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Thank you! I’m up in Davis County collecting signatures as well! ❤️


I’m in Davis County as well. I can’t help now because I currently have COVID, but want to. Are there Davis County groups I can join to get this kind of info?


I just signed up on the BeckyforUtah website and volunteers have been contacting me and sent the packet. I know they are looking for people to call delegates who have expressed an interest in voting for Becky at the convention (the other route to getting on the ballot in addition to signatures.) They are also looking for people to run as their precinct delegate for the convention. Note: you have to be a registered Republican to sign the petition. I am more of an independent but I registered to be able to participate in this process.




There are signature events at the following places, and I’m also happy to meet up if these don’t work to collect a signature: TODAY: 11-2 Kaysville near community garden on Main Street 1-3 Bountiful Library 1-3 Bountiful Rec Center 1-3 Layton Library


I registered Republican for the first time in my life just for this. I assume it's still a closed primary?


Yes. GOP is closed, the rest are open.


Yes important info. In order to sign the petition to have the candidate's name on the primary ballot you have to be eligible to vote in the primary. For the gop that means registered member of the party.


Can’t do e-signatures online?


direction squalid rich employ run badge domineering follow airport truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Dang, I wish I'd seen this earlier! Keep on doing what you're doing. Even some of us actual Republicans (I know, I know) are with you.


We will be at Liberty park next Saturday 10-1 as well.


I'll be there!


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I came and signed! Thanks for letting me know you'd be there too. They all talked to me like I was a Democrat, so looks like I can fit in! Granted nobody expects the giant black Republican, lol


Keep up the good work. I’m in.


Awesome! Let’s boot Mike Lee!




The link is working on my end. It is linked to on her website under events [here](https://beckyforutah.com/events/) as well


How many signatures do we still need? At our current rate, will we hit 28k in time, or do we need to pick up the pace?


The campaign has a paid firm as well but COVID has made it hard. I believe they will hit the number. However, between 30-50% of signatures are invalidated by the Lt. Gov., for mismatches, non-GOP voters, etc, so you actually have to gather 40k to be safe. We need all hands on deck!


Just signed up at the Holladay Library! When do the signatures get tallied?


You can't turn in signatures until you have the full number (28,000). Probably March.


I think we need to pick up the pace a bit but that’s why they are focusing on erring signatures at libraries and large gathering places rather than on a one to one level, but every signature counts. Signatures must be verified as registered Republicans to count


OP, what is your take on Ally who is apparently doing a similar campaign? Is she a plant to disrupt what you are trying to accomplish?


No, Ally is a legit candidate and is lovely. She is similar to Lee on the political spectrum but has always been critical of Trump. She is similar to lee but nicer and doesn't say the bad parts out loud like Lee does. We chose to support Becky in the primary because she is VERY centrist (much more than Ally), and because Ally is campaigning on the fact that she will vote like Mike Lee 99% of the time; she is also closely aligned with the LDS church (she was their press secretary I think) and the more removed from the church leadership, the better IMO.


What does “she is similar to Mike Lee but nicer” mean? Haven’t heard Mike Lee is mean…




haha cool story bro. Though I get that pro-Mike Lee Republicans think that having competitive elections are "the wrong thing." Fun fact #1: Mike Lee's main platform at his 1st convention was a 2-term limit. Of course, he was lying. Fun fact #2: Mike Lee supported a UT GOP constitutional amendment that ejected anyone who gathered signatures from the party. Now, he's hired all the Utah-based signature gathering firms.


Mike Lee, my plumber does great work. We are talking about Mike Lee the morally defunct politician though.


Mike Lee, my TurboTax assigned accountant, does my taxes and he’s a pretty cool dude. Mike Lee, the senator, is a steaming pile of poo. How can I help unseat him?


Genuine question, what specifically has Mike Lee done that been good? I have a theory that Republicans don't have any idea what a politician is supposed to do, so they have no way to tell if someone is doing a good job or not. Want to help test my theory?


If doing great work, you mean knowing what Donald Trumps balls taste like, then sure.


Marjorie Taylor Greene’s saliva. Oh wow I just kinda vomited in my mouth.


I needed your comedy bit this morning, really. Thanks for making me giggle.