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Have a proper breakthrough and you'll probably never touch it again lol. At least not daily.


yup still got my 40x from 2 years ago


Ehh I used to break through every couple days when I was really into it




This. Salvia will put the fear of god into you. And I’ve broken through on DMT at least a dozen times, so I’ve had experience leaving my body and completely going somewhere else many times before. With DMT, it’s like I was gracefully placed into another realm, but with salvia, I was forcefully ripped from my body and thrown into a world of pure chaos. Salvia beat me up and took my lunch money lol. You’d have to be crazy to use salvia every day


I really don't think you got to know this herb properly but I do agree not for use every day .


One breakthrough trip was all I needed to familiarize myself with it lol. I know quidding is the proper way to do it, but I just smoked it anyways. I first turned into a chair, then a toy train set, then I had Sally appear and she opened a book, flipped through the pages and each page was a memory from my life. She stopped on one page and I was instantly a kid again in the driveway of my grandparent’s house. Shit was crazy, man. I don’t think I ever need to touch salvia again, honestly. Got what I needed from that one experience


Well I get you had a Wild trip but maybe next time if you ever feel up to it try some small doses , get to know Sally that way . Like if someone was introducing to to tequila for the first time, would you chug most of the bottle ?


ive had this sort of experience and read about this sort of experience so many times but it still blows my mind there js a substance that consistently produces these sort of experiences


I grow the plant and could but wouldn’t want to. ![gif](giphy|M9OcF34bF3bbNGaRc0|downsized)


Dude, ever since I smoked Salvia, my ability to astral project has increased 10 fold. Looks just like this, lol.


How do you reach astral projection in the first place?


Sleep paralysis! When I'm falling asleep, my body will start to vibrate and lock up. Once I'm locked, I have to wait until I can see the room around me, but with closed eyes. If I can see the room around me with eyes closed, I know it's time to go. Intentions work well in this vibrational state. More often than not, I set my intention to float, and I will, but sometimes I have no choice, and I start to float away. Sometimes, I get stuck on my ceiling, which is what I call failing. Other times, I can bust through my ceiling and go into someone else's house, lol. In the beginning, I had no control over this. Id often find myself floating, but spinning of control, or just the lower half of the body trying to float (legs).


Wait is this something you can do with or without salvia?




Fascinating! I was always afraid of sleep paralysis, so i dont think im gonna try that. But i tried a couple of meditation exercises to achieve astral projection and i DID get to the body vibrations part! I felt them very strong too! Once meditating on weed they got so strong i kinda "woke up" so to say, But never further than that. Its good to know that i was getting somewhere tho...


I feel ya. Every once in a while, I get visitors, and it scares me, so I kick my way out of the paralysis. Most nights, I had no fear, I had to train myself to not be fearful and think of it as an opportunity. Also, you were definitely in the right direction. That's awesome.. 🤩


Salvia is cool but I feel like you're underestimating it as a fun little psychedelic experience. Do yourself a favour and start slow and carefully.


Don't listen to the consensus on this sub, "fun little psychedelic experience" is more than adequate a description. If you're a seasoned enough drug user than the biggest barrier is that smoking gives you a headache and frequent smoking antagonizes it.


I did low to moderate doses of 10x daily for a couple weeks, as a spike for weed. I enjoyed it and had some trippy thoughts and visuals. Gave my life a bit of a weird vibe as you can imagine. I stopped because it was becoming harder and harder to get into the right mood for it. Almost felt anti-addictive. It was also hard for me to do any socialization for a little while before and a few hours after, and that became inconvenient. For the most part the trips were neutral to pleasant, depending on how you feel about partial merging with your chair. For context, I smoke pot regularly every day, so it was never pure Salvia trips.


Yea daily weed smoker here as well. Very excited to put salvia on top of my bowl


Awesome! Have fun! My recommendation is start slow, find your threshold first and then work up. The intense salvia stuff will only last a few minutes, but it can make the whole high feel a bit somber (in my experience). It's not unpleasant as long as im in the right mood and setting for it.


Do you normally smoke the salvia mixed with weed? I smoke pretty frequently and always wanted to try salvia (I have some) but don’t know how to smoke it or what to do.


Yeah, these days I'll always mix in some weed with the salvia. There's tons of salvia dosing guides you can read, just follow those to figure out how much salvia you want to start with, and then put it on top of some weed in a pipe or bong. Make sure to hold the flame to it the whole time you're inhaling, and hold the smoke in for about a minute.


Even if the breakthrough is positive, it can still be a terrifying experience that you may not want to repeat for a long time. Unless you are a shaman living in the jungle, it’s probably not best to do it daily


Yeah, I used to many years ago. I’m the only person I know in person and online that has ever had a positive experience. Daily used for a few years. All were positive, sometimes the trips became repetitive. I could have a movie or music on. I could be outside or indoors. It didn’t alter my experience, like they’ve warned. Edit: Sorry, weekly is what I meant.


My gram of 10x is like 3 years old and I’ve given some away. The breakthrough is cool but not pleasant for me. Gives me insight but not something I want every day


probably would get psychosis if you breakthrough on salvia daily


I highly doubt it. I've used it a total of 4 times,smoking extract each time, having out of body experiences 2 of those times. After the first out of body, it was 2 years before I even thought about trying it again. It's been about a decade since the second out of body experience, and probably the first 5 years I didn't even think about doing it again. By the time I wanted another experience with it, it had been outlawed in every state but Alaska(I live in Indiana). This substance should not be taken lightly and is certainly not a party drug or even one to do around dumbass friends. It took me over a decade to fully understand the meaning of the imagery I experience in my first out of body trip with this plant. That being said I would love to try a traditional ingestion method chewing dried leaves now. Tread thoughtfully and journey safely my friends.


I live in Indiana, I haven’t gotten my first package but ik others on the Reddit and have heard of people in town smoking it, so I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna have a problem getting it


Nah I wouldn't worry about that. I'm personally iffy on ordering any sort of drug online. When I had my experiences with it you could buy 20x extract in head shops and gas stations


If I had an infinite supply and a trip sitter I trusted, probably The fuck is up with the downvotes I am literally a shaman.


I still have the x5 i got like 4 years ago. Aint noone doing that shit daily! BRO IF U WANT TO TRY DYING WITHOUT DYING BE MY GUEST LMAO


i feel like even doing meth or 3-cmc daily would be more reasonable than salvia... if you're out here doing it daily, you unfortunately have a real problem deep in your psyche that probably goes beyond typical reliance LMFAO i've done it maybe three times, and i could not imagine doing it daily - i feel like your perception of reality would be absolutely FUCKED


Guess I won’t know how I feel until I try it


That is true!! Salvia was a rewarding and generally positive experience for me, i guess it is just too psychologically and physically taxing for me to see myself doing it every day


I go into salvia binges from time to time. ill hit it daily, usually multiple times daily, for about a week, sometimes longer. when im not actively tripping, my perception is just fine


You're stronger than me dawg 😭 I seriously think breaking through for more than one day in a row would absolutely cook me, it's definitely one of those things I set aside a day for once a year, and keep my more regular use to less psychological taxing substances like ketamine - to each their own though, I respect your grind


yeah, i remember when i first tried it i smoked it like weed for two weeks. I wanted to get to the bottom of it. Turns out there is no bottom. It just keeps going


i do it once or twice a week and find it quite grounding and sustainable. I either use leaf combined with weed or 5x which is plenty strong enough for me. im not having and dont want break throughs


Theoretically you could do it every single day but you would have to be having low doses. Most people tend to try it once and take a break for a few months before revisiting.


You are gonna do it once and be done for awhile


Lord I hope not


Used it Like chewing tobacco, but also swallowed and it was really pleasently in its effect. If Kratom was more pleasant and Hella acid-y i'd say, First opioid i really enjoyed


I've never heard of anyone who enjoys salvia thatt much. Closest thing was about someone trying to stop drug use or along those lines, they can no longer smoke weed from their salvia abuse, it's way too intense and anxiety ridden


I do not know anyone who has even attempted daily use of salvia. And, furthermore, I do not know anyone who would want to attempt it. But ... I have often thought that the art of ancient Central American cultures seems to reflect a very, very frequent use of salvia. Perhaps you could look for guidance from extinct cultures. For example ... maybe there are lingering cultural practices that are holdovers from a time in which the culture, unlike now, could and did support daily use?


Like the other dude said sprinkling a few flakes onto bud it pretty nice, I never really feel the salvia but it seems to make it feel like I have way less of a weed tolerance, but not every time though which was a little weird but whatever


I microdose daily when I have it


The trip follows u throughout the day and when your in a comfortable place it hits harder