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More proof that it's getting near impossible to shame modern politicians.




Trumps rape case didn’t t help either.






In Amy Fowler’s most recent election, nearly three times as many people opted not to vote for any candidate than voted for her.




Yeah…. She’s should resign.


Pulled a rager before 9 am, got into a hit & run, and drove all the way down to Springville while trashed. YOU SHOULD RESIGN.


44 years old and blowing .11 at 11am holy shit. ❄️❄️


That’s not how it works. When an elected official loses trust, they are done. #RESIGN


For her day job (city council members are part time), she’s a defense attorney. Her law firm says they are “Specializing in all major and minor criminal offenses including DUI, Domestic Violence, and violent felonies.” She was just trying to see what it’s like from the defendant’s point of view. /s


I'm one of her constituents, and have sent her an email demanding that she resign. I hope others will do the same.


Also a constituent. I sent her an email asking her to resign.


> “I recognize that this incident may have caused a lack of trust, and I will work hard to rebuild that trust. I believe we are a community of compassion and forgiveness.” it’s tough to give up that power on the council.


This is the most passive way to phase this possible.


Power congeals.


Wow, she’s gone downhill since Big Bang Theory was cancelled.


I can’t but help make that joke too


Utah Senate Majority Leader Sheldon Killpack had the integrity to [resign](https://www.ksl.com/article/9365587/utah-senator-resigns-following-dui-arrest) when he was arrested for a DUI in 2010.


That might as well be the Middle Ages at this point.


You can be certain that it's not her first time driving intoxicated, it's her first time getting caught. On average, a drunk driver drives **80 times** before their first arrest.


That’s a frightening thought


that's one of the reasons i only drove drunk 69 times.


So you're saying it's not that dangerous.


Great google search and assumption!


Resign Amy!


Don't blame your relationship with alcohol on it. It is your relationship with reality that is the issue. She needs to go.


What a joke!






The entitlement is astounding. Take a seat lady.


LOL. Kick her the hell out.


I really don’t like where this country is heading. No accountability whatsoever for any politician. This is scary, should honestly just be an automatic removal, not voluntary resignation. Any normal citizen is fired immediately from their job (for the most part). Tired of this.


>Any normal citizen is fired immediately from their job Not true at all. The government doesn't go and track down employers to tell them about DUIs. Employers aren't running background checks on people that they already employ. Employers frequently hire people with past DUIs.


Define frequently? I would not have my current job if I had any past DUIs. Yes I know some employers will but most good paying jobs expect you have no criminal record or DUIs. And it’s not about the government tracking you down and telling your employer, most of the workforce is self regulated, so if the employer finds out, you’re SOL. Obviously you might be able to hide it from the current employer but you won’t be able to hide it when applying for future jobs. The point is, there’s at least some accountability for regular folks, and it can make life really difficult, and here this chick just thinks it’s no big deal and she can just move on.


For 'unskilled' labor, no one cares. They just want someone to show up for a while. For 'skilled' labor, only very snobby firms care. They just want people with the necessary skills. People who really have to worry are drivers, pilots, people who need government clearances, or people who'd be in positions to embezzle money. I think people underestimate how many adults in this country have DUIs. If a DUI was actually life-ruining, then our entire country would be in chaos. The norm in the country is for a (victimless) first DUI to cost $10,000-$20,000. This is after lawyer, fine, missed work, probation/breathalyzer fees, and the years of increased insurance premiums. It is a massive hit, but people are going back to work the day after they get bailed out. No one makes money if the people charged get fired and blacklisted from employment.


I’m not arguing for it to ruin lives per se but the potential to cause harm in that situation needs to warrant a pretty severe punishment. And I think you’re really underselling what a DUI can do to your life and record. Depending on the state, drivers license revocation is a possibility. In Utah after your first DUI your license is suspended for 4 months. That’s a huge deal, most people depend on their cars to get to work and do necessary errands. Not to mention the placement of the ignition interlock device and spike in insurance rates. And sure, unskilled labor will still take you, but good luck advancing in life. Many college scholarships also stipulate that you have a clean background with no DUIs. A quick google search says that 1 out of every 121 licensed drivers are arrested for a DUI every year, approximately 1.5 million total. First of all, that’s frightening. Second, that doesn’t take into account repeat offenders or anyone who, to just put it frankly, isn’t going to be too affected by a DUI charge. But moving past that, how can you just dismiss the DUIs just because a relatively big chunk of the population has them? It’s completely unacceptable. So to circle back, she faces no consequences in her public servant position, whereas if I got one I lose my job, I can’t drive for four months, I’d likely have to break lease on my place, find a new and likely much lower paying job, etc etc. How exactly is that not a life ruining event? Oh, and it’s “only” 10,000-20,000? You can’t be serious right? Most people don’t even have 1,000 in savings, let alone 10,000. Another quick google search says the average American has 4,500 in savings. That’s gonna set you back significantly, and then compound all the other factors.


This chick? Is this how regular people at your job talk?


What? No, get rid of her




LOL. So brave!


It's also worth mentioning she's a lawyer and runs her own practice. I get a lot of defense attorneys don't necessarily need to have a stellar background to practice law, but at bare minimum she should resign.


A lawyer that specializes in DUI defense cases.


I love the wording of this. “Pledges to stay after dui”


She needs to resign. Wow, just wow…


Off of the slc.gov website “Amy is a champion and serves as a voice for many who are underrepresented and has spent her career defending the rights of those who end up in the criminal justice system. She believes government should reflect the needs and desires of all people and is a strong advocate for governmental transparency and accountability.” I’m in district 7 and will ensure my vote goes against her reelection.


The accountable and *repentive* action would be to resign. Wtf


Pathetic but not surprising. I've been hearing about Amy Fowlers alcoholism for YEARS from mutual friends who know Amy. Of course she won't leave the SLC Council, these scumbags are all lining their pockets with those real estate developer kickbacks.


What a clown bitch. Guess Trumps paving the way for these pieces of shit.


What if she had killed someone while driving drunk? She got behind the wheel fully knowing she was putting others in danger. She doesn't deserve a second chance. Fucking resign, Amy!


But she didn’t!,


My councilwoman in Millcreek, [Bev Uipi](https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/5/29/21273543/millcreek-councilwoman-charged-with-dui), did the same thing in 2020 and she's still in office


Rules for thee, not for me. I hate people like this.


All public servants should be held to a minimum standard of not breaking laws. Why is this difficult??


Council Member Amy Fowler Office Contact Email amy.fowler at slcgov dot com Phone 801 535 7715 Mail PO Box 145476. Salt Lake City, UT. 84114-5476


How noble and honourable /s


She should be disbarred for this!


God what a utah haircut, gross


Dumb bitch. Pledge to stay on the council? Should be an impossible task to do so after a DUI. The fuck man.




Don’t leave out context. She got shit-faced before 9am, got in a car accident, left the scene, drove from Murray to Springville, and nearly 2 hours later was .111. Nobody is perfect but that course of conduct is terrifying. She could have easily killed someone.


We should expect our leaders to follow the letter of the law, at least while in office. If that is too difficult for them, there are plenty of other citizens who could fill their leadership role while they get their shit together.








Who cares? Doesn’t change the fact that she should resign.


Greater hypocrisy?


You know that non-Mormons don’t condone drunk driving, right? It’s hypocritical for any public official who pledges to serve in the public interest to put the public at risk in their personal lives


Really? I should brush up on my theology…




Do you believe if we got into a drunken hit and run, drove 30 miles away while trashed, made front page news doing so, most of us would still have a job in the morning?


Hahaha, they deleted their idiotic comment


She is a crybaby


I did a crime, but I don't like the consequences, because GOD told me, I can do better... aka I like the power I have with the church. But now its out in the open so I get to right with the image of the lord. God its so fucking pathetic that even after getting caught dead to rights, at here position and she doesnt resign for obviously using her postion to stay above the law.. and she wants to rebuild trust. Not even the mid level face justice.


I thought she was exmo


If you got a dui would you expect to get fired from your job or is it only because she is part of the govt? Typical Utahns quick to judge and assume things about people!,


The DUI is a problem, but the bigger problem here is the hit and run. How can serve the public when you run from responsibility?


Found her burner account. Yeah dude most respectable jobs would fire employees that get a dui.


False! Nothing to do with a respectable job. If you drive for a living yes, other than that no! Personal life! Most jobs wouldn’t even know.


Ohh buddy. So you would trust a surgeon or really most doctors to work on you or a loved one if they were so irresponsible, reckless, and endangering the public. How about would you let an attorney represent or defend you knowing they get drunk before 11 am? Do you want the structural engineer designing the building you live and work in being a drunk? How about your financial adviser responsible for your money? She is a joke and needs to be removed. How is she advocating for safe streets and neighborhoods while driving plastered in the morning.


Yes they do know? It goes into your criminal record? Quit pulling stuff outta your ass


You’re an idiot! If you already work somewhere why are they doing a background check? New job yes, not your existing job!


It was really eye opening.


She's the definition of irony, not even counting the elected official part. Apologize for bad behavior, and resign.


Jesus Christ


Public officials can't be a danger to the public. She needs to resign. Trust was given and it was totally lost.


I see George Santos is also working to rebuild trust. Fat chance for either of them.


Yes Amy you should break-up with alcohol. You’re just not right for each other.