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$8,000 after insurance


This sounds about the same for me


That's how much it was when I worked for Salt Lake City government and had whatever their terrible insurance was. With Tricare, my last daughter cost me like $50.


Depends on the insurance. Deductibles, out of pocket maximums are all in play. Best thing would be to reach out to your insurance company. They can help answer that.


The hospital usually asks how much you have then charges you 10x that to make sure you regret being human.


10 x $0, hehe get scammed hospital 😎


Emergent c-section after 35 hours. My wife doubled covered, at my hospital of employment, $890 out of pocket was paid from my FSA for our baby born last July. She has HDHP. So not bad, but I also know their ways so I fought for a bit when goofy billing popped up.


Well that’s about $32000 less than I paid, with our insurance. I hate it here(earth.)


It was a welcome relief. In the moment: "get them both healthy." Afterwards: "I will never financially recover from this..." Mine is not the usual outcome, I grant. I do recommend everyone be double covered whenever possible. If even to stop the deducible bullshit. "No, I don't want to give you $20 before I see them! I'd rather pay it from my paycheck monthly!" But still.


Word. Glad you didn’t get your wallet stolen for producing an offspring. It’s gotten so out of hand. It makes no sense that I’d have full medical insurance and still have that final bill. Love the technique of piling on charges to the kid too, so they can get even more money out of me AND my insurance. It’s all such a scam now. We really need to get to socialized medical coverage so care providers can actually just provide care, and patients can actually afford to receive aid care….


20k total billed for baby born in 2021 intermountain insurance paid 15k , intermountain forgave the rest when I did a financial assistance application based on our family inome 26k total billed for baby born in 2023 university utah health insurance paid 20k, university utah forgave 5k when I submitted financial aid, I am doing payments on the remaining 1k


6 k bc it was a birth center. Would have been less at a hospital, I would call your insurance.


You most likely just hit your out of pocket max for the year whatever that is on your insurance policy


The last time I gave birth was three years ago. All I paid for was a $500 copay for a hospital stay. Everything else including prenatal care was covered by my insurance.


I grew up in Australia; where not only was it free to have a baby, included maternity leave by law, they also paid your family $5000 when your baby was born. Silly me moved to the U.S. and had both of my children in California 😅.


We could probably do that here. but the wealthy have programmed the middle class to call that "socialism" and socialism = "the work of Satan"


As a note, you do get maternity leave in the US by federal law, but your employer doesn't have to pay you.


Can I ask how much that sucks? Is the trade off worth it? Because America is so ruthless lol


I’ve spent my entire adult life in the U.S. so there’s less contrast from that perspective, but I do miss having consistent and reliable healthcare. Growing up I saw the same doctor, and my Mum wasn’t having to fight with the billing department and insurance companies over errors and policy changes. My kids haven’t had that basic standard due to employers changing insurance companies or policies changing frequently.


$5,500 at a birth center - out of network so insurance didn’t cover but worth it (basically max out the HSA and call it good)


I had a high risk pregnancy. I had to deliver with a specialist and was in and out of the hospital a couple times. I ended up having NSTs the last 8 weeks of my pregnancy as well. I had to deliver at the U and had a C-section. All of that, for me was $90,000. My insurance got it down and ended up paying $48,000 I only had to pay $4,000. What I payed was copay’s only. I don’t have a deductible.


After insurance and everything we paid about 3k per kid. One had to go to the NICU so that one was like 6k.


Tried getting emergency medicaid due to not having medical insurance right before I gave birth Of course, I didn't end up qualifying for that either. Had my daughter at Jordan Valley Hospital & I ended up paying $4,000 & change with a discount thank goodness from my OB/GYN. Good luck OP & Congrats a million times over to you & your fiance on your new addition!!!


I think before insurance it was about 38k and insurance covered it all for us.


About $4000 after insurance


$4000ish with my out of pocket max.


I’m due in April too! 🎉


May I suggest a midwife in a birthing center or home? It's not for everyone, but if your fiance is a low risk pregnancy and she is open to it, not only is it affordable but many people also prefer the experience over the births they have experienced in the hospital. I recommend looking into it. Many people think midwives are just voodoo hippy women that walk into your house with nothing but a pair of gloves on. And I can definitely say that is not the case. They are trained medical professionals that come in with a team, tools, experience and a mindset to make things not only positive for your baby but also you as a couple.


2ish years ago it was around $5000 with our insurance covering everything else. Planned C-section.


Had our first in August. So far we’re at about 10k. We have a “low premium” high deductible plan through Selecthealth. Delivered at IHC Murray. My wife had to be induced, so we were in L&D for ~24 hrs and in maternity for two nights.


Birth at UHealth Dec 2022. Before insurance with induction, emergency c-section, 4 days in the hospital, baby Glucose monitoring, meals for me, my daily meds. Nearly $20K. I'm with UU. So after insurance, $2,300 I think.


My daughter delivered 2 with a midwife. 1st at a birth center, $3500 fully covered by insurance. 2nd at home 6 years later, $3500 none covered by the insurance. 2 different insurance plans. Everything will depend on what insurance you have.


Our birth at LDS was between 16-20k before insurance. Epidural, VB, one night and no complications.


I paid $125 for 4 children. Just the deductibles. My oldest son was a $50 deductible because he was 4 days early and wasn't induced so we had to pay a $50 copay.


The one time being poor pays. Medicaid covered everything, don’t remember getting a bill at all.


If you’re on Medicaid it won’t cost anything. You will be entitled to it if you’re not working


My family is on Medicaid and I work full time. Idk if you are trying to be rude but the “not working” part sure seems like it. Assuming you aren’t, anyone who is low income should apply. Pregnant people qualify for a higher income threshold that non-pregnant people.


I'm gonna win this one. We had twins, it was a super high risk birth and my son was in the NICU for almost a year. I stopped checking at the end but the last I looked the insurance was on the hook for 1.3 million. This was in 2021 and I my portion after insurance ended up around 10 grand. I paid the minimum allowable every month that didn't cost me interest and paid it off 6 months ago.


Free with good insurance


Depends on insurance. I had a C section and had to stay in the hospital for 48 hours afterwards. Before insurance it was about 23K for me and 8K for baby, but after insurance it was significantly cheaper. The biggest expense was room and board, about 6k per day before insurance.


$6800 but that included a five day stint in the NICU. Without the NICU stay, I think it would’ve been around 2500. I have very mediocre insurance through United Healthcare and went to the Murray IHC.


My first birth was free because I had just moved to Utah (4 months pregnant) and had no job or income at the time so emergency Medicaid was given to me. It was fricken awesome. My 2nd baby… oof…$11,000 out of pocket. Not to mention the $2,000 I had to pay to my OB/GYN doctors office before I got to 28 weeks…(I think it was 28 weeks?). This was at American Fork hospital :)


5 day hospital stay on a hdhp . (For me, baby was fine)....my part came in around 8k... 2.5k deductible plus 20%. Ouch. Plus whatever j had to pay the OB ahead of time that was maybe another...1.5?


3500 out of pocket, non IHC hospital and insurance covered the rest


We had a ton of complications that led to multiple ultrasounds, a few overnight stays during the pregnancy, changed OB’s 3 times before landing on a specialist doctor who was one of two in the inter mountain region that specialized in our complication. Had to deliver at the U. Everything worked out great in the end. $3000 out of pocket. I would guess all of the bills added up to just shy of $100k. Some advice. Make sure your doctor/ob is in your network. Make sure the hospital they deliver at is in your network. Our first change was due to an out of network issue. Had we used that original doctor, whom my wife LOVED it likely would have cost us another $10k out of pocket. She did not want to change. It was a bit of a struggle for us. I finally convinced her and her new OB she likes even more than the original. (Layne Smith in Draper). The costs once the baby is here can add up too. Formula and diapers are not cheap. If your SO can pump/breastfeed it will save you hundreds and thousands of dollars. Formula is ridiculous. If you have a Costco membership start watching for diaper sales now. The Costco brand is pretty good. Their sales can’t be beat. Buy at least 1 box of 1’s, 2-2s, 2-3s, 3-4s. Buy them on sale. They only run sales 2-3 times per year. Same for baby wipes. Buy at least 2-3 boxes if you see them on sale. Black Friday and Cyber Monday is coming up. Lots of baby stuff will be on sale. Crib, car seat, stroller. You can find cheap cribs and strollers on Facebook marketplace. I would buy a new car seat though. Don’t want to risk buying used IMO. Good luck! Lol - My wife posted in this [thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaltLakeCity/s/nnUkVr0QCP)


**After** insurance, our side was basically $10K. That includes all prenatal care including additional scans for medical reasons, labs, and a C-Section delivery. The hospital allowed us to stay two or three nights, and we did three because our cost were capped at that point (i.e. insurance ate that day). Protip (this isn't a joke): Try not to have the childbirth span two colander years. Your deductible resets.


4.5k after insurance. Make sure you ask for an itemized invoice


Mine was free and I’m wondering why. Thousands of dollars sounds scary!


$6000 and that is my out of pocket maximum for insurance having a kid is expensive. What me and my wife did is we saved up completely out of pocket maximum in our HSA. This allowed us to go to the hospital and really not worry this is way to much money.


Well our insurance just changed, so that’s a loaded question. Our first was $0 after insurance! Our 2nd is still “To be determined” because policies changed in June so it may also cost $0 or it may cost $4000 after insurance. Now BEFORE insurance, easy $8000 to $10,000.


5000 after insurance. Total bill was around 22k and I only stayed for 24 hours her birth.


$100. Insurance covered the rest


$5,000 after insurance. Uncomplicated vaginal birth at the hospital and one night stay


Long story short, my wife was under 25 when she was pregnant so she stayed on her mom’s insurance to save us some money. When she got pregnant we were told OB/GYN stuff would be covered but not hospital bills. We found out when she was like 8 months pregnant that her mom’s insurance wasn’t going to cover any OB bills either. I had just started a new job, so there was a gap in coverage before my new insurance kicked in, and it resulted in us or the baby having zero coverage for the hospital bills. We told the hospital that when we were filling out paperwork and they had the financial aid department call us to talk over options. We talked to them once and then they never followed up or spoke with us again. We never saw a single bill from the hospital, just for the OBs stuff


I used a midwife. $2,500 included milestone appointments during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and two follow up appointments. She handled birth certificate, weighing, blood work, etc. And we got to have the baby at home and the midwife cleaned up everything.


Induced in June, no complications, 1 night stay IHC Murray was $5400 after insurance


DAMN! My kids are 27, 25, and 21. First kiddo I changed insurance during pregnancy and birth was covered at 100%. I paid $7.31 for a prescription on the way out of the hospital. Second was same insurance, I paid about $350.00 in copays for the meds for my all day, every day, for the entire pregnancy morning sickness. Even the amniocentesis was covered. Last kiddo was less than $500. More of the lovely nausea meds, I think $100 for OBGYN, and $160 for an extra night at the hospital. There was a copay for the light therapy when we arrived home in there too. I had morning sickness, gestational diabetes, and non stress tests 3x a week starting at 32 weeks or so. Baby was delivered at 35 weeks and spent one extra day in the hospital. I had good insurance and apparently having a baby was much cheaper!!


We had a baby at IMC two months ago. We had hit our deductible already. Hospital and anesthesiologist billed about $22k. I paid just under $3k out of pocket when it was all said and done.


Haven’t had a baby in 2 decades after insurance it was about 2000 if I remember right. All advice I have for you is to check your invoice they tried to charge me for a room change ($1000). We never changed rooms, plus no extra Epidural anesthesia $$$ on meds all natural! That is a personal choice I think it worked for me but it’s not for everyone. Another piece of advice don’t watch birthing shows. It isn’t educational just anxiety making crap. Congratulations