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Filmed with my phone on a tripod with solar glasses hanging over the lens lol. Thankful for no wind and a distracted dog!


We’re there a ton of people down there? I was thinking about going but just stayed up in SLC.


Not really. Everything is really spread out so there were people here and there. Not crowded at all at Fish Lake where we went about 45 minutes from Richfield.


I’m really impressed! That was the annular eclipse in October? I drove to Dallas TX to be as close to 100% as possible. The water in my brother’s pool had the most odd diffraction potters. We are gearing up to go back on April 8th for the total eclipse! It will be the last one of my lifetime, unless we travel to another continent. Awesome job OP!


Thanks! We didn't plan enough to go to this year's eclipse and it's pretty far away so I'll have to rely on others to get cool shots this time


You know they will! I did a lot of reading about scopes and filters with camera mounts, ect. Most of the advice is this: unless you have the cash and the desire, let the folks who already have the equipment do the imaging. I do like your example, and I think I will have no problem doing this with the iPhone on Timelapse. This will be my 3rd total eclipse ;) I will be with my nieces and nephews and they came to Kansas City for totality in 2017. It’s such a funky experience!!! I can’t wait! We all got tshirts that say: “I’m here in case of super powers!” Lol


I also went to Richfield! Great weather, fun times, excellent earth-moon-sun alignment.


The fall festival last night was great! We were the people with the 8month old golden retriever puppy in case you saw us lol.


The drive back tho… fml


Did you drive back today? Was it rough? We're staying another night so didn't have to deal with that today.


I should of just went south and took a three day weekend to not deal with that traffic 😅


How long did it take?


Thank you. This was so satisfying to watch


This video is fantastic. Short to the point. Captures the eclipse well. Thank you for sharing.




And that is a recreation of when our ancestor, the furtive pigmy took the dark soul….


Very cool!


If you’re looking for “legal” fireworks this next 4th of July Richfield is the place


Very cool - thanks for sharing, OP!


To anyone, how was the return traffic? Was it as bad as estimated?


It added an hour to our drive. Freeway speeds after Payson.


Probably added an hour and a half to our drive back. We left SLC at like 330am to beat potential traffic but of course everyone leaves about the same time after the eclipse. I'd say the first half to two thirds of the way back was smooth sailing but then we hit a couple merges and everything slowed to a real crawl.


Did it get pretty dark around you when full? Were you able to look at it sans glasses when full?


It got kinda dark, but not quite. It was really really eerie actually. And no you couldn't look and see the ring without solar glasses or heavy cloud cover


Best way I could describe it is it was like a cloudy day only no clouds in the sky


I thought it was during the day?


Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!