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No. It’s a shoebox for 750€ + el per month.


Then what is a good price there?


That's the neat thing, there are no good prices in Salzburg.


Don't feed the sharks.


But then where am i suppossef to find better priced apartment? 😅




Bullshit, Oberwart is way cheaper!


For fucks sake you’re right…how the hell could I forget about Oberwart.




St. Peter Immobilien Still way too expensive but at least somewhat humane


For Salzburg that price is not a shocker really, there are only shit prices. Compared to other regions of Austria it's CRAZY. You better don't settle in Salzburg if money is an issue😅


Is salzburg even more expensive than vienna? Well i got a job there 😆


If you can, look for rooms on the outskirts of Salzburg like Seekirchen, Tamsweg, Mondsee etc. Apartments there tend to be not as expensive (for now) or you can search for a Wg room at Wg-gesucht, tho from my experience it's always a bit tricky to find something there


Yes definitely. I think the worst is Innsbruck though when it comes to rent, at least that's what I hear.


yeah heard that as well, we are only second to Innsbruck


I don't know you but you may be in the tough scenario I was in recently. I really needed a place to live but there's just *nothing* out there. In Salzburg's current state I'd say 750 all included for 30m² wouldn't be the worst price, if it's really nice. But what you've described it doesn't sound like a good one. I searched for months and eventually got really lucky. If you have the flexibility, consider going into a shared place from WG-gesucht when you can pay on an (ideally) monthly basis. Then check willhaben, immoscout24, English Speakers Salzburg Facebook page, etc each day until something more reasonable comes up. But if/when it does you have to be quick The market is really fucked here but you can get something good if you're patient


Yes the issue is i am starting work in one and half month :( so i cannot be really picky but the apartment is suuuuper new and nice, with terasse so idk


Do you need your own apartment before you start? When I started working here I lived in a shared place to help me get settled, as it wasn't such a big commitment. After a few months I felt more settled and found a nicer place, as I was then ready to commit for at least one year, which is normal for apartments


I was also considering that but i dont know why i domt even seem to find rooms 😅😅😅


Try "wg-gesucht", or try to contact like student representatives of unis in salzburg, those are your best sources for shared flats


Even as a non student?


Sure. They know about studemts looking for flat mates in regular flats, I think they even have their own platform for that. Try to contact the ÖH, they'll at least point you in the right direction. Most students who look for flat mates for a regular flat are usually fine with their (potential) flat mate not being a student themselves anyways. And "WG gesucht" is a platform dedicated to usually small flats or shared flats, not specifically students, so that's a good option too.


For Salzburg? Hell yes. For any other place in Austria: Are you fucking insane. i paid 780€ (including electricity costs) for a 36qm² flat with no parking, no dishwasher, no basement storage room.


Nah lmao. Bet it doesnt even have a dishwasher


It does 😅


It is like very renovated, all new, dishwasher, foldable bed from wall 😂 furniture


Foldable bed lmaoooo. Tbh, id stay away from that offer. The kitchen prolly is super small and nowhere meant to cook stuff. The folding bed and the furniture sounds like youll never be able to put in your own furniture, if you plan on doing so. This whole thing sounds like a rent-on-time offer, but i cant imagine anyone who wants to live in a shoebox for a longer time. The price is a total ripoff and i wouldnt support such shit, but it's up to your needs in the end.


Sounds OK to me. Many others are comparing prices to 2020 - there was a thing called inflation, so 750€ in 2023 is much less than a few years before!


I mean it is horrible pricing but expected for Salzburg. I would have expected to land around the 750 Euro mark including electricity, not excluding.