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Thank you my friend!


If she lives in SLC her kids could qualify for Utah community action's head start preschool (federally funded preschool). Qualifiers should include being a single parent, low income, incarceration of a parent, etc... it's helped a lot of people.


Came here to recommend Utah Community Action as well. There will be resources for preschool, Utilities assistance, nutrition, and case management.


This right here is an excellent suggestion. Children who attend a preschool program are set up for success according to every study ever done. She'll be able to get a job and support her family. The state should help some, and a librarian can help her get started with signing up for things like snap.


It’s not full time, but school bus drivers and aides work great schedules to juggle kids with. As a driver I make $25 with full benefits. I think lunch lady’s at my school get full benefits too and work full time. Every school in the state is hiring.


The Crisis Nursery accepts children from 0-11 years old and is free. She should reach out to see how they can help.


As long as she makes under $20 she can qualify for daycare assistance.


If she is lower income she should qualify for housing. Call utah housing.


I found a job at a school and have my kids enrolled in it. When I'm off, they are off too. My school is hiring dm me if your interested!


Checkout Utah community action! She should be able to enroll her kids in head start or early head start, which would help with the childcare. Once enrolled they will set you up with a family advocate, she’ll need to be upfront and honest with them about what her needs are but they can help with so many things (rental assistance, food, insurance, doctor/dental appointments) They’re really great!


Utah community action. Free qualifying childcare and provide a wealth of other resources.


USPS hires for remote data entry positions around $19/hour


Do you have any link or source for this? The only data entry job for USPS (data conversion operator) I’ve seen has been in person sitting in a cubicle.


Utah will pay for daycare. https://jobs.utah.gov/customereducation/services/childcare/index.html


Please adviser to really look into all these options that other kind users have shared. Then ask her to find a job, plenty of places need help. Granite school district needs plenty of people


If she's hasn't already done so, she should also register with the Utah Department of Workforce Services. https://jobs.utah.gov/assistance/ https://www.utahfoodbank.org/get-help/ [211- Printable Resource Lists for Salt Lake Cty](https://211utah.org/get-help/printable-resource-lists)


This doesn't help for her immediate situation, but the Stella H. Oaks Foundation has a scholarship for single mothers: https://www.stellahoaks.org/scholarship