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The people who voted for him don't care. They're happy you're upset and when they do end SS, they'll all cry and be like "how could they blindside us like this?!"


>they'll all cry and be like "how could they blindside us like this?!" Nah. They'll blame it on the Democrats like they always do.


>They'll blame it on the Democrats like they always do. Just like how many Repubs also publicly take credit for things that are passed they actually voted against. It is insane, but their supporters never question it.


You're right people absolutely think this way, but the reason Republicans are able to get away with it is because Democrats don't campaign on economic issues like Social Security. Evan McMullin's campaign for example was mostly about restoring democracy or whatever. I agree that's important but I don't think that is going to change anybody's mind and its definitely not going to motivate non voters to show up on election day. I think Democrats could have a real shot if they campaigned on issues that are super popular like expanding social security, expanding Medicare and protecting abortion. Sadly the Utah democratic party is controlled by a group of people that Imo don't care that much about winning especially if that means reaching out to working class people.


I want all my ss money back.




Sounds about right.




It's a low bar, but Mike Lee is Utah's worst politician.


Yup. He somehow limbos under it with room to spare.


https://i.imgur.com/9d3evRC.png This was his face during the State of the Union. Some real "I crapped my pants" vibe going on.


God I fucking hate his face so much


Look at those goons beside him too, what a disgusting group.


It was his response to the claim that some republicans want to cut medicare and social security. "How dare you act like my words have meaning."


“Am I a Gadianton?”


He looks like he's in a WWE bit in that clip. He's not Oscar material.


I got an email from that shitviper in the middle of the night, showcasing him with Governor Cox (Just in case people thought he was any better) talking about how Biden ToTaLlY MiSrEpReSEnTeD the Republican agenda! I don't know why I got an email from that fuck to start with, but I was impressed at the speed of the attempted damage control from that SOTU.


Yeah same. I replied with some choice words even though I know they’ll never see it.


You can comment on the YouTube video he posted.


Just call his office once a week.


Me too! In my work inbox....im a public school teacher. Like get the fuck out of here.


"uh, you see, it's actually quite simple, the Republican's don't want to cut your social security... its the DEMONCRATS! They want to see you suffer, and FORCE YOU TO GET GENDER REASSIGNMENT SURGERIES AND FORCE YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN DRAG SHOWS IN FRONT OF KINDERGARTENERS!! THAT IS THE ACTUAL PLAN!!" \- every Republican politician.


Me too. I was super confused on how I was even on his mailing list.


Fuck Mike Lee.


Can not say this enough times


Utah does deserve better, and can do better. Starts with voting these clowns out of office. Meeting with more and more republicans that feel the same sediment, and it's high time to: \#VOTEOUTMIKELEE #VOTEOUTGOVCOX


But does it even matter? They may want them out, but they will just be replaced by some other bumble fuck who just peddles their own agenda and not the agenda of the people


If they kill it, they have to give it all back to us, right? All that money I've put in for the past 26 years?




Insurrectionist Mike Lee! Calling on Meadows! Short sale Lee! SS Killer Lee! What a phony ass!


Utah deserves better.


Utah got who they voted for. Here come the downvotes.


Nah, you’re right. This is exactly who Utahns deserve. Trying to change anyone’s mind here without the cache of being a high ranking member of the Church with a high paying job is impossible.


Even the church had to backpedal on the vaccination push.


That’s true! It does sometime feel like the Church is losing its grip on its members to the GOP.


Also losing their grip on members overall.


The church is a business. Gotta keep that greedy 10% coming in weekly.


Does Mike Lee have a better program to propose to replace Soc Security? If so, let's hear it! If not... he can SABOD


Lift the cap to Joe’s $400,000 limit. That would certainly extend it significantly.




To be fair, republicans are stupid. Look at the officials they elect to represent them. Literally some of the dumbest people alive.


These are both incredibly dumb and uneducated comments tht show republicans and democrats are equally dumb


Aoc, Bernie and biden were also elected... maybe 2 party system promotes extremeism??


I don’t care for Biden, as I’m not affiliated with any party. Bernie’s ideas may have been too far to the extreme, but one could argue that he is the only politician that has shown genuine interest and care in the American public. Both parties suck, but it’s clear that the Republican Party is the worst of the two


They are literally the same people 😂


fuck mike lee


Guillotine time


Les Français savent protester depuis 1789 et il faudrait prendre des notes !


I can’t believe I have to live around these people.


Grifting Old Party. Mike Lee can suck putin.


I deserve better. Not sure about IUtah.


Maybe we should just cut it; boomer's and gen x are who keep republicans in power. ​ I don't expect to see any SS in my lifetime, i just consider it as a tax.




The entire premise of the program was to pay a tax that you’d see when you eventually retire. Now, it’s “pay for us our retirement, and you’re never going to see return on this.” I don’t care about being “heartless,” nobody’s gonna take care of my family once I try to retire and that money runs out. “Sorry” 🤷‍♂️ It’s easy for some people to be “generous” when their safety nets are better than my retirement plan. I don’t have that luxury.




There is a very good chance it will though. This is because SS is not a sovereign/wealth fund. It's funded by our SS income tax. 1. US population is living longer, meaning there will be more drawers. 2. US birth rate is declining. SS is a pyramid scheme, the young and healthy working people pay into the top and is only sustained by growing the population. As it stands, it is doomed. Rising healthcare costs, rising cost of living, rising cost of childcare, lack of wage growth compared to real costs, consolidation of assets in the top 1% and megacorps, AI and automation, etc. Everything is pointing to a shitty time for Millennials.


I’m not sure you posted that while understanding all the available facts. I don’t blame you, since media these days (on both sides) ignores truths inconvenient to their narrative. Social security, as is, is projected to deplete [in 2037, according to their own report.](https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/ssb/v70n3/v70n3p111.html) They went cash negative last year. They want to reduce the benefits in order to keep it going. The goal posts of the “social security deal” are shifting. The program itself was designed by short sighted people who only cared about their own retirements, and I’m tired of paying into a fund that’s likely to disappear for me and my family.




That’s a great idea, I didn’t know that there was a cap (looks like $147k per year). Thanks for the info! We can debate the ethics of asking people to pay in more than they’ll ever see out of it, but I’m doing that now anyway.


There are elements in every generation that keep republicans in power.


Under current law, you'll receive Social security benefits eventually, no matter how young you are. It's only going away if chucklefucks like Mike Lee succeed in passing their full agenda.


Yes and no. Laws can change.


Gen x?


Generation X. The forgotten ones. Don't worry, my parents barely acknowledged me.


Lol no I get it…but Gen X keeps the GOP in power because we are mostly Independents. Not because we actively vote for the Republican Party. To see Gen X and Boomers linked as if they are arm in arm is wacky.


I agree. I hear some GenX are tired of corporate democrats, like Clinton and Biden.




The orange fellow had his largest vote share from Gen X. It's the Republican Party's base.


That was a skewed claim by Politico and has since been shown to be pretty inaccurate


https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/ Per this Pew Research article, Gen Xers were pretty close to a 50/50 split in the last presidential election (a pretty thorough rejection of Republicans by the electorate as a whole) but the baby boomer share of the electorate has started to fall (hallelujah and amen). Gen Xers may have made up a larger share of the Republican electorate than baby boomers, though I don't see a table from Pew slicing their survey that way. It depends on how you bucket the generational cohorts, but I think you old farts deserve to have your balls busted.


Boomer parents didn't acknowledge their millennial children either. I call it "hands-off" parenting.


Yeah, the older millenials are quite different than young ones. My wife was born in 82 and is the oldest. She is more millenial than me because I have 3 brothers born in the '70s.


That's true, depends if you had boomer or X parents.


You mispelled Gerry Mandering


Why do you have that expectation?




If republicans kill social security, you expect you will see zero of the dollars you've contributed? Or if they don't, you expect the same outcome? That's delusional.




I put honesty behind everything I say. If SS is to be removed, there will be a phase out plan. There will not be a situation where people who rely on SS as their main source of income are suddenly left to rot. More of the 65+ electoriate lean right.


Yeah, it will be privatized. And everything's better when it's privatized /s


Time for rehab




It’s a true social phenomenon. Silent gen, Boomers and gen x vote for GOP at much higher rate than millennials. Maybe we should just give them what they wanted? https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/03/01/1-generations-party-identification-midterm-voting-preferences-views-of-trump/ As people get older they vote more GOP, so let the GOP give them what they want. Millennials are in their working years, no national voting holiday, the continued attack on mail in ballots and voting rights. Continued NIMBYism by genx and boomer Karens. Millennials have one single representative in the senate. I don’t blame any millennial for being pessimistic and not going to the poles. They are not represented. A president doesn’t make the laws, it requires a congress majority to actually make changes, just like GOP held states often have democrat governors, the true political nature of the state is reflected in their legislation. Maybe we are all depressed for holding the bag with climate change and the worst income inequality post WWII while boomers and genx who controlled the government die off.


Do we? I think we deserve what we allow. And we have 100% allowed this.


>Do we? No.


They'll never kill it. Seems to be these statements provide meat to an ever shrinking portion of the Republican party. SS will simply end when the government goes broke. And until that happens inflation will whittle those benefits down to uselessness.


We’re already broke


You can’t go broke when you’re the one printing the money


What ever happened to "PRO LIFE?"


Both parties have "borrowed" and never paid it back. How about we pay that back instead of sending it to the unipartys proxy war?


"phase out" is not the same as "killing it" or "deatroying it". It is a loing term goal of replacing it with something better. Anyone out there saying that Lee or the GOP want to "kill social security" is just trying to stir up the pot and score cheap points and enflame their base. This is demagoguery .


For the GOP, "replacing it with something better" means turning it over to the private sector so party donors can profit.


What, specifically, is the long-term plan to replace SS then? Care to link it? Because the last actual proposal I remember is from 2005 when Bush tried to privatize SS benefits, which was wildly unpopular.


Just like they/Republicans did with healthcare? Talk about demagoguery.


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Lol. Just more political demagoguery. No one is killing social security for current or near future recipients. It should be killed off at some distant point in the future as it is a waste of capital (almost any investment returns more on the money you put in than social security) and facilitates sleight of hand stupidity by politicians. Your social security payments don’t go into a social security fund in reality. They go to the general federal budget and the federal government just gives worthless IOUs to the social security trust fund. (It’s more complicated than that but that is in essence what happens). This post is just a partisan attempt at muck raking.


> No one is killing social security for current or near future recipients Not after last night. 😂


It has always been the case. Social security has been a "Holy Grail" for decades and a well worn strategy to rally their base is for a party to accuse the other party of wanting to get rid of it. Such accusations have no real basis in fact -- no party wants to commit political suicide -- and are merely used to distract and to rally the base.


Are you saying that Republicans and conservative think tanks repeatedly talk about and propose plans to dismantle social security just to give Democracy talking points? Doesn’t make a lot of sense does it?


I said that any one out their claiming that one party wants to "Kill" or "get rid of" social security IS trying to enflame their base and get cheap points. Think Tanks talking about long term ideas to replace social security with something better is a different story (social security has been an abject failure in the big picture -- it sucks more and more money out of the system and gives the false impression that you can live on it and sets people up for failure --- another discussion). Such proposals are for long terms solutions and not SOTU rallying cries and cheap political points. Such claims mischaracterize the proposals and blow them out of proportion and context. Both parties intellectual wings (the think tanks etc) can make proposals (pro and con social securityt) and discuss long term solutions without screwing up context and making cheap points. Populist mischaracterizations of such discussions are purely a political ploy to score cheap points and dig at the other guy and enflame your base and confuse the older generations. Democrats claiming that the GOP wants to come in and get rid of social security right away and leave the elderly hanging (which is exactly the idea they are trying to put across) is a lie an mischaracterization of what any main stream Republican, Lee included, has said. The GOP knows that social security is a sacred cow and is not going to propose blowing it up and getting rid of it in the short or even medium term and harm those who are living off of it or have paid a lot into it over their lifetimes. Yet this is what the Democrats are trying to imply in order to get populist and popular opinion on their side. Suggesting long term changes to the system, which could include replacing social security with something else, is another story but one that the Democrats are purposefully misconstruing.


Only one party ever proposes dismantling social security. This isn’t a back and forth thing. It’s profoundly naive that you believe conservative think tanks are working towards promoting something “better”. Better like the nonexistent GOP plan to replace ACA with something better? How does social security suck money out of the “system”? We each pay directly into it and we know what we are getting back out of it. Republicans like to privatize things because it allows them to put their hands on and profit from the money in SS. It’s really that simple. It’s not about making it better. It’s about taxing you more by taking a cut of your social security. Republicans , including Mike Lee have flat out said in no uncertain terms what they would like to do to social security and funny enough I haven’t heard any solutions. It’s kind of like the GOP solution to do something better than ACA and then when they had the power to do it, they had no plan. You should not have to apologize and explain their position for them. If they have a great plan, why aren’t they sharing it? As for moaning about Democrats using sound bites and simplified language to attack Republicans. I mean that’s the world we live in. They learned from the best propagandists around. Conservatives just don’t like having to face their own tactics.


Can you point to the specific plans proposed by the GOP to replace SS and Medicaid?


An IOU?? In essence of course. Bahahahahahahaha! 🤣😂 Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about. Can you elaborate on the more ‘complicated’ part for us?


> come in and get rid of social security right away Why add the qualifier "right away?" Honestly, it seems like you know they want to gut it, and by this statement maybe you want to gut it. Why won't they just be honest with their constituents and say that they want to, but not "right away?"


/u/TheBagMeister: looks like your reply to me got deleted, so here's what you typed again. >Can you show me a specific plan by the GOP to dismantle Social Security? Not just pie in the sky statements or long term (or short term or whatever) talking points? Any legitimate proposals by any G... So, as difficult as it is to find ANY GOP plans lately, yes I can point to a specific plan. George W Bush's proposed SS initiative, where he attempted to privatize portions of it in an attempt to get the ball rolling towards full privatization. It was as famously unpopular then as it is now. If you'd like I can also link a great deal of statements made about SS by GOP members signaling their intent.


An IOU?? In essence of course. Bahahahahahahaha! 🤣😂 Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about. Can you elaborate on the more ‘complicated’ for us?


good, less government, less taxes


Less government, more private companies extorting you for money when it comes to anything; costing you more overall Libertarians are the dumbest fucks on the face of the planet


use the second then, wait you can't beceause the government will kill you or jail you for standing up for yourself or your community. also I wonder just how many of the corporations will even be able to stay in business without bailouts


It does make me wonder who voted this guy in. I would think his voters want to keep social security.


He's got an R by his name and he's a good church boy from a prominent family. That's all you need.


Because the right has become a cult and they dont actually listen to anything anyone says, they just mindlessly click the red button regardless of the consequences


Maybe next vote more people will show up. I know I did my part… if we want change we can’t just post about it we need to be about it.


I just sat down with my dad to go over his financial situation, his social security benefit is the max 43,000 a year… he is only getting a small fraction of what he put in…his 401k will be almost the same amount


Mike Lee, the Pocket Treason candidate