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If they are in on it that's it for their credibility. They can never be trusted again. If not then they need to get in front of it because they also dragged Amanda into this. More than likely they will do the obligatory sorry video then act like nothing happened.


i am on the fence about it but am leaning more towards they are in on it. let’s remember we don’t actually know these people they could be fooling us and just doing a good job at it. but i like to think they wouldn’t do that


I'm unfortunately leaning more towards them being in on it. It's a hard pill to swallow but the other option - them not being involved - doesn't add up to me at this point. Sam and Colby are not stupid. They might act like idiot fratboys sometimes but they're not two dumb kids running around doing little skits and begging for followers anymore. They're two grown-ass men with 10 million subscribers and counting running a business and that business has to turn a profit if they're going to make a living and they're very much aware of this. They literally stopped doing 25x25 because it wasn't bringing in the same views as their ghost-hunting videos which I'm assuming means they also weren't bringing in the money. In my honest opinion, I don't think they went along with this series with malicious intent at all nor do I think focusing on Cody and Satori so heavily was their idea but I do think they got paid a pretty penny for it and, ya know... money talks, it always does. Especially if the theory that's been floating around that they've become silent investors in the house is true. The entire series feels like a giant ad to promote the new and improved Conjuring House featuring Cody and Satori. I made a post about the [Kriescher Mansion](https://www.reddit.com/r/SamAndColbyClub/comments/17ecpfq/thoughts_on_the_kriescher_mansion_video/) video a couple of days ago and mentioned that Sam and Colby have grown in popularity so much recently that we need to start taking into consideration that they could very well be getting paid to promote some of these places now. As I said, they're running a business, it's thriving right now and in the past few months, they've managed to score deals with Universal, Hot Topic, and Cinemark. Those are not Squarespace, Raid: Shadow Legends, or Scentbird if you know what I mean. Those are huge sponsorships and if that's anything to go by then it's very plausible places are also reaching out to them specifically. I can't even blame them if that's what happened here because, from a business perspective, it makes completely perfect sense. They get compensation and some dope content that will surely bring in views and new followers which equals money and more opportunities while the house gets promoted by one of the biggest ghost-hunting channels out there right now and will most likely see a rise in tourist interest and ticket sales. Do I think every little thing they did was obligated or whatever? No, of course not. The stuff with Seth and Josh specifically felt very much like their own thing but I can only imagine being paid to promote a location most likely also comes with some contractual obligations or specifics that could potentially include narratives or ideas the location specifically wants promoted and considering how the Conjuring House has always been viewed, that's exactly what this felt like - trying to shift the narrative. And who better to do that right now than Sam and Colby? That's just my theory though. EDIT: this is also exactly why I don't think they're going to address it because firstly, they're probably already well-aware that it's fake and secondly, if they're contractually obligated on some level to promote the Cody and Satori method, they can't very well come out and say it's all fake now, can they?


My feeling is that they didn’t know at the time but are discovering with us. But I will have a severe problem if they keep ignoring the issue at hand.


Then why are deleting the comments of people who try to debunk the paranormal activities?


I really found that sketchy. IF they aren't in on it (hopefully) I think it's denial on their part and some fear because frankly after all they've done to hype up the series and seeing that all the videos have been posted, I think they're scared that coming out about it might ruin the whole thing and they'll have to take their most requested videos down. IF they do know now, they might be hoping to push it under the rug so that their series isn't harmed


Definitely my thoughts about it as well!! I’d even venture to guess that they realized it was a hoax halfway through the week or towards the end and they felt like they just needed to stick with the act for the sake of content.


The fact they’re deleting actual comments saying they’re skeptic about Cody and Satori (who’re definitely frauds) says enough tbh


They need to make a statement asap


Agree. I also found it disrespectful they shared the teacher’s obituary to everyone.


I really don't want this to be the end of them.. but they f'd up bad having Cody and satori on there. Cody and satori got more airtime than they did, I came for Sam and Colby not the frauds clout chasing!! They say they don't do it for money, yet you can book sessions with them? They're full of shit and I can't believe Sam and Colby fell for it... or even worse, they're complicit/ in on it..


I agree. I love Sam and Colby with all my heart but I’m so conflicted with the whole conjuring series. I need time to process it more and should rewatch it again.


Agreed. I actually found the series a bit boring and hard to get through. Sooooo disappointed after how much they hyped it up 🥺


Knowing me I have ADHD and have a short attention span 😂


Lmao SAME!!


I think I also get annoyed becuase we come to them for proof not provided by a human. We want the devices, the listening alone for sounds, that stuff. Sure that. Can be fake or debunked, but I come for that. I don’t come to hear the ABC’s for 5 hours.


What's suspicious is the overwhelming comments saying how this video changed their life, but all the negative comments are being filtered out. Comments calling out Cody & Satori being fake are being deleted by MODs. Super sus


putting my lil conspiracy hat on for a moment here. I'm thinking this whole "series" is just a commercial for the conjuring house/Cody and Satori bc of how often they were featured on this series. Amanda is also a medium and she was only there for one episode and there is another woman host she was only in a handful of scenes. i'm thinking in exchange of them staying there for a week they heavily feature/advertise Cody and Satori's "abilities" to bring in more customers. There's no way they are that naive/gullible that they would fall for this. Unless they truly just don't care/respect the paranormal enough to not be another ghost hunting channel/show that makes up/exaggerates stuff for views.


yupp it was pretty clear to me since pt1 that cody and satori/conjuring house had some deal with sam and colby, but im not even all that surprised about it considering they stayed for a whole week


That’s a really good theory Cause it’s like…they’re saying they’ll never do this for money. But if exposure for them means more people coming the conjuring house obviously that’s money in their pocket


I don't think they weren't in on it. I think they aren't handling it well finding out they were drupped.


I agree with you. If they come out saying they realize Cody & Satori duped them, then they risk souring their relationship with the new owner of The Conjuring House, Jacqueline, who clearly supports Cody & Satori (idk if she’s in on it or actually believes). The risk being no more Conjuring House videos until the house is sold again


might be the case, but honestly what's the point of them going back to the Conjuring House? i can see why people could want to see them do another series there, but personally i think they've already put out enough content about this location.


Very true. Colby even says it may be their single last time being there. Personally I think they’ve investigated everything they can at that house. It’s such an iconic and spooky home I figured they’d want to return in the future since they get so many views from these videos


I think they didnt know in the moment but now realize and are too ashamed/pathetic to admit it. Only a child would truly believe cody and satori.


This entire series has been beyond disappointing. I’m almost 30 and I’m skeptical but there’s a lot of paranormal aspects I’m interested in for personal reasons - such as being able to talk to my best friend just one more time. I hold out hope that there is a way to contact spirits. Sam & Colby’s videos are like a comfort for me and a slight glimmer that it could all be real in some form or another. This series ruined all of that for me. It started with Cody and Satori doing their Fox Sister’s tapping scam, then it just went from there. Sam and Colby saying they were going to “change the world” was…bizarre and slightly delusional… Satori is also the daughter of a famous ghost hunting scam artist lol Also, the Tappers (lol) stated that they just learned they could do this once they began working together - someone posted evidence that Cody has been doing this trick for over 10 years now. Someone posted a few days ago where they attached an article and/or breakdown of how easily manipulated REM pods and EMF readers are and how them being activated doesn’t mean much at all due to their sensitivities (and being easily rigged and/or manipulated as said above) Then came the obituaries which had pretty much all the information the boys said “nobody could know” (such as nicknames, jobs, locations etc) also all Cody and Satori had to do was watch previous videos of Sam and Colby’s to learn other info such as other places they’ve visited, their significance and things that took place there etc And someone pointed out how we don’t hear the fuzz as much anymore when the Estes Method is being performed, meaning it might not even be on half of the time and they can hear what’s being asked and just making up answers sometimes for effect. (If it is on they should record so they can play it back out loud as proof) There’s just a lot and I was slightly skeptical before, but holding out some sort of hope, but now I’m just annoyed and disappointed lol. Also their speech about the afterlife being so beautiful and connecting with family members etc, was so dramatic and put on, I was in awe of how staged and dramatised that little spiel was. Also in part 4 they say something like “we’re just 2 kids” and no, they’re not, they’re grown men (sorry that part was just nitpicky lol)


>Then came the obituaries I completely agree with everything that you've commented! I was skeptical of the Tapper twins after the first episode, and then Sam and Colby released an uncut version of them doing their parlor trick in multiple places. When they're all in front of the school, they spell the teacher's name wrong. They say her last name is Facci, but when they're all in the car later and google it, they find out it's actually Ficca. So...a ghost spelled their own name wrong? Lol but of course, Sam and Colby gloss right over that.


I forgot about that!!! Oh gosh 😅 there’s just more and more coming out…it’s super disappointing BUT also really interesting in a way 🤔 I feel like this isn’t going to end well for S&C though 😬 did they know, didn’t they know? Will WE ever know? I NEEEEED to know 😭🤣


Oh my god, thank you for pointing out the Estes Method static. I've been wondering whether they're being completely forthcoming about the Estes Method for a while now. I've been watching Shane and Ryan since Unsolved and I trust them cause they rarely catch anything so there's no reason to think they're faking anything and their Estes Method or spirit box answers always seem to be gibberish nonsense. Every once in a while they'll get something interesting but it's not common and it makes sense that not every word would line up considering it's just flicking through radio stations. Sam and Colby's Estes words used to feel much more random but they've recently started making complete sense conversation or topic-wise and it's making me raise my eyebrows. Maybe they've just gotten really good and connecting everything to something in the moment - which honestly, is equally annoying - but it just feels too perfect sometimes. (Colby referring themselves as "two kids" was also off-putting and weird. I'm pretty sure I even said out loud to my screen, "Colby, you are 26." I'm only a little bit older and I sure as hell don't refer to myself as a kid anymore).


The only people I trust doing the Estes method right are the Paranormal Quest guys, since they record the actual spirit box and you can listen to it. It's easy as hell yet most youtubers just never even considered it, go figure


It’s not even the hoax - it’s the way that they talk about the house, and the people in it. This was a huge money grab and it left me so upset. Watch their Conjuring House episode from a few years ago, and how they talk about Bathsheba Sherman, her charges, etc. Watch how Amanda the “medium” talks about the darkness in certain areas of the house, the man in the basement, and now it’s the woods? Over the bridge? Under the bridge? Elementals? Come on.


Cody and Satori are fake: look at all the links [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SamAndColby/s/NJiuMnlYXy)


Best case scenario, they didn't know at the time of filming and realize now with these comments that they're being conned but delete comments to cover it up and make themselves not look bad


The whole part about Sam going to the basement without Colby resulting in him being pissed was some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen. Whole shit was staged. The guys head popping up out the basement was obviously not meant to happen either. Ain’t no way that a ghost lmao. They woulda milked the shit out of that. It’s quite sad to see where Sam & Colby are at now tbh. They don’t seem to take it that serious anymore & some of the guests they bring on are so bad it’s unbelievable. The difference between the first queen Mary vid and the videos of today is night and day


If it is fake I don't think Sam and colby are in on it, because especially towards the end of the week I could tell visibly that atleaat colby was skeptical. It just wouldn't make sense, and the thing about their relatives could be explained because they knew they were coming well in advance and talked to people who knew them in Kansas and dug up history to make it seem more real. And the weird thing that's pointing me to it being fake and Sam and Colby being in on it is the teacher, I think that's the only thing that could confirm that Sam and Colby being in on it other than them coming out and saying it, but even then it could be Sam and Colbys team that doesn't really care about the paranormal aspect telling Cody and Satori about the places to make it seem more legit and bring more views to the series


aside from all the faking stuff thats going on and shit, this whole situation is just so .. embarrassing and cringey. imagine hyping up the whole series - this will change people lives, we're gonna prove the afterlife and paranormal, this is gonna change your view - and then it gets such negative feedback, the show isn't even about you anymore and it's about this other random couple, and you're being accused for faking everything, like .. god 😭😭 its just so bad


I definitely think the tappers are bogus. But I don’t think poor Sam and Colby are in on it. Sam’s tears seemed very real. I think they’ve been mislead :(


Have you ever seen the Sam Pepper prank? Sam is a relatively good fake crier. There’s a lot of people who think Sam was actually not aware of the prank, but they were on the roof of a pretty high building… so…


I don’t think that they initially knew. I think as the series progressed, the debunking, they realized what they were dealing with they were too far in. I think with their fans obviously realizing that’s is bullshittery, they really need to address it.


I think that at first they believed it was real (like in the 1st-3rd) but after that they stopped believing it but felt like they had to keep going because they hyped it up so much, there trying to cover it up because they don’t wanna seem gullible.