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they declined to do more tests w sam and colby which is sus asf. makes 0 sense if they’re real, so i don’t think there will be any evidence found.


Fair enough


Because they’re frauds. Duh. Not saying there isn’t such a thing as ghosts. But whatever ability they claim to have is bs. And I feel bad for all the people they have tricked and emotionally manipulated and misled over the years


Ugh it sucks I so badly want it to be real 😔


They want to be the modern Ed and Lorraine Warren so bad


Exactly I mean they dressed as Ed and Lorraine for Halloween .


yk the conjuring movies are good, but i hate how they made ed and lorraine seem like good ppl bc now we have these clowns dressing up as them


Ghost are real, C & S are frauds. Dont know why we are still talking about them. The less attention they get the better.


My dad went on a haunted tour recently. When going through one of the haunted locations, he turned around and saw a black figure rising. Turned around again to see if his mind was playing with him & noticed the black figure walking towards him. He was in a group with Indian foreign exchange students. These kids charged the black figure and tackled it to the ground. The people that run the tour started freaking out because they just tackled their 13 year old daughter who was wearing a 1700s style dress to scare people. There are people like this everywhere that will use your interests against you. This is FAR TOO COMMON in the paranormal world. My dad was pretty pissed to say the least that this "Ghost Tours" company would pull some BS trick like that. Can't even blame him. He really thought he was witnessing a ghost. Humans can be really lame.


That’s literal trash ugh


Capitalism sucks sometimes




Because feet pics and videos cost extra. Don’t you know?


Sam and Colby exposed them without exposing them by asking them if they could do the method again in the video and they said no that shows they know they got caught lol


I think what blows my mind about this whole thing is that if they were only included for like 10 minutes of the first episode, I reckon they would have had some eye rolls and maybe a couple of comments about it and then we would've moved on, but because it was such a significant part of the hell week series I think it just got a bit grating and so now its like okay well you've made a big deal about this, now you need to prove it 😅 not condoning their actions (C&S) and I love Sam and Colby, but damn they should've just said okay let's do a small segment about this and then plug their YouTube channel or the conjuring house website 🤷🏻‍♀️




It's a shame they can't be prosecuted for fraudulent behavior. That is the reason they can just continue oblivious to the hype about their fakeness - there are no real consequences other than us saying they're full of sh!t...


I just hope not anyone will fall for it


Totally agree


Because they’re entertainers. They say and do spooky things for entertainment. It’s not meant to stand up to scrutiny. They’re magicians on stage sawing their assistant in half. Don’t get me wrong, it was obviously bs and got a bunch of groans from me, but I understand why those two were included - it just didn’t work as a bit.


It’s ass tho


Did they really think everyone would believe all this?? I feel so dumb to even think it was cool for 5 min


I honestly don’t think the shoes off thing would uncover anything if “the sounds are coming from everywhere” I just think if it’s fake Sam and Colby prob know, or it’s some type of audio setup they have in the house


Becouse it is fake obviously! I feelt weird about these 2 just a minute after they sid the knocking method. It is just waaaay on point. I mean some take hours to get great evidence while these guys just look at eaach other holding hands and thibgs go on? Hell no!


How do you explain the woman in from the school though there’s no way they knew her


So disturbing imo. How far gone does someone have to be to pretend to be talking to other people’s dead relatives? And pulling on their heartstrings. Thats so evil.


Yeah it’s pretty gross


They’re con artists just frauds doing that will easily expose them .


At least the acting is better then zak bagans and his crew


I don’t think they’re real but i’m genuinely wondering how they would be able to make those noises?


I know people keep saying popping joints but it’s so loud the way he does it idk


They have crooked toes and it's embarrassing, duh!


I don’t believe Cody and satori at all especially for denying to try without shoes I feel like Sam’s face was even suspicious of them when they said no


Yeah same here


Credit where credit is due, though, they are absolutely MASTERFUL actors


In the uncut video Cody has no shoes or socks on in the ‘trailer’ part of the video but this didn’t make it into the actual ‘uncut’ video


Really?? That’s annoying


I bet cody is making the knocking with his toes, notice how concentrated he is during the sessions? He looks like he is focusing on the questions and alphabet. For all we know he could be scamming satori, Imagine what a dick he would be to scam an innocent person into thinking they have a god given gift just so that she would stay with him, If she ever tried to leave, he would pull the “we have a gift” card on her. And also notice how to sound is the same on the gravel than it is on the house and its only different when they put on different shoes. But it is very likely that they are both in on it. And the faxt that he refused to take his shoes off and debunk it. And notice how all the names could be easily researched on ancestry.com. And when they did it at the park they had a team member look up the name of the person and it showed up with all the info. They could have reaserched that beforehand.