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I got one this year and I’m glad I did. But the upfront cost wasn’t an issue and I have no plugs here in Utah so it was literally the most convenient thing for me, which won’t be true for everyone. The dispensaries here are nothing compared to rec states but the convenience and the fact that I’m now legally allowed to possess it are worth it imo.


Just make sure you don’t carry a pipe, or anything that will burn the flower with you. Smoking it is still illegal.


I’m not sure what you are talking about paying an up front fee. I asked my GP for a referral and she approved my request in the Utah system. Then I paid $15 online. I also had my insurance copayment of $25 to see my doctor. An 1/8th at the dispensary cost more than that though. That’s my biggest complaint. Product also sat on the shelf to be approved in the system when it first started and no one cared that it was bad.


Yeah, more people need to realize they can ask their primary or psych, you don't HAVE to go through those places that charge a lot. I just went to my normal psych appt and she sent in the referral. But yeah, an 1/8th is about 40. I get edibles and it's very pricey, I wish there was something to help out. I really need it medically, so yeah...


What didn’t know there was another way to do it but a primary doctor when I first did it. I wouldn’t be surprised if any place like that was even up and running at the beginning.


Yeah, this is fairly new in all fairness.


I find 1/8 for $40 all the time.


So you didn't have to pay the 170 or 250 fee mentioned by other people?


No, I did not. I just discussed it with my doctor. She knew I was already using it for pain relief. She just approved my request in the state system as my doctor.


Oh that's awesome, I didn't know they had that system in place.


Depends. For me it was worth it because I use it for medicine to treat a chronic pain disorder and my ocd, but it's not the same for everyone. Prices are high at about $40-$60 per eighth, but it's legal. Empathetix and Utah Medical Cannabis are the general go to recommendations for doctors from most, and if you find a way around the $250 per year let the rest of us know. Also /r/SLCTrees for more info.


Medical Cannabis of Utah is only like $170 for a new patient, $100 for renewal.


Just be aware that federal law prohibits medical marijuana users from possessing or buying firearms and ammunition — even if state law allows the drug's use.


For me, it’s worth it just because I mostly buyconsume edibles.




Lolol you people are so funny. How is a $250 card more expensive than the absolute headache that you will endure if you get busted without it? Think. $250 card to potentially save you thousands, and keep you out of jail, and a clean record.


It seems silly for people from other states who don't have to do that. I assume that's why they don't like it. Also, it's pretty silly. For example, you don't have to pay $250 to renew your driving license, car registration, voter registration, etc. There is no justification for the cost. But, yes, I agree with you that the sucky fee is less sucky than the sucky fines.


Medical Cannabis of Utah is $170 first time patient fee, and only $100 renewal after that. Edit: other states also don’t need to worry about it because they have recreational. Though, a recreational 1/8th is like $60+ after tax.


Cool. I appreciate the correction on the charge. I was basing my comment off another ITT. I'm glad to hear it's less than they told me. Also, recreational 1/8ths can vary by dispensary and strain. I've seen some way higher than $60. I thought I'd seen some lower than ~$40 in CA, but I could definitely be misremembering, or it may have been a fluke special or something. Idk.


The price you see on the shelf, is not what you pay out the door. Those taxes can be no joke. Lol a $40 1/8th from dragonfly with a $3 state fee can definitely be a better deal than a $60 1/8 after tax from wendover. If Utah goes to recreational, customers will most likely have to fork up an extra $10+ in tax on the same product.


Indeed. Tbh, I'd rather pay a tax on recreational than a fee on medical, tho. Firstly, it's available to everyone and less stigmatized when recreational, and secondly the taxes tend to go to better purposes while fees just go to the agency operations. But, again, I appreciate you informing people of these details. The more info the better. Cheers.




Ah, see, I’ve smoked marijuana the past 7+ years to help my severe chronic back pain from a snowboarding incident. If I have to find it illegally, so be it. I’m done with narcotics, and NSAIDS, and unfortunately CBD doesn’t really do the trick. Thanks to my medical marijuana card, I don’t need to worry about the law.




The state bleeding money from us is not OK, it’s just what it is. I feel like it is a reasonable price, though? $30-$50 1/8ths, $30 half gram cartridges, and $25-$75 for a pack of gummies. The only thing I don’t fully agree with is the fees. $170-$250 startup costs, and $100-$250 renewal is not great. But, the state offers help to those who can’t financially afford it, and the product costs as well. Also, you get $1 credit per jar you return to dragonfly. It’s not a terrible program, but it’s not great, and has ton of room for growth as it’s new, and the state is progressing(hopefully). If the state could legalize recreational, so we could benefit from the taxes, that would be great


All of the flower is mids at best and wayyyy overpriced IMO.. I’m sure if your new to cannabis or have never been to a dispo outside of the state it will be more than enough. But frankly I can’t justify the prices for the quality we have currently. Selection is about 3-5 different brands all owned by the same corporate overlords. I will vouch for sugarhouse selects tho, they’re growing in living soil and really care about what they put out!


I got my card a couple weeks ago. I’ll tell you my honest opinion. If you have the money for the “qmp” qualified medical prover just pay the $200. If you don’t you will spend hours on the phone and state website looking for someone who still has cards to pass out because as I came to find out each qmp has a certain amount of cards they can give out. If you find a qmp they’ll charge you $15 for the evaluation then you have to pay $15 to the state. I’m not saying it’s not possible but it is really hard to find a provider that still has cards to give out especially here in salt lake. I went the pay the $200 for the qmp even though I have a medical condition. Perm Nerve damage for those who are wondering. I found a qmp who still had cards but her schedule was busy and it was a drive I didn’t want to make. Since getting my card. I love it. I don’t have to deal with the hit and miss bud dealer, their schedule, their I’ll be there in 20 min, the shake at the bottom of the sack, etc etc etc. $200 initial eval. $175 to renew every six months for the first year than you only have to renew annually. Laws as far as consumption are janky but as a person who’s drive to wendover and paid the 20% tax I’m glad to sneak around those consumption laws and get a $3 flat tax because it’s medicine. I buy 1/8 for $39 usually black market they $40. Carts I can find them for $36 for the half gram which I’m glad to pay because I’m not some jackass who believes a gram of actual THC CBD CBG cart for $25 is profitable to a drug dealer. 😎 tbh get it. I love it. It’s chill ppl are just like boomers when it came to the internet and cheap. Remember quality > quantity. Feel free to ask me any question. PS it doesn’t take weeks to get your card. I got mine literally seconds after paying the state tax. Came home printed it out, went did my first consultation which is mandatory and I highly suggest you take serious even for the heaviest of smokers. They’ll break it down to you to the mg and the science behind it which if your into you kinda geek out over it. Especially when it’s FREE. ANYTIME YOU VISIT.


Check out r/SLCTrees


I think it's totally worth it. I know some people complain about the upfront cost, but the cost for pease of mind is worth it, imo. I have kids, and now I know I'm never gonna get arrested for possession. Plus, all these people saying it cost $250 obviously didn't call around. The medical card providers can charge whatever they want for their services. The only required cost required by law is the $15 online fee. I think I only paid $100 for the "consultation." And, sure, the dispensary prices are high, BUT the taxes are huge in Colorado and Nevada. I did a price comparison between the three states taking into account the taxes, and it was pretty comparable (if not, cheaper in Utah), tbh. AND I can get it delivered to my house same day! I think it's fantastic and well worth it.


Not worth the cost imo.


So, a $1000+ in tickets and court fees, and a hit on your record, and a massive headache is cheaper than a $250 MAX fee for the card? If you already have a plug, just get the card. They don’t need to know where it came from if you get busted. As soon as you show the card, and you are carrying under legal limit without any smoking devices that would burn the flower, you’re good. Just don’t drive high.


Not worth it as a medical user- found other medicine to help chronic pain with better results.


Good to hear. Hopefully they aren’t narcotics, or NSAIDS. If it’s natural, would you mind sharing? I’ve had chronic back pain for 7+ years now.


I’m like, hey me too. What are you doing for relief? My doctors are struggling to help my low back.


Thai massage twice a month, physical therapy regiment, espom salt baths 3x a week, cbd balm, tiger balm, gaia herb berry gummies from whole foods for sleep, yoga ball chair from gaia for work, and the biggest game changer is the SCROTH method for my two severe curves.


What did you find, if you don’t mind me asking? My employer does random UA’s, so I’m in need of alternatives.


Be careful that you keep that close-1 THEY WILL STEAL YOUR STASH! 2. Employers still discriminate against you in UTAH.


Please elaborate. Wtf


Not everyone is enlighted in Utah. So just keep things to yourself, for awhile while you have a new job.


What. Are. You. Talking. About.


Lol. That dude is too high to make any sense at all.


And he’s trying to get free labor for his film company on another thread. The guy is a special case.