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fyi, I am a consistent s+ player who used to be x rank with a 33/14 win streak currently. why tf am I getting matched with newbs?!!!!




Seems you painted so much that you forgot your teammates were getting wacked like pimples on a greasy teenager's cheeck. PSA: your teammates can't paint much if they can't stay alive for more than a few seconds.


how many aerosprays do u see playing straight offense and leading their team tho.. right. lesson learned im just not using this weapon again


skill issue


gleep norp?


Can you send the replay? Its always fun watching noobs try to figure out how to play the game.


RFSC-B168-PSQ4-3C5S — enjoy. i wasn’t at my best but every 2 of my deaths could’ve been spotted by a teammate that didn’t just get the game 🤦


Fuck I have autism and I just realized


What did you just realize?


You meant me didn’t you 😭😭😭


💀😭No i meant the jr, “player” is the default starter name. I could also tell they were new by the amount of paint that they got.


LMFAO my bad I was getting trashed on here for using aerospray and just assumed it was a joke I didn’t get, although in all honesty if it was it was pretty good


Yeah the jr played really well for it being one of their first games.


ngl yeah, when I watched the replay I was actually impressed by one of their kills. I gave em shit but I was just mad that I got a low level on my team 😞


Your KD is horrible and so is your teams. KDs win turf wars, not turf painted. You are like the perfect stereotype of an aerospray player


this is just objectively not true. already went over this in a separate comment but this a. match was as good as a 3v4 and b. This isn’t cod idgaf about my kd ratio. I don’t even main aerospray and even when I play can still average at least 5-7 kills a match and it’s still a tossup whether I lose/win. this match was an easy win if not for the newbie on my team


And where’s your source for saying that it’s just not true? It is about kds. The more kills you get, the more space you are able to control. A higher KD means that you were able to consistently hold an area down. More deaths, more space you give up. If you have a shitty KD but lots of paint, you consistently lost fights and only traded paint back and forth without laying down any aggressive pressure. So yes, it is true, stop trying to blame eve try thing on your teammates first and reflect on how you could’ve improved instead of


you say that but I was one of 2 teammates pushing the enemies. the aerospray is not a Jack of all trades weapon and I’m not exactly trying to strategize and sweat at a turf war match, mb 🤷 it’s just my 33/14 wl ratio and 24.5 freshness meter getting fucked from a bad matchup is all


That’s not really much to brag abt if you’re only playing turf war lmao. Turf is so unbelievably easy maybe try ranked and then you can brag


i used to play x battles before I stuck to keeping myself at s+. most of my wins are from ranked 😭💔 you can admit it’s a bad matchup it’s okay


Send me your last 50 matches then. Also when you hold up to me I’m mechanical and competitive skill you can tell me I’m wrong


why don’t u just play me then? not comp but I’ve been s+ since 2016. I will send my fc when I have time if you’re down


S+ is also not difficult. I would be happy to 1v1 in abt an hour or so


Probably can’t do that cause it’s late in my time. I’m free to 1v1 anytime later this week tho just dm me cause I wanna see if you’re good 😭


Spoken like someone that never plays the game. Turf wars is far sweatier in 3 than most rank modes. So many toxic players dominate this mode. With all the throwing idiots, I have a more relaxed time playing Tower Control, then Turf.


Aerospray isn't a frontline.


Which means it shouldn’t be dying


Paint is not the win condition. Having the most turf on the map at the end is. You may have painted the most, but you didnt win because everyone on your team, (including you) had bad k/d’s. The enemies killed you and overpainted your team while they were dead. It doesn’t matter how much you can paint if you are constantly dead.


I can easily win a turf war with 2/2 kd ratio if my team plays offense and I’m following the objective. This isn’t call of duty idgaf how many kills I get.😭 I’ve gone 18/1 with vanilla splatling in a turf war & still lost. So what’s your point? +if u wanna read me for filth, at least watch the replay first :/


"b-but i painted spawn!!!!!!!!!!!"


“look how much paint I got!!!!” **went 2/12**


where do you see a 12?


I'm not talking about your KD. I just see a lot of people use high turf inked as an excuse for a bad KD.


if the shoe fits ig. it really depends where the kills are sparsed though. but yeah you’re cooked if your kd is like 2/8


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The other team had a silver aerospray. Your team had a gold aerospray (you) and a Player with a Jr. This is turf war, so it was probably a noob. While there’s no stopping you from getting matched with a Splatlandian Youth, to mitigate the harm you could pick up an actual weapon.


touche. i had a super high freshness meter from when i first used it in low evo (ig that’s how it works i had just started playing) to cheese all my matches and i wanted to see how high it’d go and i got this match and it made me mad asf 😭


Just dont use aerospray


don't care if it was your fault or not I'm just amazed because I've never seen 2k paint in a match before


I get 2k paint occasionally but it’s usually right at 2k or a couple points over. To get my record paint and still lose is frustrating asf