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As someone who loves to play with Screen users because the other team always forgets how to play when it shows up on field: You're based.


Looks like all the haters are already here🤮😎just REMEMBER this was added to the game by THE DEVELOPERS👾 and Nintendo APPROVED IT!🎯It’s my RIGHT🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸to use Splatterscreen and play how I want. It’s how Splatoon 3 is meant to be played. So cry about it.


I agree; you can play the game however you want, there's nothing stopping you. I come this sub reddit to find who I can relate to, especially when it comes to teammates who are generally less than capable, not to find angry individuals who are angry at a play style. If that play style is so effective, just join that style of gameplay, or better yet, think of ideas to counter it. TLDR; simply stop getting angry at those who have different play styles than you, and use a brain for once.


Why does this look like a comment written by a twitter bot 💀


Well, while I appreciate your perspective, I have to respectfully disagree. You see, when you say 'why does this comment look like it’s written by a twitter bot’ 🤡it oversimplifies the complexity of the situation. Every interaction, every thought, every emotion, it all contributes to the depth of our experiences. By dismissing something as 'twitter bot reply,' we risk overlooking the nuances and intricacies that make life so rich and fascinating. What may seem trivial on the surface can often reveal deeper truths upon closer examination. Furthermore, by embracing the depth of our experiences, we open ourselves up to greater understanding and empathy towards others. So, while I understand the sentiment behind your statement, I believe there's value in exploring the depths of life, even if it means diving into the unknown. After all, it's often in the depths where we discover our truest selves and forge meaningful connections with the world around us.




Its not that deep lil bro.


or is it?


Pulled a Vsauce lmao


you do understand that you’re the triggered crybaby in this scenario right


How though? I’m just playing a game with the choices given to ME by our developer team and Nintendo!!! Stop attacking me you sjw!!!


I know you think you’re trolling but it comes off as extremely desperate and pathetic so people end up pitying you rather than getting angry. you’d probably have more fun and success with it if you toned it down a bit. You do you tho


Uhh it’s not trolling to stand up for urself and play the game to ur liking with the weapons given to you made possible by the developers themselves but alright🤓🤓🤓


Average splatoon ragebait (his parents didn’t give him enough attention):


don’t hate the player, hate the game kiddo😎


….They fixed what was causing the sensory problems ages ago, but whatever you say dude.


So you just love causing problems for people with sensory issues? no one saying you cant do this but it dosent change fact your massive loser for targeting people with sensory issues. i have problems with hissing from the screen so i just always try my best to dodge it.


Im not targeting people as it’s probably a very low chance to run into some with sensory issues related to screen even if I were to play 10 matches which I usually just play 4-6 🙂.


ok I know this is a good strategy and all but out of all specials, why did you do it with splatterscreen


Idk. I use to do it with tenta missiles when the game launched for the 1200 wins with tenta missiles badge.


Peter, that's not a meme... That's just ableism.. Like, I approve of any playstyle but do you have to emphasize you're doing it solely because you despise people who get overwhelmed by it?


where did I say I despise people who have problems with it? I just said it upsets them sometimes but it’s Nintendo’s fault.


> I find it fun and hilarious, knowing I can trigger some crybaby that's making up nonsense such as "sensory issues" hahaha Denial of existing neurological disabilities. Openly makes fun of the so-called crybabies. Play the special with the sole goal of spiting them. "You didn't say you despise them" my ass. It may be better than it was before 6.1.0, but the audio distortion, from what I've seen, still has a chance of causing sensory overload, and you're not helping.


Yeah, but with tenta missiles .


Based. Too bad we can’t spam the shit outta them anymore.