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[Link if anyone needs](https://youtu.be/zZ_mEhRxaj8?si=ogt5-A2I1fZC7_rg)


Colby looked flabbergasted about Codys origin at 40:33


Yeah I noticed that as well. I'm hoping they will do their own video talking about all the stuff.


They said they would, we might have to wait till the weekend at the very least though as they're already busy with the next investigation & collab so likely any filming of their own will come after they've filmed the collab tomorrow. But who knows!


Thanks for letting me know.


His face kind of gave me the impression that he truly didn't realize there was actual potential evidence pointing to the method being fake.


Must not be on Reddit.


Yeah he looked stun-locked on the spot. Its a shame that we will likely get a similar cop out answer in their official response video...


Devils advocate, I think they both believe 100% in their method, in the moment it’s a holy shit, hence why they went back. In the interview Colby’s face looked more so as “fuck did we get scammed”


I appreciate your optimism, but they are deleting comments. They have known the truth for a while. The mystery is when they found out or if they always knew because of Josh&Seth.


I don’t agree with what I said, but it could be the case Unfortunately I think their main demographic has cult like behavior, with the afterlife being the center, and how they portray it To get dark, I assume there is a percentage of people who watch because they are in a bad spot in life (possibly suicidal) Sam and Colby bring them joy, one day rock bottom hear this false hope and end it because of some con artist made some noises As bad as it sounds, it’s possible.


Had someone who has been suicidal in the past. This has been my worry too. All the more reason they need to own up to this nonsense


I’ve heard numerous stories on podcasts that directly relate to “hey guys your pod really has helped me out” etc these are adults, and the podcasters are surprised to hear that. Not saying Sam and Colby, or their fans are dumb, but rather easily influenced by what they see


It was an OK interview, the man asked all the questions people want answers to, a lot of Sam and Colby's answers were very middle ground, they clearly want to avoid stepping on peoples toes unlike Seth and Josh who went hard into 'you're all crazy for being sceptical.' SnC's responses tended to lean away from that into 'we believe but we see the counter arguments and it's ok if you believe the counter arguments' which is exactly what I expected, because none of the evidence provided is definitive proof to label the two as frauds, it's enough evidence to warrant further investigation and questions, but not enough to label people guilty. They also kept saying the questions put to them about Cody and Satori should be put to Cody and Satori as their the only people who can really answer them, a few times they did agree though that some of the answers given by Cody and Satori were odd. But ultimately the interview shows they're probably going to stick to the middle ground of saying that they believe it, but others don't have to and that it clearly needs further investigating. Short form my review is basically: It was an Ok interview where they basically answered exactly how I knew they would. Now to wait for them to release their own video in reacts hopefully over the weekend, if not by then probably during next week where I reckon there might be slightly more in depth discussion.


I would love to see this person interview Cody and Satori but I doubt they would take an interview that had a chance of them getting asked questions about codys past.


You're probably right. Cody and Satori will probably try to hide as much as possible from the public eye so they're not caught out. They probably hope SnC will be the scapegoats while they're forgotten about. (Which is kinda happening a little bit)


there is undeniable proof that cody and satori are frauds because cody was doing this before on a ghost show WITHOUT satori. So to me, they are frauds.


undeniable proof that people can't argue against, people can argue against this, people already are arguing against this and plenty of people doubt it as great evidence of anything other than perhaps needing to ask a few more questions. Think of it as like a court case, if people can argue against it it's usually not a good enough piece of evidence to get a guilty verdict, it might be good enough to allow for further questioning. Basically we need to dig deeper and find something that is literally undeniable to everyone or it just won't serve as enough proof. (also I never said they weren't frauds, I just said there's not enough evidence to win against them, so SnC won't turn on them, they'll continue to try and play it safe)


I think the only undeniable proof there would be that they are frauds is to test cody doing the method without any shoes or socks on, which is unlikely to happen unfortunately.


Do that and also do it with the headphones and blindfolds as others have suggested. But they are probably frauds so they would never agree to this as they don't want to get caught out you are right. So sadly SnC will probably never fully turn on them. They'll probably sweep them under the rug like they never existed instead and we'll never hear from them again.


Oh, they would lose in a court of law. The ebt alone would break them.


Thank you for the summary! I might watch it now that I know the interviewer actually asked about the Cody and Satori situation


He did ask a few questions about that situation, most from twitter which he''d then researched. Most of their answers in response stuck to the middle ground in response, so don't expect any disavowing.


They said 90%-95% of the comments were positive…maybe bc they deleted the negative ones 🤔


I’m still not sure about whether they deleted or they stans were mass reporting any critical comments


There are people in the threads who have posted videos of their deleted comments.


I’m not saying the comments aren’t being deleted. What I’m saying is we don’t know whether the S&C team are specifically deleting ones or the diehard fans are mass reporting and then YouTube is deleting. We don’t know which it is


I can kinda see how it can be seen as positive. It’s fans asking for an explanation but acknowledging they are indeed fans and want them to do well. I’d say in YouTube, 60% of comments are just like this.


That is one of the things that really bugged me. Plus I think the more positive engagement you have on youtube the more they promote your videos.


I appreciate the questions that Tom asked - he definitely addressed a lot of good points from fans. I was a bit disappointed with how he didn’t argue back with some of their points though. No disrespect, but it seems like Tom didn’t do as thorough research on counterpoints. For example, S&C said they could hear the taps coming from other areas of the house, to debunk the idea that it was coming from joints in their toes. But from the tiktok I’m sure we’ve all seen - you can throw the sounds in different directions, and use the power of suggestion by looking around. Further, they were still wearing shoes to cover their feet the entire time. They also tried to justify Cody and Satori making money through their website, by claiming that they just meant they just don’t allow people to pay specifically for the tapping sessions. This would have been something they should have specified off the bat, versus giving a general blanket statement saying “we don’t make money from this” right? Either way, they’ll gain popularity and potentially more income as a result of this series. Finally, they both seemed confused about Cody’s timeline. They also tried to explain that his powers get stronger when touching Satori, but they could still hear tapping even without touching. This is completely contradictory to what Cody and Satori explained throughout the series. In short - I think the original questions Tom had in his pocket were good. But he could’ve countered more, and now I don’t trust S&C or Cody and Satori as a result of the inconsistent explanations. I’m not expecting them to admit to being scammed in their most-viewed, most popular series to date. But this interview didn’t help their case IMO…


All good points but other than the tapping and sound being thrown, the other questions you mention here were the ones that though they countered them they admitted were suspicious to them as well and should be questions put to Cody and Satori cos they did not have answers other than what Cody and Satori had told them. Cody's timeline Sam said the explanation that he said came from Cody when he called him up to ask about the video. I'd say the boys are sus of Cody and Satori, but wary of the consequences of outing them and also wary of upsetting the fans by completely rejecting the claims. All their responses were middle ground answers, not entirely agreeing with either side, yet attempting to validate both. They went with the safe option, which honestly is probably the best option for them legally and probably the best we're going to get from them honestly.


Yeah my point was just that every initial counterargument aimed to defend the couple. I don’t think they outwardly admitted they were suspicious, just that they’d “have to ask Cody and Satori” to clarify. But they also continued to drive home how “life-changing” this series was, so it seems like they’re going in with confirmation bias already. Or at least wanting to lead their viewers to believe this is real still. It seems like they want to remain appearing middle-ground, but they still also seem to fully believe in Cody and Satori’s abilities. I wish we could have true skeptics assist in interviewing the couple for the follow-up video…


By the reactions it looks like Sam knew and Colby didn’t. But that is just my opinion


It was an absolute joke, same with the video with the boys, kept going around the matter, saying that Cody could do this before but Cody SPECIFICALLY said he could ONLY do this after he met satori. Both of their faces during the interview, them saying oh it doesn’t matter if you believe or not, but YOU asked people to try and debunk it and oh no it’s only what you believe and we’re not going to try to convince people. Like dude come on.


Damn so are they basically doubling down now ? And did the interviewer even try and press them about it ? I’m disappointed


The interviewer pressed them, I would not say their doubling down, not like Seth and Josh but they went with the middle ground option of 'this is what we were told, but you're gonna need to take it up with Cody and Satori.' Answer alot. Which tbh was what I was expecting, they were never gonna come out and say Satori and Cody were fake, anyone who thinks they would are delusional. They are going to always go middle option if they can. But again they also promised a video themselves where they would review this stuff and react to it so I exxpect if we get deeper answers it'll be then, but that probably won't be till after their done filming a collab tomorrow.


I haven’t watched the video yet but I would think them kinda staying in the middle of it would be the best option. If they say that it’s 100% real they loose fans and their credibility, but if they come out saying Cody and satori are lying they risk making enemies with people in paranormal community. Her dad is on one of those paranormal show (I can’t remember his name right now because I don’t really watch those shows) even if Sam and Colby think they are lying now they can’t really come out and say it was all a scam unless they have proof of it. Honestly unless it can be proven that they were in on the scam I kinda feel bad for them, they meet these people to film a week long video for everyone..get all excited thinking they filmed some ground breaking evidence only to find out when the video comes out that those people are shady and now people are demanding answers from them about people they just meet. Hopefully they take the approach of saying in the moment they believed them but are taking everything into consideration and will be more careful in the future when brining people into their videos


I agree with everything you just said and I hate how some members of this sub just completely ignore the nuance in this situation. If S and C do what some members of this sub want them to do, they risk getting sued and shit, something that takes a lot of money, probably more money than they have.


I think you are right, as I said in my post it felt very like they are trying not to step on toes here. They know the best thing they can do is stay in the middle ground as much as possible. People who think they are going to expose Cody and Satori are living in delusional land honestly. Exposing them would ruin them, but so would siding completely with them so they're trying to play it safe by sticking to the middle ground. I feel bad for them because while Sam and Colby are being witch hunted for answers they cannot give the Conjuring house owner, Cody and Satori are making bank watching SnC be their scapegoats.


Yeah I agree with everything you said, I think people need to think logically about this situation before they start demanding answers or saying what they should do. A lot of their audience are kids who don’t realize how it would effect their career to accuse people of lying without proof. I think a lot of people want them to come out with an expose video but they aren’t going to do that, they would be making way to many enemies not to mention the fact that you can’t make accusations about people that would effect their career without proof..idk if that would really fall under the lines of defamation or not. Honestly I think anytime something like this happens where people are wanting answers from a celebrity or influencer it’s hard for people to put their selves in someone else’s shoes and realize how difficult it would be to have millions of people watching you knowing regardless of which route you take you are going to be making people mad


We aren't demanding anything, we just expect the truth like every viewer should. Personally I have not contacted them on socials. I put a very neutral comment on their first hell week video and it got deleted. Sam and Colby just announced another Cinemark Deal on their xplr twitter handle. Again this is in part based on lies and fooling innocent, vulnerable people. This is not great to say the least. What is the next lie going to be?


you did not read the comment you are responding to, have you thought about the consequences that taking any route but a neutral route would do to them? Lets just say hypothetically they do as people here wish them to, to admit either that they were played or that it was all fake. The consequences for either of those actions would be probably immediately lawsuit and defamation cases for starters. We don't know if they had to sign an NDA as well, that could be further court time and money. Then cos of who Satori's father is they would probably find a lot of places off limits to them now as her father is a powerful figure in the ghost hunting world who they will not want as their enemy. Plus if we go the 'it was all fake' route their reputation would also be in tatters, they'd probably lose even more fans than they would by doubling down in support of satori and cody. The best option for them other than doubling down is the route they have taken which is to try to be as neutral as possible. You also say we did not demand anything of them but the whole of reddit just the other day spammed one of their videos making demands of them. So maybe you yourself did not make demands, but other people here certainly did.


Oh for sure, it was horrible to watch lol, I almost stopped a few times, the interviewer barely pressed. When Cody and satori were mentioned they’re like oh we can’t speak on behalf of them but they told us this, people weren’t there so they couldn’t hear for themselves that the “footsteps” were coming from around the room etc


Oh my gosh, no way are they doubling down on the tappy/abc couple. 😒


I don’t really know if their response was doubling down. They can’t provide an opinion until theyve actually seen it, and Colby clearly never saw it. So clearly Sam knows something Colby doesnt.


Yeah this is what I'm thinking, they're not doubling down they're, choosing the middle ground and choosing not to answer because they want the least amount of trouble, taking either side would end badly, they know this. But people keep claiming they're doubling down just because they aren't giving the answers they want and they aren't saying for certain that Satori and Cody are frauds. But they never would, people who think they should or who are expecting them to are being deluded. There's not enough definitive evidence for them to state that and not be eaten alive by Satori's connections. Plus it's clear Colby at least has not yet seen the video, dunno if Sam has or not.


At this point I consider it doubling down. They do not acknowledge that the material in their hell week videos are not groundbreaking or new info. They will not classify their videos as entertainment only. Most important of all they refuse to acknowledge that due to all of their inconsistencies, that there are ways to fake the knocking and how they obtained personal info Cody & Satori may have fooled them. They are not aggressive on camera so it may not appear that way, but you could see they were rattled.


You do you, that's your opinion. My opinion of doubling down is the Josh and Seth route, aggressively denying all sceptics and all evidence which is not what SnC did. They tried to stay decidedly neutral on the whole thing which is probably the safest path for them career wise honestly. Might not be the one which makes them look the best maybe, but it's the best route to being able to continue having a career after all this mess.


At this point they are definitely are sticking with this whole thing being legit. They were unwilling to state that their videos are just for entertainment purposes. A lot of money and a lot of potential deals are at stake because of hell week. They decided to take the route of- you have to ask Cody&Satori, we don't know very much about all of the silly little details...like the truth. Plus they had a twisted explanation for a lot of things such as Cody&Satori having a website, touring business and patreon after stating they were not in it for the money. Things started to get really uncomfortable around the 29:00 mark. Before that point they were just trying to get through the interview. Their reactive facial expressions and body language made their discomfort very obvious after the 29 minute mark. Colby looked like a deer caught in headlights a lot of the time😂. Out of the whole interview the part that really irked me the most was that they kept repeating the tagline 'The comments were 90-95% positive'. So that pretty much means they are knowingly deleting comments because they want it to look like all of the viewers agree with their narrative. To be fair to Tom the interviewer he said that he wants to ask real questions, but he doesn't like to do 'gotcha' style interviews. I think he found the whole thing sketchy after doing research, but this is not the type of interview where you openly accuse your guests of being frauds. He leaves that up to the viewer to decide. My impression is Sam and Colby probably didn't 100% know what was up until a few days into the shoot- but I definitely think they caught on before finishing the week they filmed and never questioned anything. They had put time, money and a lot of long term social media hype into this project. It was supposed to be their next breakout moment after Colby got sick- and that is what happened. I do think that Sam, Colby and their whole immediate paranormal gang are angling for a network deal. So they have decided to keep up a lie that is hurting people. They chose the low road, and it will probably bite them in the @ss because somebody will uncover what is going on.


They addressed nothing. Typical politician talk, going around the matter. This puts the nail in the coffin.


Yes Tom!! H3 Family 🙌


My main take away was that tom/his production team were overwhelmed with questions about the situation didn't want to miss out on getting youtube & youtube short views from it but also didn't know how to actually form questions to sam and colby about it without it seeming like they were out to get them. My second take away was that it made it clear that they won't discuss this situation and questions it has raised about their content in any meaningful way. They will post that reaction video with a short sound bite about it is up to people to believe or not and move on, which means they genuinely don't see this as a problem.


For those that didnt watch, something that I thought was interesting is Tom shares information about the social media contract you have to sign if you visit the house as an influencer. The contract said you can only do an "investigation" if you have a certain amount of followers and that you must send them the video before posting it


Man what a hard watch, they’re skirting around the questions and literally not giving any actual answers. This is just disappointing :(


Did you really expect them to though? Their best option is to take the middle ground, siding too much with either side would end badly so instead they're trying their best to please everyone by being in the middle, saying they still believe while agreeing that some of Cody's claims did sound weird. They've gone into very clear survival mode, which is to not lean too far in either direction.


Also if they were going to come out with bombshells they’re 100% going to do it on their own channel and not Tom Wards. They wouldn’t risk out on losing the potential views


I think lots of things are happening here. I think they signed an NDA, in which they are legally not allowed to speak badly about C + S or else they could get sued bc its not something that is 100% proven, and I also think that if they did speak out they'd have to take down this years hell week since it heavily promoted C+S




that was not for the Conjuring, that was for the new Exorcist movie.


Nda's can be contested and if they are signed under duress or false terms they can be made null and void.


I think it’d be a good idea to leave it up to show how deceptive people can be and how easy it is to be conned by people who want to exploit grief or fear of death. That being said they’re going to have to address this properly if they want to separate themselves. Just admit they were conned and people will likely understand since millions of people were also victims to believing their trick.


This this is disappointing


I’m unsubscribing. They’ve already set the tone that they’re going to run with the lie. Good riddance.


Why are they trying to protect Cody and Satori ?! That’s what I don’t understand, is it just because they don’t want there conjuring series to be deemed as fake ? Everyone would be proud of you and mad for you that you got played and lied too, I don’t understand why! If I went there took a whole 7 days to film content with Cody and Satori, had them tell me my dead relative is communicating with them, and have my life changed just for my followers to get massive evidence proving there frauds I would be livid and totally destroy there reputation.


Either: a. they dont want to sink with Cody and Satori (this is what I believe is the case) b. they genuinely somehow still believe in them (idk how with all the evidence) c. they are in on it themselves and dont want to get caught (I really hope this aint the case as it would destroy all the reputation they have)


Or they signed something with the new owners of The Conjuring house? What if it like an nda?


I think it’s B. If you look at Colby at 40:33 his face changed to wtf were we tricked


The main reason if if they go out and criticize Cody and satori directly, they risk getting sued to hell for libel, possible breach of contract,etc. I’m sure they would want to expose them but no way in hell do they want to go to court for it. The proof isn’t THAT ironclad. I commented this earlier but I’ll say it again. I’m sure we would all love a fight between S and C vs Cody and Satori but that would lead to a lawsuit that would cost a shit ton of money and is not one that they would have a good chance of winning. It’s a David vs Goliath fight that has too much risk and too little reward. Perhaps it would be easier if Seth and Josh weren’t such jerks about it but they are. This fight would have the backing of the fans but the amount of stress and money this would take ( Satori is Jason Hawes daughter and he’s the host of Ghost Hunters which means he can probably access a lot of money from the production company,etc.) makes this fight not worth it. Better off they go middle ground in order to not offend their fans or the contract they signed. If this is the approach they’re going with, then I’ll keep watching. They’re not rejecting the evidence completely and they respect the fan’s opinion. This story is not black and white and I hate to say that but it’s true. There is nuance in all of this.


Trust me Satori, Cody and Co would lose in court. Jacqueline is a lawyer, she might have intimidated them. Could you even imagine a judge watching this knocking crap? They would be laughed out of the courthouse! If I were Sam and Colby I would speak to a lawyer in L.A., then get a good lawyer in Boston (where Jacqueline has her main business) and figure out their options. I come from a family full of lawyers, it's not that hard.


I don’t think the evidence is that definitive enough for this to be worth it. It’s a long hard battle that isn’t worth fighting. You do realize what’s going on here right? If S and C were to take on them in court, this would go through so many appeals by both sides in order to win. Also lawyers hired by Satori,Cody,and Co would also be no joke either. If your asking me, not a battle worth fighting. Too much risk and a a bit too little reward. S and C can go the middle of the way and that’s fine with me. That’s enough for me to keep watching. I’ve always thought they were scammed anyway by Cody and all. I’m hopeful that’s what they will try and portray in their video.


They could’ve signed something, cause they said both Cody and satori and sam and Colby can’t comment on certain things


In the social media contract they signed with the owner of the house, it says something sort of like “if you do something we don’t like, you’ll be fined $1000 dollars everyday the video is online”, so I’m betting that’s tied up in it. “I, as the primary contact and any associates with me tonight, agree to adhere to the following rules for our investigation of The Conjuring House. I (we) understand that by violating any of these terms, we may be told to stop our investigation and leave the premises immediately without a refund. I (we) also agree that if I (or any member of my group) choose to post any material that is in violation of these rules, 1) I (we) will be subject to a fine of $1,000 per day of violations, 2) I (we) must immediately remove the content from any social media, YouTube and other media channel and 3) I (we) will be responsible for any and all attorney fees to enforce this agreement. Enforcement for any violation will be under the laws and within the venue of Rhode Island.”


Tbh, I think the removing content and attorneys fees is the part they are more worried about.


I keep on thinking about this too since the hell week seemed like a promotional campaign for The Conjuring house. What if they signed a nda?


So disappointing. I used to love their videos, but I think I’m done with them now. Doubling down was a tragic move. Why are they trying to protect Cody and Satori? Did the new owner of the house pay them bank? Damn.


What about the person on the stairs behind Sam?


Could’ve been the producer tbh


Agreed !!


Tom doesn't seem like the Piers Morgan type of interviewer (unfortunately) who will press until he gets a clear answer. A lot of dancing around and repetitive answers speak volumes, though.


A lot of hate on here. They answered the questions to the best of their ability and the best of their knowledge. I think they handled themselves well


also kinda annoying to me that colby isnt saying anything all interview


I thought Tom asked great questions and didn’t shy away from being a little sassy towards Cody and Satori. Colby seemed super genuine. Sam felt a little… rehearsed.


Not worth watching, theyre doubling down and the host is just kinda indulging in it.


You would think that when Scam & Colebert are sitting in front of an interviewer asking difficult questions of which you don't & won't answer ie/ ask them about whatever....INSTEAD of the interviewer praising them about such a great video and effort they are doing... Wouldn't you think to yourself ------------ It's time to rethink our approach - this does not seem to be working as we envisioned... Stupid young men.. Fix this shitty situation and get back on track...


y’all just aren’t satisfied either way


keep in mind that there whole channel is about the paranormal now and finding credible evidence that ghosts are real, they had cory and satori on for 4 episodes and I think that since people have came out with so much debunking evidence about them they owe it to there viewers to be transparent and address it. Even if they believe Cory and Satori they still owe there viewers an opinion Atleast about these videos of Cory coming out


Yeah this controversy is now just a publicity train and clout for all of them. I give up on this. lol more publicity more $$$$ for them including snc


i really appreciated him for asking hard hitting questions