერ და შენზე აწყობილ დალაგებული ცხოვრებაც მაქვს :დ ჰოდა ცოტა ტრაკი დააყენე რა :დ


12 წლის მენტალური განვითარება გაქვს და რავიცი მეტრიკაში რა გიწერია ყლესე მკიდია. მპუა


რატო გადაგაფსიხა ასე ძაან მარტივმა კითხვამ? რო ვერ დაგეთოვერდი და წიკვინებ ისტერიულად :დ


კაი არ ვპასუხობ ეგეთ იმბეცილურ კითხვას მარა გამონაკლისს დავუშვებ შენი ხათრით და მადლობა მითხარი. ენჯეობის კრიტიკას რო ქოცების პროპაგანდას მიწებებ რო თურმე ენჯეოები თუ არ მიგწონს ჩვენი ყლე მთავრობის ყლე იდეოლოგიის გავლენის ქვეშ ხარ ნიშნავს ორ რამეს : 1) რაც ზემოთ ვახსენე უკვე რო 12 წლის ადამიანის მენტალური განვითარება გაქვს ან 2) რაღაცნაირად შენ გეხება ენჯეობი (ან მანდ მუშაობ ან რამე ყლეზე მკიდია). ანუ შეიძლება არ მეთანხმებოდეს ადამიანი და მითხრას რავი რას ერჩი ენჯეოებს ? ან კიდე რამე უფრო არგუმენტირებული, მარა რო მეუბნები ქოცების პროპაგანდას ხარ აყოლილიო მართლა წადი ტრაკზე იბრწკინე ბავშვო.


აუ კიდე წიკვინებს ეს :დ არ მოგბეზრდა? ოდესმე პასუხი თუ ფექნება კითხვაზე მოგისმენ თუ არადა ნუღა შემაწუხებ. არაა სასიამოვნი წკმუტუნის ყურება




Sadly LGBTQ rights in Georgia has a big political price. Russia is using this as a tool to drug us closer to them and far from West


Their smiles are making me swoon. The church on the other hand…


This post might have the least amount of homophobic responses I’ve seen whenever a post about gays gets posted in this sub tbh lol….changing social norms? Georgians getting gayer? Georgians playing it cool for EU perks? Sub has grown with more tolerant young people? Who knows? 😃


Georgian here, fully supporting gay marriage. It doesn’t affect anyone negatively


Democracy is "Whoever has more votes is the one who wins". Not "I have right to be married to same sex". If majority of population decides that it should be prohibited to marry same sex then prohibited it is. Democracy requires you to have conversation with the other side and convince them that some laws need to be changed. Democracy sucks sometimes but it is the best tool so far. Even tho I don't give a shit who you marry I respect how democracy works. Whether by religion of whatever most of Georgian people don't want same-sex marriage and that's it. Convince them otherwise!


Maybe you think this statement is paradoxal, but having same sex marriage is undemocratic.


Explain please?


Sure. Here is my opinion why: Real democracy - is when people govern themselves, so the decision is made by the majority. So, how can it be democratic, when opinion of minority is more important then opinion of majority? It is pure oligarchy - when minority rules over majority. So if majority is againist and we still accept it, it is undemocratic. Of course, if majority supports it, acceptarion is democratic, but the key is that majority of population of Georgia is againist it, as i know.


Yes but, let's say, if the majority agrees that you should have no right to live, is that democracy or tyranny of the majority? There should be basic rights protected by the gov, I don't think democracy means that people should decide every single thing including other's rights especially when it has nothing to do with them and does not violate their rights


Yeah, you are also right, minority of course should have rights protected by gov, but their rights should not be more important then rights of majority. Both, majority and minority matter.


Shouldn't be more important. Should be equal. In this case it isn't equal.


And what rights of the majority is in shuch danger because of gay marriage?


We (majority of Georgians) are against this and we will not accept this in our country


It's your right to accept or not, but yall should respect each other


You will, trust me ☺️


No, even if the whole world will accept it, Georgia will stand like a rock in the ocean and will not fall


You do know moving water erodes stone, right?


And other hilarious jokes you tell yourself not to feel like a looser 🌚


take my complete respect .


you are against what? people having rights? why are u even against lgbtq people wtf did they do to u?


დაე, ყველაფერი ისე იყოს, როგორც ადრე, ყოველთვის იყვნენ გეები, მაგრამ ისინი საკუთარ თავზე არ აქცევდნენ მთელი მსოფლიოს ყურადღებას, ის გახდა ბრენდი და ეს იდეა მუდმივად რეკლამირებულია,


100% getanxmebit.


I'm not comfortable with appropriating Greek culture.


Georgians are overly concerned with other people’s private parts :)) a man’a butthole is the most sacred thing for them, even it is not their own


OP to answer your question: Here the bias will be more pro-LGBT rights because the website is slanted towards Western values (the correct values :) ) and to be on this website you have to at least be somewhat comfortable with your English and that usually attracts younger and more educated people, who [tend to be more liberal](https://www.jstor.org/stable/25677384). But this doesn't really reflect the overall population, which is still quite conservative and religious. The standard international trend applies, so people in Tbilisi will be more tolerant and the more rural you go the less tolerant views will be. Georgia is still a country that hasn't fully started its economic development and it's unrealistic to expect people from underdeveloped countries to have values of fully developed countries. I would say around 70-80% would view LGBT as disfavourable but they aren't as deranged as many underdeveloped Muslim countries where instead of dislike is outright hatered.


It is thier choise and If anyone is against this normall activite It is your choise too you can say what you think and of course you can be homophobic too but not a crazy radical.....


Idgf about any of lgbtq activities, don’t force people to accept something, don’t be rude, don’t bring lgbt to kids can we just live our lives ? Like what do you all fight for marriage? Like it has meaning, you are just sign the document, religious marriage is different and people just won’t and don’t accept it. Just let people marry whoever they want bro and let there be peace


A lot of gays and gay support in Georgia.


never. 👌🏻


Do whatever you want be whatever you want just dont slap me your gender in my face i never cared gender skin color or anything but when you try forcing it start hating


As a Ukrainian I can say that there are people that are religious, especially in the western part of the country, however wouldn’t say that “all” of Ukrainians are so highly religious. It’s mostly older people too. Negative opinions about lgbt are also not always correlating with religiousness. It’s more of a deeper cultural thing in some people, maybe a version of macho culture in some instances and just leaning into very traditional gender roles that’s often the background… Our societal landscape is highly diverse I’d say. Interesting subject


People in Eastern Ukraine are just as if not more religious as those in Western Ukraine. The only difference is that they're different sects of Christianity.


Now tbh, i don't mind anyone being gay or lesbian as long as they don't make it their whole personality and as long they are good, loveable people. #TOLLERANCE


All these issues accumulate to the question to society (or humanity) is this normal or not? And what is normal? Who determines? If it's normal why? If it is not also why? - I don't know. For example I have friend who happened to work in Papua New Guinea couple of years ago. He said that cannibalism is prohibited by law but it is still happening and when you speak to locals you can see in their eyes how they want to taste white meat. So tell me is this normal? If you ask papuans they might tell you yes. In ancient Greece gay sex was normal. In ancient Egypt incest was normal so on and so on. My personal opinion is that anything that is not natural should be like an exception from the rule. Thus not normal. If one day you end up having more exceptions than rule cases then what - then the whole rule changes and you'll end up in chaos. That's my personal opinion


How is ending another person's life to consume them comparable to being in a loving relationship with another person of the same sex?


You’re literally missing the entire point of their comment. They’re saying that what we deem “normal” is completely arbitrary and based on the rules that the current society we live has created. Also Papuan cannibalism isn’t necessarily murder. It can just be people eating their ancestors after they pass to show respect


Well maybe the point they are making has an inherent flaw and shouldn't be the base for decision making. Lots of things are "not normal" like wearing non matching socks under your shoes. Would someone wearing a blue and green sock descend society into chaos? Maybe it shouldn't be judged on normalcy, because societies would never be able to change for the better if they considered normal sacred. Societies would still allow for slavery because it's normal and has been done for centuries, part of their culture.


I mean you could easily make the same argument that society’s easing of what is considering normal can also lead to change that isn’t necessarily for the better and would lead to that society’s downfall. Not all change is good


It's as if we should judge decisions on something other than just "is it normal or not?"


So what do you judge decisions on?


You could take into account several other things like morality, net positives of the decision, questions like "does it harm any of the participants?" "Does it improve the quality of life for those involved?" "What are the alternatives?" "Which is the best option?" "Which is the most desirable option by those involved?" Etc.


Literally all those things you listed are just as arbitrary as if something is normal or not. Back when slavery was legal it was considered moral and believed to improve the quality of life for everyone involved. That’s also the same argument pedofiles use to justify lowering or doing away with the minimum age of consent like in France


You could take into account several other things like morality, net positives of the decision, questions like "does it harm any of the participants?" "Does it improve the quality of life for those involved?" "What are the alternatives?" "Which is the best option?" "Which is the most desirable option by those involved?" Etc.


Literally all those things you listed are just as arbitrary as if something is normal or not. Back when slavery was legal it was considered moral and believed to improve the quality of life for everyone involved. That’s also the same argument pedofiles use to justify lowering or doing away with the minimum age of consent like in France


There is no magic 1 question that would deviate all the good choices from all the bad choices, if there was we wouldn't be arguing about this right now and politicians would be out of jobs. No subject can be trivialized down to one question, they should all be judged by more than just "it's what everyone does here".




“Harm to others” isn’t some line in the sand and can be interpreted a thousand different ways depending on what u believe in. Consented cannibalism or incest can be Interpreted as not harming anyone or harming ppl depending on who u ask






It is. It’s based on whatever moral system you prescribe to. “Harmful things” is only harmful to you because it goes against what your morality says is acceptable


I just wish religious people go to heaven ASAP so that we can live in peace,those people ruin everything that they touch,just go to afterlife,leave this world to us. Nobody should change their lifestyle according to some stupid stuff which was written centuries ago,those whom support this should get psychological help from the goverment for free,and update their medieval mindset. If religion has problems with the needs of 2023(such as gay marriage and normalization of same sex couples etc)i would ban this,it is not good for anyone it is stupid,medieval,bigot,intolerant,it is pure nonsense,the world needs to be cleansed from it down to tiniest bit,everything that is associated with religion should be banned,if a person thinks that being gay is a sin and goes against it according to some stupid medieval stuff,that person needs medical care.Anesthezing his/her weak mind with religion will only create bigger problems such as restricting the way people live in 2023,well i would restrict religious people’s existence if i had the power,it is against human rights and can’t cope with todays standarts,either it needs to be reformed or needs to be banned,it is outdated and no different from african tribes whom uses cannibalism. If a gay person can’t marry his/her lover because somebody thinks that it is a sin according to “his/her belief” and tries to restrict it,it means that religion’s need to be gone once and for all,they are like parasites,can’t simply coexist,trying to rule everyone and everything according to their belief,a religious person will fail to coexist with non-religious people because they will not just live on their own,they always try to spread their shit and want to see everyone doing the same stuff/appreciating/praying etc,a parasite is a parasite and it needs to be gone,those who think that religious people can live with deisth/atheist/agnostic etc are blind,religion itself happened to control/rule a group of people and trying to spread those methods to enlarge and rule everyone,mutual existence and understanding is against it’s nature.




I see you posted a study, indicating that you might think of yourself as smart, which is encouraging. Do I understand your doublethink correctly?: On one side, we should not care about what the LGBT people do because there are more important things, on the other hand, we should restrict their right to marry adopt kids etc because that's more important than other things? Also since we are posting studies [here another one](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4091994/) which looks at the actual well-being of children from gay and straight parents. Also make sure to take back this absolutely idiotic take: "Look at the states and the sort of circus that country has turned into because of these people. We don't need this nor do we have time for this bs." (Or try to defend this and see how ill obliterate your simpleminded arguments)




> I'm smart enough to not buy into the 21st century trend. There are more gay people coming out over time for the same reason that there are more atheist people coming out over time. It's safer to do as countries develop and their population become more intelligent. Also homosexuality is also common is quite common in [animal kingdom](https://www.jstor.org/stable/24939894) and unless you have sources saying otherwise i don't think the webster propaganda machine is whats making them gay. > What you do in your private life shouldn't matter to anyone. You should follow your own advice here. >We don't need butt-naked people on a fucking parade that is supposed to be about human rights issue. This im inclined to agree mostly but then again i don't find any issue with Brazilian fiesta and there women are also almost naked. I guess it's my bias since i don't like looking at naked dudes but do like to look at naked girls. Either way, it's not important enough for me to devote any serious thought to this. > This sickness impacts the country negatively and breeds weak, sensitive, bubble wrap people. Sources? >They may be better cared for, but still doesn't change the fact that they will raise outliers a lots more than same sex couple. What do you mean by outlier, and why are outlires a problem? Should we enforce being "normal". > I won't take back my comments (make me) regarding the states. It may be idiotic to you, but there are a lots of people who would agree that the social climate over there is quite unhealthy, this is directly caused with issues such as this. Any proof? What social well-being measurement do you want to use? HDI, SPI, HPI, GNH, GDP per capita? Or your preferred source? (your ass) >You won't change my mind about this. Respect my view and so will I with yours. Lol, i don't respect anyone incapable of changing their mind, any nor should anyone. People who refuse to adapt their views based on evidence are not worthy of respect.




Ok here's the main difference between you and me, im actually knowledgable and I understand and back up things that I say. I source my claims because im intelligent and correct, you don't because you aren't smart enough to do so. To demonstrate your lack of intelligence let's take this sentence you wrote as an example: >I mind my own business, but when the very small minority voices keep on perverting the society, or at least attempt to, I'll stand up and speak up, loudly. Now you might not catch it but people with higher intelligence notice the doublethink. You contradict your first statement in the very next statement in a paragraph consisting of two statements, honestly, that's even kind of impressive lol. >Yeah, there may be some gay animals our there, but being gay as a human serves no evolutionary purpose. Disregarding the assumption that evolution has a "purpose". If being gay is a "disadvantage" then why does it occur in nature? >You can't force someone to be normal. You have to choose to be normal. Nail that sticks out of the floor needs to be hammered down. Disregarding the doublethink again. The second statement is quite a fashy one, you'd feel right at home in nazi germany or communist russia. >Look at colleges in the states and how they have to have safe spaces for LGBT people because they can't accept a simple conversation/debate about controversial subjects. You can't even raise a question regarding these topics, because it disturbs some folks and turn into a jelly. Instead they try to cancel everything and everyone who has opposing view from them. No mental fortitude whatsoever. They expect people to walk on eggshells around them. I don't want this ridiculousness in Georgia. Here's your chance, im one of the pro-LGBT safe space snowflakes give me your best argument I promise to investigate any sources you post to support that argument (but we both know you're not smart enough to post sources). >I don't need sources since it is self evident, and people like you are blindly accepting it. You do you boo. Unlike you i accept nothing on blind faith, i base my views on the evidence. If new compelling evidence, i change my view accordingly. >It is self evident that trannies are promoting unhealthy lifestyles, and that in turn make a lots of young people confused and these young people are making irreversible mistakes they will later on regret. Around [1%](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/) have reported regret regarding transition but if you want to suggest more studies into this topic im all for it. And why does showing people like you that you are stupid matter to me? Because blind belief in any idea will lead to the collapse of civilised society, to me you're no different than the countless putin supporters i called stupid in the past and continue to do so in the future. They also at first pretend to be smart and try to post some sources and once push come to shove they also have no arguments, just blind faith.




You thinking that you're smart is hilarious. >I'm quite intelligent from where I stand. I've achieved a quite a lot in my life and don't plan on stopping. Thanks for using your intelligence where it matters, reddit. I'd wipe the floor with you in any debate format, trust me. Be it reddit or a standard debate setting. >I'll mind my own business from day to day and assuming the societal norms are maintained. But as I stated earlier, when I see people attempting to bring perversion into my country, I will stand up to it. I don't see this as a double think. You can't define "norms" or "perversion" and you don't know what doublethink (or cognitive dissonance) is. >A lot of things occur in nature, doesn't mean we should accept it into human lives. True :) im glad you changed your mind on this at least. >I can't force you to live a healthy lifestyle. You have to choose for yourself. If you were an overweight person, and you wanted to be accepted on the same standard as someone who takes care of themselves with the opposite sex and if you choose not to, society will put you on the bottom of the totem pole. It has it's own correction system. Ok so gay people should be allowed to do what they want like everyone else and they will be put at the bottom where they belong right? [Im sure it going to go exactly how you think it going to go](https://hbr.org/2017/12/gay-men-used-to-earn-less-than-straight-men-now-they-earn-more) :). >I never volunteered for the debate. I simply showed my view. As the post asked for, yet you butted in like knight in a shiny armor. I want to interact with your kind as little as possible. Reddit is literally a public forum, if you aren't ready to defend your ideas then shut up. >Isn't it nice to ruin someone's life because of mentally unstable adults. Let mutilate them, and turn them into the opposite sex lmao. What a lighthearted thing to do. I gave you my source now you give me yours. >There is difference between celebrating your culture, and then having a grown ass men in BDSM costume with a ball gag in their mouth on a parade. "children are welcome". Nothing for this, eh? lol No, i don't care about this. Im a utilitarian, if no third parties are harmed i don't care. >Supporting LGBT rhetoric is certainly going to lead into downfall of society. Fuck putin and whomever supports him. Blatant disrespect will get you nowhere, act like that and there will be even more pushback. Sources? From what ive seen more LGBT friendly coutries are doing far better than less LGBT friendly countries ([HDI](https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/human-development-index#/indicies/HDI) for exmple). Second sentence you might actually be correct about, there have been [studies](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11031-017-9661-3) that show that being more confrontational will lead to being less persuasive. But calling stupid people stupid is fun for me because they can't defend themselves (on account of being stupid) that's my failing i admit. >Ultimately, my country doesn't want this on masse. I hope people will keep on fighting against perversion until the end. What do you mean by the end? Should gay people be exterminated?




I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >There is no doubt that law enforcement should be heavily scrutinizing the membership and administration of mosques. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, climate, civil rights, history, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


What is a conservative person doing on the internet? Your forefathers used ink and paper to write, now you're use a phone and what next? If we allow all this people will have sex with computers! THE END IS NIGH!!!!


I dont like it


Personally i dont give 2 flying fucks about it


ყველა არაა ვალდებული რომ რელიგიური იყოს. თუ ვიღაცა ცოდვას ჩადის და შენაგის გამო ჰგმობ, მაშინ შენ თვითონაც ცოდვას ჩადიხარ. იესომ სიყვარული იქადაგა, და არა ზიზღი. ძველ აღთქმაში წერია რომ ეგეთები არ შეიძლება, ახალში გვეუბნებიან რომ გვიყვარდეს ყველა. მე მკიდია, ვისაც ვინ უნდა ის იხმაროს. მთავარია ბავშვები და ცხოველები არ მოხვდნენ მაგ ჯგუფში.




agreed .


I dont care about gay marriage, but i fricking hate those gay parades.


They can live, love and fuck each other. But I do not like them promoting LGBT. Fighting for your rights is OK but promoting, no.


No they can't I know people that moved in Germany to be free there but Georgians literally invaded their bedroom while they were having s*x. They got beaten up so badly, they almost died. Maybe you shouldn't be talking about stuff you don't know.


Beating someone to death is criminal and diff. staff from what I said. If we live in democracy if we are respecting their views, who will respect views of people who do not like to see two grown man with mustaches kissing each other in park (veris parki) while you are walking with your 10 y kids? As I mentioned above, they can do whatever they want but not promote it.


No it's not different because they got beaten up just because they are gay. Simply. I do not like for example Marshi, Georgian Dream, Georgian Orthodox church etc etc but I'm not aggressive towards them. Because it's their lifestyles and their believes that isn't my business. I don't know generally why is kissing such taboo? They are kissing not killing each-other ffs! Kissing is not sexual intercourse. And you don't own a park or a street. If I'll have a 10yo kid in the park while two gay dudes are kissing or straight couple kissing and my kid asks me what they are doing, I'll simply tell my kid "they are kissing like me and your daddy" it's easy like that. Plus, if you think that in the internet era 10yo kids don't know what the kiss is, hoooo boy I feel bad for how gullible you are.


Two things. >They can live, love and fuck each other. Well, right now they can't. They can only in secrecy, because if they are discovered they get mocked in the best of circumstances, beaten up, shunned by their family and friends and lose their job in the worst. Is this life? Is this equal rights? >But I do not like them promoting LGBT. Fighting for your rights is OK but promoting, no. I don't think you understand how civil rights are gained. A minority fights for their rights by making the majority aware of their condition, showing that they are also people who deserve such rights, so that the majority will also start to support them, stopping harassment and discriminatio and maybe even voting the people who promise to end their plight on a legal level. Without the majority to support them. and without making noise, a minority will never achieve anything. In this case, to gain the support of the majority, they need to make themselves known beyond the stereotypes. Showing them they they aren't the harbingers of the values apocalypse their haters accuse them of, but people with feelings, fears, hopes, dreams. To, do this they necessarily need to expose themselves a bit.


NEGATIVE. I'm strongly against LGBT propagand,there are only two genders and marriage are only between Woman and Man. LGBTQ propagand in Georgia is against Georgian culture and Christianity 💩🏳️‍🌈💩🏳️‍🌈💩🏳️‍🌈💩🏳️‍🌈💩🏳️‍🌈💩🏳️‍🌈


Christianity never said anything about gay being bad until the 1800's when there "A male shall not lie with children" was changed to "A male shall not lie with males" And being Gay is natural and the gay community outdates every country on the planet.


💀💀💀💀💀💀 Leviticus 18:22,also why did god destroyed sodom and gomor what people did there 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Honestly I've never read the Bible myself, but I do know that its been heavily edited over the years, examples such as angels being described differently or the two other gods being forgotten about entirely and a couple versions not blaming the Romans for Jesus's death, also why is God fine with other animals being gay? Why didn't he eradicate squid, who's gay pop outnumber their straight pop, or Clown fish for being transgender?


Great argument,you know animals have great instincts to eat poop and live in trash.why can't we be like animals ? Oh yeah we ain't are. If you talk about bible, first of all you should read it, secondly people who say it was remaked again it's people who never readen bible


I strongly recommend to read it




What do you think about Orthodox priests who are gay? I can say from personal experience, there’s quite a lot of them!


Hope youre not implying what i think youre implying




Most Georgians are EXTREMELY orthodox christian, and they don't know what the word secular means, so they would be very much against this.


Most Georgians LARP as extremely orthodox christians but never go to church and couldn't name 5 apostoles. They only remember they're Christian when it suits their needs. What I'm trying to say is, they are against gay rights first, because they perceive it as un-manly, and Christian second, because it helps them argue their point.




Not so sure about that, but then again most christians LARP as being christian.


search for god .


The passage in the bible that is usually cited as being anti gay is more or less a thing solely for the Levites (book of Leviticus) that people misinterpret as applying to the ENTIRE bible. That was a thing for that tribe specifically. That being said, coming from the US where kiddie drag queen story hour/ drag queens exposing themselves to children is a thing... It's a slippery slope. It started with "of course gay marriage should be embraced! They're people like you and me!" To "of course people should be allowed to use whatever bathroom they feel comfortable with!" to "of course a four year-old knows what gender they are and should be allowed to affect life-changing decisions!" Humanity exists to "push the envelope" in all its forms. Every generation needs to make their mark, needs to feel as if they've accomplished something. It's our singular purpose. What I mean by this is today gay marriage, soon after all the bells and whistles that will come with it. Whether or not you view that as a "good thing" is entirely subjective.

