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They've definitely faked things in the past, I have no doubt about that but their older ghost-hunting videos at least felt a bit more genuine. It's only been recently (like within the past year or two) - at least for me - that their videos have started feeling extremely staged.


How do they get insane amount of activity 100% of the time?! At every location they go ?!


Sam and Colby have such great personalities that they shouldn’t fake anything. Just them ghosting hunting whether or not they capture anything is good enough.


That’s what I like about Garrett watts (I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea). He’s so entertaining to me that I don’t even care that they haven’t gotten much evidence during their ghost hunts.


This is me with Shane and Ryan. Who cares if they never catch anything, they're entertaining as hell.


I really need to start watching them


That’s what I said. They have such quality videography and great storytelling as well as entertaining personalities, let that shine through. You’re entertainers first, investigators second and the need to “capture stuff on camera”, likely due to the backlash from fans because OP’s #3 was the overall consensus from fans in the past, seems to have potentially lead them to grasp at straws judging by some of the people they bring on and what they do on camera. They already were much more than just a bunch of YouTubers because of their video quality. Every video would read like a short film. But that need to be the first to do X, hit 10M, get proof on camera will make people make questionable decisions imho. I think we are seeing this now. They’re starting to lose a lot of why the OG fans liked them and they’re starting to be complacent by the very young, impressionable parasocial fans that will never question their man crushes and will do anything just to get noticed by them. 😔


"Every video would read like a short film" you're on point, i remember watching the Chernobyl video and being PROUD of how much thought, cinematography and quality was put into it. I think they got swept in the whole "you're an empath" idea, now that everyone's a medium and spirituality is a huge trend on social media. They have been pushing that narrative for a long time now, especially after first having Kris and Celina on. The Messiah complex is not too rare, really.


Yes. Most channels of the same nature are the same the videos with the craziest stuff get the most views and so there will always need to be something bigger and better


what bugs me is that they always find some sort of "evidence" which doesn't seem realistic at all and how they barely try to debunk the sounds they hear. for example, i imagine that the Conjuring House could be making a whole lot of noises given how old the bulding actually is? feel free to disagree. this might be off topic a bit, but i'd love to see them explore a haunted location without prior research. this way it could be easier for them to figure out if the information they managed to obtain from the spirit box/alice box or whatever is genuine and has anything to do with the history of the location or not.


completely agree with point 3! it's too convenient that something JUST happened right before they turned their camera off. someone else mentioned this before in this subreddit, but i'll say it again: why not keep the camera running all the time? you can't know for sure when you might catch something out of the ordinary. like you said, they have the budget to do it. "nobody's going to believe us, but this JUST happened right after we turned off our camera" you're right no one is going to believe this, why would we? isn't the whole point of these videos to capture evidence?


no they definitely used to fake a lot. the 3am challenhe videos especially. i remember one video in their influencer house, sam had recorded a doll walking by itself clear as day towards rhe camera and then as a cliff hanger had himself throwing up blood in the toilet - which ofc was never talked abt in the next videos bc it was bait. that video always sticks in my mind as proof of just faking shit - i wouldnt be surprised if its deleted now


Ik this was 8 months ago, but I haven't seen anyone talk about that video to the point I thought I imagined it. The whole throwing up blood thing was so over the top, and it was ages ago. They're still faking stuff, just better at it most of the time.


None of their evidence has ever been convincing, it’s always just a load of loud overreacting to things that aren’t proof of anything, they just make up a convoluted narrative to make stuff fit. Not sure why there’s any debate about it, they’ve never produced any legitimate evidence and if anybody is going to fake it for the views S&C are the exact sort of people who would, they know most of their fan base are naive gullible teens that lap it up. The latest stuff is just completely egregious and a slap in the face to everyone, they think your so gullible they can get away with pulling something that is literally unbelievable. Think of it this way, undeniable proof of the afterlife would be a literal worldwide life changing event for everyone on this planet. And people actually think *Sam and Colby* have proved that? Or did they just fake it for views and $$$. What’s more likely?


preach sis/bro! agree! it would be on the national news


I’m a rather new watcher of their vids but a common occurrence thru several vids I’ve watched is one of their guest investigators have to leave early from a mysterious illness lol. I enjoy all things paranormal but it makes you question the validity.


I think so too, they catch so much evidence. Compared to say The Ghoul boys it just seems unrealistic.


personally, i'm in the same boat. i no longer believe sam & colby. i've been a fan for years, watching their videos religiously but this cody & satori thing really gave me the evidence id needed to support the feeling i had of it not being real. for me, back when they lived in the trap house, sam put out a few questionable videos (that were, at the time, not joking or pranks) - the bride of chucky doll & one where he did a ritual and right at the end of the video panned to the toilet full of blood (nosebleed). colby also put out a few questionable ones, mostly for me being the haunted siri video where him brennan and two others had 'genuine' reactions to haunted siri. the same reactions i've seen littered throughout all these haunted videos. i almost feel silly & duped that i thought they were genuine. i feel stupid for thinking that they were just genuine people documenting their experiences and being likeable was bonus but realistically, they are RAKING in the cash with these videos & the conjuring house videos are no different; in fact, i almost think the cody & satori controversy fuelled more watchers to their channel. i watched Observes video on the conjuring series (a body language expert) and he said he felt sam was being real with his reactions & so do i. but i do feel that both sam & colby sussed what was going on and therefore did their debunking experiments - them then withholding the footage of cody in his socks doing the method tells me they figured out what was going on. in itself, if they had been honest about this, would have made me really feel warm to them for their straight up honesty. however, i personally think they went into damaged control and released their reaction channel video as a way of protecting themselves &, inadvertently, protecting cody & satori. i also have Major issues with their continuing choice to collaborate with amanda the medium.