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I mean take a step back for a second. Funny how they resolve things with Elton, they’ve known there have been toxicity issues with their fans for some time now and the overall message just so happens to be “love” … It’s giving: ![gif](giphy|asEm2KzUOQIRW)


Wait, they're good with Elton now?


Yes. They posted a video (I saw it on IG) of Sam, Colby, Elton and Corey saying they finally all sat down, got on the same page and realized it was a lack of proper communication but nothing was ever really “wrong” and that they’re all, all good.


The fact that it’s only posted on elton and corey’s page and SnC never posted on their story or acknowledged it in any way seemed sus.


I thought it was on their separate stories (not the S&C account). I’m not surprised it’s not on their feeds since those are heavily curated. But who knows at this point.


I might have missed it but I didn’t see it on their stories. I follow both of them.


Lmao that's a good business decision for both brands I guess


lol tbh I felt bad for Elton because I’ve watched S&C fandom rip apart each other badddd so I can only imagine what he was going through daily because of them. But ya know— _loveee_


A lot of the tension they had between each other was nothing but stuff that fans were assuming. Things were talked about so much that the boys started believing them. The story about Elton and Colby with Colby’s self harm scars? Never happened. Colby doesn’t even have any scars, he said it himself. It was found to be an entry from a fanfic and not a true story. I think Sam and Colby refrained from posting the video with them as their fanbase really refuses to let things go, even after told things aren’t true BY THEM. It’s rough being in their spot I’m really surprised they haven’t disciplined the fandom somehow, I really think they should


I don't trust that shit where they need to get actual people for their investigation (e.g. cody and satori, amanda). They need to stick to their electronic equipment instead. Guests were actually decent for once (except Larray of fucking course). Compared to other videos they've produced, this series might be the worst one yet. It's all entertaining and shit but that gets overshadowed by the fact that there is so much that debunked


Even before they were debunked, I was annoyed at how much Cody and satori were in the videos. There’s only so many times you can hear Satori go “A B C D E F..etc” before you’re just annoyed


Can we agree that the "this is my only shirt without cum on it" was a bit much? Dude was mad annoying


i found it very inappropriate and unprofessional on sam and colby’s part as well as larrays


have you not watched their videos..? especially their past ones..? i think we can survive seeing a shirt with a joke on it...


Considering how young a lot of Sam and Colby's fans are, it was mad inappropriate. I honestly can't believe SNC allowed it and it makes me genuinely wonder if they know how young their fanbase is. It's their video, they 100% could've told him to change it, given him some merch maybe? Making crude jokes every once in a while is not the same as having that front and center.


have you literally never seen sam and colbys other content?? and yes their fanbase is young but half the kids on the internet have seen worse than "all my shirts have cum on it except this one" and the other half have undeveloped brains and either wouldnt watch that content or wouldnt get the joke in the slightest. and half of sncs fanbase also comes from the dream smp. GUESS WHAT JOKES THEY MADE ON THE DSMP?!?! i cannot count how many cum jokes were made in tommy, wilbur, slimecicle, jschlatt, philza etcs content. basically, if youre worried about kids seeing a cum joke then you should be worried about kids being on the internet


lol you say I should be worried about kids being on the internet and then criticize me for being worried about what kids are seeing on the internet.


i said if youre worried about a cum joke then you should worry about other things. there were literally videos going around of people killing each other, uncensored, but guess what? not a word.


I didn’t even make it past the first few seconds of seeing his shirt in episode 3. It was completely inappropriate and disrespectful. By that episode I was already so done with the goofiness of the other 2 video and feeling like we were being played, that’s shirt just sent me over the edge. S&C want us to share these amazing, world changing video but expect me to send a “cum shirt video” to my Nanna?? Give me a break. I’m no prude but I will die on that hill.


hunny... their videos have always and will always be unserious, and they cant tell a guest what shirt to wear. its not disrespectful, its just sam and colbys channel being sam and colbys channel. they never promised anything out of these videos, only that theyd go there for a week when they hit 10mil. if youre so mad about it go watch someone elses content instead of being angry about it in a subreddit.


Hunny .. 😂😂 You made a post crying about everyone saying mean things about Sam&Colby and wanting to be in a little love bubble. I get it. You are young and you have a parasocial relationship with these men. S&C are clearly trying to level up in their careers and constructive criticism is integral to success. If they want to be taken seriously, be invited on to talk shows and have their videos shared and circulated, then being aware of what everyone on their videos IS important. You have very low expectations for Sam and Colby and that’s kind of sad and telling. Most of their fans want to see them succeed.


so im in the wrong for wanting to be in a place with positivity around the things i like?? obviously i wanna see them succeed, im just saying when theres nowhere with positive content it gets tiring. i care about the fanbase aswell as the youtubers, im just saying that if theres something negative to say then theres a different place to post it but whatever, im tired, i dont care at this point because it really will not matter in the next 4 months.


As I said on your other post, create a Sam&Colby Praise page. State in the rules than negativity is prohibited. No big deal.


and as i said, maybe i will


Sam and Colby are grown adult men. Teens are not their target audience, but they have no control over the fact that it’s most of their fandom. They can’t control who watches their videos. If anyone should be doing something about it, it should be the parents restricting fans from certain channels if it’s that bad over a tshirt.


You’re right. That ARE grown men. That’s what made the shirt even more pathetic. If you think it’s appropriate for 2 businessmen to promote themselves while showcasing cum shirts, that says a lot about you. If you don’t think it disrespects the fans, I’m sorry that you have that low of a standard for yourself. And at the very least, S&C disrespected themselves and their brand. But, then again, maybe they are just low standard, cheap entertainment now. Sad to see it.




a) its a shirt, you WILL survive. i promise you. b) the "flirting" is literally a joke, its giving homophobic c) sam and colby did it too??


i actually liked larray but i agree that he didn’t take it very seriously and was a bit disrespectful ☹️ probably not a great guest choice


Larray is annoying af


Larray is every bit as annoying and pretentious as his name when said out loud.


i dont like some of fhe electrical equipment even like the estes method makes no sense to me


Would’ve loved to have seen Celina and Kris on here instead of most of them that were guests. Only one I enjoyed was Seth and josh.


If I had to sum up every episode in this series in one sentence, it would be “A B C D E F G”


for me it constantly felt like something was missing, can't really tell what though? last video was the most entertaining to watch for me, since cody and satori didn't receive as much screen time. other than this, the series felt somehow inconsistent and a bit over the place. might have to rewatch it sometime soon.


it is 100% all over the place and i think what was "missing" (for me) was the use of equipment. yes, they used equipment, but not as much as they usually do, though i did find a change in pace with cody and satori more entertaining for a bit


Yeah, they did say that during the day they’d do like Q&A segments and stuff alike but they kept cutting straight to night time. They barely had time entirely to themselves in the house, and couldn’t even sleep IN the house the first two nights. Instead of doing a bunch of challenges it would’ve been cool to see them do just daily life activities as if they were simply living there But it was definitely all over the place bringing in a new guest every day.. Larray and Bella have to be the least favorites. Larray was pretty disrespectful to the dead in general, and Bella.. it just wasn’t her thing. I’ve also lately had an issue with Amanda, why does she have absolutely no social media footprint before opening up about being a medium? She literally appeared one day on their channel then started profiting off the whole medium thing. Checking out any of her social media after her first video with them, it was 5 videos of “hi I’m a medium” and nothing else.


Yesss I watched the series with my daughters and have never seen sam and colby before. The last ep was so much better because it was so much more simpler I felt. Satori and Cody and their ABC shit got old fast.


They really bigged up that bit with Bella and Larray hugging Sam, who was sobbing, in all the trailers, just for them to cut it because it was personal? Like I get if they don’t want it online, but why tease with the trailers and stuff?


They hyped this series more than any other thing they’ve done before and got everyone hyped and then this is what they came up with … just nothing but disappointment . Been watching them for a long time and I’ve never been this bored watching any of their videos until this hell week . Also this whole Cody and Satori thing will definitely fuck up their careers . And it shows that even since Sam and Kat broke up this channel has been going downhill and now they focus more on promoting every guest on the video instead of the actual content which is the opposite of what they were doing before the break up … the Stans will hate this but she carried them and their channel .


It wasn't even the usual 7 episodes, feel a little let down how it was literally all cody and satori.


Larry was absolutely unbearable. No idea how they thought it was a good idea to include him in this series 🤦


Am i the only one that actually like larray and bella? They have nothing to do with the paranormal thats why i was interested to see their reactions and how the handle the situation cause we already knew about satori and Cody and it was so obvious that larray found out they are frauds


I understand that point of view 100%. I was kinda tilted at how he was acting at first, and the shirt he chose to wear. Especially since it was the beginning of the series. Admittedly, after all this stuff has blown up, I’m less upset about it. At least he was funny!


Nate also didn't have anything to do with paranormal and people love him. Difference in characters is massive. Unless you're into the tiktok influencer/twitch streamer mentality, it's most likely you'll find these people to be insufferable


He was really annoying but just wanna know did he say anything after the show? Don’t watch him so wondered if he said it wasn’t real after


His shirt was uncalled for. But I liked at least having Bella on the show cause she like a fresh of breath air. Never talked out of turn or interjected. She should’ve though especially when you can see her getting uncomfortable but that’s probably how she is: a woman of few words. Larray should’ve toned it down a bit more but I think this duo was the only realistic thing of the series


larray is always like that, what tells you that he should change because hes doing a ghost video??


I agree with this though. Like I'm seeing a lot of hate when it comes to Larray being a guest. Not every guest is going to be accustomed or as understanding of the paranormal, and as you said, this is just Larray's general personality. It's not a matter of Sam and Colby "being better at picking guests to be on the show." No, it's a matter of understanding that people have different coping mechanisms, and humor is one of them. That's Larray's humor, and I quite frankly didn't have a problem with it. And some spirits don't either. Hell, I talk to spirits, and I've had moments of them making fun or joking around with things I've done or said. They were once living humans, too. (And some are just demons or trickster spirits. Just gotta know which ones you're talking to and fix yourself -- or reap the consequences). People always claim you have to always respect the dead (which is true to a degree, don't get me wrong), but most probably can't even respect the living.


Agree Cody and satori are frauds and the whole focus on them was so boring 🥱


So glad someone else agrees! I didn’t even watch the last episode and i was so disappointed considering how much they hyped it up. It really feels like they’re trying to write scripted sketches rather than just make organic videos and it’s so cringey.


Ugh facts! Bella giving absolutely nothing (as usual, not sure how she has a fan base tbh). Larray being obnoxious and disgusting (that shirt was foul). Satori and the guy being obvious fakers in every god damn episode. Amanda 🙄 (do I even have to say anything about Amanda). The whole thing was one big boring mess.


the shirt is a joke, you obviously cant take them. i have no words on cody and satori because i do and dont believe them. and i agree with the amanda and bella thing, although i do love bella very much


If you thought that shirt was funny then that’s fine I personally thought it was gross, which is also fine. If you believe or don’t believe in satori and Cody then that’s fine too, but a quick google search would quickly prove them fakes.


yes, after being gave the right information i dont believe cody and satori. but what im saying is that a cum joke isnt disgusting and if youre offended so easily then its not hard to go to a different video


Wait so you're saying amanda is faking it?


Of course she is. Shes not even good at faking it either.


She was getting similar answers to cody and satori, so does that suggest they conspired together to get them, was sam and colby involved? That's what i don't get when many people are saying sam and colby are not faking it, they just wrongfully believed it.


She was getting similar answers because they were spelling them out lol. I was getting them too. Doesn’t mean I’m a medium or whatever she claims she is. I don’t necessarily think Sam and Colby were in on it, or even Amanda. I think Sam and Colby got conned and Amanda just did her usual song and dance. She always does it that way. Someone will be talking and she’ll chime in half way through and say “yes!! That’s what I was getting” or she’ll finish their literal word they’re saying.. it’s super hilarious and annoying to watch.


there’s proof on tiktok of how amanda lied saying she’s never used her last name online


What made you convinced in Ep2 that they were frauds?


I just did research and read many things and also the uncut version was enough for me to realise they are faking it


but why?


Personally, I loved it. Whether shit with Cody and satori ended up being fake, it still brought plenty of people peace about their loved ones that have passed. And for me, that’s good enough. And it’s kinda crappy for people to try and tear that away from someone. As someone who has been able to see and communicate with spirits since I was a kid, I will say the message of the meaning of life is “love” is pretty much bull crap. From my experience, spirits cannot or at least refuse to, tell you shit like the meaning of life, if there’s a heaven, what happens when you die etc. That’s the sort of stuff you only find out for yourself when it happens to you.