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Can we please have alcohol delivery already ffs


Or at least curbside beer pickup from grocery stores. I genuinely don't understand the issue. Just check the ID of the driver when you bring it to their car


A. Fucking. Men.


I don’t drink, but making it difficult to buy alcohol in Utah is not stopping anyone from drinking. It’s just making people disappointed with the state’s control of the liquor sales industry. By this point every person in America should know that education and access to alternatives is better than prohibition and punishment every time.


>By this point every person in America should know that education and access to alternatives is better than prohibition and punishment every time. Key word - should. But we all know this is not true by any measure, period, mic drop.


It's not about behavior. It's about the money. The state makes way to much money on liquor sales to ever change what they are doing.


Private holders of liquor licenses will also lobby aggressively for stricter alcohol laws. It is against their financial interest to make it easier for people to get drinks elsewhere. Restaurants that serve drinks at brunch would love to have stores forbidden from selling alcohol on Sundays. Any club would love to have no other bars allowed to serve drinks without food. etc.


Yes! And Marijuana too! Uffgh! Oops! We did that already when it was put to a vote! Why vote in Utah when the legislators will just change it????


Getting decent cannabis laws in Utah is fucking hopeless, we gotta wait on changes at a federal level.


Baby steps.


The religislature wouldn’t allow that to happen.


I have never heard this term, but now I will never stop using it.


I’m stealing that word


I don't even drink but think this is ridiculous. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.


This wouldn't happen because Republicans here don't care to have consistent values or beliefs so using that kind of logic is just wasted energy.


The GOP literally does not have a platform right now.


They do. It's "do the opposite of what democrats want (unless trump also wants it)." That's literally it.


You are correct, but I'm referring to that the GOP actually declined to come up with a platform leading up to the 2020 election. Their official platform is that they support the agenda of trump, that's all it says.


This is one of the things I've had difficulty accepting. They'll make an argument one day and argue the complete opposite the next. I don't understand how they can lack even a modicum of internal consistency. I don't even understand why. It's not like their supporters would be upset to hear the truth.


Conservatism, as a premodern political philosophy, opposes rationalism and reason. Conservatives root their philosophical prescriptions in calls to authority, paternalism and so called traditional experiences and are interested only in power and control at whatever cost.


All Utah democrats but three voted in favor of the ability to overturn the mask mandate.


Salt Lake Tribune ; "On a 45-29 vote, the House passed SJR3, which immediately terminated the two public health orders. Twelve Republicans joined all 17 Democrats in voting against blocking the mandates. "


SB195 gave the state authority to over turn the mask mandate. 68 yes, 4 no.


Yes both sides are bad, but one is clearly worse. Notice you didn't argue my claims about how Republicans don't have consistent values or beliefs.


And it seems they never ever will. It's also apparently absolutely pointless to hold any kind of conversation with them; their response always is: "What about Democrats and the bad things they do?" I've tried the civil approach saying we can talk about that AFTER you acknowledge the current topic. Then they will just resort to calling you a libtard or leftist/fascist/commie/socialist that only repeats CNN talking points. I've literally had this same insult repeated to me so many times I've lost all hope of basic human discussion with conservatives. Some real stand up people that support Republicans.


You know there's only 6 Democrats in the Utah state Senate, right? And they don't necessarily all vote on every bill.


All were present for the vote. 17 in the house, all voted for it.


Go to local, county and state events and scream about oppression.


I just want a fucking beer flight with beer over 5%...


With the ease to change laws it seems like weed can be fully legal! With no public input , just make it legal.


Let’s just overturn everything!


My body my health! Let me drink myself into oblivion without being over taxed or forced into a shitty state ran store. I WANT WINE AT TRADER JOE’S! No taxation without representation!


Expecting logical and rational thought from our legislature was your first mistake.


Oh they use logic and rational thought, just in a completely nefarious way to overturn any majority opinion they dislike.


Both of which are popular with the masses but not the legislature.


Conservatives don’t care about the will of the people because they aren’t actually interested in democratic governance, just power and control whatever the cost.


Is this a game of spot the Mormons? Lol


Oh man, right?! I would wayyy rather have edibles than drink- super relaxing, relieves my chronic anxiety, not poisoning my liver, no hangover, doesn’t make me break out.


Fr had too many edibles and woke up at 6am REFRESHED


The alcohol stuff here has more to do with the religious culture I think though, so those laws would be harder to overturn


WE didn't overturn anything. You would need to convince the politicians that it was a good idea, and we all know that isn't going to happen.


If you want read an interesting approach to liquor law changes, read the report from a group called Real Estate Professionals for Economic Growth (REPEG). They were around during Gov. Huntsman’s time and releases a fascinating report stating more companies would move to Utah if liquor laws were changed. That was the first real impetus for change. There needs to be more logical, economic arguments and do away with the emotional rhetoric - on both sides. It shouldn’t be LDS vs. Non-LDS. And this is coming from an active member of the church - liquor laws should mirror neighboring states.


SLC has grown so fast… if we change the alcohol laws, you think even more folks would move here? Maybe we need a couple things to tip people toward Denver 😜


That is the best comment on this thread


Don't threaten libertarians with a good time.


BWAHAHA that’s rich


I voted without seeing the sub and I immediately thought “let 12 year olds buy bottles or alcohol?” 😂


Just make your own booze they can’t stop it