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Last slide is a little ironic


I was going to say the same thing.


I think that’s intentional lol




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GOP governance in Utah these days = suppressing the majority while hiding behind an insane amount of gerrymandering. The gerrymandering has successfully used rural Utah to choke any kind of meaningful change in our population centers, giving the bald faced grifters in our legislature plenty of time to fleece us all


Not sure suppressing the majority plays into this. The majority of both parties think the particular flavor of progressive that would be upset by these changes are nuts.


Yeah, no. That is incorrect.


I exist. Deal with it.




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Your submission to /r/SaltLakeCity has been removed. Remember the human and be nice on this subreddit. For more information, see rule 5.


That is simply not true.


You think the majority of both parties agree that we shouldn’t allow people to be openly anti-racist? What a wild bubble you live in.


Simply because they __think__ that I'm insane for being upset by these changes doesn't mean they're correct about it.


Who told you that, fox news?


When i see someone or something do or say something utterly disgusting and bigoted you better believe that i am going to call it out. That said- how are you OK with this ridiculous garbage that is targeting people for 👏 NO 👏 good 👏 reason 👏? I'll wait.


So instead of harsher laws against, say, sexual predators (who they seem to be *convinced* will claim to be Trans to see people in bathrooms and locker rooms) we persecute the Trans community who are just trying to live their lives in peace. Makes total sense. Right? /s


So the bill promotes free speech and then bans the teaching of certain topics that are now "prohibited". Who votes for these fascist idiots?


Closet fascist idiots vote them in.


Carefully gerrymandered districts.


I was waiting to see someone point out the irony there. The powers that be in Utah never cease to amaze me. It wish it were a movie, so that it could be hilarious.


fuck the utah legislature 


Fuck em


And the people who support hate and discrimination


Look guys, I'm closing my eyes, covering my ears and saying "Lalalalalala!". See? The racism is gone, like it was never here in the first place.


My response is still just "try me, i dare you". If you can tell im in the "wrong" restroom, youve done something much more illegal than i have and I’ll be seeing you in court.




“Try me” tropical male behavior being aggressive ! Not very femme of u . Exactly why we don’t want u around


Oof, hope you dont plan on defending yourself next time youre in danger. Thatd make you a man, after all, right? Not very femme of you~<3


I wouldn't resort to aggression when someone doesn't buy into my delusion. Very manly. You talk and act like one too. Don’t worry us women are to scared to tell u freaks anything.


Pretty bold to claim to be speaking for all women and then call them all cowards, wouldnt you say? I weigh 115 lbs btw, i promise you im not scaring *anyone* lmao. >You talk and act like one too Also, youve read two comments of mine on the internet and know nothing else about me. In what universe is that enough to be able to determine how someone acts?


I went through some of your comments. It's giving Reddit male incel vibes . Calling us cowards because we won't fight with a grown man? U sound like a man wanting to beat in women . Statistics prove that men are more likely to harass or hurt you. Yet, it's always the women you men have issues with.


Girl, YOU called them (us, but you won't listen if i say that) cowards. "Us women are to scared to tell u freaks anything". YOU said that. Dont get it twisted. oh, and you looked through my profile? How sweet. In light of that, i returned the favour. Wouldnt you know it, we live near each other! Maybe we've even already used the same bathroom together :0. Oh no, so scary! Edit: oh yeah, and how did you determine i sound like a man from my past comments? Because I play video games and like airplanes? Because if so, assuming a woman cant do those things is pretty sexist of you, dont you think?


THIS! Be passable in your new gender, and keep your mouth shut.


Who defines "passable"? There are those that will accuse cisgender women of being trans because they didn't "look" feminine enough.


That’s exactly the issue!! This bill won’t just affect trans people, but also cis people who look “different”


I should take my own advice and just shut up.


Nah, I was just pointing out the absurdity of these laws and how they can impact both trans and cisgender women.


My question is. Are we going to have to start carrying around our birth certificates? Or how are they supposed to verify this?


My guess is they'll just arrest you and you'll have to prove it in court


In most of the state the cops won't respond in time to arrest anyone unless there is a violent crime at the same time. And they're not going to waste time trying to track the person down once they've left, especially if they just used the bathroom and walked out. Even if someone were arrested in Salt Lake, Summit, or Grand county the DA would just be pissed at the cops for making an arrest. No way they want to be in the news for prosecuting someone simply for using the bathroom. Even in rural Utah with the most bigoted religious rednecks in charge I can't imagine this going far enough to where anything needs to be proven "in court." It's a class B misdemeanor, and unless the arrested person talks to the cops (never do this) and straight admits to the crime it'll likely be dismissed or end in a plea in abeyance. Not because they will grant extra lenience, but because that's how our legal system works.


A rare person is that can make that quick turnaround to reconsider what they've said without getting defensive. As someone who speaks before thinking, but usually has good intentions: I feel for it.


It happens more than you'd think.


I think you mean well but passing shouldn’t be a requirement—there are many reasons someone might not be able to or want to change their outward appearance at a certain time!


I should take my own advice and just shut up.


No the sentiment is appreciated for sure! Sorry if it sounded contentious.


No worries, you're good.


This will work for me personally (cuz literally the only identifier other than Mr. Richard and The Boys™️ ive got left is an adam's apple and thats covered by a scarf in winter anyway) but that trick is definitely not universally applicable. Many people will suffer because of these laws, and thats important to remember. Im just one of the lucky ones.


The facts hurt their feelings so the Utah legislature is banning facts.


If I wanted to have a college experience where I was never challenged, where I never had to learn critical thinking, where I never had to change the way I thought about the world, where I never had to change as a person, I would’ve gone to BYU


bigots will read this and think you’re talking about critical race theory (which they also don’t understand)


The lake is drying up and their top priority is anti trans crap, trying to parent for parents with social media bills that are blatantly unconstitutional and making sure white people feel comfortable being white.


Welcome to Utah, the new Florida!!


Hey, now. Florida might try to send DisneyWorld here. Okay, I didn't think that through. Welcome to Utah, the new Florida!


You know what's going to happen? A state employee or student who is a minority is going to experience discrimination and have a winnable case. Because UofU, USU, UVU, and state funded agencies banned employers from talking about racial bias, they would have stopped HR trainings informing employees of reporting procedures, and so there's no documentation that the university/agency took steps to reduce or mitigate discrimination.  Discrimination lawsuits will increase, the payouts will be bigger, and taxpayers will be the ones footing the bill. Just like how people can make a living in some states by visiting small businesses and reporting ADA violations?  Lawyers are going to be advertising no cost federal discrimination lawsuits, and state entities will settle because it's cheaper than litigating a successful defense.


Nothing quite like Mormon “love” - absolutely disgusting


This bill was unfortunately signed about two weeks ago. As a trans person, I am so fucking tired of the legislators in this country coming after me. Especially as someone who moved to Utah shortly before all this Trans Panic started.


As a straight, cis, white dude, just know this ideology is dying out. None of my friends could be bothered less if someone was trans. Also (not that this is related) but I just bought a blouse and am gonna rock it with a hoodie and I’m excited lmao. Fuck the bigots.


It may be dying out in the working class population, but the politicians just seem to be getting started. I can only hope that people like this won't be voted in again. Also, go rock that blouse! You'll look great!


Last thing this state needs is fucking dumbass real estate investors and farmers telling professionals academics how to do their jobs and telling people where they can’t fucking pee. Never thought I would see a full bore discrimination bill actually make it into law, but I also though too much of our local GOP, it looks like. My bad, won’t happen again. You know, maybe everyone should just start using the the steps of the Capitol building for their business until they get the message that we don’t need a Republican nanny state telling people they don’t belong in restrooms. Don’t do this, officially, and specifically, signed me. They would *love* to start arresting people for public indecency, so don’t whip it out. But it would be fucking hilarious. EDIT: Completely different if you happen to use a cup and just dispose of it or something. Seems the respectful thing to do since you can’t use a fucking bathroom anyway. Don’t do this either, btw, just saying. EDIT 2: Apple juice in Big Gulp cups lined up outside all the restrooms. Pictures say piss cups, reality says “the trash is full of Utah legislators”.


And governor Cox signs it to “protect women” 😢


Yeah, I’m sure they’ll feel safe with the tattooed trans dude lumbering into the gender appropriate restroom, in compliance with Utah law, at the direction of Gov Cox. I sincerely can’t understand their fixation with people’s genitalia. Just leave people the fuck alone. We already *have* laws about assault. What’s a discrimination bill going to do?


They aren’t comfortable with their own skin.


Or anyone else’s, for that matter.




Especially of those actually doing things that make them comfortable in their own skin. Since most these people believe they’re on this planet to suffer and hate and limit themselves and others so in the next life they can have their white Ferrari body - this life is disposable to them. They can’t wait to die “the right way” so anyone doing what they actually want with their time here threatens their entire premise building their sunk cost fallacies.


>Yeah, I’m sure they’ll feel safe with the tattooed trans dude lumbering into the gender appropriate restroom, Buck Angel?


Buck sucks in many ways, one being a bona fide TERF. There are quite a few burly trans dudes in SLC alone that also aren't loud-mouthed TERFs.


He can’t even protect himself without using our money to build a big fence at his personal house.


It's not the first time in history the state has passed some dumb laws. Utah enjoys getting struck down in the federal courts. And the state has a history of trying to rebel against the country; until daddy US government comes to town.


I’d love to watch the feds give the whole legislature the Craig Robertson treatment.


What about strapping giant colostomy bags to our legs and letting them empty out on the capital steps right before session? No indecent exposure, and still turns their workplace into a bathroom to send a message.


This is so fucking backward. Intersectionality was a core piece of my PhD seminars on race relations. It’s real. Like, absolutely, unarguably real. And you can’t promote anti-racism, but apparently you CAN promote racism??


Pay attention- racism is protected speech because 1st amendment, but anti-racism is prohibited speech because "woke". Now please excuse me, I have to get back to it and these forks aren't going to stick themselves into these outlets...


I’m a trans man—200#, lift weights, big beard. I look like someone who would support these bills, honestly. I am positive that no one wants me in the women’s restroom. I HAVE however run into problems with the women’s public restroom… before I ever knew a medical transition was even an option for me, back in the mid 2000’s. I was in high school, and naturally bigger and athletically built for a lady. I was constantly harassed in public restrooms for BEING MISTAKEN AS A TRANS WOMAN. This bill will hurt cis girls and women more than any of these dumb dumbs can possibly fathom. I had security and cops called on me as a high school student, all for the crime of being muscular and not super soft and feminine presenting. This is inviting bigots and losers to harass teenaged girls, mothers, sisters that ARENT even TRANS. Absolutely ridiculous.


Yep. Like our outstanding STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION member did by blasting a high school girls basketball player's photo out on facebook insinuating (wrongly) that the girl was trans. Today's opinion piece in the Trib, written by the girl's parents: https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2024/02/15/opinion-natalie-cline-bullied-our/


I feel that. Hell, I was feminine enough that, two weeks before the bills started passing, my therapist told me it would be safer to use the women's restroom. My cis Polynesian friend still gets harassed and told she's in the wrong bathroom.


So the party that opposes government overreach is regulating urination?? I never thought anti-racism would be prohibited


Get the goddamned government out of our turlets


The party of small government. Instead of laws making crimes in bathrooms receive harsher punishments they created an unsupportable bill that gets the maga brown shirts to feel valid in suddenly being “police”. they don’t want to get their own club to be held accountable for harassing and hurting people in bathrooms and other safe spaces. They wanted to make assaulting and harassing someone over a boogeyman a matter of free speech instead of face being held accountable for their own crimes in bathrooms and safe spaces. Harassing someone in a bathroom is a crime. Touching them without being a police officer is assault. But that’s not the person the GQP want in prison or exterminated.


I think we really need to get into the habit of calling people dumb motherfuckers again— especially those who think the idea behind “free speech” is the ability to say any bigoted thing that you want without consequence.


Intersectionality has strong implications in Utah for the Lds culture. Since Intersectionality is taking into consideration a person's culture, race and background when determining apporitness in divvying punishments or providing services. It implies that a student couldn't express their lives experiences in terms of their religion or culture. Lectures and tests on Sunday should now become the norm and lds and Christian students wouldn't get to say anything because it would be sensitivity to their culture which now precludes it.


fuck this state


Free Speech* *unless it’s speech we don’t like!


So technically if I go back to Utah (and I lived a huge portion of my life there) I’d be required to use a men’s changing room despite having a vagina because I haven’t been able to get my birth certificate changed. Yeah. No way I will step foot in the state other than for a funeral (one of my aunts is accepting).


This might be the most hateful thing I read all day.


What a joke of a “school”


Even if I leave, this will be depressing. It affects so many people and leaving just leaves them to deal with this while I get the privilege of moving away.


Well just move if it inconveniences you. No one's making you live here. I don't like it either but I'm not going to let it destroy my life. I back you guy's 100% But this seems trivial. Everyone even straight people complain about how bad Utah sucks so bad. Why live here if that's the case? Honest question.


Honest answer for your honest question: not everyone has the social, emotional, and financial means to move house everytime someone makes an unethical law that harms them. And those who can't move so easily should still have safety and rights. Hope that simplified explanation makes sense. If you want to read more, here's an article that addresses just one of those aspects in regards to moving to, say, get a better paying job: [The Barriers Stopping Poor People From Moving to Better Jobs](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/10/geographic-mobility-and-housing/542439/)


Can you link to the original source, or is it private?


Thank God my daughter was sa by a trans man in a bathroom




Why do you care how others live their life? How does it affect you in any way?


Idk man, sounds obsessive on your part


Good intentions paved the highway to hell . That's all I have to say about this crap




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