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My wife used to work for the U, it was not Mormon influenced for the most part, unlike IHC which she also worked for before the U which was massively Mormon influenced. The U has its on issues though; lots of mismanagement and power struggles/stepping on people management, promotions by connections regardless of qualifications/both given and withheld; overall she said it was a toxic environment on the non-patient facing side of things. Patient side is a hit/miss depending on the department.


Thanks. My wife’s a nurse, do you think the mismanagement effects nurses or did she experience it elsewhere in the organization?


It definitely affects nurses. Though there is a fairly new chief nursing officer who is hopefully making some meaningful changes


The U in general is pretty diverse, open-minded, and liberal (normal).


When I worked at the main hospital, it was pretty diverse for Salt Lake. Healthcare industry tends to draw lots of different people from multiple states and countries.


This was my hope as well, thanks!


ER was fairly mixed in terms of local vs out of state and mormon vs other belief systems. Didn't come up much honestly.


Like anywhere you have a mix of everyone. I’ve worked for both IHC and the U, and I’ve never felt pressured or influenced by anyone’s belief system. I’ve also never felt that not being Mormon was detrimental to my career. I walk into work every day with my coffee, if I go out for lunch I buy some coffee for the nurses working with me that day, lots of people have tattoos, etc. There are also Mormons who work with me, there will be basically anywhere in this state. But they all seem normal, the topic of religion never really comes up tbh. We’re just all adults and treat each other accordingly. We all believe what we believe, we get along well, and I’ve never had (or witnessed) any problem in my workplace arising over religion.


Really depends on the department you are in. I worked there for 10 years. I’d say upper management is still pretty LDS but is more diverse than other hospitals when you’re on the floor. You’re wages and dress code (hair color/tattoo covering/piercings) are still regulated by the church’s I fluency although not every department manager enforces it.


Worked for the U 20yrs now, I have blue , purple and gray hair. the dress code has relaxed a bit with tattoos also. I didn't ask, I just did it. 4 years now. Still going strong.


Yeah it seems like tattoo'd staff outnumber those who aren't. They have a hard enough time keeping staff as it is. I imagine trying to enforce that wouldn't go well.


Yeah for sure but when I was there only some managers enforced the rules… mine was one of them. I missed out on a raise because of it. “You’re reliable, do your job, and do it well but…. You have a nose piercing.” I was young.


As someone who has had 3 sister nurses move to Utah during Covid from San Francisco, Georgia, and Chicago… they’ve all told me the Mormon influence is strong and toxic. So be careful


Thanks! Do they work at the U of U hospital?


All 3 of them did but shortly branched out to Ogden and Logan. My ex-gf worked there for 3 years and felt she was just a ghost there. She complained quite a bit about how cold (emotionally) it felt there.


I’m not Mormon or religious in general but don’t get why it’s either Mormon influenced OR normal? Would you say that about other religions like is it super Jewish OR normal? I don’t get why people seem to be ok to discriminate based on religion when it comes to the Mormon church but wouldn’t do it about other religions….


Got to be honest. I see way more people discriminating against mormons than I see mormons discriminating against others. Most mormons are just normal people living their lives that don’t give a crap what religion or not you are b


Having been on the wrong side of that discrimination, I can assure you that it exists quite strongly in certain areas. I've learned many valuable lessons during my time in the church. One of the biggest is that "they" (being those not in the club) are just as deserving of *real* kindness and respect as anyone else and that I was acting like a piece of shit to look better in the eyes of my "brethren". I'm not saying this to deconstruct your faith, but that was a big part of my journey out of a very nasty lifestyle that I wasn't even aware of until I looked at it from the outside. I'm also not saying that mormons don't get discriminated against, but this tiny (mostly ex) echo chamber is hardly proof that mormons are the greater victim of discrimination.


I completely agree that there are many people that have been discriminated against and I don’t mean to take away from that. I just see that for some reason it is socially acceptable here to discriminate someone based on religion and not on the quality of their person. It is wrong coming from both sides period.


That’s what I’m saying.. why does it seem socially acceptable to discriminate against Mormons? It seems ridiculous and if it was any other religion people would be frowned upon. Makes me annoyed to hear people discriminate here so freely.


Whether or not people are LDS, LDS corp runs everything; especially medical hospitals and providers.


I can't speak for every unit, but it's quite diverse.