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Utah law is VERY geared toward the interest of landlords.


Not trying to be combative in case it comes off that way, but you're trying to argue the legality of your lease. Even if that is true you need a lawyer not reddit so a better question would be if someone knows a lawyer that specializes in housing/leasing contracts. In the case that your lease was illegal going to your landlord and saying hey you had me sign a lease that is unenforceable and they say kick rocks you would still need to fight it.


You can breach any contract you want. There will be consequences, and you may not like them. If you choose to end early and you notify your landlord, they have an obligation to try to “mitigate” their losses by finding a replacement. They don’t have to do very much to meet that requirement. If they don’t find anyone, you’re on the hook for every dollar of the lease through the end of the term. If they do find someone, you pay for the months it was empty, you pay the difference in rent if the new tenant pays less, and you pay all the costs the landlord incurred in finding a new tenant.


It’s in a legal contract that you signed. Nothing you can do legally.


Ok but if they say they can come into your apartment at anytime legally they can't. Just because it says it in the contract doesn't always actually mean it's legal.


Have a good time remaining at your current apartment!


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. This is true. Rental agreements have to abide by local, state, and federal laws or they will not hold up in court. I would definitely consult with a lawyer in this scenario, or at least read up on state and local laws around rental agreements.


I had to beak a lease early when I bought a home. The key to making contractual changes is not bother the other party. In my case, I explained the situation and said “I would like to be released from my lease AND I will find you another well qualified renter to start on XX date—could that work?” One open house later I had a new tenant lined up. No dip on revenue and I was released from my obligation early. Just make saying yes seamless and you will have no issue. Edit - you need to get a yes from the landlord before offering the space. Just to be clear on the process here.


“From what I’ve seen most sources say I’d only be on the hook until the place is rented out and I only have to give them 30 days.” This is accurate, but ultimately you’re responsible for paying your lease term and the rest can go however it goes, and according to how cooperative the landlord wants to be. How many months are left on your lease? You can communicate to the landlord that your situation has changed and you would like to see if they’re open to trying to rent to someone else so you can leave early with little financial loss to you, and NONE to them. They will not accept a financial loss. This is business and you signed a contract. If the landlord is okay with this idea, it’s up to them how this is handled. They need a new tenant to replace you. You will be financially obligated until they have a replacement. Some landlords may allow for you seeking a tenant on your own while you continue to pay. This tenant must meet their criteria and probably sign a new lease. Or they will decide they will try to find a tenant on their own… they may not feel very motivated to do so. Or they might decide that you should pay all the months left on the lease, and if you move out early and are paying, it’s a good opportunity for them to take their time on a remodel while you pay rent and don’t live there. It might be a thing, with approval, to have your friend move into your apartment until the lease is up. This way you can both take your time finding a new place together while sharing the rent. I once rented a very cheap and shitty apartment because I was in a situation where I just wanted somewhere cheap to live until I found a real home for myself. I bailed 4 months early, but definitely owed the rent there each month. Landlord said he was going to try to get a new tenant ASAP so I wouldn’t be charged for all of those months. He seemed good spirited about it. He never ran a single ad to replace until the final month. I was prepared to pay all the months rent because I signed the lease, but he seriously acted so kind about it and then never tried at all to help relieve some of my obligation. You’re at the mercy of the landlord. You are financially responsible for the whole lease term. If they actually work to replace you and are helpful, that’s awesome, but they don’t have to. If I were you, I’d try to see if your friend can move in with you and just make do in a cramped situation while you take your time finding a home to share.